Comparative Study of Slab Culvert Design Using IRC 112:2011 and IRC 21:2000

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

3, Issue 05, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Comparative Study of Slab Culvert Design using IRC 112:2011 and IRC
Shivanand Tenagi1 R. Shreedhar2
P. G. Student (Structural Engineering) 2Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
Abstract Reinforced concrete slab type decks are often it also helps in balancing the flood water on both the sides of
referred to as culverts and are commonly used for small the structure.
spans. Slab culverts are important hydraulic structures used
in the construction of highway roads. In India, till now II. METHODOLOGY
culverts are designed and constructed according to Indian
road congress guidelines as per IRC: 21-2000 code in which A. Working Stress Method
working stress method is used. Recently Indian road 1) Calculation of Depth of slab
congress has introduced another code IRC: 112-2011 for Assume L/d ratio
design of prestress and RCC bridges using limit state From above L/d ratio calculate effective depth and
method. In regards to this, present study has been performed overall depth
to know how design of IRC-112 differs from IRC-21 and an 2) Calculation of Effective span
attempt is made to study undefined parameters of IRC: 112- Effective span is least of
2011 such as span to depth (L/d) ratio. Present study is Clear span + effective depth
performed on design of RC slab culvert using working Centre to centre of bearings
stress method using IRC: 21-2000 and limit state method
using IRC: 112-2011 code specifications. It is observed
that in working stress method, the allowable L/d ratio is 13
and in limit state method, the L/d ratio of 20 is most
preferable. Quantity of materials required in limit state
method is compared with quantity of material required in
working stress method and it is found that concrete can be
saved up to 30 to 35% using limit state method.
Key words: IRC 112:2011, IRC 21:2000
Fig. 2: Cross section of Deck slab
I. INTRODUCTION 3) Calculation of dead load B.M per meter width of slab
Dead weight of slab
Dead weight of W.C
Dead load B.M
4) Calculation of Live load B.M:
Consider the three classes of loadings i.e. Tracked
loading, wheeled loading and train loading as per

Fig. 1: Typical 3D view of slab culvert

A structure which provides a way for the flow under the Fig. 3: Position of load for maximum bending moment
road way is called culvert. It helps in crossings of water Calculation of effective length of dispersion
course like nallas, streams and drainage channel under the Effective length of dispersion Ld= f+ 2(h + D)
road way. Slab and box are the two main types in culverts. Calculation of effective width of dispersion
In box culvert top slab, bottom slab and vertical walls are
beff = k X (1 - ) + bw (IRC: 21-2000)
monolithically connected to each other where as in slab
culvert top slab is resting over the vertical walls (abutments bw= g + 2h
/piers) but has no monolithic connection between them. This Where,
paper mainly deals with design of slab culvert with IRC: f = track or wheel contact length
112-2011 and IRC: 21-2000. Usually culverts are h= wearing coat thickness
constructed if span is less than 10m, for span greater than D= slab overall depth
10m bridge structures are used. For up to 6m span normal beff= dispersion of effective width
concrete is used, for greater than 6m span prestressed K = constant of dispersion width
concrete is used for the construction. A culvert helps to flow X= C.G of the concentrated load from the nearer support
water from one side to another side without obstruction and distance
g= width of wheel or track

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Comparative Study of Slab Culvert Design using IRC 112:2011 and IRC 21:2000
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 05/2015/026)

Finally calculation of area of steel is done by using working Ic = + m Ast (d-x)2

stress method formulas.
5) Calculation of shear stresses 1 =
Maximum shear force occurs at the support when the live ( ) ( )
m = 1
load is nearer to a support. Here the design shear is ( )
conservatively taken as that at the support. Crack width = 3 Cmin m
Calculation of effective length of dispersion
Calculation of effective width of dispersion III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
The slab culvert of span 4m to 10m is analysed for various
IRC loadings as per IRC 21-2000 by working stress method
for L/d ratios 12, 13 and 14 and same spans are analysed as
per IRC 112-2011 by limit state method for L/d ratios 18,
19, 20, 21 and 22. The critical case for loading is tracked
vehicle as compared to wheeled and trained vehicle and
Fig. 4 Position of load for maximum shear hence taken for all the calculations in arriving effective
Nominal shear stress = = Vu/ bd depth and bending moment.
k1 = 1.14 -0.7d A. Working Stress Method
k2 = 0.5+ 0.25 where =
c = permissible shear stress = k1 k2 co
B. Limit State Method
Calculation of Bending Moments and Shear forces remains
same as per working stress method except 1.5 is multiplied
for final design moments and design shear forces. In this
design moment is checked with limiting moment of
resistance and finally area of steel is calculated using design
bending moment.
1) Design shear reinforcement is calculated as per
I.R.C:112-2011 (clause 10.3.2)
V Rdc = [0.12 K (80 1 fck) 0.33 + 0.15 cp] bwd
Fig. 6: Assumed effective depth in mm
K=1+ 2.0
cpis limited to 0.2fcd
1 = As1/bwd 0.02
2) Checks for limit state of serviceability:
Check for Limit State of Deflection:
= ]
W = average intensity
L = Effective length of span
a = Load Effective length
E = Youngs Modulus of concrete = 5000
I = Moment of Inertia =
Fig. 7: Required effective depth in mm
Check for limit state of crack width: With comparison of assumed effective depth and
required effective depth as shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, it can
be concluded that the depths obtained for L/d ratio of 14 as
shown in figure 6 is not sufficient as it less than the required
depth as shown in figure 7 to satisfy the necessary design
Though L/d ratios of 12 and 13 satisfy the required
depth, the L/d ratio of 13 is economical in comparison to
L/d ratio of 12. Hence L/d ratio of 13 is preferable for the
Fig. 5: Cross section and strain diagram design of slab culvert by working stress method and
Calculation of B.M at service load, Ms corresponding effective depth and volume of concrete can
Ec = 5000 = 5000 = 25000 N/mm2 be adopted.
Ece = 0.5Ec
M = Es/ Ece
Determination of N.A at working loads
m Ast(d-x)

