Thesis Guideline MMSP
Thesis Guideline MMSP
Thesis Guideline MMSP
A thesis in general is divided into three parts, namely the Introduction, body and conclusion
parts. The following is an explanation for each section.
1. Initial Section
The initial section consists of the front cover page, title page, endorsement page, foreword,
table of contents, list of tables, list of images, list of attachments, and abstract.
1.5 Foreword
The foreword contains a brief description of the purpose of writing the thesis, an explanation of
the obstacles/lack of limitations, and thanks to Allah SWT for the completion of the thesis and
thanks to various parties who have played a role in completing the thesis. The preface should
not contain negative words.
1.7 List of Tables
If there are more than two tables in the thesis, it is necessary to make a list of tables containing
the table titles and page numbers. The table title must be the same as the table title contained
in the text. Table titles that require more than one line are single-spaced. Between the title of
the table with one another is spaced two spaces.
1.10 Abstract
It is a brief description of the research, mainly containing the problems, objectives, research
methods, results, and conclusions. No more than one page in length (range 200 to 250 words)
and single-spaced. Abstracts are made to make it easier for readers to quickly understand the
contents of the thesis to decide whether to read further or not.
2. Main Part
The main part consists of Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methods, Research Results,
Discussion and Closing Part which consists of conclusions, implications, limitations and
suggestions for further research.
f. Writing format
All of the above items have been discussed in the proposal. There is no difference between all
of the items in the proposal and in the thesis. Even if there is, perhaps the discussion in the
thesis more focused. Additional to this chapter is the scope of discussion and systematic
writing. The scope explains the limitations of the variables used in the research and the
setting/context of the research. The systematics of writing contains details of the chapters and
sub-chapters in the thesis, making it easier for the reader to know in general the parts in the
tools that have been determined previously, the results can be displayed in the form of tables
and graphs. Then interpretation or discussion of the results obtained, in the form of theoretical
explanations both quantitatively and qualitatively. The research results obtained are also
compared with the results of previous similar studies. Discussion of research results, in the
form of theoretical explanations, either quantitatively, qualitatively, or statistically or also
research results can be compared with the results of previous similar studies. If there are
research results that are somewhat different from previous research, a discussion or logical
justification should be made as to why this can happen.
a. Conclusion
Based on the conclusions made, the researcher can make references to several previous studies
whether the results of these studies support or reject the research results. It can also be in the
form of a brief proof of the weakness of the hypothesis (if any). The conclusion is the summary
of the research findings.
b. Implication
The research implications are related to how to take advantage of research results. It can be in
the form of how the research findings benefit the management of a corporation.
c. Research Limitations
It is part of the concluding chapter that presents the weaknesses that the researcher is aware of
that may affect the study results. This research limitation is also related to several constraints
faced by the researchers.
3. Final part of Thesis
The final part consists of a list of references and appendices
1. Sources cited in the description/text must be written in full in the List of references. On the
other hand, sources listed in the list of references must be cited in the text as citations.
2. The author's name is written with the surname/last name first, except for the Chinese,
Japanese, Korean names, because the surname is already at the beginning.
Name: Kwik Kian Gie. Writing: Gie, Kwik Kian.
Name: Heribertus Andi Mattalata. Writing: Mattalata, Heribertus Andi.
Name: Joyce Elliot-Spencer. Author: Elliot-Spencer, Joyce.
Name: Anthony T. Boyle, PhD. Writing: Boyle, Anthony T.
Name: Sir Philip Sydney. Writing: Sydney, Philip.
Name: Arthur George Rust Jr. Writing: Rust, Arthur George, Jr.
Name: John D Rockfeller IV. Writing: Rockfeller, John. D., IV
3. Noble, academic, and religious titles need not be written.
4. If there is no author's name, the title of the work is written as the main theme.
5. In the APA format (this format is in Microsoft Word), the first letter of the title of the work
or additional titles is written in capital letters.
6. The second line of each source is written with a distance of 7 taps spaces from the left
margin of the first line with 1.5 spaces between lines.
7. The list is sorted alphabetically by surnam or last name with 1.5 spaces.
a. Single author
• Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education. Philadelphia: Balliere
c. No author's name
• Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam
d. Not the first edition
• Mitchell, T.R., & Larson, J.R. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction to
organizational behavior (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
g. Translation
• Kotler, Philip. (1997). Marketing management: Analysis, planning, implementation
(Hendra Teguh & Ronny Antonius Rusli, Translators). Jakarta: Prenhallindo.
i. Articles/terms in reference books
• Schneider, I. (1989). Bandicoots. In Grzimek's encyclopedia of mammals (vol.1, pp. 300-
304). New York: McGraw-Hill.
a. Journal Articles
• Almudhaf, F. (2017). Speculative bubbles and irrational exuberance in African stock
markets. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 13, 28–32.
• Clark, L.A., Kochanska, G., & Ready, R. (2000). Mothers' personality and its interaction
with child temperament as predictors of parenting behavior. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 79, 274-285.
• Jagannathan, M., & Pritchard, A. C. (2017). Do Delaware CEOs get fired? Journal of
Banking and Finance, 74, 85–101.
• Peck, F., Jackson, K., & Mulvey, G. (2018). Regulation and growth-oriented small
businesses in North-West England. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise
Development, 25(2), 294–312.
b. Magazine Articles
• Greenberg, G. (2001, August 13). As good as dead: Is there really such a thing as brain
death? New Yorkers, 36-41.
c. Newspaper articles
• Crossette, Barbara. (1990, January 23). India lodges first charges in arms Scandal. New
York Times, A4.
e. Book reviews in journals
• Grabill, C. M., & Kaslow, N. J. (1999). Announce of prevention: Improving children's
mental health for the 21st century [Review of the book Handbook of prevention and
treatment with children and adolescents]. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 28, 115
• White, Donna. (1992, December 25). Personal interviews.
b. Videotape/VCD
• National Geographic Society (Producer). (1987). In the shadow of Vesuvius. [Videotape].
Washington, DC: National Geographic Society.
c. Audio Cassette
• McFerrin, Bobby (Vocalist). (1990). Medicine music [Audio Recording]. Hollywood, CA:
d. Computer Software
• Arend, Dominic N. (1993). Choices (Version 4.0) [Computer software]. Champaign, IL:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research Laboratory. (CERL Report No.CH7-22510)
a. Complete Work
• McNeese, M.N. (2001). Using technology in educational settings. October 13, 2001.
University of Southern Mississippi, Educational Leadership and Research.
b. Articles from online database
• Senior, B. (1997, September). Team roles and team performance: Is there really a link?
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 241-258. June 6, 2001.
ABI/INFORM Global (Proquest) database.
d. Institutional documents
• NAACP (1999, February 25). NAACP calls for Presidential order to halt police brutality
crisis. June 3, 2001.
g. E-mail
• Wilson, R.W. (1999, March 24). Pennsylvania reporting data. Child Maltreatment
Research. March 30, 1999. [email protected]
• Ziegler, H. (1992). Aldehyde. The Software Toolworks multimedia encyclopedia (CDROM
version 1.5). Boston: Grolier. January 19, 1999. Software Toolworks.
• Nickell, Stephen J. (August 1996). Competition and corporate performance. The Journal
of Political Economy, 104(4), 724-747. December 15, 2003. Proquest Database (CD-