Undergrad Thesis Guidelines Rev 2015
Undergrad Thesis Guidelines Rev 2015
Undergrad Thesis Guidelines Rev 2015
and submit the same to the designated faculty Sections of the manuscript. The thesis manuscript
adviser. If necessary, the chair can hold a pre-defense consists of the following, in proper sequence: title
meeting with the panel members to deliberate on a page, approval page, abstract, acknowledgments (if
decision solely based on the submitted manuscript. any), table of contents, list of figures, list of tables,
chapters one through five (described below),
External readers. If and when necessary, especially references, and appendices. For the thesis proposal, a
in the event that no content expert is available in the budget and a schedule of activities (Gantt chart)
University, or an external expert cannot attend the should also be submitted. Details for each section
proposal hearing or oral defense, the manuscript may follow below.
be sent to external readers who will grade the
student’s work solely based on the submitted The title of the thesis should not contain words like
manuscript. External readers must be connected to a analysis, determination, etc., and should not define
higher education institution and understand the rigor the methodology (e.g., by Atomic Absorption
of academic writing. Preferably, these readers should Spectroscopy) nor the scope and limitation (e.g., in
come from universities at par with USC, i.e., a CHED two selected areas). Instead, it should succinctly
Center of Excellence, or at least must offer a graduate represent or reflect the research problem and/or the
program in chemistry. Readers are given one to two solution to that problem. A sample template for the
weeks to review the thesis manuscript and return title page, including spacing from the top and
their report to the chair of the thesis panel. bottom of the paper, is attached in Annex 1.
Communications between the reader and the panel
can be facilitated by the department coordinator for The approval page must be signed by the adviser,
research or the Chair of the Department. panel members, Chair of the Department (for the
thesis proposal), and for the final manuscript, the
General guidelines in writing the thesis Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (Annex
The thesis manuscript should be able to stand on its
own, given that a pre-defense hearing may be held or Chapter headings are underscored, e.g., Statement
an external reader may be consulted. It is therefore of the Problem, not indented, and should not be
essential that the manuscript must conform to numbered for the undergraduate thesis. (Different
standards of academic writing and withstand the guidelines are employed for a graduate thesis.)
rigors of critical examination. While there is no Subheadings must be italicized, indented 0.5 in,
substitute to the integrity of the data, results, and their and separated by a full stop from the body of the
interpretation, the format of the thesis manuscript text which follows on the same line (Annex 3).
plays an essential role in the examination of the
research work. Chapter One is the INTRODUCTION and consists
of the Rationale of the Study, Statement of the
Formatting. The thesis should be written on letter- Problem, Significance of the Study, and Scope and
sized (8½ in x 11 in) paper with the following Limitations. The Rationale of the Study should
margins: top, bottom, and right = 1 in; left = 1.5 in. include text citations of previous studies, as
Times New Roman, 12 pt, should be used as font applicable, and should logically present an
throughout the manuscript, including titles, headings, argument why the study is conducted. The main
and captions. Paragraphs for the body text should be Statement of the Problem must concisely define the
double-spaced and fully justified, with the first line research problem. It should not include the date,
indented by 0.5 in (see separate section for Figures duration, or location of the study. It must use action
and tables). There should be no space before or after and object statements. Specific objectives or sub-
the paragraph; care must be taken to observe this problems must not use the same verbs in the main
especially since there is a default setting in MS Word statement; instead more specific verbs must be
adding 10 pt space after a paragraph. Chapter used in defining the sub-problems. Significance of
numbers are written in full with each beginning letter the Study outlines who the beneficiaries of the
capitalized, e.g., Chapter One, while chapter titles, study are. It should define what the benefit is and
e.g., INTRODUCTION, should be written in for which particular sectors will the benefit apply.
uppercase letters and centered, but not underscored or Scope and Limitations will define the duration,
in bold. Specific parts of the thesis manuscript or including dates of sample collection if necessary,
proposal, in their proper sequence, are defined in the and location(s) of the study. A summary of the
succeeding sections. methodology, including sampling size and
frequency, may be included here highlighting the
Page 3
strategy and techniques that will be employed to Chapter Five comprises of the SUMMARY,
solve the research problem. On the other hand, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS.
limitations of the study summarize methodology The Summary describes the study and method
that can help solve the problem but will not be used, along with the findings of the research. The
carried out in the current study. Limitations should findings should answer the specific objectives of
be stated but not necessarily justified, e.g., why one the study, while the Conclusion should answer the
method is preferred over others, or what main statement of the problem. Recommendations
parameters were excluded. should include how results from the present study
can be utilized. Suggestions for further studies may
Chapter Two comprises the REVIEW OF also be given here.
