AMEB Enrolment Handbook

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2017 enrolment handbook

for teachers and private entrants
New South Wales & ACT

Visit our website
AMEB (NSW) P: (02) 9367 8456 • E: [email protected]
Level 6, 117 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000
AMEB office hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm

Useful online contacts NEW Online AMEB (NSW) Shop

AMEB Connect
To access information about your candidate, go to: AMEB (NSW) is delighted to announce the arrival of the online
AMEB online written examinations (provided by AMEB Federal Office) AMEB (NSW) Shop. AMEB publications are now available to
To register for online Theory of Music, Musicianship and Music Craft purchase through AMEB Connect at any time of the day or night.
examinations, go to: If you do not have an AMEB Connect account, click on the orange “Get Access” button on the log in screen.
AMEB online theory courses (provided by AMEB Federal Office)
Log in to AMEB Online Theory Course to register for online Theory of Music
courses for Grade 1 and 2 (Grade 3 soon to be released):
AMEB Federal Office
The AMEB Federal Office provides information about syllabuses:

Important Dates to Note for 2017

To avoid penalty fees, please check with students and their families for other commitments they
may have within your advertised examination period BEFORE completing your enrolment. Note any
dates to avoid when filling in the ‘Scheduling Request’ section of your AMEB enrolment.

January 27 Term 1 commences for NSW Government schools

April 8 NSW Government school holidays commence
g D
April 14 Good Friday public holiday in s
April 17 Easter Monday public holiday Clos e page Publications available include:
Se – 8 •Grade books
April 24 Term 2 commences for NSW Government schools 6
April 25 ANZAC Day public holiday (Tuesday) •Recordings and handbooks
May 9–11 NAPLAN tests for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 (Details:
•Technical workbooks
June 12 Queen’s Birthday public holiday (Monday)
July 1 NSW Government school holidays commence •Aural tests and sight reading books
July 17 Term 3 commences for NSW Government schools •Manual of Syllabuses
September 23 NSW Government school holidays commence
•Accompaniment CDs (for limited instruments and grades)
October 2 Labour Day public holiday (Monday)
October 9 Term 4 commences for NSW Government schools •Practice Diaries
December 19 Last day of school year for NSW Government schools.
AMEB (NSW) Office closes for two-week break
NB: School term dates and public holidays were correct at the time of printing. Please check your
Order now at
school calendar for additional dates.
For 2017 HSC and RoSA key dates, please check the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational
Standards NSW website

Advertising disclaimer: All advertisements in this handbook or enclosed flyers are paid advertising and do not
constitute the views of, or endorsement by, AMEB (NSW).
amebnsw amebnsw

Before you enrol
 Update your address and email with AMEB (NSW) if required. This must be done in writing.
 Check that you have all existing candidate numbers.
 Check that you have the correct spelling of names and dates of birth for new candidates.
 Check whether there are any dates to avoid – holidays, school camps, examinations, family commitments, etc
 Check if there are any other scheduling requests or preferences.
 Check if any candidates have been taught by an AMEB (NSW) examiner in the past 3 years.
 Obtain the venue code from the venue owner if not an AMEB venue.

Before the examination

Enrolling Person Parent/Guardian
 Read the current Manual of Syllabuses to  Arrange an accompanist if required, including
make sure all examination requirements have pre-examination rehearsals.
been addressed, including general knowledge,
technical work etc.  Ensure you know which venue to go to, and
plan to arrive 20 minutes before the scheduled
 Arrange an accompanist, or confirm that the examination time. Candidates arriving late
candidate has arranged an accompanist (if cannot expect to be examined as there are
applicable). examinations after their allotted time.

 Give each candidate their Notice of  Check transport to and/or parking

Examination (with the pieces to be performed arrangements at the venue BEFORE the
filled in at the bottom of the form). Highlight examination date – eg Cityrail trackwork, local
the examination venue. If required, parking stations.
replacement Notices of Examination can be
downloaded from AMEB Connect.  If the candidate is sitting for Grade 8 or
above, please bring photo identification to
 Make sure that the accompanist receives a the examination, for example a student ID
copy of the Notice of Examination BEFORE the card or drivers licence. See page 27 for more
examination day. information.

 Make sure the candidate brings all their music  Please bring all music (originals, not
(originals, not photocopies) to the examination, photocopies) to the examination, even if
even if playing from memory. See page 27 for playing from memory. See page 27 for more
more information about photocopies. information about photocopies.

 Make sure pencil marks relating to general  Where the syllabus allows, if the candidate is
knowledge are erased. Other marks may stay. using AMEB recorded accompaniment, please
ensure that you bring your own CD player or
 Please note that photography or recording other device with good sound projection and
of any kind is not permitted during AMEB are familiar with its operation.
 Please note that photography or recording
of any kind is not permitted during AMEB
2 2017 enrolment handbook

Summary of Fees and Charges

Service Cost

Change of enrolling person $55 per candidate

*Dishonoured credit card/cheque payment $15

Enrolment withdrawals/refunds Various (see page 18)

Examination fees Various (see page 29–38)

*Late enrolment fees $60 per candidate per enrolment

Reassessment of written papers $50 (see page 21)

Resources: syllabuses, grade books, past papers,
certificates, etc Various (see page 39)
Scheduling requests (no charge if included with enrolment) $30 per candidate per enrolment
*Late amendments – fee for enrolment alterations notified to
AMEB (NSW) more than 5 business days after the issue date of
the Confirmation of Enrolment email $30 per candidate per enrolment
Transfer fees before scheduled (where applicable) $55 per candidate per enrolment (with a
maximum of $330 per enrolment submisson)
Transfer fees after scheduled (with documentation)
(see page 17) Level 1: $55 per candidate per enrolment
Level 2: $66 per candidate per enrolment

AMusA: $140 per candidate per enrolment

LMusA: $210 per candidate per enrolment

FMusA: no transfers are possible

Studio hire fees Various (see page 23)

* GST does not apply

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.

Contents This symbol

highlights important
2017 Closing dates and examination dates 6−8 new information.

Online Written Examinations 9

Enrolment Information - Before Examination 11
Enrolment Information - Day of Examination 18
Enrolment Information - After Examination 20
General Examination Information 22
Subject Codes and Fees - Music 29
Subject Codes and Fees - Speech & Drama 38
Accompanists 19 Policies – AMEB (NSW) 28
Additional Requirements 26 Postcode Policy 17
AMEB Connect 11 Practical Examinations 18
Backing Tracks 27 Program Submission 15, 23
Certificates 21 Proof of Identification 27
Change of Address 17 Privacy 28
Change of Grade or Subject 18 Private Studios 13
Change of Enrolling Person 18 Public Holidays 13
Confirmation of Enrolment 13 Queries and Complaints 28
Dates and Times 6 - 8 Reassessment of Written Papers 21
Diploma Examinations 22 − 24
Recorded Accompaniment 4, 19, 27
Downloaded Musical Scores 27
Refunds – Full and Partial 18
Dress Code 27
Repeats 27
Editions 27
Reports 20
Enrollers 4
Rescheduling your Examination (see ‘Transfers’)
Examination Notice – Practical 18
Resources 39
Examination Notice – Written 20
Responsibilities of Enrolling Person 19
Examination Process 10
Scheduling Requests 14
Fees and Subject Codes 29 - 38
Special Provisions 15
Late Enrolment Fees 12
Medical Certificate 15, 17 Subject Codes (see ‘Fees’)

News from Federal AMEB 4 Trainee Examiners 27

News from State AMEB 4 Transfers – Practical Examinations 16 − 17
Non-English speaking Candidates 28 Tuning for Examinations 19
Online Written Examinations 9 Useful Contacts 40
P Plate Piano 22 Venues – Practical 24
Page Turning 27 Venues – Written 25
Payment 12 Warm-up Facilities 19
Pencil Marks 27 Withdrawal from Examination (see ‘Refunds’)
Photocopies 27 Written Examinations 19 − 20
4 2017 enrolment handbook

News from State Office News from Federal Office

2017 2017
Online AMEB (NSW) Shop Revised Syllabus
AMEB (NSW) is delighted to announce the arrival of
the online AMEB (NSW) Shop. AMEB publications Trumpet, Trombone and Euphonium
are now available to purchase through AMEB Connect
Revised versions of the Trumpet, Trombone and
at any time of the day or night. Publications available
Euphonium Syllabuses appear for the first time in the
include grade books, recordings and handbooks,
2017 Manual of Syllabuses. The main aims of these
technical workbooks, aural tests and sight reading
revisions are:
books and accompaniment CDs.
• to replace works in the Manual Lists that are no
In conjunction with this launch, we have also upgraded longer in print.
the AMEB Connect home page for easier navigation.
• to replace works in the Manual Lists that are
infrequently used.
LMusA in Session 06
• to remove the Orchestral Excerpts from Level 3
From 2017, LMusA examinations will be offered twice (Associate and Licentiate).
each year, in the Metro - First Examination Session
06, as well as the Music Diploma Session 04, subject • to update references made to widely-used
to demand and examiner availability. Transfers from pedagogical volumes such as the Method for
Session 06 to Session 04 are only available in limited Trumpet/Trombone by Jean-Baptiste Arban so that
circumstances. See page 17 for more information. page numbers and exercise numbers correlate to
the current edition of the volumes.
Who Can Enrol? There have been no changes to the grade books or
technical work requirements for these syllabuses.
An enroller is a teacher, parent (or legal guardian),
candidate over 18 years of age, a music school or The revised syllabuses will be examined concurrently
a BOSTES school. Candidates can only be enrolled with the versions of the Trumpet, Trombone and
under one of these categories. Enrollers may have Euphonium syllabuses that appeared in the 2016
one teacher number only. Manual of Syllabuses for two years after the release
of the revised syllabuses. From the start of 2019
the previous Trumpet, Trombone and Euphonium
syllabuses will no longer be available for examination.

New Recital examinations (2017 trial)

AMEB will launch a trial of Recital examinations
for Violin, Flute and Trumpet in 2017. The Recital
examination will comprise repertoire only and will
feature material from the AMEB syllabuses along with
an own choice option.

Withdrawal from examination

From the beginning of 2018, the following syllabuses
will no longer be available for examination:
• Electronic Organ
• Free Bass Accordion
Neither syllabus will be replaced, so 2017 is the final
year that candidates may sit for an AMEB practical
examination in Electronic Organ or Free Bass

Accordion. AMEB will continue to offer examinations Popular Music Theory

in Stradella Accordion. Currently the Electronic Organ
From 2017, AMEB will offer Rockschool’s Popular
syllabus is printed in the Manual of Syllabuses but
Music Theory examinations. For further information
the Accordion syllabuses are only available as digital
go to
downloads from
Withdrawal of previous Rockschool Piano
Withdrawal of FMusA and FSDA and Vocals syllabuses
One year’s notice is also hereby given of the AMEB would like to formally announce the withdrawal
withdrawal of the Fellowship in Music, Australia of the previous Rockschool Piano Syllabus (1999)
and the Fellowship in Speech and Drama, Australia and Rockschool Vocals Syllabus. The old syllabuses
as public examinations, effective 1 January 2018 will from hereon be replaced by the Rockschool Piano
Syllabus (2015) and Rockschool Vocals Syllabus
(2014–2017) respectively.
Piano for Leisure Series 4
Online Resources
AMEB plans to release Piano for Leisure Series 4 at
the end of 2017 as an additional resource to support Online examinations
the Piano for Leisure syllabus. Piano for Leisure Series
4 will comprise grade books for Preliminary to Grade AMEB continues to expand its offering of online
8, featuring a wide range of repertoire suitable for examinations in theory syllabuses.
examination at each grade level. The works featured At the time of printing, online examinations
in Piano for Leisure Series 4 will be added to the were available for Theory of Music Grades 1 to
Piano for Leisure syllabus and no grade book series 6, Musicianship Grades 1 to 6, and Music Craft
will be withdrawn as a result of Series 4 being added. Preliminary to Grade 4.
Online examinations are available from
Recorded Accompaniments
In 2017, AMEB will continue to release recorded
accompaniments for use in study and examinations. Online Theory courses
Where AMEB recorded accompaniments are AMEB now offers interactive online courses in Grade
available, candidates may perform with those 1 and 2 Theory, and Grade 3 Theory of Music will
recordings in examinations as an alternative to using be released in the near future. AMEB Online Theory
an accompanist. Recordings will be available as CDs courses allow students to learn music theory at their
from the online AMEB (NSW) shop, from AMEB own pace, independently or by supporting what is
preferred retailers and as downloads from iTunes and taught in the classroom or private music studio.
other digital music outlets. Candidates must supply
a CD player or other quality audio equipment for the Online theory courses are available from

