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Using the PAC2002Tire Model

The PAC2002 Magic-Formula tire model has been developed by MSC.Software according to Tyre and
Vehicle Dynamics by Pacejka [1]. PAC2002 is latest version of a Magic-Formula model available in
Learn about:
• When to Use PAC2002
• Modeling of Tire-Road Interaction Forces
• Axis Systems and Slip Definitions
• Contact Point and Normal Load Calculation
• Basics of Magic Formula
• Steady-State: Magic Formula
• Transient Behavior
• Gyroscopic Couple
• Left and Right Side Tires
• USE_MODES OF PAC2002: from Simple to Complex
• Quality Checks for Tire Model Parameters
• Contact Methods
• Standard Tire Interface (STI)
• Definitions
• References
• Example of PAC2002 Tire Property File

When to Use PAC2002

Magic-Formula (MF) tire models are considered the state-of-the-art for modeling tire-road interaction
forces in vehicle dynamics applications. Since 1987, Pacejka and others have published several versions
of this type of tire model. The PAC2002 contains the latest developments that have been published in
Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics by Pacejka [1].
In general, a MF tire model describes the tire behavior for rather smooth roads (road obstacle wavelengths
longer than the tire radius) up to frequencies of 8 Hz. This makes the tire model applicable for all generic
vehicle handling and stability simulations, including:
• Steady-state cornering
• Single- or double-lane change
• Braking or power-off in a turn
• Split-mu braking tests
• J-turn or other turning maneuvers
• ABS braking, when stopping distance is important (not for tuning ABS control strategies)
• Other common vehicle dynamics maneuvers on rather smooth roads (wavelength of road obstacles
must be longer than the tire radius)
For modeling roll-over of a vehicle, you must pay special attention to the overturning moment
characteristics of the tire (Mx) and the loaded radius modeling. The last item may not be sufficiently
accurate in this model.
The PAC2002 model has proven to be applicable for car, truck, and aircraft tires with camber (inclination)
angles to the road not exceeding 15 degrees. 9/17/2008
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PAC2002 and Previous Magic Formula Models

Compared to previous versions, PAC2002 is backward compatible with all previous versions of
PAC2002, MF-Tyre 5.x tire models, and related tire property files.

New Features
The enhancements for PAC2002 in Adams/Tire 2005 r2 are:
• More advanced tire-transient modeling using a contact mass in the contact point with the road.
This results in more realistic dynamic tire model response at large slip, low speed, and standstill
(usemode > 20).
• Parking torque and turn-slip have been introduced: the torque around the vertical axis due to
turning at standstill or at low speed (no need for extra parameters).
• Extended loaded radius modeling (see Contact Point and Normal Load Calculation) are suitable for
driving under extreme conditions like roll-over events and racing applications.
• The option to use a nonlinear spline for the vertical tire load-deflection instead of a linear tire
stiffness. See Contact Point and Normal Load Calculation.
• Modeling of bottoming of the tire to the road by using another spline for defining the bottoming
forces. Learn more about wheel bottoming.
• Online scaling of the tire properties during a simulation; the scaling factors of the PAC2002 can
now be changed as a function of time, position, or any other variable in your model dataset. See
Online Scaling of Tire Properties.

Modeling of Tire-Road Interaction Forces

For vehicle dynamics applications, an accurate knowledge of tire-road interaction forces is inevitable
because the movements of a vehicle primarily depend on the road forces on the tires. These interaction
forces depend on both road and tire properties, and the motion of the tire with respect to the road.
In the radial direction, the MF tire models consider the tire to behave as a parallel linear spring and linear
damper with one point of contact with the road surface. The contact point is determined by considering
the tire and wheel as a rigid disc. In the contact point between the tire and the road, the contact forces in
longitudinal and lateral direction strongly depend on the slip between the tire patch elements and the road.
The figure, Input and Output Variables of the Magic Formula Tire Model, presents the input and output
vectors of the PAC2002 tire model. The tire model subroutine is linked to the Adams/Solver through the
Standard Tire Interface (STI) [3]. The input through the STI consists of:
• Position and velocities of the wheel center
• Orientation of the wheel
• Tire model (MF) parameters
• Road parameters
The tire model routine calculates the vertical load and slip quantities based on the position and speed of
the wheel with respect to the road. The input for the Magic Formula consists of the wheel load (Fz), the
longitudinal and lateral slip ( , ), and inclination angle ( ) with the road. The output is the
forces (Fx, Fy) and moments (Mx, My, Mz) in the contact point between the tire and the road. For
calculating these forces, the MF equations use a set of MF parameters, which are derived from tire testing
The forces and moments out of the Magic Formula are transferred to the wheel center and returned to
Adams/Solver through STI.
Input and Output Variables of the Magic Formula Tire Model 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 3 of 49

Axis Systems and Slip Definitions

• Axis Systems
• Units
• Definition of Tire Slip Quantities

Axis Systems
The PAC2002 model is linked to Adams/Solver using the TYDEX STI conventions, as described in the
TYDEX-Format [2] and the STI [3].
The STI interface between the PAC2002 model and Adams/Solver mainly passes information to the tire
model in the C-axis coordinate system. In the tire model itself, a conversion is made to the W-axis system
because all the modeling of the tire behavior as described in this help assumes to deal with the slip
quantities, orientation, forces, and moments in the contact point with the TYDEX W-axis system. Both
axis systems have the ISO orientation but have different origin as can be seen in the figure below.
TYDEX C- and W-Axis Systems Used in PAC2002, Source [2]

The C-axis system is fixed to the wheel carrier with the longitudinal xc-axis parallel to the road and in the
wheel plane (xc-zc-plane). The origin of the C-axis system is the wheel center.
The origin of the W-axis system is the road contact-point defined by the intersection of the wheel plane,
the plane through the wheel carrier, and the road tangent plane.
The forces and moments calculated by PAC2002 using the MF equations in this guide are in the W-axis 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 4 of 49

system. A transformation is made in the source code to return the forces and moments through the STI to
The inclination angle is defined as the angle between the wheel plane and the normal to the road tangent
plane (xw-yw-plane).

The units of information transferred through the STI between Adams/Solver and PAC2002 are according
to the SI unit system. Also, the equations for PAC2002 described in this guide have been developed for
use with SI units, although you can easily switch to another unit system in your tire property file. Because
of the non-dimensional parameters, only a few parameters have to be changed.
However, the parameters in the tire property file must always be valid for the TYDEX W-axis system
(ISO oriented). The basic SI units are listed in the table below.
SI Units Used in PAC2002

Variable type: Name: Abbreviation: Unit:

Angle Slip angle Radians
Inclination angle

Force Longitudinal force Fx Newton

Lateral force Fy
Vertical load Fz
Moment Overturning moment Mx Newton.meter
Rolling resistance My
moment Mz
Self-aligning moment
Speed Longitudinal speed Vx Meters per second
Lateral speed Vy
Longitudinal slip speed Vsx
Lateral slip speed Vsy
Rotational speed Tire rolling speed Radians per second

Definition of Tire Slip Quantities

The longitudinal slip velocity Vsx in the contact point (W-axis system, see Slip Quantities at Combined
Cornering and Braking/Traction) is defined using the longitudinal speed Vx, the wheel rotational velocity
, and the effective rolling radius Re:

Slip Quantities at Combined Cornering and Braking/Traction

The lateral slip velocity is equal to the lateral speed in the contact point with respect to the road plane:


The practical slip quantities (longitudinal slip) and (slip angle) are calculated with these slip 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 5 of 49

velocities in the contact point with:


The rolling speed Vr is determined using the effective rolling radius Re:


Turn-slip is one of the two components that form the spin of the tire. Turn-slip is calculated using the
tire yaw velocity :


The total tire spin is calculated using:


The total tire spin has contributions of turn-slip and camber. denotes the camber reduction factor for
the camber to become comparable with turn-slip.

