PSC I Girder Design by IRC Code (New)

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Structural Design of PSC I Girder Bridge - IRC 112

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

1.0 Structural Design of PSC I Girder Bridge

1.1 Basis:

Basic design criteria have been prepared with a view to satisfy all the relevant technical requirements specified in the contract.

1.2 Structure Description:

The Bridge consists of 3 span PSC I girder bridge 72 m ,72m and 62 m c/c over RCC Pier with cantilever pier caps & abutments.

1.3 Material:

a) Grades of concrete are as follows:

i) Foundation =M35
ii) Substructure =M35
iii) Superstructure Deck = M40
iv) Pedestal, crash barrier =M40
b) Grade of Reinforcement = Fe 500
c) Grade of Structural Steel = #NAME?

1.4 Loads:

a) Unit Weight of Materials:

i) Unit weight of PSC super structure = 25 kN/m3

ii) Unit weight of RCC substructure & foundation = 25 kN/m3
iii) Unit weight of Wearing course = 22 kN/m3
iv) Unit weight of Earth = 19 kN/m3

b) Dead Load (DL):

Self weight of Steel composite girder have been considered for design of superstructure. In addition of self weight of superstructure,
self weight of substructure & foundation have also been considered in design of substructure & foundation respectively.

c)Super Imposed Dead Load (SIDL):

Weight of wearing course, crash barriers have been calculated.

d) Live Load (LL):

As per IRC : 6 :2014, Live loads on two lane carriageway superstructure are as follows:
i) 1 Lane of Class A +One lane of 70R tracked
or ii) 1 Lane of Class A +One lane of 70R wheeled
or iii)Three lane class-A , whichever governs
iv) Single lane of 70R Tracked
Special vehicle SPV as per IRC guidelines

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By: SLS Sheet No.

e) Impact (IL):

Impact factor of live load has been calculated as per IRC: 6-2014

f) Centrifugal Force (CF)

The centrifugal forces shall be determined from the following equation:

C = WV2/(127R)
C = Centrifugal force acting normal to the traffic.
W= Live Load
V = Design Speed (km/hr)
R = Radius of Curvature (meters)

g) Earth Pressure (EP) :

Value of f for backfill= 30 deg

Value of d of backfill= 20 deg
Active earth pressure Co-efficient shall be calculated as per Coulomb’s formula.

h) Braking Force (BF)

Braking has been calculated as per IRC: 6-2014

Braking force = 0.20 x First vehicle + 0.1 x Succeeding Vehicles for Two lane Carriageway
+ 0.05 x Vehicles on each excess lane Carriageway

i) Seismic Load (EQ)

Earthquake Loads has been calculated as per IS:1893 and IRC: 6-2014. Project is located in earthquake
zone IV. Horizontal seismic forces has been computed as per clause no. 219.2 of IRC : 6-2014 for zone IV .
z = zone factor = For Zone IV = 0.24 I = Importance factor = 1.20
R = Response Reduction factor = 2.50 Sa/g = 2.50

j) Wind Load (WL)

Wind Loads shall be calculated as per clause 209 of IRC: 6-2014.

k) Water current force (Fwc)

Water current force is calculated as per clause no. 210 of IRC:6-2014 based on design hydrology for
the particular bridge.

l) Buoyancy (Gb)

Buoyancy is calculated as per clause no. 213 of IRC:6-2014 for water at HFL.
At HFL condition, earth pressure shall be reduced due to submerged unit wt of earth, dead load
of sub-structure & foundation.

m) Load Combination (LC)

As per Annex B of IRC:6-2014, the following load combination shall be considered for design

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Load Combination - Ultimate limit state

1) Dead load +SIDL+Live load

2) Dead load +SIDL+ wind load (unloaded structure)
3) Dead load +SIDL+Live load(lead) + wind load (accompany) (loaded structure)
4) Dead load +SIDL+Live load(accompany) + wind load(lead) (loaded structure)
5) Dead load +SIDL+construction Live load(leading) + wind load(accompany)

Load Case DL SIDL Live load Wind load

1 1.35 1.75 1.5
2 (a) 1.35 1.75 1.5
2 (b) 1 1 1.5
3 (a) 1.35 1.75 1.5 0.9
3 (b) 1 1 1.5 0.9
4 (a) 1.35 1.75 1.15 1.5
4 (b) 1 1 1.15 1.5
5 (a) 1.35 1.75 1.35 0.9
5 (b) 1 1 1.35 0.9

Load Combination for Rare Combination (SL1)

1) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress

2) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+ wind load(lead) (unloaded structure)
3) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(lead)+wind load (accompany)
4) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(accompany)+wind load (lead)
5) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(lead)+Temperature(accompany)
6) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(accompany)+Temperature(lead)

Load Case DL SIDL Prestress Live load Wind load Temperature

1(a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9
1(b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9
2 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 1
2 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 1
3 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 1 0.6
3 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 1 0.6
4 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 0.75 1
4 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 0.75 1
5 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 1 0.6
5 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 1 0.6
6 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 0.75 1
6 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 0.75 1

Load Combination for frequent Combination (SL2) - for prestressing member

1) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress

2) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+ wind load(lead) (unloaded structure)
3) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(lead)+wind load (accompany)
4) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(accompany)+wind load (lead)
5) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(lead)+Temperature(accompany)
6) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(accompany)+Temperature(lead)

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Load Case DL SIDL Prestress Live load Wind load Temperature

1(a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9
1(b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9
2 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 0.6
2 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 0.6
3 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 0.75 0.5
3 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 0.75 0.5
4 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 0.2 0.6
4 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 0.2 0.6
5 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 0.75 0.5
5 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 0.75 0.5
6 (a) 1 1.2 1.1 or 0.9 0.2 0.6
6 (b) 1 1 1.1 or 0.9 0.2 0.6

Load Combination for Quasi-permanent (SL3) - for RCC structure

1) Dead load +SIDL

2) Dead load +SIDL+Temperature (lead)

Load Case DL SIDL Live load Wind load
1 1 1.2
2 (a) 1 1.2 0.5
2 (b) 1 1 0.5

1.5 Arrangement:

The total length of Bridge is 206 m (2x72 m+1x62 m ). PSC I girders over RCC piers/abutments and cantilever pier caps on RCC pile
foundation. For three lane bridge with footpath, total width of carriageway is 13 m and total width of deck slab is 16 m. POT-PTFE
bearing and metalic guide bearing has been proposed to protect the superstructure from live load breaking, centrifugal force and

1.6 Analysis:

All analysis and design has been carried out using MIDAS Civil software.
SIDL, Live load have been done by MIDAS software Calculation of deflection has been done
by software. Forces & moment and design of abutment & its foundations have
been done by excel spreadsheet.

1.7 Construction Methodology:


For abutment and pier location, Pile foundation shall be provided.


RCC cast-in-situ pier and abutment shall be cast over pile cap. The pedestal and seismic restrainer shall be cast over pier cap .Pot cun
PTFE shall be placed over pedestal before erection of girder.

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All PSC I beams shall be erected at bearing level by launcing nose a.

1.8 Reference codes & books:

1) IRC: 5-1998
2) IRC: 6-2014
3) IRC: 22-2008
4) IRC: 78-2014
5) IRC: 112-2012
6) IRC: 24-2010

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

2.0 General Design Inputs

A Details of Span

Centre to centre distance of pier = 30.00 m

Distance between c/l of bearing end of girder = 0.50 m
Distance between c/l of bearing and c/l of expansion joint = 0.85 m
Effective Span of Girder =
Centre to centre distance of pier - 2 * Distance between c/l of bearing and c/l of expansion joint

= -2*
= 28.30 m

B Details of Cross Section

Width of carriage way = 9.00 m

Width of Footpath = 1.50 m
Width of crash barrier = 0.50 m
Width of Railing = 0.50 m
Total Deck width = Width of carriage way + Width of Footpath + 2 * Width of crash barrier + Width of Railing
= ++2*+
= 12.00 m
Number of Longitudinal girder = 4.00 Nos
Thickness of Deck Slab = 0.25 m
Thickness of haunch = 0.10 m

C Spacing of main girders .cross girders

Spacing of longitudinal girder = 3.00 m

Average cantilever length in transverse direction = (Total Deck width - (Number of Longitudinal girder - 1) * Spacing
of longitudinal girder) / 2
= (+-(-1)*)/2
= 1.50 m
No of cross girder = 11.00 Nos
Spacing of cross girder = Effective Span of Girder / (No of cross girder - 1)
= +/(-1)
= 2.83 m

H Density of structural Member

Density of RCC = 25.00 kN/m3

Density of wearing coat = 22.00 kN/m3
Density of Steel = 78.50 kN/m3
Thickness of wearing coat considering future overlay = 0.10 m
Depth of Neutral Axis = Cxx = 5.00 cm
Radius of Gyration along x-x = rxx = 5.07 cm
Radius of Gyration along y-y = ryy = 3.51 cm

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By: SLS Sheet No.

I Material Data

Grade of Concrete of Deck Slab = M40

Grade of HYSD bar =Fe 500
Creep factor for long term loading [Cl.604.2.4 of IRC 222-2008] = 0.50
Short term Elastic Modulus of concrete [Cl 303.1 of IRC 21-2008] Ecs = 5270*(fck)^0.5
= 5270*()^0.5
= 33330.41 N/mm2
Long term Elastic Modulus of concrete [Ecl = 0.5Ecs] = /2
= 16665.20 N/mm2
Elastic Modulus of Steel Es [Cl 502.2.2.1 of IRC 24-2010] = 200000 N/mm2

K Concrete Details (IRC: 112-2011)

Grade of Concrete = M40 (Girder)

Modulus of Elasticity, Ecm = fck^0.5 * 33346 / (fck of deck slab)^0.5
= ^0.5*33346/()^0.5
= 33346 Mpa
Lower Fractile tension, fctm = 2.12 Mpa
Material Safety factor, ym = 1.5
Unit weight of concrete = 25 kN/m3
Mean concrete strength, fcm = 50 Mpa
Mean Tensile Strength, fctm = 3.03 Mpa
Upper Fractile tensile, fctm 95 = 3.94 Mpa
Design concrete strength, fcd = 17.87 Mpa
Coefficient of thermal expansion = 0.000012
Permissible compressive stress at rare combination of load = 19.2 Mpa
Permissible Tensile stress at rare combination of load =
Permissible compressive stress at rare combination of load * 0.75
= +*0.75
= 14.4 Mpa

L Others

Type of Bearing = Pot Cum PTFE

Seismic Zone = Zone IV
Seismic Horizontal Coefficient= 0.12
Seismic Vertical Coefficient = 0.08
Compressive stress is represented by +ve sign
Tensile stress is represented by -Ve sign

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By: SLS Sheet No.

M Sketches

0.50 9.000 0.50 1.500 0.500

65 thk w/c


2.750 G1 G2 G3 G4

1.500 3.000 3.000 3.000 1.500

Section X-X

Center of

2.750 2.750

0.85 28.30
Section Y-Y

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Longitudinal girder

= 3.00


Cross Girder


0.850 28.30


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By: SLS Sheet No.

