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V V V Veranda Eranda Eranda Eranda S S S Sale Ale Ale Ale
V V V Veranda Eranda Eranda Eranda S S S Sale Ale Ale Ale
Canowindra Tigers had a successful home
Rugby Union
29 May 3pm
Shute Shield (NSW) Lunch: 12-2:30pm tue-sun
game on Sunday winning all three games West Harbour Vs Randwick Dinner: 6-8:30pm mon-sat
against the Condobolin Rams.
The First Grade team held on to win after 30 May 4pm Come in and see our new menu
two attempted comebacks by the Rams.
Boosted by the return of several key players,
S14 Final
Canowindra bolted out of the blocks and Bulls v Stormers “It’s all happening at the Canowindra...”
raced to a 24-0 lead. The Tigers lost
Captain/Coach Damian Kennedy just before Beer garden & family friendly environment 02 6344 1407
half time, this distraction allowed
Condobolin to creep back in to the game LEAGUE TAG
and trail 24-12 at the break. The Tigresses had too much speed for
The Rams started well again closing the gap the Condobolin team running out
to 24-20 and looking very dangerous before winners 12-2. Once again they showed
the Brian Moss inspired Tigers stormed plenty of flair, with great passes and
away for the match winning lead of 42-20. backing up. The Condobolin girls are still
The Rams threw the ball around and scored learning the game and will continue to
some late tries but time ran out with improve. They will be a lot stronger in
Canowindra winning 42-36 the second round. Best for the Tigresses
The Tigers were best served by Brian Moss, Maddie Vitnell, Jess McMullen and Sarah
Sam O’Malveney and Nick Whatman. Kepu Cummings (woohoo!).
Nathan and Sam O’Malveney were joint Tigresses 12 (Maddie Vitnell 3, Sally
winners of the Players Player award. Mclean 2, Nadine Dewal, Jess MCMullen,
Canowindra 42 (Sam O’Malveney 2, Charles Nicole Stevenson, Jess Dzerigas, Mel
Lawrence 2, Rob Burn, Moe Bermingham, Rue, Gab Upton, Hannah Roth tries)
Brendan Traves, Mick Walker tries Rob Burn defeated Condobolin 2.
5 goals) defeated Condobolin 36 COMING EVENTS The Tigers are intending
OPEN JUNIORS to hold a ball Friday 25 June at Canowin-
The Open Juniors side made it two from dra Services Cub. More information next
two with a crushing 42-6 victory against week.
Condobolin. Prop Aaron Earsman charged Round 6 All three grades travel to
over in the opening exchanges and from Molong on Sunday to take on Cabonne
there the Tigers never looked back. Luke United in Open Juniors 12pm the
Watt was elusive every time he touched the Molong Bullettes in League Tag 1:15 And
ball, always looking to score. Tom Roth had the Molong Bulls in First Grade 2pm.
a great game with bullocking runs and CABONNE CARAVAN PARKS
great offloads. In the past six weeks, Council has been
The highlight for the crowd came when looking at options for managing its
Adam Parker broke through the line kicked caravan parks.
ahead and beat the three cover defenders In an effort to increase occupancy at
to the ball for a great try. parks in Molong, Cudal and Canowindra,
Canowindra 42 (Luke Watt 2, Adam Parker the Council has adopted its Caravan Park
2, Aaron Earsman, Brodie Friend, Josh Committee’s recommendation to a
Cooney, Ricky Grimshaw tries Stuart Scott 4, standard rate for site charges.
Luke Watt goals) defeated Condobolin 6. All three parks will now charge $18 a
night for a powered site and $15 a night
COADY FAMILY RE-UNION for an unpowered site and all visitors will
Last Saturday 23 May, three generations be offered the incentive to pay for two
of descendants of William and Fanny nights and receive the third night free.
Coady, gathered for a family re-union at Council will also supply welcome packs
the Old Vic Inn. Joining the celebrations containing brochures, tea, coffee, milk
was 92 year old Joan Doyle from Orange, and sugar.
the sole surviving child of William and Council further resolved to retain
Fanny Coady. The re-union was managers at all the parks and to
organised by the eldest grandchild, re-advertise for a manager of the
Frances Sale (nee Coady), the eldest Molong Caravan Park.
daughter of Patrick Arthur and Lillian Stay tuned for updates on the powered
Coady (nee Abberton). site issues at Canowindra’s Caravan Park. CLASSIFIEDS
Save the date... CHILD CARE: Accredited carer 0-5 day care,
May 26: Annual General Meeting for canowindra@home Inc Association 6.30pm Nangar over 5 outside school care. Call Esther on
Room, Canowindra Services Club. Contact Margaret Wallington 02 6344 7153 0488 571 520 or 6344 2743
May 28: Canowindra Reading Day at the Memorial Park. It’s FREE and everyone is welcome! FOR SALE: Firewood, cut & delivered $100
May 29: Sponsors Day: Canowindra Pythons v Cudal @ Tom Clyburn Oval Canowindra. per trailer load. Ph 0488 252 300
May 30: Canowindra Tigers v Molong @ Molong. Juniors start at 12noon FOR SALE: Ford Falcon ‘94 station wagon,
May 30: Folk@Canowindra 4-6pm at tasteCanowindra FREE entry to see Blue the Shearer. 6 seater, auto, TFP-247. $2,000ono.
Jun 11: Len Banks Exhibition Opening 6pm at The Old Vic Inn. Ph 02 6344 1732
The Canowindra Phoenix is published by Joanne Gaigals (ABN 43 292 469 472)
& printed by Nick Carne at Comprinting: for printing enquiries call Nick on 0402 340 852. www.canowindraphoenix.com.au
For advertising or news enquiries contact Jo on 0418 413 753 or [email protected]