Contact Point and Normal Load Calculation

• Contact Point
• Loaded and Effective Tire Rolling Radius
• Wheel Bottoming

Contact Point
In the vertical direction, the tire is modeled as a parallel linear spring and damper having one point of
contact (C) with the road. This is valid for road obstacles with a wavelength larger than the tire radius (for
example, for car tires 1m).
For calculating the kinematics of the tire relative to the road, the road is approximated by its tangent plane
at the road point right below the wheel center (see the figure below).
Contact Point C: Intersection between Road Tangent Plane, Spin Axis Plane, and Wheel Plane 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 6 of 49

The contact point is determined by the line of intersection of the wheel center-plane with the road tangent
(ground) plane and the line of intersection of the wheel center-plane with the plane through the wheel spin

axis. The normal load Fz of the tire is calculated with the tire deflection as follows:


Using this formula, the vertical tire stiffness increases due to increasing rotational speed and
decreases by longitudinal and lateral tire forces. If qFz1 is zero, qFz1 will be CzR0/Fz0.

When you do not provide the coefficients qV2, qFcx, qFcy, qFz1, qFz2 and qFc in the tire property
file, the normal load calculation is compatible with previous versions of PAC2002, because, in that case,
the normal load is calculated using the linear vertical tire stiffness Cz and tire damping Kz according to:

Instead of the linear vertical tire stiffness Cz (= qFz1Fz0/R0), you can define an arbitrary tire deflection -
load curve in the tire property file in the section [DEFLECTION_LOAD_CURVE] (see the Example of
PAC2002 Tire Property File). If a section called [DEFLECTION_LOAD_CURVE] exists, the load
deflection data points with a cubic spline for inter- and extrapolation are used for the calculation of the
vertical force of the tire. Note that you must specify Cz in the tire property file, but it does not play any

Loaded and Effective Tire Rolling Radius

With the loaded tire radius Rl defined as the distance of the wheel center to the contact point of the tire
with the road, the tire deflection can be calculated using the free tire radius R0 and a correction for the tire
radius growth due to the rotational tire speed :

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The effective rolling radius Re (at free rolling of the tire), which is used to calculate the rotational speed
of the tire, is defined by:

For radial tires, the effective rolling radius is rather independent of load in its load range of operation
because of the high stiffness of the tire belt circumference. Only at low loads does the effective tire radius
decrease with increasing vertical load due to the tire tread thickness. See the figure below.
Effective Rolling Radius and Longitudinal Slip

To represent the effective rolling radius Re, a MF-type of equation is used:


in which Fz0 is the nominal tire deflection: 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 8 of 49


and is called the dimensionless radial tire deflection, defined by:

Example of Loaded and Effective Tire Rolling Radius as Function of Vertical Load

Normal Load and Rolling Radius Parameters

Name Used in Tire Property

Name: File: Explanation:
Fz0 FNOMIN Nominal wheel load
Ro UNLOADED_RADIUS Free tire radius
B BREFF Low load stiffness effective rolling
D DREFF Peak value of effective rolling radius
F FREFF High load stiffness effective rolling
Cz VERTICAL_STIFFNESS Tire vertical stiffness (if qFz1=0)
Kz VERTICAL_DAMPING Tire vertical damping
qFz1 QFZ1 Tire vertical stiffness coefficient
qFz2 QFZ2 Tire vertical stiffness coefficient
qFcx1 QFCX1 Tire stiffness interaction with Fx
qFcy1 QFCY1 Tire stiffness interaction with Fy
QFCG1 Tire stiffness interaction with camber
qFc 1 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 9 of 49

qV1 QV1 Tire radius growth coefficient

qV2 QV2 Tire stiffness variation coefficient
with speed

Wheel Bottoming
You can optionally supply a wheel-bottoming deflection, that is, a load curve in the tire property file in
the [BOTTOMING_CURVE] block. If the deflection of the wheel is so large that the rim will be hit
(defined by the BOTTOMING_RADIUS parameter in the [DIMENSION] section of the tire property
file), the tire vertical load will be increased according to the load curve defined in this section.
Note that the rim-to-road contact algorithm is a simple penetration method (such as the 2D contact) based
on the tire-to-road contact calculation, which is strictly valid for only rather smooth road surfaces (the
length of obstacles should have a wavelength longer than the tire circumference). The rim-to-road contact
algorithm is not based on the 3D-volume penetration method, but can be used in combination with the 3D
Contact, which takes into account the volume penetration of the tire itself. If you omit the
[BOTTOMING_CURVE] block from a tire property file, no force due to rim road contact is added to the
tire vertical force.
You can choose a BOTTOMING_RADIUS larger than the rim radius to account for the tire's material
remaining in between the rim and the road, while you can adjust the bottoming load-deflection curve for
the change in stiffness.

If (Pentire - (Rtire - Rbottom) - ½·width ·| tan(g) |) < 0, the left or right side of the rim has contact with the 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 10 of 49

road. Then, the rim deflection Penrim can be calculated using:

= max(0 , ½·width ·| tan( ) | ) + Pentire- (Rtire - Rbottom)

Penrim= 2/(2 · width ·| tan( ) |)

Srim= ½·width - max(width , /| tan( ) |)/3

with Srim, the lateral offset of the force with respect to the wheel plane.
If the full rim has contact with the road, the rim deflection is:
Penrim = Pentire - (Rtire - Rbottom)

Srim = width2 · | tan( ) | · /(12 · Penrim)

Using the load - deflection curve defined in the [BOTTOMING_CURVE] section of the tire property file,
the additional vertical force due to the bottoming is calculated, while Srim multiplied by the sign of the
inclination is used to calculate the contribution of the bottoming force to the overturning moment.
Further, the increase of the total wheel load Fz due to the bottoming (Fzrim) will not be taken into account
in the calculation for Fx, Fy, My, and Mz. Fzrim will only contribute to the overturning moment Mx using
the Fzrim·Srim.

Note: Rtire is equal to the unloaded tire radius R0; Pentire is similar to effpen (= ).

Basics of the Magic Formula in PAC2002

The Magic Formula is a mathematical formula that is capable of describing the basic tire characteristics
for the interaction forces between the tire and the road under several steady-state operating conditions. We
• Pure cornering slip conditions: cornering with a free rolling tire
• Pure longitudinal slip conditions: braking or driving the tire without cornering
• Combined slip conditions: cornering and longitudinal slip simultaneously

For pure slip conditions, the lateral force Fy as a function of the lateral slip , respectively, and the
longitudinal force Fx as a function of longitudinal slip , have a similar shape (see the figure,
Characteristic Curves for Fx and Fy Under Pure Slip Conditions). Because of the sine - arctangent
combination, the basic Magic Formula equation is capable of describing this shape:


where Y(x) is either Fx with x the longitudinal slip , or Fy and x the lateral slip .
Characteristic Curves for Fx and Fy Under Pure Slip Conditions 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 11 of 49

The self-aligning moment Mz is calculated as a product of the lateral force Fy and the pneumatic trail t
added with the residual moment Mzr. In fact, the aligning moment is due to the offset of lateral force Fy,
called pneumatic trail t, from the contact point. Because the pneumatic trail t as a function of the lateral
slip a has a cosine shape, a cosine version the Magic Formula is used:


in which Y(x) is the pneumatic trail t as function of slip angle .

