Year 7 SOW MUSIC Autumn 1-Rhythm: Starter
Year 7 SOW MUSIC Autumn 1-Rhythm: Starter
Year 7 SOW MUSIC Autumn 1-Rhythm: Starter
Week. Lesson Objectives/ PLC Activities Assessment Resources Key words Focus Group/ Home learning
Week 1 To complete a Starter Baseline Baseline Rhythm Seating plan Music rules
baseline Books, seating plan, Marked and assessment Melody introduced.
assessment, presentation guide, put on tracker Books Elements
written and rules
practical Main
Baseline test and
practical task
Review skills from
baseline assessment
Week 2 Can tell the Starter Group Powerpoint Rhythm Mixed ability
difference Body percussion performances Percussion Pulse groups.
between pulse cycle at the end of instruments and Call and Teacher select
and rhythm and Rhythm and pulse the lesson. beaters 1 each response groups.
Verbal peer, SEN/LA- Assist
perform both song
self and with 4 beat
I can keep a Main
teacher patterns,
steady pulse X4 set rhythms- feedback on introduce
within a whole class, practice all group sayings to help
performance and rotate performances with rhythms
I can perform In groups of 4-6 MA- Leading
more complex compose own call role within the
patterns in time and response group
with a group or patterns using 4
on my own beat rhythms
Group performances
Week 3 Read basic Starter Group Powerpoint Cross rhythm Mixed ability Tuned
rhythmic patterns Show rhythm performances Percussion groups. percussion
Perform 4/4 notation, how to at the end of instruments and Teacher select instruments
rhythmic patterns make 4 beats the lesson. beaters 1 each groups.
as a group and Verbal peer, SEN/LA- Assist
independently. self and with 4 beat
Practice and rotate
To perform part teacher patterns,
of a cross rhythm the 4 rhythms feedback on introduce
Introduce cross all group sayings to help
rhythms by layering performances with rhythms
up in twos. MA- Leading
In group of 4-6 role within the
create and perform group
a short piece of
music using cross
Perform pieces
Week 4 Perform and Starter Group Powerpoint Improvisation Mixed ability
compose a Listening- write in performances Percussion groups.
variety of 4 beat books key features at the end of instruments and Teacher select
rhythms, Main the lesson. beaters 1 each groups.
Improvise with Verbal peer, SEN/LA- Assist
Practice and rotate
confidence self and with 4 beat
the 4 rhythms
incorporating a teacher patterns,
variety of Introduce feedback on introduce
different Improvisation all group sayings to help
patterns. breaks performances with rhythms
In group of 4-6 MA- Leading
create and perform role within the
a short piece of group
music improvisation
Perform pieces
Week 5 To work as a Starter Powerpoint Call and Mixed ability Untuned
group to Listening- write in Percussion response groups. percussion
compose a books key features instruments and Cross rhythm Teacher select instruments
structured piece Main beaters 1 each Improvisation groups.
of music Structure SEN/LA- Assist
Practice call and
incorporation call with 4 beat
response, cross
and response, patterns,
cross rhythms rhythm and introduce
and improvisation improvisation sayings to help
exercises. with rhythms
In group of 4-6 plan MA- Leading
and practice a role within the
structured piece group
incorporating all of
the rhythmic
What was your role
in the group, what
do you need to do to
Week 6 To work as a Starter Record work- Powerpoint Call and Mixed ability
group to Listening- write in Data collection Percussion response groups.
compose a books key features instruments and Cross rhythm Teacher select
structured piece Target for this lesson beaters 1 each Improvisation groups.
of music Structure SEN/LA- Assist
incorporation call with 4 beat
and response, patterns,
cross rhythms performance with a introduce
and improvisation focus on STRUCTURE
To be able to Plenary sayings to help
identify my role Record with rhythms
within the group performances MA- Leading
and suggest role within the
improvements. group
Week 7 Evaluate my own Starter Evaluate work Recordings of Call and SEN- Teacher to African
and other’s work. Grading criteria, from previous work response support with percussion
Identify areas of discuss key features lessons Level sheets Cross rhythm writing in instruments
strength and Main Green Pen Improvisation necessary
areas for Peer Structure
Swapping books-
development assessment
Listen to recordings.
EBI for the book put on tracker
they have
Swap books back,
student to respond
to feedback write
biggest success and
Biggest achievement
during this topic
Year 7 SOW MUSIC AUTUMN TERM 2- story music
Week. Lesson Objectives/ PLC Activities Assessment Resources Key words Focus Group/ Home
differentiation learning
Week 1 Develop Starter Performances Powerpoint Melody Mixed ability
compositional Listening extracts, during lesson Keyboards Timbre groups
skills. Create describe or draw Teacher, self Incidental
links between what music makes and peer music
stories and them feel feedback
music. Explore Main
how music can Write own short
be used to story
create dramatic With a partner
effect. develop music to
represent the story
Performances of
WWW WBI feedback
Week 2 Understand Starter Powerpoint Melody Mixed ability Story of Peer
how Listening extracts, Keyboards Timbre pairings. Gynt
instruments are describe or draw Incidental LA/SEN- Have
used to what music makes music storyboard to
illustrate them feel
HA/MA- add
characters or Main
additional scene
settings Listen and discuss In
Explore the role The Hall of The
of incidental Mountain King
music within a
visual context
Understanding In pairs compose
the connection music to accompany
between music The story
and drama, and Plenary
how one is used Random selected
to illustrate the pitstop
other performances over
Week 3 Compose and Starter Performances Powerpoint Melody Mixed ability
refine music to Listening extracts, to class Keyboards Timbre pairings.
accompany a Noah’s Ark Self review- Recorder Incidental LA/SEN- Have
story. Develop Main Green pen music storyboard to
WWW EBI assist
musical ideas to Target for
represent the development from
WORK additional scene
development of last lesson. Practice
a story composition
All groups perform
and record. In books
write WWW EBI
Week 4 To develop Starter Mid point Powerpoint Melody Mixed ability Saint Seans
compositional Listening extracts, performances keyboards Timbre groupings profile
skills to create Carnival of the Incidental LA/SEN- have
music to animals music animal
Main descriptions
represent a
In pairs select animal, available
specific animal
plan music with MA-HA-
Explore how to incorporate
use musical attention to timbre
and structure multiple animals
devices and
elements to
create a specific Midpoint progress
sound, performances.
Week 5 Develop and Starter Mid point Powerpoint Melody Mixed ability
refine animal Listening extracts, performances keyboards Timbre groupings
composition Carnival of the Incidental LA/SEN- have
paying specific animals music animal
attention to Main descriptions
structure In pairs select animal, available
plan development of MA-HA-
music with attention incorporate
to timbre and multiple animals
Midpoint progress
Week 6 To complete and Starter RECORD Powerpoint Melody Mixed ability Graphic score
record animal Listening extracts, WORK Recorder Timbre groupings of
composition Carnival of the INPUT ON Incidental LA/SEN- have composition
ensure a variety animals TRACKER music animal
of melodic, DATA descriptions
structural and COLLECTION- available
Final target for
dynamic mark work MA-HA-
development practice. incorporate
Plenary multiple animals
Record all work
Week 7 Review and Starter GREEN PEN Powerpoint Melody SEN/LA- assist
evaluate peer and Listening extracts, SELF and PEER Keyboards Timbre with writing if
own work. Carnival of the EVALUATION Recordings of Incidental rrequired
Identify strengths animals work music
and areas for Main LEVEL SHEETS
development in Swap books-
accordance with complete WWW EBI
the level/mark for peer assessment
while listening to
recordings. In own
books write biggest
challenge and