BF & C Info (Bone, Flesh, & Cartilage) Recipe & Anecdotes

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The document discusses herbal formulas and remedies including the Bone, Flesh and Cartilage formula. It provides instructions for making herbal teas and applying herbal fomentations or compresses.

The Bone, Flesh and Cartilage formula is used as an aid for malfunctions in bone, flesh, cartilage, and is excellent for varicose veins, sprains, curvature of the spine, tremors, skin eruptions, pulled muscles, blood clots, calcium spurs, etc.

The instructions specify using distilled water, listed herbs, steeping the herbs overnight, simmering but not boiling, and simmering the solution down to concentrate it. The concentrated tea can then be used to soak compresses and apply to the affected area while keeping it warm and covered.

One ounce of BF&C herbs = one-half cup

Page 592 – School of Natural Healing

28. Bone, flesh, and cartilage (comfrey combination fomentation).

6 parts Oak bark (Quercus species)

3 parts Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis)
3 parts Mullein herb (Verbascum thapsus)
2 parts Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
1 part Lobelia (Lobelia inflata)
1 part Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
6 parts Comfrey root (Symphytum officinale)
3 parts Walnut bark or leaves (Juglans nigra)
3 parts Gravel root (Eupatorium purpureum)
This is an aid for malfunction in bone, flesh, cartilage, and is excellent for
varicose veins, sprains, curvature of the spine, tremors, skin eruption, pulled
muscles, blood clots, calcium spurs, etc. Soak this herb combination in
distilled water (at the rate of one ounce of combined herbs to a pint of
distilled water), four to six hours, then simmer for thirty minutes, strain and
reduce the liquid down to its volume by simmering over low heat. To retard
spoilage of large batches, add vegetable glycerine. Example: one gallon of tea
simmered (not boiled) down to two quarts and add one pint of glycerine.
Soak flannel, cotton or any natural material cloth in the solution-never use
synthetics. Wrap the fomentation (soaked cloth) around the malfunctioning area
and cover with plastic to keep it from drying out. Leave on all night six nights
a week, week after week, until relief appears.

Severe cases: Drink cup of finished concentrated tea with 3/4 cup of distilled
water three times a day.


From the Save Your Life Manual:

Here is Dr. Christopher's famous B, F and C formula.

Dr. Christopher has oak bark in his B,F and C (bone, flesh and
cartilage) regeneration formula as an astringent to tighten up the area.
Now, if you feel like you need something to tighten up the area, like the
skin is flapping loose and you've got to, like, stitch it back together, oak
bark is brilliant. It's the greatest. And I use that. This is the formula.
6 parts Comfrey root
6 parts Oak bark
3 parts Gravel root
3 parts Mullein
1 part Lobelia
2 parts Wormwood
3 parts Marshmallow root
1 part Skullcap
3 parts Walnut bark

The comfrey in the formula brings bones together. Another name

for comfrey is knit-bone. It can re-heal and re-form bones that have been
shattered or eaten away by disease.
Here are the instructions for making this formula:
Use a large stainless steel pot. Never use aluminum. Use distilled
water. Put 1 gallon of distilled water in the pot. Add 1 cup of loose tea
mixture. Mix the tea in the water. Let this mixture sit in the water
overnight in the refrigerator. You can even let it sit a few days. The longer
you let it sit, within reason, the stronger the tea will be.
Heat the tea, but NOT to a boil. Let the tea simmer. Pour the
strained tea back into the pot. Simmer this solution down to one-fourth
its original volume. Use this for herbal compresses over the affected area.
Soak a flannel or wash cloth in the hot tea and apply as a hot
compress. Use a thick flannel or washcloth for your compress, or else it
will not hold much tea. Cover with plastic to retain fluid and heat - then
cover with a towel to retain body heat.

You can also put deep tissue repair oil on the skin first, then add
the B,F and C formula as a fomentation on top of it.

(NOTE: It is very important that you keep the treated area

wrapped and the rest of your body warm. This ensures that you do not
get a chill as the tea cools down. Warmth helps the herbs to penetrate




Building on his early experience with Black Walnut tincture, Dr. Christopher
developed the Bone, Flesh and Cartilage formula for skin trouble. The
additional herbs made a wonderfully effective remedy for minor burns, infection,
cuts, abrasions, bruises, hemorrhages, sore gums, bunions and corns. It also
removes calcium deposits that exacerbate arthritis. A nurse in California used
it to dissolve a bone spur on her heel. It has healed skin cancers. And it
works, as the black walnut tincture does, for eczema, psoriasis, and other
chronic skin conditions.

