The Great Depression

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The Great Depression

Wednesday, October 1, 1969

Hans F. Sennholz

Economic HIstory History Economics

lthough the Great Depression engulfed the
world economy some 40 years ago, it lives
on as a nightmare for individuals old enough to
remember and as a frightening specter in the
textbooks of our youth. Some 13 million
Americans were unemployed, "not wanted" in
the production process. One worker out of every
four was walking the streets in want and despair.
Thousands of banks, hundreds of thousands of
businesses, and millions of farmers fell into
bankruptcy or ceased operations entirely. Nearly
everyone suffered painful losses of wealth and

Many Americans are convinced that the causes

of the Great Depression reflected the breakdown
of an old economic order built on unhampered
markets, unbridled competition, speculation,
property rights, and the profit motive. According
to them, the Great Depression proved the
inevitability of a new order built on government
intervention, political and bureaucratic control,
human rights, and government welfare. Such
persons, under the influence of Keynes, blame
businessmen for precipitating depressions by
their selfish refusal to spend enough money to
maintain or improve the people’s purchasing
power. This is why they advocate vast
governmental expenditures and deficit spending
– resulting in an age of money inflation and
credit expansion.

Classical economists learned a different lesson.

In their view, the Great Depression consisted of
four consecutive depressions rolled into one. The
causes of each phase differed, but the
consequences were all the same: business
stagnation and unemployment.

The Business Cycle

The first phase was a period of boom and bust,
like the business cycles that had plagued the
American economy in 1819-20, 1839-43, 1857-60,
1873-78, 1893-97, and 1920-21. In each case,
government had generated a boom through
easy money and credit, which was soon followed
by the inevitable bust.

The spectacular crash of 1929 followed five years

of reckless credit expansion by the Federal
Reserve System under the Coolidge
Administration. In 1924, after a sharp decline in
business, the Reserve banks suddenly created
some $500 million in new credit, which led to a
bank credit expansion of over $4 billion in less
than one year. While the immediate effects of
this new powerful expansion of the nation’s
money and credit were seemingly beneficial,
initiating a new economic boom and effacing
the 1924 decline, the ultimate outcome was most
disastrous. It was the beginning of a monetary
policy that led to the stock market crash in 1929
and the following depression. In fact, the
expansion of Federal Reserve credit in 1924
constituted what Benjamin Anderson in his
great treatise on recent economic history
(Economics and the Public Welfare, D. Van
Nostrand, 1949) called "the beginning of the New
The Federal Reserve credit expansion in 1924 also
was designed to assist the Bank of England in its
professed desire to maintain prewar exchange
rates. The strong U.S. dollar and the weak British
pound were to be readjusted to prewar
conditions through a policy of inflation in the
U.S. and deflation in Great Britain.

The Federal Reserve System launched a further

burst of inflation in 1927, the result being that
total currency outside banks plus demand and
time deposits in the United States increased
from $44.51 billion at the end of June, 1924, to
$55.17 billion in 1929. The volume of farm and
urban mortgages expanded from $16.8 billion in
1921 to $27.1 billion in 1929. Similar increases
occurred in industrial, financial, and state and
local government indebtedness. This expansion
of money and credit was accompanied by rapidly
rising real estate and stock prices. Prices for
industrial securities, according to Standard &
Poor’s common stock index, rose from 59.4 in
June of 1922 to 195.2 in September of 1929.
Railroad stock climbed from 189.2 to 446.0, while
public utilities rose from 82.0 to 375.

A Series of False Signals

The vast money and credit expansion by the

Coolidge Administration made 1929 inevitable.
Inflation and credit expansion always precipitate
business maladjustments and malinvestments
that must later be liquidated. The expansion
artificially reduces and thus falsifies interest
rates, and thereby misguides businessmen in
their investment decisions. In the belief that
declining rates indicate growing supplies of
capital savings, they embark upon new
production projects. The creation of money gives
rise to an economic boom. It causes prices to
rise, especially prices of capital goods used for
business expansion. But these prices constitute
business costs. They soar until business is no
longer profitable, at which time the decline
begins. In order to prolong the boom, the
monetary authorities may continue to inject new
money until finally frightened by the prospects
of a run-away inflation. The boom that was built
on the quicksand of inflation then comes to a
sudden end.

