EY Introduction To Financial Modelling
EY Introduction To Financial Modelling
EY Introduction To Financial Modelling
to Financial
Training course outline
This course aims to provide participants with a thorough The course utilises tried and tested modelling
understanding of how to build a robust financial model approaches adopted by EY practitioners worldwide.
from start to finish. Calculations cover revenues, The techniques covered aim to produce models that are
operating and maintenance costs, capital expenditure, flexible, robust, transparent and use-friendly in nature.
depreciation, debt and equity financing and taxation,
Duration: two days
leading to the build-up of integrated financial statements
for the entity in question. The model is dynamic in Pre-course work: none required
nature, with the ability to run different scenarios and Class size: the recommended class size is a maximum
adjust the timing of key events. of 12 participants. This is so that each participant can
During the course, participants also gain an insight into obtain sufficient one-on-one attention and support from
how to tailor the outputs of the model to end users, the course instructor.
interpret the results and run sensitivities, as well as
perform some degree of testing to reduce the incidence
of modelling errors.
Fixed assets and depreciation
Model design
►► Different ways of modelling capital expenditure relating to
►► The overall model development process and items to cover
different asset classes
during the design phase
►► Depreciation methodologies including a more streamlined
►► Typical layout, structure and flow of a suitable financial model
method for straight-line depreciation where multiple asset
►► Adopting a template approach to achieve consistency between acquisitions take place across the model timeline
model worksheets
►► U
► sing ‘control accounts’ as the key building blocks for the Operations modelling
calculations of a model ►► Generating forecasts for revenues, operating and maintenance
costs and working capital
Timing-related components
►► U
► sing indexation factors based on different cash flow timing
►► Constructing timing flags to indicate the occurrence of events assumptions to convert real cash flows to nominal
and allow for timing flexibility
►► Using percentage flags to pro-rate items where events occur Debt and equity financing
mid period ►► Modelling different drawdown approaches to service
►► Overlaying calculated forecasts with actual data or hardcoded funding needs
forecast information ►► Costs related to debt financing such as interest, commitment
fees and arrangement fees
►► Other key output measures such as lending and profitability ►► Typical circularities seen in financial models
ratios and industry KPIs, including tailoring these towards the ►► Methods for circumventing circularities, including
end users implementing ‘copy-paste’ macros
►► Graphing tips
General house keeping
►► Workbook protection, printing, version control and project
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It should neither be regarded as comprehensive nor sufficient for making decisions, nor should it be
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