Rockschool Examinations
AMEB will continue our partnership with Rockschool
in 2017 to deliver exams and syllabuses in Australia
through AMEB.
Rockschool is a vibrant, contemporary music program
of exams and qualifications for guitar, bass, drums,
vocals, piano, band-based keyboards and bands. Based
in the UK, Rockschool specialises in music of the most
popular genres in a range of rock, pop, metal and funk
styles. Its qualifications are recognised globally with tens
of thousands of exams conducted in the UK and 33
countries around the world. Exams are scheduled and
administered by the AMEB State Offices.
6 2017 enrolment handbook

2017 Practical Examinations – Dates

METRO A late fee of $60 per candidate per exam will apply to enrolments received after the closing date.
It is not possible under any circumstances to transfer from one year to the next.
Examination Online enrolment Closing dates Examination Last date for
session opening dates Fridays dates 50% refund
06 Metro – first session
(Incl Speech & Drama, AMusA,
LMusA, Harp, Organ and Accordion)
Sydney Metro - ALL postcodes 16 Jan 24 Feb** 22 Apr – 10 Jun 27 Feb
(including Penrith) (major venues)
22 Apr – 3 Jun 27 Feb
(private studios)
Percussion – Sydney only# 16 Jan 24 Feb** 22 Apr – 10 Jun 27 Feb
03 Metro Music – second session Period-to-period
Sydney Metro (including Penrith) transfers 16 Jun*
Period 1 2000 – 2071 postcodes 20 Mar 16 Jun 12 Aug – 2 Sep 19 Jun
Period 2 2072 – 2112 postcodes 20 Mar 23 Jun 26 Aug – 23 Sep 3 Jul
Period 3 2113 – 2143 postcodes 20 Mar 4 Aug 7 Oct – 28 Oct 14 Aug
Period 4 2144 – 2200 postcodes 20 Mar 11 Aug 28 Oct – 18 Nov 4 Sep
Period 5 2201 – 2999 postcodes 20 Mar 8 Sep 11 Nov – 9 Dec 18 Sep
30 Accordion, Harp, Electronic Organ,
Organ (grades and diplomas) 20 Mar 11 Aug 7 Oct – 21 Oct 14 Aug

04 Music Diploma session (all

Exams held in Sydney city
LMusA, FMusA, LTMusA 20 Mar 23 Jun## Sep and Oct 24 Jul
AMusA, ATMusA 20 Mar 23 Jun 16 Sep – 7 Oct 24 Jul
10 Metro Speech & Drama – Period-to-period
second session (including diplomas) transfers 23 Jun*
Period 1 2000 – 2109 postcodes 20 Mar 23 Jun 26 Aug – 23 Sep 3 Jul
Period 2 2110 – 2180 postcodes 20 Mar 11 Aug 14 Oct – 11 Nov 21 Aug
Period 3 2181 – 2999 postcodes 20 Mar 8 Sep 11 Nov – 9 Dec 18 Sep
(including Wollongong and Newcastle,
subject to sufficent enrolments)
09 CPM and Percussion session 20 Mar 18 Aug 21 Oct – 9 Dec 28 Aug

NOTES (Metro):
• Grade and diploma examinations may fall within the school holidays and on public holiday weekends.
• Examinations are held subject to venue and examiner availability.
• Closing dates and postcode periods relate to the enrolling person’s residential address. See pages 13 and 17
for more information.
* Closing dates for transfers from one postcode period to another are:
For Session 03 – Friday 16 June 2017
For Session 10 – Friday 23 June 2017
** Friday 10 March 2017 for accredited BOSTES schools
# Subject to sufficient enrolments
## FMusA programs must be submitted by 28 April 2017

2017 Practical Examinations – Dates

REGIONAL A late fee of $60 per candidate per exam will apply to enrolments received after the closing date.
It is not possible under any circumstances to transfer from one year to the next.
Examination Online enrolment Closing dates Examination Last date for
session opening dates Fridays dates 50% refund
02 Regional – first session
(Incl AMusA if sufficient numbers)
Period 1 Central Coast, Canberra 16 Jan 31 Mar 12 Jun – 1 Jul 17 Apr
& Sth Coast
Period 2 Newcastle, Maitland 16 Jan 31 Mar 26 Jun – 15 Jul 1 May
Period 3 Wollongong* 16 Jan 7 Apr 28 Jun – 7 Jul 3 May
Period 4 North, North Coast, West, 16 Jan 12 May 17 July – 16 Aug 22 May
08 Regional – second session
(Piano and Speech &
Drama grades only)
Period 1 Wollongong* 20 Mar 4 Aug 25 Sep – 29 Sep 7 Aug
Period 2 Canberra 20 Mar 18 Aug 23 Oct – 28 Oct 4 Sep
Period 3 Newcastle/Central Coast 20 Mar 25 Aug 28 Oct – 4 Nov 9 Sep

NOTES (Regional):
• Grade and diploma examinations may fall within the school holidays and on public holiday weekends.
• Examinations are held subject to venue and examiner availability.
* Available for enrolling persons whose address is south of Waterfall
8 2017 enrolment handbook

2017 Written Examinations – Dates

Examination Online enrolment Closing Examination Last date for
session opening date date dates 50% refund
05 - Grades 20 March Friday 16 June 22–23 August 25 July
50 - Diploma (On Demand) 16 Jan Wednesday 23 August 6 weeks after enrolment N/A
A late fee of $60 per candidate per exam will apply to enrolments received after the closing date.
PLEASE NOTE that it is not possible to transfer between face-to-face written examinations and online examinations.

2017 Written Examination Dates and Times

Written examinations are conducted throughout Australia on the same date and it is not possible to reschedule any written examination to
an alternate date or time.
Grade Time Grade Time Grade Time
Tuesday 4 9.30 – 10.10
(Aural only) 5 12.30 – 1.15 5 10.30 – 11.10
22 August 6 1.30 – 2.15 6 11.30 – 12.10
AMusA 3.30 – 4.30 AMusA Musicology 2.00 – 5.00
LMusA Musicology 2.00 – 5.00
Wednesday 1 9.30 – 11.00 1 9.30 –10.30
23 August 2 2.00 – 3.30 2 2.00 – 3.30
3 2.00 – 3.30 3 2.00 – 4.00
4 9.30 – 10.30 4 9.30 – 12.30
5 9.30 –11.30 5 9.30 – 11.00 5 9.30 – 12.30
6 2.00 – 4.30 6 2.00 – 4.30 6 2.00 – 5.00
AMusA 2.00 – 5.00 AMusA Harmony & Counterpoint 9.30 – 12.30
AMusA Orchestration & Arrangement 2.00 – 5.00
LMusA Harmony & Counterpoint 9.30 – 12.30
LMusA Orchestration & Arrangement 2.00 – 5.00
CTMusA (Section I) 9.30 – 11.30
ATMusA (Section I) 9.30 – 12.30
LTMusA (Section I) 9.30 – 12.30
* Contact the AMEB (NSW) office for 2014 Theory of Music syllabus Grade 7 and 2015 Musicianship syllabus Grade 7 and 8 examination times.


Written examinations at diploma level can be requested throughout Grade Time
the year with at least 6 weeks’ notice. Enrolments are accepted Wednesday 1 9.30 – 10.15
between 16 January 2017 and 23 August 2017 and the examination 23 August 2 2.00 – 3.00
date can be requested during the enrolment process. This includes 3 2.00 – 3.30
AMusA and LMusA Musicianship and Theory syllabuses, and the
4 2.00 – 4.00
5 9.30 – 12.00
written components of ATMusA, LTMusA, APCA, ADPA and LDPA as
6 9.30 – 12.30
published in the 2017 Manual of Syllabuses and the 2017 Manual of
7 9.30 – 12.30
Speech and Drama Syllabus. Examinations will be held in Clarence ADPA 9.30 – 12.30
Street, Sydney. Candidates residing 125 kilometres or more from the APCA Folio submission*
Sydney CBD may provide their own venue if an appropriate volunteer LDPA 2.00 – 5.00
supervisor is available. 'On Demand' written examinations will incur LDPA Dissertation submission*
an additional fee of $50.
* Folio and dissertation topics require approval from the Federal
CTMusA, ATMusA and LTMusA folios – a letter requesting Examiners BEFORE enrolment. See pages 23 and 24 for more
submission of the folio will be sent prior to the practical examination. information.
The folio must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the
practical examination.

Online Written Examinations

AMEB also offers online examinations for Theory of Music, Musicianship and Music Craft. The online examination
centre improves access to the AMEB’s written examinations, with the flexibility to complete examinations
anywhere at a time that best suits you. You can also participate in online tutorials and practice examinations prior
to commencing your timed online examination.

Music written examinations currently available online

Theory of Music Musicianship Music Craft*

Grade 1 Grade 1 Preliminary Marked automatically by the Online
Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 1 Written examinations computer program.
Results available immediately.
Grade 3 Grade 2
Grade 3 Grade 3 Marked by a member of the Online
Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 examining panel. Results received within
one week.
Grade 5 Grade 5
Grade 6 Grade 6

* Please note: Music Craft examinations from Preliminary to Grade 4 are only available online

An online written examination that is to be used as an additional requirement for a diploma practical examination
must be completed by 31 December 2017 for the candidate to be eligible to receive their diploma at the next
Diploma Presentation Ceremony to be held in March 2018.

How to enrol for online written examinations

• At any time, go to to register and create an account. This can be done by the
teacher, parent, guardian or candidate if over the age of 18.
• The enrolling person can then log into their account and purchase an online examination using their credit
• Please include the relevant NSW Candidate Number
• Once purchased, the candidate has up to 12 months to sit their examination.
For more information about how to enrol for AMEB online examinations go to
Note: there is no limit to the number of online examinations a candidate can sit in any given period.

Face-to-face written examinations and online written examinations

It is not possible under any circumstances to transfer from:

• a face-to-face written examination to an online examination
• an online written examination to a face-to-face written examination
• from one examining year to the next.
10 2017 enrolment handbook

AMEB Examination Process

Submit enrolment online
1. Log in
Go to and click ‘Log in to AMEB Connect’. Enter your email address and password, or if
you don’t have a log in, create a new account by clicking ‘Get Access’ and follow the steps. See page 11 for details.

2. Check your details are correct

Click ‘My Contact Details’ button, then ‘Addresses’ tab and make sure we have your correct address.
If you need to update your address, you will need to email your new address details along with proof (utilities bill or lease
agreement) before you start your enrolments. See page 17.

3. Enrol candidates
Click the ‘Enrol a Candidate’ icon, complete the enrolment details, add each candidate’s enrolment to the basket. When
all enrolments have been added, click the green ‘Basket’ button, review each enrolment you have added to ensure the
details are correct, then click the green ‘Pay with your credit card’ button and pay with your credit card or debit card.
NOTE: To avoid late fees, the enrolments must be submitted online before midnight of the closing date – please refer to
the closing dates outlined on pages 6 - 8 in this handbook.

4. Your confirmation of enrolment

Once you have submitted your enrolments and payment online, you will receive a confirmation email including receipt
of payment (usually within 24 hours). Check this email thoroughly to ensure all details are correct. If any corrections
are required, you must email those corrections to our office within 5 days. Changes requested after this date will incur a
change fee of $30 per candidate per examination. See page 12.

5. Progress
Provisional dates can be checked via AMEB Connect. Please note that until you receive a
Notice of Examination letter via post confirming the dates, these dates and times are subject to change.

6. Your Notice of Examination

Candidate’s Notice of Examination letter will be uploaded to AMEB Connect and posted to the enrolling person
approximately three to four weeks before the examination date. These notices must be given to the candidates for
presentation at the examination venue as soon as possible. The enroller can email a notice directly to a candidate or
reprint a notice at any time from AMEB Connect.

7. Examination day
Candidates should arrive for their examination 20 minutes before their examination time with their Notice of
Examination completed with the pieces to be performed ready to show to the examiner.
Candidates arriving late cannot expect to be examined.

8. Your examination result

Practical examination reports and results will be uploaded to AMEB Connect within three weeks of the examination,
and the enroller will be alerted by email. Practical certificates will be posted to the enroller within four weeks of the
examination date. Written certificates are posted within eight weeks of the examination date.

Enrolment Information – • If you have used AMEB Connect in the past, log
in using your email address and password. If you
Before Examination can’t remember the password, click ‘Request a
new password’ and follow the prompts.