The beloved story of how Dr. Christopher came by the BF&C formula begins
when a woman came to his office early one morning, panicky and desperate.
Hours earlier, her fourteen-year-old daughter had attempted suicide. She left
the daughter in the care of several neighbors to find help from Dr. Christopher.
The girl had developed, almost three years before, a severe case of dermatitis,
with heavy scales on her face, neck, arms and hands, legs and feet. No physician
or specialist had been able to identify her condition, much less find a cure.
began to gorge herself, became extremely overweight, and eventually decided to
end her life. As Ray listened to this desperate mother, he offered a silent
prayer for help and "a formula came immediately to my mind," as he related it.
He jotted the herbs down and gave the mother complete instructions on how to
make and apply the fomentations and tea, and sent her to an herb shop to get

Four days after this mother had come to his office, she called to report that
the scabs and scales were gone, and the girl's skin began to show what the
mothertermed, "a healing glow." Six months later she was a cheerleader at school
andenjoying all the social activities of girls of her age.

BF&C has been known to heal wounds, even surgical incisions that have failed to
heal. One California woman had an abdominal surgical wound that had been
draining for more than three years. She applied the ointment to the wound and
took the capsules internally. Within seven days, the wound was entirely healed.

BF&C has even been known to regenerate tissue. Ray's nephew was a passenger
in a car accident, and although relatives held onto him so that he wasn't thrown
from the car, he was dragged for some distance along the hot asphalt, and his
small fingers were scraped to stubs as far as his first knuckles. Ray gave the
child capsules of BF&C and told the parents to mix the powder with honey and
wheat germ oil. Within two months, the fingers had healed, complete with
perfectly formed fingernails. When Ray next saw his nephew, the child ran toward
him and threw his arms around him. "Look, Uncle Ray!" he shouted. "My fingers
grew back!"

In a similar story, a young woman came to Ray and said, "How do you like my
fingers?" He said he thought they were beautiful, clean, and well manicured.
"Can you tell which finger was cut off!" she asked him. He couldn't tell, even
when he looked close. She told him her story: her finger had been amputated
below the knuckle. She had used BF&C, and the knuckle had regenerated.
Gradually, all the bone and flesh filled in, and even the fingernail grew back
perfectly formed.


Dr. Christophers “BF&C Newsletter”

Volume One - Issue Eight


We have talked and written extensively, over the years, about what to do for the organs of the
human body. It has been gratifying to have found specific herbal foods and aids for the liver,
pancreas, heart, bowels, kidneys, etc.

We see maimed, crippled, burn-scarred people--who could surely have found a "better way to go"
than that which was used on them, in many cases.

As a good example I would like to cite the case of two boys, about ten years of age, who were
playing with gasoline and matches. Both of the boys' hands, up to the wrists, received third degree
burns. The boys were taken immediately to the hospital where the surgeon pronounced, for both
boys, "incurable third degree burns"! He told both sets of parents there was a choice in each case--
either removing the hands at the wrist and attaching iron claws both right and left, or, with
numerous operations and skin grafts, over a period of about one year in the hospital, the boys could
keep their hands, but they would be just like mummified claws and could not be used as hands, but,
in a claw-like manner, they would be able to pick up materials but the fingers would not move as
would the ones on the metal hand. One set of the parents told the doctor to keep their boy there
and, even though it would be a year and the cost very high, to go ahead and work on him as soon as
possible. The other couple told the doctor they wanted to see another person first about their boy's
condition and then they might come back.

As they had heard of our work, they brought their boy to the building when I was lecturing, to show
me the boy's burned hands. The nails, much of the flesh, tendons, etc., had been so badly burned it
made one shudder to look at it. The temporary preliminary bandages were put back on while
answering their request as to what could be done instead of cutting off the hands or surgery and
skin grafting. I gave them a formula to use that is based on comfrey. This is a paste made up of
comfrey, wheat germ oil and honey. The paste was to be spread, 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick, over the
entire burn area. They were instructed to watch the paste and if it had, in any areas, been absorbed
into the flesh to add additional paste in these areas, not disturbing the condition below.

