Trinity Music Centre Best Practice Guidebook - June 2018

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Music Grades, Certificate

and Diploma Exam Centre

Best Practice Guidebook
Please read this guidebook for Music in conjunction with your
contract and Registered Exam Centre Handbook

Trinity College London

Charity number 1014792

Patron HRH The Duke of Kent KG

Copyright © 2016 Trinity College London

Published by Trinity College London
Third Impression, June 2018
Guidebook contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 4
1.1 Who should read this guidebook............................................................... 4
1.2 Guidebook contents ............................................................................... 4
1.3 Other useful documents .......................................................................... 4
1.4 The role of the Centre Representative ....................................................... 4
1.5 Trinity points of contact .......................................................................... 4
1.6 How to use this guidebook ...................................................................... 5
1.7 Changes to this guidebook ...................................................................... 5
1.8 Trinity Music Exams ............................................................................... 5

2. Preparing candidates........................................................................... 6

3. Entering candidates for exams ............................................................ 6

3.1 Forecasting ........................................................................................... 6
3.2 Exam dates and closing dates .................................................................. 6
3.3 Exam fees............................................................................................. 6
3.4 Online entry .......................................................................................... 7
3.5 Data Protection...................................................................................... 8
3.6 Entry requirements ................................................................................ 8
3.7 Changes to entries ................................................................................. 8
3.8 Candidate transfer from one centre to another ........................................... 8
3.9 Late entries........................................................................................... 8
3.10 Candidates with Special Needs ............................................................... 9
3.11 Special Consideration Policy .................................................................. 10
3.12 Exam conditions.................................................................................. 10
3.13 Equal Opportunities policy for exam candidates ....................................... 11

4. Organising practical exams ............................................................... 12

4.1 Before the exam day ............................................................................. 12
4.2 On the exam day .................................................................................. 13
4.3 Results and Certificates ......................................................................... 13
4.4 Checklist for practical exams .................................................................. 14

5. Organising Theory exams .................................................................. 15

5.1 Before the exam day ............................................................................. 15
5.2 Security and storage of exam papers ....................................................... 16

5.3 Supervision and invigilation .................................................................... 16
5.4 Materials required for Theory exams ........................................................ 16
5.5 Exam conduct ...................................................................................... 16
5.6 Post-exam administration ...................................................................... 18
5.8 Checklist for Theory exams .................................................................... 19

6. Working with Trinity ......................................................................... 20

6.1 Exam delivery ...................................................................................... 20
6.2 Trinity’s Customer service statement ....................................................... 20
6.3 Support for centres ............................................................................... 20
6.4 Feedback ............................................................................................. 20
6.5 Appeals, complaints and re-mark requests ............................................... 21
6.6 Use of the Trinity centre logo .................................................................. 21
6.7 Access to Trinity branded materials ......................................................... 21
6.8 Video/photo shoots ............................................................................... 21

7. Trinity’s quality and standards .......................................................... 22

7.1 Examiners and markers ......................................................................... 22
7.2 Registered exam centres ........................................................................ 22
7.3 Results entry ........................................................................................ 23
7.4 Malpractice and maladministration .......................................................... 23
7.5 Anti-corruption and bribery .................................................................... 24
7.6 Regulation ........................................................................................... 24

8. Appendices ........................................................................................ 25
8.1 Appendix 1 – Timetabling guidelines ........................................................ 26
8.2 Appendix 2 – Guidelines for Music exam room set up ................................. 27
8.3 Appendix 3 – Notice to Candidates – Practical Exams ................................. 30
8.4 Appendix 4 – Notice to Candidates – Theory Exams ................................... 31
8.5 Appendix 5 – Written Exams Return form ................................................ 32
8.6 Appendix 6 – Seating plan template ........................................................ 33
8.7 Appendix 7 – Supervisor’s report form ..................................................... 34
8.8 Appendix 8 – Instructions for Supervisors and Invigilators ............................ 35

1. Introduction
1.1 Who should read this guidebook

This guidebook is for everyone involved in the delivery of the Trinity Music Grades, Certificate
and Diploma exams at your Trinity Registered Exam Centre. This includes:
• The Centre Representative (see below)
• Exam coordinators and administrators
• Exam supervisors, invigilators and stewards
• Teachers.

1.2 Guidebook contents

This guidebook contains essential information on how to administer Trinity’s Graded Music
exams, Certificate exams and Diploma exams, from entering candidates through to
distribution of certificates. It details the standards expected by Trinity, provides step by step
guidance on how to ensure best practice, and provides information on where to find further
Please note there is a separate guidebook for the Trinity Rock & Pop exams.

1.3 Other useful documents

Other useful documents include:

• Syllabuses – these detail the format, content and mark schemes of the exams.
• Teacher support materials – Trinity provides a range of resources to help candidates
prepare for their exams including sample papers and sample exam videos.
• Information & Regulations booklet – This details the guidelines and protocols for the
exams that the candidates must abide by.
• Admin packs – these contain all the documents you need for running Theory of Music
sessions (e.g. Instructions for Supervisors and Invigilators and Seating plan templates)
see Appendices 4 - 8.
• Exam posters – to be displayed during your exams (e.g. ‘Silence – Exam in Progress’
posters and ‘Exam Centre’ posters) please contact your Trinity contact for these.

All these documents, except the posters, are available to download from the Trinity website at

1.4 The role of the Centre Representative

So that your centre can operate effectively as a Registered Exam Centre, it will need to
appoint a Centre Representative. The Centre Representative will act as the main point of
contact between your Registered Exam Centre and Trinity staff, examiners, teachers, and
candidates. It is your Centre Representative’s responsibility to communicate the procedures
and information contained in this guidebook to all staff and contractors involved in the delivery
and administration of Trinity exams at your centre, and to monitor and report compliance as

1.5 Trinity points of contact

Trinity exams are coordinated through a global network of Representatives. For most day-to-
day queries you will contact Trinity’s appointed representative for your area or country or, for
markets without a representative, you will be given details of a contact at Trinity’s Central
office. Throughout this guidebook your principal contact is referred to as ‘your Trinity contact’.
Please see for your Trinity contact details.

1.6 How to use this guidebook

The structure of this guidebook follows the exam process from beginning to end. It also
contains other information about working with Trinity. Please use the contents list on page 2-4
to find the information you need quickly.

The following key terms are used throughout this guidebook.

‘candidate’ = Any person taking an exam

‘centre’ = Trinity Registered Exam Centre
‘Music Exams’ = Music Grade exams, Certificate exams, Theory of Music exams and
Diploma exams.
‘Trinity’ = Trinity College London
‘your Trinity = Your contact at Trinity for all day-to-day queries.
‘you’ = All those involved with the delivery of Trinity exams at your centre
‘Trinity Online’ = Trinity’s web-based administration system

1.7 Changes to the guidebook

We will make changes to this guidebook from time to time. Whenever we do so, we will notify
your Trinity contact who will then advise you. The changes will become binding on the date
specified for the change to take place. We’ll make sure that you are given reasonable notice of
any change that is likely to have an operational impact on the delivery or administration of
Trinity exams at your centre.

Please always ensure that you refer to the most current version of the guidebook which is
available from

1.8 Trinity Music Exams

Every year Trinity College London supports the music education of thousands of students with
assessments across a wide spectrum including popular, jazz, contemporary and classical music.
Trinity College London graded examinations and diplomas span performing, teaching, theory of
music and composing, all of which are fully accredited by the relevant UK regulatory bodies.

2. Preparing candidates
Preparing candidates for Trinity exams and making the relevant Trinity syllabuses available to

It is your responsibility to make sure that candidates at your centre are fully familiar with the
contents of the exam and corresponding rules and regulations.

The Trinity syllabuses for all Music and Certificate exams will give you full information about
the exam tasks, procedures and assessments. You can access these documents and other
resources such as practice papers and exam videos on the Trinity website at: - (Classical and Jazz performance exams) - (Classical and Jazz performance exams) (Theory of Music exams)

You should ensure all candidates are provided with an appointment slip. The appointment slip
will provide the start time and location of the exam. You must also ensure that all candidates
understand and abide by the exam rules and regulations by making available Trinity’s Notice
to Candidates – see appendix 3 and 4, on pages 29 and 30 for a copy of these notices.

3. Entering candidates
How to enter candidates, pay exam fees and deal with candidate queries and requests

3.1 Forecasting

Your Trinity contact may ask you to let us know how many candidates you expect to enter
over a particular session, and to choose your preferred exam period within the session. These
forecasts are not binding but, provided they are reasonably accurate, they help us plan Trinity
exam sessions throughout the year so that we can give your centre the best possible service.

3.2 Exam dates and closing dates

Theory of Music exam dates are fixed each year and are available at
For practical exam dates and closing dates please contact your Trinity contact. All Trinity
exams have closing dates, these are the dates by which all entries and corresponding
payments must be made to Trinity or, where applicable, to your Trinity contact for them to
send on to Trinity.

3.3 Exam fees

Exam fees vary from country to country. All exam sessions are subject to a minimum fee to
cover the cost of organising the sessions. Details of exam fees and minimum fees are available
from your Trinity contact.

Fees must be paid to ensure a Trinity examiner is sent to your centre on the days of the
session and to enable Trinity to arrange papers for Theory of Music exams.
Trinity must receive the payment of your candidates’ exam fees (or your centre’s minimum fee)
before we are able to confirm that we’ll send an examiner to your exams.
Once you have entered candidates on to Trinity Online an invoice will be generated for the
corresponding exam fees / minimum fee for your centre. You can download and print this.

We may not accept the entries, if we’re unable to match a payment your centre made with the
information that you have entered onto Trinity Online, owing to incomplete candidate data. If
we are only able to match a payment received with the data on Trinity Online after the exam
closing date, your centre may become liable to pay late entry fees.
Please note that further candidate entries will NOT be accepted from centres with payment in

3.4 Online entry

All centres must normally use Trinity Online to submit and manage exam entries and sessions,
unless an alternative method is agreed with your Trinity contact.