Details of prestressed girder = 30.00 m = L

Deck slab overhang over pier = 1.00 m

Girder overhang at either end = Distance between c/l of bearing end of girder = = 0.50 m
Note - Overhangs are measured from the centreline of bearing.
Radius of curvature R = 1E+15 m
Angle for span, q = 2 * sin (L / (2 * R))

= 2*ASIN(/(2*))
= 0.00 radian
Design velocity of vehicle = 60 kmph

N Cross-sectional details

Width of carriage way = 9.00 m

Width of footpath = 1.50 m
Width of railing = 0.50 m
Depth of Girder = 2.750 m
Overall depth of girder = Depth of Girder + Thickness of deck slab + Thickness of haunch
= ++
= 3.100 m
Number of longitudinal girder = 4 Nos.
Number of cross girder = 11 Nos.
Max Cant. span of deck slab = 1.500 m
Length of girder, LG1 = (R + 4.5) / R * L + Girder overhang at either end * 2
= (+4.5)/*+*2
= 31.000 m
Length of girder, LG2 = (R + 1.5) / R * L + Girder overhang at either end * 2
= (+1.5)/*+*2
= 31.000 m
Length of girder, LG3 = (R - 1.5) / R * L + Girder overhang at either end * 2
= (-1.5)/*+*2
= 31.000 m
Length of girder, LG4 = (R - 4.5) / R * L + Girder overhang at either end * 2
= (-4.5)/*+*2
= 31.000 m
Width of crash barrier = 0.50 m
Nos. of footpath = 1 Nos.
Thickness of deck slab = 0.250 m
Thickness of wearing coat 0.065 m
Spacing of longitudinal girder = 3.00 m
Min Cant. span of deck slab = 1.500 m
Average Deck Width = Spacing of longitudinal girder * (Number of longitudinal girder - 1) + Max Cant. span of deck slab + Min Cant.
span of deck slab
= *(-1)++
= 12.000 m
Avg Cant. span of deck slab = (Average Deck Width - Spacing of longitudinal girder * (Number of longitudinal girder - 1)) / 2

= (-*(-1))/2

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= 1.500 m

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O Cross sectional details of girders

Top width of precast girder = 1.25 m

Thickness of End cross girder = 0.60 m
Thickness of Inner cross girder = 0.30 m
Top haunch = 0.10 m
Bottom haunch = 0.10 m
Width of web of PSC girder (support) = 0.65 m
Width of web of PSC girder (span) = 0.30 m
Depth of web at mid span = 2.75 m
Depth of web at mid support = 2.75 m
Thickness of top flange = 0.40 m
Thickness of bottom flange = 0.40 m

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Grade of Concrete Deck Slab = M40
Grade of Girder = M40
Elastic modulus of Cocrete Ec = 33330.41 N/mm2
Elastic modulus of steel Es = 200000.00 N/mm2
Multiplication factor for composite action = Eslab / Egirder = 1.000

3.1 Sectional properties of Precast Longitudinal Girder : At Mid Span

3.000 m
1.450 m


1.375 1.250

Web opening = 0.000 2.750




1. Deck Slab 0.7500000 3.7750000 2.8312500 10.6879688 0.0039063 10.6918750
2. Triangular portion Deck 0.0100000 3.6166667 0.0361667 0.1308028 0.0000056 0.1308083
3. Rectangular Portion Deck 0.1250000 3.6000000 0.4500000 1.6200000 0.0001042 1.6201042
4. Top Flange 0.5000000 3.3500000 1.6750000 5.6112500 0.0066667 5.6179167
5. Web 0.8250000 1.7750000 1.4643750 2.5992656 0.5199219 3.1191875
Deduction for web Opening 0.0000000 1.7750000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
6. Bottom Flange 0.2600000 0.2000000 0.0520000 0.0104000 0.0034667 0.0138667
∑ ∑A ∑AY ∑AY2 ∑I0 ∑I0 +AY2
Composite Section 2.4700000 6.5087917 20.6596872 0.5340712 21.1937583
Girder only 1.5850000 3.1913750 8.2209156 0.5300552 8.7509708
A for deck slab = geometric area * Multiplication factor for composite action
I0 for deck slab = geometric moment of inertia * Multiplication factor for composite action
Composite Section = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + Deduction for web Opening
Girder only = 4 + 5 + 6 + Deduction for web Opening

Section properties of Composite Section

Area = ∑A = 2.470 m2
Distance of CG from Bottom Fibre (Y) = ∑AY/∑A
= /
= 2.635 m
Moment of Inertia = IZ = ∑I0 + AY2 - ∑A * Y2
= -*^2
= 4.042 m4
Torsional Constant = Ix = ∑1 / 3 * X * Y3

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= 8.14E-02 m4

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By: SLS Sheet No.

A. Section properties of Composite Section

A = 2.4700 m2
IZ = 4.0422 m4
Ix = 8.14E-02 m4
Yb = 2.6351 m
Zb = Iz / Yb = /
= 1.5339582 m3
Ytg = ++-
= 0.9149 m
Yts = +++-+
= 1.2649 m
Zts = Iz / Yts = /
= 3.1958 m3
Ztg = Iz / Ytg = /
= 4.4184 m3
Zpz = 0.0000 m3
Zpy = 0.0000 m3

0.400 1 1
0.100 2 2

D= 2.750 3

0.100 4 4
0.400 5 5
0.175 0.300

Flexural Stiffness about major axis:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Bottom (d'i)

(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)

1 0.475 0.400 2 0.380 2.550000 0.969000 2.470950 0.005067 2.476017
2 0.475 0.100 2 0.048 2.316667 0.110042 0.254930 0.000026 0.254956
3 0.300 2.750 1 0.825 1.375000 1.134375 1.559766 0.519922 2.079688
4 0.175 0.100 2 0.018 0.433333 0.007583 0.003286 0.000010 0.003296
5 0.175 0.400 2 0.140 0.200000 0.028000 0.005600 0.001867 0.007467

Total A = 1.410 m2
Total Axd'i = 2.249 m3
Total ICG(i)+ A(d'i )2 = 4.821 m4
Total A = 1.4100 m2
Total CG from bottom CG = Total A / Total A x d'i
= /
= 1.595 m

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Total Moment of Inertia about CG = Total ICG(i) + A ( d'i )2 - Total A x CG^2

= -*^2
= 1.234 m4 = I

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Z Top = I / (D - CG)
= /(-)
= 1.069 m3
Zbottom= I / CG
= 0.774 m3
Perimeter in contact with air u = +SQRT(^2+^2)*2+(--)*2+SQRT(^2+^2)*2+
= 8.374 m

3.2 Sectional properties of Precast Longitudinal Girder : At Support

(Precast Girder only)

0.400 1 1
0.063 2 2

D = 2.750 3


Flexural Stiffness about major axis:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Bottom (d'i)

(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)

1 0.3000 0.400 2 0.2400 2.550 0.61200 1.56060 0.003200 1.56380
2 0.3000 0.063 2 0.0189 2.329 0.04413 0.10277 0.000004 0.10277
3 0.650 2.750 1 1.7875 1.375 2.45781 3.37949 1.126497 4.50599

Total A = 2.046 m2
Total Axd'i = 3.114 m3
Total ICG(i)+ A(d'i )2 = 6.173 m4
Total A = 2.046 m2
Total CG from bottom CG = Total A / Total A x d'i
= /
= 1.522 m
Total Moment of Inertia about CG = Total ICG(i) + A ( d'i )2 - Total A x CG^2
= -*^2
= 1.434 m4 = I
Z Top = I / (D - CG)
= /(-)
= 1.168 m3
Zbottom= I / CG
= 0.943 m3

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Calculation of Sectional properties of main girder & cross girder for STAAD Analysis

3.3. Sectional properties of Composite Precast Girder & Deck Slab : At Mid Span

As per cl. No. of IRC 112-2011, the width of compression flange of beams with solid webs

beff = ∑ beff,i + bw for T-Beam

beff,i = 0.2bi + 0.1l0

bw = Width of web = 0.30 m

lo = effective span = 30.00 m
bi = Spacing of girder = 3m
be = MIN(0.2 * bi + 0.1 * lo + bw, bi)
= MIN(0.2*+0.1*+,)
= 3.000 m for T-Beam
= 3.000 m for L-Beam
1 0.250 =d
0.400 2 2
0.100 3 3

D = 2.750 Z 4 Z

0.100 5 5
0.400 6 6
0.175 0.300

Flexural Stiffness about major axis X-X:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I xx(i) Ixx(i)+A(d'i)2
Bottom (d'i)

(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)

1 3.000 0.250 1 0.7500 2.875 2.15625 6.19922 0.003906 6.20313
2 0.475 0.400 2 0.3800 2.550 0.96900 2.47095 0.005067 2.47602
3 0.475 0.100 2 0.0475 2.317 0.11004 0.25493 0.000026 0.25496
4 0.300 2.750 1 0.8250 1.375 1.13438 1.55977 0.519922 2.07969
5 0.175 0.100 2 0.0175 0.433 0.00758 0.00329 0.000010 0.00330
6 0.175 0.400 2 0.1400 0.200 0.02800 0.00560 0.001867 0.00747

Total A = 2.160 m2
Total Axd'i = 4.405 m3
Total ICG(i)+ A(d'i )2 = 11.0245 m4
Total A = 2.160 m2
Total CG from bottom CG = Total A / Total A x d'i
= /
= 2.039 m

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Total Moment of Inertia about CG = Total ICG(i) + A ( d'i )2 - Total A x CG^2

= -*^2
= 2.040 m4 = I

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Z Top of slab = I / (D + d - CG)

= /(+-)
= 2.124 m3
Z bot of slab = I / (D - CG)
= /(-)
= 2.871 m3
Z bottom of beam = I / CG
= /
= 1.000 m3
Perimeter in contact with air u = *2-+*2+SQRT(^2+^2)*2+(--)*2+SQRT(^2+^2)*2+
= 12.374 m
Flexural Stiffness about major axis Y-Y:
CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Centre (d'i)
(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)
1 0.250 3.000 1 0.7500 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.562500 0.56250
2 0.400 0.475 2 0.3800 0.388 0.00000 0.05706 0.007145 0.06420
3 0.100 0.475 2 0.0475 0.308 0.00000 0.00452 0.000595 0.00511
4 2.750 0.300 1 0.8250 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.006188 0.00619
5 0.100 0.175 2 0.0175 0.208 0.00000 0.00076 0.000030 0.00079
6 0.400 0.175 2 0.1400 0.238 0.00000 0.00790 0.000357 0.00825

Total Area = 2.160 m2

Total Axd'i = 0.000 m3
Total I = 0.647 m4
Total Moment of Inertia about CG = 0.647 m4
Torsional Stiffness : 3.000
d b J0 = kb d
3 0.250
Id. No. d/b k 2
(m) (m) (m4) 1.155 0.500
1 3.0000 0.2500 12.000 0.333 0.01561
2 1.1550 0.5000 2.310 0.251 0.03618 0.300 3 1.750
3 1.7500 0.3000 5.833 0.314 0.01484
4 0.6150 0.5000 1.230 0.169 0.01299
Total torsional stiffness = 0.07962 m4 0.500
k= 0.333 for deck slab
0.263 + (0.281 - 0.263) / 1 * ((d / b) - 3) for top flange
0.263 + (0.281 - 0.263) / 1 * ((d / b) - 3) for web
0.166 + (0.196 - 0.166) / 0.3 * ((d / b) - 1.2) for bottom flange
3.4. Sectional properties of Composite Precast Girder & Deck Slab : At Support
1 0.250
0.400 2 2
0.063 3 3

D = 2.750 X 4 X

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Flexural Stiffness about major axis X-X:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Bottom (d'i)

(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)

1 3.000 0.250 1 0.7500 2.8750 2.15625 6.19922 0.003906 6.20313
2 0.300 0.400 2 0.2400 2.550 0.61200 1.56060 0.003200 1.56380
3 0.300 0.063 2 0.0189 2.329 0.04413 0.10277 0.000004 0.10277
4 0.650 2.750 1 1.7875 1.375 2.45781 3.37949 1.126497 4.50599

Total A = 2.796 m2
Total Axd'i = 5.270 m3
Total ICG(i)+ A(d'i )2 = 12.3757 m4
Total A = 2.796 m2
Total CG from bottom CG = Total A / Total A x d'i
= /
= 1.885 m
Total Moment of Inertia about CG = Total ICG(i) + A ( d'i )2 - Total A x CG^2
= -*^2
= 2.443 m4 = I
Z Top of slab = I / (D + d - CG)
= /(+-)
= 2.191 m3
Z Top of girder = I / (D - CG)
= /(-)
= 2.824 m3
Z bottom of girder = I / CG
= /
= 1.297 m3