Within the week they returned to the hospital and the same doctor they had seen before examined
the boy. He was amazed and told them that where the burns had been third degree burns in these
past few days, they were now first degree burns. He asked them what in the world they had used,
and they told him it was an old-fashioned remedy. The doctor then told them to continue using it
and, further, there now would be no need for any surgery or skin grafting, because it looked as
though the hands would heal perfectly with this procedure without any scar tissue. In a few weeks
time the boy's hands were completely healed. Later the nails had grown back on, the tendons,
nerves, muscles, flesh and skin were all renewed, and the hands were as perfect as they were before
the burns.

The other boy was still at the hospital nearly a year later, with continual surgery and skin grafting.
The cost was, we understand, well over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. When he was sent
home his hands were two ugly "mummified-type" unbending claws, so sad-looking he wore gloves
to hide them from view.

The parents that used the herbs spent approximately ten or twelve dollars for the first materials to
apply (honey, wheat germ oil and comfrey) and only small amounts at times to replace the paste
that was used.

The paste can be used for cuts, abrasions, burns, bruises, sprains, and an external aid to spread the
healing up of broken bones.

If kept in a wide-mouth closed jar the paste will keep in a ready-to-use condition for many months.
This is one of the fine emergency first aid helps you can have on hand. It is good to have some in
your cars and in various places in the home or where you work, in case of an accident.

One day a lady came into my office in a frantic state of near hysteria. She told me that her
fourteen-year-old daughter was at home and some neighbor ladies were with her, to keep her from
doing harm to herself. That morning the mother had stopped her daughter from committing
suicide. The girl, for several years, had a severe dermatitis that had baffled the family physician,
dermatologists and allergy specialists. The skin problem was from the knees down to her feet, the
arms from elbows down over the hands, and her neck and face were also covered with this
dermatitis condition. The dermatologists said it was different from pityriasis, psoriasis, eczema,
etc., and had no name for this thick, heavy scaling from which the girl was suffering. This young
girl had become a recluse, refusing to go to school, church, parties, etc., and because of this terrible
condition which was called "incurable" she was eating herself into an extremely oversized
individual. The despair she was suffering was pushing her into a suicidal frame of mind.

I had never had such a case presented to me before and my "back was up against the wall." This
was an emergency and I did not have the time to sit in a laboratory and figure out a combination to
try on her. I offered a quick silent prayer for help and a formula came immediately to my mind. As
it came I had the lady and her companion write it down. I told them to go to an herb shop or health
food store and get the various herbs, mix them, and make a fomentation. She was to foment the
legs, arms, neck and face areas, and also to have the daughter drink some of the tea. I felt confident
enough to promise good results!

It was on a Tuesday morning that the mother had come to see me. On Friday the report came back
that the scabs and scales had left the afflicted areas and the girl's skin had a good "healing glow" to
it. The next message I received was six months later. The girl was now a cheerleader at the school
she had returned to, and she was again busy in church and social activities.

This particular group of herbs is one we called "bone, flesh and cartilage" formula. We found it
would do many things besides skin problems.

A lady, who is connected with the publishing company that does some of our printing of books, had
an experience that shows how well this particular formula works! One time, while traveling to the
west coast on a lecture assignment she was in an accident with their family car and a large portion
of one of her knee caps was torn off. This left a deformed knee and a lack of free action with the
knee joint. One day, while eating at our Mother Nature's restaurant at the Orem Mall, she saw me
and came over to my table where I was eating. She asked me if I saw any difference in her two
knees. I could not tell which had been the badly deformed knee from the other, they were both
perfect and healthy looking. I knew, of course, that she had used the bone, flesh, and cartilage herb
tea as a fomentation over the injured knee area six days a week, week after week, and the knee cap
grew back--as unbelievable as this may seem to others. We do recommend the drinking of some of
the tea several times daily as well as the external use.

We have had many interesting cases with the use of this formula and how it has helped various
serious conditions and many people.

