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Uncompromised excellence.....
unparalleled reach......come.....
let us Actualize Ayurveda!

GAF- 2023

December 1-5, 2023

Greenfield International Stadium
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
National Arogya Expo
Industry & Trade Partner Marketing partne

Organised by Ministry of Ayush

Ministry of Micro, Small
Department of Ayush and Medium Enterprises
Government of India Government of Kerala Government of India

Ayurveda Medical Ayurveda Hospital Kerala State Indian System of Ayurvedic Medicine Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturers Vishwa Ayurved
Association of India Managements Association Medicine Self – Financing Manufacturers Association Parishad
Management Association Organisation Of India
Ayurveda: From India to the World
GAF: Opening the World to New Possibilities
Dear Friends
Greetings from Global Ayurveda Festival !

A health care system, that got caught unprepared by an unkind GLOBAL AYURVEDA FESTIVAL is recognised as an
pandemic.... essential event of global repute, due to the purity of the
An alternative medical system, mainstreamed by the public during intention it has and the immense impact it has upfront. The
the pandemic, despite the fiercest resistance.... trust and encouragement the Ayurveda community bestows
on us make us ready for the 5th edition of GAF – with the
A range of healthcare challenges, unable to be met by a single
medical system despite its formidable dominance.... same mission and a renewed vision. GAF 2023 aims to
convincingly position Ayurveda's healing potentials, by
A traditional medical system, ready with a new vigour to uphold showcasing its conceptual foundation and infinite
and strengthen its excellence, relevance, and possibilities....
application possibilities, by reaching out to the health
The contrast is striking and the fresh lease of energy it imparts to seeking global mankind, and by readying young physicians
India's healing wisdom is indomitable. to address emerging healthcare challenges. It provides a
Ayurveda, the medical science, has already transcended its platform to further the knowledge, facilitate research
native borders, after positioning it as a strong and effective initiatives, formalize collaborations, firm up policies and to
participant in India's health care delivery system. The time familiarize with global players and processes.
for that idea has come and to lay claim to a lead role it is Maintaining the continuity of knowledge exposition is a
destined to play – Ayurveda for Global Health Challenges.
responsibility, and we are thankful to the Ayurveda
Global Ayurveda Festival – GAF 2023 A Platform to community for helping us to make it possible.
Celebrate India's Healing Wisdom – is being organized from
Ably taking up that responsibility, we present to you
1st to 5th December at Greenfield International Stadium,
Kariavattom Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, with the focal
theme: “Emerging Challenges in Healthcare & a Resurgent
Ayurveda “

Chief Patron
Shri.Pinarayi Vijayan
Chief Minister of Kerala
Shri.Sarbananda Sonowal Shri.P. Rajeev Secretary General
Minister for Law, Industries and Coir Chairman
Union Minister for AYUSH, Dr.C.Sureshkumar (Triveni)
Govt. of India Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai Shri.V. Muraleedharan
Minister of State for External Affairs +91 94471 60480
Smt.Veena George Minister of State (ic) for AYUSH,
& Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of India Chief Co-ordinator
Minister for Health and Woman and Govt. of India
Working Chairman Dr.C.Sureshkumar
Child Development, Govt. of Kerala Dr. Shashi Tharoor, MP +91 94472 05913
Dr. G.G.Gangadharan
Shri.P. A. Mohammed Riyas Shri.Kadakampally Surendran,MLA +91 94482 78900 Organising Secretaries
Minister for Public Works and Tourism
Govt. of Kerala Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha General Convenor Dr. Vishnu Nampoothiry
Secretary for AYUSH, Govt. of India Dr.V.G.Udayakumar +91 98470 48218
Shri.V. Sivankutty +91 85477 20163
Minister for General Education & Dr. P Madhavankutty Varier Dr.S.Venu
Labour, Government of Kerala Managing TrusteeArya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal +91 94003 65648
GAF - Biennial feast for every member
of Global Ayurveda community having
an appetite for the best.
The regular and the impactful…
the unique and the path setter…
the innovative and the game changer…. December 1-5, 2023
an array, Ayurveda longed for!