The figure, The Magic Formula and the Meaning of Its Parameters, illustrates the functionality of the B,
C, D, and E factor in the Magic Formula:
• D-factor determines the peak of the characteristic, and is called the peak factor.
• C-factor determines the part used of the sine and, therefore, mainly influences the shape of the
curve (shape factor).
• B-factor stretches the curve and is called the stiffness factor.
• E-factor can modify the characteristic around the peak of the curve (curvature factor).
The Magic Formula and the Meaning of Its Parameters

In combined slip conditions, the lateral force Fy will decrease due to longitudinal slip or the opposite, the
longitudinal force Fx will decrease due to lateral slip. The forces and moments in combined slip
conditions are based on the pure slip characteristics multiplied by the so-called weighing functions. Again,
these weighting functions have a cosine-shaped MF equation.
The Magic Formula itself only describes steady-state tire behavior. For transient tire behavior (up to 8
Hz), the MF output is used in a stretched string model that considers tire belt deflections instead of slip 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 12 of 49

velocities to cope with standstill situations (zero speed).

Input Variables
The input variables to the Magic Formula are:

Longitudinal slip [-]

Slip angle [rad]

Inclination angle [rad]

Normal wheel load Fz [N]

Output Variables
Longitudinal force Fx [N]
Lateral force Fy [N]
Overturning couple Mx [Nm]
Rolling resistance My [Nm]
Aligning moment Mz [Nm]
The output variables are defined in the W-axis system of TYDEX.

Basic Tire Parameters

All tire model parameters of the model are without dimension. The reference parameters for the model

Nominal (rated) load Fz0 [N]

Unloaded tire radius R0 [m]
Tire belt mass mbelt [kg]
As a measure for the vertical load, the normalized vertical load increment dfz is used:


with the possibly adapted nominal load (using the user-scaling factor, ):


Nomenclature of the Tire Model Parameters

In the subsequent sections, formulas are given with non-dimensional parameters aijk with the following
Tire Model Parameters

Parameter: Definition:
a= p Force at pure slip
q Moment at pure slip
r Force at combined slip
s Moment at combined slip
i= B Stiffness factor 9/17/2008
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C Shape factor
D Peak value
E Curvature factor
K Slip stiffness = BCD
H Horizontal shift
V Vertical shift
s Moment at combined slip
t Transient tire behavior
j= x Along the longitudinal axis
y Along the lateral axis
z About the vertical axis
k= 1, 2, ...

User Scaling Factors

A set of scaling factors is available to easily examine the influence of changing tire properties without the
need to change one of the real Magic Formula coefficients. The default value of these factors is 1. You
can change the factors in the tire property file. The peak friction scaling factors, l and ,
are also used for the position-dependent friction in 3D Road Contact and 3D Road. An overview of all
scaling factors is shown in the following tables.
Scaling Factor Coefficients for Pure Slip

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:

LFZO Scale factor of nominal (rated) load


LCZ Scale factor of vertical tire stiffness


LCX Scale factor of Fx shape factor


LMUX Scale factor of Fx peak friction coefficient


LEX Scale factor of Fx curvature factor


LKX Scale factor of Fx slip stiffness


LHX Scale factor of Fx horizontal shift


LVX Scale factor of Fx vertical shift


LGAX Scale factor of inclination for Fx


LCY Scale factor of Fy shape factor


LMUY Scale factor of Fy peak friction coefficient


LEY Scale factor of Fy curvature factor

Ey 9/17/2008
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LKY Scale factor of Fy cornering stiffness


LHY Scale factor of Fy horizontal shift


LVY Scale factor of Fy vertical shift


LGAY Scale factor of inclination for Fy


LTR Scale factor of peak of pneumatic trail


LRES Scale factor for offset of residual moment


LGAZ Scale factor of inclination for Mz

LMX Scale factor of overturning couple


LVMX Scale factor of Mx vertical shift


LMY Scale factor of rolling resistance moment

Scaling Factor Coefficients for Combined Slip

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:

LXAL Scale factor of alpha influence on Fx

LYKA Scale factor of alpha influence on Fx

LVYKA Scale factor of kappa-induced Fy

LS Scale factor of moment arm of Fx

Scaling Factor Coefficients for Transient Response

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:

LSGKP Scale factor of relaxation length of Fx


LSGAL Scale factor of relaxation length of Fy


LGYR Scale factor of gyroscopic moment

Note that the scaling factors change during the simulation according to any user-introduced function. See
the next section, Online Scaling of Tire Properties.

Online Scaling of Tire Properties

PAC2002 can provide online scaling of tire properties. For each scaling factor, a variable should be
introduced in the Adams .adm dataset. For example:
!lfz0 scaling
! adams_view_name='TR_Front_Tires until wheel_lfz0_var' 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 15 of 49

, IC = 1
, FUNCTION = 1.0
This lets you change the scaling factor during a simulation as a function of time or any other variable in
your model. Therefore, tire properties can change because of inflation pressure, road friction, road
temperature, and so on.
You can also use the scaling factors in co-simulations in MATLAB/Simulink.
For more detailed information, see Knowledge Base Article 12732.

Steady-State: Magic Formula in PAC2002

• Steady-State Pure Slip
• Steady-State Combined Slip

Steady-State Pure Slip

• Longitudinal Force at Pure Slip
• Lateral Force at Pure Slip
• Aligning Moment at Pure Slip
• Turn-slip and Parking

Formulas for the Longitudinal Force at Pure Slip

For the tire rolling on a straight line with no slip angle, the formulas are:




with following coefficients:




the longitudinal slip stiffness:




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Longitudinal Force Coefficients at Pure Slip

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
pCx1 PCX1 Shape factor Cfx for longitudinal force
pDx1 PDX1 Longitudinal friction Mux at Fznom
pDx2 PDX2 Variation of friction Mux with load
pDx3 PDX3 Variation of friction Mux with inclination
pEx1 PEX1 Longitudinal curvature Efx at Fznom
pEx2 PEX2 Variation of curvature Efx with load
pEx3 PEX3 Variation of curvature Efx with load squared
pEx4 PEX4 Factor in curvature Efx while driving
pKx1 PKX1 Longitudinal slip stiffness Kfx/Fz at Fznom
pKx2 PKX2 Variation of slip stiffness Kfx/Fz with load
pKx3 PKX3 Exponent in slip stiffness Kfx/Fz with load
pHx1 PHX1 Horizontal shift Shx at Fznom
pHx2 PHX2 Variation of shift Shx with load
pVx1 PVX1 Vertical shift Svx/Fz at Fznom
pVx2 PVX2 Variation of shift Svx/Fz with load

Formulas for the Lateral Force at Pure Slip



The scaled inclination angle:

with coefficients:




The cornering stiffness:


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The camber stiffness is given by:

