Heart of The Whau - Part 6 On To Mainstreet
Heart of The Whau - Part 6 On To Mainstreet
Heart of The Whau - Part 6 On To Mainstreet
December 1991 – the ASB relocates are part of the scheme, planned to
its Avondale branch to the corner of start next August.
Great North Road and Wingate Street,
after being on Rosebank Road for Developers hope the new retail area
nearly 30 years. may gain back patronage from
residents who now shop at nearby
LynnMall City. Current rezoning of
Avondale racecourse land to
1990-91 residential will also boost the project.”
[Western Leader, 17/12/90]
Lin Howell now president of ABA.
(In the 1980s, Avondale Jockey Club
Resigns 15/10/1991
took on a night-racing project,
From draft newsletter by Howell, including the installation of a multi-
million dollar lighting system around
the track. This failed disastrously,
“For a number of years our nearly leading to the closure of the
association has stumbled along with racecourse, and prompted the sale of
the odd successful promotion and very surplus land owned by the Jockey
little else. A number of businesses Club for residential purposes. The
have supported the association during debacle is also one of the reasons
this period but the support potential why the Jockey Club agreed to host a
has a long way to go to reach it(s) regular Sunday Market on the course
optimum. grounds, continuing to this day,
sometimes to the chagrin of retailers
“It is my intention to make the up on Avondale Mainstreet.)
association a live useful facility
engaged in the promotion of the “Fixing cracked footpaths will be
Avondale Business Community. We Avondale Community Board’s top
are not going to become involved in priority this financial year. Both
Avondale and Blockhouse Bay
the local political scene unless our
livelihood is threatened.” shopping centres are a disgrace, says
board chairwoman Dawn Persson.
Despite complaints from residents,
little has been done about the
1991-92 problem. The board will use money
allocated for local improvements to
upgrade the walkways.” [Western
ABA once again in recess. Leader, 9/7/91]
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
“At present we are trying to get some a Sunday fleamaket, but the Council
beautifying done in the way of cannot be blamed for the offensive
planting. If your reporter cares to join smell from the bins on the pavement
me on a perambulation around the each rubbish day.
village he can show me what he thinks
are the grotty bits and I will show him “Retailers are constantly complaining
all the good things about Avondale.“I about the drop in business, but they
think Avondale is an A1 place to be.” are not helping to attract customers to
[Western Leader, 20/10/1993] the centre.
On 29 October 1993, Te Ruruhau O
Te Whau, a Maori community group ”Whether the initiative is taken by the
part of Te Whanau O Waipareira retailers of the council is asked to do
Trust, opens an office at the Avondale its job, something has to be done
Community Centre. Within three urgently or Avondale will be a dead
years, however, it vanishes. area.” [Dennis K Scoles letter to Western
Leader, 18/1/96]
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
Rocky Horror Picture Party:
ABA work with Hollywood Cinema on
'Rocky Horror' promotion where the
film is played every night for the week
leading up to Halloween.
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
August October
Lion Foundation grant: $6,000
donation to ABA for Mainstreet “On October 31 1999 the Hollywood
security lighting power and celebrated 75 years of existence and
maintenance. is still running movies just like the old
days. In fact Television One
Pole banners: Distinctive 'Welcome celebrated the Millennium of Movies
to Avondale Mainstreet' pole banners by showing the results of a poll taken
purchased and installed. The baners over 1000 people to compile a list of
hang these days from the wall of the the 10 best movies of the century and
ABA office. ALL of the film titles were screened at
the Hollywood during its long
September existence. Top film was "TITANIC"
Liveable Communities Plan: followed by GONE WITH THE WIND.
Auckland City commences pilot There would not be too many cinemas
Liveable Communities Plan still in existence today that can lay
programme in Avondale, with the claim to having screened all those
support of the ABA. movies.” [Jan Grefstad, Picture Theatres of
"In the Liveable Communities 2050
growth strategy Avondale is in one of November
ten Strategic Growth Management Street Legal:
Areas (SGMAs) where Auckland City Avondale becomes a 'set' for a TV
expects much of the city's future action series, including a shot-gun
development to be concentrated. 'shoot-out' in the course of a mock
bank robbery outside the old Post
"Avondale and Panmure have been Office (cnr Rosebank & Great North
chosen as pilot centres where draft Rds). ABA helps locate premises for
Liveable Community Plans are being studio and 'on location' sets.
prepared. The plans are an integral
part of the Liveable Communities 2050 "Screen Works Ltd., the producer's of
Strategy and will be based on issues "Street Legal", have begun pre-
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
licenses and are operating in of 'clean and light' where they have
unhygienic conditions. ABA contacts been tidied and painted.