GAF - IAS International Ayurveda Seminar GAF - PPP Policy Perspectives Platform

GAF - ICC International Cooperation Conclave GAF - SDRC Single Drug Research Conclave

GAF - National Arogya Expo 2023 GAF - FPO MEET Medicinal Plants FPO Meet

GAF -IBM International Business Meet GAF - AIM Ayurveda Investors Meet

GAF - ASM Ayurveda Solidarity Meet

GAF- AIC Ayurveda Innovation Conclave

GAF - MTM Medical Tourism Meet

GAF - VC Vision Conclave
GAF- ABC Ayurveda Biology Conclave

GAF- SVM Seminar on Vrikshayurveda & Mrigayurveda

5 75 7500


750 750 500

The Venue:
Thiruvananthapuram – the Capital City of Kerala,India,
Ayurveda's Own Country
Ì where tradition meets modernity in real time….
Ì where divinity dwells in an eternal form and meets,
with the rich cultural heritage, the progressive
excellence in science and research….
Ì where knowledge always received patronage, first the
abodes of yore like the Kanthalloor Sala and then in
the mighty institutions of the fore….
Ì a land that stands first and prime in many initiatives
that sustain, and navigate the course of, what is
beneficial for art, science, and humanity….
Ì where the seed of GAF was sown….
Ì and where…..histories got created.

Greenfield International Stadium Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