Lateral Force Coefficients at Pure Slip

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
pCy1 PCY1 Shape factor Cfy for lateral forces
pDy1 PDY1 Lateral friction Muy
pDy2 PDY2 Variation of friction Muy with load
pDy3 PDY3 Variation of friction Muy with squared inclination
pEy1 PEY1 Lateral curvature Efy at Fznom
pEy2 PEY2 Variation of curvature Efy with load
pEy3 PEY3 Inclination dependency of curvature Efy
pEy4 PEY4 Variation of curvature Efy with inclination
pKy1 PKY1 Maximum value of stiffness Kfy/Fznom
pKy2 PKY2 Load at which Kfy reaches maximum value
pKy3 PKY3 Variation of Kfy/Fznom with inclination
pHy1 PHY1 Horizontal shift Shy at Fznom
pHy2 PHY2 Variation of shift Shy with load
pHy3 PHY3 Variation of shift Shy with inclination
pVy1 PVY1 Vertical shift in Svy/Fz at Fznom
pVy2 PVY2 Variation of shift Svy/Fz with load
pVy3 PVY3 Variation of shift Svy/Fz with inclination
pVy4 PVY4 Variation of shift Svy/Fz with inclination and load

Formulas for the Aligning Moment at Pure Slip


with the pneumatic trail t:


and the residual moment Mzr: 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 18 of 49



The scaled inclination angle:

with coefficients:







An approximation for the aligning moment stiffness reads:

Aligning Moment Coefficients at Pure Slip

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
qBz1 QBZ1 Trail slope factor for trail Bpt at Fznom
qBz2 QBZ2 Variation of slope Bpt with load
qBz3 QBZ3 Variation of slope Bpt with load squared
qBz4 QBZ4 Variation of slope Bpt with inclination
qBz5 QBZ5 Variation of slope Bpt with absolute inclination
qBz9 QBZ9 Slope factor Br of residual moment Mzr
qBz10 QBZ10 Slope factor Br of residual moment Mzr 9/17/2008
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qCz1 QCZ1 Shape factor Cpt for pneumatic trail

qDz1 QDZ1 Peak trail Dpt = Dpt*(Fz/Fznom*R0)
qDz2 QDZ2 Variation of peak Dpt with load
qDz3 QDZ3 Variation of peak Dpt with inclination
qDz4 QDZ4 Variation of peak Dpt with inclination squared.
qDz6 QDZ6 Peak residual moment Dmr = Dmr/ (Fz*R0)
qDz7 QDZ7 Variation of peak factor Dmr with load
qDz8 QDZ8 Variation of peak factor Dmr with inclination
qDz9 QDZ9 Variation of Dmr with inclination and load
qEz1 QEZ1 Trail curvature Ept at Fznom
qEz2 QEZ2 Variation of curvature Ept with load
qEz3 QEZ3 Variation of curvature Ept with load squared
qEz4 QEZ4 Variation of curvature Ept with sign of Alpha-t
qEz5 QEZ5 Variation of Ept with inclination and sign Alpha-t
qHz1 QHZ1 Trail horizontal shift Sht at Fznom
qHz2 QHZ2 Variation of shift Sht with load
qHz3 QHZ3 Variation of shift Sht with inclination
qHz4 QHZ4 Variation of shift Sht with inclination and load

Turn-slip and Parking

For situations where turn-slip may be neglected and camber remains small, the reduction factors i
that appear in the equations for steady-state pure slip, are to be set to 1:

For larger values of spin, the reduction factors are given below.

The weighting function is used to let the longitudinal force diminish with increasing spin, according


The peak side force reduction factor reads:


The cornering stiffness reduction factor is given by: 9/17/2008
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The horizontal shift of the lateral force due to spin is given by:

The factors are defined by:

The spin force stiffness KyR0 is related to the camber stiffness Ky0:

in which the camber reduction factor is given by:

The reduction factors and for the vertical shift of the lateral force are given by:

The reduction factor for the residual moment reads:

The peak spin torque Dr is given by:

The maximum value is given by:

The moment at vanishing wheel speed at constant turning is given by:

The shape factors are given by: 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 21 of 49

in which:

The reduction factor reads:

The spin moment at 90º slip angle is given by:

The spin moment at 90º slip angle is multiplied by the weighing function Gy to account for the action of
the longitudinal slip (see steady-state combined slip equations).

The reduction factor is given by:

Turn-Slip and Parking Parameters

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
PECP1 Camber spin reduction factor parameter in camber
p 1 stiffness
PECP2 Camber spin reduction factor varying with load
p 2 parameter in camber stiffness
PDXP1 Peak Fx reduction due to spin parameter
pDx 1
PDXP2 Peak Fx reduction due to spin with varying load
pDx 2
PDXP3 Peak Fx reduction due to spin with kappa parameter
pDx 3
PDYP1 Peak Fy reduction due to spin parameter
pDy 1
PDYP2 Peak Fy reduction due to spin with varying load
pDy 2
PDYP3 Peak Fy reduction due to spin with alpha parameter
pDy 3
PDYP4 Peak Fy reduction due to square root of spin parameter
pDy 4
PKYP1 Cornering stiffness reduction due to spin
pKy 1
PHYP1 Fy-alpha curve lateral shift limitation
pHy 1
PHYP2 Fy-alpha curve maximum lateral shift parameter
pHy 2 9/17/2008
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PHYP3 Fy-alpha curve maximum lateral shift varying with load

pHy 3
PHYP4 Fy-alpha curve maximum lateral shift parameter
pHy 4
QDTP1 Pneumatic trail reduction factor due to turn slip
qDt 1 parameter
QBRP1 Residual (spin) torque reduction factor parameter due to
qBr 1 side slip
QCRP1 Turning moment at constant turning and zero forward
qCr 1
speed parameter
QCRP2 Turn slip moment (at alpha=90deg) parameter for
qCr 2
increase with spin
QDRP1 Turn slip moment peak magnitude parameter
qDr 1
QDRP2 Turn slip moment peak position parameter
qDr 2
The tire model parameters for turn-slip and parking are estimated automatically. In addition, you can
specify each parameter individually in the tire property file (see example).

Steady-State Combined Slip

PAC2002 has two methods for calculating the combined slip forces and moments. If the user supplies the
coefficients for the combined slip cosine 'weighing' functions, the combined slip is calculated according to
Combined slip with cosine 'weighing' functions (standard method). If no coefficients are supplied, the so-
called friction ellipse is used to estimate the combined slip forces and moments, see section Combined
Slip with friction ellipse

Combined slip with cosine 'weighing' functions

• Longitudinal Force at Combined Slip
• Lateral Force at Combined Slip
• Aligning Moment at Combined Slip
• Overturning Moment at Pure and Combined Slip
• Rolling Resistance Moment at Pure and Combined Slip

Formulas for the Longitudinal Force at Combined Slip


with Gx the weighting function of the longitudinal force for pure slip.
We write:


with coefficients:




(66) 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 23 of 49

The weighting function follows as:

Longitudinal Force Coefficients at Combined Slip

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
rBx1 RBX1 Slope factor for combined slip Fx reduction
rBx2 RBX2 Variation of slope Fx reduction with kappa
rCx1 RCX1 Shape factor for combined slip Fx reduction
rEx1 REX1 Curvature factor of combined Fx
rEx2 REX2 Curvature factor of combined Fx with load
rHx1 RHX1 Shift factor for combined slip Fx reduction

Formulas for Lateral Force at Combined Slip

with Gyk the weighting function for the lateral force at pure slip and SVyk the ' -induced' side force;
therefore, the lateral force can be written as:


with the coefficients:







The weighting function appears is defined as: 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 24 of 49