The ensuing recession is a period of repair and

readjustment. Prices and costs adjust anew to
consumer choices and preferences.

And above all, interest rates readjust to reflect

once more the actual supply of and demand for
genuine savings. Poor business investments are
abandoned or written down. Business costs,
especially labor costs, are reduced through
greater labor productivity and managerial
efficiency, until business can once more be
profitably conducted, capital investments earn
interest, and the market economy function
smoothly again.

After an abortive attempt at stabilization in the

first half of 1928, the Federal Reserve System
finally abandoned its easy money policy at the
beginning of 1929. It sold government securities
and thereby halted the bank credit expansion. It
raised its discount rate to 6 percent in August,
1929. Time-money rates rose to 8 percent,
commercial paper rates to 6 percent, and call
rates to the panic figures of 15 percent and 20
percent. The American economy was beginning
to readjust. In June, 1929, business activity began
to recede. Commodity prices began their retreat
in July.

The security market reached its high on

September 19 and then, under the pressure of
early selling, slowly began to decline. For five
more weeks the public nevertheless bought
heavily on the way down. More than 100 million
shares were traded at the New York Stock
Exchange in September. Finally it dawned upon
more and more stockholders that the trend had
changed. Beginning with October 24, 1929,
thousands stampeded to sell their holdings
immediately and at any price. Avalanches of
selling by the public swamped the ticker tape.
Prices broke spectacularly.
Liquidation and Adjustment

The stock market break signaled the beginning

of a readjustment long overdue. It should have
been an orderly liquidation and adjustment
followed by a normal revival. After all, the
financial structure of business was very strong.
Fixed costs were low as business had refunded a
good many bond issues and had reduced debts
to banks with the proceeds of the sale of stock.
In the following months, most business earnings
made a reasonable showing. Unemployment in
1930 averaged under 4 million, or 7.8 percent of
labor force.

In modern terminology, the American economy

of 1930 had fallen into a mild recession. In the
absence of any new causes for depression, the
following year should have brought recovery as
in previous depressions. In 1921-22 the American
economy recovered fully in less than a year.
What, then, precipitated the abysmal collapse
after 1929? What prevented the price and cost
adjustments and thus led to the second phase of
the Great Depression?

Disintegration of the World Economy

The Hoover Administration opposed any

readjustment. Under the influence of "the new
economics" of government planning, the
President urged businessmen not to cut prices
and reduce wages, but rather to increase capital
outlay, wages, and other spending in order to
maintain purchasing power. He embarked upon
deficit spending and called upon municipalities
to increase their borrowing for more public
works. Through the Farm Board which Hoover
had organized in the autumn of 1929, the Federal
government tried strenuously to uphold the
prices of wheat, cotton, and other farm products.
The GOP tradition was further invoked to curtail
foreign imports.

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act of June, 1930, raised

American tariffs to unprecedented levels, which
practically closed our borders to foreign goods.
According to most economic historians, this was
the crowning folly of the whole period from 1920
to 1933 and the beginning of the real depression.
"Once we raised our tariffs," wrote Benjamin
Anderson, "an irresistible movement all over the
world to raise tariffs and to erect other trade
barriers, including quotas, began. Protectionism
ran wild over the world. Markets were cut off.
Trade lines were narrowed. Unemployment in
the export industries all over the world grew with
great rapidity. Farm prices in the United States
dropped sharply through the whole of 1930, but
the most rapid rate of decline came following the
passage of the tariff bill." When President Hoover
announced he would sign the bill into law,
industrial stocks broke 20 points in one day. The
stock market correctly anticipated the

The protectionists have never learned that

curtailment of imports inevitably hampers
exports. Even if foreign countries do not
immediately retaliate for trade restrictions
injuring them, their foreign purchases are
circumscribed by their ability to sell abroad. This
is why the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act which closed
our borders to foreign products also closed for-
eign markets to our products. American exports
fell from $5.5 billion in 1929 to $1.7 billion in 1932.
American agriculture customarily had exported
over 20 percent of its wheat, 55 percent of its
cotton, 40 percent of its tobacco and lard, and
many other products. When international trade
and commerce were disrupted, American
farming collapsed. In fact, the rapidly growing
trade restrictions, including tariffs, quotas,
foreign exchange controls, and other devices
were generating a world-wide depression.