The Greenfield International Stadium

and the state-of-the-artTravancore
International Convention Center offers
exceptional facilities for conferences,
seminars, trade shows, expositions, and
media events.
DEC 1-5
2023 International Ayurveda Seminar
The International Ayurveda Seminar is the central researchers, integrated medicine experts and policy makers.
component of Global Ayurveda Festival. It is an ensemble of The structure of the whole program is planned to have a
scholars from all over the world, the student community and continuity and conclusion in each day's deliberations.
policy makers for one common cause – expose and exchange Ÿ Plenary Sessions
knowledge, for a wider and impactful reach of Ayurveda.
Under each theme there will be a plenary session that will
The Seminar is planned to enable the contemporaneity, that
focus on knowledge exposition and translation - practical
needs to reflect in what we think, write, speak and do in
and experience-based exposition of classical knowledge
Ayurveda. As said by the Masters, only that knowledge
and on history and possibilities of translation of above
which can be constantly renewed and relived, the application
traditional knowledge, integration from an integrated
of which can be constantly reshaped and developed continue
medical perspective and globalization to present the
to be of any significance to mankind. Everything else remain
scope and steps for expanding Indian healing traditions
as historic monuments. International Ayurveda Seminar is a
to optimize the global healthcare.
tribute to those Masters who constantly renewed while
remaining loyal to roots that run deep in antiquity. As in the Ÿ Special Sessions on Accomplishments And Perspectives
previous episodes, this time too, the world will see and listen Then there will be a special session on accomplishments
when GAF shows and speaks Ayurveda. and perspectives -presentations on accomplishments –
Focal theme: Emerging Challenges in Health Care and a research / practice – in the respective theme and of the
Resurgent Ayurveda perspectives of senior Ayurveda experts on what was
heard in GAF-IAS, aided by their knowledge and
This episode of GAF- IAS will project the concepts,
strengths, possibilities and accomplishments– related to
clinical, integrated medicine and research - in selected Ÿ Panel discussion
themes, like Women Health, Child Health, Diabetes, Liver Panel discussion will be held with the participation of
Disease, Ophthalmology, Mental Health, Geriatric Care, senior experts representing practice, integrative
Palliative Care and Post Care. medicine, research, education, and policy on the
This set of themes will be represented in a well-structured respective theme discussing points deliberated during the
manner, meant to enable a responsible globalization of an day and arriving at conclusions /resolutions /
effective Indian medical tradition. The contribution declarations.
Ayurveda has to offer as a medical science, in meeting the Ÿ Paper and Poster Presentations
challenges posed in these areas of health care, will be There will be paper and poster presentations on focal
explained from the perspectives of scholars, practitioners, themes and the sub-themes.
Rasayana Agadatantra
Ÿ Rasayana as a public health tool in communicable Ÿ Applied toxicology
diseases Ÿ Ayurveda in the current infectious diseases
Ÿ Role of Ayurveda in graceful ageing Ÿ Scope of Ayurveda in skin disease
Swasthavritta Manasika
Ÿ Preventive medicine Ÿ Mental Health – contemporary understanding and
Ÿ Yoga management
Ÿ Public Health Rasasastra and Bhaishajyakalpana
Ÿ Ayurveda in occupational health Ÿ Rasa preparations – new research
Ÿ Cosmetology in Ayurveda Ÿ Rasa application – new frontiers
Ÿ Nutrition and health Ÿ Nano Medicine and Rasasastra
Ÿ Medical applications of Yoga Ÿ Scientific Aspects of Ayurveda Medicine Manufacturing
Dravyaguna Ÿ Latest innovations in Medicine Manufacturing
Ÿ Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Samhita and Siddhanta
research in Ayurveda Ÿ Ayurveda - Classics, commentaries and concepts
Ÿ Medicinal plants – new research Ÿ Literary research
Ÿ Medicinal plants - conservation Ÿ Manuscriptology
Ÿ Innovative drug delivery systems Allied Knowledge Systems
Ÿ Nutraceuticals, nutricosmetics, nano herbals Ÿ Mrigayurveda/ Hastyayurveda
Kaumarbhritya Ÿ Ethno-veterinary practices
Ÿ Neonatal care Ÿ Vrikshayurveda
Ÿ Pediatric Nutrition Ÿ Ethno-agriculture practices sector
Ÿ Behavioural and developmental disorder Science and Sastra
Ÿ Management of common pediatric conditions Ÿ Trans disciplinary research and Ayurveda
Ÿ Samskaras and their scientific aspects Ÿ Technology and Innovations in Ayurveda AI and
Kayachikitsa Ayurveda
Ÿ Non-communicable Diseases Ÿ IT & Ayurveda
Ÿ New disease entities and Ayurveda Ÿ Integrating Biotechnology and Bioinformatics in the era
Ÿ Cardiac diseases and Ayurveda of 'omics’
Ÿ Ayurveda in Rehabilitative medicine Ÿ Ayurveda and Conservation Biology
Panchakarma General
Prasutitantra & Striroga Ÿ Environment, Climate change and Ayurveda
Ÿ Reproductive Health Ÿ Policies, rules and regulations in mainstreaming
Ÿ Maternal Health Ayurveda
Salakya Ÿ Industry - Tribal Community Interface
Ÿ Sense organs and health - a contemporary understanding Ÿ Forest Produce: a sustainable demand-supply model
Ÿ Preventive care in ENT and Ophthalmology Ÿ Medicinal Plants: Knowledge sharing and relationship
Salya building platform
Ÿ Innovations and advances in Salya
Ÿ Musculo-skeletal ailments with special focus on marma
Ÿ Ayurvedic Management of Piles & Fistula
Call for Papers and Posters
Paper and poster presentations have an important slot in the Seminar and participation with papers and posters on focal and sub-
themes are invited. Remember, you will be presenting to the researchers around the world! An opportunity that is rare and the
The Abstracts should be submitted online through Submission in any other form will not be accepted.
Registration of one of the authors is mandatory for acceptance of the abstract.
For guidelines on the preparation of abstracts please visit All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the
Academic Committee, which will also decide the mode of presentation as to oral or poster. Authors will be notified of the
acceptance by e-mail. All oral presentations will get 6 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion. Template for poster
presentation will be available in The posters should be submitted in PDF format.