Lateral Force Coefficients at Combined Slip

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
rBy1 RBY1 Slope factor for combined Fy reduction
rBy2 RBY2 Variation of slope Fy reduction with alpha
rBy3 RBY3 Shift term for alpha in slope Fy reduction
rCy1 RCY1 Shape factor for combined Fy reduction
rEy1 REY1 Curvature factor of combined Fy
rEy2 REY2 Curvature factor of combined Fy with load
rHy1 RHY1 Shift factor for combined Fy reduction
rHy2 RHY2 Shift factor for combined Fy reduction with load
rVy1 RVY1 Kappa induced side force Svyk/Muy*Fz at Fznom
rVy2 RVY2 Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with load
rVy3 RVY3 Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with inclination
rVy4 RVY4 Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with alpha
rVy5 RVY5 Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with kappa
rVy6 RVY6 Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with atan (kappa)

Formulas for Aligning Moment at Combined Slip






with the arguments: 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 25 of 49


Aligning Moment Coefficients at Combined Slip

Name used in
Name: tire property file: Explanation:

ssz1 SSZ1 Nominal value of s/R0 effect of Fx on Mz

ssz2 SSZ2 Variation of distance s/R0 with Fy/Fznom

ssz3 SSZ3 Variation of distance s/R0 with inclination

ssz4 SSZ4 Variation of distance s/R0 with load and inclination

Formulas for Overturning Moment at Pure and Combined Slip

For the overturning moment, the formula reads both for pure and combined slip situations:

Overturning Moment Coefficients

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
qsx1 QSX1 Lateral force induced overturning couple
qsx2 QSX2 Inclination induced overturning couple
qsx3 QSX3 Fy induced overturning couple

Formulas for Rolling Resistance Moment at Pure and Combined Slip

The rolling resistance moment is defined by:

If qsy1 and qsy2 are both zero and FITTYP is equal to 5 (MF-Tyre 5.0), then the rolling resistance is
calculated according to an old equation:

Rolling Resistance Coefficients

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
qsy1 QSY1 Rolling resistance moment coefficient 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 26 of 49

qsy2 QSY2 Rolling resistance moment depending on Fx

qsy3 QSY3 Rolling resistance moment depending on speed
qsy4 QSY4 Rolling resistance moment depending on speed^4
Vref LONGVL Measurement speed

Combined Slip with friction ellipse

In case the tire property file does not contain the coefficients for the 'standard' combined slip method
(cosine 'weighing functions), the friction ellipse method is used, as described in this section. Note that the
method employed here is not part of one of the Magic Formula publications by Pacejka, but is an in-house
development of MSC.Software.

The following friction coefficients are defined:

The forces corrected for the combined slip conditions are: 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 27 of 49

For aligning moment M , rolling resistance M and aligning moment M the formulae (76) until and
x y z

including (85) are used with =0.

Transient Behavior in PAC2002

The previous Magic Formula equations are valid for steady-state tire behavior. When driving, however,
the tire requires some response time on changes of the inputs. In tire modeling terminology, the low-
frequency behavior (up to 15 Hz) is called transient behavior. PAC2002 provides two methods to model
transient tire behavior:
• Stretched String
• Contact Mass

Stretched String Model

For accurate transient tire behavior, you can use the stretched string tire model (see reference [1]). The tire
belt is modeled as stretched string, which is supported to the rim with lateral (and longitudinal) springs.
Stretched String Model for Transient Tire Behavior shows a top-view of the string model. When rolling,
the first point having contact with the road adheres to the road (no sliding assumed). Therefore, a lateral
deflection of the string arises that depends on the slip angle size and the history of the lateral deflection of
previous points having contact with the road.
Stretched String Model for Transient Tire Behavior

For calculating the lateral deflection v1 of the string in the first point of contact with the road, the
following differential equation is valid:


with the relaxation length in the lateral direction. The turnslip can be neglected at radii larger
than 10 m. This differential equation cannot be used at zero speed, but when multiplying with Vx, the
equation can be transformed to:

When the tire is rolling, the lateral deflection depends on the lateral slip speed; at standstill, the deflection 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 28 of 49

depends on the relaxation length, which is a measure for the lateral stiffness of the tire. Therefore, with
this approach, the tire is responding to a slip speed when rolling and behaving like a spring at standstill.
A similar approach yields the following for the deflection of the string in longitudinal direction:

Both the longitudinal and lateral relaxation length are defined as of the vertical load:



Now the practical slip quantities, and , are defined based on the tire deformation:



Using these practical slip quantities, and , the Magic Formula equations can be used to calculate
the tire-road interaction forces and moments:



Coefficients and Transient Response

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
pTx1 PTX1 Longitudinal relaxation length at Fznom
pTx2 PTX2 Variation of longitudinal relaxation length with load
pTx3 PTX3 Variation of longitudinal relaxation length with
exponent of load
pTy1 PTY1 Peak value of relaxation length for lateral direction
pTy2 PTY2 Shape factor for lateral relaxation length
qTz1 QTZ1 Gyroscopic moment constant
Mbelt MBELT Belt mass of the wheel

Contact Mass Model

The contact mass model is based on the separation of the contact patch slip properties and the tire carcass
compliance (see reference [1]). Instead of using relaxation lengths to describe compliance effects, the
carcass springs are explicitly incorporated in the model. The contact patch is given some inertia to ensure
computational causality. This modeling approach automatically accounts for the lagged response to slip
and load changes that diminish at higher levels of slip. The contact patch itself uses relaxation lengths to
handle simulations at low speed.
The contact patch can deflect in longitudinal, lateral, and yaw directions with respect to the lower part of 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 29 of 49

the wheel rim. A mass is attached to the contact patch to enable straightforward computations.
The differential equations that govern the dynamics of the contact patch body are:

The contact patch body with mass mc and inertia Jc is connected to the wheel through springs cx, cy, and
c and dampers kx, ky, and k in longitudinal, lateral, and yaw direction, respectively.

The additional equations for the longitudinal u, lateral v, and yaw deflections are:

in which Vcx, Vcy and are the sliding velocity of the contact body in longitudinal, lateral, and yaw
directions, respectively. Vsx, Vsy, and are the corresponding velocities of the lower part of the wheel.
The transient slip equations for side slip, turn-slip, and camber are:

where the calculated deflection angle has been used:

The tire total spin velocity is:

With the transient slip equations, the composite transient turn-slip quantities are calculated: 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 30 of 49

The tire forces are calculated with and the tire moments with .
The relaxation lengths are reduced with slip:

Here a is half the contact length according to:

The composite tire parameter reads:

and the equivalent slip:

Coefficients and Transient Response

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
mc MC Contact body mass
Ic IC Contact body moment of inertia
kx KX Longitudinal damping
ky KY Lateral damping
KP Yaw damping
cx CX Longitudinal stiffness
cy CY Lateral stiffness
CP Yaw stiffness
pA1 PA1 Half contact length with vertical tire deflection
pA2 PA2 Half contact length with square root of vertical tire
EP Composite turn-slip (moment)

EP12 Composite turn-slip (moment) increment 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 31 of 49

bF2 BF2 Second relaxation length factor

BP1 First moment relaxation length factor
b 1
BP2 Second moment relaxation length factor
b 2
The remaining contact mass model parameters are estimated automatically based on longitudinal and
lateral stiffness specified in the tire property file.

