What Is RBTI?: F Il (I S I) e - L I I
What Is RBTI?: F Il (I S I) e - L I I
What Is RBTI?: F Il (I S I) e - L I I
• What type of vitamins and enzymes to use and which to avoid; Can one bring their urine and saliva
when and why;
RBTI is the abbreviated term for Reams Biological Theory of • What type of ancillary therapy (colonies, exercise, rest, sample from home?
Ionization. RBTI is a working explanation about the fundamental sunlight, chiropractics. etc.) to use and which to avoid, Once a sample of urine is voided, there is only a small
ionic energy composition and function of biological life. when and why. window of time during which the tests can be performed
This theory was discovered, developed and proven through and still be accurate. Thus, it is not recommended that one
the unique work of agronomist, biochemist and mathematician, Is RBTI used to treat illness? bring their urine and saliva samples from home.
Dr. Carey A. Reams, beginning in the 1930s. RBTI is not for diagnosing or treating medical illness - you may
consult a licensed medical doctor for that. The purpose of RBTI What type of programwill the RBTI
What is RBTI testing? is to analyze and identify previously unrecognized electro- analystrecommend?
RBTI testing is a non-invasive seven-part test completed on biochemical dysfunctions taking place within the human body,
fresh samples of urine and saliva. There are six tests done All programs are unique and individualized because no
thereby allowing the creation of a perfect set of personal life- two people will have the same test results. All programs
on the urine sample: total carbohydrate, pH, conductivity, cell
debris, nitrate nitrogen & ammonia nitrogen. There is one test style recommendations that will address and reverse those do contain recommendations that may touch all aspects of
done on the saliva sample, which is the pH. unrecognized dysfunctional patterns. RBTI, when correctly each person's life-style. What is a life-style? A life-style
applied, offers the highest potential for perfect health. involves every aspect of ones living habits, and can best
~-------~ The test results, when
representing perfect health, be described as comprising:
Gender, Age, Height, Weight would look like the numbers How often shouldone be tested? all that you eat, breath,
in the figure to the left. This depends on the analysis of the test pH ("acid" or Conductivity ("salt" number)
drink, think and do.
6 40 3 Note: To be valid, the test results. If the analysis reveals severe
"alkallne"numbers) ~ell Debris ('M' number)
Remember, wellness involves
, -v
NO 3= nitrate
1.5 -·- 6-7C .04M results must be accompanied Carbohydrate
6.40 3 dysfunctional patterns you may have to ("sugar" number) rogen
more than food and drink,
by gender, age height and ~ 6.40 \
.__ ___, weight of the individual. return for more frequent reevaluations, .
urme pH ~6.~
---1.5/- 6-7C .~M - ~Urea ("protein"
3 __ r: number) since true wellness involves
even as often as once or twice per week. saliva pH -
wholeness, even one's state
~ NH 4 =ammonia
How long will it take to run the tests? If the analysis reveals a need for a ( n 0
Energy ut
nitrogen of mind.
general tune-up, only, indicating minor
It will usually take between 1 Oto 15 minutes to run the seven changes, then one may not be scheduled to return for several
tests. Running the tests is not what takes the time. What
takes the time and expertise is interpreting the test data, weeks after implementing their personal program. The deter- Are there any special instructions one
followed with establishing individualized recommendations mination for how frequently one is analyzed depends totally on
the information the test reveals-that being unique for
needs before they submit a urine and
and providing a detailed explanation to the client. Be sure to
ask questions for clarity! each individual. saliva sample for testing?
Why is the RBTI analysisso valuable? Can a person do some of the Yes, there are important instructions that need to be
followed to assure the tests are accurate. Make sure that
It is a true real-time mathematical analysis of what is taking tests at home? you have had nothing to eat 90 minutes before giving your
place within the electro-biochemical structure of the human It is certainly possible that your RBTI analyst may have you do tests urine and saliva samples. Avoid all gum, candy or breath
body. It reveals the intricate cause and effect of the at home in between the testing they do. For example, your RBTI mints in your mouth 90 minutes before obtaining your saliva
physiological dysfunctional patterns demonstrated through analyst may have you keep a pH diary, at home, to help establish sample. Avoid driving long distances to the destination where
the urine and saliva analysis.The individual, being analyzed, how much your pH is fluctuating during the day or night. Your you are being tested. If you need to travel any extensive
may or may not be aware of the dysfunction. More importantly, analyst will supply you with the necessary pH test strips and (more than nearby) distance before being tested, go the day
the RBTI analysis will reveal a perfect life-style program each instructions. It is also possible that your analyst may have you do before and stay in a motel so that you are rested. Holding
individual must follow to reverse the dysfunctional patterns urine carbohydrate testing, at home, using a refractometer. Although urine in the bladder for too long can affect the tests accuracy,
that RBTI has disclosed. this is less common than the home pH testing, nevertheless, it is as well. Do not change your life-style routine before being
a test that can be done by you to help the analyst determine the tested. For example, if you take food supplements, continue
For example, the analysis reveals: best recommendations. to take them. If you take medications, continue to take them.