Trinity Online’s functionality includes:

• Bookings and forecasting

• Management of entries
• Invoices and payments
• Timetables
• Printing exam materials
• Examiner itinerary and biography
• Candidate records including results history and analysis
• Contact management.

There is no limit to the number of accounts that can be requested for set up on Trinity Online,
as long as each user fills in an application form and accepts our Trinity Online Conditions of
Use. Accounts can be set up, for example:

• for administrative members of staff to register candidates and print materials

• for teachers to access their candidate and centre results history
• for finance departments to view and print invoices, and track payment.
Usernames and passwords for Trinity Online are personal and not transferable, and may not
be used if the member of staff to whom the account was allocated is no longer employed by
you or is no longer involved in administering Trinity exams. You must inform Trinity when
there are staff changes so that accounts can be deactivated and new ones set up.
You must use Trinity Online, and conduct all of your other activities as a centre in accordance
with Trinity’s Data Protection Policy, see

For details on how to enter candidates on to Trinity Online please refer to your Trinity contact.

When you record candidate entries on Trinity Online, you must ensure that personal
details are accurate and up to date. This is particularly important as the data entered on
Trinity Online will be used for candidate verification on the day of the exam, and for the issue
of exam certificates. Please note that the name on the certificate will exactly match that
entered on Trinity Online. If you do notice any errors, please contact your Trinity contact
Once all candidates have been entered on to Trinity Online, it is your responsibility as a centre
to ensure that all appropriate arrangements are in place and all paperwork is prepared. Please
see Section 4: Organising practical exams and Section 5: Organising Theory of Music exams.

3.5 Data Protection

‘Personal data’ is data that can be used to identify a living person and can be, or is intended to
be, held on computer or in manual records.

Your centre contract with Trinity is governed by UK law and, therefore, UK data protection
laws apply to the way in which data must be collected and ‘processed’ by or on behalf of
Trinity. Under UK data protection laws, Trinity is a ‘data controller’ and third parties processing

personal data on its behalf, wherever they are in the world, are ‘data processors’. This means
that both Trinity and your centre must be compliant with UK data protection laws when they
collect or process personal data, for example when they organise or use personal data about
candidates, Trinity examiners, etc. In addition, your centre will be required to comply with
local data protection laws if based outside of the UK. Whenever there is a possible conflict
between UK and local data protection requirements, it is usually good practice for your centre
to act in accordance with the legal requirement that is the strictest.

When your centre collects personal details from actual or potential customers, they should be
notified that their data will be shared with Trinity for marketing and academic purposes.

Candidates have the right to see the personal data held about them by Trinity and can make a
request about using and correcting that data. There are prescribed times and ways to respond
to these requests, which your centre might need to comply with if you are required to help
Trinity with such a response.

Please refer to our policy page for more information.

3.6 Entry requirements

• There are no age restrictions for candidates entering for a Music grade, certificate or
recital diploma exam. There are minimum age requirements for Trinity’s Pro-Music and
Teaching diplomas – please see the latest diploma syllabus for further guidelines.
• Candidates may enter for all grade and certificate exams without having previously
taken any other Trinity exam. There are some diplomas where prerequisites are
required – please see the latest diploma syllabus for further guidelines.
• When entering a candidate for multiple exams, the candidate numbers MUST match in
order for the system to recognise candidate details and keep all records together.
• Candidates may not enter for the same grade in the same subject in one exam
• There is no restriction on candidates simultaneously entering for exams from other
Trinity exam suites (e.g. GESE), or on entering for exams of other Awarding

It is not possible under any circumstances to enter any candidate(s) for exams

3.7 Changes to entries

Once you have submitted candidates for an exam and the closing date has passed, no changes to
entries are permitted. Please see section 3.4

3.8 Candidate Transfer from one centre to another.

Candidates may transfer from one centre to another for a fee. However, they cannot defer to
a later session, please see section 3.11 for further details on our Special Consideration policy.
In the case of a transfer the candidate must provide full entry details and the appropriate fee
must be paid. Please contact your Trinity contact for further information.
Please note, appropriate timescales must be considered when transferring a candidate to allow
time for all exam administration to take place.

3.9 Late entries

Entries will not normally be accepted after the given closing date. All requests made after the
closing date will be liable for a surcharge. Late entry requests will depend on there being
enough time in the examiner’s schedule to accommodate additional candidates and/or to
arrange the provision of additional exam papers.

The following fees apply:

Date of request after the booking date Surcharge Surcharge

Practical Theory exams
Between the closing date and 21 days before the 50% 50%
Between 20 days and 14 days before the exam 100% Not possible
Less than 14 days before the exam date Not possible Not possible

3.10 Candidates with special needs

Trinity College London is committed to creating an inclusive environment where candidates with
special needs are able to demonstrate their skills and feel welcomed. We aim to make our exams
accessible to all. We treat each learner individually when considering how we can achieve this aim,
recognising that requirements vary. Candidates can be assured that we do not compromise on the
standard of marking or allow the quality of exams to be affected in any way.
All special needs requests are treated on an individual basis, should you need to discuss any
candidate requirements please email [email protected].
Trinity welcomes entries from candidates with particular needs and disabilities. We recognise that
many disabled people face barriers to access and achievement and are committed to eliminating
discrimination on grounds of disability and promoting equality of opportunity.
We are committed to the following principles:
• encouraging disabled people to declare their disability to us so that we can assist them
• eliminating any discriminatory practices
• enabling individuals to demonstrate their skills by removing unnecessary barriers
• empowering individuals through listening to what adjustments they may need rather than
second guessing what will work for them
• engaging with people to develop the right solutions
• ensuring the standards we examine are not compromised in any way.
Please refer to our Disabled Learners Policy at and for further
information regarding Special needs requests, please see

Reasonable adjustments
In order to support access to our qualifications, we will make changes where practical to the way
we do things in order to remove any unnecessary barriers. This is called making ‘reasonable
adjustments’. We will take reasonable steps to prevent a person who has special needs suffering a
substantial disadvantage compared with a person who doesn’t.
In practice, reasonable adjustments are implemented with reference to:
• the individual’s particular need, reflecting their usual method of working
• the assessment requirements
• the guidelines stipulated by regulatory authorities and industry bodies, such as the Joint
Council for Qualifications.
The same standard of assessment applies to all candidates, regardless of any particular
need/disability, and allowances will only be made, if appropriate, to the conduct of the exam.

Requesting special provision
All requests for reasonable adjustments must be made using the appropriate application form.
Please visit to obtain a Special needs provision form.
Ideally, the form must be completed and submitted to Trinity at least 28 days prior to the exam so
we can accommodate the request in good time. Requests for amended exam materials such as
Braille require at least six weeks’ notice.
Supporting evidence
In certain cases, the application must be supported by appropriate documentary evidence. Further
details on the type of evidence that can be supplied and when it is necessary to supply this can be
obtained by contacting [email protected]. Details of medical and psychological reports
are not disclosed to anyone, including examiners. If the original evidence is in a language other
than English, it must be accompanied by a full English translation. Trinity reserves the right to turn
down requests for provision if sufficient information is not submitted in time.
Access arrangements
If a candidate has a particular access requirement on the day of the exam please contact the
venue where the exams will be taking place for details of how they can assist with using their
building and facilities.

3.11 Special Consideration Policy

Special consideration may be given to candidates who are ill, injured or suffer other adverse
circumstances at or near the time of the assessment or moderation. Please see for further information and please contact your Trinity contact
if you believe a candidate has a special consideration request.
Absence through sickness
A candidate who is sick and cannot take the exam may apply to Trinity’s central office for a half-
fee re-entry permit, enclosing a medical certificate. Applications for re-entry permits must be
made within 30 days of the exam date. Trinity will issue a re-entry permit for an exam at the
same level, which can be used for an exam within 12 months of the original exam date on
payment of half the current entry fee. If a re-entry permit is used towards entry for a higher-
level exam, the difference in fee is also payable, e.g. the full fee of the higher-level exam less
half the fee of the lower level exam.
Examiners are not permitted to accept either notice of withdrawal or medical certificates.
Trinity reserves the right to consider other special cases for absence on their individual merits.
Such cases are covered under Trinity’s Special Consideration Policy which is available to
download from the Trinity website at:

Exceptional circumstances
If a candidate wishes to postpone an exam, they cannot defer to a later session and the original
fee will not be refunded. There are special arrangements in case of genuine exceptional
circumstances. For further information, please see Trinity’s Special Consideration policy at

3.12 Exam conditions

• All exams are assessed on the basis of the performance given on the day of the exam
without regard to external circumstances.
• Entry for Trinity exams constitutes acceptance of the professional judgment of the
• Examiners are not permitted to conduct exams or mark papers for those candidates who
have not been registered on Trinity Online prior to the start of the exam session.
• Examiners reserve the right not to examine candidates who are late and arrive after the

end of the timetabled exam session.
• Examiners reserve the right not to examine candidates if they are abusive or aggressive
in any way.

3.13 Equal opportunities policy for exam candidates

Trinity is committed to equality of access to exams. This commitment applies to all candidates,
regardless of gender, age, racial origin, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, marital status or
employment status. Trinity endeavours to provide exams for candidates with special needs but
owing to the nature of the exam some special needs, such as the inability to speak, will prevent
the candidate from fulfilling the requirements of the exams.
Trinity seeks to ensure that:
• the content and assessment of its exams are non-discriminatory and are appropriate to
the knowledge and skills specified
• the style and language of its documentation are readily understood and do not reflect
stereotyped or biased attitude sits examiners and all associated with its exams apply a fair
and just process.

Once all candidates have been entered on to Trinity Online, it is your responsibility as a centre
to ensure that all appropriate arrangements are in place and all paperwork is prepared. Please
see Section 4: Organising practical exams and Section 5: Organising Theory of Music exams
for further information.