Gyroscopic Couple in PAC2002

When having fast rotations about the vertical axis in the wheel plane, the inertia of the tire belt may lead
to gyroscopic effects. To cope with this additional moment, the following contribution is added to the total
aligning moment:

with the parameter (in addition to the basic tire parameter mbelt):


The total aligning moment now becomes:

Coefficients and Transient Response

Name used in tire

Name: property file: Explanation:
pTx1 PTX1 Longitudinal relaxation length at Fznom
pTx2 PTX2 Variation of longitudinal relaxation length with load
pTx3 PTX3 Variation of longitudinal relaxation length with
exponent of load
pTy1 PTY1 Peak value of relaxation length for lateral direction
pTy2 PTY2 Shape factor for lateral relaxation length
qTz1 QTZ1 Gyroscopic moment constant
Mbelt MBELT Belt mass of the wheel

Left and Right Side Tires

In general, a tire produces a lateral force and aligning moment at zero slip angle due to the tire
construction, known as conicity and plysteer. In addition, the tire characteristics cannot be symmetric for
positive and negative slip angles.
A tire property file with the parameters for the model results from testing with a tire that is mounted in a
tire test bench comparable either to the left or the right side of a vehicle. If these coefficients are used for
both the left and the right side of the vehicle model, the vehicle does not drive straight at zero steering
wheel angle.
The latest versions of tire property files contain a keyword TYRESIDE in the [MODEL] section that
indicates for which side of the vehicle the tire parameters in that file are valid (TIRESIDE = 'LEFT' or
If this keyword is available, Adams/Car corrects for the conicity and plysteer and asymmetry when using 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 32 of 49

a tire property file on the opposite side of the vehicle. In fact, the tire characteristics are mirrored with
respect to slip angle zero. In Adams/View, this option can only be used when the tire is generated by the
graphical user interface: select Build -> Forces -> Special Force: Tire.
Next to the LEFT and RIGHT side option of TYRESIDE, you can also set SYMMETRIC: then the tire
characteristics are modified during initialization to show symmetric performance for left and right side
corners and zero conicity and plysteer (no offsets).Also, when you set the tire property file to
SYMMETRIC, the tire characteristics are changed to symmetric behavior.
Create Wheel and Tire Dialog Box in Adams/View

USE_MODES of PAC2002: from Simple to Complex

The parameter USE_MODE in the tire property file allows you to switch the output of the PAC2002 tire
model from very simple (that is, steady-state cornering) to complex (transient combined cornering and
The options for the USE_MODE and the output of the model have been listed in the table below.
USE_MODE Values of PAC2002 and Related Tire Model Output

PAC2002 output
USE_MODE: State: Slip conditions: (forces and moments):
0 Steady state Acts as a vertical spring 0, 0, Fz, 0, 0, 0
& damper
1 Steady state Pure longitudinal slip Fx, 0, Fz, 0, My, 0
2 Steady state Pure lateral (cornering) 0, Fy, Fz, Mx, 0, Mz 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 33 of 49

3 Steady state Longitudinal and lateral Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz
(not combined)
4 Steady state Combined slip Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz
11 Transient Pure longitudinal slip Fx, 0, Fz, 0, My, 0
12 Transient Pure lateral (cornering) 0, Fy, Fz, Mx, 0, Mz
13 Transient Longitudinal and lateral Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz
(not combined)
14 Transient Combined slip Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz
15 Transient Combined slip and Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz
21 Advanced transient Pure longitudinal slip Fx, 0, Fz, My, 0
22 Advanced transient Pure lateral (cornering 0, Fy, Fz, Mx, 0, Mz
23 Advanced transient Longitudinal and lateral Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz
(not combined)
24 Advanced transient Combined slip Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz
25 Advanced transient Combined slip and Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz

Quality Checks for the Tire Model Parameters

Because PAC2002 uses an empirical approach to describe tire - road interaction forces, incorrect
parameters can easily result in non-realistic tire behavior. Below is a list of the most important items to
ensure the quality of the parameters in a tire property file:
• Rolling Resistance
• Camber (Inclination) Effects
• Validity Range of the Tire Model Input

Note: Do not change Fz0 (FNOMIN) and R0 (UNLOADED_RADIUS) in your tire property file. It will change the
complete tire characteristics because these two parameters are used to make all parameters without dimension.

Rolling Resistance
For a realistic rolling resistance, the parameter qsy1 must be positive. For car tires, it can be in the order
of 0.006 - 0.01 (0.6% - 1.0%); for heavy commercial truck tires, it can be around 0.006 (0.6%).
Tire property files with the keyword FITTYP=5 determine the rolling resistance in a different way (see
equation (85)). To avoid the ‘old’ rolling resistance calculation, remove the keyword FITTYP and add a
section like the following:
$---------------------------------------------------rolling resistance
QSY1 = 0.01
QSY2 = 0
QSY3 = 0
QSY4 = 0

Camber (Inclination) Effects

Camber stiffness has not been explicitly defined in PAC2002; however, for car tires, positive inclination
should result in a negative lateral force at zero slip angle. If positive inclination results in an increase of
the lateral force, the coefficient may not be valid for the ISO but for the SAE coordinate system. Note that
PAC2002 only uses coefficients for the TYDEX W-axis (ISO) system. 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 34 of 49

Effect of Positive Camber on the Lateral Force in TYDEX W-axis (ISO) System

The table below lists further checks on the PAC2002 parameters.

Checklist for PAC2002 Parameters and Properties

Parameter/property: Requirement: Explanation:

LONGVL 1 m/s Reference velocity at which parameters are
VXLOW Approximately 1 m/s Threshold for scaling down forces and
Dx >0 Peak friction (see equation (22))
pDx1/pDx2 <0 Peak friction Fx must decrease with
increasing load
Kx >0 Long slip stiffness (see equation (25))
Dy >0 Peak friction (see equation (34))
pDy1/pDy2 <0 Peak friction Fx must decrease with
increasing load
Ky <0 Cornering stiffness (see equation (37))
qsy1 >0 Rolling resistance, in the range of 0.005 -

Validity Range of the Tire Model Input

In the tire property file, a range of the input variables has been given in which the tire properties are
supposed to be valid. These validity range parameters are (the listed values can be different):
= -1.5
$Minimum valid wheel slip
= 1.5
$Maximum valid wheel slip
$-----------------------------------------------------slip_angle_range 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 35 of 49

= -1.5708
$Minimum valid slip angle
= 1.5708
$Maximum valid slip angle
= -0.26181
$Minimum valid camber angle
= 0.26181
$Maximum valid camber angle
= 225
$Minimum allowed wheel load
= 10125
$Maximum allowed wheel load
If one of the input parameters exceeds a minimum or maximum validity value, the calculation in the tire
model is performed with the minimum or maximum value of this range to avoid non-realistic tire
behavior. In that case, a message appears warning you that one of the inputs exceeds a validity value.

Standard Tire Interface (STI) for PAC2002

Because all Adams products use the Standard Tire Interface (STI) for linking the tire models to
Adams/Solver, below is a brief background of the STI history (see also reference [4]).
At the First International Colloquium on Tire Models for Vehicle Dynamics Analysis on October 21-22,
1991, the International Tire Workshop working group was established (TYDEX).
The working group concentrated on tire measurements and tire models used for vehicle simulation
purposes. For most vehicle dynamics studies, people used to develop their own tire models. Because all
car manufacturers and their tire suppliers have the same goal (that is, development of tires to improve
dynamic safety of the vehicle) it aimed for standardization in tire behavior description.
In TYDEX, two expert groups, consisting of participants of vehicle industry (passenger cars and trucks),
tire manufacturers, other suppliers and research laboratories, had been defined with following goals:
• The first expert group's (Tire Measurements - Tire Modeling) main goal was to specify an interface
between tire measurements and tire models. The result was the TYDEX-Format [2] to describe tire
measurement data.
• The second expert group's (Tire Modeling - Vehicle Modeling) main goal was to specify an
interface between tire models and simulation tools, which resulted in the Standard Tire Interface
(STI) [3]. The use of this interface should ensure that a wide range of simulation software can be
linked to a wide range of tire modeling software.

