API 610 Major Changes From 5th Through 10th Editions 1

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API 610 Major Changes from 5th through 10th Editions

Item 5th Ed 6th Ed 7th Ed 8th Ed 9th/10th Edition *

Pump Types No limitation on pump Close coupled, two stage • Close coupled, two stage • Rigid coupled in-lines, horizontal Foot mounted design now
types overhung or double overhung or double suction foot mounted overhung, and built allowed, if approved by
suction overhung pumps overhung and ring section in mechanical seal pumps added customer, if service temp. is
require purchaser single casing pumps require to list requiring customer approval. < 150 deg. C (300 deg. F).
approval purchaser approval. • In-line pump must be bearing
• In-line pump specified is frame type unless specified by the
rigid coupled type. purchaser.
Casing design Design for max. Design for max. discharge Design for max. discharge Design pressure no less than 600 No change.
pressure discharge pressure for pressure plus allowances pressure plus allowances for psig
service for head and speed head and speed increase
Flanges Pressure class not Pressure class not Pressure class not specified 300 RF minimum implied (based No change.
specified specified on 600 psig casing design
Casing joints Externally confined Metal to metal joint with Metal to metal joint with Metal to metal joint with confined No change.
gaskets confined controlled confined controlled controlled compression gasket
compression gasket compression gasket
Bolting Type of bolting not Studs and nuts preferred Stud and nuts preferred to Studs and nuts required. Cap No change.
specified to cap screws cap screws screws require purchase approval
Casing mount Centerline mount for Centerline mount for Centerline mount for Centerline mounting required for Still requires centerline
T>350oF T>350oF T>350oF horizontal overhung pumps. mounting for horizontal
• Casing mount (with • Casing mount (with baseplate) overhung pumps except,
baseplate) must be must be sufficiently rigid to limit when approved by customer,
sufficiently rigid to limit coupling end shaft displacement foot mounted horizontal
coupling end shaft to levels permitted by API 610. A overhung may be used if
displacement to levels bearing housing support (frame service temperature is < 150
permitted by API 610. A foot) cannot be used. deg. C (300 deg. F).
bearing housing support
(frame foot) cannot be used.
Auxiliary Schedule 80 Schedule 80 Minimum Schedule 160 Minimum Schedule 160 No change.
connections to
Casing vent Vent required unless Vents required unless Need for venting based on Need for venting based on No change.
pump design is self pump design is self capability to prevent loss of capability to prevent loss of prime
venting venting prime during starting during starting sequence
Shaft Machined and Concentricity limit Concentricity limit specified at Concentricity limit specified at No change.
Concentricity assembled for specified at 0.001 inch 0.001 inch TIR 0.001 inch TIR
concentric rotation (TIR TIR
limits not specified

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