4. Organising practical music exam sessions
How to organise practical music exams – Examiner visits to your centre

4.1 Before the exam day

Exam venue
You are responsible for choosing and booking a suitable exam venue. This should be organised
as far in advance as possible and must meet all Health and Safety requirements. Please see
appendix 2, page 28, regarding exam room set up.

Once an examiner has been allocated to an itinerary, you will receive an automatic email
confirming the name of the examiner and their details.
Examiners will also make contact with you before the day of their exam visit to confirm
arrangements, e.g. how to get to the exam venue and the exam timetable.

Trinity will occasionally send a second examiner to sit in the exams for training and quality
assurance purposes. Please see page 22 for further details.

You will be notified in advance if a second examiner is to attend and will be given signs to
display at the centre so that candidates are aware. Where more than one examiner is present
in the exam room, the candidate report forms will always be completed by the original
examiner who was booked. You will need to provide a second set of blank report forms for the
other examiner, but these will not be issued to the candidates.

For practical exams, it is your responsibility to ensure that an exam timetable is prepared
before the Trinity examiner visits your centre. You should use Trinity Online to do this. For
sessions with multiple examiners, you will need to prepare a timetable for each examiner.
There are two elements to creating a timetable for an exam — the timetabling of candidates’
exam time and the timetabling of examiner breaks. Please see Appendix 1 for Timetabling

Candidate information
When you have prepared exam timetables on Trinity Online, it is your responsibility to
communicate the correct information regarding the exam to the candidates. You will be able to
print individual appointment slips confirming the exam time, the candidate number, and the
date and location of exam. You will also need to advise the candidates of the exam rules
(Appendix 3) and anything they will need to bring along on the day of the exam, e.g. their
appointment slip. Candidates must provide photocopies of all pieces to be performed as a
reference for the examiner (excluding Trinity publications). Please see the relevant syllabus for
further information on Music and Copies.

Exam materials
You must make sure that all required exam materials are ready for the examiner on the exam
day. Please check arrangements with your Trinity contact as procedures vary from country to
country. Centres in some countries may need to download and print exam materials from
Trinity Online, while in other countries, materials may be sent to the centre before the exam
day by the local Trinity contact. Use the checklist below to ensure you have all the materials
required for each candidate and that they are sorted into timetable order.

Trinity Online Materials checklist

• Appointment slip – one per candidate, distributed to candidates in advance
• Attendance List – one copy, for the exam registration area
• Individual Report forms - one per candidate/group
• Composite marksheets – one set per examiner
• Timetable - one each for examiner and steward

4.2 On the exam day

Materials - You should ensure that all the following materials are ready.

Exam registration
• Attendance List
• Timetable for steward(s)

• Timetable – one per examiner
• Composite marksheets – one set per examiner
• Report forms – arranged in timetable order

• Appointment slip – distributed to candidates in advance

Exam room - The exam room must be quiet, reasonably ventilated and maintained at a
comfortable temperature. The room should be lit with natural light if possible. The exam room must
contain at least one good-sized table and a chair that provides good support for the examiner.
When a Trinity monitor visits (see page 22 for further details) an extra chair will be required for the
monitor. See Appendix 2, for further details regarding the Music exam room set up.

Waiting room – (Where possible) There should be a waiting room for candidates to use when
they arrive. This should not be directly next to the exam room. A warm up room is also desirable.

Notices - Silence posters (available from Trinity) and the Notice to Candidates (see Appendix 3)
must be displayed around the waiting room and exam room area.

Stewarding - You must provide a steward for the exam day who will greet candidates, show them
to the waiting room and exam room, and ensure that all runs smoothly. Stewards should
supervise and manage the waiting room area and escort candidates to their individual exam at
the appropriate times. They should ensure that candidates leaving their exam do not converse
with those still waiting to take their exam.

Examiner refreshments - Drinking water should be made available for the examiner.

Prohibited items
The following are NOT permitted in the exam room:
• eating or smoking (bottled water is permitted)
• mobile phones or other electronic devices
• audio- or video-recording your exam
• live animals or weapons/dangerous objects, e.g. knives (or replicas)

Post-session administration – The examiner will leave the reports with you at the end of
the exam session. You should distribute these to the candidates immediately.
Please note for large sessions that continue for several weeks, the examiner will release the
reports on a weekly basis.

4.3 Results and certificates

Your candidate’s results are confirmed when their result status changes online from ‘entered’
to ‘approved’. Once results are approved by Trinity, results will be available to access from
Trinity Online.

Trinity's Central Office does not give results out by telephone. Centres and Representatives
should also follow this policy.
Certificates for your successful candidates are dispatched within six to eight weeks after the
completion of the practical session. Once the certificates have been dispatched, you will be notified by an
automated email.
On receipt, please check all of the Certificates carefully. If any corrections are necessary, please
follow the procedure outlined under Trinity’s Certificate Replacement policy - see for full details.

4.4 Checklist for organising practical exam sessions

Before the exam day

• Book a suitable venue/exam room
• Use Trinity Online to enter all candidates by the closing date.
• Ensure all entries are accurate and that any requests for a candidate’s particular needs
provision has been submitted with the necessary accompanying documents
• Use Trinity Online to prepare a timetable
• Inform candidates of their exam time, the exam rules and what to bring
• Appoint a steward and ensure they know what to do
• Ensure you have printed all the necessary exam materials
• Confirm exam day arrangements with the examiner

Exam day
• Provide the examiner with all the relevant information and materials for the exam
• Set up a registration area with an Attendance List to confirm candidate attendance
• Assist the examiner if necessary and supervise/steward candidates

After the exam day

• Distribute results in a timely manner
• Distribute certificates in a timely manner
• Complete Trinity’s online customer feedback survey

5. Organising Theory of Music Exam sessions
How to organise written exam sessions

Below is a summary of the procedures that should be followed when organising a Theory of Music
exam session. For full information, including troubleshooting guidance, please refer to the
Instructions to Supervisors and Invigilators document, a copy of which is provided in Appendix 8,
page 33.

5.1 Before the exam day

Exam dates
Details of all Trinity Theory exam dates and closing dates are published on Trinity’s website and
are also available from your Trinity contact. All written exams start at 9.30am (local time) or
unless otherwise stated. You can schedule all candidates to start the exam at 9.30am under a
particular venue using Trinity Online.

Information for candidates

When you have entered all candidates for the Theory exam, it is your responsibility to
communicate to them the correct information regarding the exam. You will be able to print
individual appointment slips confirming the candidate number, the start time, date and
location of their exam.

The regulations governing how candidates must behave during Theory exams are summarised
in the Notice to Candidates. Candidates should be encouraged to read this notice, before their
exam. The Notice to Candidates informs candidates of the materials and equipment which are
not allowed in the exam room and about general conduct on the exam day. This should also
be on display outside each exam room on the exam day. The text of this notice may be
photocopied and translated if necessary, see Appendix 4, page 29.
Arrival time
Candidates need to arrive promptly, at least 30 minutes before the scheduled exam start time.
What to bring
Candidates need to bring their appointment slip, and a pen.

Receipt and verification of exam papers

The papers for the exam and accompanying ‘Admin pack’ will normally arrive at your centre no later
than three working days before the exam date. They will be sent by courier for the attention of the
Centre Representative.
If papers have not arrived 48 hours before the exam date, please contact your Trinity
contact immediately.

Please ensure that you take time to read the administration documents, contained in the ‘Admin
pack’ in full and all necessary documents are completed, see Section 5.5.

Each set of exam papers will be sealed in a security bag and papers for different exam levels will
be wrapped separately. Check that the exam level indicated on the security bag matches that of the
scheduled exam, together with the quantity of each level.
If the quantity or level of papers is incorrect, please contact your Trinity contact immediately.
Please remember that you must not under any circumstances open the security bags containing
the exam papers until the exam day.

5.2 Security and storage of exam papers

The exam papers must be stored securely in a safe or locked cupboard until the exam day. Papers
must not be released to the supervisor in charge more than 30 minutes before the start of the

5.3 Supervision and invigilation

Your centre is required to ensure that candidates in the Theory exam sessions are supervised at
all times.
Trinity requires that your centre appoints a supervisor (usually the Centre Representative) for each
Theory exam session to be in overall charge of the conduct of the exam. The supervisor is counted
as one of the invigilators.
Two invigilators are required for the first 25 candidates per room. One additional person is required
per room for every additional 15 candidates unless agreed otherwise in writing by Trinity before the
exam session.

5.4 Materials required for Theory exams

• Exam papers – These should not be removed from their secure storage location
earlier than 30 minutes before the start of the exam session.
• Notice to Candidates – This should be displayed outside of exam room and be
available for all candidates to view. A copy can be found in Appendix 4.
• Exam posters – should be displayed on and around the exam room – Available from
• Written Exams Return form – This will arrive with the exam papers giving the
breakdown of exam paper quantities. On arrival of the papers, you should record the
number of exam papers received on this form. After the exam, you should record the
number of completed, spoiled and spare papers. The completed form should be sent
back with all the papers. An example can be found in Appendix 5.
• Seating plan – A seating plan must be completed for each room prior to the start of the
exams. A copy can be found in Appendix 6.
• Supervisor’s report – Any incidents that occur should be reported on this form, a copy
of which can be found in Appendix 7.
• Attendance List – This will be available to download from Trinity Online once the entries
have been processed.
• Instructions for Supervisors and Invigilators – All centre staff involved in the
conduct of the exams, should be fully aware and understand all regulations for the
exams. A copy can be found in Appendix 8.

