Amman Message PDF Booklet V 2 5-2-08
Amman Message PDF Booklet V 2 5-2-08
Amman Message PDF Booklet V 2 5-2-08
the royal aal al-bayt institute for islamic thought
2008 Jordan
the royal aal al-bayt institute for islamic thought
2008 Jordan
:oo8, The Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, Jordan
Introduction v
TheAmman Message
TheThree Points of theAmman Message
Grand List of Signatories
FrequentlyAsked Questions
he Amman Message started as a detailed statement
released the eve of the :yth of Ramadan +:j +n /
th November :oo cr by H.M. King Abdullah II bin
Al-HusseininAmman, Jordan. It sought to declare what
Islam is and what it is not, and what actions represent
it and what actions do not. Its goal was to clarify to the
modern world the true nature of Islamand the nature of
true Islam.
In order to give this statement more religious author-
ity, H.M. KingAbdullah II then sent the following three
questions to:of the most senior religious scholars from
all around the world representing all the branches and
schools of Islam: (+) Who is a Muslim? (:) Is it permissible
to declare someone an apostate (takfir)? () Who has the
right to undertake issuing fatwas (legal rulings)?
Based on the fatwas provided by these great scholars
(who included the Shaykh Al-Azhar; Ayatollah Sistani
and Sheikh Qaradawi), in July :ooj cr, H.M. King
Abdullah II convened an international Islamic confer-
ence of :oo of the world's leading Islamic scholars
Ulama) from jo countries. In Amman, the scholars
unanimouslyissueda rulingonthree fundamental issues
(which became known as the Three Points of the
+. They specifically recognized the validity of all 8
Mathhabs (legal schools) of Sunni, Shia and Ibadhi
Islam; of traditional Islamic Theology (Asharism);
of Islamic Mysticism (Sufism), and of true Salafi
thought, and came to a precise definition of who is a
:. Based upon this definition they forbade takfir (dec-
larations of apostasy) betweenMuslims.
. Based upon the Mathahib they set forth the subjec-
tive and objective preconditions for the issuing of
fatwas, thereby exposing ignorant and illegitimate
edicts inthe name of Islam.
These Three Points were then unanimously adopted
by the Islamic Worlds political and temporal leader-
ships at the Organization of the Islamic Conference
summit at Mecca in December :ooj. And over a period
of one year fromJuly :ooj to July :oo, theThree Points
were also unanimously adopted by six other internatio-
nal Islamic scholarly assemblies, culminating with the
International Islamic Fiqh Academy of Jeddah, in July
:oo. In total, over joo leading Muslim scholars world-
wideas can be seen on this website [click here to see
the entire list]unanimously endorsed the Amman
Message anditsThree Points.
This amounts to a historical, universal and unani-
mous religious and political consensus (ijma) of the
Ummah (nation) of Islamin our day, and a consolidation
of traditional, orthodoxIslam.The significance of this is:
(+) that it is the first time inover a thousandyears that the
Ummah has formally andspecifically come to sucha plu-
ralistic mutual inter-recognition; and (:) that such a
recognition is religiously legally binding on Muslims
since the Prophet (maypeace andblessings be uponhim)
said: My Ummah will not agree upon an error (Ibn Majah,
Sunan, Kitab al-Fitan, Hadithno.o8j).
This is good news not only for Muslims, for whom it
provides a basis for unity anda solutionto infighting, but
also for non-Muslims. For the safeguarding of the legal
methodologies of Islam (the Mathahib) necessarily
means inherently preserving traditional Islams internal
checks and balances. It thus assures balanced Islamic
solutions for essential issues like human rights; womens
rights; freedom of religion; legitimate jihad; good citi-
zenship of Muslims in non-Muslim countries, and just
and democratic government. It also exposes the illegiti-
mate opinions of radical fundamentalists and terrorists
from the point of view of true Islam. As George Yeo,
the Foreign Minister of Singapore, declared in the oth
Session of the U.N. General Assembly (about the
Amman Message): Without this clarification, the war
against terrorismwouldbe muchharder tofight.