Agricultural commodity prices, which had been

well above the 1926 base before the crisis,
dropped to a low of 47 in the summer of 1932.
Such prices as $2.50 a hundredweight for hogs,
$3.28 for beef cattle, and 32¢ a bushel for wheat,
plunged hundreds of thousands of farmers into
bankruptcy. Farm mortgages were foreclosed
until various states passed moratoria laws, thus
shifting the bankruptcy to countless creditors.

Rural Banks in Trouble

The main creditors of American farmers were, of

course, the rural banks. When agriculture
collapsed, the banks closed their doors. Some
2,000 banks, with deposit liabilities of over $1.5
billion, suspended between August, 1931, and
February, 1932. Those banks that remained open
were forced to curtail their operations sharply.
They liquidated customers’ loans on securities,
contracted real estate loans, pressed for the
payment of old loans, and refused to make new
ones. Finally, they dumped their most
marketable bond holdings on an already
depressed market. The panic that had engulfed
American agriculture also gripped the banking
system and its millions of customers.

The American banking crisis was aggravated by

a series of events involving Europe. When the
world economy began to disintegrate and
economic nationalism ran rampant, European
debtor countries were cast in precarious
payment situations. Austria and Germany ceased
to make foreign payments and froze large
English and American credits; when England
finally suspended gold payments in September,
1931, the crisis spread to the U.S. The fall in
foreign bond values set off a collapse of the
general bond market, which hit American banks
at their weakest point—their investment

Depression Compounded

1931 was a tragic year. The whole nation, in fact,

the whole world, fell into the cataclysm of
despair and depression. American
unemployment jumped to more than 8 million
and continued to rise. The Hoover
Administration, summarily rejecting the thought
that it had caused the disaster, labored diligently
to place the blame on American businessmen
and speculators. President Hoover called
together the nation’s industrial leaders and
pledged them to adopt his program to maintain
wage rates and expand construction. He sent a
telegram to all the governors, urging cooperative
expansion of all public works programs. He
expanded Federal public works and granted
subsidies to ship construction. And for the
benefit of the suffering farmers, a host of Federal
agencies embarked upon price stabilization
policies that generated ever larger crops and
surpluses which in turn depressed product
prices even further. Economic conditions went
from bad to worse and unemployment in 1932
averaged 12.4 million.
In this dark hour of human want and suffering,
the Federal government struck a final blow. The
Revenue Act of 1932 doubled the income tax, the
sharpest increase in the Federal tax burden in
American history. Exemptions were lowered,
"earned income credit" was eliminated. Normal
tax rates were raised from a range of 1¹/2 to 5
percent to a range of 4 to 8 percent, surtax rates
from 20 percent to a maximum of 55 percent.
Corporation tax rates were boosted from 12
percent to 13¾ and 141/2 percent. Estate taxes
were raised. Gift taxes were imposed with rates
from 3/4 to 331/2 percent. A 10 gasoline tax was
imposed, a 3 percent automobile tax, a telegraph
and telephone tax, a 2¢ check tax, and many
other excise taxes. And, finally, postal rates were
increased substantially.

When state and local governments faced

shrinking revenues, they, too, joined the Federal
government in imposing new levies. The rate
schedules of existing taxes on income and
business were increased and new taxes imposed
on business income, property, sales, tobacco,
liquor, and other products.