5.5 Exam conduct

On the day of the exam you must ensure that:

The exam room is set up as follows:

• The exam room is quiet and that candidates will be undisturbed by outside noise —
silence posters must be displayed next to the exam room, warning staff and students
that an exam is in progress.
• The exam room is reasonably ventilated and maintained at a comfortable temperature.
• Candidates’ desks are set up in rows, facing the same direction with at least one metre
between them, so that a candidate cannot copy from another’s script — on no account
should candidates be seated facing one another (see Appendix 2.2 page 29).
• The Notice to Candidates is posted outside each exam room on the day of the exam —

the supervisor/ invigilator should also have a copy of the notice with them in the exam
room for reference.
• At least one clock is visible to all candidates — there should be at least one clock at the
front of the exam room, facing the candidates.
• You remove or cover any display material in the exam room (wall charts etc.) that
might assist or distract candidates.
• You designate a secure area where candidates can leave bags, mobile phones, and all
other electronic equipment (including smart watches) and belongings — this must be in
an area away from candidate desks, ideally outside the exam room.
• You have a supply of spare pens for candidates to use if needed.

You must ensure that the supervisor and invigilators comply with the following procedure.
• Ensure that all candidates are seated in the exam room in good time for the beginning of
the exam.
• All candidates MUST follow the registration process before entry into the exam room.
• Ensure that all candidates switch off their mobile phones and all other electronic equipment,
and that they leave their possessions in the secure area, only keeping on their desks their
pens and appointment slips.
• Brief candidates on the premises’ emergency procedure in case of an emergency. Point out
the fire emergency exit routes from the premises, and fire assembly points.
• Only open security bags containing the exam papers in front of the candidates, when they
are all seated.
• Distribute the exam papers to candidates, placing each exam paper face-up, with the front
cover displayed. Instruct candidates not to open the paper until told to do so.
• When all exam papers have been distributed, tell candidates to read the front cover,
reminding them to check that they have received the correct exam paper for their exam,
and ask them to fill in the details required on the front cover.
• Remind candidates of the rules about leaving the room, cheating, using a mobile phone or
other electronic device, and communicating with other candidates once the exam has
started. Explain that if a candidate is found breaking the exam rules and regulations, they
will have to leave the exam room and will not be re-admitted.
• Ensure that no one is in the exam room from the start of the exam other than the candidates
and those allowed to remain in accordance with the exam’s rules and regulations, for
example Trinity examiners, moderators, helpers of those candidates with disabilities, etc.
• At the appointed time, tell candidates to begin the exam, confirming and displaying the start
and finish times.

Candidates must never be left unsupervised once they are in the exam room.

During the exam

• If a candidate arrives after the registration has closed, but before the exam has started,
the candidate may enter. However, they will have to complete registration without a
delay to the start of the exam.
• Do not allow candidates to leave the exam room in the last 15 minutes of the exam. If
candidates wish to leave before this time, check that their candidate details on the exam
paper are complete before allowing them to leave.
• 15 minutes before the end of the exam, warn candidates that they are coming to the end
of the exam’s allocated time. If candidates at different levels are seated in the same exam
room, different announcements should be made 15 minutes before the end of each exam,
with a clear explanation of which exam each announcement is for.
• For all unforeseen issues, please see Troubleshooting guidelines within the Instructions
for Supervisors and Invigilators, Appendix 8.

At the end of the exam
• Prohibit any further writing after the end of the exam.
• Candidates must remain seated and must not talk until they have left the exam room.
• Collect the exam papers from each candidate, ensuring that they have completed their
details, including name, candidate number and centre name.
• Collect any spare papers and materials, and allow candidates to leave the exam room once
all the exam papers have been counted.
• If other exams are still in progress, supervise leaving candidates to ensure that remaining
candidates are not disturbed.

5.6 Post-exam administration

• All exam papers and materials, including any answer sheets and unused scripts, must
be placed in the plastic envelope(s) supplied. Your supervisor is responsible for
checking that all materials are enclosed and, in particular, for checking that the
numbers of papers collected for each exam level match the entry records for the exam.
The Written Exams Return form should be filled in once all papers have been counted.
• The supervisor must ensure that the exam seating plan is completed with all the
required details, and that the Attendance List has been fully completed, with all
absences noted.
• The supervisor must complete a Supervisor’s report and enclose all documents in the
plastic envelope(s), together with the exam papers.
• The plastic envelope(s) must be sealed with the supervisor’s signature written across
the seal.
• Please refer to your Admin Pack received with your exam papers for full instructions for
returning packages securely to Trinity. If there is any delay your centre should contact
Trinity’s central office immediately. Failure to do so may result in the exam papers
being voided.
• Centres are not permitted under any circumstances to take copies of blank or completed
exam papers.

The full Regulations for the conduct of all written exams can be found in the Instructions to
Supervisors and Invigilators in Appendix 8.

5.7 Results and certificates

Your candidate’s results are confirmed when their result status changes online from ‘entered’
to ‘approved’. Once results are approved by Trinity, results will be available to access from
Trinity Online.

Trinity's Central Office does not give results out by telephone. Centres and Representatives
should also follow this policy.

Certificates for your successful candidates are dispatched within six to eight weeks after the
completion of the Theory Grade exam sessions within twelve weeks for the Diploma Theory
sessions. Once the certificates have been dispatched, you will be notified by an automated

On receipt, please check all of the Certificates carefully. If any corrections are necessary,
please follow the procedure outlined under Trinity’s Certificate Replacement policy - see for full details.

5.8 Checklist for organising Theory exams

Before the exam day

• Book a suitable exam room
• Use Trinity Online to enter all candidates before the closing date (See
• Ensure all entries are accurate, payment is made in full and that any requests for a
candidate’s particular need provision has been submitted with the necessary
accompanying documents
• Inform candidates of their exam time, date and location, the exam rules and what to
• Prepare a seating plan
• Appoint a supervisor and the appropriate number of invigilators and ensure they know
what to do
• Check all papers and accompanying documentation on arrival. Contact Trinity’s Central
office immediately if anything is missing or incorrect.
• Store all exam papers securely until 30 minutes before the start of the exam.

Exam day
• Set up the exam room and registration area
• Register all candidates, ask them to switch off their mobile phones and ensure they leave
their belongings in the secure area. Seat candidates and distribute the exam papers.
• Remind all candidates of the exam rules and procedures (see Invigilator’s script)
• Invigilate throughout the exam and ensure that candidates are not left unattended at any
point once in the exam room.
• Report any incidents on the Supervisor’s report and mark all absences on the Attendance
• Collect all exam papers, complete all paperwork and return it with all papers to Trinity
immediately after the exam session.

After the exam day

• Distribute results in a timely manner
• Distribute certificates in a timely manner
• Complete Trinity’s online customer feedback survey

6. Working with Trinity
Upholding the terms and requirements of Trinity’s Syllabus, Information and Regulations and
guidance notified to you from time to time as applicable, and ensuring these are
communicated to candidates and teachers as appropriate.

6.1 Exam delivery

Trinity works with you to ensure that the exam session is delivered at the mutual convenience
of the centre and the examiner. During the planning process, you may be approached
regarding alternative dates for delivery.

Trinity reserves the right not to conduct an exam session in the following circumstances:
• exam entries are not received prior to the specified deadline
• exam fees are not paid in full by the closing date

Trinity makes every effort to ensure the delivery of its exams on the dates and at the locations
planned. However, there may on occasion be exceptional circumstances that mean we are not
able to meet our commitment. This would include, for example, examiner illness, national
strikes, labour disputes or industrial disruption, natural disasters, widespread disruption of
travel, terrorist attacks or acts of war.

6.2 Trinity’s customer service statement

Trinity College London is committed to providing a high-quality support service for all our
users from initial enquiry through to certification. Please see for the
full Customer Service Statement.

This statement will help us monitor and continually improve our service to you. If you wish to
feedback on this statement, please do so through Trinity’s online customer feedback survey or
your Trinity contact.

6.3 Support for centres

Academic support
Trinity supports centres with their academic queries. Free support materials including sample
papers and exam videos to help with preparing candidates are available online at In the first instance you should raise any queries you have with
your Trinity contact. Trinity organises regional academic support sessions including workshops
and training meetings for teachers.
We also offer a range of academic and professional support services including webinars,
workshops and events, which teachers and Centre Representatives are encouraged to

Administration and general support

This guidebook, together with your Registered Exam Centre Handbook and Centre Contract
provide valuable guidance on organising Trinity exams. In addition, Trinity provides training
materials relating to using Trinity Online which you can access from Trinity Online. Your
designated Trinity contact is also available to give support in all administrative matters.

6.4 Feedback

Trinity is always keen to gain feedback from its centres and candidates so we can improve our
services. We need to know what we’re doing well and what we could improve on. Following an
exam session, all centres are sent an invitation to complete an online customer feedback
survey. We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete this when you receive it.

6.5 Appeals, complaints and re-mark requests

We strive to ensure that all our candidates and centres have a positive exam experience.
However, we recognise that occasionally things do not always run as smoothly as we would
like. If you are unhappy with any aspect of Trinity’s service, please contact us. You should
raise your concern with your Trinity contact in the first instance who will either be able to
solve the problem or advise you how to take your complaint further.

Information about our Complaints policy, Academic investigations and appeals policy and
Remark procedure, which govern how complaints are handled by Trinity, are available on the
Trinity website at: and

We ask that you help us in any investigation into your concerns by cooperating fully and
providing all necessary information. Please note exam scripts and recordings remain the
property of Trinity College London and will not be made available to centres or candidates.

6.6 Use of the Trinity centre logo

Centres have access to a unique Trinity Registered Centre logo featuring your centre number,
which may be used on your website, letterheads and marketing materials as permitted in your
contract. So long as you follow the brand guidelines that accompany the logo, there is no need
for Trinity to approve designs for such items. However, please email images/artwork of items
you have produced to [email protected] for our records.

6.7 Access to Trinity branded materials

You may request Trinity branded materials to support promotional activities at your centre.
Please contact your local Trinity contact for further details.

6.8 Video/photo shoots

Whenever your centre gets involved in making videos for Trinity (filming a performance or
participating in pre-testing), you should request written consent from all participants.

7. Quality and standards
Your centre is required to participate fully and regularly in Trinity’s quality assurance
programmes, which are designed to preserve Trinity’s good reputation and the good standing
of its exams. Some of Trinity’s initiatives in this area are outlined below.