Finally, whilst this by the Grace of God is a historical
achievement, it will clearly remainonly principial unless
it is put into practice everywhere. For this reason, H.M.
King Abdullah II is now seeking to implement it, God
willing, through various pragmatic measures, including
(+) inter-Islamic treaties; (:) national and international
legislation using the Three Points of the Amman Mes-
sage to define Islam and forbid takfir; () the use of
publishing and the multi-media in all their aspects to
spread theAmman Message; () instituting the teaching
of the Amman Message in school curricula and univer-
sity courses worldwide; and (j) making it part of the
training of mosque Imams and making it included in
their sermons.
Godsays inthe HolyQur'ansays:
There is no good in much of their secret conferences
save (in) whosoever enjoineth charity and fairness
and peace-making among the people and whoso doeth
that, seeking the good pleasure of God, We shall
bestowonhimavast reward. (Al-Nisa, :++).
+nr +r or oon, the Compassionate, the
Merciful. Peace and blessings upon His chosen
Prophet, and upon his household, his noble blessed
companions, anduponall the messengers andprophets:
GodAlmighty has said: Ohumankind! We created you
fromamale and female, and made youinto peoples and tribes
that youmayknoweachother. Trulythe most honoredof you
before God is the most pious of you. (:+)
This is a declaration to our brethren in the lands of
Islamandthroughout the worldthatAmman, the capital
of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is proud to issue
during the blessed month of Ramadan in which the
Quran descended as guidance to humankind and as clari-
cations for guidance and discernment. (::+8j)
In this declaration we speak frankly to the [Islamic]
nation, at this difcult juncture in its history, regarding
the perils that beset it. We are aware of the challenges
confronting the nation, threatening its identity, assailing
its tenets (kalima), andworking to distort its religionand
+nr ++ rss+or
harm what is sacred to it. Today the magnanimous mes-
sage of Islam faces a vicious attack from those who
an enemy to them. It is also under attack fromsome who
claim afliation with Islam and commit irresponsible
acts inits name.
This magnanimous message that the Originator
great is His powerrevealed to the unlettered Prophet
MuhammadGods blessings andpeace uponhim, and
that was carriedbyhis successors andthe members of his
household after him, is an address of brotherhood,
humanity and a religion that encompasses all human
activity. It states the truth directly, commands what is
right, forbids what is wrong, honors the human being,
andaccepts others.
The Hashemite Kingdomof Jordanhas embracedthe
path of promoting the true luminous image of Islam,
halting the accusations against it and repelling the
attacks upon it. This is in accordance with the inherited
spiritual and historical responsibility carried by the
Hashemite monarchy, honored as direct descendants of
the Prophet, the Messenger of Godpeace and bless-
ings upon himwho carried the message. For ve
decades, his late Majesty King Hussein BinTalalGod
rest his souldemonstrated this way with the vigorous
effort that he exerted. Since the day he took the ag, His
Majesty KingAbdullahII has continuedthis effort, with
resolutionanddetermination, as a service toIslam, forti-
fying the solidarity of +.: billion Muslims who comprise
one fth of humanity, preventing their marginalization
or extrication fromthe movement of human society, and
afrming their role in building human civilization and
participatinginits progress duringour present age.
Islam is founded upon basic principles, the funda-
mentals are attesting to the unity of God (tawhid Allah);
belief in the message of His Prophet; continuous con-
nection with the Creator through ritual prayer (salat);
training and rectifying the soul through the fast of
Ramadan; safeguarding one another by paying the alms
tax (zakat); the unity of the people through the annual
pilgrimage (hajj) to Gods Sanctied House, [perfor-
med] by those who are able; and [observing] His rulings
that regulate human behavior in all its dimensions. Over
history these [basic principles] have formed a strong and
cohesive nation and a great civilization. They bear wit-
ness tonoble principles andvalues that verifythe goodof
humanity, whose foundationis the oneness of the human
species, and that people are equal in rights and obliga-
tions, peace and justice, realizing comprehensive secur-
ity, mutual social responsibility, being good to ones
+nr ++ rss+or
neighbor, protecting belongings and property, honor-
ing pledges, and more.