Flexural Stiffness about major axis Y-Y:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Centre (d'i)
(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)
1 0.250 3.000 1 0.7500 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.562500 0.56250
2 0.400 0.300 2 0.2400 0.475 0.00000 0.05415 0.001800 0.05595
3 0.063 0.300 2 0.0189 0.750 0.00000 0.01066 0.000095 0.01075
4 2.750 0.650 1 1.7875 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.062935 0.06293

Total Area = 2.796 m2

Total Axd'i = 0.000 m3
Total I = 0.692 m4
Total Moment of Inertia about CG = 0.692 m4

Torsional Stiffness : 3.000

d b J0 = kb d
3 1 0.250
Id. No. d/b k
(m) (m) (m4) 1.209 2 0.463
1 3.0000 0.2500 12.000 0.333 0.01561
2 1.2091 0.4632 2.611 0.267 0.03209 3
3 2.2868 0.6500 3.518 0.286 0.17940 0.650

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Total torsional stiffness = 0.22710 m4

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3.5. Sectional properties of Composite Precast Girder & Deck Slab : At flared Portion

1 0.250
0.400 2 2
0.082 3 3

D = 2.750 X 4 X

0.050 5 5
0.400 6 6
0.088 0.475

Flexural Stiffness about major axis X-X:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Bottom (d'i)

(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)

1 3.000 0.250 1 0.7500 2.875 2.15625 6.19922 0.003906 6.20313
2 0.388 0.400 2 0.3100 2.550 0.79050 2.01578 0.004133 2.01991
3 0.388 0.082 2 0.0316 2.323 0.07343 0.17056 0.000012 0.17057
4 0.475 2.750 1 1.3063 1.375 1.79609 2.46963 0.823210 3.29284
5 0.088 0.050 2 0.0044 0.417 0.00182 0.00076 0.000001 0.00076
6 0.088 0.400 2 0.0700 0.200 0.01400 0.00280 0.000933 0.00373

Total Area = 2.472 m2

Total Axd'i = 4.832 m3
Total CG from bottom = Total Axd'i / Total Area
= /
= 1.955 m
Total I = 11.691 m4

Total Moment of Inertia about CG = Total I - Total Area * Total CG from bottom^2
= -*^2
= 2.246 m4

Flexural Stiffness about major axis Y-Y:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Centre (d'i)
(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)
1 0.250 3.000 1 0.7500 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.562500 0.56250
2 0.400 0.388 2 0.3100 0.431 0.00000 0.05765 0.003879 0.06153
3 0.082 0.388 2 0.0316 0.367 0.00000 0.00425 0.000264 0.00451
4 2.750 0.475 1 1.3063 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.024560 0.02456
5 0.050 0.088 2 0.0044 0.267 0.00000 0.00031 0.000002 0.00031
6 0.400 0.088 2 0.0700 0.281 0.00000 0.00554 0.000045 0.00558

Total Area = 2.472 m2

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Total Axd'i = 0.000 m3

Total I = 0.659 m4
Total Moment of Inertia about CG = 0.659 m4

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Torsional Stiffness : 3.000

d b J0 = kb d
3 0.250
Id. No. d/b k 2
(m) (m) (m4) 1.184 0.482
1 3.0000 0.2500 12.000 0.333 0.01561
2 1.1844 0.4816 2.459 0.266 0.03513 3 1.818
3 1.8184 0.4750 3.828 0.286 0.05577 0.475
4 0.6403 0.4500 1.423 0.191 0.01114
Total torsional stiffness = 0.11765 m4 0.450
3.6. Sectional Properties of intermeaiate Cross Girder Member

1 0.250

2 2.350

Flexural Stiffness about major axis X-X:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Bottom (d'i)

(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)

1 1.875 0.250 1 0.4688 2.475 1.16016 2.87139 0.002441 2.87383
2 0.300 2.350 1 0.7050 1.175 0.82838 0.97334 0.324447 1.29779

Total Area = 1.174 m2

Total Axd'i = 1.989 m3
Total CG from bottom = Total Axd'i / Total Area
= /
= 1.694 m
Total I = 4.172 m4

Total Moment of Inertia about CG = Total I - Total Area * Total CG from bottom^2
= -*^2
= 0.803 m4

Flexural Stiffness about major axis Y-Y:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Centre (d'i)
(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)
1 0.250 1.875 1 0.4688 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.137329 0.13733
2 2.350 0.300 1 0.7050 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.005288 0.00529

Total Area = 1.174 m2

Total Axd'i = 0.000 m3
Total I = 0.143 m4
Total Moment of Inertia about CG = 0.143 m4

Torsional Stiffness :
d b J0 = kb3d
Id. No. d/b k

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Id. No. d/b k
(m) (m) (m4)
1 1.8750 0.2500 7.500 0.302 0.00883
2 2.3500 0.3000 7.833 0.303 0.01922
Total torsional stiffness = 0.02805 m4

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3.7. Sectional properties of End Cross girder Member

1 0.250

2 2.350

Flexural Stiffness about major axis X-X:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Bottom (d'i)

(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)

1 1.438 0.250 1 0.3594 2.475 0.88945 2.20140 0.001872 2.20327
2 0.600 2.350 1 1.4100 1.175 1.65675 1.94668 0.648894 2.59558

Total Area = 1.769 m2

Total Axd'i = 2.546 m3
Total CG from bottom = Total Axd'i / Total Area
= /
= 1.439 m
Total I = 4.799 m4
Total Moment of Inertia about CG = Total I - Total Area * Total CG from bottom^2
= -*^2
= 1.135 m4

Flexural Stiffness about major axis Y-Y:

CG from
Id. No. bi di N A A x d'i A x ( d'i )2 I CG(i) ICG(i)+A(d'i)2
Centre (d'i)
(m) (m) (Nos.) (m2) (m) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4)
1 0.250 1.438 1 0.3594 0.319 0.11455 0.03651 0.061885 0.09840
2 2.350 0.600 1 1.4100 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.042300 0.04230

Total Area = 1.769 m2

Total Axd'i = 0.115 m3
Total CG from bottom = Total Axd'i / Total Area
= /
= 0.065 m
Total I = 0.141 m4
Total Moment of Inertia about CG = Total I - Total Area * Total CG from bottom^2
= -*^2
= 0.133 m4

Torsional Stiffness :
d b J0 = kb3d
Id. No. d/b k
(m) (m) (m4)
1 1.4375 0.2500 5.750 0.294 0.00661
2 2.3500 0.6000 3.917 0.289 0.14653
Total torsional stiffness = 0.15313 m4

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3.8. Summary of sectional properties of Girders

Composite Inner Precast Girder & Deck Slab Longitudinal girder End Cross Central Cross
Desription Unit At span At support At Flared Girder Girder
Cross-sectional area m2 2.1600 2.7964 2.4722 1.7694 1.1738
Moment of inertia about major axis X-X m4 2.0402 2.4435 2.2464 1.1348 0.8027
Moment of inertia about major axis Y-Y m4 0.6470 0.6921 0.6590 0.1333 0.1426
Torsional stiffness m4 0.0796 0.2271 0.1177 0.1531 0.0281

Torsional Moment of Inertia = J0 = 3 x b3 x d3 / {10 x (b2 + d2)} (if b>5d<10d)

Where, k = 3/{10x(1+(b/d)2)}
b = Shorter Side
d = Longer Side
J0 = kb3d
According to Timoshenko and Goodier"s Table k =

d/b k
1.00 0.141
1.20 0.166
1.50 0.196
2.00 0.229
2.25 0.240
2.50 0.249
3.00 0.263
4.00 0.281
5.00 0.291
10.00 0.312
>10.00 0.333

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Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

4.1 Computation of Stresses due to Rise in Temperature

At Mid Span Unit

Total Height of the girder = h= 2.750 m

Distance of short term N.A from top of deck = Yts = 0.115 m
M.O.I of the section = I= 4.042 m4
Area of the Section = A= 2.470 m2
Short term Elastic modulus of concrete = Ecs = 3.33E+07 kN/m2
Coefficient of Themal Expansion of Concrete = α= 1.17E-05 ---
Short term section modulus at the top of slab = Zts = 3.196 m3
Short term section modulus at the top of girder = Ztg = 4.418 m3
Short term section modulus at the bottom of girder = Zb = 1.534 m3


1 0.150 h1 = 0.150 m
4.00 h2 = 0.250 m
2 h3 = 0.150 m
2.40 0.100
0.80 0.100
4 T1 = 17.80 0C
0.00 0.050 T2 = 4.00 0C
T3 = 2.10 0C

6 2.10
(As per Fig No 10(b) of IRC :6-2014)
At Mid Span

h b E t Force Y form Top e Moment
Segment Temp
m m kN/m2 C
0 0
C kN m m kNm
1 0.150 3.000 3.33E+07 17.80 10.9 1912.782 0.059 0.056 106.518
2 0.100 3.000 3.33E+07 4.00 3.2 374.367 0.196 -0.081 -30.313
3 0.100 1.350 3.33E+07 2.40 1.6 84.233 0.292 -0.177 -14.893
4 0.050 1.250 3.33E+07 0.80 0.4 9.749 0.367 -0.252 -2.455
5 0.000 0.300 3.33E+07 0.00 1.1 0.000 0.400 -0.285 0.000
6 0.150 0.650 3.33E+07 2.10 1.1 39.923 2.700 -2.585 -103.206
Force = h * b * E * Average Temp * α Total = 2421.054 Total = -44.349
e = Yts - Y form Top
Moment = Force * e

Assuming End Stress Due to Release of Stress Due to Release of
Restrained Axial Force Moment
Section Stress
EαT -P/A -M/Z σ
kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2

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At Top Deck Slab 6941.39 -980.18 13.88 5975.08

At Mid At Top of Girder 311.97 -980.18 10.04 -658.17
At Bottom of Girder 818.93 -980.18 -28.91 -190.17

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Assuming End Restrained, EαT = Modulus of Elasticity of Steel * Coefficient of Themal Expansion of Concrete * Temperature
Stress Due to Release of Axial Force = Total Force / Area of the section
Stress Due to Release of Moment = Total Moment / Short term section modulus
Final Concrete Stress = Assuming End Restrained + Stress Due to Release of Axial Force + Stress Due to Release of Moment

4.2 Computation of Stresses due to Fall in Temperature

0.250 h1 = 0.250 m
0.7 h2 = 0.250 m
2 0.7 0.000 h3 = 0.250 m
3 0.42 0.100 h4 = 0.250 m

T1 = 10.6 0C
T2 = 0.7 0C
T3 = 0.8 0C
T4 = 6.6 0C
5 0.100

6 0.150
7 0.8 0.250


(As per Fig No 10(b) of IRC :6-2014)

At Mid Span

h b E t Force Y form Top e Moment
Segment Temp
m m kN/m2 0
C 0
C kN m m kNm
1 0.250 3.000 3.33E+07 10.60 5.7 1652.480 0.088 0.026 43.569
2 0.000 3.000 3.33E+07 0.70 0.7 0.000 0.250 -0.135 0.000
3 0.100 1.45 3.33E+07 0.70 0.6 31.665 0.296 -0.181 -5.731
4 0.150 1.25 3.33E+07 0.42 0.4 27.054 0.400 -0.285 -7.714
5 0.100 0.300 3.33E+07 0.32 0.6 6.551 2.317 -2.202 -14.425
6 0.150 0.650 3.33E+07 0.80 3.7 140.680 2.436 -2.321 -326.498
7 0.250 0.650 3.33E+07 6.60 3.3 209.119 2.658 -2.543 -531.747
Force = h * b * E * Average Temp * α Total = 2067.550 Total = -842.545
e = Yts - Y form Top
Moment = Force * e