Various times, while reading the iris of the eye, I have spotted impingement of the spine in the
lumbar, thoracic, and sometimes troubles in the tail-bone area. Upon seeing the "area of
malfunction" I would cite the problem at hand, as with the lumbar vertebrae being "out" the
individual would be suffering severe backaches and ofttimes bowel and reproduction organ
problems and, sure enough, the patient would exclaim, "That's true!" When there was the bent,
broken or dislocated tail-bone, there would often be problems in the arms or legs, etc.

It has been our recommendation to put the fomentation of this particular formula over the
malfunction area upon retiring at night and leave on all night, taking it off the following morning.
This procedure is to be done six nights a week, week after week, until the spine stays in place "of
its own free will and choice." The reason is that this herbal remedy is a food and feeds the cushion
that is ofttimes ruptured or worn away, and also with its powerful cell-proliferating feeds the area to
rebuild itself, according to the plans and specifications the good Lord has left as a pattern for repair.
The same thing happens with the muscles, nerves, chipped and damaged bone, and the flesh and
skin on the damaged area.

We have seen a number of cases over our years with the use of this great food package, curvature of
the spine being straightened, even in some of the most severe (incurable!!!?) cases.

This group of herbs has in it various herbs that have, each of them, their own job to do, as follows:

Gravel root

Gravel root. This herb is a natural solvent for inorganic minerals such as calcium and other
unwanted inorganic accepted but not assimilable substances. Dead inorganic calcium is accepted
into the body but cannot be assimilated. No mineral can be assimilated into the human body unless
it has gone through the process of osmosis through plant life (herbs). When an inorganic mineral is
accepted into the body it is accumulative and continues to build up. This build-up can cause
arthritis, rheumatism, kidney stones, gall stones, hardening of the arteries, cataracts, etc. This
"building up" process must be reversed, so here we have an herb such as gravel root that will act as
a solvent that will leach off dead inorganic calcium and other minerals in the same state. However,
it will not have any influence on live organic minerals that can be assimilated directly into cell
structure through the "delivery-system" of the blood stream. A true solvent, such as solvent herbs
or steam distilled water acts as a magnet. The magnet will pick up dead inorganic iron and other
metals but will not pick up wood, paper or higher vibrating materials. The solvent herbs or distilled
water will pick up and leach off dead inorganic minerals, but will not vibrate to live organic
minerals that have gone through plant life and can be assimilated into the body's cell structure.
Dead, inorganic calcium is the type of material we want to get rid of, because this type of calcium
can do us only harm. Some people panic--"What can I do to replace the calcium being leached
out?" If you replace what you have just leached out it would be like cleaning out a garbage pail,
and then replacing it with more of the same! Instead of doing this, let's replace the dead calcium by
putting in a good organic usable calcium. To do this we have included into this formula oak bark,
an astringent which is also high in live, assimilable calcium. Oak bark not only supplies good
calcium but acts as an astringent that firms up the system while feeding the cells.

Marshmallow herb

We include marshmallow herb which is extremely high in "live" assimilable protein for muscle
rebuilding, and yet has another advantage--rather unique in a single herb. This plant, marshmallow,
has the ability of being anti-gangrenous. We have used marshmallow a number of times to save
patients from amputation of an arm or leg because of gangrene condition. This "blessing from
heaven"--marshmallow-has cleared up the condition and saved many from losing parts of their

Mullein herb
Mullein herb is included in the healing group of herbs because it is a special food for the glandular
system. Unless the glands of the body are working properly, a healing cannot be complete. We
have used three parts of mullein and one part of lobelia in many severe cases of gland malfunction.
This is also a great aid for thyroid, swollen glands in various other parts of the body, mastitis when
the breast is swollen way out of proportion. We have cleared this condition with this mullein-
lobelia combination overnight. We use it externally as fomentation and also orally in tea, tablets or
capsules. It has been used for injured testicles, swollen ovaries, etc., etc., with amazing success.


We include lobelia, the herb of many uses. It is antispasmodic--a catalyst for having the power to
unite the other herbs in working efficiently and does so quickly! This herb is a nervine, and an
anti-infection herb as well. Wormwood is an herb that relieves the body of pain in various areas but
its other job is to destroy and remove parasites and worms from the body, as the balance of the
herbal composition causes such a healthy condition of the cell structures that these scavengers
(garbage men) are not required any more and are escorted out of the system with the wormwood.