Together, these are principles that provide common
ground for the followers of religions and [different]
groups of people. That is because the origin of divine
religions is one, and Muslims believe in all Messengers
of God and do not differentiate between any of them.
Denying the message of any one of them is a deviation
from Islam. This establishes a wide platform for the
believers of [different] religions to meet the other upon
common ground, for the service of human society, with-
out encroaching upon creedal distinctions or upon
intellectual freedom. For all of this we base ourselves
upon His saying:
The messenger believes in what has been revealed unto
him from his Lord as do the believers. Each one
believes in God and His angels and His scriptures and
His messengers. We make no distinction between any
of His messengersand they say: We hear, and we
obey. [Grant us] Your forgiveness, our Lord. Unto
Youis the journeying.(:::8j)
Islam honors every human being, regardless of his
color, race or religion: We have honored the sons of Adam,
provided them transport on land and sea, sustained them
+nr ++ rss+or
+nr ++ rss+or
with good things, and conferred on themspecial favors above
agreat part of our creation. (+y:yo)
Islam also afrms that the way of calling [others] to
Godis foundeduponkindness andgentleness: Call to the
path of your Lord with wisdomand a beautiful exhortation,
anddebate withtheminthat whichis most beautiful (ahsan).
(+:+:j) Furthermore, it shuns cruelty and violence in
howone faces andaddresses [others]:
It is by some Mercy of God that you were gentle to
them. Were you severecruel heartedthey would
have broken away fromyou. So pardon themand ask
forgiveness for themand consult with themin the con-
duct of affairs. And when you are resolved, put your
trust in God; truly God loves those who trust [in
Him]. (:+j)
Islam has made clear that the goal of its message is
realizing mercy and good for all people. The Transcen-
dent has said, We did not send you [Muhammad] but out
of mercy for all creatures. (:+:+oy) And the Prophet
Muhammadblessings and peace upon Himsaid,
The Merciful has mercy upon those who are merciful,
be merciful to those onearth, He who is inheavenwill be
merciful untoyou.
Islam calls for treating others as one desires to be
treated. It urges the tolerance and forgiveness that ex-
press the nobility of the humanbeing: The recompense for
an evil is an evil equal thereto, but who forgives and recon-
ciles, his recompense is fromGod. (::o) Good and evil are
not equal. Repel withwhat is most virtuous. Thenhe between
whom and you there is enmity will be as if he were an inti-
mate friend. (+:)
Islam conrms the principle of justice in interacting
with others, safeguarding their rights, and conrms that
one must not deny people their possessions: And let not
the hatred of others make you swerve to wrong and depart
from justice. Be just: that is closer to piety; (j:8) God com-
mands you to return trusts to their owners, and if you judge
between people, you shall judge with justice; (:j8) So give
[full] measure and [full] weight and do not deny the people
their goods, and work no corruption in the land, after it has