Auckland City and subsequently
hygiene conditions improve. "Lighting under verandas: Again,
dilapidated under verandas have been
Waitakere City take-over repelled: an issue. By the end of June nearly
Waitakere City Mayor Bob Harvey is 70% of this work will be complete,
quoted in the media as suggesting making a huge difference to the look
that Avondale and Rosebank should and level of security of Avondale Town
split from Auckland City and become Centre at night." [ABA application to
part of Waitakere City. Mayor Harvey Community Board SLIPs, April 2000]
concedes after ABA Chairman
Duncan Macdonald hints at the May
possibility of a counter-take-over of Annual Plan submissions
Waitakere City by an army of 2000/2001:
Avondale Spiders. "Avondale Business Association
submission to Auckland City's
April 2000/2001 Draft Annual Plan. The
Refurbishment Project Stage 2 - purpose of this submission is to
2000/2001: "The ABA is very pleased support:
with progress to date:
"Generic signs: Over half of the "1. Allocation of Capital Works
businesses in town now have generic expenditure by Auckland City for
signs. Demand for the signs is Stage 1 of Avondale's Mainstreet
increasing as companies that streetscape redevelopment in
originally refused to budge from their 2000/2001, and for further allocations
own corporate signage are to be made in the subsequent financial
reconsidering. Kodak has switched years until the project is complete.
already. Westpac has agreed to
generic signage, and NZ Post and the "2. Encouragement of TranzRail to
BNZ have approached the association move the Avondale rail station to the
to discuss the issue. Feedback from top of Crayford Street."
the public has been overwhelmingly in
favour of the signs. Hearings are held in June at the
Community Centre where a display of
"Painting above verandas: By the ABA plans etc. is viewed by
end of June around 70% of the Councillors and Duncan and Kevin
buildings (above veranda) in town will speak to the submissions.
have a new coat of paint or a
decorative paint-up to highlight National Mainstreet Trust Regional
character features. Most of the Conference: Avondale Mainstreet Co-
building owners have contributed, and ordinator Kevin Healy leads workshop
have used the colour palette designed on 'Funding opportunities' and
by the ABA. promotes Avondale at Mainstreet
seminar in Onehunga.
Very poor state of many of the under
verandas has hampered progress and Footpaths: ABA co-ordinate repairs to
incurred substantial extra costs here. Avondale footpaths, undertaken by
However, there is a significant sense contractors to Auckland City Traffic &
Roading Services.
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
Playground trees cleared: ABA
arranges for Auckland City contractors
to remove vegetation hiding the
playground (beside 3 Guys site) from
the street. This has an immediate
Avondale.net.nz Website launch: benefit the area looks tidier, vandals
"Avondale is online. The Avondale and taggers are discouraged from
Business Association and Roadworks hiding there, and people start actually
Online are developing a web site to using the playground again.
showcase Avondale to the whole
to the town." [ABA minutes, December "The Board resolved: That the Board
2000]. endorses the Avondale Mainstreet
Upgrade Stage One landscape
New Year's Honour: Avondale concept plan and fully supports the
Business Association & Mainstreet initiative." [Letter from Avondale Community
Management Committee member Board, February 2001]
Lorraine Wilson, and ex-member
Warren Strand, both receive Queen's March
Service Medals for services to the Generic Signs: "Avondale Primary
community. School sign, 'Welcome to Avondale'
sign (at intersection of Great North
February Road & Ash St), Taxi shelter signs
Mainstreet Stage 1 - Town Square: and the three shop signs in Crayford
In consultation with ABA, Isthmus Street have all been completed." [ABA
Group draw concept plans for the minutes, March 2001].
development of the Council-owned
property in the area between the ABA Timeline History: "Lisa
playground and the public toilets. Truttman has produced a history
document that could be posted to our
"Business association chairman website with acknowledgment of her
Duncan Macdonald says Avondale efforts." [ABA minutes, March 2001].
lacks a public meeting place "where
the people can congregate and natter, Mainstreet Policy: Auckland
watch their kids at the playground Mainstreets Network successfully
after doing some shopping". negotiate policy with Auckland City
that allows Avondale Mainstreet to
"The $330,000 town square is the first continue operating under its current
of four stages and will feature successful operation and
footpaths, lighting, seating, a public management structures.