Assuming End Stress Due to Release of Stress Due to Release of
Restrained Axail Force Moment
Section Stress
EαT -P/A -M/Z σ
kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2
At Top Deck Slab 4133.64 -837.06 263.64 3560.22
At Mid At Top of Girder 163.79 -837.06 190.69 -646.37
At Bottom of Girder 2573.77 -837.06 -549.26 1187.45
Assuming End Restrained, EαT = Modulus of Elasticity of Steel * Coefficient of Themal Expansion of Concrete * Temperature
Stress Due to Release of Axial Force = Total Force / Area of the section
Stress Due to Release of Moment = Total Moment / Short term section modulus

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Final Concrete Stress = Assuming End Restrained + Stress Due to Release of Axial Force + Stress Due to Release of Moment

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

5.0 Calculation of Stresses for Girder LG2 = 31.000 m Input in grey
5.1. Load calculation
5.1.1 Dead Load Moment & Shear for Precast girder only

Unit weight of concrete = 25.00 kN/m3

Cross-sectional area at span = 1.410 m2
Cross-sectional area at support = 2.046 m2
Unit Weight at span = Cross-sectional area at span * Unit weight of concrete
= 35.25 kN/m
Unit Weight at support = Cross-sectional area at support * Unit weight of concrete
= 51.16 kN/m
Thickness of intermediate Cross Girder = 0.30 m
Thickness of end Cross Girder = 0.60 m

1.250 1.750 1.250

0.475 0.400
0.100 0.063

2.750 1.950 1.750


0.175 0.175
0.650 2.350 0.650

Part of intermediate cross girder = (Top flange width * (Girder depth - Bottom flange thickness) - (Cross-sectional area at span - Bottom flange width * Bottom flange
thickness)) * Thickness of intermediate Cross Girder * Unit weight of concrete
= {1.25x(2.75-0.4)-(1.41-0.65x0.4)}x0.3x25
= 13.41 kN
Part of End cross girder = (Top flange width * (Girder depth - Bottom flange thickness) - (Cross-sectional area at support - Bottom flange width * Bottom flange thickness)) *
Thickness of end Cross Girder * Unit weight of concrete
= {1.25x(2.75-0.4)-(2.05-0.65x0.4)}x0.6x25
= 17.27 kN

= 17.27 kN = 13.41 kN

51.16 51.16
0.500 0.000 0.000 30.000 0.000 0.000 0.500
0.500 30.000 0.500

Support Reaction = *(+)+0.5*(+)*+*/2+*0.5+

= 578.30 kN

Table : Maximum BM & SF at critical sections

Section At support Near L/8 Near L/4 Near 3L/8 At L/2
Dist. for prop. Section(m) 0.000 3.750 7.500 11.250 15.000
Bending Moment (kNm) -6.395 1753.703 3018.097 3786.788 4059.777
Shear Force (kN) 535.453 535.453 271.078 138.891 6.703
BM at support = -*^2/2
= -6.395 kNm
BM Near L/8 =
= 1753.703 kNm
BM Near L/4 =
= 3018.097 kNm
BM Near 3L/8 =
= 3786.788 kNm
BM Near L/2 =
= 4059.777 kNm
SF at support = -(*)-
= 535.453 kN
SF Near L/8 = -*(+)-(+)/2*-
= 535.453 kN
SF Near L/4 = -*(+)-(+)/2*-*(--)-
= 271.078 kN
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SF Near 3L/8 = -*(+)-(+/2)*-*(--)-
= 138.891 kN
SF Near L/2 = -*(+)-(+)/2*-*(--)-
= 6.703 kN

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Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

5.1.2 Construction load and weight of shuttering & proping.

Assume, Construction Live load = 0.500 kN/m2

Assume, UDL for weight of shuttering = 5.000 kN/m
Effective width of deck slab for end girder = 3.000 m
Weight of shuttering & Conc. Live load
= UDL for weight of shuttering + Construction Live load * Effective width of deck slab for end girder
= 6.500 kN/m

6.500 kN/m

0.500 30.000 0.500

Support Reaction = *(+/2)

= 100.750 kN

Table : Maximum BM & SF at critical sections of outer girders

Section At support Near L/8 Near L/4 Near 3L/8 At L/2
Distance (m) 0.000 3.750 7.500 11.250 15.000
Bending Moment (kNm) -0.813 319.109 547.625 684.734 730.438
Shear Force (kN) 97.500 73.125 48.750 24.375 0.000

BM at support = -0.5**^2
= -0.813 kNm
BM Near L/8 = ()*-0.5**(+)^2
= 319.109 kNm
BM Near L/4 = ()*-0.5**(+)^2
= 547.625 kNm
BM Near 3L/8 = ()*-0.5**(+)^2
= 684.734 kNm
BM Near L/2 = ()*-0.5**(+)^2
= 730.438 kNm

SF at support = -*
= 97.500 kN
SF Near L/8 = -*(+)
= 73.125 kN
SF Near L/4 = -*(+)
= 48.750 kN
SF Near 3L/8 = -*(+)
= 24.375 kN
SF Near L/2 = -*(+)
= 0.000 kN

5.1.3 Dead Load Moment & Shear for Deck slab & X-girder

Unit weight of concrete = 25.000 kN/m3

Thickness of deck slab = 0.250 m2
Thickness of deck slab at expansion joint = 0.400 m
Width of deck slab at support = 3.000 m
Width of deck slab at midspan = 3.000 m
Average width of deck slab = (Width of deck slab at support + Width of deck slab at midspan) / 2
= (+)/2
= 3.000 m
Wt. of End X-girder =
(Length of cross girder * (Depth of long girder - Bottom flange depth)) * Thickness of end Cross Girder * Unit weight of concrete
= (1.75x(2.75-0.4))x0.6x25
= 61.688 kN
Wt of Inner X-girder = (Length of cross girder * (Depth of long girder - Bottom flange depth)) * Thickness of intermediate Cross Girder * Unit weight of
= (1.75x(2.75-0.4))x0.3x25
= 30.844 kN

= 61.688 = 30.844 = 61.688

18.750 11.25 kN/m

0.850 30.000 0.850

Deck slab UDL = Unit weight of concrete * Thickness of deck slab * Average width of deck slab
= **
= 18.750 kN/m
Support Reaction = *(+/2)++*0.5+*

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Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

= 380.484 kN

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Table : Maximum BM & SF at critical sections

Section At support Near L/8 Near L/4 Near 3L/8 At L/2
Distance (m) 0.000 3.750 7.500 11.250 15.000
Bending Moment (kNm) -10.331 970.352 1687.364 2140.704 2330.372
Shear Force (kN) 296.672 226.359 156.047 85.734 15.422

BM at support = -0.5**^2-**(+-/2)
= -10.331 kNm
BM Near L/8 = (-)*-0.5**(+)^2-**(+-/2)
= 970.352 kNm
BM Near L/4 = (-)*-0.5**(+)^2-**(+-/2)
= 1687.364 kNm
BM Near 3L/8 = (-)*-0.5**(+)^2-**(+-/2)
= 2140.704 kNm
BM Near L/2 = (-)*-0.5**(+)^2-**(+-/2)
= 2330.372 kNm

SF at support = -*--*
= 296.672 kN
SF Near L/8 = -*(+)--*
= 226.359 kN
SF Near L/4 = -*(+)--*
= 156.047 kN
SF Near 3L/8 = -*(+)--*
= 85.734 kN
SF Near L/2 = -*(+)--*
= 15.422 kN

5.1.4 Summary of Bending Moment & Shear Force for inner girder

a) Bending Moment (kNm)

Description At support Near L/8 Near L/4 Near 3L/8 At L/2
Distance (m) 0.0 3.8 7.5 11.3 15.0
Precast girder only -6.4 1753.7 3018.1 3786.8 4059.8
Construction load (outer girder) -0.8 319.1 547.6 684.7 730.4
Deck slab & X-girder -10.3 970.4 1687.4 2140.7 2330.4
Total wt of deck slab -16.7 2724.1 4705.5 5927.5 6390.1
SIDL from staad / MIDAS output -16.8 354.8 626.2 841.2 1033.9 STAAD / MIDAS
Removal of shutter 3.3 -246.4 -424.6 -531.6 -585.8 STAAD / MIDAS
Footpath live load -4.2 22.7 40.6 58.7 76.7 STAAD / MIDAS
Live load incl. snow load -230.4 1642.6 2605.6 2903.4 2856.1 STAAD / MIDAS
Total Live Load incl.snow load -234.6 1665.3 2646.2 2962.1 2932.8
Wind load (unloaded structure) 3.2 -240.7 -414.8 -519.3 -572.2 STAAD / MIDAS
Wind load (loaded structure) -1.6 124.7 214.9 269.1 296.5 STAAD / MIDAS
Construction load (inner girder) -0.2 73.6 126.4 158.0 168.6
Total Live Load -234.6 1665.3 2646.2 2962.1 2932.8

Construction load BM for inner girder = Construction load BM for outer girder / Weight of shuttering & Conc. Live load * Construction Live load * Effective width of deck
slab for end girder

b) Shear force (kN) For SIDL & Live load - Refer STAAD / MIDAS Output
Desription At support Near L/8 Near L/4 Near 3L/8 At L/2
Precast girder only 535.5 535.5 271.1 138.9 6.7
Deck slab & X-girder 296.7 226.4 156.0 85.7 15.4
Total DL 832.1 761.8 427.1 224.6 22.1
SIDL from staad output 112.3 91.5 74.4 57.8 37.5 STAAD / MIDAS
Footpath live load 0.2 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.4 STAAD / MIDAS
Live load incl. snow load 618.7 506.4 358.2 209.0 329.9 STAAD / MIDAS
Total Live Load incl.snow load 618.8 511.7 363.5 214.4 335.3
Wind load (unloaded structure) -84.1 -63.1 -42.1 -21.0 0.0 STAAD / MIDAS
Wind load (loaded structure) 43.6 32.7 21.8 10.9 0.0 STAAD / MIDAS
Construction load 22.5 16.9 11.3 5.6 0.0
Total 2973.6 2608.2 1635.4 925.8 752.3

Construction load SF for inner girder = Construction load SF for outer girder / Weight of shuttering & Conc. Live load * Construction Live load * Effective width of deck slab
for end girder

5.1.5 Load Combination - Ultimate limit state

1) Dead load +SIDL+Live load

2) Dead load +SIDL+ wind load (unloaded structure)
3) Dead load +SIDL+Live load(lead) + wind load (accompany) (loaded structure)
4) Dead load +SIDL+Live load(accompany) + wind load(lead) (loaded structure)
5) Dead load +SIDL+construction Live load(leading) + wind load(accompany)

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Load Case DL SIDL Live load Wind load

1 1.35 1.75 1.5
2 (a) 1.35 1.75 1.5
2 (b) 1 1 1.5
3 (a) 1.35 1.75 1.5 0.9
3 (b) 1 1 1.5 0.9
4 (a) 1.35 1.75 1.15 1.5
4 (b) 1 1 1.15 1.5
5 (a) 1.35 1.75 1.35 0.9
5 (b) 1 1 1.35 0.9

a) Moment At support Near L/8 Near L/4 Near 3L/8 At L/2

1 -403.8 6796.3 11417.5 13917.4 14835.1
2 (a) -54.4 4485.4 7770.6 9877.9 10880.7
2 (b) -36.0 3265.9 5654.1 7172.3 7868.7
3 (a) -405.3 6908.5 11610.9 14159.5 15101.9
3 (b) -386.8 5689.0 9494.4 11454.0 12090.0
4 (a) -324.2 6400.5 10813.7 13284.3 14253.4
4 (b) -305.7 5181.0 8697.2 10578.7 11241.4
5 (a) -370.1 6658.7 11214.0 13715.2 14662.0
5 (b) -351.6 5439.2 9097.5 11009.7 11650.1
Maximum -405.3 6908.5 11610.9 14159.5 15101.9

b) Shear At support Near L/8 Near L/4 Near 3L/8 At L/2

1 2248.1 1956.1 1252.1 726.0 598.4
2 (a) 1385.2 1237.6 739.5 420.7 95.4
2 (b) 1009.8 902.3 534.2 298.8 59.6
3 (a) 2287.3 1985.5 1271.7 735.8 598.4
3 (b) 1911.9 1650.3 1066.4 613.9 562.5
4 (a) 2096.9 1826.1 1157.6 667.3 481.0
4 (b) 1721.4 1490.8 952.3 545.4 445.2
5 (a) 2194.5 1908.8 1217.2 703.7 548.1
5 (b) 1819.0 1573.5 1011.9 581.7 512.2
Maximum 2287.3 1985.5 1271.7 735.8 598.4