• General
• Tire Kinematics
• Slip Quantities
• Force and Moments

General Definitions

Term: Definition: 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 36 of 49

Road tangent plane Plane with the normal unit vector (tangent to the road) in the tire-road
contact point C.
C-axis system Coordinate system mounted on the wheel carrier at the wheel center
according to TYDEX, ISO orientation.
Wheel plane The plane in the wheel center that is formed by the wheel when
considered a rigid disc with zero width.
Contact point C Contact point between tire and road, defined as the intersection of the
wheel plane and the projection of the wheel axis onto the road plane.
W-axis system Coordinate system at the tire contact point C, according to TYDEX, ISO

Tire Kinematics
Tire Kinematics Definitions

Parameter: Definition: Units:

R0 Unloaded tire radius [m]
R Loaded tire radius [m]
Re Effective tire radius [m]
Radial tire deflection [m]

Dimensionless radial tire deflection [-]

Radial tire deflection at nominal load [m]
mbelt Tire belt mass [kg]
Rotational velocity of the wheel [rads-1]

Slip Quantities
Slip Quantities Definitions

Parameter: Definition: Units:

V Vehicle speed [ms-1]
Vsx Slip speed in x direction [ms-1]
Vsy Slip speed in y direction [ms-1]
Vs Resulting slip speed [ms-1]
Vx Rolling speed in x direction [ms-1]
Vy Lateral speed of tire contact center [ms-1]
Vr Linear speed of rolling [ms-1]
Longitudinal slip [-]

Slip angle [rad]

Inclination angle [rad]

Forces and Moments

Force and Moment Definitions

Abbreviation: Definition: Units:

Fz Vertical wheel load [N] 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 37 of 49

Fz0 Nominal load [N]

dfz Dimensionless vertical load [-]
Fx Longitudinal force [N]
Fy Lateral force [N]
Mx Overturning moment [Nm]
My Braking/driving moment [Nm]
Mz Aligning moment [Nm]

1. H.B. Pacejka, Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics, 2002, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN 0 7506 5141 5.
2. H.-J. Unrau, J. Zamow, TYDEX-Format, Description and Reference Manual, Release 1.1, Initiated
by the International Tire Working Group, July 1995.
3. A. Riedel, Standard Tire Interface, Release 1.2, Initiated by the Tire Workgroup, June 1995.
4. J.J.M. van Oosten, H.-J. Unrau, G. Riedel, E. Bakker, TYDEX Workshop: Standardisation of Data
Exchange in Tyre Testing and Tyre Modelling, Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium
on Tyre Models for Vehicle Dynamics Analysis, Vehicle System Dynamics, Volume 27, Swets &
Zeitlinger, Amsterdam/Lisse, 1996.

Example of PAC2002 Tire Property File

Nom. section with
Nom. aspect ratio
Infl. pressure
Rim radius
Measurement ID
Test speed
(m/s) 16.6
Road surface 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 38 of 49

Road condition
! : Copyright MSC.Software, Fri Jan 23 14:30:06 2004
! USE_MODE specifies the type of calculation performed:
! 0: Fz only, no Magic Formula evaluation
! 1: Fx,My only
! 2: Fy,Mx,Mz only
! 3: Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz uncombined force/moment calculation
! 4: Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz combined force/moment calculation
! +10: including relaxation behaviour
! *-1: mirroring of tyre characteristics
! example: USE_MODE = -12 implies:
! -calculation of Fy,Mx,Mz only
! -including relaxation effects
! -mirrored tyre characteristics!
= 14
$Tyre use switch (IUSED)
= 1
= 16.6
$Measurement speed
= 'LEFT'
$Mounted side of tyre at vehicle/test bench
= 0.344
$Free tyre radius
= 0.235
$Nominal section width of the tyre
= 0.6
$Nominal aspect ratio
= 0.19
$Nominal rim radius
= 0.16
$Rim width
$----------------------------------------------------------------shape 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 39 of 49

{radial width}
= 2.1e+005
$Tyre vertical stiffness
= 50
$Tyre vertical damping
= 8.4
$Low load stiffness e.r.r.
= 0.27
$Peak value of e.r.r.
= 0.07
$High load stiffness e.r.r.
= 4850
$Nominal wheel load
$ For a non-linear tire vertical stiffness (optional)
$ Maximum of 100 points
= -1.5
$Minimum valid wheel slip
= 1.5
$Maximum valid wheel slip
= -1.5708 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 40 of 49

$Minimum valid slip angle

= 1.5708
$Maximum valid slip angle
= -0.26181
$Minimum valid camber angle
= 0.26181
$Maximum valid camber angle
= 225
$Minimum allowed wheel load
= 10125
$Maximum allowed wheel load
= 1
$Scale factor of nominal (rated) load
= 1
$Scale factor of Fx shape factor
= 1
$Scale factor of Fx peak friction coefficient
= 1
$Scale factor of Fx curvature factor
= 1
$Scale factor of Fx slip stiffness
= 1
$Scale factor of Fx horizontal shift
= 1
$Scale factor of Fx vertical shift
= 1
$Scale factor of camber for Fx
= 1
$Scale factor of Fy shape factor
= 1
$Scale factor of Fy peak friction coefficient
= 1
$Scale factor of Fy curvature factor
= 1
$Scale factor of Fy cornering stiffness
= 1
$Scale factor of Fy horizontal shift
= 1
$Scale factor of Fy vertical shift 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 41 of 49

= 1
$Scale factor of camber for Fy
= 1
$Scale factor of Peak of pneumatic trail
= 1
$Scale factor for offset of residual torque
= 1
$Scale factor of camber for Mz
= 1
$Scale factor of alpha influence on Fx
= 1
$Scale factor of alpha influence on Fx
= 1
$Scale factor of kappa induced Fy
= 1
$Scale factor of Moment arm of FxL
= 1
$Scale factor of Relaxation length of Fx
= 1
$Scale factor of Relaxation length of Fy
= 1
$Scale factor of gyroscopic torque
= 1
$Scale factor of overturning couple
= 1
$Scale factor of Mx vertical shiftL
= 1
$Scale factor of rolling resistance torque
= 1.6411
$Shape factor Cfx for longitudinal force
= 1.1739
$Longitudinal friction Mux at Fznom
= -0.16395
$Variation of friction Mux with load
= 0
$Variation of friction Mux with camber
= 0.46403
$Longitudinal curvature Efx at Fznom
= 0.25022
$Variation of curvature Efx with load
= 0.067842 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 42 of 49

$Variation of curvature Efx with load squared

= -3.7604e-005
$Factor in curvature Efx while driving
= 22.303
$Longitudinal slip stiffness Kfx/Fz at Fznom
= 0.48896
$Variation of slip stiffness Kfx/Fz with load
= 0.21253
$Exponent in slip stiffness Kfx/Fz with load
= 0.0012297
$Horizontal shift Shx at Fznom
= 0.0004318
$Variation of shift Shx with load
= -8.8098e-006
$Vertical shift Svx/Fz at Fznom
= 1.862e-005 $Variation of shift Svx/Fz with load
= 13.276
$Slope factor for combined slip Fx reduction
= -13.778
$Variation of slope Fx reduction with kappa
= 1.2568
$Shape factor for combined slip Fx reduction
= 0.65225
$Curvature factor of combined Fx
= -0.24948
$Curvature factor of combined Fx with load
= 0.0050722
$Shift factor for combined slip Fx reduction
= 2.3657
$Relaxation length SigKap0/Fz at Fznom
= 1.4112
$Variation of SigKap0/Fz with load
= 0.56626
$Variation of SigKap0/Fz with exponent of load
= 0
$Lateral force induced overturning moment
= 0
$Camber induced overturning couple
= 0
$Fy induced overturning couple
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 43 of 49