Scullcap is an herb of nervine type that aids the spinal cord to be healthy and in a condition to
deliver the messages from the motor-nerves to the whole body. Without efficient nerve response
the body parts--glands, muscles, etc., cannot do their job.

Black walnut bark

Black walnut bark, or leaves is an herbal aid, not too well known. It has many values, but one of
the main ones we use it is for its power to overcome fungus in the body. Walnut is high in
potassium, calcium, iron, and many other much needed foods that are required for rebuilding worn-
out organs in the body.


The final herbal aid we include in this great rebuilding fomentation is comfrey. This herb is a very
efficient cell-proliferant. It is a food that makes the good cells grow rapidly, making such a healthy
condition in the area that the weak and dead cells are evicted and replaced with new highly
vibrating life. Comfrey is high in calcium, stops hemorrhaging, and is in the neighborhood of
"twenty percent protein." This is a live whole (unprocessed) protein that can be readily assimilated
into the cell structure for fast healing.

Before starting on a severe case or a mild problem, we have always advised our patient to go to the
initial cause of the problem and start with the basic routine of healing. Clean out the bowels with
the lower bowel tonic (see Newsletter #1 and use the mucusless diet as explained in our small book
Dr. Christopher's Three-Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet (Christopher Publications, P.O. Box 412,
Springville, Utah 84663). Use this advice along with the herbal formula and faster results will be
Just to give you some examples of results using this formula, and thinking positively, here are a
couple of our cases:

A young man came to us with advanced curvature of the spine. He had been told that the case
was so bad his back would have to be broken in several places to fuse it, but with no guarantee as to
results. He tried our program and in shortly over six months he had a back that was straight and
perfect. He had regained the three inches he had lost with the curvature and was now 6'6" as before
the curvature. He could now go back to yoga and sports which he enjoyed.

In Mesa, Arizona, a young man in his middle twenties was brought into our lecture hall in a
wheel chair. He was badly crippled with a combination of polio and arthritis. He was lifted out of
his chair and placed on a pile of pillows. I would glance over at times and could see the severe pain
he was suffering.

During the lecture we discussed the program we have just outlined. After the lecture he said he
would like to try it. A practical nurse from another town offered to take him to her home and help
him get well.

They followed the routine accurately and one year later we saw him again. Just before the
lecture started, in the same hall as the year before, a young man walked down the aisle to the front
of the hall and asked to speak. We granted him the permission. In his short talk he advised the
people to listen to the lectures and put them to use. He told how he had listened one year before as
he sat on the pillows in the hall and had the desire to start on this natural program. Prior to this
night he had been told he would never be out of the wheelchair, unless it was to be in a hospital
bed, the rest of his days.

With the help of the kindly nurse he was now able to walk so well that he was traveling on foot,
house to house, selling, to try and pay off his large hospital and doctor bills. As he walked back to
his seat he had tears of gratitude in his eyes.

There are many outstanding cases but these two can give you a picture of what can be done with
good, wholistic program. Use it carefully and accurately for complete, long-lasting health.

The good Lord has given us the herbs of the field for food and for medicine. If we will follow His
advice and use the herbs "with prudence and skill" and use them in their "wholesome" state, as He
has given them to us; using them without processing and discarding some of the great values the
whole herb has and throwing out some of the herbal parts that act as catalysts and protection
against an ingredient in the whole, that isolated could do harm, but harmless in the whole herb. An
example of this is quinine. Alone, in too large an amount, it can cause deafness, or in even larger
doses can cause death. The quinine in the original Peruvian bark, from which it was isolated, is
harmless when used in a tea made from the bark itself. It is the same quinine isolated that is a
killer, but, as the scriptures say, "in its wholesome state" does nothing but good.

The sooner we, the human race, can return to the use of the whole herb, fruits, vegetables, grains,
nuts and seeds as was given us by our Creator, to be used the right way, the better. Man with his
"great intellectual mind(?)" who tears apart and processes the "perfect" to suit his taste bud, and the
product's shelf-life, is like "painting the lily"!

Question 1: Does chaparral really cause acceleration in the growth of cancer?

Answer 1: The healing reaction of chaparral is one that causes concern to those watching results if
they do not understand the method of progress.

