A 3D Semi-Empirical On-Road Transient Tire Model: Virginia Tech
A 3D Semi-Empirical On-Road Transient Tire Model: Virginia Tech
A 3D Semi-Empirical On-Road Transient Tire Model: Virginia Tech
13, 2024
Anake Umsrithong
Corina Sandu
Virginia Tech.
consists of two parts: the structure model and the tread 3. The relationship between the longitudinal slip ratio and
model. The FTire model is used in various applications with the effective longitudinal slip ratio for low frequency input is
extensions such as thermal model, wear model, and tire presented by using the first order differential equation, as
misuse model. The CDTire model [15, 16] is a family of shown in equation (1) [22].
three tire models: CDTire20 (Rigid Ring), CDTire30 (Single
Flexible Ring), and CDTire40 (Multiple Flexible Rings). The
applications of the CDTire model are focused on ride comfort (1)
and durability & reliability studies. The CDTire can be used
only with small deflections of belts and with smooth tread 4. The relationship between the sip angle at the wheel center
surface tires. and the slip angle at the tire contact patch in the transient
steering is expressed by using the second order differential
In the past few years, AVDL developed a steady-state tire equation as in equation (2) [23, 24].
model using analytical mechanics starting from Fiala's tire
model [17] and experimental data from NHTSA, as well as
in-house testing [18]. Next, a two-dimensional semi- (2)
empirical tire model for transient maneuvers was developed
to extend the capabilities of the steady-state tire model to 5. The belt is laminated rubber composited which normally
capture the transient behavior of tire without additional very stiff, so we can assume that the belt ring is flexible but
testing [19]. Recently, the three-dimensional semi-empirical
on-road transient tire model has been developed. This model
can simulate in-plane and out-of-plane tire forces and not extensible. The inextensibility condition yields
moments in steady-state and transient conditions on a flat
surface. The camber angle effects are taken into account.
In this paper, the overall description and model assumptions
The transient tire model was developed by modeling the tire
are given. It describes in details how the contact patch
structure as a flexible belt ring supported by a spring and
geometry and the contact pressure distribution are calculated;
damper system on a flat surface, as shown in Figure 1.
the analytical-empirical force and moment formulas are
presented. Simulation results are illustrated and benchmarked
against available results from the literature.
Development of the tire model
The 3D semi-empirical transient tire model developed in this
paper is based on observation of experimental data, on the
quasi-static semi-empirical tire model developed by Chan
[18] and on the 2D semi-empirical transient tire model
previously developed by the authors [19]. Throughout this
paper, we used nomenclature, definitions, and the tire
coordinate system based on the SAE standards [20].
Figure 1. Flexible belt ring supported by a spring and
The tire model is developed based on the following
damper system on a flat surface
1. The tire contact patch is a trapezoidal shape with camber The spring and damper system represents the side wall and
angle and is a rectangular shape with zero camber angle, the tread element of the tire. The tire model consists of two
which, according to our observations and the literature [1, 2, components: a physical component and an empirical
18, 21] are reasonable assumptions. component, so it can be considered a semi-empirical model.
The inputs are the slip angle, the longitudinal slip ratio, the
2. The friction coefficients between the tire and the road are
camber angle, the speed, the vertical load, and the road
approximated based on observations of empirical data which
friction. Viscoelastic properties of the tire cause a lag in the
vary with the normal force, the longitudinal slip ratio, and the
slip at the contact patch which we considered can be
slip angle.
realistically described by a 2nd order differential equation.
The physical component has two main parts: It involves the The deformation of radial tire having the camber angle γ,
calculation of the contact patch geometry and the calculation deflection δ, central angles θ1 and θ2, where subscripts 1 and
of the contact pressure distribution. As stated above, we 2 means the front and rear edges of the contact belt
assume that the contact patch has a trapezoidal shape when respectively, and the asterisk (*) expresses the deformed state
the camber angle is not zero and has a rectangular shape of position p, s, and r. From Figure 3, we can calculate the
when the camber angle is zero. The length of the contact taper angle β of the trapezoidal contact area as expressed in
patch on a flat surface can be derived from the geometric equation 7.
diagram. The pressure distribution can be calculated from the
deflection of tire structure (geometric deformation (z), elastic
deformation (ζ), and additional deformation (w*)).