Murray Rothbard, in his authoritative work on

America’s Great Depression (Van Nostrand, 1963),
estimates that the fiscal burden of Federal, state,
and local governments nearly doubled during
the period, rising from 16 percent of net private
product to 29 percent. This blow, alone, would
bring any economy to its knees, and shatters the
silly contention that the Great Depression was a
consequence of economic freedom.

The New Deal of NRA and AAA

One of the great attributes of the private-

property market system is its inherent ability to
overcome almost any obstacle. Through price
and cost readjustment, managerial efficiency
and labor productivity, new savings and invest-
ments, the market economy tends to regain its
equilibrium and resume its service to consumers.
It doubtless would have recovered in short order
from the Hoover interventions had there been no
further tampering.

However, when President Franklin Delano

Roosevelt assumed the Presidency, he, too,
fought the economy all the way. In his first 100
days, he swung hard at the profit order. Instead
of clearing away the prosperity barriers erected
by his predecessor, he built new ones of his own.
He struck in every known way at the integrity of
the U.S. dollar through quantitative increases
and qualitative deterioration. He seized the
people’s gold holdings and subsequently
devalued the dollar by 40 percent.
With some third of industrial workers
unemployed, President Roosevelt embarked
upon sweeping industrial reorganization. He
persuaded Congress to pass the National
Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which set up the
National Recovery Administration (NRA). Its
purpose was to get business to regulate itself,
ignoring the antitrust laws and developing fair
codes of prices, wages, hours, and working
conditions. The President’s Re-employment
Agreement called for a minimum wage of 400
an hour ($12 to $15 a week in smaller
communities), a 35-hour work week for industrial
workers and 40 hours for white collar workers,
and a ban on all youth labor.

This was a naive attempt at "increasing

purchasing power" by increasing payrolls. But,
the immense increase in business costs through
shorter hours and higher wage rates worked
naturally as an antirevival measure. After
passage of the Act, unemployment rose to nearly
13 million. The South, especially, suffered severely
from the minimum wage provisions: the Act
forced 500,000 Blacks out of work.

Nor did President Roosevelt ignore the disaster

that had befallen American agriculture. He
attacked the problem by passage of the Farm
Relief and Inflation Act, popularly known as the
First Agricultural Adjustment Act. The objective
was to raise farm income by cutting the acreages
planted or destroying the crops in the field,
paying the farmers not to plant anything, and
organizing marketing agreements to improve
distribution. The program soon covered not only
cotton, but also all basic cereal and meat produc-
tion as well as principal cash crops. The expenses
of the program were to be covered by a new
"processing tax" levied on an already depressed

NRA codes and AAA processing taxes came in

July and August of 1933. Again, economic
production which had flurried briefly before the
deadlines, sharply turned downward. The Federal
Reserve index dropped from 100 in July to 72 in
November of 1933.

Pump-Priming Measures

When the economic planners saw their plans go

wrong, they simply prescribed additional doses
of Federal pump priming. In his January 1934
Budget Message, Mr. Roosevelt promised
expenditures of $10 billion while revenues were
at $3 billion. Yet, the economy failed to revive; the
business index rose to 86 in May of 1934, and
then turned down again to 71 by September.
Furthermore, the spending program caused a
panic in the bond market which cast new doubts
on American money and banking.
Revenue legislation in 1933 sharply raised income
tax rates in the higher brackets and imposed a 5
percent withholding tax on corporate dividends.
Tax rates were raised again in 1934. Federal
estate taxes were brought to the highest levels in
the world. In 1935, Federal estate and income
taxes were raised once more, although the
additional revenue yield was insignificant. The
rates seemed clearly aimed at the redistribution
of wealth.