5.2 Cable Details

Maximum midspan Moment for outer girder:

Description BM (kN-m)
Precast Girder Only 4059.8
Deck Slab & Cross Girder 2330.4
SIDL 1033.9
Wind load 296.5
Live Load 2932.8
Total Moment (M) 10653.3

Sectional Properties Inner Composite Girder at Midspan :-

Area, A = 2.160 m2
Moment of Inertia, I = 2.040 m4
CG from bottom = 2.039 m
1.000 m
Z Bottom =
Assume Nos. of Cable = N
Ultimate Force of each 19 T 13 strands, Pult = 3000 kN
Applied Force (P') = 2000 kN
CG From bottom = 0.237 m
"e" from CG of Girder = Girder CG from bottom - Cable CG From bottom
= -
= 1.802 m
Assume overall Loss = 30 %
Stress at bottom of Girder = NP/A+NP*e/ZBottom-M/Zbottom

N = (M/ZBottom)/(P/A+P*e/ZBottom) (P = Force after overall Loss)

= (/)/(*(1-/100)*(1/+/))
= 3.36
Say, No of Cables Provided = 3 + number of strands / 19
= 3+/19
= 3.63

40 of 128
Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

5.2.1 Calculation of Friction & Slip loss


X X X 3
2.750 0.375

4 0.180 0.375

1 3 2 0.180 1 0.350
0.170 0.310 0.170 0.650
Section at Midspan Section at Support

0.500 15.000
1 2 X 0.155

0.150 15.500

Cable profile in Plan

1.275 4
0.375 Z
0.375 0.180
1 0.180
0.350 0.500 4.500 4.500 1.800 4.200
Cable profile in Elevation

Vertical bending of Cable 1 = Tan-1{(0.35-0.125)/(0.5+4.5-0.15)}

= 2.656 o
Vertical bending of Cable 2 = Tan-1{(0.35+0.375-0.125-0.18)/(0.5+4.5+4.5-0.15)}
= 3.672 o
Vertical bending of Cable 3 = Tan-1{(0.35+0.375+0.375-0.125-0.18-0.18)/(0.5+4.5+4.5+1.8-0.15)}
= 4.078 o
Vertical bending of Cable 4 = Tan-1{(0.35+0.375+0.375+0.375-0.125-0.18-0.18)/(0.5+4.500+4.5+1.8-0.15)}
= 5.074 o
Radius for 1 to 3 = 20 m

Horizontal bending of Cable 1 = ATAN(()/(-1))*180/PI()

= 2.536 o
Horizontal bending of Cable 2 = ATAN(()/(-1))*180/PI()
= 2.536 o

Position of Cable

Anchorage Location of vertical Bending

Cable No.
1 0.000 0.000 0.350 4.850 0.000 0.125
2 0.000 0.000 0.725 9.350 -0.155 0.125
3 0.000 0.000 1.100 11.150 0.000 0.305
3 0.000 0.000 1.475 11.150 0.000 0.485

Start of Horizontal Bending End of Horizontal Bending Midspan

Cable No.
1 4.850 0.000 0.125 9.350 0.155 0.125 15.350 0.155
2 4.850 0.000 0.414 9.350 -0.155 0.125 15.350 -0.155
3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.350 0.000
3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.350 0.000

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

C.G. of Cables from Bottom of girder at different Locations

Position Support L/8 L/4 3L/8 L/2

Cable No 0.350 4.100 7.850 11.600 15.350 Distance from
Cable 1 0.334 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 Anchorage End
Cable 2 0.703 0.462 0.221 0.125 0.125
Cable 3 1.075 0.808 0.540 0.273 0.305
Cable 4 1.444 1.111 0.778 0.445 0.485

Friction & Slip Loss

Type of Tendon = 19 T13

Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 200 Gpa
= 200000000 kN/m2
Refer figure 6.3, clause no.7.9.2, table no. 18.4 of IRC 112-2011
Cross Sectional Area (A) = PI()*12.7^2/4
= 127 mm2
Ultimate Force of each 19T13 strands = 183.70 kN
(Breaking load each strand = 183.7 kN)
Applied Force,-P (je) = 0.9 * 0.87 * Ultimate Force of each 19T13 strands
(90% of 0.1% proof load = 0.9*0.87*183.7)
= 0.9*0.87*
= 143.84 kN
Cofficient of Friction (m) = 0.25 per radian
Wobble factor (k) = 0.0015 per meter
Slip (DL) = 6 mm.
P(je)=P(x)e (mf+kl) or P(x)=P(je)/e (mf+kl)

Cable 1 19 T13

Force after
Deflection Angle (f) Degree Force after slip loss
Node Link Length (l) in meter
Radian e (mf+kl) friction loss

1 2732.90 2452.28
1-2 4.855 0.000 0.000 1.0073
2 2713.07 2472.12
2-3 4.503 3.672 0.064 1.0230
3 2651.98 2533.21
3-4 6.000 2.536 0.044 1.0203
4 2599.30 2585.89

Length of link 1-2 = SQRT((X Anchorage - X Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Y Anchorage - Y Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Z Anchorage - Z Location of vertical
Length of link 2-3 = SQRT((X Start of Horizontal Bending - X End of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Y Start of Horizontal Bending - Y End of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Z Start of
Horizontal Bending - Z End of Horizontal Bending)^2)

Length of link 3-4 = SQRT((X End of Horizontal Bending - X Midspan)^2 + (Y End of Horizontal Bending - Y Midspan)^2 + (Z End of Horizontal Bending - Z Midspan)^2)
Deflection Angle of link 2-3 = SQRT(Vertical bending of Cable^2 + Horizontal bending of Cable^2)
Deflection Angle of link 3-4 = Horizontal bending of Cable
Force after friction loss = Force after friction loss at previous node / e (mf+kl)
Force after slip loss = Force after slip loss at next node - (Force after friction loss at same node - Force after friction loss at next node)

4.855 4.503 6.000

2732.90 2713.07
1 2 2651.98 3 2599.30
= 4
= 2533.21 2585.89
2472.12 6.000
Force Diagram before & after Slip Loss

Assume Force of zero slip = 2585.89 kN =

Point of Zero Slip from node 3 = length of link 3-4 if Force after friction loss at node 4 > Force after friction loss at node 3
length of link 3-4 / (Force after friction loss at node 3 - Force after friction loss at node 4) * (Force after slip loss at node 3 - Force after
slip loss at node 4) if Force after friction loss at node 4 < Force after friction loss at node 3
= IF(>,,/(-)*(-))
= 6.000 m

Area of Shaded Portion = E x A x DL

= **/1000000*/1000
= 2888.233 kN-m
Area of Shaded Portion =
= 2472.555 kN-m
Difference of these two forces = 2888.23-2472.55

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

= 415.678 kN-m Hence not O.K.
Length of Cable = (length of link 1-2 + length of link 2-3 + length of link 3-4) * 2
= (++)*2
= 30.716 m

43 of 128
Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Extension of cable at each side =

((Force after friction loss at node 1 + Force after friction loss at node 2) / 2 * length of link 1-2 + (Force after
friction loss at node 2 + Force after friction loss at node 3) / 2 * length of link 2-3 + (Force after friction loss at node
3 + Force after friction loss at node 4) / 2 * length of link 3-4) / (E * A) + DL
= 91.283 mm

Cable 2 19 T13

Force after
Deflection Angle (f) Degree Force after slip loss
Node Link Length (l) in meter e (mf+kl) friction loss
Radian (kN)

1 2732.90 2456.62
1-2 4.860 0.000 0.000 1.0073
2 2713.05 2476.47
2-3 4.512 4.462 0.078 1.0266
3 2642.80 2546.73
3-4 6.000 2.536 0.044 1.0203
4 2590.30 2594.76

Length of link 1-2 = SQRT((X Anchorage - X Start of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Y Anchorage - Y Start of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Z Anchorage - Z Start of Horizontal
Length of link 2-3 = SQRT((X Start of Horizontal Bending - X End of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Y Start of Horizontal Bending - Y End of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Z Start of
Horizontal Bending - Z End of Horizontal Bending)^2)

Length of link 3-4 = SQRT((X End of Horizontal Bending - X Midspan)^2 + (Y End of Horizontal Bending - Y Midspan)^2 + (Z End of Horizontal Bending - Z Midspan)^2)
Deflection Angle of link 2-3 = SQRT(Vertical bending of Cable^2 + Horizontal bending of Cable^2)
Deflection Angle of link 3-4 = Horizontal bending of Cable
Force after friction loss = Force after friction loss at previous node / e (mf+kl)
Force after slip loss = Force after slip loss at next node - (Force after friction loss at same node - Force after friction loss at next node)
4.860 4.512 6.000
2732.90 2713.05
1 2 2642.80 2590.30
= 3
= 2594.76 4
2476.47 2546.73
2456.62 5.490
Force Diagram before & after Slip Loss
Assume Force of zero slip = 2594.76 kN =
Point of Zero Slip from node 3 = length of link 3-4 if Force after friction loss at node 4 > Force after friction loss at node 3
length of link 3-4 / (Force after friction loss at node 3 - Force after friction loss at node 4) * (Force after slip loss at node 3 - Force after
slip loss at node 4) if Force after friction loss at node 4 < Force after friction loss at node 3
= IF(>,,/(-)*(-))
= 5.490 m
Area of Shaded Portion = E x A x DL
= **/1000000*/1000
= 2888.233 kN-m
Area of Shaded Portion =
= 2248.213 kN-m
Difference of these two forces = 2888.23-2248.21
= 640.020 kN-m Hence not O.K.
Length of Cable = (length of link 1-2 + length of link 2-3 + length of link 3-4) * 2
= (++)*2
= 30.744 m
Extension of cable at each side =
((Force after friction loss at node 1 + Force after friction loss at node 2) / 2 * length of link 1-2 + (Force after
friction loss at node 2 + Force after friction loss at node 3) / 2 * length of link 2-3 + (Force after friction loss at node
3 + Force after friction loss at node 4) / 2 * length of link 3-4) / (E * A) + DL
= 91.21 mm
Cable 3 19 T13

Force after
Deflection Angle (f) Degree Force after slip loss
Node Link Length (l) in meter e (mf+kl) friction loss
Radian (kN)

1 2732.90 2488.41
1-2 11.178 0.000 0.000 1.0169
2 2687.46 2533.85
2-3 4.200 4.078 0.071 1.0244
3 2623.48 2597.84

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Length of link 1-2 = SQRT((X Anchorage - X Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Y Anchorage - Y Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Z Anchorage - Z Location of vertical
Deflection Angle of link 2-3 = Vertical bending of Cable
Force after friction loss = Force after friction loss at previous node / e (mf+kl)
Force after slip loss = Force after slip loss at next node - (Force after friction loss at same node - Force after friction loss at next node)

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

11.178 4.200
2732.90 2687.46
1 2 2623.48
= 3
= 2597.84
2533.85 4.200
Force Diagram before & after Slip Loss