• How much water to consume, when and why; In other words, adhere to your regular patterns of lifestyle,
• What juices, teas and herbs to use and which to avoid, Do RBTI analystsuse other tests? including all eating, drinking and exercising etc. before being
when and why; The RBTI test, as stated earlier, consists of seven noninvasive tested. Do not fast before being tested. Eat your regular meals
• What foods to use along with how they are to be prepared, tests done on a fresh sample of urine and saliva. There are no at the regular times, as you are accustomed. The purpose of
when and why; other tests that are done on the urine and saliva samples. Blood these instructions is to make sure that your body is under
• What foods to eliminate or avoid, when and why; testing is not a part of the RBTI tests. It is very common, however, its typical daily lifestyle load and routine, reflecting all causes
• What type of mineral supplements to use and which to avoid, to have all your vital signs, such as blood pressure.temperature, and their effects, for better or worse, to be revealed in the
when and why; test analysis.
How long will one be on the Aboutthe Authors:
RBTI program?
The RBTI program addresses a "whole" life-style. It is
not just a quick fix. The cause of all the dysfunctional
and degenerative patterns, that the RBTI analysis reveals, Ream's Biological Theory
is a result of life-style habits causing the body to miss
receiving vital food mineral energy and thus deplete its of Ionization
reserve-mineral energy too fast. In other words, the
body is aging too rapidly. However, the body is able,
with proper care and feeding, to reverse these health- Dr. Alexander (Sande) Beddoe was trained as
destroying dysfunctions from taking place, through the a dentist and practiced conventional dentistry until
proper application of RBTI principles and techniques. meeting Dr. Carey Reams in the mid 1970's. As Dr.
However, if one does not continue to follow their RBTI Beddoe studied with Dr. Reams, he developed a much
recommendations on an ongoing basis, the probability greater understanding of the biophysical relationships
of the dysfunctional chemistry, continuing or reoccurring, between nutrients and human physiology as well as the
is very real. It is up to the individual how important it physiology of plants and animals. From that point on,
is to live and be well. until Dr. Reams death in 1985, Dr. Beddoe worked closely
with Dr. Reams as a trusted colleague and educator,
What if one does not returnfor helping others to understand the principles of the Reams
Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI). Today, Dr. Beddoe
follow-up tests? continues to teach RBTI principles and practice, and
It is vital that one follows their analyst's recommen- provides support to others who carry on the work of
dations for retesting. The analysis reveals how closely Dr. Carey Reams through the Advanced Ideals Institute.
the chemistry must be monitored for the best results.
One set of recommendations from one test will not
reverse a life time of dysfunction. Getting one analysis
and program recommendation, without the proper
follow-up, is absolutely not recommended. The only
way RBTI will acccomplish health and wellness is with
commitment, cooperation and follow-through of the
individual with the health professional.
James W. Daily, Jr. was an electronics engineer
for many years, but always had a deep interest in
scientific farming and nutrition. His interests in electronics
and nutrition found a commonality in the teaching of
Dr. Reams, through whom he learned how nutrients
I are used to potentiate the energy of the body. Initially,
Mr. Daily taught and practiced RBTI principles as a
"Reams Tester", but realized the need for a higher
Who was Dr. Carey Reams? quality, affordable, Min-Col (a key supplement in the
Dr. Carey Reams was a scientist whose research RBTI program) and he developed a process for producing
spanned the fields of agriculture and human health. a very high quality Min-Col that was enthusiastically
"Doc" Reams was born in Florida near the turn of the
century and spent much of his life as a research scientist.
endorsed by Dr. Reams. Eventually, Daily Manufacturing
was formed to produce all of the "Reams" supplements. AppliedScience
One of his greatest achievements was the development
of the "Reams Biological Theory of lonization"(RBTI) for Healthy Living
which unified plant and animal biochemistry and
biophysics. A beloved teacher and healer, "Doc" Reams
was a mentor to many physicians, agronomists and
allied health professionals who have utilized the * "This brochure is for information only about RBTI Dr. AlexanderBeddoe
principles he taught to enhance the lives of countless
people throuchout the world.
and is not an endorsement or warranty of the expertise James W. Daily, Jr.