Important Deadlines
Last date for submission of Abstracts : Oct 15th, 2023
Communication for acceptance of papers : Oct 25th, 2023
Last date for submission of Full paper : Nov 10th, 2023
Last date for Registration for paper Presentation : Nov 15th, 2023
DEC 2-3
2023 International Cooperation Conclave
The International Cooperation Conclave in Global Ayurveda Festival 2023 is a platform for global networking and
collaboration between Ayurveda practitioners, researchers, and experts from around the world. It aims to provide an
opportunity for professionals in the field of Ayurveda to discuss and explore potential collaborations, partnerships, and joint
initiatives in research, education, and healthcare.
The conclave facilitates discussions on policy frameworks, regulatory guidelines, and best practices for the promotion and
development of Ayurveda on a global scale. It also provides a space for showcasing the latest advancements and innovations
in Ayurveda, as well as discussing challenges and solutions in the field.
In this edition of GAF, this Conclave will have three major sessions:

Global Ayurveda Alliance possibility to collaborate and make knowledge, products

and services. The representatives of global Ayurveda
It is GAF's contribution to Ayurveda. An initiative
community assemble to present the status report of
intended to become the summum bonum of global
Ayurveda in their respective countries and to engage with
Ayurveda. This session is to create a Global Ayurveda
Indian partners for collaborations to optimize efforts of an
Alliance with representatives from all the countries where
ethical globalization.
Ayurveda has a presence in one form or the other. It will be
a permanent body to optimize the efforts to stand and Global Soft Power Summit (Traditional
work for Ayurveda, especially to legally represent
Ayurveda in governmental and interdisciplinary
India is one of the oldest countries to use its knowledge
platforms. The prime event under this cause will be a
based soft powers, like Ayurveda and Yoga, which
meeting of Ambassadors of various countries in India to
appealed and attracted many from across the world. This
set the course for the formation, utilization and
session will perhaps be the first attempt to bring together
sustenance of such an alliance.
official representatives of all countries having a traditional
Global Ayurveda Status Meeting medicine background to share experiences and strategies.
A session to know the status of Ayurveda outside India
and to explore possible from either sides of the borders the
DEC 3-4
2023 International Business Meet
The emphasis of GAF Business Meet will be to promote the the quality and safety standards of products and services
trade and exports of Ayurveda products and services. and the financial support systems for Ayurveda industry.
Potential importers and traders, industry associations and The reason to have two meets, for international and national
consultants in the field of Ayurveda, herbal products, cause, is the difference in the expectation and challenges
dietary supplements and nutraceuticals from across the between the two. Despite this, the outcome is expected to be
world will attend this meet. one – a better reach of Ayurveda products and services,
Facilitation for productive interaction among the buyers across states and across countries.
and sellers will be actively pursued to ensure that they
translate to actual business and open up new business
Medical Tourism Meet
opportunities. Representatives of global Ayurveda
The meet focuses on promoting Ayurveda (i) for tourists
community, policy makers of various governmental and
seeking wellness and rejuvenation and (ii) market Ayurveda
non-governmental organizations will meet in this
Medical packages to attract international clients. The
International Business Meet to discuss the present scenario
Global Medical Tourism Meet provides a platform for
and to materialize better business possibilities.
networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among
This Meet will have the International and National-
stakeholders in the Ayurveda Hospitals, Tourism and
Sessionswith sector wise presentation of industries to
identify the problems in national and international markets,
DEC 1-5
Arogya Expo is always an integral part of the Global Development Institutes
Ayurveda Festival, which is a platform for showcasing Ø Medicinal Plants- live plants and raw materials
businesses and entrepreneurs in Ayurveda and allied Sector. Ø Plants of Charaka Samhita, ‘Agrya aushadha’
The Expo brings together Businesses, Organisations and
Ø Central and State Government Institutions
other institutions from across the globe to showcase their
products, services, and technologies related to Ayurveda. Ø Ayurveda Professional Organizations and NGOs
Ø Ayurveda Spa & Resorts- as the promoters of Ayurveda