Enrolments can only be submitted Next – Getting started

online via AMEB Connect. • After logging in, you will be at the home page. You
will see a list of icons that represent the different
functions you can do within AMEB Connect, for
AMEB Connect example ‘Enrol a Candidate’, ‘My Candidates’, ‘My
Contact Details’ or ‘Buy Products’. You can return
AMEB Connect enables teachers and enrollers to back to this home page at any time by clicking
access information about their examinations online. on the blue ‘Home’ button at the top right of the
If you are a teacher or private enroller, you may: screen.
• submit your enrolment online • Before commencing the enrolment process, we
• see provisional dates for your candidates’ strongly recommend that you check that your
examinations once they have been scheduled contact details are correct. Click the ‘My Contact
• check for any errors in your personal details Details’ button, then click the ‘Addresses’ tab. The
correct address is required to ensure that your
• reprint Notices of Examination candidates are enrolled in the correct examination
• email Notices of Examination and/or examination period and that you receive any correspondence
reports directly to candidates. we send you. All changes must be submitted in
• view and print candidates’ reports and results as writing to the office along with proof of address (eg
soon as they are added utilities bill or lease agreement).
• view reports from 2012 onwards for candidates
that you have enrolled
Enrolment steps
1. To enrol your candidate(s) click on the ‘Enrol a
• download a comprehensive record of your
Candidate’ icon, enter the details and add the
candidates’ results (from 1988 to present).
enrolment to the Basket. When all enrolments
Only teachers, parents, legal guardians or candidates have been added, click the green ‘Basket’ button,
(if over 18) can enrol for AMEB (NSW) examinations. review each enrolment to ensure the details are
correct, then click the green ‘Pay with your credit
Please remember that all dates for examinations card’ button. You will receive a confirmation
that you may see online are provisional until you immediately.
receive the Notice of Practical Examination letter, 2. If you have a new candidate, click on ‘+ New
which will be posted to you approximately three to Candidate’. Please ensure you enter the correct
four weeks prior to the examination date. spelling for each name and correct date of birth
for the candidate.
The AMEB (NSW) reserves the right to request proof
3. Search for a candidate by entering the candidate’s
of address from an enroller.
personal details. Please make sure you have the
IMPORTANT: Teachers should not give passwords correct spelling for each name, and correct date
to any other person. This allows them to access the of birth. If using the ‘Find’ function, all fields –
results and reports of other students resulting in a including middle name – will need an exact match.
breach of privacy.
4. Choose the series by clicking the drop down
arrow. If appropriate, also choose examination
First – Log in period. Transfers to another examination period
• Go to and click can be requested here before 16 June 2017
‘Log in to AMEB Connect’. This will take you to the (additional fees apply - see page 17).
login screen. 5. Choose the examination subject, either by choosing
• If this is the first time that you have used AMEB from the list or by typing part of the subject name.
Connect, click ‘Get Access’ and follow the prompts. A For example, typing ‘piano’ will bring up a list of
temporary password will be emailed to you. Piano and Piano for Leisure subjects.
12 2017 enrolment handbook

6. Choose your preferred venue. If you select Payment

‘Other Venue’, an AMEB (NSW) venue number
is required. You must have permission from the • Click the green ‘Basket’ button in the top right of
owner to use their venue. Only the owner can the screen.
provide you with their venue number. Please • A list of your enrolments will be displayed. Check
see page 13 for more information about private that all the information is correct. You can edit the
venues. details by clicking ‘Edit enrolment’, or delete the
enrolment entirely by clicking ‘Remove enrolment’.
7. Choose the preferred day for the examination –
• Once you have reviewed your enrolment
weekday, Saturday or no preference.
information, click the ‘Pay with credit card’ button
8. If there are any scheduling requests such as at the bottom of the screen.
dates to avoid or if a candidate has been taught • Enter your credit card details here. We accept
by an AMEB (NSW) examiner in the past 3 years, Mastercard and Visa credit, debit and pre-paid
please list them in the Scheduling Requests box. cards. (Pre-paid cards are available at most post
9. Once all the information is complete, click ‘+Add offices and banks.)
to Basket’. • All transactions paid by Mastercard or Visa will
incur a 0.4% surcharge due to a government
PLEASE NOTE: A candidate cannot re-enrol for instruction for all agencies to recoup their
the same subject and grade in the same series. If merchant interchange fees.
a candidate wishes to resit an examination, they • Please tick the box to note your acceptance of
must enrol in a subsequent series. our regulations as set out in the 2017 Enrolment
Handbook and 2017 Manual of Syllabuses.
IMPORTANT – To avoid late fees you must complete IMPORTANT – Your enrolment is not complete
and submit both the enrolment and payment BEFORE until your payment has been submitted. Following
midnight of the closing date. Refer to pages 6 - 8 for successful payment, you will be provided with
closing dates. a reference number and sent a Confirmation of
Enrolment email. If you have not received it after 24
hours, please contact the AMEB (NSW) office.
Late enrolment fees – all examinations
Please check your Confirmation of Enrolment details
A late enrolment fee will apply if the enrolment and
carefully. If any corrections are required you must
full payment are not received by the closing date.
notify the AMEB (NSW) office within 5 business
Late fees are not refundable.
days of the issue date of the Confirmation of
Late fee: $60 per candidate per examination Enrolment email. Changes requested after this time
will incur a fee of $30 per candidate per examination.

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Confirmation of Enrolment Scheduling requests

You will receive a computer-generated confirmation of An administration fee of $30 per candidate per
your enrolment(s) as soon as practicable after the examination will be charged for any scheduling
information has been processed. The Confirmation of request that is not on the original enrolment.
Enrolment is your tax invoice and your only official
receipt from the AMEB (NSW). Please promptly and Other venue/private studio
thoroughly check this important document.
If you want your candidates to be examined at a
pre-arranged non-AMEB venue, you can request this
The Confirmation of Enrolment provides the under Preferred Venue. You will need to contact the
opportunity for teachers to double-check that venue owner to obtain the venue number to enter into
all information relevant to their candidates has the appropriate box.
been accurately recorded. Please advise us of
• If the studio belongs to another teacher, or is a
any errors immediately in writing. Failure to notify
school venue, you must obtain permission and
AMEB (NSW) of any changes (correct spelling of the venue code from the person or institution
name, date of birth, grade, subject code, subject involved before enrolling candidates.
name) within 5 business days of the issue date of
• Any hire costs and other associated expenses
the Confirmation of Enrolment email will result in a
for the studio/venue must be met by the visiting
change fee of $30 per candidate per examination.
Please note: This grace period does NOT apply to
• AMEB (NSW) will only assign an examiner to a
additional scheduling requests or withdrawals.
particular studio if a minimum of four hours (or
six hours on a Saturday) of examining time per
The way the name is spelled on the Confirmation of instrumental group is available and scheduled.
Enrolment and online is the way it will appear on • Studios must meet the criteria for use of private
the certificate. Replacement certificates will incur a studios outlined in the Policies section of the
fee of $11.00 each. It is not possible to substitute AMEB (NSW) website:
alternative candidates. Please note that the preferred
venue listed on your Confirmation of Enrolment may • AMEB (NSW) reserves the right to alter the
be changed, subject to suitability and availability as location of the examination to facilitate the
set out on page 13 of this handbook. If you have NOT provision of an examiner or if the venue is not
received a Confirmation of Enrolment within 24 hours available or suitable.
of enrolling online, please check your junk email • Private studio examinations are most likely to be
folder before telephoning the AMEB (NSW) to check scheduled on a weekday.
the status of your enrolment.
• The postcode of the enroller will be used to
determine the examination period if a private
Reminders studio is being used. See page 24 for more
By entering candidates for examinations you have information.
agreed to abide by the regulations contained in this
• If you would like your venue to be considered as
handbook and on the AMEB (NSW) website. If you
a private studio, please contact the AMEB (NSW)
are enrolling students for examinations, it is your
office before the enrolment closing date.
responsibility to inform your candidates and their
parents or guardians of all the conditions of enrolment
and the examination requirements.

You should be prepared for your candidates'

examinations to be scheduled at any time during
the advertised periods, including school holiday
periods or on public holiday weekends and you
should therefore advise your candidates of the
possibility of being scheduled on those dates.
14 2017 enrolment handbook

Fees • Please indicate if your candidates are enrolled for

more than one AMEB examination within a given
• Fees cannot be transferred from one candidate time frame (with different teachers), or are also
to another or from one year to the next. enrolled for a written examination during your
• We accept payment by Mastercard or Visa. It is examination period.
possible to use credit, debit and pre-paid cards. • While every effort is made to meet scheduling
• All transactions paid by Mastercard or Visa requests, not all requests (particularly Saturdays)
will incur a 0.4% surcharge due to a NSW will be possible as scheduling depends on the
Government instruction for all agencies to recoup availability of venues and examiners.
their merchant interchange fees. • Requests for specific examination dates and times
• If for any reason a Mastercard or Visa card is not will not be accepted.
accepted by the bank, a penalty fee of $15 will be • Requests for a late examination date will not be
applied to each transaction. considered.
• Requests regarding the scheduling or non-
Certification scheduling of specific examiners will not be
• It is essential that the person who enrols a considered (unless a candidate has been taught
by an AMEB (NSW) examiner in the last 3 years).
candidate is the teacher, parent, guardian or
candidate who is 18 years or over, and in doing so
certifies their: Candidates who have been taught by an
AMEB examiner
– awareness of the conditions of enrolment
Candidates who enrol for an examination who are,
– agreement to abide by the regulations or have been in the last 3 years, taught by someone
and the requirements in the AMEB (NSW) who is a current AMEB (NSW) examiner, should
2017 Enrolment Handbook and the 2017 indicate this in the ‘Scheduling Request’ section of
Manual of Syllabuses, and the policies on the the enrolment.
AMEB  (NSW) website:
This information will ensure that examiners are
– awareness of their responsibility to inform not scheduled to examine their own candidates,
candidates of these requirements. either past or present. If rescheduling is necessary
due to a candidate’s failure to indicate this
information during enrolment, additional transfer
Scheduling requests fees will be charged. See page 17 for transfer fees.
It is important that candidates and their families are
consulted about dates to be avoided and these are
clearly listed in this section prior to the lodgement of
Additional notes
your enrolment.
• Please keep all scheduling requests as brief and
School examinations
clear as possible. If any of your candidates are likely to be required
to take NAPLAN tests, or have other important
• Requests that are not included on the
examinations or school commitments during your
enrolment will incur a fee of $30 per candidate
scheduled examining period, please state the dates to
per examination. To make a scheduling
be avoided in the Scheduling Request section of the
request after enrolment, please download the
enrolment. The information printed inside the front
‘Scheduling Request’ form from our website
cover of this handbook can assist you in determining
at Requests will not be
these dates.
processed without the accompanying fee. The
enroller must ensure that candidates and their Substituting candidates
families are aware of this fee. Under no circumstances can an enrolled candidate
• Requests to schedule candidates together can be substituted by another candidate, either on the
only be accepted if they are siblings and enrolled Confirmation of Enrolment or on the day of the
by the same person. examination.

Diploma examinations Candidates requiring special provisions

Diploma examinations require two senior examiners. To ensure that the examination process is accessible
In instances where it is not feasible to schedule two to all, special provisions may be made for candidates
examiners in a regional area, AMusA candidates will where required. Our policy may be found in the
be required to travel to Sydney during the period 16 Policies section of the AMEB (NSW) website:
September to 7 October 2017 to be examined. LMusA Please submit via mail or
and FMusA examinations are held in Sydney during email medical documentation and details outlining the
the September/October school holidays and/or days provision required within two weeks of submitting
surrounding this period. Transfers are not possible your enrolment.
from Music Diploma Session 4. Before the examination, AMEB (NSW) must cite,
Diploma candidates are advised that they must verify, approve and receive signed permission from
bring a copy of their music for each examiner to the candidate (or their parent/guardian, if under
ensure verification of the edition from which the 18) in order to process this request. Under no
candidate is working. circumstances will AMEB (NSW) examiners accept
medical certificates or additional correspondence on
FMusA/FSDA the day of the examination.

• FMusA and FSDA candidates MUST submit their

proposed programs to AMEB (NSW) no later than
Friday 28 April 2017. Once these programs have
been approved by the AMEB, candidates will
receive a program approval letter.
• Program notes for FMusA examinations should
be forwarded to the State Office by email in Word
format no later than Friday 11 August 2017.
PLEASE NOTE: The Fellowship in Music, Australia
and the Fellowship in Speech and Drama, Australia
will be withdrawn as public examinations from 1
January 2018.

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16 2017 enrolment handbook

Practical Examination Transfers

Examination scheduling is a process that involves many variables. If you need to request a transfer for your
candidate(s), you must download a ‘Request for Transfer’ form from the AMEB (NSW) website and email or
post this form with supporting documentation (fees apply).Transfer requests will only be accepted if they are
accompanied by a completed Request for Transfer form.