Assume Force of zero slip = 2597.84 kN =

Point of Zero Slip from node 2 = length of link 2-3 if Force after friction loss at node 3 > Force after friction loss at node 2
length of link 2-3 / (Force after friction loss at node 2 - Force after friction loss at node 3) * (Force after slip loss at node 2 - Force after
slip loss at node 3) if Force after friction loss at node 3 < Force after friction loss at node 2
= IF(>,,/(-)*(-))
= 4.200 m
Area of Shaded Portion = E x A x DL
= **/1000000*/1000
= 2888.233 kN-m
Area of Shaded Portion = (-+-)/2*+(-+-)/2*
= 2601.484 kN-m
Difference of these two forces = 2888.23-2601.48
= 286.748 kN-m Hence not O.K.
Length of Cable = (length of link 1-2 + length of link 2-3) * 2
= (+)*2
= 30.757 m
Extension of cable at each side =
((Force after friction loss at node 1 + Force after friction loss at node 2) / 2 * length of link 1-2 + (Force after
friction loss at node 2 + Force after friction loss at node 3) / 2 * length of link 2-3) / (E * A) + DL
= ((+)/2*+(+)/2*)*1000/(**/1000000)+
= 92.10 mm

Cable 4 12 T13

Force after
Deflection Angle (f) Degree Force after slip loss
Node Link Length (l) in meter e (mf+kl) friction loss
Radian (kN)

1 1726.05 1568.54
1-2 11.194 0.000 0.000 1.0169
2 1697.31 1597.28
2-3 4.200 5.074 0.089 1.0288
3 1649.72 1644.87

Length of link 1-2 = SQRT((X Anchorage - X Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Y Anchorage - Y Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Z Anchorage - Z Location of vertical
Deflection Angle of link 2-3 = Vertical bending of Cable
Force after friction loss = Force after friction loss at previous node / e (mf+kl)
Force after slip loss = Force after slip loss at next node - (Force after friction loss at same node - Force after friction loss at next node)

11.194 4.200
1726.05 1697.31
1 2 1649.72
= 3
= 1644.87
1597.28 4.200
Force Diagram before & after Slip Loss

Assume Force of zero slip = 1644.87 kN =

Point of Zero Slip from node 2 = length of link 2-3 if Force after friction loss at node 3 > Force after friction loss at node 2
length of link 2-3 / (Force after friction loss at node 2 - Force after friction loss at node 3) * (Force after slip loss at node 2 - Force after
slip loss at node 3) if Force after friction loss at node 3 < Force after friction loss at node 2
= IF(>,,/(-)*(-))
= 4.200 m
Area of Shaded Portion = E x A x DL
= **/1000000**/19/1000
= 1152.093 kN-m
Area of Shaded Portion = (-+-)/2*+(-+-)/2*
= 1661.561 kN-m
Difference of these two forces = 1152.09-1661.56
= -509.468 kN-m Hence not O.K.
Length of Cable = (length of link 1-2 + length of link 2-3) * 2
= (+)*2
= 30.788 m

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Extension of cable at each side =
((Force after friction loss at node 1 + Force after friction loss at node 2) / 2 * length of link 1-2 + (Force after
friction loss at node 2 + Force after friction loss at node 3) / 2 * length of link 2-3) / (E * A) + DL
= ((+)/2*+(+)/2*)*1000/(**/1000000)+
= 92.141 mm

47 of 128
Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

5.2.2 Summary of Cable Forces after Friction & Slip at different Points

Position Support L/8 L/4 3L/8 L/2

Cable No 0.350 4.100 7.850 11.600 15.350
Cable 1 2453.71 2469.03 2512.75 2552.90 2585.89
Vert. angle 2.656 2.656 2.656 0.000 0.000
Hor. angle 0.000 0.000 2.536 0.000 0.000
C.G. 0.334 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125
Cable 2 2458.05 2473.36 2523.03 2564.56 2594.76
Vert. angle 3.672 3.672 3.672 0.000 0.000
Hor. angle 0.000 0.000 2.536 2.536 0.000
C. G. 0.703 0.462 0.221 0.125 0.125
Cable 4 1569.44 1579.07 1588.70 1598.33 1644.87
Vert. angle 5.074 5.074 5.074 5.074 0.000
Hor. angle 0.000 0.000 0.155 0.155 0.000
C. G. 1.444 1.111 0.778 0.445 0.485

Total cable
forces Normal 6467.37 6507.55 6605.44 6707.01 6825.53
at first stage

CG of Cable 0.742 0.491 0.318 0.201 0.212

Total cable
409.93 412.47 418.25 141.36 0.00
forces Per.
Cable 3 2489.84 2505.08 2520.32 2535.57 2597.84
Vert. angle 4.078 4.078 4.078 4.078 0.000
Hor. angle 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
C. G. 1.075 0.808 0.540 0.273 0.305

Total cable
2483.53 2498.74 2513.94 2529.15 2597.84
forces Normal

CG of Cable 1.075 0.808 0.540 0.273 0.305

Total cable
177.08 178.16 179.25 180.33 0.00
forces Per.
Overall CG of 0.834 0.579 0.379 0.221 0.237
% loss -23.5 % -24.3 % -25.9 % -27.4 % -29.7 %

Force in cable at support = Force after slip loss at node 1 + (Force after slip loss at node 2 - Force after slip loss at node 1) / Length of link 1-2 * Distance of support from end

Force in cable at L/8 = Force after slip loss at node 1 + (Force after slip loss at node 2 - Force after slip loss at node 1) / Length of link 1-2 * L/8

Force in cable at L/4 = Force after slip loss at node 2 + (Force after slip loss at node 3 - Force after slip loss at node 2) / Length of link 2-3 * (L/4 - Length of link 1-2)

Force in cable at 3L/8 = Force after slip loss at node 3 + (Force after slip loss at node 4 - Force after slip loss at node 3) / Length of link 3-4 * (3L/8 - Length of link 1-2 -
Length of link 2-3)
Force in cable at L/2 = Force after slip loss at node 4
Total cable forces Normal = ∑(Force in cable * COS(Vert. angle) * COS(Hor. angle))
CG of Cable = ∑(Force in cable * COS(Vert. angle)) / Total cable forces Normal
Total cable forces Per. = ∑(Force in cable * SIN(Vert. angle) * COS(Hor. angle))
Overall CG of Cable = (Total cable forces Normal at first stage * CG of Cable at first stage + Total cable forces Normal at second stage * CG of Cable at second stage) / (Total
cable forces Normal at first stage + Total cable forces Normal at second stage)
% loss = (Applied Force * No of Cables Provided - (Force in cable 1 + Force in cable 2 + Force in cable 3 + Force in cable 4)) / (Applied Force * No of Cables Provided) * 100

5.2.3 Length of Cables and Extension at each End

Total Length Extension at each End

Cable No
(m) (mm)
Cable 1 30.716 91.28
Cable 2 30.744 91.21
Cable 3 30.757 92.10
Cable 4 30.788 92.14

5.3 Stress Calculation of girder

After 5 days casting of Precast Girder, first stage Cables shall be stressed as per given force & elongation.
Second stage Cables shall be stressed after 28 days of casting of precast girder. After that all Precast Girders
shall be erected at bearing locations and Deck slab & X-Girder shall be cast erecting necessary shuttering from
precast girder at 60 days. After 30 days casting of Deck Slab i.e. after 90 days casting of Precast Girder,
all shuttering material shall be removed and SIDL shall be laid. In such case Precast Longitudinal Girder shall be
checked for DL of Precast Girder, wt of Deck slab, wt of X-girder at 60 days. But composite girder
(precast girder+RCC deck) shall be checked for SIDL & Live load cases.

48 of 128
Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

5.3.1 Loss calculation Loss due to Elastic Shortening

Refer clause no., Annexure A-2 of IRC 112-2011

Average loss in Cable Stress = 1/2 m fc
fcm (t) = bcc(t)fcm
bcc(t) = exp{S[1-(28/(t/t1)0^0.5]}
fck = Grade of concrete = M 40
fcm (t) = mean concrete compressive strength at age 't' days
fcm = mean concrete compressive strength at age '28' days = fck + 10
= +10
= 50 Mpa
t= Age of concrete in days = 5 days
t1 = 1 day
S= 0.25
bcc(t) = EXP(*(1-(28/(/))^0.5))
= 0.711
fcm (t) = *
= 35.53 Mpa
fck (t) = fcm (t) - 10
= -10
= 25.53 Mpa
corresponding Ecm = 22x(fcm/12.5)^0.3
= 22*(/12.5)^0.3
= 30.10 Gpa
Ep = 200.00 Gpa
m = Modular Ratio = Ec / Ecj
= /
= 6.65
To calculate average stress fc at CG of Cables due to Prestress and
Depth of Girder = 2.750 m
Assume, Elastic Shortening = 69.33 kN/Cable 26.35 %
Area of each Cable = 126.68 mm2
Number of cables (cable 1 to 3) = 2 + number of strands in cable 4 / 19
= 2+/19
= 2.63 Nos

Sectional Properties of Precast Girder at Midspan:

Area = 1.410 m2
I= 1.234 m4
CG = 1.595 m

Sectional Properties of Precast Girder at Support:

Area = 2.046 m2
I= 1.434 m4
CG = 1.522 m

Sustained Stress of precast girder only at 5 days :-

Cable Force (kN) Cable CG from Dead Load Dead Load

Stress at cable
Section After fr., slip & soffit Stress (Mpa) Moment (kN- Stress Total Stress (Mpa)
After fr. & slip loss CG (Mpa)
ES loss (m) m) (kN/m2)
T -1.13 -0.01 -1.13
End 6467.37 6284.91 0.742 -6.40 5.74
B 8.27 0.01 8.28
T -2.05 1.64 -0.41
L/8 6507.55 6325.09 0.491 1753.70 9.16
B 13.51 -2.27 11.24
T -3.12 2.82 -0.29
L/4 6605.44 6422.98 0.318 3018.10 9.92
B 15.15 -3.90 11.25
T -3.88 3.54 -0.34
3L/8 6707.01 6524.55 0.201 3786.79 10.62
B 16.38 -4.89 11.49
T -3.89 3.80 -0.09
L/2 6825.53 6643.07 0.212 4059.78 10.46
B 16.59 -5.25 11.34

Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss = Cable Force After fr. & slip loss - Elastic Shortening * Number of cables
Stress at top = Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss / Area of Precast Girder - Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss * (CG of Precast Girder - Cable CG from soffit) * (Depth of
Girder - CG of Precast Girder) / I of Precast Girder

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Stress at bottom = Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss / Area of Precast Girder - Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss * (CG of Precast Girder - Cable CG from soffit) * CG of
Precast Girder / I of Precast Girder
Dead Load Stress at top = Dead Load Moment / I of Precast Girder * (Depth of Girder - CG of Precast Girder)
Dead Load Stress at bottom = -Dead Load Moment / I of Precast Girder * CG of Precast Girder
Stress at cable CG = Total Stress at bottom - (Total Stress at bottom - Total Stress at top) / Depth of Girder * Cable CG from soffit

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Average stress fc = (Stress at cable CG for end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at L/4 + Stress at cable
CG for section at 3L/8) + Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8
= (5.74+2x(9.16+9.92+10.62)+10.46)/8
= 9.45 Mpa
Average Loss of cable stress = 1/2 m fc
= 1/2**
= 31.40 Mpa
Loss of each cable due to Elastic shortening = 1/2 m fc As
= */1000
= 3.98 kN

-3.89 Mpa 3.80 Mpa -0.09 Mpa > -1.57


+ =

16.59 Mpa -5.25 Mpa 11.34 Mpa < 17.06


Stress due to 1st stage stressing

Precast Girder Stress due to DL of Girder Resultant Stress at 7 days
after loss

Stress Diagram at Midspan of Precast Girder at 5 days of Casting of Girder

Permissible Compressive stress = 0.48 x fcm (t)