The Expo provides a unique opportunity for visitors to Ø Ayurveda Food Court
explore and experience the world of Ayurveda, including Ø Documentary Film Shows
Ayurvedic medicines, herbal products, wellness services,
and Ayurvedic equipments. It also facilitates interactions
between exhibitors and visitors, providing a space for
networking, collaboration, and sharing of knowledge and
Spotlighted exhibitions
Ø Home Pavilion: The Science of Ayurveda
Ø Ayurveda Products: Medicines, Cosmetics, Equipments
and Publications
Ø Ayurveda Hospitals-Treatment, Services and Specialties
Ø Ayurveda Education Expo – College, Universities , Skill
DEC 1-5 GAF – AYUSH Clinics
2023 media influencers would meet to pledge their support
The expo will feature different clinics under AYUSH streams, and participation to promote Ayurveda. The program
and will offer consultation by the eminent clinicians of would feature –
Ayurveda Specialities., Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy and Ø Celebrity Meet
Naturopathy. A special feature of the clinics will be the Ø Political Leaders Meet
speciality clinics, which will provide free consultation to the Ø Media Meet
general public by eminent Ayurveda clinicians from different Ø Social Media Influencers Meet
Ayurveda Specialities like Ophthalmology, Dermatology,
Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Mental health etc. It is an GAF - PPP DEC 2
opportunity for the public to meet the best physicians and get Policy Perspectives Platform 2023
best care & advice. Physicians of all participating institutions
will be given slots to lend clinical service to the visiting public, The GAF Policy Perspectives Platform is an important
whose number is expected to be in tens of thousands daily. component of the Global Ayurveda Fest, which
provides a platform for discussions on policy
frameworks and regulatory guidelines related to
Ayurveda. The platform
2023 Ayurveda Solidarity Meet
brings together policymakers, industry leaders, and
The Ayurveda Solidarity Meet brings together public experts from around the world to discuss and share
personalities and celebrities to speak in solidarity with insights on policy developments and initiatives related
Ayurveda. Cultural leaders, Writers, Poets, Educational to Ayurveda.
experts, Film Personalities, Social workers and Social
The platform aims to promote dialogue and collaboration It will provide a platform for MSMEs in the Ayurveda
among stakeholders in the Ayurveda industry, and to sector to showcase their products, services, and
provide a space for discussing policy on Public health, innovations, and to connect with potential investors,
Foreigner's Travel & Safety, Regulatory policies,
partners and customers. The meet also includes panel
Educational Policies and Research Policies. The GAF
discussions, workshops, and presentations on topics
Policy Perspectives Platform would make the proceedings
related to MSME development in the Ayurveda industry,
and follow up the recommendations with the concerned
policy makers. including funding opportunities, regulatory guidelines,
and market trends