RELATED LITERATURE. This section should
not be a discussion of the theoretical background of References. The list of references in the final thesis
the study, e.g., there is no need to discuss the manuscript should only include those cited in the
concept behind atomic absorption spectroscopy or text, and not the complete bibliography used for the
phytochemical analysis. Instead, it should include research manuscript. The thesis proposal, on the other
related or alternative studies that deal with the hand, may include a full working bibliography.
research problem and rationalize why, for example, Citations in the text should follow the (author, year)
one method or analysis is preferred over others. format while the list of references should follow the
Preferably, primary sources, i.e., journal articles, ACS Style Guide. An en dash should be used to
should be cited here. This chapter may include a separate page numbers, as shown below. Correct
section on Related Studies, which should review journal abbreviations may be obtained from ISI or
related unpublished theses in the department or Scopus databases. Examples below illustrate proper
elsewhere in the University. referencing of journal articles according to the style
Chapter Three covers the RESEARCH
METHODOLOGY used. It should describe, as Two authors:
applicable, the description of the sample, the Sheldrick, B.; Mackie, W. Magnesium galactarate
sampling sites, sampling protocol (collection and dihydrate. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. C. 1989, 45, 1072–
preparation), separation techniques, figures of 1073.
Citation in text: (Sheldrick and Mackie, 1989) or
merit, synthetic methodology, characterization Sheldrick and Mackie (1989)
techniques, data verification, and statistical
treatment. Materials and preparation of stock and More than two authors:
standard solutions should not be included here and Thompson, J. S.; Marks, T. J.; Ibers, J. A. Blue copper
should instead be reported as an appendix. proteins: Synthesis, spectra, and structures of CuIN3(SR)
and CuIIN3(SR) active site analogues. Proc. Natl. Acad.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION are presented in Sci. U.S.A. 1977, 74(8), 3114–3118.
Chapter Four. Data and results must be presented Citation in text: (Thompson et al., 1977) or Thompson et
al. (1977)
in narrative form conforming to the standards of
scholarly writing, with the aid of tables and figures More than five authors:
for clarity. The same data set should not be Buagas, D. J. B.; Megraso, C. C. F.; Namata, J. D. O.;
presented in both table and figure forms; instead Lim, P. J. Y.; Gatus, K. P. et al. Tracking quicksilver:
the format that gives better clarity should be estimation of mercury waste from consumer products
preferred over the other. Discussion should directly and subsequent verification by analysis of soil, water,
follow the results presented and should be sediment, and plant samples from the Cebu City,
substantiated with arguments from the literature. Philippines, landfill. Environ. Monit. Assess. 2015,
Care should be taken not to refer to the figure or 187(3), 138–149.
Citation in text: (Buagas et al., 2015) or Buagas et al.
table as the subject of the sentence, e.g., (2015)
Incorrect: Figure 3 shows the variation of lead
in sediment during the two collection periods. Figures and tables. Figures and tables cannot
instead, the result or pertinent data should be the substitute for a good narrative discussion of the
subject, e.g., results and should only be used to enhance the
Correct: Variation of lead concentrations in presentation of the data. The same set of data must
sediment from the two collection periods is not be presented in both figure and table forms,
presented in Figure 3. instead one format should be preferentially used.
Figures and tables must be cited in the text. All
figures and tables should be labeled properly. Figure
Page 4
captions and table titles should be written in Times results obtained from the study and pertinent
New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced, and may be discussion of the results, supported by an appropriate
centered or left justified. Table titles should be found literature review. A brief summary of the findings, a
on top for tables, while figure captions should be conclusion outlining the answers to the problem, and
placed below the graphics. Tables and figures should recommendations complete the presentation.
be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript.