= 0.48*
= 17.06 MPa
ftmj = 0.259 * fck (t)^(2/3) if fck (t) <= 60
= 2.27 * LN(1 + (fcm (t) / 12.5))) if fck (t) > 60
Permissible tensile stress = 0.7 x ftmj
= 0.7*IF(<=60,0.259*^(2/3),2.27*LN(1+(/12.5)))
= 1.57 MPa Loss due to Relaxation of Steel (clause no. 6.3.6 of IRC 112-2011)

Total Relaxation Loss at service condition = 3 x (1000 hr. value)

Initial force after Friction, slip & ES loss =
(Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss for end section + Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss for section at L/2 + 2 *
(Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss for section at L/8 + Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss for section at L/4 +
Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss for section at 3L/8)) / 8
= (6285+2x(6325+6423+6525)+6643)/8
= 6434.15 kN

Table 6.2:- Relaxaation loss from Initial stress

Initial stress (%) Relaxation loss
<=0.5fp 0
0.6fp 1.25
0.7fp 2.5
0.8fp 4.5

Percentage of Initial force =

Initial force after Friction, slip & ES loss / (Number of cables (cable 1 to 3) * Ultimate Force of each 19 T 13 strands)
= /(*)
= 0.815 UTS
Relaxation Loss at 1000hr. for low relaxation steel = 4.80 % of initial force (Table 6.2)
Relaxation Loss at 1000hr. for low relaxation steel = % of initial force / 100 * Initial force after Friction, slip & ES loss / Number of cables (cable 1
to 3)
= 6434.15/2.63157894736842x4.8/100
= 117.36 kN/Cable

Relaxation loss
Time in hours 1 5 20 100 500 1000

% of loss at
37 47 57 72 79 100
1000 hrs

Immediate Loss i.e 1 hr. of stressing as per Table 6.2 of IRC 112-2011, = 37.00 % of Total Loss
5 - 28 days Loss for 23 days or 552 hrs. = % of loss at 500 hrs - Immediate Loss
= -
= 42.00 % of Total Loss
28 - 60 days Loss 32 days or 768 hrs. =
% of loss at 1000 hrs - Immediate Loss - % of loss for 552 hours

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= --
= 21.00 % of Total Loss
60 - 90 days Loss 30 days or 720 hrs. = 0.00 % of Total Loss
90 - ∞ days Loss = 200.0 % of Total Loss i.e. 3 x (1000 hr. value)

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Immediate Loss i.e 1 hr. of stressing = */100

= 43.42 kN/Cable
5 - 28 days Loss = */100
= 49.29 kN/Cable
28 - 60 days Loss = */100
= 24.64 kN/Cable
60 - 90 days Loss = */100
= 0.00 kN/Cable
90-a days Loss = */100
= 234.71 kN/Cable
Total = ++++
= 352.07 kN/Cable
Percentage = Total loss / Applied force * 100
= /*100
= 17.60 % Computation of shrinkage strain (clause no., IRC:112 - 2011)

Total shrinkage strain, ecs = ecd + ec a

Where, ecd is drying shrinkage strain and eca is autogenous shrinkage strain
Maximum Autogenous shrinkage strain eca = (2 * Grade of concrete - 25) / 10^6
= (2*-25)/10^6
= 0.000055 (refer table 6.6 of IRC:112 - 2011)

Table 6.7:- Value for Kh

ho in mm Kh
100 1.00
200 0.85
300 0.75
>= 500 0.70

The development of autogenous shrinkage with time ec a(t) = bas(t) x ec a

Where, bas(t) = 1-esp{-0.2sqrt(t)} where t is in days.
The development of dying shrinkage strain in time ecd(t) = bds(t,ts) * kh x ecd
Where, bds(t,ts) = (t-ts)/[(t-ts)+0.04sqrt(ho^3)
kh is a coefficient depending on notional size ho
End of curing of concrete ts = 5.00 day
Grade of concrete = M40
Mean concrete strength fcm = fck + 10
= 50.00 MPa

Precast Girder only

C/S area of girder at span Ac = 1.410 m2

Perimeter in contact with air u = 8.374 m
Nominal size of precast member h0 = 2Ac / u
= 2**1000/
= 336.76 mm

Composite Girder

C/S area of comp. girder at span Ac = 2.160 m2

Perimeter in contact with air u = 12.374 m
Nominal size of member h0 = 2Ac / u
= 2**1000/
= 349.12 mm

The drying shrinkage strain ecd,0 = 0.85*((220+110*ads1)*EXP(-ads2*fcm/fcm,o))*bRH/10^6

Coefficient ads1 (normal cement) = 4.0
Coefficient ads2 (normal cement) = 0.12
The coefficient bRH = 1.55 x [1-RH/Rho]^3
Relative humidity of enviroment RH = 70.0 %
RHo = 100 %
The coefficient bRH = 1.55*(1-(/)^3)
= 1.02
fcmo = 12.50
The drying shrinkage strain ecd,0 = 0.85*((220+110*)*EXP(-*/))*/10^6
= 0.0004
These are expected mean values, with a coefficient of variation of about 30 percent.
Loss of Prestress due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation as per Euro code

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Ap * (ecs*EP+0.8*DPr+EP/Ecm*f(t,to)*scQP)
DPc+s+r = AP + DsPc+s+r =

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Development of shrinkage of concrete

Autogenous shrinkage Nominal size of Drying shrinkage Shrinkage Loss due to

Days kh
factor bas(t) member h0 (mm) factor bas(t) strain shrinkage

5 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 0.000000 0.00

28 0.653 337 0.085 0.741 0.000065 1.64
60 0.788 349 0.182 0.738 0.000105 1.01
90 0.850 349 0.256 0.738 0.000134 0.72
36500 1.000 349 0.993 0.738 0.000392 6.52
Total 9.892 0.49 %
Autogenous shrinkage factor bas = 1 - EXP(-0.2 * SQRT(Days))
Nominal size of member, h0 for 28 days = Nominal size of precast member
Nominal size of member, h0 for 60, 90 & 36500 days = Nominal size of Composite Girder

Drying shrinkage factor bas = (Days - End of curing of concrete ts) / ((Days - End of curing of concrete ts) + 0.04 * SQRT(Nominal size of precast member h0^3))
For kh refer Table 6.7 of IRC 112

Shrinkage strain = Autogenous shrinkage factor bas * Maximum Autogenous shrinkage strain eca + Drying shrinkage factor bas * kh * The drying shrinkage strain ecd,0 * 1.3
Loss due to shrinkage = Area of each Cable * ((Shrinkage strain at ith day - Shrinkage strain at (i-1)th day) * Ep) / (1 + Ep / (Modulus of elasticity Ecm / 1000) * Area of each
Cable / (Area of Precast Girder at Midspan * 1000^2) * (1 + Area of Precast Girder at Midspan / I of Precast Girder at Midspan * (CG of Precast Girder at Midspan - Cable CG
from soffit at L/2)^2) * (1 + 0.8 * Creep coeff., fo at 28 days)) Computation of creep coefficients (clause no., IRC:112 - 2011)

Grade of concrete = M40

Mean concrete strength fcm = fck + 10
= 50.00 MPa
The creep coefficient f(t,to) = fo x bc(t,to) as per A2-14of IRC:112 - 2011
Where, fo = fRH x b(fcm) x b(to)
fRH = 1+(1-RH/100)/{0.1*(ho)^1/3} for fcm <= 45MPa
fRH = [1+(1-RH/100)/{0.1*(ho)^1/3} x a1] x a2 for fcm > 45MPa
The coefficient a1 =(43.75/fcm)^0.7
= (43.75/)^0.7
= 0.91

The coefficient a2 =(43.75/fcm)^0.2

= (43.75/)^0.2
= 0.97
The coefficient b(fcm) = 18.78/sqrt(fcm)
= 18.78/SQRT()
= 2.66
The coefficient b(t0) = 1/(0.1+to^0.2)
Where, age of concrete at first loading t0 = 5 day
The coefficient b(t0) = 1/(0.1+^0.2)
= 0.68
bc(t,to) =[(t-to)/(bH +t-to)]^0.3
bH = = 1.5 x [1+(0.012RH)^18] x ho + 250 <= 1500 for fcm <= 35MPa
= 1.5 x [1+(0.012RH)^18] x ho + 250a3 <= 1500a3 for fcm <= 35MPa
The coefficient a3 =(43.75/fcm)^0.5
= (43.75/)^0.5
= 0.94
For temperature greater than 40oC theby 10% in absence of accurate data coefficient may be increased by 10% in absence of accurate data. This is valid for concrete using
normal cement.

Development of creep

Creep coeff. Loss due to creep of

Days h0 (mm) fRH fo bH bc(t,to)
fo concrete

5 0 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00

28 337 1.36 2.434 760.89 0.347 0.929 7.36
60 349 1.35 2.426 780.24 0.442 1.180 2.77
90 349 1.35 2.426 780.24 0.499 1.330 1.33
36500 349 1.35 2.426 780.24 0.994 2.651 11.35
Total 22.82 1.14
Nominal size of member, h0 for 28 days = Nominal size of precast member
Nominal size of member, h0 for 60, 90 & 36500 days = Nominal size of Composite Girder

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Loss due to creep of concrete = Area of each Cable * (Ep / Ecm * (Creep coeff. at ith day - Creep coeff. at (i-1)th day) * Average stress, fc of precast girder only at 5 days) / (1 +
Ep / (Modulus of elasticity Ecm / 1000) * Area of each Cable / (Area of Precast Girder at Midspan * 1000^2) * (1 + Area of Precast Girder at Midspan / I of Precast Girder at
Midspan * (CG of Precast Girder at Midspan - Cable CG from soffit at L/2)^2) * (1+0.8 * Creep coeff. at ith day)) / 1000

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5.3.2 Sustained Stress of precast girder at 28 days after stressing of cable


Shrinkage = 1.64 kN/Cable

Relaxation = Immediate Loss i.e 1 hr. of stressing + 5 - 28 days Loss
= 92.71 kN/Cable
Creep = +
= 7.36 kN/Cable
Total = ++
= 101.71 kN/Cable
Total Loss for 3 Cables = Total force per cable * Number of cables (cable 1 to 3)
= *
= 267.67 kN
fck for 28 days strength = M 40
Modulus of elasticity Ecm = 30098 MPa
m = Modular Ratio = Ecm / Ecj
= /(/1000)
= 6.65

Stressing of cable no. 4

Elastic Shortening = 3.98 kN/Cable

Relaxation = 43.42 kN/Cable
Total = +
= 47.40 kN/Cable
Number of cables = 1.000 Nos (2nd stage)
Depth of Girder = 2.75 m

Sectional Properties of Precast Girder at Midspan:

Area = 1.410 m2
I= 1.234 m4
CG = 1.595 m

Sectional Properties of Precast Girder at Support:

Area = 2.046 m2
I= 1.434 m4
CG = 1.522 m
Cable Force (kN)
Cable CG
Stress at 5 days loss bet. 5 - 28 days Cable CG from Stress due to loss Total Stress
Section After fr. & After fr., slip from soffit Stress (Mpa)
(kN/m2) (Tons) soffit (m) (Mpa) (Mpa)
slip loss & ES loss (m)