According to Benjamin Anderson, "the impact of

all these multitudinous measures – industrial,
agricultural, financial, monetary, and other –
upon a bewildered industrial and financial
community was extraordinarily heavy. We must
add the effect of continuing disquieting
utterances by the President. He had castigated
the bankers in his inaugural speech. He had
made a slurring comparison of British and
American bankers in a speech in the summer of
1934… That private enterprise could survive and
rally in the midst of so great a disorder is an
amazing demonstration of the vitality of private

Then came relief from unexpected quarters. The

"nine old men" of the Supreme Court, by
unanimous decision, outlawed NRA in 1935 and
AAA in 1936. The Court maintained that the
Federal legislative power had been
unconstitutionally delegated and states’ rights

These two decisions removed some fearful

handicaps under which the economy was
laboring. NRA, in particular, was a nightmare
with continuously changing rules and
regulations by a host of government bureaus.
Above all, voidance of the act immediately
reduced labor costs and raised productivity as it
permitted labor markets to adjust. The death of
AAA reduced the tax burden of agriculture and
halted the shocking destruction of crops. Unem-
ployment began to decline. In 1935 it dropped to
9.5 million, or 18.4 percent of the labor force, and
in 1936 to only 7.6 million, or 14.5 percent.

A New Deal for Labor

The third phase of the Great Depression was

thus drawing to a close. But there was little time
to rejoice, for the scene was being set for another
collapse in 1937 and a lingering depression that
lasted until the day of Pearl Harbor. More than 10
million Americans were unemployed in 1938, and
more than 9 million in 1939.

The relief granted by the Supreme Court was

merely temporary. The Washington planners
could not leave the economy alone; they had to
earn the support of organized labor, which was
vital for re-election.

The Wagner Act of July 5, 1935, earned the lasting

gratitude of labor. This law revolutionized
American labor relations. It took labor disputes
out of the courts of law and brought them under
a newly created Federal agency, the National
Labor Relations Board, which became
prosecutor, judge, and jury, all in one. Labor
union sympathizers on the Board further
perverted the law that already afforded legal
immunities and privileges to labor unions. The U.
S. thereby abandoned a great achievement of
Western civilization, equality under the law.

The Wagner Act, or National Labor Relations Act,

was passed in reaction to the Supreme Court’s
voidance of NRA and its labor codes. It aimed at
crushing all employer resistance to labor unions.
Anything an employer might do in self-defense
became an "unfair labor practice" punishable by
the Board. The law not only obliged employers to
deal and bargain with the unions designated as
the employees’ representative; later Board
decisions also made it unlawful to resist the
demands of labor union leaders.

Following the election of 1936, the labor unions

began to make ample use of their new powers.
Through threats, boycotts, strikes, seizures of
plants, and outright violence committed in legal
sanctity, they forced millions of workers into
membership. Consequently, labor productivity
declined and wages were forced upward. Labor
strife and disturbance ran wild. Ugly sit down
strikes idled hundreds of plants. In the ensuing
months economic activity began to decline and
unemployment again rose above the ten million

But the Wagner Act was not the only source of

crisis in 1937. President Roosevelt’s shocking at-
tempt at packing the Supreme Court, had it
been successful, would have subordinated the
Judiciary to the Executive. In the U.S. Congress
the President’s power was unchallenged. Heavy
Democratic majorities in both houses, perplexed
and frightened by the Great Depression, blindly
followed their leader. But when the President
strove to assume control over the Judiciary, the
American nation rallied against him, and he lost
his first political fight in the halls of Congress.

There was also his attempt at controlling the

stock market through an ever-increasing num-
ber of regulations and investigations by the
Securities and Exchange Commission. "Insider"
trading was barred, high and inflexible margin
requirements imposed and short selling
restricted, mainly to prevent repetition of the
1929 stock market crash. Nevertheless the
market fell nearly 50 percent from August of 1937
to March of 1938. The American economy again
underwent dreadful punishment.

Other Taxes and Controls

Yet other factors contributed to this new and

fastest slump in U.S. history. The Undistributed
Profits Tax of 1936 struck a heavy blow at profits
retained for use in business. Not content with
destroying the wealth of the rich through
confiscatory income and estate taxation, the
administration meant to force the distribution of
corporate savings as dividends subject to the
high income tax rates. Though the top rate finally
imposed on undistributed profits was "only" 27
percent, the new tax succeeded in diverting
corporate savings from employment and
production to dividend income.