beenset right. (y:8j)
Islamrequires respect for pledges and covenants, and
adhering to what has been specied; and it forbids
treachery and treason: Fulll the covenant of God when
you have entered into it, and break not oaths after they have
been conrmed and you have made God your surety; truly
God knows what youdo. (+:+)
Islamrecognizes the noble station of [human] life, so
there is to be no ghting against non-combatants, andno
+nr ++ rss+or
+nr ++ rss+or
International FiqhAcademy Conference, Amman
(June :oo)
[+narr ror+s vrasro :] - srorn
Muslims of Europe Conference, Istanbul
(July :oo) - rnoasrn
rsr+rc arrturrc or +ron+rs++
+ H.E. Mr. HamidKarzai
: Amb. Nusair AhmadNour
Afghani Ambassador to Qatar
Islamic Envoy of the Government of Afghanistan
arrturrc or +ru+r+
H.E. Mr. Florent Celiku
Deputy Minister of ForeignAffairs
Mr. Tahir Zenelhasani
s arrturrc or u+or+nrsn
:y H.E. BegumKhaleda Zia
Prime Minister
:8 Prof. Dr. AbuAl-HasanSadiq
President of theAsian University of Bangladesh
: Prof. Shamshir Ali
President of theAcademy of Sciences
and UniversityVice-President
o Mr. Ismail Batakli
Professor of Islamic Studies
+ Mr. MohamedBoulif
President, Islamic Executive Council
: Mr. AhmedBouziane
Dr. KarimChemlal
Pasteur Institute, Lille
Mrs. Malika Hamidi-Hosseinpour
Coordinator, European MuslimNetwork
j Mr. IbrahimKocaoglu
Professor of Islamic Studies, Athne Royal Lonardo daVinci
y Dr. AbdelmajidMhauchi
Professor of Islamic Studies
8 Mr. KhalladSwaid
President, FEMYSO
arrturrc or urr
H.E. Mr. Dzulkii Salami
Senior Minister of Planning, Economy and Development
o ShaykhFathi Shitu
uosr+ +n nrazroovr+
+ Prof. Dr. ShaykhMustafa Ceric
Head of the Ulama and Grand Mufti of Bosnia and
: Prof. HasanMakic
Mufti of Bihac
H.E. Professor Enes Karic
Professor in Faculty of Islamic Studies
Prof. Anes Ljevakovic
Researcher and Lecturer, Islamic Studies College
j Dr. Ahmet Alibasic
Lecturer, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Sarajevo
Mr. Amer Bukvic
Islamic Development Bank
+nr ++ rss+or
y ImamSenaidKobilica
Vice President, Islamic Council of Norway
8 Mr. Mirnes Kovac
Journalist, Preporod Islamic Newspaper
Dr. Sukrija Ramic
University of Zenica
uatrr n+atss+r+
jo H.M. SultanHaji Hassanal Bolkiah
j+ Prof. Suhaili binHajj Muhyi Al-Din
Deputy Mufti of Brunei
utakr+ r+so
j: H.E. Mr. Youssouf Ouedraogo
Minister of State, Minister of ForeignAffairs
j Dr. AbuBakr Dakuri
Member of the Executive Council, ISESCO
j ShaykhAli MuhmmadAbduni
Representative of the International IslamicYouth Club in
LatinAmerica; Accredited Religious Representative of the
DarAl-Fatwa of the Republic of Lebanon in Sao Paolo
arrturrc or c+raoo
jj H.E. Mr. Marfa HamidouYaya
Minister of State
j ShaykhMahmudMalbakri
Imam, Grand Mosque and President of the Council of
jy ShaykhFaraz Rabbani
Hanafi Scholar,
j8 Mr. FouzanKhan
Reviving the Islamic Spirit Organization
arrturrc or cn+n
j H.E. Mr. Idris Derby
o ShaykhDr. HusseinHasanAbkar
President, Higher Council for IslamicAffairs, Chad
+ Mr. Tijani SabunMuhammad
tro or cooaos
: H.E. Mr. KubMohamedLisharti
Deputy President
+nr ++ rss+or
arrturrc or co+r n
H.E. Mr. Hamza Salleh
Ambassador in Riyadh
Imam FatihAlev
