Abutment & Foundation Design - BR No-414
Abutment & Foundation Design - BR No-414
Abutment & Foundation Design - BR No-414
The system consists of a solid rectangular abutment with monolithic dirt wall, square return wall and solid
abutment cap. The top dimensions of the abutment cap are fixed so as to fit in the details of PSC Slab
For the design of the abutment and its different components generally the provisions of IRS(Indian Railway
Standards) Codes have been followed. Followings are the main references.
Seismic Zone = V
Z = 0.36 Z/2R = 0.06
Importance Factor (I) = 1.5 Sa/g = 2.5
R = 3
4.1 Span 1
1.065 m
GL 38.029 m
T.O.Pc 39.565 m
38.065 m 1.5 m
2.0175 m
5.1 m
7.85 m 8.7 m
2.0175 m
1.065 m
Anticlockwise Moments are taken as positive
+ -
6.1 Dead Load from Superstructure PSC Slab (Refer Drawing No. RDSO/B-10274)
Load for DL = 50.57 T
Weight of superstructure (Span) = 50.57 T
Reaction on Abutment = 25.285 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Abutment, e L1 = 0.271 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, e L2 = 0.271 m
Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of Abutment = 25.285 x 0.271 = 6.852 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of Pile cap = 25.285 x 0.271 = 6.852 T-m
The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0m
Transverse Moment due to DL = 25.285 x 0 = 0 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Abutment = 23.286 x 0.271 = 6.311 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Pile cap = 23.286 x 0.271 = 6.311 T-m
The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0m
Transverse Moment due to SIDL = 23.286 x 0 = 0 T-m
1.065 m 0.4 m
C/L of bearing
C/L of abutment
1.065 m
Total Dead Load from Abutment Cap, dirt wall and seismic restrainer blocks
= 6.518 + 8.36 + 5.731 = 20.609 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Abutment due to above Dead Load
= 6.518 x -0.271 + 8.36 x 0+5.731x0.271 = -0.210 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Pile Cap due to above Dead Load
= 6.518 x -0.271 + 8.36 x 0+5.731x0.271 = -0.210 T-m
1.065 m
7.85 m
8.7 m
Traffic Direction
Moment Calculation
[a] When single track at edge loaded (Type A)
Moment about Base of Abutment = 16.66 x 2.6 = 43.316 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 16.66 x 4.1 = 68.306 T-m
(Please Refer Cl:5.6.2 of IRS:Bridge & Substructure Code & Cl:2.7 of IRS:Bridge Rule)
φ = 30 ° = 0.524 radians
i = 0 ° = 0.000 radians
δ = 10.00 ° = 0.175 radians
α = 0 ° = 0.000 radians
γ = 1.8 T per cum
Ka = Cos2(φ-α)/[Cos2αCos(α+δ)[1+√((Sin(φ+δ)Sin(φ-i))/(Cos(α+δ)Cos(α-i)))]2]
Ka = 0.308
3.235 m
4.735 3.235 P1
at pile cap
P1 = 3.807 T/m
acting at = 2.3675 m
P2 = 3.004 T/m
acting at = 3.157 m
Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block )
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 42.165 + 0 - 39.565 = 2.600 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 42.165 + 0 - 38.065 = 4.100 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 5.239 x 2.6 = 13.621 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 5.239 x 4.1 = 21.480 T-m
1.065 m
7.850 m
Abutment wall can be treated as cantilever slab where the ultimate Axial load is less than 0.1 fck Ac. And shall be designed
in accordance with cl: of IRS:Concrete Bridge Code.
Provide 25 mm dia @ 100 mm spacing c/c in Layer I . Total area = 4909 mm2
Provide 0 mm dia @ 100 mm spacing c/c in Layer II Total area = 0 mm2
Secondary Reinforcement:
Provide 16 mm dia @ 125 mm spacing c/c as transverse reinf. Total area= 1608 mm2
Hence OK
For, v< = S x ζc, Asv>= 0.4 x b x sv /0.87 fyv here, fyv should not be more than
For, v > S x ζc, Asv>= b x sv x ( v + 0.4 - S x ζc)/0.87 x fyv 500 N/mm2
M= 19.019 t-m/m
0.4x Fck x dc x b =0.87 xFy x Ast provided
dc = 152.522 mm
M= σ x Ast x (d-0.5xdc)
σsteel = 43.769 Mpa < allowable stress = (375 Mpa)
Hence ok
Total force = 214.85 kN/m
M= 31.638 t-m/m
So, 0.4x Fck x dc x b =0.87 xFy x Ast provided
dc = 152.522 mm
M= σ x Ast x (d-0.5xdc)
σsteel = 72.808 Mpa < allowable stress = (562.5 Mpa)
Hence ok
Total force = 357.40 kN/m
hence ok