Transfer requests from one session to another

Original exam session Closing date for Transfer to exam Documents required Transfer fee
transfer session
02 Regional – 1st Session 08 R
 egional –
Period 1 17 April 2nd Session
OR Written notice via
Period 2 1 May No charge
email or mail
Period 3 8 May 03 M
 etro –
Period 4 22 May 2nd Session
03 M
 etro –
2nd Session
04 M
 usic Diploma Written notice via
06 Metro – 1st Session 27 February No charge
Session email or mail
10 M
 etro – Speech &
Drama 2nd Session

Any transfer requests received after the above closing date and BEFORE scheduling will incur a $55 transfer
fee per candidate per examination or if transferring 6 or more candidates, a maximum of $330 fee will apply
per enrolment submission.

Period-to-period transfers in 03 Metro – Second Session

Requests for transfers to a different postcode period submitted after 16 June 2017 will not be considered.
Original exam period Transfer to exam period Closing date for transfer Action required Transfer fee
Period 1 Period 2, 3, 4 or 5 When completing
your enrolment online,
Period 2 Period 1, 3, 4 or 5 select the preferred $55 per candidate
16 June 2017 period under ‘select per examination
Period 3 Period 1, 2, 4 or 5 for all transfer requests an examination with a maximum of
period’. Please note: $330 per enrolment
Period 4 Period 1, 2, 3 or 5 this feature will not submission.
be available after
Period 5 Period 1, 2, 3 or 4 16 June 2017

Period-to-period transfers in 10 Metro Speech & Drama – Second Session

Requests for transfers to a different postcode period submitted after 23 June 2017 will not be considered.
Original exam period Transfer to exam period Closing date for transfer Action required Transfer fee
When completing your
Period 1 Period 2 or 3
enrolment online, select $55 per candidate
23 June 2017 the preferred period under per examination
Period 2 Period 1 or 3 for all transfer requests ‘select an examination with a maximum of
period’. Please note: this $330 per enrolment
feature will not be available submission.
Period 3 Period 1 or 2 after 23 June 2017

Please note: It is not possible to transfer examinations to the following year under any circumstances.

Postcode Policy – Sessions 03 and 10 • a completed Request for Transfer Form is

submitted to AMEB (NSW) no later than five
Due to the large number of candidates entered for
business days after the scheduled examination
the Metro Music and Speech & Drama – Second
Sessions, the AMEB (NSW) needs to divide the
examinations into different periods: • supporting documentation is submitted with the
Request for Transfer form.
• Please note your postcode periods carefully by
If AMEB (NSW) is unable to transfer a regional
consulting the table on page 6.
examination while examiners are still touring that
• The enrolling person’s residential postcode (not particular area, candidates requesting a transfer will
post office box) will be used to determine the be required to travel to Sydney.
examination period.
Medical transfers must include a medical certificate
• The enrolling person’s residential postcode will
from a registered doctor stating:
be used to determine the examination period if
a private studio is being used, even if the private • that the candidate is not fit to attend their
studio is in a different postcode period. examination on the scheduled date
• when it is anticipated the candidate will be fit to sit
• In the event of the enrolling person changing
their examination.
address – or a candidate changing teacher
– between the time of enrolment and the AMEB (NSW) reserves the right to contact the doctor
examination date, the original enrolling postcode to clarify information on the medical certificate.
will apply.
Other transfers (as outlined above) must include an
An enroller is a teacher, parent (or legal guardian), official letter from the school, workplace or relevant
a candidate over 18 years of age, a music school or organisation outlining the reason for the candidate’s
a BOSTES school. Enrollers may have one teacher inability to attend the examination.
number only. The AMEB (NSW) may ask for proof of
address and/or identity to maintain accurate postcode Submit the supporting documentation and payment to
records. the AMEB (NSW) office. Transfer dates may be
offered with minimal notice. Every effort will be made
Transfer fees BEFORE scheduling are as follows: to accommodate transfers, but transfers cannot be
$55 per candidate per examination guaranteed and should not be expected.
with a maximum of $330 per enrolment submission. Transfer fees AFTER scheduling are as follows:
$55 for Level 1 (Preliminary to Grade 4) per
Transfer requests after scheduling candidate per examination
You can use AMEB Connect to check whether an $66 for Level 2 (Grades 5 to 8 and Certificate
examination has been scheduled. Once the date of Performance, any CPM Advancing Step) per
has been scheduled, it is not possible to arrange candidate per examination
alternative dates for practical examinations for any $140 for Level 3 (Associate only) per candidate per
reason, except when this reason meets our transfer examination
policy and relates only to the candidate. Reasons in
our transfer policy include: $210 for Level 3 (Licentiate only) per candidate per
• substantiated medical grounds
• day of religious observance Please note: It is not possible under any
• compulsory school examinations or excursions circumstances to transfer examinations to the
• verified work-related grounds following year.
• relevant generally recognised days of cultural Change of address
The correct address is required to ensure that your
No other grounds for transfers will be considered.
candidates are enrolled in the correct examination
If a candidate is unable to attend his or her practical period and that you receive any correspondence we
examination due to one of the above reasons, an send you. All changes must be submitted in writing to
alternative date may be offered, provided that: the office along with proof of address (eg utilities bill or
• venues and examiners are available lease agreement) BEFORE you submit your enrolments.
18 2017 enrolment handbook

Change of enrolling person • A 50% refund will be issued if written advice of

withdrawal is received as follows:
Teachers should ensure that they only enrol candidates – written examinations (Session 05) – at least
whom they are currently teaching and who have four weeks before the commencement of the
agreed to sit for an AMEB (NSW) examination. relevant session.
In order to safeguard the interests of all parties, any – practical examinations – at least eight weeks
request to change the enrolling person listed in an before the commencement of the relevant
enrolment requires confirmation from the original session (Sessions 02, 04, 06, 09), or postcode
enrolling person. There will be a fee of $55 charged period (Sessions 03, 10), and at least seven
to reassign a candidate from one enrolling person weeks before the commencement of Session 08.
to another or from/to private candidate status after • Exact dates for refunds as described above can
enrolment. A Change of Enrolling Person form can be be found in the tables for practical and written
downloaded from the Teacher Support section of our examinations that appear in pages 6 – 8 of this
website: Please complete and handbook.
forward this form to the AMEB (NSW) office with your • No refund will be applicable after the time frames
$55 payment. outlined above. It is the responsibility of the
Please note: A change of enrolling person does not enrolling person to ensure that their students and
change the examination period. The examination will their families are aware of these deadlines.
still be set according to the original enrolling person's
postcode. Candidates may not change the enrolling
person once the examination has taken place. This
policy applies to all AMEB (NSW) examinations.
Enrolment Information –
Change of grade or subject Day of Examination
Requests to change a candidate’s grade or Practical Examination
subject (for example from Piano to Piano for
Practical examinations are conducted in accordance
Leisure) for either practical or written examinations
with all syllabus requirements set out in the 2017
must be notified in writing to the AMEB (NSW)
Manual of Syllabuses and in accordance with the
office. A Change Form: Subject, Grade or
policies and procedures in this handbook. If enrolling
Syllabus can be downloaded from our website
your student for an ‘old’ syllabus you must consult the
at Failure to notify
Manual of Syllabuses edition specified in the subject
AMEB  (NSW) of any changes of subject, grade or
codes on pages 29 – 38 of this handbook.
syllabus within 5 business days of the issue date of
the Confirmation of Enrolment email will result in a Notice of practical examination
change fee of $30 per candidate per examination,
plus any difference in the cost of the examination. It is possible that your candidates’ examinations may
be scheduled on a weekday, Saturday or during
Withdrawals and refunds school holidays. Please check carefully the day,
date, time and venue on each candidate’s Notice of
The AMEB (NSW) enrolment, examination
Practical Examination.
preparation and scheduling processes incur
significant costs for the AMEB (NSW), irrespective
of whether candidates actually present on the day The enrolling person can check if provisional dates have
of their examinations or not. However, if a candidate been given by logging into AMEB Connect, which are
wishes to withdraw from their examination, it must be indicated by the term ‘Official Notice Pending’. Once
submitted in writing and a refund may be considered dates have been confirmed, AMEB Connect will show
under the following conditions: ‘Notices Sent’ and the enrolling person will receive an
• A refund (less $30 per candidate per examination email alert and the Notice of Practical Examination letter
administration fee) will be issued if a written via post.
request is received by the closing date of Every effort will be made to ensure that the candidate’s
the relevant session or postcode period (see Notice of Examination letter is uploaded to AMEB
pages 6 – 7 for practical examination closing Connect and posted to the enrolling person approximately
dates). three to four weeks before the examination date. These

notices must be given to the candidates for presentation • If a candidate presents a piece of music (other
at the examination venue. The enrolling person can email than Own Choice or Extra List) that is not listed
a notice directly to a candidate or reprint a notice at any in the syllabus they are enrolled for, their mark
time from AMEB Connect. will be downgraded. For more information, see
Please note: Examination notices must be printed. Regulation 25 in the 2017 Manual of Syllabuses.
Notices displayed on a smart phone or tablet will not Warm-up rooms
be accepted.
As a general rule, AMEB (NSW) does not provide
Additional responsibilities of enrolling person warm-up rooms at examination venues. AMEB
• Make sure your candidates’ instruments are candidates are not permitted access to rooms at
correctly assembled and tuned before entering any conservatorium for the purposes of warm-up.
the examination room. This is not the examiner’s Where a warm-up room is provided, it is for the
responsibility. purpose of warming up and tuning instruments and
• Ensure that the candidate has arranged an not for rehearsing repertoire. Should additional time
accompanist (if applicable) and that the or privacy be required, studio hire may be available at
accompanist has been given a copy of the Notice of the Clarence Street studios during business hours.
Examination. Clarence Street Level 8 Studios
• Advise candidates undertaking practical Singing, brass, woodwind and string candidates of all
examinations that they MUST have original grades, and piano candidates presenting for AMEB
copies of all the music required for performance,
practical examinations at the Grade 8 and above at
in the appropriate order, at the beginning of the
this venue are invited to use our warm-up facilities
examination, even if the program is memorised.
for 5 minutes before their examination, and Associate
Other examination matters to note and Licentiate candidates may use the warm-up
• Teachers are not allowed to alter the examination facilities for 10 minutes.
schedule for their students under any
circumstances. Schools and private studios
may submit a timetable order change no later What do I need to bring to my
than five business days before the examination.
Examiners will only accept schedule alterations examination?
communicated from the AMEB (NSW) office. • A printed Notice of Examination with the bottom
• Candidates arriving late cannot expect to be section completed
examined as there are examinations after their • Original music, even if playing from memory.
allotted time. Photocopies are not allowed
• If a candidate presents a medical certificate on the
• Photo identification if sitting Grade 8 or above
day of the examination stating that the candidate
is unfit to sit an examination, they will not be • Spare strings, reeds, valve oil etc
examined and their enrolment fee will be forfeited. • Cello rock stop or rubber end pin
• Examiners will not accept any letters,
• Double bass stool
medical certificates or documents requesting
special consideration for a candidate under • CD player or similar device if using AMEB
any circumstance. All documentation must recorded accompaniment
be submitted to the office prior to the day of
the examination. See page 15 for information
regarding special provisions. Written Examination
• Pre-recorded accompaniment is not acceptable,
Written examinations are conducted in accordance
unless specified by the syllabus (see page 5). Where
with syllabus requirements set out in the AMEB 2017
candidates wish to use recorded accompaniment,
Manual of Syllabuses and in accordance with the
ensure that your students understand that it is
policies and procedures in this handbook.
their responsibility to provide and operate suitable
equipment for such performances. AMEB (NSW) Candidates may enrol for two grades of written
does not provide facilities such as CD players for the examinations in the same session, provided the
use of recorded accompaniment. examinations are not scheduled at the same time.
20 2017 enrolment handbook