DanishAssociation of Cybermuslims
arrturrc or nJrut+r
j H.E. Mr. Ismail Omar Gulleh
Member of the Higher Judiciary Council
+a+u arrturrc or rovr+
y H.E. Mr. MohamedHosni Mubarak
8 H.E. GrandImamProf. Dr. Muhammad
SayyidTantawi fatwa
Shaykh al-Azhar
Prof. Dr. MahmudHamdi Zaqzuq
Minister of ReligiousAffairs
yo Prof. Dr. Ali Jumua fatwa
Grand Mufti of theArab Republic of Egypt
y+ Prof. Dr. AhmadMuhammadAl-Tayyib
President of Al-Azhar University
y: Prof. Dr. Kamal AbuAl-Majd
Islamic Intellectual; Former Minister of Information; Attorney
in the Court of Cassation
y Dr. MuhammadAl-Ahmadi AbuAl-Nur
Former Minister of ReligiousAffairs in theArab Republic
of Egypt; Professor, Faculty of Islamic Law, Yarmouk University,
y Prof. Dr. Fawzi Al-Zifzaf
Chairman of the Permanent Committee of NobleAl-Azhar for
DialogueAmong the Heavenly Religions; Member of the
Academy of Islamic Research
yj Prof. Dr. HasanHanafi
Researcher and Islamic Intellectual, Department of Philosophy,
Cairo University; Fellowof theAal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic
y Prof. Dr. MuhammadMuhammadAl-Kahlawi
Secretary, General Union of IslamicArchaeologists;
Dean, Faculty of Antiquities, FayyumBranch, Cairo University
yy Prof. Dr. AymanFuadSayyid
Former Secretary General, Dar al-KutubAl-Misriyya
y8 ShaykhDr. Zaghlul Najjar
Head of the Committee onThe Miraculous Nature of the Quran
in the Higher Council for IslamicAffairs, Egypt
+nr ++ rss+or
y ShaykhMoez Masood
Islamic Missionary
8o Prof. Dr. MuhammadAl-Dasuqi
Researcher and Member of the Forumfor the
Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Jurisprudence
8+ Mr. Amr Khaled
Islamic Missionary
8: Mr. Bara Kherigi
Director, Awakening Records
8 Dr. Heba Raouf Ezzat
Department of Political Science, Cairo University
8 Dr. Jafar Abdussalam
President of the League of Islamic Universities
8j Dr. Shawqi AhmadDunya
Dean of the (Womens) Faculty of Commerce, Al-Azhar
8 Dr. Umar AbdAl-Ka
8y Dr. HudaAbdAl-Sami
88 Eng. Amr Faruk Farid
8 Mr. MuhammadAl-SammanLut
o Eng. AbuAl-Ala Madi
+ Dr. AbdAl-WahhabAl-Masiri
: Dr. AbdAl-HalimOweis
Mr. AhmadShaban
Mr. HusamTammam
j Mr. Muntasir Al-Zayyat
Dr. Ragedal-Sirjani
y Dr. MuhammadHidaya
8 Dr. MuhammadAbdal-MunimAbuZayd
Professor, Faculty of Shariah, Department of Islamic
Economics, Yarmouk University
arrturrc or ra+cr
ShaykhProf. Dalil AbuBakr
Chairman of the France Supreme Council of the Islamic
Religion and Dean of the Paris Mosque
+oo Dr. HusaynRais
Director of Cultural Affairs, Paris Grand Mosque
+o+ Prof. Dr. AbdAl-MajidAl-Najjar
President of the Islamic Centre, Paris
+o: Dr. FouadAlaoui
President, Union of Islamic Organizations in France (UOIF)
+nr ++ rss+or
+o Ms. Fatiha Ajbli
+o Ms. SihamAndalouci
Member, Prsence Musulman
+oj Dr. AhmedBakcan
Representative, Milli Grs
+o Mr. AbdelwahebBakli
President, MuslimYouth of France
+oy ShaykhKhalidAdlenBentounes
Alawiyah Sufi Order; Honorary President of the International
Association of the Friends of Islam
+o8 Mr. El Hadji BabouBiteye
President, MuslimStudents of France (EMF)
+o Mr. Laj Thami Breze
Union of Islamic Organizations in France (UOIF)
++o Mr. Haydar Demiryrek
Secretary General, The Islamic Council of France