Amidst the new stagnation and unemployment,

the President and Congress adopted yet another
dangerous piece of New Deal legislation: the
Wages and Hours Act or Fair Labor Standards
Act of 1938. The law raised minimum wages and
reduced the work week in stages to 44, 42, and
40 hours. It provided for time-and-a-half pay for
all work over 40 hours per week and regulated
other labor conditions. Again, the Federal
government thus reduced labor productivity and
increased labor costs—ample grounds for further
depression and unemployment.

Throughout this period, the Federal government,

through its monetary arm, the Federal Reserve
System, endeavored to re-inflate the economy.
Monetary expansion from 1934 to 1941 reached
astonishing proportions. The monetary gold of
Europe sought refuge from the gathering clouds
of political upheaval, boosting American bank
reserves to unaccustomed levels. Reserve
balances rose from $2.9 billion in January, 1934,
to $14.4 billion in January of 1941. And with this
growth of member bank reserves, interest rates
declined to fantastically low levels. Commercial
paper often yielded less than 1 percent, bankers’
acceptances from ¹/8 percent to 1/4 percent.
Treasury bill rates fell to 1/10 of 1 percent and
Treasury bonds to some 2 percent. Call loans
were pegged at 1 percent and prime customers’
loans at 1¹/2 percent. The money market was
flooded and interest rates could hardly go lower.

Deep-Rooted Causes

The American economy simply could not recover

from these successive onslaughts by first the Re-
publican and then the Democratic
Administrations. Individual enterprise, the
mainspring of unprecedented income and
wealth, didn’t have a chance.

The calamity of the Great Depression finally gave

way to the holocaust of World War II. When more
than 10 million able-bodied men had been
drafted into the armed services, unemployment
ceased to be an economic problem. And when
the purchasing power of the dollar had been cut
in half through vast budget deficits and currency
inflation, American business managed to adjust
to the oppressive costs of the Hoover-Roosevelt
Deals. The radical inflation in fact reduced the
real costs of labor and thus generated new
employment in the postwar period.

Nothing would be more foolish than to single

out the men who led us in those baleful years
and condemn them for all the evil that befell us.
The ultimate roots of the Great Depression were
growing in the hearts and minds of the
American people. It is true, they abhorred the
painful symptoms of the great dilemma. But the
large majority favored and voted for the very
policies that made the disaster inevitable:
inflation and credit expansion, protective tariffs,
labor laws that raised wages and farm laws that
raised prices, ever higher taxes on the rich and
distribution of their wealth. The seeds for the
Great Depression were sown by scholars and
teachers during the 1920s and earlier when social
and economic ideologies that were hostile
toward our traditional order of private property
and individual enterprise conquered our colleges
and universities. The professors of earlier years
were as guilty as the political leaders of the

Social and economic decline is facilitated by

moral decay. Surely, the Great Depression would
be inconceivable without the growth of
covetousness and envy of great personal wealth
and income, the mounting desire for public
assistance and favors. It would be inconceivable
without an ominous decline of individual
independence and self-reliance, and above all,
the burning desire to be free from man’s
bondage and to be responsible to God alone.

Can it happen again? Inexorable economic law

ascertains that it must happen again whenever
we repeat the dreadful errors that generated the
Great Depression.

Mob Mind in 1928-29

After the crash in 1929, a speech was made

before the Chamber of Commerce of the State of
New York to explain what had happened, which
discussed, among other things, the phenomena
of mob mind which had been so manifest in the
year and a half that had preceded the crash. The
speaker made the generalization, familiar to
social psychologists, that the more intense the
craze, the higher the type of intellect that
succumbs to it.

1 Million
Henry Hazlitt's
primer is more
relevant than

Check it

Hans F. Sennholz
Hans F. Sennholz (1922-
2007) was Ludwig von
Mises' first PhD student
in the United States. He taught
economics at Grove City College,
1956–1992, having been hired as
department chair upon arrival. After
he retired, he became president of
the Foundation for Economic
Education, 1992–1997.

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