7.1 Examiners and markers

Examiner and marker training

All Trinity examiners and markers must complete regular training and standardisation and are
monitored on a regular basis to ensure Trinity’s standards are maintained.

Monitoring of live exams (‘Live monitoring’)

A proportion of exam sessions are attended by a Trinity monitor. The purpose of the monitor’s
visit is to observe the examiner’s conduct and adherence to Trinity procedures. The monitor
reports back to the examiner and to Trinity on the exam and assessment process. He or she
takes no part in the exam process and will not influence the interaction between the candidate
and examiner. Centres do not receive feedback from the monitor. Centres will be notified in
advance of a monitoring visit by the examiner. (Please note, you will need to make another
chair available in the exam room for the monitor).

Monitoring of exam recordings (‘Audio monitoring’)

Trinity examiners audio record all Music and Rock & Pop exams for monitoring and research
purposes. This ensures the consistency of administration by its examiners and is in no way
detrimental to the candidate. A proportion of exam recordings are reviewed by Trinity
monitors who report back to Trinity and to the examiners on the exam and assessment

Exam paper double marking

Trinity double marks a random sample of 10% of all written scripts. This is an automatic and
random procedure and has no significance for the individual candidates whose scripts are
selected. This process helps us to ensure that standards are being accurately applied by
different markers, as well as by the same marker over a period of time.

7.2 Registered Exam Centres

Trinity reserves the right for its representatives (and those from any regulatory bodies by
whom it is governed) to visit an exam centre unannounced. Trinity’s representatives check
that all prescribed measures for security and exam conduct are in place and of the required
standard. Trinity reserves the right to withdraw registration of any centre found not to be
following stated procedures for the delivery of Trinity exams.

Written exam inspection visits

Trinity conducts regular inspection visits of Theory of Music exam sessions. These are carried
out by trained Trinity inspectors who monitor centre compliance with Trinity procedures. Exam
centres are not given prior notice of an inspector’s visit. Exam centres are expected to
cooperate fully in order to allow the inspector to conduct their duties. Inspectors are present
in an observing capacity only and would not normally intervene with the running of the session
(except in exceptional circumstances). Inspectors complete a written report which is returned
to Trinity detailing what they have observed.

7.3 Results entry

Clerical checking
Trinity’s exam results are routinely checked at Trinity’s central office. Please note that the
results are provisional and that final exam results are not confirmed until the validation
process is completed and, where an overall pass has been obtained, the certificate issued.

7.4 Malpractice and maladministration

There are various types of behaviour that would be considered malpractice, either on the part
of an exam Centre or on the part of a candidate. Malpractice is an extremely serious matter
for Trinity.

If any such incident occurs or is alleged to have occurred, Trinity will carry out an investigation
and take appropriate steps. Centres are expected to fully cooperate in any such investigation
by providing all information requested.

Malpractice by candidates
You should record any actual or suspected behaviour that is intended to give or has the effect
of giving an unfair advantage to a candidate, or which could cause a distraction to other
candidates during the exam. Examples of candidate behaviour which would be the subject of
an investigation can be found on page 2 of Trinity’s Malpractice and Maladministration Policy

Conduct reported in this way may lead to disqualification of candidates and to the withholding
of their results. The supervisor/invigilator has the authority to ask the offending candidate(s)
to leave the exam room.

If, during the marking process for any exam, reasonable suspicion or firm evidence of irregular
conduct such as copying is detected by examiners/markers, Trinity reserves the right to take
appropriate action. This may include requiring the candidate to take a re-sit, or disqualifying
the candidate and withholding his/her results.

Malpractice or maladministration by a Registered Exam Centre

Malpractice by a centre is when a centre is complicit in helping candidates cheat and/or gain
unfair advantage. Maladministration is when a centre fails to run an exam session according
to Trinity guidelines. Examples of centre behaviour which would be the subject of an
investigation into centre malpractice or maladministration can be found on pages 2-3 of
Trinity’s Malpractice and Maladministration Policy (

A centre may not use its Registered Exam Centre status to misrepresent or mislead the public
or to gain an unfair advantage.

Trinity collects information about the service delivery levels of exam centres and the conduct
of their Trinity exams. Trinity examiners are required to report any incidence of suspected
malpractice or maladministration. Trinity also systematically checks supervisor reports, seating
plans, attendance registers and inspection reports from written exam sessions. Exam paper
markers also report all suspicious scripts for investigation.

Actions taken by Trinity

Where malpractice or maladministration is suspected and an investigation is necessary, Trinity
• suspend the issue of all results for the session until the investigation has been
• suspend future entries at your centre until the investigation has been completed
• request information for its investigation
• scrutinise any written exam papers, using a second marker and relevant Trinity
• present the case to the relevant team at Trinity for a final decision

• contact you, setting out the action to be taken
• void some or all results for that exam session (and, as appropriate, withhold
• de-register your centre.

For further information, please refer to Trinity’s Malpractice and Maladministration Policy

7.5 Anti-corruption and bribery

In the UK, robust laws exist to prevent bribery and corruption. These laws apply not only to
Trinity staff, executives and trustees, but also to persons associated with Trinity working on its
behalf anywhere in the world. Therefore, Trinity must have policies and systems in place to
prevent any associated persons from committing bribery. Associated persons include anyone
providing services to Trinity such as its National, Area or Local Area Representatives.

Under UK law it is illegal:

• To pay or offer to pay a bribe
• To receive or agree to receive a bribe
• To bribe a foreign public official.

Trinity has developed an Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy (,

which all of your members of staff involved in the delivery or administration of the Trinity
exams must comply with at all times.

7.6 Regulation

In line with your centre contract, you should take all reasonable steps to ensure that
Trinity can comply with the conditions of recognition of any regulatory body either
recognising or governing Trinity’s Music qualifications.

An example of one of these ‘reasonable steps’ would be agreeing to representatives of

regulatory bodies visiting your centre to inspect exam arrangements or to provide
information/documents as and when requested by the regulator.

Trinity’s regulatory bodies include the Office of Qualifications and Exams Regulation
(Ofqual) in England, the Qualification Wales and the Council for Curriculum, Exams and
Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland. Trinity is also a registered charity regulated by
the Charity Commission.


8.1 Appendix 1 – Music Practical Timetabling guidelines

Music Practical Timetabling

Exam timetabling
It your responsibility to timetable the exam, which should be completed using Trinity Online.
A timetable should be prepared for each examiner visiting your centre. Please see for full instructions
Work out your timetable by allocating the students’ time as follows:
Classical Percussion Rock & Pop
Initial 10 N/A 13
Grade 1 11 15 13
Grade 2 11 15 15
Grade 3 12 16 15
Grade 4 16 21 20
Grade 5 16 21 20
Grade 6 22 27 25
Grade 7 22 27 25
Grade 8 27 32 30

Timetabling rules

• Do not add time for the candidates to enter and leave the room.
• Timetable the exams so that the same grades and instruments are together starting
from the lowest and ending with the highest.

Examiner hours and breaks

The total number of examining hours per day must not exceed the limit of 6 hours and 30
minutes. Centres must also observe the rules for examiner breaks* as follows:

0-2 hrs: No breaks

2-4 hrs: 1x 15 minute break
4-5 hrs: 1x 15 minute break + 1x 60 minute break
5-6 hrs: 1x 15 minute break + 1x 60 minute break + 1x 15 minute break

*Please note these are the maximum number of hours an examiner can examine without a
break, and must not be exceeded. However, breaks can be taken earlier as convenient, for
example the first break could be taken after 1.5 hours to enable the breaks to be more evenly
spread throughout the day.

The total number of hours an examiner spends at the centre in one day should not exceed 8
hours (this includes both exam time and breaks).

Changes to the timetable

Every effort must be made to ensure that the candidates are on time for their session.
Sessions are booked according to examiner time and examiners cannot be kept waiting to
complete the session.

There will be exceptional occasions where candidates are not available to attend at the time
allocated to them. You must ensure that candidates inform you before the exam day so that
you can alter the timetable accordingly.

8.2 Appendix 2 – Guidelines for Exam room set up
Room Setup
The exam room must be a quiet one in which the performance of candidates will be undisturbed
by outside noise. There must be sufficient space for candidates to be able to perform effectively
although a room of moderate size rather than a large hall is usually most appropriate.
Examiners’ tables should be positioned far enough away from the candidates to ensure
that crowding does not occur, especially for exams in singing and brass instruments,
but not so far away that there is a sense of remoteness.

Signage must be displayed clearly in the exam venue, including an Exam Room notice on the
entrance to the examination room and Quiet Please/Silence – Exams in Progress in the vicinity
especially in areas of traffic (corridors, stairs etc.)

The examiner needs:

- A good sized table (eg 140cm x 75cm) that is well supported and does not wobble
- A comfortable and supportive chair
- A carafe of drinking water and a glass
- Similar requirements for a second examiner (as necessary, should exam monitoring be
taking place)

Instrumental exams

• A music stand in working order must be provided.

• It is essential that instrumental and vocal performers have eye contact with their

• Guitarists should be reminded to bring their own footstool.

• Further information regarding setting up (and removing) percussion/drumkit, electronic

organs and electronic/digital keyboards can be found within each instrumental syllabus.

• Candidates taking woodwind, brass and singing will also require drinking water.

Piano exams

• A piano with an adjustable stool must be provided.

• The instrument should have a smooth, even and easy touch and the pedal mechanism
must be in good working order, operating noiselessly and effectively.

• The instrument must be tuned before the exam session.

• Examiners report on the piano at each centre after each exam session and
representatives will be advised of any problems, which they must act upon.

• Pianos should be suitable for solo exams to at least to ATCL level.

• In grade and certificate exams Upright or Grand pianos may be used. A grand piano is
often likely to offer a superior quality of tone but this type of instrument is not essential
and indeed can be off-putting to candidates at lower grades. However, the quality of
upright pianos is a perennial cause of complaint and should always be monitored carefully.