gathering area and new children's
playground. The plans for the square, “Plans for Avondale’s town square
unveiled last week, include the could be changed after a protest by a
Avondale spider project. The town's group of businessmen. The owners of
symbol will be mounted on a giant firms trading next to the site say
stainless steel web near Great North they’ve not been properly consulted
Rd. about the bid to transform land beside
the south end of the former 3 Guys
"Councillor Vern Walsh says... "This site.
plan is probably the most exciting
thing that's happened in Avondale for “Mr MacDonald says the plans have
many years." [Western Leader, February been on show at the Avondale
2001] Community Centre and on footpath
displays over the last two years and
Avondale Community Board endorses business association members have
Stage 1 Plans: "Thank you for the been kept informed.” [Western Leader,
presentation by yourself and Duncan 6/3/01]
Macdonald to the Avondale
Community Board at its 21 February May
2001 meeting. On the 4th of May 2001, I visited
Jennifer Battersby at the home of
The Story of Avondale Central – part 6– On to “Mainstreet” 1990 to 2001
herself and Mark Battersby, the The large 240-litre green bins were
current proprietors of Battersby’s Ltd replaced by 120-litre bins, with the old
in Avondale. 240s only to be used for “green waste”
or that from gardens. However, aside
At present, they have 1 staff member from uproar heard across Auckland
other than themselves, so the firm is from large residential families, and
still truly a family-owned business. 4 unit-dwellers who had to share a
cars are in use, of which 2 are single bin in some cases, the business
hearses, and 1 a “removal vehicle” – district of Avondale was affected.
which, I was told, was one used for
discreet removals of the deceased. “In Avondale's main street, rows of
The offices inside the business full-to-overflowing 240-litre wheelie
premises were modified in 1989, with bins clutter the footpath because the
recladding outside in 1999. Around council has refused to take them
250 funerals a year are organised and away.
carried out by Battersby’s; this Avondale Business Association
compared with around 500 in the past, president Duncan Macdonald said the
but, as Jennifer pointed out, this was shopkeepers put the larger bins out for
before the rise of firms such as one last collection because the
Morrison’s, Fletcher Brown, etc. stickers on the new, red-topped ones
Battersby’s take pride in that they can said they were to be used after July 2.
assist with all aspects of care for the When Mr Macdonald rang the council
deceased. he was advised to put the rubbish in
small plastic bags, which would be
In May, Tahals Service Station (next picked up.
to Battersby’s) changed ownership
when the owners sold the business He also resented the way he and four
and moved overseas. They had other businesses had to share one
owned the business for 14 years. It 120-litre wheelie bin because their
now becomes known as Caltex. block of shops was on one title. "I pay
$3000 a year in rates, of which 6 per
In June, after the cease of publication cent or $180 is for rubbish. If I want
of the Avondale News, the ABA my own wheelie bin it is going to cost
commenced The Spider’s Web, the me an extra $185 a year to council or
ABA’s official newsletter. $199 if I get a 240-litre bin from a
private contractor." [NZ Herald, 4/7/2001]
In the first issue, Duncan Macdonald
stated that “one of my future pet “The Avondale Business Association
projects I would like to see is the old paid a private contractor $500 to clear
Library next door to the Hollywood 41 large wheelie bins put out because
Picture Theatre [Avondale Public of confusion over the last collection
Hall building] turned into an Avondale date for the bins. The association has
History museum, spider terrarium billed the council for the work.” [NZ
and café.” [Spider’s Web, June 2001, p. 3] Herald, 10/7/2001].
rubbish a "health hazard" after it was and the building’s tenants combine to
left uncollected outside food outlets, repaint the old building in the
"stinking to high heaven". One bin Mainstreet colour scheme, highlighting
contained maggots, he says. the architectural features – now visible
"We have received dozens of for the first time in decades. Once
complaints about the smell and the more, the Page’s Building has become
bins blocking the footpaths."” [Central a landmark.
Leader, 11 July 2001]
Also, Avondale dentist David Crum
At the July meeting of the ABA was elected as President of the New
Executive Committee, it was decided Zealand Dental Association. [Spider’s
that the author be encouraged and Web, November 2001]
assisted with the setting up of a
Historical Society for Avondale. (A
daunting task, to me, at the time!)
On August 10 2001, the first Internet
website devoted solely to the
publication of the history of
Avondale was created by the author.
The Page’s Building receives a
welcome redecoration, as the ABA