API 610 Major Changes From 5th Through 10th Editions 3
API 610 Major Changes From 5th Through 10th Editions 3
API 610 Major Changes From 5th Through 10th Editions 3
Critical Speed 10% greater than 20% greater than 20% greater than operating Overhung pumps No change.
operating speed operating speed. speed . 20% above operating speed.
Critical speed analysis for Critical speed analysis for No analysis required.
multistage pumps was a multistage pumps was a Between bearing
purchaser specified option purchaser specified option No analysis required if rotor is
classically stiff or identical/
similar to existing pump.
Vertically suspended pumps
20% above operating speed.
Analysis when specified
Nozzle Loads NEMA MG 1, based on X,Y,Z component values Basically the same nozzle Essentially same as 7th. Axes No change. App. F is now Annex
steam turbines. No specified. Guidance to loads as 6th. Guidance to changed to conform to ISO F.
guidance for piping piping designer given in piping designer given in requirements.Guidance to
designer. Appendix C. Appendix F. piping designer given in
Appendix F.
Thrust Antifriction thrust Duplex angular contact Duplex angular contact thrust Duplex angular contact thrust No change.
Bearings bearing type not thrust bearings with light bearings required. Preload bearings required. Preload
specified preload required determined by pump mfr. to determined by pump mfr. to
suit service requirements suit service requirements
Bearing Bearing must be directly No change except bearing
Mounting mounted on shaft. No bearing carriers are now allowed “if
carriers allowed. Positive approved by purchaser.”
locating device required - snap
rings or spring type washers
are not acceptable
Bearing Sleeve bearings • Sleeve bearings required • Sleeve bearings required at • Sleeve bearings required at No change.
Guidelines required at at DxN>300,000 DxN>300,000 d m XN>500,000
DxN>300,000 • Hydrodynamic thrust • Hydrodynamic thrust • Hydrodynamic thrust bearing
Hydrodynamic thrust bearing required if NP x bearing required if NP x required if HP x RPM>5.4
bearing required if NP x RPM>2.7 million RPM>2.7 million million
RPM>2.7 million
Oil No requirement No Requirement No Requirement Oil sump temperature rise on No change.
Temperature test limited to 70oF for ring oil Where “frame cooling” is
on Test systems, 50oF for pressurized required, “cooling coil” method
lube systems preferred to “cooling jacket”.
Bearing Steel required for Steel required for flammable Steel required for flammable or No change.
housings flammable or toxic fluids or toxic services regardless toxic services regardless of
for inboard bearing of geometry geometry.
housings with semi- Dimples required for consistent
circular mounting flanges vibration measurement.