Notice of written examination writing. The supervisor will check that the dictionary
falls within the guidelines and that it does not include
A Notice of Written Examination for each candidate is
any other written material.
dispatched to the enrolling person approximately two
weeks before the examination. You will receive two Before the scheduled commencement of all written
notices in the case of Music Craft and Musicianship examinations (except the aural component of the
examinations that have an aural and written Musicianship and Music Craft examinations), 10
component. Please ensure you check all pages minutes reading time is allowed. No writing will
carefully and note the precise time(s), date(s) and be permitted during this time. At the conclusion
location(s) for each examination. of the aural Musicianship and aural Music Craft
examinations, candidates will have 10 minutes
All notices must be given to the candidate to present
checking time during which writing is permitted.
at the examination venue.
Manuscript paper for rough working will be provided
The enrolling person should ensure that their
for all aural and written examinations. The supervisor
will collect all unused working papers; no manuscript
• attend the venue indicated on the Notice of paper may be taken from the room. Only the worked
Written Examination paper (and any attached sheets) will be considered
• arrive at the examination venue at least 20 for marking. Pencilled answers are only acceptable if
minutes before the scheduled commencement they are clearly legible.
time. Reading time (if applicable) will commence
10 minutes before the advertised start of the
examination Enrolment Information –
• only take pens, pencils, erasers and rulers into
the examination room. Any paper product will be
After Examination
confiscated with the exception of an approved Reports
English/foreign language dictionary and text
required for Grade 6 and Grade 7 Speech and Examination reports are only available from AMEB
Performance Connect and can only be accessed by the enrolling
• do not take mobile phones or computer equipment person.
into the examination. No responsibility will be • Practical Examinations - The reports are
taken for the loss of any items. uploaded within two to three weeks of the
• complete the attendance slip correctly examination date.
• check that they receive the correct paper from the • August Written Examinations - The reports are
supervisor as more than one paper may be issued uploaded within eight weeks of the examination
at the same examination venue date.
• know that Theory of Music paper is white, the • Diploma and Teaching Syllabus Written
Musicianship paper is blue, the Music Craft paper Examinations - The reports are uploaded within
is yellow and Speech and Performance Theory is twelve weeks of the examination date.
green • Online Written Examinations - The reports are
• write their correct candidate number on the paper uploaded within four weeks of the examination
• understand correct examination protocol and
complete their examination in silence out of It is possible for the report to be emailed to the
courtesy to other candidates, ie no humming, candidate directly from AMEB Connect. Please do
singing, tapping etc. not contact the AMEB (NSW) office regarding reports
Candidates whose first language is not English may use until at least three weeks after the examination date.
a dictionary in written examinations, providing that the The examination report provides valuable feedback
approved dictionary is foreign language/English. for students and is helpful in identifying areas for
Candidates should advise the AMEB (NSW) office improvement. It is of greatest benefit when students
in writing that they intend to use a dictionary when receive this feedback as near to the examination as
they enrol, outlining their reasons for doing so. The possible.
AMEB (NSW) will then provide the candidate with a Therefore it is the responsibility of the enrolling person
letter of authorisation that must be presented to the to provide the report to the student within 21 days of
examination supervisor prior to the commencement of it being uploaded on to AMEB Connect.

Please note: The AMEB (NSW) is not responsible Certificates for groups
for the delivery of mail once it has left the office.
Reimbursement for lost articles may be claimed from One certificate will be issued with the group name
Australia Post and compensation may be paid at their as supplied on the enrolment form. If you would like
discretion. one additional certificate with the names of all group
members please write to the office providing the
Grade certificates appropriate names. Further copies of this certificate
may be supplied at the request of the teacher, at a
Please allow approximately four weeks for certificates
cost of $11 per certificate.
to be issued and posted. Certificates are posted to the
teacher or enrolling person only.
Written results and certificates
Diploma certificates Written examination results and certificates are issued
Diploma certificates are presented at the Annual within eight weeks of the examination date. The
Presentation Ceremony in March each year, along marked papers of all Theory of Music and Musicianship
with Distinction medals where applicable. Candidates candidates from Grades 1 to 3 are returned to the
who cannot attend the Diploma Presentation teacher. Candidates for Grade 4 and above in Theory
Ceremony will receive their certificates through the of Music and Musicianship, and candidates sitting for
mail following the ceremony. Music Craft Grades 5 and 6 examinations receive a
report from the assessor giving the marks awarded for
Gradings each section and any relevant comments. Theory of
Music papers Grades 4 and above, Musicianship papers
Grading descriptors for grade certificates will reflect Grades 4 and above or Music Craft papers Grades 5 and
the following marks: 6 will not be returned to teachers.
Grading Descriptor Written Practical
High Distinction 95% – 100% A+ The enrolling person may come to the office to view
Honours 85% – 94% A Music Craft papers only at a cost of $25 per paper.
Credit 75% – 84% B+ or B Arrangements to view papers must be made in
Pass 65% – 74% C+ or C advance.

Replacement certificates Reassessment of written examination

A Replacement Certificate Request form can
be downloaded from the AMEB (NSW) website If you believe an error has been made, AMEB (NSW) Replacement certificates must be notified within 12 weeks of the examination
will incur a fee of $11.00 each, including postage: date. A $50 fee must be submitted to arrange a
reassessment and this fee will only be processed in
Product Exam held
the event that the re-marking of the paper results in
Certificate 1988 – present day
the same mark as the original, ie no examiner error or
Report (available 2 months after calculation error has been established.
2005 – present day
the examination date)
All papers from Grade 4 upwards with a result of 63 or
Record of teacher’s candidates’ 1988 – present day
results 64 (excluding online examinations) will automatically
be reassessed by a second assessor. The reviewed
Additional group certificate 1988 – present day
mark will be the mark recorded and the reviewed
Letter of attainment 1988 – present day
report will be issued to the teacher. The assessor’s
Please allow two weeks to process your replacement decision is final and no correspondence will be
certificate request. entered into regarding that decision.
22 2017 enrolment handbook

General Examination Diploma examinations – Music

Information Level 3 examination success leads to the

prestigious Associate, Licentiate and Fellowship
Diplomas. Successful candidates will have their
name printed in the AMEB Manual of Syllabuses
The AMEB pathway edition in the year after they receive their diploma.
Starting out - P Plate Piano Bonus points are awarded to AMEB diploma
recipients towards tertiary entrance to universities
Prior to Level 1 examinations, pianists can sit for a such as UNSW. Please consult the recruitment
P Plate for Piano non-graded assessment. Pianists staff at individual tertiary institutions for more
in the very earliest stages of their training can be information.
assessed after studying the pieces in any one of the
three P Plate Piano books. P Plate assessments do Diploma reports are only available to teachers through
not include technical work, aural tests or sight reading the online system: AMEB Connect. Please allow two
– they simply involve presenting a program of three weeks from the date of examination to receive your
pieces from any one P Plate book. A certificate is results. Diploma results will not be given to anyone
awarded on the day of the examination and a over the phone. Teachers will receive a letter from
P Plate Piano Licence is awarded following the Book 3 AMEB (NSW) after additional requirements have been
assessment. The examination report will be available verified.
via AMEB Connect, as for grade examinations.
Diploma examinations – Speech and Drama
Grade examinations Speech and Drama diplomas are awarded to
Level 1 examinations cover Preliminary Grade candidates who demonstrate maturity, conviction and
through to Grade 4 inclusive. Within these grades, confidence in presentation and performance which
candidates demonstrate the fundamental and includes the ability to use advanced technical and
developing skills required for this subject. vocal skills.
Level 2 examinations are incrementally more Prerequisite requirements are in place for the ADPA
challenging and demanding. This level includes and LDPA Drama and Performance (Teacher or
Grade 5 to Grade 8, and for many instruments is Performer) diplomas to ensure that candidates have
often capped with the Certificate of Performance. achieved an appropriate level of knowledge and skill
From Grade 6 through to Licentiate level, there is to undertake the diplomas successfully. Teachers and
an additional requirement of a pass in a written candidates are encouraged to use the stepping stone
examination before the certificate or diploma is of the CVCA, Certificate of Voice and Communication
awarded. Please consult the table on page 26. Australia, to gain knowledge and experience as
a communicator before undertaking the APCA,
For Leisure syllabus examinations and CPM
Associate of Professional Communication Australia
syllabus examinations conclude at Level 2 and no
additional written examination is required.

Recital examinations Preparing for the AMusA practical

Commencing as a trial in 2017 for violin, flute and examination
trumpet only, this new examination format allows The Associate Diploma is highly respected in the
candidates the opportunity to enrol for a shorter international music community and recognises
examination in which only a program of pieces is a sophistication of musical understanding and
examined. For examinations at Level 1, candidates performance abilities that are well above the
prepare three works for presentation and for Level 2, requirements for Grade 8.
four works are to be presented. Recital examinations Teachers and candidates are actively encouraged
do not include technical work, aural tests, sight to use the stepping stone level of the Certificate of
reading or general knowledge. Performance, currently offered for Piano, Violin,
For greater detail about these new examinations for Cello, Classical Guitar, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bassoon,
flute, violin and trumpet, download the 2017 trial Singing and Flute. This examination can follow Grade
syllabus from our website: 8, providing additional performance experience and

examiner feedback as a student’s technique and evidence of their completion of any additional
interpretive skills continue to refine and develop. requirements will be invited to attend the annual
The success rate for Associate examinations is much Diploma Presentation Ceremony. Candidates who
lower than for Grade examinations. It is therefore successfully complete all requirements in 2017 will
suggested that teachers with limited experience in
be awarded their diplomas at a ceremony held on
presenting candidates at Diploma level obtain advice
from a more experienced teacher before entering Sunday 11 March 2018.
candidates for AMusA. This ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to formally
Please consult the Teacher Support section of the recognise an artist’s years of dedication and share
AMEB (NSW) website: for their achievement with peers, teachers, family and
useful Diploma preparation information. friends. Gowns and stoles are available for hire from
The AMEB (NSW) Diploma Presentation Successful candidates who cannot be present to
Ceremony receive their award in person will be admitted ‘in
Successful Associate, Licentiate and Fellowship absentia’ to the diploma, and the certificate will be
candidates who have provided AMEB (NSW) with mailed following the ceremony.


AMEB examination studios for hire

AMEB (NSW) is pleased to offer our facilities at 117 Clarence Street for
hire. With a total of 13 spacious and beautifully appointed studios, many
with grand pianos, we invite teachers, students and musicians to make use
of these facilities on weekdays between 9am and 5pm (excluding public
holidays), subject to availability.
Studios 1 - 12 $45 per hour (1–3 hours)
$135 half day (4 hours)
$240 full day (up to 8 hours)
$300 ten hours of hire to be taken
within 3 calendar months
Pre-exam hire 8 – 8.45 am
$50 for 45 minutes
Studio 14 $60 per hour (1–3 hours)
$180 half day (4 hours)
$320 full day (up to 8 hours)

To book a studio or to find out more, visit our website or call
AMEB (NSW) on (02) 9367 8456 or email [email protected]
24 2017 enrolment handbook

Program submission Examinations will be held in Clarence Street, Sydney.

Candidates residing 125 kilometres or more from
FMusA the Sydney CBD may provide their own venue if
an appropriate volunteer supervisor is available.
• Proposed programs should be submitted by 'On Demand' written examinations will incur an
email to the State Office for approval by Friday additional fee of $50.
28 April 2017.
• FMusA candidates may then enrol in Session Venues – Practical
04, attaching proof of their program approval Metropolitan examinations
and photocopies of prerequisites.
Venue Examination Availability
• Completed program notes for FMusA AMEB Clarence Street, Weekdays and Saturdays
examinations must be forwarded to the State Sydney CBD
Office by email in Word format no later than Sydney Conservatorium of Saturdays only
Friday 11 August 2017 Music, Sydney CBD
Joan Sutherland Performing Weekdays and Saturdays
APCA Folio Arts Centre, Penrith
Before enrolling for the APCA Section II, (available in limited examination periods)

candidates must submit their proposed folio topic

AMEB (NSW) will endeavour to schedule according
to the State Office for approval, together with a
to your preference for either a weekday or a Saturday,
draft abstract (100-150 words). Allow one month
but this may not be possible due to limited venue and
for notification of approval status. Once the topic
examiner availability in that time frame. Please ensure
has been approved, enrolment can proceed. candidates are made aware that an examination can
be scheduled on any day (Mon–Sat) despite listed
LDPA Dissertation preferences.
Before enrolling for the LDPA Section III,
Private studios and transfers
candidates must submit the proposed dissertation
topic to the State Office for approval, together The residential address of an enroller will determine
with a draft abstract (100-200 words). Allow one the postcode period for examinations. An enroller
month for notification of approval status. Once the can request a transfer from one postcode period to
another before the closing date and pay the fee as
topic has been approved, enrolment can proceed.
outlined on page 16 of this handbook.
• There must be a minimum total of four hours
examining per instrument category, or six hours on
Before enrolling, candidates should check the a Saturday, before an examiner may be scheduled
prerequisite requirement. The program, including to examine at a private venue/studio. If teachers
timings, must be submitted with the entry form. using a venue have a combined total of less than
The AMEB will advise the candidate promptly four hours examining, or six hours on a Saturday,
of the approval or otherwise of the submitted the AMEB (NSW) will organise another venue for
program. the examinations without notice.
• It may be possible for examination timetables in
Diploma Written Examinations private studios to be reordered if the examinations
are on the same timetable, only if a request is
Diploma written examinations can be requested submitted in writing to the AMEB (NSW) office
for a nominated date six weeks in advance. not less than five business days before the
Enrolments will be accepted from 16 January examination timetable. Teachers and/or studio
2017 to 23 August 2017. These include music hosts are NOT to make contact with examiners
diplomas AMusA and LMusA Musicianship and regarding timetables.
Theory syllabuses, and the written component • If you elect to have your students examined at
of ATMusA, LTMusA, and Speech and Drama another teacher’s private studio, your contact
diplomas APCA, ADPA and LDPA. details may be given to the venue owner.