The herb chaparral is a powerful cell proliferant, causing the good cells to grow rapidly. During
their fast new growth, the good cells push the dead cells and their waste into a deposit. This growth
of waste material has an alarming appearance and frightens the uninformed into believing the
cancer is growing rapidly. We have seen this condition a number of times. As it reaches a crisis
condition, after the growth loads up with toxic materials it then starts decreasing in size and the
healing process takes place. This is a slow procedure in some cases and demands good continued
care and understanding.

Question 2: Is there a help for burning urine?

Answer 2: "This is often caused by cystitis, which is an infection of the bladder characterized by
inflammation, a burning sensation during and after urination, and a need to void frequently. The
bladder may have a feeling of being full even when it has just been emptied. When the infection is
severe enough to affect the kidneys (which is rare), fever is usually present."

"The urethra is the route by which the infection travels to the bladder. Since the female urethra is
only about one and a half inches long and the male urethra is approximately eight and a half inches
long, it is much easier for germs to reach the female bladder. So cystitis is more common among
females." (The Encyclopedia of Common Diseases, by the staff of Prevention Magazine).

Here is an excellent formula for infection and malfunction in the kidney and bladder area: It
consists of juniper berries, parsley, uva ursi, marshmallow root, lobelia, ginger and golden seal.
Suggested use is a cup morning and evening, or two tablets or capsules morning and evening taken
with a cup of parsley tea.

The marshmallow root is an emollient and demulcent herb that eases the urine flow and is
extremely soothing and healing; golden seal is anti-infectious; juniper berries will aid the condition
when a difficulty is found in voiding the urine; uva ursi is a solvent for any inorganic calcified
accumulation, such as kidney or bladder stones; parsley is one of the greatest herbs known for
rebuilding the urethral area; ginger here is used as a stimulant to accentuate the herbal
combinations power; lobelia is the herb acting as an antispasmodic and also as a catalyst. This
formula has aided many with burning urine and also those suffering from incontinence (lack of
urine control).

Question 3: Is there any help for a hernia?

Answer 3: A hernia commonly refers to the escape of some part of the intestine from the abdominal
cavity, through an opening in the abdominal wall. The intestine is pushed out from the inner body,
often to a point just below the surface of the skin. When it reaches this point, we have a visible
hernia. At first it is about the size and shape of a marble, and grows larger as more and more of the
intestine escapes.

A number of patients with hernias and ruptures have used the "bone, flesh and cartilage" formula
with great success. This formula, which will be given, is applied over the afflicted area as a
fomentation a day and night, using a truss or pad to hold in place. Then soak some flannel in this
tea and apply. It can also be obtained in a concentrated liquid form or as an ointment. Use
whichever type is best in your case. It is also helpful to take the formula internally as a tea, or in
capsule or tablet form--two or three of these three or more times per day:

Bone, flesh and cartilage (comfrey combination fomentation). This is an aid for malfunction in
bone, flesh, sinews, etc. Make a tea of the following herbs: six parts oak bark, three parts
marshmallow root, three parts mullein herb, two parts wormwood, one part lobelia, one part
scullcap, six parts comfrey root, three parts walnut bark (or leaves), three parts gravel root. Soak
the combined teas in distilled water, then soaking four to six hours, simmer thirty minutes, strain
and then simmer the liquid down to 1/2 its volume and add 1/4 vegetable glycerine (if desired).
Example: One gallon of tea simmered (not boiled) down to two quarts and add one pint of

Soak flannel, cotton, or any white material other than synthetics (never use synthetics). Wrap the
fomentation (soaked cloth) around the malfunctioning area and cover with plastic to keep it from
drying out. Leave on all night six nights a week, week after week, until relief appears.

Drink 1/4 cup of finished concentrated tea with 3/4 cup of distilled water three times in a day.

Question 4: What can be done for a new mother with milk leg?

Answer 4: Milk leg is Phlegmasia alba dolens (inflammation). When inflammation comes,
externally, it is always a sign of an internal toxic condition. This must be cleared up by first
correcting and overcoming constipation using lower bowel formula Dr. Christopher Letter # 1, then
going on the three-day juice cleanse. This procedure is excellent even for a nursing mother. She
will still have ample milk for the baby. This three-day cleanse is then followed by the mucusless
diet (Dr. Christopher's Three-Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet booklet from Christopher's
Publications). During this time the patient should be using a good blood purifying tea, as follows:

Blood purifying formula. The blood stream is life itself and it is our job to keep it clean and pure
so that we can have a good circulatory system for delivering food to the body properly, and, in
addition, to carry off the waste materials.