For formulas especially when found in superscripts, The faculty adviser is responsible for editing the draft
an en dash (–) should be used instead of an ordinary and final manuscripts, and should distribute to the
dash (-), e.g., correct SO42– vs. incorrect SO42-. panel members copies of the manuscript to be
defended. The adviser should also rehearse with the
Guidelines for the proposal hearing student the presentation of the results, and should
suggest strategies to improve the flow and content of
Students should submit to the Chem 191 professor the oral delivery.
three copies of the final draft of the manuscript at
least one week before the scheduled proposal Panel members will query the student on the results
hearing. The professor is responsible for distributing and interpretation of data. They will examine the
the manuscripts to the adviser and panelists, and for results whether or not these have provided sufficient
scheduling the proposal hearing. answers to the problem of the study. The examination
may include areas not necessarily discussed in the
The faculty adviser must ensure that the manuscript oral presentation but is otherwise covered in the
is properly edited and can withstand examination on written manuscript. The chair of the panel will collate
its own merits, without the benefit of the oral the major points in the deliberations and summarize
presentation. The adviser is also responsible for the necessary revisions that the student must make
rehearsing with the student the flow of the before the manuscript is accepted.
presentation. If the student is working within a
research group, it is advisable that the student’s co- In consultation with the adviser, the student revises
researchers be present during the rehearsal and actual the manuscript as recommended by the panel. In
proposal hearing. cases where the researcher believes his or her own
interpretation is correct, he or she may refute the
Students should prepare PowerPoint slides and panel’s recommendation with a comprehensive
present within 20 min the rationale, research problem discussion substantiated by literature reports. The
and specific objectives, and proposed methodology of adviser is responsible for copyediting the student’s
the study, along with the budgetary requirement and work.
schedule of activities. Panelists will ask questions
primarily on the problem and methodology, but may Upon acceptance by the panel, both members and the
inquire about chemical principles in general. The adviser should affix their signatures on an approval
adviser must desist from answering questions as page (Annex 2), prior to signing by the Chair of the
much as possible. The entire proposal hearing should Department and the Dean of the College. The student
be completed within one hour. submits three hard-bound copies of the thesis (one
each for the Science library, the Department of
Proposal hearings may be open to a department or Chemistry library, and the adviser) before the final
inter-department audience, as applicable. grade for Chem 194 is released and clearance for
graduation is signed. The student may choose to bind
Guidelines for the oral defense and thesis submission a fourth copy (or more) for personal use. Binding
must be book-type, with navy blue front and back
The oral defense is intended to examine the student’s covers and gold-colored lettering (refer to appropriate
preparedness in presenting scientific results to an examples in the department library). The front cover
expert panel, and not necessarily to examine the reflects the title page of the thesis, while the spine of
results of the study; the latter can be conducted on the the book should carry the student’s family name and
basis of the manuscript itself. initials, the name of the University, and the month
and year submitted.
The student should submit the final manuscript to the
faculty adviser at least one week prior to the
scheduled defense. The student must prepare a 20–25
min PowerPoint presentation covering a summary of
the rationale and the research problem, along with the
ANNEX 1. Sample of title page
An Undergraduate Thesis
In Partial Fulfillment
March 2005
Page 6
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
A fabricated flow injection analyzer was used in this study. This was equipped
with two five-channel peristaltic pumps, six-port-two-way injection valve, and a dual-
beam multi-wavelength detector based on light emitting diodes and photodiodes. The set-
Peristaltic pumps. The peristaltic pumps were equipped with snap-in tube
cassettes which facilitate convenient change of pump tidings and thus flow rates. Pump
tubes with three color coded stoppers were used in conjunction with these tube cassettes
which was a convenient way of doubling the tube service life by using the same tube
twice. Each pump operation can be changed, independent of the others during pump
operation, or changed over a set to a different delivery rate. The stoppers act as tube
retainer without changing the diameter of the tubes while ensuring constant elongation.