Maungaturoto Matters December 2010 Part 2
Maungaturoto Matters December 2010 Part 2
Maungaturoto Matters December 2010 Part 2
ARTY FARTIES INC in helping with this project. I am hopeful that we might get local
groups involved and we can all be a part of making this our own
Hello to you all and here we are nearly Christmas. The weather Something unique to Paparoa... we intend for this to put Paparoa
is great for our markets, 2 so far and although small numbers of on the map just like Kawakawa did with their fantastic toilets.
stalls, we are very happy with the way it is going. Funding of course is the thing and this is the next step of the
project, to raise some funds to pay for it. We believe it will not
There have been more interest in the car boot bookings than the be very expensive and would hope we can get some of you out
tables and we are hoping the tables will pick up over the next there in the community to be a part of our little Arty Farties
month as people see a good place to sell their creative gifts for Street
Meantime a very merry Christmas to you all and we look for-
We are looking for all you arty crafty people to get in behind ward to seeing you at our markets on the green at Arty Farties.
this market and bring out all those lovely things that you create My regards Maureen Davis.
and help us to inspire the adults and children to get involved in
our craft workshops.
We have been getting a good steady response from the kids on
Saturday afternoons and Ann has been keeping them busy mak-
ing all sorts of interesting things, some of which we have for Fun Run/walk
sale at the markets.
A huge thank you to the following people/organisations
The children are also encouraged to have a free market stall to for their help on the day.
sell of their unwanted toys and bits of things that they have
grown out of and some of them are doing quite well. I must tell
St Johns for keeping us safe, Renee from sport North for
you of the humour that goes on at our market between stall hold-
ers, that is that most of them are buying from each other and helping before and on the day, Sport Northland for safety
going home with about as much stuff as they came with. It’s all vests and signs/lights, Integrated Traffic Solutions for
good fun and we feel that it is a great environment and are very doing the safety plan and Eta Phillips for putting out all
happy to see the locals coming out for a look at what is there.
the safety cones/signs for the day.
The passers by are also stopping and walking about and good
comments coming from that source, so yes we are very pleased.
Let’s hope we see more of you as we progress down the line. Lyndsay, Gareth, and Rotary members Rodney, Tony,
John and Terry for their ongoing support in marshalling
We are open with the Farmers market every fortnight and we
believe there is enough room out there for both of us.
and Cawkie for being our lead vehicle. To Cam and
Paddy from the Fire brigade for cooking at our BBQ. To
I wanted to bring you news of our upcoming Community the Country club committee for allowing us to use the
garden but details are still to be finalized. I can only tell you that Country club and JMB rugby for the use of their tuck
Whangarei Polytech have been out and looked at the sight...(The
bowling club car park) and they thinks it great and will be ideal shop. Liz for taking photos on the day and to all the year
for their students to get in behind setting it up and running it, we 5/6 camp fundraising parents/cargivers for marshalling.
hope for years to come. So look out for news on that one we
expect it to start early in the New Year. Thankyou to our spot prize sponsors – Intimo, Sport
We already have some names on our list but need more so
please give Ann a call on 09 4316229. North, Garnetts Tyre Service, Fergus Appliance spot,
If you are interested in getting involved in our community Maungaturoto Pharmacy, Sugar belle’s, National Bank
garden. and Caltex.
Lastly thank you to all the participants, I hope everyone
Exciting new idea From Arty Farties enjoyed the day and we look forward to next years event.
We are in the process of getting plans drawn up to set up a com-
pletely different idea for Paparoa. This is going to be a little
Street of at least 6 playhouses; we are going to call it…Arty Far- Parents and children continue to work hard on the
ties Street. Each house will be of a different design and colour school’s vegetable patch with the children enjoying eat-
and each one will have a little backyard with play areas for the
children, things like a swing, a slide, perhaps a sandpit, a climb-
ing the produce at school. There are vege plants for
ing thingy, etc. The plan is to have a little street in front with a sale. Also cabbage trees - $1 each approx 30cm tall.
path to each house and a little garden leading up to the door. We Phone Tina on 431 8180 to buy some.
want to get the children involved in planting flowers and looking
after this little street. It will be open to the public and will be
fenced off of course and will be done with all safety standards
complied with. We are very excited about this and we believe it
will attract all sorts of attention. It will also be a great asset for
the community and we are hopeful to get local people involved
Page 12 Maungaturoto Matters
Next month on 8 December at 11.30 a.m. we are to meet at our As Christmas approaches there are those in our district who
Secretary, Sue Place’s home for our Xmas shared pot luck lunch. could identify with the updated version. There has been a major
The theme of the decorative arrangement is “Christmas”. run on foodbank supplies recently and we are very grateful to the
Arthritis society who arrived with bags of groceries, followed by
GARDEN NOTES FOR DECEMBER 2010 the Catholic folk who dropped in some more. Every donation is
not only gratefully received by the Staff at Homebuilders, but
also the recipients.
Summer is in full swing so pay attention If you are able to drop a donation into the blue food box at the
Four Square shop you can be sure that there will be a family who
to watering, weeding, feeding and spraying will benefit from your gift.
as those pests will be active amongst the
Since the last edition of the Maungi Matters we have been very
foliage. busy at Homebuilders.
Maintain spraying of roses and fertilize Finally thank you to BeeJays who heard that funding was
low and steppedin to cater for the Christmas meal for the
and water. Cultivate and weed around Seniors.
flower plants.
Brett and Jasmine – Thank you for your hard work.
Strawberries will need netting to protect Christmas holidays are part of our cultural landscape, part of
our heritage.
from birds.
May they this year, also become part of our spiritual landscape,
and part of the heritage we pass on to our children.
Move your container plants to a shady spot
but they will still need daily watering. Christmas Blessings from
Denise and the Team at Homebuilders.
Phone Jenny on 09 431-2826
Graham Slatter
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Maungaturoto Matters Page 15
Anne Squires-Tantrum
Page 20 Maungaturoto Matters
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