Ringbom - Seven Keshvars
Ringbom - Seven Keshvars
Ringbom - Seven Keshvars
Prof. Lars-bar Ringbom.
2. See Ernst Oie1, "Die Siegeatiirme in Ghazna als Weltbilder", Ku~st des Orients
I ( 1950 ), p, 42.
(June 22) and winter solstice I December 22). The passage runs
as follows:
"From the point where the sun rises on the longest day
to the point where it rises on the shortest day is the east
keshvar Savahi.
1. Ea1enti~Jly quoted after the text edited by H. S. Nyberg, ' 1 Texte zum
malldayasnischen Kalender'', Uppsala Uni11ersitets ArsskriJt, 1954, 2, p. 25 and the
tranl!ation by E. W. West in Pahla11i. Texts, Part I ( SBE, Vo!, 5 ), Oxford 1888. As
pointed out by Nyberg ( p. 65) the name of the eant and the west keshvar ~omebimes change
places in the text,.
In the Avesta Arezahi ia to the wea~ ( Ya~ht 10, 67 ), although the
name• usually are enumerated without regards to place ( e.g. Yaaht 10, 15 and 12, 9 ), In
tha Pahlavi commentary to Vide11dat 19, I!, just aa in the B1111da1ifshn, the cardinal point.
are connected with the aoleticea ( see Pahlai;i Vendidad, ed. B. T. Ankleearia, Bcmlay 1949).
() ()
2. For the excavations being carried out by German archaeol giatl on this •ite 1ince
1959 1ee Takht-l.·811/e!niatt. Vorla11Jiger Bericht Fber die Awgrabungen 1959 ( Teheraner
Fou~hu 1gen brag. vom Dant1chen Arcba.olcgi.,chen ln•titut, Bd. 1, 1961 ). -"Takht i-Suleiman
und Zendan-i· luleiman '•, Au•grabu11g1berichte in Arel, aologischer Ameiger 1961 Sp. 28 - 67,
and 1962, Sp. 688-698. A four1h report i• to be found in Archaologisclzer Anuiger 1963,
which was not yet available to me at the time of writing.