• Candidates and visiting teachers are expected to Regional NSW

respect the facilities at the examination studio by
As more grades in each of the three written syllabuses
waiting only in the area directed by the host teacher,
are made available as online examinations, regional
leaving the premises on completion of examinations
teachers may find online examinations to be a far
and not interrupting examinations in progress.
more convenient option for their students.
• It is the responsibility of the visiting teacher to However, if face-to-face examinations are preferred, a
ensure that the private studio is available and minimum of 10 candidates per day is required for any
appropriate for your students’ examinations. examination venue to be established. For this reason
• It is unlikely that examinations will be held in teachers are advised that they should collaborate with
private studios on a Saturday. other teachers in their area and enter candidates for
the same session in order to ensure a local venue.
• The AMEB (NSW) reserves the right to inspect
venues from time to time or to refuse a venue if Teachers must be aware that the preferred area
the facilities do not meet the criteria for use. nominated on the Confirmation of Enrolment may
vary from the venue finally allocated on the Notice
To see if your studio meets our criteria as an of Examination. Candidates in regional areas may
examination venue, please consult the Policies be required to travel to the nearest available venue.
section of the AMEB (NSW) website: However, in response to teacher feedback, the AMEB (NSW) agrees that no candidate should travel more
than 125 kilometres (each way) from their teacher’s
Federal examinations studio to the examination venue on any one day.
Federal music practical examinations Students sitting for Musicianship examinations with
(LMusA, FMusA, LTMusA) will be held at a Aural components should travel no more than 70
Sydney metropolitan venue to be determined kilometres (each way) from their teacher’s studio
by the AMEB (NSW). to the examination venue on each of the two days
involved. If a Musicianship candidate travels further
Venues – Written than 70 kilometres (each way) on one day, then the
other component of the examination will be held in
Sydney metropolitan area their teacher’s local centre.

Examinations will be held throughout the metropolitan If scheduling has already commenced, late enrollees
may have to travel further than the distances
area in schools, colleges and community halls.
indicated above.
Teachers or private enrollers should indicate their
preferred examination area on the enrolment.
However, where a nominated examination area
is unavailable, or where no preference of area is
specified, candidates will be directed to the nearest
available venue.
The Confirmation of Enrolment will indicate the
preferred examination area. Please notify the AMEB
(NSW) immediately if this area is incorrect.
While every effort is made to accommodate
candidates in the preferred area, the capacity and
availability of venues may require alterations without
notice. Please check the venue carefully on the
Notice of Written Examination.
All Speech and Drama candidates may be directed to
one central Sydney venue.
The Aural and Written components for Music Craft
and Musicianship are held on different days and may
also be held at different venues. Please check your
notices carefully.
26 2017 enrolment handbook

Music Examination Additional Requirements

In the following practical examinations, an additional written examination is required. The additional requirement
need not be completed before the principal examination, but until both are passed, the examination is incomplete
and no certificate will be awarded. No additional written examination is required in For Leisure or CPM syllabuses.


Grade 6 Practice of Music Pass Grade 2 Theory or Musicianship or Music Craft

Grade 7 Practice of Music Pass Grade 3 Theory or Musicianship or Music Craft

Grade 8 Practice of Music Pass Grade 4 Theory or Musicianship or Music Craft

Certificate of Performance Pass Grade 4 Theory or Musicianship or Music Craft

AMusA Performing Pass Grade 5* Theory or Musicianship or Music Craft

LMusA Performing Pass Grade 6* Theory or Musicianship or Music Craft

(Please refer to Regulation 19 in the 2017 Manual of Syllabuses for exceptions.)

* Must be completed by 31 December to receive diploma the following March.

Speech and Drama Prerequisite Requirements

There are NO prerequisites in the Voice and Communication syllabus.
For ADPA, LDPA and FSDA examinations candidates must pass a qualifying examination(s) before entering for
the principal examination. In all cases the stated prerequisite is the minimum requirement. It is the responsibility
of the candidate to provide notification of the date of passing the prerequisite requirement and the state in which
the examination was held.

ADPA Drama & Performance Pass Grade 7 Speech & Performance Theory AND
B grading CDPA Drama & Performance or
Pass Grade 7 Speech & Drama
LDPA Drama & Performance Pass ADPA Drama & Performance or
Pass ASDA Speech & Drama
FSDA Speech & Drama Pass LDPA Drama & Performance or
Pass LSDA Speech & Drama
(Please refer to the 2017 Manual of Speech and Drama Syllabuses for more information.)

Trainee examiners Page turning

A trainee examiner may be present during grade Enrollers and candidates are advised that candidates
examinations. This examination experience is vital should not expect examiners to turn pages, and
to maintaining AMEB’s high examining standards. adequate steps must be taken to ensure continuity
In such an instance, the candidate will receive the of the music in performance. A page-turner may
Supervising Examiner’s result and written report. be used by the candidate and/or accompanist. The
page-turner will only remain in the examination room
for the purpose of turning pages.
Downloaded musical scores
Page turners who interfere with the examination by
Candidates who present for examination using scores communicating in any way with the candidate or
obtained through free download from websites should examiner will be ejected from the studio and the
note that they bear responsibility to ensure that candidate will be required to turn their own pages.
copyright clearance for the use of this material has
been obtained. Candidates should note that heavy Use of recorded accompaniment
penalties apply for the improper use of copyright
No CD players, iPod docks, USB ports or amps are
provided at AMEB examination venues. Enrollers
and candidates should note that, where permissible,
Photocopies if recorded accompaniment is used instead of live
piano accompaniment, the candidate must bring this
Composers, authors and playwrights depend, to a
and ALL associated equipment. This must be set up
significant extent, on royalty income from sales of
and sound-checked quickly to minimise disruption to
their publications, as does the AMEB. Those using
their allotted examination time.
photocopies of printed material should ensure that
the copies do not contravene the Copyright Act 1968.
Unauthorised photocopying is illegal. Photocopies
Pencil marks
of AMEB publications must not be taken into AMEB Before entering the examination room candidates
examinations. Please also note the relevant paragraph should see that all pencil marks which may have
under General Requirements, Practical Examinations been made on their music to indicate general
in the 2017 Manual of Syllabuses. Please refer to the knowledge information are carefully erased. Marks
following link for more information: www.apraamcos. indicating fingering, bowing or other teaching aids need not be erased.
Dress code
Editions AMEB examinations follow a formal and structured
process. Candidates are advised to consider the
Editions are mentioned solely as a means of
occasion as they would any performance and dress
identification. Original editions are recommended appropriately.
but any standard edition will be accepted. AMEB
does not prescribe any specific edition. In the case
of arrangements however, it is necessary to use
Proof of Identification
the specified volume as other editions may be of For examinations from Grade 8 and above in Music or
unsuitable levels of difficulty. Speech and Drama, it will be necessary for candidates
to provide proof of identification to the examiner, for
example a student ID card or drivers licence.
Candidates who do not provide proof of identification
Candidates are required to be familiar with repeats, at the time of the examination will not be permitted to
but these are not required during the course of the use their qualifications, nor will they be able to take
examination unless specifically requested by the advantage of bonus ATAR points or Elite Performers
examiner. However, da capo directions should be schemes as their qualifications cannot be verified by
observed. the AMEB office.
28 2017 enrolment handbook

Non-English speaking candidates AMEB (NSW) Policies

Non-English speaking candidates who wish to Further information regarding the following AMEB
have an accredited interpreter present at their (NSW) policies can be located on our website:
examination must apply to the AMEB (NSW) in under Examinations g
writing. The cost of the interpreter service will be Policies. Teachers should familiarise themselves with
the responsibility of the candidate. Accredited these policies as they form part of the conditions for
interpreters may be contacted through the Language enrolment.
Services division of the Community Relations The policies are:
Commission of NSW on 1300 651 500. Fees and
booking information can be found on their website: • Privacy Policy. • Special Provisions
• Complaints and Appeal Procedures
No recording permitted • Use of Private Studios
Please note that photography or recording the • Certificates
whole, or any part, of any AMEB examination is not
permitted. • AMEB Awards
• Child Protection Procedures
Appeals, queries and feedback • Copyright Information
AMEB examinations are conducted as a formal
process to a strict timetable. In order that other
candidates are not disadvantaged, it is not possible
for examiners to discuss examination issues with
teachers, parents or candidates at the examination
Information about submitting appeals, queries and
feedback can be obtained from the Policies section
of the AMEB (NSW) website:

Privacy policy
The AMEB (NSW) and the Board of Studies, Teaching
and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) are
fully compliant with the provisions of the Privacy
and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (the
Act). Information provided by teachers, candidates,
examiners and other employees of BOSTES is
collected, stored and administered in accordance with
the Act.
For more details, please consult the Policies section of
the AMEB (NSW) website:

Teach yourself using the new AMEB Theory

of Music courses at

Subject Codes and Fees – Music

The relevant subject code must be used on the enrolment form.
Written examinations - Session 05 - 22 & 23 August 2017
Theory of Music Fee ($) Musicianship Fee ($)
00001 Grade 1 69.00 00021 Grade 1 69.00
00002 Grade 2 70.00 00022 Grade 2 69.00
00003 Grade 3 77.00 00023 Grade 3 74.00
00004 Grade 4 77.00 00024 Grade 4 83.00
00005 Grade 5 82.00 00025 Grade 5 87.00
00006 Grade 6 82.00 00026 Grade 6 87.00
00007 Grade 7, Paper 1* 113.00 00029 Associate, Section 1* 122.00
00008 Grade 7, Paper 2* 113.00 00030 Associate, Section 2* 122.00
04002 Associate, Musicology116.00 05029 Associate, Section 1 122.00
04003 Associate, Harmony & Counterpoint116.00 05030 Associate, Section 2 122.00
04004 Associate, Orchestration & Arrangement116.00 05031 Licentiate, Section 1 122.00
00009 Associate, Paper 1** 116.00
05032 Licentiate, Section 2 122.00
00010 Associate, Paper 2** 116.00
00011 Associate, Paper 3** 116.00 * Only available to candidates who successfully completed
01200 Licentiate, Musicology127.00 part of this examination between 2013 and 2015
01300 Licentiate, Harmony & Counterpoint127.00
01400 Licentiate, Orchestration & Arrangement127.00 Music Craft Fee ($)
00012 Licentiate, Paper 1** 127.00 Online only Preliminary 69.00
00013 Licentiate, Paper 2** 127.00 Online only Grade 1  71.00
00014 Licentiate, Paper 3** 127.00 Online only Grade 2  71.00
* Only available to candidates who successfully completed Online only Grade 3 79.00
part of this examination between 2013 and 2014 Online only Grade 4 83.00
** Only available to candidates who successfully completed 01545 Grade 5 87.00
part of this examination between 2011 and 2014 01546 Grade 6 87.00

Written examinations - Session 50 Teaching certificates and diploma

On Demand Session 05 - 23 August 2017
Please specify relevant instrument on enrolment.
Theory of Music Fee ($)
04002 Associate, Musicology166.00
Certificate Teacher of Music (CTMusA) Fee ($)
04003 Associate, Harmony & Counterpoint166.00 Section I (Written) 116.00
04004 Associate, Orchestration & Arrangement166.00 Section II (Folio) 116.00
01200 Licentiate, Musicology177.00 Section III (A) (Practical) 176.00
01300 Licentiate, Harmony & Counterpoint177.00 Section III (B) (Practical) 176.00
01400 Licentiate, Orchestration & Arrangement177.00 Associate Teacher of Music (ATMusA) Fee ($)
Musicianship Fee ($) Section I (Written) 116.00
Section II (Folio) 116.00
05029 Associate, Section 1 168.00
Section III (A) (Practical) 354.00
05030 Associate, Section 2 168.00 Section III (B) (Practical) 354.00
05031 Licentiate, Section 1 168.00
05032 Licentiate, Section 2 168.00 Licentiate Teacher of Music (LTMusA) Fee ($)
Section I (Written) 129.00
Teaching Fee ($) Section II (Folio) 129.00
ATMusA Section I (Written) 166.00 Section III (A) (Practical) 354.00
LTMusA Section I (Written) 179.00 Section III (B) (Practical) 354.00

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.
30 2017 enrolment handbook

Practical Examinations – Music

Keyboard instruments

P Plate Piano Fee ($) Candidates for P Plate Piano present 3 pieces in
01351 Book One 68.00 these non-graded assessments. For more information
01352 Book Two 68.00 see page 22 of this handbook or visit
01353 Book Three 73.00

Piano for Leisure Fee ($) Piano (Pianoforte) Fee ($)

01280 Preliminary 86.00 01560 Preliminary 91.00
01281 Grade 1 95.00 01561 Grade 1 97.00
01282 Grade 2 95.00 01562 Grade 2 97.00
01283 Grade 3 100.00 01563 Grade 3 109.00
01284 Grade 4 100.00 01564 Grade 4 109.00
01285 Grade 5 111.00 01565 Grade 5 120.00
01286 Grade 6 111.00 01566 Grade 6 120.00
01287 Grade 7 122.00 01567 Grade 7 135.00
01288 Grade 8 142.00 01568 Grade 8 161.00
01289 Certificate Perf 186.00 01569 Certificate Perf 186.00
01570 Associate Perf 284.00
01571 Licentiate Perf 426.00

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.