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Comparative Study of Slab Culvert Design using IRC 112:2011 and IRC 21:2000
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 05/2015/026)

Fig. 8: Volume of concrete in m3 Fig. 11: Volume of concrete in m3

B. Limit state method

Fig. 12: Deflection in mm

Fig. 9: Assumed effective depth in mm Spans varying from 4m to 7m for L/d ratios of
21 and 22 do not satisfy the deflection criteria as the
deflection is greater than the permissible value i.e.
(span/1000). For spans 8m, 9m and 10m for L/d ratios of 21
and 22, the deflection criteria is satisfied because as span
increases the total load acting on the span gets dispersed. It
is also observed that for all the spans of 4m to 10m, the L/d
ratios of 18, 19 and 20 satisfies the deflection criteria.

Fig. 10: Required effective depth in mm

With comparison of assumed effective depth and required
effective depth as shown in Fig. 9 and Fig.10, it can be
concluded that the depths obtained for L/d ratios of 21 and
22 as shown in Figure 9 is not sufficient as it less than the
required depth as shown in figure 10 to satisfy the necessary
design checks. Though L/d ratios of 18, 19 and 20 satisfy
the required depth, the L/d ratio of 20 is economical in
comparison to L/d ratios of 18 and 19. Hence L/d ratio of 20
can be considered for the design of slab culvert by limit state
method and corresponding effective depth and volume of
Fig. 13: Crack width in mm
concrete can be adopted.
Crack width criteria are also satisfied for all spans
with different L/d ratios as shown in Fig. 13. As per IRC-
112:2011, the crack width up to 0.2mm is permissible.

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Comparative Study of Slab Culvert Design using IRC 112:2011 and IRC 21:2000
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 05/2015/026)

6) In limit state method of design the utilization capacity

of limiting moment will increase with increasing span
which is up to 65%. It is observed that the utilization
capacity for L/d ratio of 18 & 19 is lesser and for L/d
ratio of 21 and 22 it is found to be higher when
compared to L/d ratio of 20.

The author wishes to thank the Management and Principal
of KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka,
India for their continued support in carrying out this
research work.

[1] Design of Bridges by Krishnaraju, Fourth Edition,
Fig. 14: Variation of maximum bending moment Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
India, 2012. Page No 86-159.
[2] IRC: 6-2000, Standard Specifications and Code of
Practice for Road Bridges, Section II, loads and
stresses, The Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, India,
[3] Solanki B.H. and Vakil M.D., Comparative study for
flexure design using IRC 112:2011 & IRC 21:2000
International journal of scientific and engineering
research Vol.4 issue-6 june-2013.
[4] Solanki B.H. and Vakil M.D., Comparative study for
shear design using IRC 112:2011 & IRC 21:2000
International journal of scientific and engineering
research Vol.4 issue-6 june-2013.
[5] IRC: 21 2000 Standard specification and code of
practice for road bridges (Plain and Reinforced) Indian
road congress, New Delhi, India, 2000.
[6] IRC: 18 2000 Standard specification and code of
Fig. 15: Variation of limiting moment of resistance practice for road bridges (Plain and Reinforced) Indian
In Figures 14 and 15 for L/d ratios of 18 and 19, road congress, New Delhi, India.
there is a less limiting moment utilization capacity in
comparison to L/d ratio of 20. For shorter spans with L/d
ratios of 21 and 22, the limiting moment is less than the
maximum bending moment. Hence L/d ratio 20 can be
considered for safe and economical design of slab culvert by
limit state method.

1) For design of the slab culvert using working stress
method as per IRC: 21-2000, L/d ratio of 11 to 13 can
be adopted, L/d ratio of 13 is most preferable.
2) For design of the slab culvert using limit state method
as per IRC: 112-2011, L/d ratio of 18 to 20 can be
adopted, L/d ratio of 20 is most preferable.
3) Increase in effective depth with increase in span is
found to be lesser for L/d ratio of 20 when compared to
L/d ratio of 18 and 19. As thickness of slab increases,
the volume of concrete increases and hence dead load
4) Deflections are within the limiting value as mentioned
in IRC: 112-2011 but this is not a case for L/d ratio
higher than 20.
5) It is observed that in slab culvert for L/d ratio of 20, the
quantity of concrete saved is up to 30 to 35% using
limit state method.

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