2023 Ayurveda Biology Conclave
The GAF Ayurveda Biology Conclave is an event that aims Ayurveda Investors Meet 2023
to bring together experts, researchers and students from the
fields of Modern Science such as Biochemistry, Molecular The GAF AIM: Ayurveda Investors Meet will be one of
Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Nanotechnolgy the flagship components of 5th GAF, and it provides a
Pharmacy and Ayurveda. The conclave will cover a range platform for investors and entrepreneurs to connect and
of topics related to Ayurveda and modern biology, explore investment opportunities in the Ayurveda
including the molecular mechanisms of Ayurvedic herbs industry. The meet brings together investors, venture
and treatments, the impact of Ayurveda on cellular and capitalists, and business leaders interested in the
molecular processes, and the integration of Ayurveda with Ayurveda sector to network, share ideas, and learn about
modern biology. The conclave will also provide a platform investment opportunities in the field.
for discussions on research methodologies, collaborations, The meet also includes panel discussions, presentations,
and funding opportunities in the intersection of Ayurveda and pitches from Ayurveda start-ups and companies
and biology. seeking funding. The GAF Ayurveda Investors Meet aims
to promote investment in the Ayurveda industry, support
DEC 3 GAF - MSME the growth and development of Ayurveda start-ups and
2023 Ayurveda MSME Meet businesses, and contribute to the overall development of
the Ayurveda industry.
The GAF Ayurveda MSME Meet focuses on promoting
micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the GAF - SDRC DEC 4
Ayurveda industry and creation of their clusters. The meet Single Drug Research Conclave 2023
will focus on three aspects of Ayurveda industry:
Ÿ Pharmaceuticals (manufacturing, products)
The GAF Single Drug Research Conclave is a component
of the Global Ayurveda Fest that focuses on promoting
Ÿ Services (clinical, hospitals)
research and development of Ayurvedic single drugs. The
Ÿ Women startups platform brings together researchers, scientists, and
experts from various fields to discuss and explore
opportunities for research and development of Ayurvedic The Seminar on Vrikshayurveda and Mrigayurveda
single dr ugs, including their efficacy, safety, and would be an event that brings together scholars,
standardization. researchers and practitioners of these streams of
knowledge and from the fields of phytopathology,
The platform aims to promote research and development on
veterinary and Ayurveda fields to discuss and explore the
single drugs – new plants or known plants with new effects -
potential benefits and applications of Ayurveda in
which can contribute to the growth and development of the
veterinary medicine and plant care. This could contribute
Ayurvedic industry and also provide effective healthcare
to the growth and development of the Ayurveda industry,
solutions to the public. Two such drugs which will receive
promote the use of Ayurveda in plant and veterinary
attention during this year's Conclave are Asvagandha and
medicine, and provide effective healthcare solutions for
plants and animals.