+++ Dr. Boubaker El Hadj Amor
Treasurer, Union of Islamic Organizations in France (UOIF)
++: ShaykhOunis Guergah
Head of the Fatwa House, Paris
++ Prof. Dr. mer Faruk Harman
DITIP, Germany
++ Mr. FouadImarraine
Collecive of Muslims of France
++j Dr. AhmedJaballah
Member of the European Council for Fatwa and Reseach,
++ Mrs. Noura BenHamouda Jaballah
President of European women forum(France)
++y Dr. Zuhair Mahmood
Institute for the Human Sciences (IESH), Paris
++8 Dr. MohamedMestiri
Director, International Institute of IslamicThought, Paris
++ Mr. AbdelmajidNajar
+:o Ms. Nora Rami
Free Community Organization, Paris
+:+ ShaykhZakaria Seddiki
+:: Dr. MuhamadBashari
President, Federal Society for Muslims in France
arrturrc or o+uo
+: H.E. Elhadj Ali Bongo Awadamba
Minister of National Defence and Chairman of Supreme
Council for IslamicAffairs and Special Envoy of the President
+nr ++ rss+or
arrturrc or o+ur+
+: H.E. Alhaji Dr. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh
+:j Mr. Samba Fall
Minister of ForeignAffairs, Youth, Sport, and Religious
Affairs, Gambia
+: Prof. Dr. Omar Jah
Former DeputyAssistant to the President for Special
Assistance Programs, Islamic Development Bank,
arrturrc or ora+v
+:y Prof. Dr. MuradHofmann
Former GermanAmbassador to Morocco; Intellectual and
+:8 ShaykhSalahAl-DinAl-Jafarawi
Assistant Secretary-General of World Council for Islamic
+: Mr. Ridvanakir
President, Turkish-Islamic Union of Germany
+o ShaykhBashir AhmadDultz
German MuslimLeague
++ Mr. Belal El-Mogaddedi
+: Mr. IbrahimF. El-Zayat
Head of Public Relations, Federation of Islamic Organisations
in Europe (FIOE)
+ Dr. Sabiha El-Zayat
Centre for Islamic Women Studies, Institute for the Human
Sciences (IESH), Paris
+ Mr. MesudGlbahar
IGMGPresident of Youth Organisations, Germany
+j Mr. Ali Kizilkaya
Head, Islamic Council of Germany
+ Dr. EypA. Khler
+y Mr. Michael MuhammedAbduhPfaff
German MuslimLeague
+8 Mr. Celal Tter
IGMGPresident of University Org., Germany
+ Mr. RecepYildirim
EuropeAssociation of Turkish Cultural Centers, Germany
+o Mr. OsmanYoba
++ Mr. Nabil Chabib
arrturrc or otrr+
+: H.E. Mr. CellouDaleinDiallo
Prime Minister
+nr ++ rss+or
+y ShaykhHassanJawahiri Zadeh
Professor, Religious Seminary, Qom
arrturrc or ra+q
+8o H.E. Mr. Jalal Talabani
+8+ GrandAyatollahAl-SayyidAli Sistani fatwa
+8: GrandAyatollahShaykhIshaqAl-Fayad fatwa
+8 GrandAyatollahAl-SayyidMuhammadSaidAl-
Hakim fatwa
+8 GrandAyatollahShaykhBashir Al-Najafi fatwa
+8j GrandAyatollahAl-SayyidShaykhHusseinIsmail Al-
Sadr fatwa
+8 GrandAyatollahShaykhHusaynAl-Muayyad
Knowledge Forum, Baghdad
+8y GrandAyatollahAhmadal-Bahadili
Islamic Missionary
+88 ShaykhDr. HarithAl-Dari
Head of Ulema organization
+8 Dr. MuhsinAbdAl-Hamid
+o Dr. AhmadAbdAl-Ghaffur Al-Samarai
Head of the Diwan of the Sunni Waqf
++ Al-SayyidAbdal-SahibAl-Khoei
Secretary General, ImamAl-Khoei Benevolent Foundation
+: Al-SayyidMuhammadAl-Musawi
Secretary General, World IslamicAhl Al-Bayt League
+ ShaykhDr. MahmoudMhd. DawudAl-Sumaydai
+ Prof. Dr. AbdAl-Aziz Al-Duri
Researcher and Historian, Department of History, University
of Jordan; Fellowof Aal al-Bayt Institute for IslamicThought
+j Prof. Dr. Bashshar AwwadMarouf