After years of using this blood purifying formula, we discovered it to be the same type formula as
used by Hoxey for years.
A good blood purifier in teamwork with a bowel cleansing and rebuilding formula makes a
wonderful combination. These two, with a good mucusless diet, can renew the body and add years
to a healthy life.

This herbal blood rebuilder is made up of herbs that are cleansers, but also herbs that give
astringency, others aid in removing cholesterol, kill infection, or build elasticity in the veins and to
strengthen the vein and artery walls. It consists of red clover blossoms, chaparral, licorice root,
poke root, peach bark, Oregon grape root, stillingia, prickly ash bark, burdock root and buckthorn

Use a cup of this tea (or two capsules No. 0 or two seven-grain tablets) three times a day, six days a
week and week after week until the blood stream is flowing as it should to bring health and give
one more pep and energy.

To speed this healing process up it is very good to see that the blood stream is flowing properly to
carry food to the cells and to carry off the toxins and waste material. The blood circulation
combination will do this job effectively, and here it is for your use:
Blood circulation combination.

This formula is given to assist blood purifying teas to work more efficiently and to also aid the
clearing up of allergies, etc. This group of herbs feeds cayenne (a stimulant) and ginger (stimulant)
into the circulatory system where the cayenne works from the blood stream to the heart and
arteries, out into the veins. The other herbs in the formula assist these two herbs and work together
to equalize the blood pressure (whether high or low) and to bring it to a good systolic over the
diastolic reading. Blood flow is life itself. The blood circulatory combination consists of ginger,
cayenne, golden seal, ginseng, parsley and garlic.

When a severe and advanced condition is present, use the bone, flesh and cartilage combination as
a fomentation to aid in speeding up the healing.

I have had a long history of poison oak. I would get it from my children's clothing, our dog, or
sitting on a couch the dog managed to get on for a short time. Once it went internal and I was in
bed six weeks because I could not take cortisone, being in first six weeks of pregnancy. Once I got
it, it just got worse and worse until I took cortisone. The doses became larger and larger. Large
doses of Vitamin C and Niacin help a few times, then no longer helped, as did other things I tried.
Twice I got blood poisoning in my arm from poison oak. I was desperately searching for a cure
when someone led me to herbs and Naturalife. It took me about three years to find the cure but I
did. As soon as I realize I have poison oak, I start taking licorice root, which is a natural cortisone
and use Dr. Christopher's CMM Ointment. This dries it up in just a few days. I usually take rose
hips for good measure. As for the blood poisoning, the first time my poison oak went into blood
poisoning, I took penicillin. The second time, my arm was swollen, big red swollen, full of fever
and painful. I put chickweed ointment on a bandage, taped it on my arm over the affected area and
went to bed. In the morning the swelling was gone, the pain was gone, the fever was gone, and the
large red area was gone. This has really been exciting to me to find natural cures. --Ridgecrest,
Thought you'd be interested in learning that I started restoring my hair color as per instructions of
Dr. Christopher in the No.19 Healthview Newsletter. In three weeks time, my hair started coming
in black. At this point my hair has three colors - gray and brown (dye) which are growing out and
the black coming in. I'm getting more compliments on my hair than I ever have before and my
family and friends are amazed that it can be done naturally. Several of my friends are now trying
the yarrow tea route. --Orange, California

We have been making and giving the "anti-plague" remedy all last winter and spring, and I must
say, I am amazed at its power! There hasn't been a case of acute respiratory or gastrointestinal
illness that hasn't responded favorably, and quickly!

It tastes like broth to me so I call it "garlic-wormwood soup". --San Francisco, California

A friend of mine, who was scheduled for a hernia operation earlier this year, suggested I write to
you. After he read your book "The School of Natural Healing" and followed your suggested
guidelines for a week to ten days, his hernia problem was solved. Needless to say, he can't say
enough good things about your use of herbs and the book. --Herndon, Virginia

We like the herbs very much, the oil of garlic has done wonders for arthritis in the knees. --
Camdenton, Missouri

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