Seminar on Vrikshayurveda GAF – AIC DEC 4
2023 and Mrigayurveda Ayurveda Innovation Conclave 2023
One Health’ recognized the health of an individual and of The GAF Innovation Conclave is a forum for young and
everything around him as being mutually linked and emerging leaders in the field of Ayurveda to come
dependent and has an approach to optimize the health of all together, share ideas, and discuss the future of Ayurveda.
these. Indian knowledge of life, health and medicine extends This is an unique opportunity for young professionals to
beyond what meant for humans and includes what is needed engage with the future of Ayurveda and contribute to its
for plant and animal health. growth and development. This conclave aims to bring
together students, young practitioners, and researchers to
discuss the latest trends, research, and developments in
Ayurveda and its applications. The GAF Innovation
Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) with the
Conclave will cover a range of topics related to Ayurveda,
intention of discussing issues pertaining to cultivation,
including the use of technology in Ayurvedic practice, and
harvesting and procurement of this natural resource while
the integration of Ayurveda with modern medicine.
addressing issues related to the livelihood of the people
Participants will also discuss the challenges facing
Ayurveda, such as the need for standardization and quality
control, and explore ways to overcome these challenges.
Vision Conclave 2023
This conclave is meant to address the concerns of fresh
2023 Medicinal Plant FPO Meet
graduates about the life after BAMS. It is an assemblage of
One of the most critical constituent of Ayurveda as a visionaries to create a vision for Ayurveda, meant for the
medical system is the availability and quality of medicinal young generation longing to explore and establish. The
plants as raw materials. There are around 900 species of need is to remain rooted in the tradition, explore new
medicinal plants that are used by the AYUSH industry and horizons and then to get established. The young Ayurveda
around 300 of them come under the category of RET (Rare, graduates who carry the scientific knowledge as a torch,
Endangered and Threatened). Another issue that plagues will now have a visible path in front with the vision
the industry is the raw drug sourcing that is largely provided in this Conclave. This will set the future course of
unorganised. GAF therefore felt the need to have an
Ayurveda by equipping young vaidyas.
exclusive meet to interact with Medicinal Plant farmers and
Nov 29-30
2023 Pre Conference Workshops
Workshop on Panchakarma Workshop on Netra
Workshop on Panchakarma is planned to provide (i) a Ayurvedic treatments for different ophthalmic
thorough theoretical and practical coaching for young pathologies called "Netra chikitsa" was burgeoned as a
students and budding practitioners and (ii) an adequate speciality of very great importance in erstwhile Kerala.
support session for the seniors. The resource persons for The rich tradition of Karaliya Netrachikitsa has been
this workshop include established teachers and followed in it's prinstine purity by many renowned
experienced practitioners at the same time. centres across Kerala. The unsullied reputation of this
speciality was acclaimed recently by our beloved Prime
Workshop on Marma
Minister Shri Narendra Modiji in his Man Ki Baat and
The written and oral traditions are rich knowledge
other speeches.
sources for "marma', the unique structural and
The workshop on NETRA is indented to impart an
functional understanding of vital spots in the body.
insight to the theoretical and practical aspects of Netra
There are experts in Kerala and Tamilnadu.,
Kriyakalpas like Sekam Aschodhanam Pindi Bidalam
representing Ayurveda, Siddha and Kalari, who with
Tarpana and Pudapaka. A hands on training on
their use and knowledge about M arma divices
different surgical methods like Lekhana and anushastra
treatments not just for trauma but also for many
methods like Jalukaavacharana will be provided.
common pathologies. This Workshop will bring the best
of all these traditions and it will be an opportunity for
those who want to better their skills as clinicians.
GKAF 2023
Nov 1-30 Grand Kerala Ayurveda Fair
Kerala has preserved and propagated Grand Kerala Ayurveda Fair (GKAF), the
authentic ayurveda with a perennial vigor month-long celebration from Kasaragod Theme
since time immemorial. We cherish the to Thiruvananthapuram planned as a “Live Healthy…
contributions this tiny state has made in
the form of texts with clinically supportive
prelude to GAF, will bring together every
Ayurveda institutions, associations and
Live the
contents, commentaries of classical texts, organizations to highlight the strength and Ayurveda Way”
t r e a t m e n t m e t h o d s a n d e f f e c t i ve excellences to the public. GKAF is
formulations. We balance the purity, intended to be a bridge between this great
antiquity, and contemporaneity of
Ayurveda in practice, research and
tradition of ours and the community,
eagerly waiting for options to better their
production so as to maintain the health or to regain what is lost. It is,
reputation the state always had and to indeed, a show of our strength. 14 DISTRICTS
position our tradition globally more This event is being planned to be the
effectively. longest and the largest one for the cause of
Despite being a small state, Kerala excels Ayurveda and is expected to have the
Every Kerala
at national level in health care delivery. participation of the entire Ayurveda Ayurveda
The quality and reach of infrastructure community. This will prove good for the Institution to
and resources we have - the good facilities stakeholders, the state and the science as
and personnel in governmental and non- such.
governmental sectors, ably imparting
Ayurveda education, service and products
– are truly remarkable.
We expect the stakeholders to - associations, industry representatives, college students,
Ë Support the cause teachers, practitioners, and important citizens of the
Ë Offer their expertise area.
Ë Showcase their institutional legacy, their services and Ø Exhibition –on local health traditions; on great vaidyas
products and institutions of the area; on local plant wealth; on
Ë Participate in organizing various activities listed ayurveda, in general.
below Ø Felicitation of outstanding students and institutions,

Activities senior Ayurveda experts, herb growers and health

Ø Public Awarness Programmes – awareness camps,
Ø Medicinal Plant planting programmes
processions, solidarity meets, cultural events
Ø Health/wellness tourism promotion
Ø Seminar And Workshops
Educate public on the concepts and practice of diet and
GKAF will help the participating stakeholder to
activities suitable for a healthy living; classes on healthy
Ÿ Promote their institution and thus our state and its great
Ayurveda heritage
Ø Specialty Medical camps
Ÿ Prove to the world that we are one strong and committed
to focus areas like autism spectrum disorders,
substance abuse, PCOD & infertility, obesity, diabetes,
fatty liver and skin diseases.The purpose is to promote
and position Ayurveda as a responsible healing system
that plays a proactive role in public health. The focus, as
GAF invites the Ayurveda Community of
is evident, addresses the common and major health
issues that ail our society in this era.
KERALA to join us.
Ø Mobilize the participation of local MLA s , MP s ,
Minister s , local members of prominent Ayurveda
let us create HISTORY together!
Registration Tariff
GAF-Registration fees *
Professional / REST OF THE
Others WORLD