From Figure 2, the relationship between Ru, Rl, lp, and δ can
be expressed using the Pythagorean Theorem as:
(10) (15)
Where Where
Solving equations (10), (15), (17) and (18) and using the
inextensibility condition, we get the solutions of w,v,u,ϕ as
To find the integral constants C1-6, B1-3, K1,2, we used the
is a geometrical function of the oblique side of the
boundary conditions at the contact end and the symmetry trapezoidal contact area.
condition. After we obtained the solution for w, v, u, ϕ, we
could calculate the vertical deflection of the contact-free belt
at the contact end, transverse shearing force, twisting torque,
and in-plane bending moment which are needed in contact
belt deformation analysis, as shown in the following (27)
Then the contact shear stress in circumferential and lateral
The vertical deflection of the contact-free belt at the contact directions can be calculated by
end is
(21) (28)
The transverse shearing force is Therefore, the camber thrust can be given by the following
Figure 5. Deformation of the belt associated with the relative displacement to the tread surface
Figure 6. Forces and moments applied to the contact belt element in motion
The tire vertical force is a function of the normal contact
pressure distribution acting on the tire contact patch. We can
calculate the vertical force by integrating the normal contact
(32) pressure distribution over the contact area.
1). Adhesion region: The longitudinal force and the lateral 2). Sliding region: When the stresses exceed the limit of the
force per unit length of the circumference can be derived by tread elements, the trailing edge of the contact patch starts to
using the deflection of the tread elements and the sidewall be a sliding region. In this case, the longitudinal force and the
[18], as given by equations (40) and (41). lateral force can be defined as
(41) (44)
kx, ky are the stiffness per unit length for the tread elements in
In order to calculate the longitudinal and the lateral forces,
x and y directions, which can be calculated as
we need to know the length of the adhesion region (la), that
Longitudinal response
(46) The simulation is performed assuming that the vehicle travels
at constant velocity (30 km/h) with zero slip angle and zero
The lateral force is obtained as: camber angle. Then, at time, t = 0 second, the car starts to
accelerate to reach 2 m/s2 and the acceleration rate is kept
constant until time, t = 3.5 seconds. After that the car travels
with constant speed at 48 km/h for 2.5 seconds, as it can be
(47) seen in Figure 8.
From Figure 9, one can see that the 2D & 3D transient tire
Aligning and overturning moments models are able to capture both steady-state and transient
The overturning and the aligning moments are formulated responses in longitudinal direction, but the steady-state tire
from the empirical data and using theoretical mechanics. The model is limited to the steady-state part. The 3D transient tire
overturning moment depends on the lateral force, vertical model shows some lagging responses compare to the 2D
force, slip angle, and camber angle. transient tire model. Moreover, while the velocity is
constantly increasing (between 2 sec. and 3 sec.) we notice km/h, with zero longitudinal slip ratio and with 0, 2, 4, 6
that the longitudinal force is linearly decreasing. degree camber angles.
Lateral response From the results shown in Figures 11 and 12, the 2D & 3D
The response of the tire model due to the variation of the transient tire models capture both transient lateral force
wheel slip angle is studied in this simulation. The wheel slip response and transient aligning moment response, while the
angles are the inputs to the tire model. Changing the wheel steady-state tire model cannot capture the lag behavior of the
slip angle will produce a change in the slip angle at the tire tire in transient maneuver. The 3D transient tire model gives
contact patch in a lagging manner, due to the viscoelastic the lower values for the maximum aligning moment at both
properties of the side wall. The simulation performed uses front and rear of a vehicle than the steady-state and 2D
sinusoidal function as slip angle inputs and yields the slip transient tire models. This is due to the lateral load transfer
angle at tire contact patch, as shown in Figure 10. The lateral which is included in the 3D transient tire model. It results in
force and the aligning moment of the tire model are different vertical loads on left and right tires which yields to
calculated when the vehicle traveled at a constant speed of 30 the unequal lateral force and aligning moment. Therefore, the
tire lag effect and the lateral load transfer are shown to be
important factors of the transient tire dynamics, and are well SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS
captured by the model developed here.