• An adjustable piano stool must be provided. The use of cushions on chairs is not
acceptable. If the pedals are high off the ground, there must be suitable provision to
assist smaller candidates.

• Digital pianos and clavinovas can be used up to and including Grade 8, however, you
must obtain prior consent from the candidates.

• In the case of an extended session, you must be prepared to call in a professional tuner
if requested by an examiner.

• Upright acoustic pianos cannot be used for Diploma exams in Solo Piano.

Organ exams

Candidates taking a ‘traditional’ organ exam, will normally choose to take their exams in
churches. Appropriate allowances should be made within the examiners timetable for this
exam. Normally organ exams would happen at the beginning or the end of the day.

Drum Kit exams

• Please see the layout for drum kit exams in the Rock & Pop Best Practice Guidebook

• Full details regarding drum kit requirements can be found in the Drums syllabus.

• Exams may be only be taken on electronic drum kits up to and including Grade

Changes of Venue

When examiners change venue during the day, for instance when visiting a school or moving
room for the afternoon, the necessary travel time must be allowed for and not taken out of the
examiner’s lunch break.

A2.1 Example of exam room layout for Classical and Jazz exams:

A2.2 Example Room Setup for Written Exam

8.3 Appendix 3– Notice to Candidates – Practical Exams

Notice to Candidates
(Practical exams)
To be made available to candidates prior to their exams and displayed in the exam waiting

Please Read Carefully

• You should arrive at the exam venue at least 30 minutes before your exam time and
report to the exam supervisor/exam registration desk.
• If you are late, you may not be able to take the exam.

What to bring
You should bring the following items:
• Your exam appointment slip
• Any supporting items you require for your exam (e.g. Photocopies of all pieces that are
not Trinity publications for examiner reference, see Music and Copes in your syllabus for
full details)

• register and wait quietly in the waiting area
• follow any instructions given by the exam supervisor or steward
• go to the exam room when told to by the steward, leaving your belongings in the
designated secure area
• after your exam, return to the waiting room, collect your belongings and leave quietly
without talking to other candidates.


• take unauthorised material into the exam room (see below)
• attempt to cheat in any way
• use threatening language or behaviour towards exam centre staff or the examiner

Prohibited material
The following are NOT permitted in the exam room:
• eating or smoking (bottled water is permitted)
• mobile phones or other electronic devices
• language aids, e.g. dictionaries, written scripts etc.
• audio- or video-recording your exam
• live animals or weapons/dangerous objects, e.g. knives (or replicas)

Help and guidance

If you have any questions about your exam, ask the exam supervisor or steward. If you feel
your performance may be affected by ill health or any other reasons, tell the supervisor.

Disqualification warning!

If you cheat, use unfair practice, or break the exam rules in any way, your conduct will be reported to
Trinity College London and you will be disqualified from the exam.

8.4 Appendix 4 – Notice to Candidates – Theory Exams

Notice to Candidates
(Theory exams)
To be displayed outside each exam room Please Read Carefully

Arrival at the exam room

You should arrive at the venue at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam. If you arrive after the
start of your exam, you should report to the supervisor/invigilator. If you are late, you may not be able to
take the exam.

Make sure you have proof of your identity with you (Please check Trinity’s Candidate ID policy).

• You may only have pens, and your ID on your desk for this exam.
• You will write your answers in pen in the exam booklet. You must not bring any other pieces
of paper into the exam room.
• You may not use a dictionary during the exam.
• Correction fluid and erasable pens must not be used in your answer booklet.

You must not do anything during the exam which disturbs other candidates or might give you an unfair
advantage over other candidates:
a) If you have a mobile phone, make sure it is switched off and placed with your personal
belongings in the area designated by the supervisor or invigilator, they MUST NOT be in your
b) You must not talk to or distract other candidates once the exam has started
c) You cannot borrow anything from another candidate during the exam.
d) You must not eat or smoke in the exam room. You may bring water into the exam, but this must
not be placed on the table in case of spillage
e) If you attempt to cheat, you will be disqualified from the exam.

Listen carefully to the Invigilator/supervisor who will give you instructions. Tell the Invigilator/supervisor:
• If you receive the incorrect question paper for your exam.
• If the question paper is incomplete or badly printed.
• If your details are incorrect on your appointment slip – you should notify your Trinity contact
before the exam day.

Read carefully and follow the instructions printed in your question paper/answer sheet.
Fill in any details required on the front of your question paper/answer sheet before you start the exam.
Do not open your booklet until the supervisor tells you to begin.

Advice and assistance during the exam

If during the exam you are not sure what you should do, raise your hand to attract the
Invigilator/supervisor’s attention. You may not ask for, and will not be given, any explanation of the
questions. If on the day of the exam you feel that your work may be affected by ill health or any other
reason, tell the supervisor.

Leaving the exam room

You may not leave the exam room without the permission of the Invigilator/supervisor. On completing
your exam you must remain seated until permission is granted from the invigilator to leave the exam
room. You must leave the exam area quietly so as not to disturb candidates who have not yet finished.

Disqualification warning!

If you cheat, use unfair practice, or break the exam rules in any way, your conduct will be reported to
Trinity College London and you will be disqualified from the exam.

8.5 Appendix 5 – Written Exams Return form – Example

Trinity College London - Written

Centre number 1234 Centre name London

Paper Title Total Returned Spare Spoilt

Papers Papers Papers Papers
Admin Pack 1
Grade 1 0
Grade 2 5
Grade 3 5
Grade 4 5
Grade 5 2
Grade 6 0
Grade 7 5
Grade 8 5
AmusTCL 5

This is an example of a Written Exams Return form, this will automatically be

populated and sent by our printers. This will arrive with your exam papers.
The Centre number and name, together with the total number of papers included
will be generated on the sheet.

You are required to:

• Before the exam – Check that all details on the form are correct on arrival
of the papers*
• After the exam - Fill out the remaining three columns
- Supervisor to sign the completed form
- Send back with all papers

*If you notice any discrepancies when the papers arrive, please contact your
Trinity contact immediately.

Signed by Supervisor (centre)..............................................................................

Checked by Trinity's central office ........................................................................

8.6 Appendix 6 – Seating plan Template

Seating plan
Centre name:………………………………………..…… Centre number:.....................................

Number of candidates in room: ………………… Number of absentees:............................

Date of exam: …………………………………

Please read the guidelines for supervisors and invigilators carefully.

Front of exam room

Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number

Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name

Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number

Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name

Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number

Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name

Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number

Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name

Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number Candidate number

Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name Candidate name

The seating plan must reflect the position the candidates are seated in the room. Centres
may submit their own seating plan, however all information as detailed above must be

Name of supervisor (please print): ......................................................................................................................................

Name of Invigilator(s)(please print): ......................................................................................................................................

8.7 Appendix 7 – Supervisor’s report form

Supervisor’s report form

Centre name:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Centre number:. . . . . . . . .

Name of supervisor:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Date of exam…………………………..

Please report (In English) below any conditions or circumstances that may have affected candidates’ performance
today, eg any incidents of cheating, breaking the rules, disturbances outside the exam room, late arrivals,
disqualifications etc. Please be as specific as possible. Please state if nothing to report.

Please continue on an additional sheet of paper if required.

8.8 Appendix 8 – Instructions for Supervisors and Invigilators

Regulations for the conduct of all Written Exams -

Instructions for Supervisors and Invigilators
This document must be read by all exam personnel including exam coordinators, supervisors
and invigilators and must be available in each exam room for reference purposes.
Please note: There is a troubleshooting section at the end of this document. Please refer
to the troubleshooting section for clarification on any areas of concern.

Arrival and checking of exam papers

The exam papers are sent by secure delivery for the attention of the exam coordinator at the centre. Papers
will arrive 3-5 days before the date of the exam. The centre must nominate a member of staff to be responsible
for the papers from the moment they arrive. The papers are sent in separate security bags for each level and
unit. Each security bag has a label on the front through which states the level and number of papers enclosed.
The nominated person must:

• Ensure that the correct number of exam papers for each level has been received by checking the
number of papers indicated on the front of the plastic security bags. Do NOT open the security bags
at this stage. Please note that one spare paper is sent for each level and unit.
• Ensure that a seating plan, supervisor’s report, and written exams return form have been received
with the papers. You will be able to download an attendance list and Marksheets once the candidates
have been entered.
• Ensure exam papers are stored in a secure location such as a safe or lockable cupboard until
immediately prior to the exam.
• Ensure the papers are not accessed by anyone or released from the secure location until
immediately prior to the exam.

Please refer to Troubleshooting Section 1 for any problems relating to the arrival of the exam papers.

Before the day of the exam

The following personnel must be assigned in preparation for the exam:

• Please refer to the table below to ensure there is adequate supervision within each exam room.

No. of candidates in room Up to 25 26-40 41 - 55 56- 70 71 - 85 86- 100 101 - 115

No. of invigilators required 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

• Invigilation must be carried out by an adult who is trained and familiar with all of the regulations.
• The appropriate invigilator/candidate ratio (see table above) must be maintained at all
times during the exam session. Please note that if an inspector is present they cannot act as an
invigilator or supervisor.
• One person must be assigned as the supervisor. The supervisor is in overall control of
the session and is responsible for the management of the session.
• The supervisor should be available to all rooms throughout the session.
• The supervisor may be counted as an invigilator providing the appropriate
invigilator/candidate ratio per room (see table above) is maintained at all times.

• There must be a sufficient number of members of staff available outside the exam room(s) in
case an invigilator inside a room needs assistance, to escort candidates on comfort breaks or to assist
with the collection of papers at the end of each exam to ensure that the invigilator/candidate ratio is
fully met at all times.
• Ensure arrangements for personnel to assist with an authorised candidate’s particular need provision has
been made.