= 1.3507
$Shape factor Cfy for lateral forces
= 1.0489
$Lateral friction Muy
= -0.18033
$Variation of friction Muy with load
= -2.8821
$Variation of friction Muy with squared camber
= -0.0074722 $Lateral curvature Efy at Fznom
= -0.0063208 $Variation of curvature Efy with load
= -9.9935
$Zero order camber dependency of curvature Efy
= -760.14
$Variation of curvature Efy with camber
= -21.92
$Maximum value of stiffness Kfy/Fznom
= 2.0012
$Load at which Kfy reaches maximum value
= -0.024778
$Variation of Kfy/Fznom with camber
= 0.0026747
$Horizontal shift Shy at Fznom
= 8.9094e-005$Variation of shift Shy with load
= 0.031415
$Variation of shift Shy with camber
= 0.037318
$Vertical shift in Svy/Fz at Fznom
= -0.010049
$Variation of shift Svy/Fz with load
= -0.32931
$Variation of shift Svy/Fz with camber
= -0.69553
$Variation of shift Svy/Fz with camber and load
= 7.1433
$Slope factor for combined Fy reduction
= 9.1916
$Variation of slope Fy reduction with alpha
= -0.027856
$Shift term for alpha in slope Fy reduction
= 1.0719
$Shape factor for combined Fy reduction
REY1 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 44 of 49

= -0.27572
$Curvature factor of combined Fy
= 0.32802
$Curvature factor of combined Fy with load
= 5.7448e-006$Shift factor for combined Fy reduction
= -3.1368e-005
$Shift factor for combined Fy reduction
= -0.027825
$Kappa induced side force Svyk/Muy*Fz at Fznom
= 0.053604
$Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with load
= -0.27568
$Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with camber
= 12.12
$Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with alpha
= 1.9$Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with kappa
= -10.704
$Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with atan(kappa)
= 2.1439
$Peak value of relaxation length SigAlp0/R0
= 1.9829
$Value of Fz/Fznom where SigAlp0 is extreme
$---------------------------------------------------rolling resistance
= 0.01
$Rolling resistance torque coefficient
= 0
$Rolling resistance torque depending on Fx
= 0
$Rolling resistance torque depending on speed
= 0
$Rolling resistance torque depending on speed ^4
= 10.904
$Trail slope factor for trail Bpt at Fznom
= -1.8412
$Variation of slope Bpt with load
= -0.52041
$Variation of slope Bpt with load squared
= 0.039211
$Variation of slope Bpt with camber
= 0.41511
$Variation of slope Bpt with absolute camber 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 45 of 49

= 8.9846
$Slope factor Br of residual torque Mzr
= 0
$Slope factor Br of residual torque Mzr
= 1.2136
$Shape factor Cpt for pneumatic trail
= 0.093509
$Peak trail Dpt" = Dpt*(Fz/Fznom*R0)
= -0.0092183 $Variation of peak Dpt" with load
= -0.057061
$Variation of peak Dpt" with camber
= 0.73954
$Variation of peak Dpt" with camber squared
= -0.0067783 $Peak residual torque Dmr" = Dmr/(Fz*R0)
= 0.0052254
$Variation of peak factor Dmr" with load
= -0.18175
$Variation of peak factor Dmr" with camber
= 0.029952
$Var. of peak factor Dmr" with camber and load
= -1.5697
$Trail curvature Ept at Fznom
= 0.33394
$Variation of curvature Ept with load
= 0
$Variation of curvature Ept with load squared
= 0.26711
$Variation of curvature Ept with sign of Alpha-t
= -3.594
$Variation of Ept with camber and sign Alpha-t
= 0.0047326
$Trail horizontal shift Sht at Fznom
= 0.0026687
$Variation of shift Sht with load
= 0.11998
$Variation of shift Sht with camber
= 0.059083
$Variation of shift Sht with camber and load
= 0.033372
$Nominal value of s/R0: effect of Fx on Mz
= 0.0043624
$Variation of distance s/R0 with Fy/Fznom 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 46 of 49

= 0.56742
$Variation of distance s/R0 with camber
= -0.24116
$Variation of distance s/R0 with load and camber
= 0.2
$Gyration torque constant
= 5.4
$Belt mass of the wheel
$-----------------------------------------------turn-slip parameters


= 0.7
$Camber stiffness reduction factor

= 0.0
$Camber stiffness reduction factor with load

= 0.4
$Peak Fx reduction due to spin

= 0.0
$Peak Fx reduction due to spin with load

= 0.0
$Peak Fx reduction due to spin with longitudinal slip

= 0.4
$Peak Fy reduction due to spin

= 0.0
$Peak Fy reduction due to spin with load

= 0.0
$Peak Fy reduction due to spin with lateral slip

= 0.0
$Peak Fy reduction with square root of spin

= 1.0
$Cornering stiffness reduction due to spin

= 1.0
$Fy lateral shift shape factor

= 0.15
$Maximum Fy lateral shift 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 47 of 49

= 0.0
$Maximum Fy lateral shift with load

= -4.0
$Fy lateral shift curvature factor

= 10.0
$Pneumatic trail reduction factor

= 0.1
$Residual torque reduction factor with lateral slip

= 0.2
$Turning moment at constant turning with zero speed

= 0.1
$Turning moment at 90 deg lateral slip

= 1.0
$Maximum turning moment

= -1.5
$Location of maximum turning moment

$----------------------------------------------contact patch parameters


= 0.4147
$Half contact length dependency on Fz)

= 1.9129
$Half contact length dependency on sqrt(Fz/R0)

$-----------------------------------------------contact patch slip



= 1.0
$Contact mass

= 0.05
$Contact moment of inertia

= 409.0
$Contact longitudinal damping

= 320.8
$Contact lateral damping 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 48 of 49

= 11.9
$Contact yaw damping

= 4.350e+005 $Contact longitudinal stiffness

= 1.665e+005 $Contact lateral stiffness

= 20319
$Contact yaw stiffness

= 1.0

= 4.0

= 0.5

= 0.5

= 0.67
$--------------------------------------------------------loaded radius
= 0.000071
$Tire radius growth coefficient
= 2.489
$Tire stiffness variation coefficient with speed
= 0.1
$Tire stiffness interaction with Fx
= 0.3
$Tire stiffness interaction with Fy
= 0.0
$Tire stiffness interaction with camber
= 0.0
$Linear stiffness coefficient, if zero, VERTICAL_STIFFNESS is
= 14.35
$Tire vertical stiffness coefficient (quadratic)

Contact Methods
The PAC2002 model supports the following roads:
• 2D Roads, see Using the 2D Road Model
• 3D Roads, see Adams/3D Road Model
Note that the PAC2002 model has only one point of contact with the road; therefore, the wavelength of
road obstacles must be longer than the tire radius for realistic output of the model. In addition, the contact
force computed by this tire model is normal to the road plane. Therefore, the contact point does not 9/17/2008
Using the PAC2002Tire Model Page 49 of 49

generate a longitudinal force when rolling over a short obstacle, such as a cleat or pothole.
For ride and comfort analyses, we recommend more sophisticated tire models, such as Ftire.

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