The 3D semi-empirical on-road transient tire model was
From Figures 13 and 14, the camber effects on the lateral developed by including the effects of vertical load, velocity,
force and aligning moment in transient maneuver. The larger longitudinal and lateral load transfers, camber angle, and tire
the camber angle is, the larger the camber effect is on the lag using analytical methods and experimental data. The
lateral response. The camber thrust influenced the lateral transient maneuver simulations were performed for two
force, which increased when turning right and decreased transient case studies: accelerating/braking and lane change
when turning left (with positive camber angle). maneuver to illustrate the transient behavior of the tire and to
compare the transient model with the steady-state and 2D
transient tire models previously developed at AVDL. The (e.g., temperature and tread design) which will improve the
results presented show that the transient tire model captures accuracy of the model.
the transient behavior of the tire well. The 3D semi-empirical
on-road transient tire model gives more realistic results REFERENCES
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Width of the belt ring [m]
Anake Umsrithong
PhD Candidate
Mechanical Engineering Department ρ
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Mass of the tread per unit area [kg/m2]
Blacksburg, VA 24061
[email protected]
Telephone: (607) 262-0646
Unloaded radius of tire [m]
Corina Sandu
Associate professor, PhD. Rl
Mechanical Engineering Department Loaded radius of tire [m]
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061
[email protected] Ra
Telephone: (540) 231-7467 Radius of the belt ring [m]
Radius of the tread surface [m]
This work has been partially supported by NSF through the
NSF GOALI award CMMI-0700278 and by NASA Langley
through the VIPER award. δ
Total deflection of the tire structure [m]
s Forward velocity [m/s]
Longitudinal slip ratio
Sc Longitudinal force [N]
Effective longitudinal slip ratio
as Lateral force [N]
Empirical constant of Eq. (1)
α Vertical force [N]
Slip angle at the wheel center [rad]
αc Aligning moment [N.m]
Slip angle at the tire contact patch [rad]
γ ϕ
Camber angle [rad] Twisting angle about x axis [rad]
β F
Tapered angle of the trapezoidal contact area [rad] Transverse shearing force [N]
Kr Min
Radial spring constant of the sidewall [N/m2] In-plane bending moment [N.m]
Kt T
Twisting torque about x axis of the contact-free belt
Tangential spring constant of the sidewall [N/m2]
Spring constant per unit area of the tread rubber [N/
m2] Axial force and its increment in the belt [N/m]
Cr w* (x, y)
Coefficient of radial viscosity of the sidewall [N.s/m2] Total deflection of the contact belt [m]
Coefficient of tangential viscosity of the sidewall [N.s/ Additional deflection of the contact belt [m]
w0 (x, y)
Cm Standard flat deflection of contact belt [m]
Coefficient of viscosity of the tread rubber [N.s/m2]
αi(i = 1 ∼ 5)
Constant coefficients in Eq. (10)
κi (i = 1 ∼ 4)
Radial coefficient of viscosity of one face sidewall in Constant coefficients in Eq. (13)
the contact region [N.s/m2]
βi (i = 1 ∼ 3)
v Constant coefficients in Eq. (15)
Displacement in the tangential direction [m]
Ci(i = 1 ∼ 6)
w Integral constants in Eq. (10)
Displacement in the inward normal direction [m]
Bi(i = l ∼ 3)
u Integral constants in Eq. (15)
Displacement in the lateral direction [m]
θ Cz1, Cz2
Angular coordinate in the counter clockwise direction Stiffness shape adjustment factors
starting from the bottom of the belt [rad]
θ0, θ1, θ2 Longitudinal force per unit length of the
Half central angle at crown center, front edge, and rear circumference [N/m]
edge, respectively [rad]
Wf Lateral force per unit length of the circumference [N/
Vertical load at the front wheel [N] m]
Wr Kb
Vertical load at the rear wheel [N] Combined stiffness of the tread belt and the sidewall
Mass of vehicle [kg] kx, ky
Stiffness per unit length for the tread elements in x and
l y directions [N/m2]
Wheel base [m]
h Tire longitudinal stiffness [N/%slip]
Height of center of gravity of vehicle [m]
Tire cornering stiffness [N/rad]
Track width of vehicle [m]
μsx, μsy
Sliding coefficient of friction in longitudinal direction
Distance from front wheel to center of gravity of
and in lateral direction, respectively
vehicle [m]
Sliding coefficient of friction in lateral direction
Distance from rear wheel to center of gravity of
vehicle [m]
μpx, μpy
lp Peak coefficient of friction in longitudinal direction
and in lateral direction, respectively
Length of the contact patch [m]
Camber inclination stiffness [N/rad]
Length of the adhesion region [m]
Cmxγ, Cmxα
Empirical shape factors in Eq. (48)
Tire vertical stiffness [N/m]
Dy, Dz
Bending stiffness of belt about y and z axes,
respectively [N.m2]
Shear modulus of rubber [N/m2]
Thickness of the tread [m]
ax, ay
Acceleration in longitudinal and lateral directions,
respectively [m/s2]
Pz (x, y)
Contact pressure distribution [N/m2]
Camber thrust [N]