Researcher and Editor; Fellowof Aal al-Bayt Institute for
+ ShaykhAbbas Ali Kashif Al-Ghita
College of Islamic Studies, University of al-Kufa
+y Dr. AbdAl-HamidAl-Najdi
Islamic Intellectual
+8 ShaykhWalidFaraj AllahAl-Asadi
College of Islamic Studies, University of al-Kufa
+ ShaykhProf. Dr. AhmadAl-Kubaysi
Missionary and Islamic Intellectual
:oo Prof. GhanemJawad
Director of Cultural Affairs, Khoei Benevolent Foundation
:o+ Mr. MuhammadAllawi
Assistant Director General, World IslamicAhl Al-Bayt League
+nr ++ rss+or
:o: Prof. SadAl-Malla
Islamic Intellectual
:o Dr. Mustafa AbdAl-IlahKamal Al-Din
Islamic Intellectual
:o Prof. Dr. AdnanAli Al-Faraji
Islamic University
:oj Dr. Aziz RashidAl-Dayini
Islamic University
:o Dr. AbdAl-Qadir Mustafa Al-Muhammadi
Islamic University
:oy Mr. Ala Al-DinAl-Mudarris
Researcher and Historian
arrturrc or rarr+n
:o8 Mr. Noohal-Kaddo
Director, Islamic Cultural Centre of Irelands
:o Mr. Yahya Sergio Pallavicini
Vice President, Islamic Religious Community of Italy
:+o Dr. Ali AbuShwaima
Head, Islamic Centre of Milan
n+snrr+r krono or Joan+
:++ H.M. King AbdullahII binAl-Hussein
:+: Prof. Dr. HRHPrince Ghazi binMuhammad
Personal Envoy and Special Advisor to HMKingAbdullah II
binAl-Hussein; Chairman of the Board of Trustees of theAal
al-Bayt Institute for IslamicThought
:+ ShaykhIzzedine Al-KhatibAl-Tamimi
IslamicAffairsAdvisor to HMthe King; Chief Justice
:+ Prof. Dr. Abdul-SalamAl-Abbadi
Former Minister of IslamicAffairs; President, Aal al-Bayt
:+j Prof. Dr. ShaykhAhmadHlayyel
Advisor to HMthe King and Imamof the Royal Court
:+ ShaykhSaidAl-Hijjawi
Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdomof Jordan
:+y Mr. Akel Bultaji
Advisor to HMthe King
:+8 Prof. Dr. KhalidTouqan
Minister of Education; Minister of Higher Education and
Scientific Research
:+ H.E. ShaykhSalimFalahat
Director General of the MuslimBrotherhood in Jordan
+nr ++ rss+or
::o H.E. ShaykhDr. AbdAl-Aziz Khayyat
Former Minister of ReligiousAffairs
::+ ShaykhNuhAl-Quda
Former Mufti of the JordanianArmed Forces
::: Prof. Dr. KhalidAl-Karaki
Deputy-Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Aal al-Bayt
Inst. for IslamicThought; President, Jerash Private University
:: Prof. Dr. IshaqAl-Farhan
President of Zarqa Private University;
Former Minister of Education
:: Prof. Kamil Ismail HamdanAl-Sharif
Secretary General, International Council for Islamic
Propagation and Relief
::j Dr. AbdAl-Latif Arabiyyat
Former Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament;
Chairman of the Consultative Committee of the Islamic
Action Front
:: ShaykhAbdAl-KarimSalimS. Al-Khasawneh
Grand Mufti of the JordanianArmed Forces
::y Prof. Dr. Adel Al-Toweisi
Former President, Aal al-Bayt University; Minister of Culture
::8 Prof. Dr. Yusuf Al-Ghaydhan
Dean of the University Faculty of Religion, Balqa Applied
:: ShaykhHasanAl-Saqqaf
Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of theAal al-
Bayt Institute for IslamicThought; Director of Imam
Al-Nawawi Publishers and Distributors
:o Eng. MarwanAl-Faouri
Chairman, Forumfor Moderation inThought and Culture
:+ Mrs. Nawal Al-Faouri
Educator and Islamic Intellectual
:: Prof. Dr. AbdAl-Nasir AbuAl-Basal