The following tasks must be performed:

• Candidates must be given a clear time of arrival at the centre to ensure that they have sufficient time
to complete registration and that they are ready to enter the exam room at least 15 minutes before
the start of the exam.
• Candidates must be given clear instructions regarding the location of the registration area and the
exam room(s).
• Candidates must be instructed to bring a valid ID document with them to the exam.
Centres must give candidates clear guidance as to which forms of ID are acceptable. A
copy of Trinity’s candidate ID policy in which acceptable forms of ID are available on the
Trinity website at NB. ID Documentation is currently only required for
Trinity Language Exams.
• Candidates must be made aware of, and given access to, the Notice to candidates.
• Ensure arrangements for equipment to assist with an authorised candidate’s particular
need provision has been made.

Preparing the exam room(s) and registration area

The exam room must be set up and ready for use at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time for
the exam.

• Book the appropriate number of exam rooms and ensure that all rooms are a suitable size
to accommodate the number of candidates entered.
• Private houses MUST NOT be used as a venue for exams.
• Ensure there is disabled access to the exam room(s) if required.
• The exam room must be reasonably ventilated, at a comfortable temperature and free from
external noise and interruption.
• Separate tables and chairs should be used. Chairs with a fold-down style desk should be avoided if
possible as they offer a reduced writing area for the candidates.
• The seating must be arranged with candidates seated far enough apart so that they cannot copy from
another candidate’s script. Candidates must not be seated facing one another.
• Candidates taking different levels of exams may be seated in the same exam room.
• Candidates must be allocated seats and must not choose where they want to sit.
• Candidates’ names and numbers must be clearly displayed on the desk to enable candidates to
locate their desk and to assist in completing the personal details on the front of the exam paper.
• A seating plan must be completed for each room prior to the start of the exam. Trinity provides a
template seating plan for rooms seating up to a maximum of 25 candidates. Centres are free to
provide their own seating plan as long as the information specified in the template seating plan is
provided and it is an accurate reflection of the position of candidates in each room.
• For Theory of Music and Drama exams, please place stationery, such as answer booklets, manuscript
paper and treasury tags ready on each candidate’s desk. Please refer to your guidance notes for further
• Any display material in the exam room (wall charts etc.) which might assist or distract candidates must
be removed or covered for the duration of the exam.
• There must be a working clock in each room positioned so it is clearly visible to all candidates.
The clock must not be positioned behind the candidates. It is advisable to have a backup timing
device which is synchronised to the main clock.
• There must be a means, (e.g. a whiteboard), of displaying start and finish times of all exams.
• The Notice to candidates must be displayed outside each exam room.
• A ‘Silence – Exams in progress’ sign should be displayed outside each exam room.
• The supervisor/invigilators must have a small supply of spare pens and paper for the candidates’ use.
• The supervisor/invigilator must ensure there is a pair of scissors in each exam room in order to
correctly open the plastic security bag(s) containing the exam papers.

A registration area should be set up in the vicinity of the exam room(s). This area should be located in an
area which allows the registration process to be completed (see Candidate registration section below) and

also provide a waiting area for candidates. All candidates must register at the registration desk before being
admitted to the exam room. Once registration has taken place, only candidates taking the exam may remain
in the registration/waiting area.
The centre must ensure the following documents are present at the registration desk:

• The attendance list.

• A copy of the ‘Notice to candidates’

The day of the exam

As part of Trinity’s Quality Assurance programme, any exam session may be subject to an unannounced
inspection. All inspectors will aim to arrive at the centre at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the
exam so that the entire exam procedure can be observed from the release of the papers from the secure area
through to the sealing of the exam papers into the envelope at the end of the session. Centres must
cooperate fully with inspectors at all times. For full details regarding the inspection criteria please refer to the
‘Centre Inspection Checklist’ available at

Candidate registration
• All candidates MUST follow the registration process prior to entering the exam room.
• All Candidates MUST check their personal information on the attendance list to ensure spelling and
data is accurate.
• Candidates’ ID documentation must be checked at registration. Please refer to Troubleshooting Section
2 for what to do if candidates do not supply valid ID documentation. NB. This is currently only for
Language Exams.
• Candidates must place bags and other belongings either outside the exam room or in a secure
area within the exam room designated by the supervisor.
• Candidates must be instructed to switch off all mobile phones and other electronic equipment and to
leave them in the secure area. Smart watches should also be removed and placed in the secure area.
If a candidate is found in possession of a prohibited item after the exam has started, whether
switched on or not, they will be required to leave the exam room and must not be readmitted. Any
incident of this nature must be reported on the supervisor’s report. (Please see Troubleshooting
Section 2 for further details).

Release of exam papers

• Exam papers must not be released to the supervisor/invigilator more than 30 minutes before the start
of the exam.

Seating candidates, giving instructions and starting the exam

• Candidates must never be left unsupervised once they are in the exam room.
• It is advisable to remind the candidates to use the toilet facilities before entering the exam room.
• Once candidates have entered the exam room they must not leave until the end of their
exam except for a toilet break. All candidates leaving the room in this instance must be
escorted by a member of staff ensuring that adequate supervision is maintained in the exam room.
• The candidates must be seated at their allocated desks at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start
of the exam. Please refer to Troubleshooting section 2 if a candidate is late.
• The supervisor/invigilator must remind candidates of the rules of exam conduct by
reading out the ‘Invigilator’s script’ see page 43.
• Candidates’ ears should be visible so that supervisors can check for earpieces.
• Candidates must place their ID documentation on their desks.
• The supervisor/invigilators must ensure only pens and ID documentation are on candidates’ desks. In
addition, candidates are allowed bottles of water. No other items are permitted. See Trouble shooting
section 2 for notes on pencils.
• The plastic security bag must only be opened in the presence of all the candidates. Clear instructions on
how to open the plastic security bag are indicated on the bag. On no account must an attempt be made
to open the bag by breaking the security seal.
• A clear instruction not to open the exam papers must be given to all candidates before distributing
the exam papers. This may be made in local language
• Supervisors must be careful to distribute the correct paper to each candidate. Exam papers must be
placed face-up, with the front cover displayed.
• After all papers have been distributed, the supervisor must tell candidates to read the front cover, check
that they have received the correct paper for their exam and complete the details required. The
supervisor/invigilator is permitted to answer questions from candidates regarding completion of details
on the front page of the exam papers.
• If there are candidates taking exams at different levels, all exams must be started at the same time.
The supervisor/invigilator must clearly announce the start of the exam and display the exact start and
finish time of each exam in a written format clearly visible to all candidates. Please see page 42 of this
document for all exam timings. Every attempt must be made to adhere to the scheduled start time.
• If the exam is delayed, this must be reported on the supervisors report together with the
full explanation.

During the exam

• Only the supervisor, invigilator(s) and candidates are allowed in the exam room during the exam.
• The supervisor has overall responsibility for the conduct of the exam session.
• The supervisor and invigilator must be familiar with the rules given in the Notice to candidates
and ensure that these rules are adhered to.
• The invigilator must give their whole attention to conducting and invigilating the session.
• The invigilator must not perform any additional task (e.g. marking, reading) and must ensure
their mobile phone is switched off for the duration of the exam.
• The invigilator must actively monitor the room and is expected to regularly pace the room during
the exam.
• Shortly after the exam has started, the supervisor/invigilator must re-check each candidate’s
visual appearance against their photo ID document. (See /Troubleshooting Section 2 for what to
do if candidate identity is in doubt).
• Each candidate should be accounted for on the attendance report together with all absences. If
a candidate is absent please mark with a cross on the seating plan so that the seating plan
accurately reflects the layout of the exam room.
• The supervisor/invigilator may answer questions from candidates which relate to exam procedure
but they must not answer questions about the content or interpretation of tasks (see
Troubleshooting Section 2).
• Should any unforeseen incident e.g. a fire alarm, occur during the exam, the supervisor/invigilator
must follow the guidance given in Troubleshooting Section 2 relevant to that incident.
• If any candidate finishes with more than 15 minutes of the exam remaining and wishes to leave their
exam room, the supervisor/invigilator must check that they have completed their details on the
exam paper/answer booklet/sheet correctly before allowing them to leave.
• The supervisor/invigilator must announce the time 15 minutes before the end of the exam. If
candidate sat different levels are seated in the same exam room, the time must be announced 15
minutes before the end of each exam. Candidates must be reminded at this stage that they are not
allowed to leave until the end of the exam.
• If a centre chooses to follow the timetable below, please make sure all IDs are re-checked.

The end of the exam

• At the end of the exam, a clear instruction must be given for the candidates to stop writing.
Candidates must be reminded that they must remain seated and must not talk until they have left
the exam room.
• The supervisor/invigilator must collect all paperwork from the candidates, ensuring that each
candidate has completed their details, including name, candidate number, centre number and, if
applicable, date
of exam.
• If a candidate has used additional paper/answer booklets for their answers, the
supervisor/invigilator must ensure that it is securely attached to the exam paper.
• The supervisor/invigilator must collect any spare and/or spoiled exam papers and/or answer
sheets if relevant.
• If candidates have no further exams in this session, they may leave the exam room in silence at this
• As some exams may still be in progress in the same exam room, extra members of staff may
be required to supervise leaving candidates, and to assist with the collection of their exam
papers, to
ensure that remaining candidates are not disturbed and are still fully invigilated.

Post-exam responsibilities
• The completed, spare and spoiled exam papers must be counted and the ‘Written Exams Return form’
• All exam papers (completed, spare and spoiled) must be returned in the plastic security bags.
• The supervisor must complete the Supervisor’s report form. The supervisor’s report form must not
be left blank. If the supervisor feels that there is nothing to report, then ‘Nothing to report’ must
written on the Supervisor’s report form.
• The supervisor must check that the following documents have been fully and accurately completed.
The documents must then be placed in the addressed envelope provided

1. All exam and answer papers (completed, spare and spoiled) in their plastic security bags.
2. Written Exams Return form
3. Attendance list(s) – All papers must be sent in this order.
4. Supervisor’s report
5. Seating plan(s)

• The addressed envelope must be sealed with the supervisor’s signature written across the seal.
• The addressed envelope must be returned to Trinity by secure delivery immediately after the end of the
• For evening exam sessions, it may not be possible to post the envelope until the next day. In such a
case, the envelope must be stored in a secure location until it can be posted.
• If there is any delay in returning the papers the designated contact at Trinity must be informed
immediately. The designated contact details will be indicated in the admin pack. Failure to inform
Trinity of delays may lead to candidate results being delayed or voided.