Other keyboard instruments

Accordion Stradella Fee ($) Organ Fee ($)

00610 Preliminary 91.00 00373 Grade 3 109.00
00611 Grade 1 97.00 00374 Grade 4 109.00
00612 Grade 2 97.00 00375 Grade 5 120.00
00613 Grade 3 109.00 00376 Grade 6 120.00
00614 Grade 4 109.00 00377 Grade 7  130.00
00615 Grade 5 120.00 00378 Grade 8  161.00
00616 Grade 6 120.00 00379 Associate Perf 284.00
00617 Grade 7  135.00 00427 Licentiate Perf 426.00
00618 Grade 8 161.00
00619 Associate Perf 284.00 Electronic Organ Fee ($)
00620 Licentiate Perf 426.00 00090 Preliminary  91.00
00091 Grade 1 97.00
Accordion Free Bass Fee ($) 00092 Grade 2 97.00
00630 Preliminary 91.00 00093 Grade 3 109.00
00631 Grade 1 97.00 00094 Grade 4 109.00
00632 Grade 2 97.00 00095 Grade 5 120.00
00633 Grade 3 109.00 00096 Grade 6 120.00
00634 Grade 4 109.00 00097 Grade 7  135.00
00635 Grade 5 120.00 00098 Grade 8 161.00
00636 Grade 6 120.00 00099 Associate Perf 284.00
00637 Grade 7 135.00 00909 Licentiate Perf 426.00
00638 Grade 8 161.00
Electronic organ teachers and candidates should
00639 Associate Perf 284.00
note that from 2018, the electronic organ syllabus
00640 Licentiate Perf 426.00
(codes 00090–00099 and 00909) will no longer be
Accordion free bass teachers and candidates should examinable.
note that from 2018, the accordion free bass syllabus
(codes 00630–00640) will no longer be examinable.

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.
32 2017 enrolment handbook

Stringed instruments

Violin Viola
Fees are as follows for all
04030 Preliminary 
 01860 Preliminary
Stringed instrument codes: 04031 Grade 1 01861 Grade 1
04032 Grade 2 01862 Grade 2
Grade Fee ($) 04033 Grade 3 01863 Grade 3
Preliminary Grade 91.00 04034 Grade 4 01864 Grade 4
Grade 1 97.00 04035 Grade 5 01865 Grade 5
Grade 2 97.00 04036 Grade 6 01866 Grade 6
Grade 3 109.00 04037 Grade 7 01867 Grade 7
Grade 4 109.00 04038 Grade 8 01868 Grade 8
Grade 5 120.00 04039 Certificate Perf 01869 Associate Perf
Grade 6 120.00 04040 Associate Perf 01870 Licentiate Perf
Grade 7 135.00 04041 Licentiate Perf
Grade 8 161.00
Certificate Perf 186.00
Associate Perf 284.00 Cello* Double Bass*
Licentiate Perf 426.00
01980 Preliminary 04050 Preliminary
01981 Grade 1 04051 Grade 1
01982 Grade 2 04052 Grade 2
01983 Grade 3 04053 Grade 3
01984 Grade 4 04054 Grade 4
01985 Grade 5 04055 Grade 5
01986 Grade 6 04056 Grade 6
01987 Grade 7 04057 Grade 7
01988 Grade 8 04058 Grade 8
01989 Certificate Perf 04059 Certificate Perf
01990 Associate Perf 04060 Associate Perf
01991 Licentiate Perf 04061 Licentiate Perf

*Cello candidates should bring a cello rock *It is recommended that double bass
candidates bring their own stool.
stop or rubber end pin. No tape please.

Harp Classical Guitar

00231 Grade 1 04070 Preliminary
00232 Grade 2 04071 Grade 1
00233 Grade 3 04072 Grade 2
00234 Grade 4 04073 Grade 3
00235 Grade 5 04074 Grade 4
00236 Grade 6 04075 Grade 5
00237 Grade 7 04076 Grade 6
00238 Grade 8 04077 Grade 7
00239 Associate Perf 04078 Grade 8
00249 Licentiate Perf 04079 Certificate Perf
04080 Associate Perf
04081 Licentiate Perf

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.

Wind instruments

Recorder Flute
Fees are as follows for all
00601 Grade 1 04090 Preliminary Grade
Wind instrument codes: 00602 Grade 2 04091 Grade 1
00603 Grade 3 04092 Grade 2
Grade Fee ($) 00604 Grade 4 04093 Grade 3
Preliminary Grade  91.00 00605 Grade 5 04094 Grade 4
Grade 1  97.00 00606 Grade 6 04095 Grade 5
Grade 2  97.00 00607 Grade 7 04096 Grade 6
Grade 3 109.00 00608 Grade 8 04097 Grade 7
Grade 4  109.00 00609 Associate Perf 04098 Grade 8
Grade 5 120.00 00209 Licentiate Perf 04099 Certificate Perf
Grade 6 120.00 04100 Associate Perf
Grade 7 135.00 Piccolo 04101 Licentiate Perf
Grade 8 161.00 00672 Grade 1
Certificate Perf  186.00 00673 Grade 2
Associate Perf  284.00 00674 Grade 3
Licentiate Perf 426.00 00174 Grade 4

Oboe Bassoon
01121 Grade 1 04111 Grade 1
01122 Grade 2 04112 Grade 2
01123 Grade 3 04113 Grade 3
01124 Grade 4 04114 Grade 4
01125 Grade 5 04115 Grade 5
01126 Grade 6 04116 Grade 6
01127 Grade 7 04117 Grade 7
01128 Grade 8 04118 Grade 8
01129 Associate Perf 04119 Certificate Perf
01130 Licentiate Perf 04120 Associate Perf
04121 Licentiate Perf

Clarinet Saxophone Saxophone for Leisure

01940 Preliminary 01961 Grade 1  Fee ($)
01941 Grade 1 01962 Grade 2 01830 Preliminary 86.00
01942 Grade 2 01963 Grade 3 01831 Grade 1 95.00
01943 Grade 3 01964 Grade 4 01832 Grade 2 95.00
01944 Grade 4 01965 Grade 5 01833 Grade 3 100.00
01945 Grade 5 01966 Grade 6 01834 Grade 4 100.00
01946 Grade 6 01967 Grade 7 01835 Grade 5 111.00
01947 Grade 7 01968 Grade 8 01836 Grade 6 111.00
01948 Grade 8 01969 Certificate Perf 01837 Grade 7 122.00
01949 Certificate Perf 01970 Associate Perf 01838 Grade 8 142.00
01950 Associate Perf 01971 Licentiate Perf 01839 Certificate Perf 186.00
01951 Licentiate Perf

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.
34 2017 enrolment handbook

Brass instruments

Fees are as follows for all Trumpet Trumpet

Brass instrument codes: NEW Syllabus OLD Syllabus
Consult 2017 Manual of Syllabuses Consult 2016 Manual of Syllabuses
Grade Fee ($) 04221 Grade 1 00921 Grade 1
Grade 1 97.00 04222 Grade 2 00922 Grade 2
Grade 2 97.00 04223 Grade 3 00923 Grade 3
Grade 3 109.00 04224 Grade 4 00924 Grade 4
Grade 4 109.00 04225 Grade 5 00925 Grade 5
Grade 5 120.00 04226 Grade 6 00926 Grade 6
Grade 6 120.00 04227 Grade 7 00927 Grade 7
Grade 7 135.00 04228 Grade 8 00928 Grade 8
Grade 8 161.00 04229 Associate Perf 00929 Associate Perf
Associate Perf 284.00 04230 Licentiate Perf 00930 Licentiate Perf
Licentiate Perf 426.00

Trombone Trombone
NEW Syllabus OLD Syllabus
Consult 2017 Manual of Syllabuses Consult 2016 Manual of Syllabuses
04241 Grade 1 00941 Grade 1
04242 Grade 2 00942 Grade 2
04243 Grade 3 00943 Grade 3
04244 Grade 4 00944 Grade 4
04245 Grade 5 00945 Grade 5
04246 Grade 6 00946 Grade 6
French Horn 04247 Grade 7 00947 Grade 7
04248 Grade 8 00948 Grade 8
00931 Grade 1
04249 Associate Perf 00949 Associate Perf
00932 Grade 2
04250 Licentiate Perf 00950 Licentiate Perf
00933 Grade 3
00934 Grade 4
00935 Grade 5
Bass Trombone
00936 Grade 6 01165 Grade 5
00937 Grade 7 01166 Grade 6
00938 Grade 8 01167 Grade 7
00939 Associate Perf 01168 Grade 8
00940 Licentiate Perf
Euphonium Euphonium
NEW Syllabus OLD Syllabus
Tuba Consult 2017 Manual of Syllabuses Consult 2016 Manual of Syllabuses
00951 Grade 1 04261 Grade 1 00842 Grade 1
00952 Grade 2 04262 Grade 2 00843 Grade 2
00953 Grade 3 04263 Grade 3 00844 Grade 3
00954 Grade 4 04264 Grade 4 00845 Grade 4
00955 Grade 5 04265 Grade 5 00851 Grade 5
00956 Grade 6 04266 Grade 6 00852 Grade 6
00957 Grade 7 04267 Grade 7 00853 Grade 7
00958 Grade 8 04268 Grade 8 00854 Grade 8
00959 Associate Perf 04269 Associate Perf 00855 Associate Perf
00960 Licentiate Perf 04270 Licentiate Perf 00856 Licentiate Perf

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.

Band instruments

Fees are as follows for all E flat Tenor Horn B flat and F Trombone
Band instrument codes: 01031 Grade 1 01061 Grade 1
01032 Grade 2 01062 Grade 2
01033 Grade 3 01063 Grade 3
Grade Fee ($) 01034 Grade 4 01064 Grade 4
Grade 1 97.00 01035 Grade 5 01065 Grade 5
Grade 2 97.00 01036 Grade 6 01066 Grade 6
Grade 3 109.00 01037 Grade 7 01067 Grade 7
Grade 4 109.00 01038 Grade 8 01068 Grade 8
Grade 5 120.00 01039 Associate Perf 01069 Associate Perf
Grade 6 120.00 01040 Licentiate Perf 01070 Licentiate Perf
Grade 7 135.00
Grade 8 161.00 B flat Baritone E flat Bass Tuba
Associate Perf 284.00
01041 Grade 1 01081 Grade 1
Licentiate Perf 426.00
01042 Grade 2 01082 Grade 2
01043 Grade 3 01083 Grade 3
01044 Grade 4 01084 Grade 4
E flat Soprano Cornet 01045 Grade 5 01085 Grade 5
01046 Grade 6 01086 Grade 6
01001 Grade 1 01047 Grade 7 01087 Grade 7
01002 Grade 2 01048 Grade 8 01088 Grade 8
01003 Grade 3 01049 Associate Perf 01089 Associate Perf
01004 Grade 4 01050 Licentiate Perf 01090 Licentiate Perf
01005 Grade 5
01006 Grade 6
B flat Euphonium B flat Bass Tuba
01007 Grade 7
01008 Grade 8 01071 Grade 1 01091 Grade 1
01009 Associate Perf 01072 Grade 2 01092 Grade 2
01010 Licentiate Perf 01073 Grade 3 01093 Grade 3
01074 Grade 4 01094 Grade 4
B flat Cornet 01075 Grade 5 01095 Grade 5
01076 Grade 6 01096 Grade 6
01011 Grade 1 01077 Grade 7 01097 Grade 7
01012 Grade 2 01078 Grade 8 01098 Grade 8
01013 Grade 3 01079 Associate Perf 01099 Associate Perf
01014 Grade 4 01080 Licentiate Perf 01100 Licentiate Perf
01015 Grade 5
01016 Grade 6
C Tuba Bass Trombone
01017 Grade 7
01018 Grade 8 01101 Grade 1 01111 Grade 1
01019 Associate Perf 01102 Grade 2 01112 Grade 2
01020 Licentiate Perf 01103 Grade 3 01113 Grade 3
01104 Grade 4 01114 Grade 4
B flat Flugel Horn
B flat Tenor Trombone Candidates above Grade 4,
01021 Grade 1 please see relevant Brass
01022 Grade 2 01051 Grade 1
01052 Grade 2 instruments section.
01023 Grade 3
01024 Grade 4 01053 Grade 3
01025 Grade 5 01054 Grade 4
01026 Grade 6 01055 Grade 5
01027 Grade 7 01056 Grade 6
01028 Grade 8 01057 Grade 7
01029 Associate Perf 01058 Grade 8
01030 Licentiate Perf 01059 Associate Perf
01060 Licentiate Perf