UP To 15 Nov 2023
2500 3000 4000 70 $ 100 $ 200 $
15 Nov 2023 ONWARDS
3000 3500 4500 90 $ 120 $ 250 $
* 18% Tax GST Extra

Registration fee includes access to all main and sub sessions of seminar, access to the exhibition and free
download of books of abstracts, seminar kit ,food coupons for 5 days and entry to cultural programs
SAARC professionals & Rest of the world delegates will have also access to all sessions of International
Conclave, Business Meet and Buyer Seller Meet.
Pre Conference Workshop fees *
Professional / REST OF THE
Others WORLD

3000 4000 5000 75 $ 100 $ 200 $
3000 4000 5000 75 $ 100 $ 200 $
3000 4000 5000 75 $ 100 $ 200 $
* 18% Tax GST Extra
Bulk Registration for students Mode of Payment
Category 1 (10-20 delegates) : 10%
The payments should be made online through payment
Category 2 (21 -50delegates) : 15%
options available in the website In case of
Category 3 (51 and more) : 20% difficulty in making online payment, it can be made through
Members of partner organizations : 10% DD/Bankers Cheque in the name of “Global Ayurveda
Festival” payable at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Exhibition ( Air Conditioned Pavilion)
Account Name : Global Ayurveda Festival
Stall Charges (18% Tax-gst Extra)
Account Number : 67164122719
Stall Size Rate
3x3m, 9sqmt 6500/sqmt 58,500 INR Bank : State Bank of India
Single stall
Mini Pavilion 3 Stalls,27sqmt 6000/sqmt 1,62,000 INR Branch : Vellayambalam Branch,
Pavilion 5 Stalls, 45sqmt 5500/sqmt 2,47,500 INR Thiruvananthapuram-695010
Sponsor Pavilions are reserved only for Sponsors IFSC : SBIN0070308

Note :
Non - Stipend PG Students can avail BAMS Students Fee Structure on production of certificate from the Principal of the institution.
All delegate registrations are without accommodation. Accommodation can be booked online separately at through service
providers at negotiated rates.
For Sponsorship and Partnership
opportunities and privileges please visit

Akhila Kerala Govt.

Central Council for Rashtriya Ayurveda Association of Manufactures Kerala State Govt. Kerala Govt. Ayurveda Ayurveda Teachers
Ayurveda College
Research in Vidyapeeth of Ayurvedic Medicines Ayurveda Medical Ayurveda Medical Promotion Society Association
Adhyapaka Sanghatana
Ayurvedic Sciences Officers Association Officers' Federation

Post Graduate
Students Association

Council for Ayurveda

Students In Kerala
Kerala State Govt Ayurveda Private Ayurveda Medical Private Ayurveda College Kerala Private College All Kerala Private College Jignasa
Specialist Medical Practitioners Association Teachers Organization Teachers’ Association Teachers' Association
Officers Association


Argentina Brazil California Chile Ethiopia France Germany Japan

Japan Japan Serbia Switzerland Switzerland Singapore UAE



Address for communication

CISSA, USRA-146, Udarasiromani Road, Vellayambalam,
Sasthamangalam PO, Thiruvananthapuram-695010,Kerala
Tele : +91471- 2722151,

General Seminar Exhibition Sponsorship

Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
+91 94472 05913 +91 88911 69730, +91 88911 69731 +91 94471 60480 +91 94472 05913,
+91 88911 69728 +91 94482 78900
Student Accommodation : +91 95628 01729

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