2 3 One One Inv FN
2 3 One One Inv FN
2 3 One One Inv FN
In this section we examine more terminology associated with functions. We explain one-to-
one and many-to-one functions and show how the rule associated with certain functions can
be reversed to give so-called inverse functions. These ideas will be needed when we deal with
particular functions in later sections.
e square ro
2 input take th ot output
take the square root
4 of the input
−2 2
√ 4
x −2
take the square root
x of the input √
− x
Such a rule is described as a one-to-many rule. This means that one input produces more
than one output. This is obvious from inspecting the sets in Figure 1.
The graph of the rule ‘take ± x’ can be drawn by constructing a table of values:
x 0 1 2√ 3√ 4
y=± x 0 ±1, ± 2 ± 3 ±2
The graph is shown in Figure 2(a). For each value of x there are two corresponding values of y.
Plotting a graph of a one-to-many rule will result in a curve through which a vertical line can
be drawn which cuts the curve more than once as you can see. The vertical line cuts the curve
more than once because there is more than one y value for each x value.
y y
x x
(a) (b)
Figure 2.
input y = x2
Note that whilst this is many-to-one it is still a function since any chosen input value has only
one arrow emerging from it. Thus there is a single output for each input.
It is possible to decide if a function is many-to-one by examining its graph. Consider the graph
of y = x2 shown in Figure 4.
y = x2
−3 3
We see that a horizontal line drawn on the graph cuts it more than once. This means that two
(or more) different inputs have yielded the same output and so the function is many-to-one.
If a function is not many-to-one then it is said to be one-to-one. This means that each different
input to the function yields a different output. Consider the function y(x) = x3 which is shown
in Figure 5.
A horizontal line drawn on this graph will intersect the curve only once. This means that each
input value of x yields a different output value for y.
−5 5
Study the graphs shown in Figure 6. Decide which, if any, are graphs of
functions. For those which are, state if the function is one-to-one or many-to-
a) b) c)
y y y
x x
Figure 6.
2. Inverse of a function
We have seen that a function can be regarded as taking an input, x, and processing it in some
way to produce a single output f (x) as shown in Figure 7(a). A natural question to ask is
whether we can find another function that will reverse the process. In other words, can we
find a function that will start with f (x) and process it to produce x again? This idea is also
shown in Figure 7(b). If we can find such a function it is called the inverse function to f (x)
and is given the symbol f −1 (x). Do not confuse the ‘−1’ with an index, or power. Here the
superscript is used purely as the notation for the inverse function. Note that the composite
function f −1 (f (x)) = x as shown in Figure 8.
f −1
f f −1
f (x)
x process reverse process x
The given function takes an input, x and produces an output 3x − 8. The inverse function,
f −1 , must take an input 3x − 8 and give an output x. That is
f −1 (3x − 8) = x
Not all functions possess an inverse function. In fact, only one-to-one functions do so. If a
function is many-to-one the process to reverse it would require many outputs from one input
contradicting the definition of a function.
Your solution
The inverse function must take an input 7 − 3x and produce an output x. So
f −1 (7 − 3x) = x
Introduce a new variable z so that z = 7 − 3x and transpose this to find x. Hence write down
the inverse function.
3 3
. With x as its argument the inverse function is f −1 (x) = 7−z
. f −1 (z) =
1. Explain why a one-to-many rule cannot be a function.
2. Illustrate why y = x4 is a many-to-one function by providing a suitable example.
3. By sketching a graph of y = 3x − 1 show that this is a one-to-one function.
4. Explain why a many-to-one function does not have an inverse function. Give an example.
5. Find the inverse of each of the following functions.
a) f (x) = 4x + 7, b) f (x) = x, c) f (x) = −23x, d) f (x) = x+11
. b) f −1 (x) = x, c) f −1 (x) = − 23
, d) f −1 (x) = 4
, 5. a) f −1 (x) = Answers