Former Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Law, Yarmouk
: Mr. Bilal Al-Tal
Editor-in-Chief, Liwa Newspaper
: Prof. Dr. Azmi Taha Al-Sayyid
College of Jurisprudential and Legal Studies, Aal al-Bayt
:j Prof. Dr. MuhammadHishamSultan
Vice-President for Islamic Studies, Aal al-Bayt University
: Prof. Dr. ZiyadAl-Daghamin
Dean of the College of Jurisprudential and Juridical Studies,
Head of the Preparatory Committee of the Internal Islamic
:y Dr. RashidSaidShahwan
Faculty of Islamic Propagation and the Fundamentals of
Religion, BalqaApplied University
+nr ++ rss+or
arrturrc or so+rr+
+ H.E. Mr. AbdullahYoussef Ahmed
arrturrc or sot+n +rarc+
: ShaykhIbrahimGabriels
Head of SouthAfrican Ulama
Mr. Mansur Escudero
Spanish Islamic Commission
Mr. Ali Boussaid
Islamic League for Dialogue and Conviviality
arrturrc or stn+
j H.E. General Omar HassanAl Bashir
AbdAl-RahmanSawar Al-Dhahab
Former President of the Republic of Sudan
y Al-ImamAl-SadiqAl-Mahdi
Former Prime Minister of Sudan
Head of Ansar Movement
8 Dr. IsamAhmadAl-Bashir
Minister of Guidance and ReligiousAffairs
Mr. TariqAli Bakhit
Director in the General Secretariat and
Head of Cultural and IslamicThought Committee, Khartoum
oo Prof. Dr. Izz al-DinUmar Musa
Lecturer in the Department of History, Malik Saud
University, Riyadh
o+ Dr. MuhammadMahjubHarun
Journalist and University Professor, University of Khartoum
o: Dr. AhmadAli Al-Imam
Advisor to the Sudanese President
o Dr. MustafaUthmanIsmail
Former Foreign Minister of Sudan
Special Envoy of the Secretary General of theArab League
o Dr. IbrahimAhmadUthman
Secretary General, Supreme Judiciary Council
oj Dr. AhmadKhaledBabacar
Secretary General of the Islamic FiqhAcademy of Sudan
o Mr. MahmoudKhalfi Driri
oy Prof. TariqRamadan
Islamic intellectual
+nr ++ rss+or
svar+ +a+u arrturrc
o8 H.E. Mr. Farouk Al-Sharaa
Minister of ForeignAffairs
o ShaykhDr. AhmadBadr Hasoun
Grand Mufti of the SyrianArab Republic
+o Prof. Dr. MuhammadSaidRamadanAl-Buti
Head of the Religion Department, Faculty of Law, University
of Damascus
++ Prof. Dr. ShaykhWahba Mustafa Al-Zuhayli
Head of Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and its Schools,
Islamic LawFaculty, Damascus University
+: Dr. SalahAl-DinAhmadKuftaro
Director General, ShaykhAhmad KuftaroAcademy and
Islamic Intellectual
+ Dr. MuhammadTawfiqSaidAl-Buti
Professor of Shariah at Damascus University
+ Dr. MahmudAl-Sayyid
Academic Researcher in the Centre of Islamic Studies,
School of Oriental andAfrican Studies, University of London
+j ShaykhAbdallahAdhami
Islamic missionary and scholar
+ Dr. MuhammadHabash
+y Dr. MuhammadAbdal-Latif Salehal-Farfur
Secretary General, International ScientiAcademy
+8 Prof. Dr. AbdAl-Sattar AbuGhuddah
President of the United Shariah Council of the Baraka
Group, Jeddah
arrturrc or ++Jrkrs++
+ H.E. Mr. ImamAly Rahmanov
:o Mr. WanMuhammadNur Matha
Advisor to the Prime Minister
:+ Amb. WiboonKhusakul
Ambassador of Thailand in Baghdad
arrturrc or +ooo
:: H.E. Mr. ZarifouAyva
Minister of ForeignAffairs
arrturrc or +trsr+
: Mr. MohamedAl-Ghanousi
Prime Minister
: Prof. Dr. Al-Hadi Al-Bakkoush
Former Prime Minister of Tunisia
+nr ++ rss+or