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.
36 2017 enrolment handbook

Other categories

Singing Fee ($) Singing for Leisure Fee ($)

02010 Preliminary Grade  91.00 01840 Preliminary 86.00
02011 Grade 1  97.00 01841 Grade 1 95.00
02012 Grade 2  97.00 01842 Grade 2 95.00
02013 Grade 3  109.00 01843 Grade 3 100.00
02014 Grade 4  109.00 01844 Grade 4 100.00
02015 Grade 5  120.00 01845 Grade 5 111.00
02016 Grade 6  120.00 01846 Grade 6 111.00
02017 Grade 7  135.00 01847 Grade 7 122.00
02018 Grade 8  161.00 01848 Grade 8 142.00
02019 Certificate Perf  186.00 01849 Certificate Perf 186.00
02020 Associate Perf  284.00
02021 Licentiate Perf  426.00

Percussion Fee ($) Musical Theatre Fee ($)

04130 Preliminary Grade 106.00 04200 Preliminary 91.00

04131 Grade 1 111.00 04201 Grade 1 97.00
04132 Grade 2 111.00 04202 Grade 2 97.00
04133 Grade 3 122.00 04203 Grade 3 109.00
04134 Grade 4 127.00 04204 Grade 4 109.00
04135 Grade 5 127.00 04205 Grade 5 120.00
04136 Grade 6 127.00 04206 Grade 6 120.00
04137 Grade 7 143.00 04207 Grade 7 135.00
04138 Grade 8 164.00 04208 Grade 8 161.00
04139 Certificate Perf  178.00 04209 Certificate Perf  186.00
04140 Associate Perf  271.00 04210 Associate Perf  284.00
04141 Licentiate Perf  406.00 04211 Licentiate Perf  426.00

Fellowship of Music Australia (FMusA)

 Fee ($)
09999 All instruments – please 991.00
specify on enrolment form.

Teachers and candidates should note that from 2018, the Fellowship
of Music Australia in any instrument will no longer be examinable.

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.

Contemporary Popular Music (CPM)

Keyboard Fee ($) Drum Kit Fee ($)

09120 Preliminary 100.00 09301 Advancing Step 1 148.00
09121 Grade 1 111.00 09302 Advancing Step 2 148.00
09122 Grade 2 111.00 09303 Advancing Step 3 148.00
09123 Grade 3 122.00 09304 Advancing Step 4 148.00
09124 Grade 4 122.00
09125 Grade 5 127.00 Guitar Fee ($)
09126 Grade 6 127.00 09401 Advancing Step 1 148.00
09127 Grade 7 143.00 09402 Advancing Step 2 148.00
09128 Grade 8 164.00 09403 Advancing Step 3 148.00
09129 Certificate Perf 186.00 09404 Advancing Step 4 148.00

Bass Fee ($) Vocal Fee ($)

09201 Advancing Step 1 148.00 09501 Advancing Step 1 148.00
09202 Advancing Step 2 148.00 09502 Advancing Step 2 148.00
09203 Advancing Step 3 148.00 09503 Advancing Step 3 148.00
09204 Advancing Step 4 148.00 09504 Advancing Step 4 148.00

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All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.
38 2017 enrolment handbook

Subject Codes and Fees – Speech & Drama

Written examinations Speech and Drama

Diploma examinations
Speech and Performance Theory Fee ($)
01661 Grade 1 69.00 Performing Diplomas Fee ($)
01662 Grade 2 69.00 01930 ADPA Section I, Practical 284.00
01663 Grade 3 74.00 01931 ADPA Section II, Written 113.00
01664 Grade 4 74.00 01934 LDPA Section I, Practical 426.00
01665 Grade 5 81.00 01935 LDPA Section II, Written 126.00
01666 Grade 6 81.00 01936 LDPA Section III, Dissertation 126.00
01667 Grade 7 111.00 09991 Fellowship (FSDA) 991.00

Practical examinations Teachers and candidates should note that from

2018, the Fellowship in Speech and Drama
Australia will no longer be examinable.
Drama and Performance Fee ($)
01920 Preliminary  91.00
01921 Grade 1  97.00 Teaching Diplomas Fee ($)
01922 Grade 2 97.00 01932 ADPA Section I, Practical 284.00
01923 Grade 3  109.00 01933 ADPA Section II, Written 113.00
01924 Grade 4 109.00 01937 LDPA Section I, Practical 426.00
01925 Grade 5 120.00 01938 LDPA Section II, Written 126.00
01926 Grade 6 120.00 01939 LDPA Section III, Dissertation 126.00
01927 Grade 7 122.00
01928 Grade 8 142.00 Voice and Communication
01929 Certificate (CDPA) 186.00
Diploma Fee ($)
Voice and Communication Fee ($)
01910 APCA Section I, Practical 284.00
01900 Preliminary 86.00 01911 APCA Section II, Folio 113.00
01901 Grade 1 95.00
01902 Grade 2 95.00
01903 Grade 3 106.00
01904 Grade 4 106.00
01905 Grade 5 114.00
01906 Grade 6 114.00
01907 Grade 7 122.00
01908 Grade 8 142.00
01909 Certificate (CVCA) 186.00

Drama and Communication Fee ($)

(Group examination – only one entry per group)
00197 Introductory 114.00
00191 Grade 1 122.00
00192 Grade 2 122.00
00193 Grade 3 129.00
00194 Grade 4 129.00
00195 Grade 5 147.00
00196 Grade 6 163.00

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.

Resources available from AMEB (NSW)

Online AMEB (NSW) shop
AMEB publications are available to purchase online through AMEB Connect. Go to
If you do not have an AMEB Connect account, click on the orange ‘Get Access’ button on the log in screen.
Publications available include grade books, recordings and handbooks, technical workbooks, aural tests and sight
reading books, and accompaniment CDs (for limited instruments and grades).

AMEB (NSW) retail shop

Publications and resources are also available to purchase over the counter or by telephone from our office at
Level  6, 117 Clarence Street Sydney.

Resources available
Item Cost (incl. GST) Postage & Handling
Grade Books and Publications
Various grade books, recordings and handbooks, technical
workbooks, aural tests and sight reading books, and various as per Australia Post
accompaniment CDs
2017 Music syllabuses $20.00 $10.00 each
2017 Enrolment Handbook
The handbook contains essential information on policies and Available FREE from AMEB (NSW) (also available on website
procedures for the AMEB examination system in NSW.
Music Practice Diary
A useful teaching tool to record pieces to work on, $7.95 $3.00 each
log practice time and communicate with parents.
Past examination papers
Past Theory of Music, Musicianship and Music Craft papers $3.00 per paper $3.00
Available while stocks last. Download order form:
Musicianship CDs with Aural and Written papers $13.00 per set $3.00
Available for Grade 4 only. Other grades are not available due to copyright laws.
Music Craft CDs with Aural and Written papers $13.00 per set $3.00

Certificates and results records

Letter of attainment $11.00 per candidate No charge
Duplicate or replacement certificate $11.00 per certificate No charge
Hard copy duplicate report (from 2005–current)
$11.00 per report No charge
(available 2 months after the examination date)
Record of enrolling person’s candidates’ results
$11.00 No charge
(1988 onwards)
Additional certificates (group examinations) $11.00 per certificate No charge

All prices quoted in this handbook include GST unless stated otherwise.
All transactions paid by credit card will incur a 0.4% surcharge.
40 2017 enrolment handbook

Useful Contacts Australasian Piano Tuners & Technicians

A non-profit organisation that provides a list of
professional piano tuners and technicians. A search
AMEB Federal Office feature on the APTTA website lists professional piano
tuners by area.
Ph: 1300 725 709
Web: Music NSW
The AMEB Federal Office provides information Ph: (02) 9953 5279
on examination syllabuses and online written Email: [email protected]
An organisation which assists young musicians to
ACT Keyboard Association get started in the contemporary music scene. New
‘Indent’ program includes workshops in regional NSW.
This association provides high-level, broad-ranging Music Teachers’ Association of NSW
keyboard activities in the ACT and surrounding Ph: (02) 9570 1436
regions. Toll free: 1800 021 436
Email: [email protected]
ANATS (Australian National Association of Teachers Web:
of Singing Inc.)
A non-profit organisation that publishes an annual
Email: [email protected] Directory of Accredited Private Music Teachers in
Web: NSW. A search feature on the MTA (NSW) website
also lists qualified teachers by instrument and area.
ANATS is a professional association dedicated to The MTA organises workshops, seminars and festivals
serving all those who teach singing in Australia. for music teachers and their students.
ANATS promotes vocal education and research in all
genres and levels for the professional development, NSW Accompanists’ Guild
advancement and interest of singers and teachers. Email: [email protected]
A non-profit organisation that produces and sells a
Ph: (02) 9935 7900 register of professional accompanists in and around
Sydney. The contact details and areas of expertise for
Email: [email protected]
each guild member are included in the register.
Speech and Drama Association of NSW
APRA/AMCOS offers an advisory service about
music copyright and print music issues to the music Ph: (02) 9387 2026
community. Email: [email protected]
Australian Music Centre A non-profit professional association for teachers
Ph: (02) 9935 7805 and associate/student members that conducts
regular seminars and maintains a register of qualified
Email: [email protected]
The Australian Music Centre is dedicated to United Music Teachers of NSW Inc.
increasing the profile and sustainability of Australian Web:
composers and creative artists. Their website includes A non-profit organisation that supports studio
biographies of Australian composers and their library teachers and their students. The UMT provides
holds a catalogue of scores and recordings. Many scholarships, awards, workshops and performance
works are available for sale. opportunities. Regional branches.
AMEB (NSW) P: (02) 9367 8456 • E: [email protected]
Level 6, 117 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000
AMEB office hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm

Useful online contacts NEW Online AMEB (NSW) Shop

AMEB Connect
To access information about your candidate, go to: AMEB (NSW) is delighted to announce the arrival of the online
AMEB online written examinations (provided by AMEB Federal Office) AMEB (NSW) Shop. AMEB publications are now available to
To register for online Theory of Music, Musicianship and Music Craft purchase through AMEB Connect at any time of the day or night.
examinations, go to: If you do not have an AMEB Connect account, click on the orange “Get Access” button on the log in screen.
AMEB online theory courses (provided by AMEB Federal Office)
Log in to AMEB Online Theory Course to register for online Theory of Music
courses for Grade 1 and 2 (Grade 3 soon to be released):
AMEB Federal Office
The AMEB Federal Office provides information about syllabuses:

Important Dates to Note for 2017

To avoid penalty fees, please check with students and their families for other commitments they
may have within your advertised examination period BEFORE completing your enrolment. Note any
dates to avoid when filling in the ‘Scheduling Request’ section of your AMEB enrolment.

January 27 Term 1 commences for NSW Government schools

April 8 NSW Government school holidays commence
g D
April 14 Good Friday public holiday in s
April 17 Easter Monday public holiday Clos e page Publications available include:
Se – 8 •Grade books
April 24 Term 2 commences for NSW Government schools 6
April 25 ANZAC Day public holiday (Tuesday) •Recordings and handbooks
May 9–11 NAPLAN tests for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 (Details:
•Technical workbooks
June 12 Queen’s Birthday public holiday (Monday)
July 1 NSW Government school holidays commence •Aural tests and sight reading books
July 17 Term 3 commences for NSW Government schools •Manual of Syllabuses
September 23 NSW Government school holidays commence
•Accompaniment CDs (for limited instruments and grades)
October 2 Labour Day public holiday (Monday)
October 9 Term 4 commences for NSW Government schools •Practice Diaries
December 19 Last day of school year for NSW Government schools.
AMEB (NSW) Office closes for two-week break
NB: School term dates and public holidays were correct at the time of printing. Please check your
Order now at
school calendar for additional dates.
For 2017 HSC and RoSA key dates, please check the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational
Standards NSW website

Advertising disclaimer: All advertisements in this handbook or enclosed flyers are paid advertising and do not
constitute the views of, or endorsement by, AMEB (NSW).

2017 enrolment handbook

for teachers and private entrants
New South Wales & ACT

Visit our website

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