Arrival and checking of exam papers

Exam papers You do not receive your exam papers

(1) 3-5 days before the scheduled exam

Exam papers You do not receive the correct

(2) number of exam papers for each
Contact your designated Trinity contact immediately.
Exam papers You receive the exam papers but the Their contact details are enclosed in your guidance
(3) security bags are open or the security notes.
seal has been broken

Entering Somebody who has been entered for

candidate the exam is missing from the
s attendance report or has been
entered under incorrect details (e.g.
wrong exam level).

Exam Your admin pack is incomplete. (You Please see contact your Trinity contact.
Documentation have not received a seating plan,
supervisors report etc.)

Special Special provision (e.g. Braille/ Large Special provision papers are sent separately but are
educational font paper) that has been authorised expected to arrive 3-5 days before the scheduled
needs (1) by Trinity and which is Trinity’s exam date. If you have not received these papers
responsibility to provide, has not within this timescale contact your designated Trinity
arrived. contact immediately. Their contact details are
enclosed in this admin pack.

Exam time and It is not possible for your centre to All exams must be held at the scheduled date, time
venue hold the exam at the scheduled date, and venue. If unforeseen circumstances make this
time or venue. impossible, you must contact your designated Trinity
contact immediately to seek authorisation for any
changes. On no account must any changes to date,
time or venue be made without authorisation from

On the day of the exam

Candidate ID A candidate has not brought valid ID. Refer to the ID policy and the centre guidelines. A
copy of these documents will be available on the
website. NB. ID checks are currently only required for
all Trinity Language exams; however, this may be
extended to other subjects.
Special A candidate requests special Special provision cannot be considered or authorised
educational provision (e.g. extra time) on the on the day of the exam. Requests must be made at
needs (2) exam day. the time of entering candidates and supported by
appropriate medical evidence. Please refuse the
candidate’s request.

Start times I want to stagger the start times All exams must start at the stated time. Please see
of our exams for different levels. ‘Exam Timings’
Clear instructions on how to open the plastic security
Security The plastic security bag is
bag are indicated on the bag. If these instructions are
bag(s) opened incorrectly.
not followed, a clear explanation why the bags were
opened incorrectly must be made in the Supervisor’s

Late arrivals A candidate arrives late. Any late arrival must be intercepted by centre staff so
that no disturbance is caused to the candidates that
have arrived in time for the exam.
A late arrival can only be allowed to take the exam
if the full registration process can be completed in
the registration area and the candidate can take
his/her place in the exam room before the exam has
started. If the registration process cannot be
completed before the start of the exam, the
candidate must not be allowed to take the exam.
On no account must the start of the exam be delayed
to accommodate a late arrival.
Any late arrivals must be indicated on the Supervisor’s
Candidate A candidate asks a question The supervisor/invigilator may answer questions from
questions during the exam. candidates which relate to exam procedure, e.g.
questions such as ‘How long is the exam?/ Do I have
to answer ALL questions?/ Where do I write my
The supervisor/invigilator must not answer
questions about the content or interpretation of
tasks, e.g. questions such as ‘What does this word
mean?/ Is this the right answer?’

Exam Paper A candidate notices a problem The candidate should be advised to continue with the
with the exam paper. paper if they can. A full explanation should be
reported on the supervisor’s report, together with the
name and ID of the candidate that reported the

The incident must be reported to Trinity both on the

Malpractice (1) A candidate is found in possession
Supervisor’s report form and also on the front cover of
-Mobile phone/ of a mobile phone or any other the exam paper itself. The candidate’s name and
other electronic device (whether switched candidate number must be noted and the time at
electronic on or off) after the instruction to which the mobile phone/device was discovered. The
device place all such devices in the secure candidate must be removed from the room if this is
possible without causing any disruption to other
area. candidates.

The supervisor/ invigilator must confiscate any

Malpractice (2) A candidate is found in possession
prohibited material immediately. The incident must be
– Other of prohibited material. reported to Trinity both on the Supervisor’s report
prohibited form and also on the front cover of the exam paper
material itself. The candidate’s name and candidate number
must be noted and the time at which the prohibited
material was discovered. The candidate must be
removed from the room if this is possible without
causing any disruption to other candidates.

The incident must be reported to Trinity, both on the
Malpractice (3) A candidate is suspected of copying
Supervisor’s report form and also on the front cover of
– Copying/ from another candidate OR
the exam paper of any candidate involved. The
collusion candidates are suspected of candidates’ names and candidate numbers together
colluding. with details of what was observed including times
must be noted.

Pencils A candidate brings pencils into the Candidates are not permitted to use a pencil with the
exam room. exception of all Theory of Music candidates.

Clock The clock stops during the exam. The centre must have a back-up timing system to
ensure that, in the event of the clock stopping,
candidates are allocated the correct time for the
duration of the exam. It is advisable to call out the
timings at appropriate intervals.

Toilet breaks A candidate needs a toilet break. All candidates leaving an exam room during an exam
must be escorted from and back to the room by a
member of staff. Ensuring that correct supervision is
maintained within the exam room.

Leaving exam A candidate has finished the exam Candidates may leave the exam early but the
early and wishes to leave early. following rules must be followed.
• Candidates may not leave the room until the
supervisor/invigilator has checked that the
candidate’s details have been completed correctly
on the exam/answer paper.
• Candidates may not leave the room within 15
minutes of the end of the exam.

Manuscript A candidate does not fill their details Please make sure all candidates are aware that every
Paper / Answer on the answer booklet or manuscript piece of paper/booklet must have their details clearly
booklets/ paper. (Theory of Music and Drama labelled. All candidates must attach all rough work
Treasury Tags Exams only) (grades 6-8 only) and answer booklets to their exam

Invigilator’s The supervisor’s/invigilator’s mobile Do not answer the phone and switch off immediately.
mobile phone phone rings during the exam.

Candidate A candidate is taken ill during the If a candidate is ill and needs to leave the exam room,
illness exam. they must be accompanied at all times. No extra time
can be added if a candidate is taken ill during the
Eating and A candidate is found smoking, eating Candidates found smoking, drinking or eating during
drinking or drinking (with the exception of the exam should be asked to stop immediately. If
water) in the exam room. they refuse to do so, they should be asked to leave
the exam room immediately and the incident reported
to Trinity both on the Supervisor’s report form and
also on the front cover of the exam paper itself.
Some candidates may need to eat something for
medical reasons (e.g. in the case of diabetic
candidates), this should be permitted. The
supervisor/invigilator should also be made aware of
this before the exam.

Fire alarm The fire alarm rings during the exam. Candidates should be asked to remain silent if it is
safe to do so whilst being taken to the assembly
point. Candidates must be fully supervised at all
times between leaving and re-entering the exam
room. They must leave their exam papers behind on
the desk. If the building is deemed safe to return to,
candidates should be led back to the exam room in
silence and extra time allowed to compensate for the
time missed. The incident and timings must be
recorded on the Supervisor’s report.

Exam Timings

Theory of Music exam timings

Exam component Total time

Theory of Music Grades 1-4 2 hours
Theory of Music Grades 5-8 3 hours
AMusTCL 3 hours
LMusTCL 3 hours
Composition skills – Morning paper 3 hours
Composition skills – Afternoon paper 2 hours

Drama & Performing Diplomas

Exam Component Total Time

ATCL Teaching Unit 1 2 hours
LTCL Teaching Unit 1 2 hours 30 minutes
LTCL Performing Unit 1 2 hours 30 minutes
LTCL Communication Skills (Public Speaking) 2 hours 30 minutes
Unit 1

Start times

Friday exams start at 9.30am (local time).

Saturday exams start at 9.30am (local time). Afternoon exams start at 13:30 (local time) for
Composition skills only.

Monday exams start at 9.30am (local time) - except for the UK where exams will start
at 5:30pm.

Invigilator Script
TIP: It may be an idea to check if any candidates need to go to the toilet before they enter
the exam room as long as this does not delay the start of the exam.
The following must be announced by the supervisor/invigilator before the exam
begins (This may be done in local language):

Before the exam

a) ‘When you receive your exam paper, you MUST NOT open until advised to do so.
Please check carefully that you have the correct exam paper. If you do not, please
raise your hand.’

b) ‘You must write your name and candidate number in the spaces provided on the exam
paper and any answer sheets/booklets used. All details should be on your
appointment slip in front of you on your desk. Please remember to do the same on any
other paper you use.’

c) ‘You may not speak to anyone during the exam except me or one of the other
invigilator(s). If you want to ask a question, first raise your hand to attract attention.
You may ask questions about exam procedure but not about the content of the exam

For Theory of Music/Drama exams only –

d) ‘The manuscript paper on your desk can be used as rough paper [or used to
answer the questions if more space is needed]’

e) ‘Once you have finished the exam, please attach all answer booklets and rough
work to your exam paper; please do so with the treasury tag provided. This is for
Grades 6-8 and all Diploma candidates’

f) ‘You MUST NOT take the exam paper or any other paperwork out of the exam room’

g) ‘You MUST remain seated at all times until the invigilator has collected your exam
materials and grants you permission to leave.’

h) You MUST NOT talk until you leave the exam room.

i) ‘If you finish your exam and you have more than 15 minutes left before the end of
the exam, you may leave the exam room. To do so, please remain seated and raise
your hand and wait for the invigilator to collect your paper and give you permission to

j) ‘Further instructions are printed on the front of your exam paper, please read carefully.’

k) ‘Start and finish times will be displayed on the board. The time is
now..........................................., you may begin.’

After the exam

l) ‘The time is now.........................., you MUST stop writing. Please remain seated
until all papers are collected. You must not talk until you have left the exam room.’


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