T -1.13 0.05 0.26 -0.82

End -278.14 0.742 2483.53 2436.13 1.075
B 8.28 -0.37 2.34 10.25
T -0.41 0.09 -0.07 -0.38
L/8 -278.14 0.491 2498.74 2451.34 0.808
B 11.24 -0.59 4.23 14.88
T -0.29 0.14 -0.69 -0.85
L/4 -278.14 0.318 2513.94 2466.54 0.540
B 11.25 -0.66 5.11 15.71
T -0.34 0.17 -1.31 -1.49
3L/8 -278.14 0.201 2529.15 2481.75 0.273
B 11.49 -0.70 6.00 16.79
T -0.09 0.16 -1.27 -1.20
L/2 -278.14 0.212 2597.84 2550.44 0.305
B 11.34 -0.69 6.06 16.71

loss bet. 5 - 28 days = -Total Loss for 3 Cables at 28 days after stressing of cable- Elastic Shortening of cable no. 4 * Number of cables (cable 1 to 3)
Stress due to loss at top = (loss bet. 5 - 28 days / Area of Precast Girder at Support - loss bet. 5 - 28 days * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * (Depth of
Girder - CG of Precast Girder at Support) / I of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress due to loss at bottom = (loss bet. 5 - 28 days / Area of Precast Girder at Support + loss bet. 5 - 28 days * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * CG
of Precast Girder at Support / I of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000

Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss = Cable Force After fr. & slip loss - Total Elastic Shortening and Relaxation during Stressing of cable no. 4 * Number of cables

Stress at top = (Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss / Area of Precast Girder at Support - Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG
from soffit) * (Depth of Girder - CG of Precast Girder at Support) / I of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress at bottom = (Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss / Area of Precast Girder at Support + Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable
CG from soffit) * CG of Precast Girder at Support / I of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000
Total Stress = Stress at 5 days + Stress due to loss + Stress After fr., slip & ES loss
Stress at cable CG = Total Stress at bottom - (Total Stress at bottom - Total Stress at top) / Depth of Girder * Cable CG from soffit

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Average stress ss at CG of cables for 28 days =

(Stress at cable CG for end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at
L/4 + Stress at cable CG for section at 3L/8) + Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8
= (7.27+2x(12.16+13.79+15.45)+15.33)/8
= 13.18 Mpa = fc
fc' = Average stress, fc of precast girder only at 5 days
Loss of cable stress = m (fc-fc')
= *(-)
= 24.75 Mpa
As = Area of each Cable
Loss of each cable due to elastic shortening= m fc As
= 3.14 kN

-0.09 Mpa 0.16 Mpa -1.27 Mpa -1.20 Mpa > -2.12

+ + =

11.34 Mpa -0.69 Mpa 6.06 Mpa 16.71 Mpa <

Stress due to stressing of

Resultant Stress at 5 days Stress due to loss between 5 to28 days Resultant Stress at 28 days
cables 3

Stress Diagram at Midspan of Precast Girder at 28 days of Casting of Girder

Permissible Compressive stress = 0.5 x fcm fcm = fck for 28 days strength
= 0.5*
= 20.00 MPa
Permissible tensile stress = 0.7 x ftmj
ftmj = 0.259 * fck (t)^(2/3) if fck (t) <= 60
= 2.27 * LN(1 + (fcm (t) / 12.5))) if fck (t) > 60
Permissible tensile stress = 0.7*IF(<=60,0.259*^(2/3),2.27*LN(1+(/12.5)))
= 2.12 MPa

5.3.3. Sustained Stress of precast girder at 60 days after Casting of Deck with X-Girder

Losses for first 3 cables:-

Shrinkage = 1.01 kN/Cable

Relaxation = 24.64 kN/Cable
Creep = ++
= 10.14 kN/Cable
Total = ++
= 35.80 kN/Cable
Actual time dependent losses = 35.80 kN/Cable

Losses for last 1 cable:-

Shrinkage = 1.01 kN/Cable

Relaxation = 5 - 28 days Loss + 28 - 60 days Loss
= 73.93 kN/Cable
Creep = 10.14 kN/Cable
Total = ++
= 85.08 kN/Cable
Actual time dependent losses = 85.08 kN/Cable
Actual Loss of third Cable = Actual time dependent losses for last 1 cable * no. of cables
= 85.08 kN
Total Loss of 4 Cables = Actual time dependent losses for first 3 cables * Number of cables (cable 1 to 3) + Actual Loss of third Cable
= *+
= 179.28 kN
Depth of Precast Girder = 2.750 m
Sectional Properties of Precast Girder at Midspan:

Area = 1.410 m2
I= 1.234 m4
CG = 1.595 m

Sectional Properties of Precast Girder at Support:

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Area = 2.046 m2
I= 1.434 m4
CG = 1.522 m

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Moment due
Stress at 28 days loss bet. 28 - 60 Cable CG from Stress due to Total Stress Stress due to slab Total Stress
Section to slab (kN-
(kN/m2) days (kN) soffit (m) loss (Mpa) (kN/m2) (Mpa) (Mpa)

Top of girder -0.82 0.02 -0.80 -0.01 -0.81

End -179.28 0.834 -11.14
Bottom 10.25 -0.22 10.04 0.01 10.05
Top of girder -0.38 0.04 -0.34 1.21 0.87
L/8 -179.28 0.579 1289.46
Bottom 14.88 -0.36 14.52 -1.67 12.85
Top of girder -0.85 0.08 -0.77 2.09 1.32
L/4 -179.28 0.379 2234.99
Bottom 15.71 -0.41 15.30 -2.89 12.41
Top of girder -1.49 0.10 -1.38 2.64 1.26
3L/8 -179.28 0.221 2825.44
Bottom 16.79 -0.45 16.34 -3.65 12.69
Top of girder -1.20 0.10 -1.10 2.86 1.77
L/2 -179.28 0.237 3060.81
Bottom 16.71 -0.44 16.27 -3.96 12.31

loss bet. 28 - 60 days = -Total Loss of 4 Cables

Stress due to loss at top = (loss bet. 28 - 60 days / Area of Precast Girder at Support - loss bet. 28 - 60 days * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * (Depth
of Girder - CG of Precast Girder at Support) / I of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress due to loss at bottom = (loss bet. 28 - 60 days / Area of Precast Girder at Support + loss bet. 28 - 60 days * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
CG of Precast Girder at Support / I of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000
Moment due to slab = Moment due to Construction load (outer girder) + Moment due to Deck slab & X-girder

Stress due to slab at top of girder = Moment due to slab / I of Precast Girder at Support * (Depth of Precast Girder - CG of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress due to slab at bottom of girder = -Moment due to slab / I of Precast Girder at Support * CG of Precast Girder at Support / 1000
Total Stress = Stress at 28 days + Stress due to loss + Stress due to slab
Stress at cable CG = Total Stress at bottom - (Total Stress at bottom - Total Stress at top) / Depth of Precast Girder * Cable CG from soffit

Average stress ss at CG of cables for 60 days =

(Stress at cable CG for end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at
L/4 + Stress at cable CG for section at 3L/8) + Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8
= (6.75+2x(10.33+10.88+11.78)+11.4)/8
= 10.52 Mpa

-1.20 Mpa 0.10 Mpa 2.86 Mpa 1.77 Mpa >

+ + =

16.71 Mpa -0.44 Mpa -3.96 Mpa 12.31 Mpa <

Stress due to loss between 28 to 60 Stress due to DL of Slab &

Resultant Stress at 28 days Resultant Stress at 60 days
days wt of shuttering

Stress Diagram at Midspan of Precast Girder at 60 days of Casting of Girder

5.3.4 Sustained stress of composite girder at 90 days

After 30 days casting of Deck Slab i.e.after 90 days casting of Precast Girder, Shuttering is to be removed and application of SIDL shall be done.
fck for precast girder at 90 days of concrete i.e. 100% of fc = 40 Mpa
Ecj = Ecm = 30.1 Gpa
Es = 200.00 Gpa
m = Modular Ratio = Ec / Ecj
= /
= 6.65
Area of each Cable = 126.68 mm2
Depth of Composite Girder = 3.100 m
Depth of Precast Girder = 2.750 m
Thickness of deck slab = 250 mm

Sectional Properties of Composite Girder at Midspan:

Area = 2.160 m2
I= 2.040 m4
CG = 2.039 m

Sectional Properties of Composite Girder at Support:

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Area = 2.796 m2
I= 2.443 m4
CG = 1.885 m

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Shrinkage = 0.72 kN/Cable

Relaxation = 0.00 kN/Cable
Creep = +++
= 11.46 kN/Cable
Total = ++
= 12.18 kN/Cable
Total Loss = Total of shrinkage, relaxation and creep * (Number of cables (cable 1 to 3) + Number of cables in 2nd stage)
= *(+)
= 44.25 kN/Cable
Actual time dependent losses = 44.25 kN

Moment due Stress due

Total Stress due at 60 Loss of Cables CG of Cables from Stress due to Stress at cable
Section to SIDL to SIDL Total Stress (Mpa)
days (Mpa) (kN) soffit (m) loss (Mpa) CG (Mpa)
(kN-m) (Mpa)

Top of slab 0.00 0.01 -0.01 0.00

Top of girder -0.81 0.00 -13.53 -0.01 -0.82
End -44.25 0.834 6.72
Bottom 10.05 -0.05 0.01 10.01
Top of slab 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.07
Top of girder 0.87 0.01 108.37 0.04 0.91
L/8 -44.25 0.579 10.19
Bottom 12.85 -0.09 -0.11 12.66
Top of slab 0.00 0.02 0.10 0.12
Top of girder 1.32 0.01 201.55 0.08 1.41
L/4 -44.25 0.379 10.64
Bottom 12.41 -0.09 -0.20 12.12
Top of slab 0.00 0.02 0.16 0.18
Top of girder 1.26 0.01 309.62 0.12 1.40
3L/8 -44.25 0.221 11.41
Bottom 12.69 -0.10 -0.31 12.28
Top of slab 0.00 0.02 0.23 0.25
Top of girder 1.77 0.01 448.11 0.18 1.96
L/2 -44.25 0.237 10.91
Bottom 12.31 -0.10 -0.45 11.76

Loss of Cables = -Actual time dependent losses at 90 days

Stress due to loss at top of slab = (Loss of Cables / Area of Composite Girder at Support - Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
(Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support) / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000

Stress due to loss at top of girder = (Loss of Cables / Area of Composite Girder at Support - Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
(Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support - Thickness of deck slab) / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress due to loss at bottom = (Loss of Cables / Area of Composite Girder at Support + Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * CG of
Composite Girder at Support / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
Moment due to SIDL = Moment due to SIDL + Moment due to Removal of shutter

Stress due to SIDL at top of deck = Moment due to SIDL / I of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress due to SIDL at top of girder = Moment due to SIDL / I of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support - Thickness
of deck slab) / 1000
Stress due to SIDL at bottom of girder = Moment due to SIDL / I of Composite Girder at Support * CG of Composite Girder at Support / 1000
Total Stress = Stress at 60 days + Stress due to loss + Stress due to SIDL

Stress at cable CG = Total Stress at bottom - (Total Stress at bottom - Total Stress at top of girder) / Depth of Precast Girder * Cable CG from soffit

Average stress at 90 days = (Stress at cable CG for end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at L/4 + Stress at cable
CG for section at 3L/8) + Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8
= (6.72+2x(10.19+10.64+11.41)+10.91)/8
= 10.26 Mpa

0.00 Mpa 0.02 Mpa 0.23 Mpa 0.25 Mpa

1.77 0.01 Mpa 0.18 Mpa 1.96
Mpa Mpa

+ + =

12.31 -0.10 Mpa -0.45 Mpa 11.76 Mpa

Resultant Stress at 60 days Loss of Cables between 60 to 90 days Stress due to SIDL Resultant Stress at 90 days

Stress Diagram at Midspan of Composite Girder at 90 days

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Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

5.3.5. Sustained Stress of composite girder at ∞ days :-


Shrinkage = 6.52 kN/Cable

Relaxation = 234.71 kN/Cable
Creep = ++++
= 22.82 kN/Cable
Total = ++
= 264.05 kN/Cable
Total Loss = Total of shrinkage, relaxation and creep * (Number of cables (cable 1 to 3) + Number of cables in 2nd stage)
= *(+)
= 958.91 kN/Cable
Actual time dependent losses = 958.91 kN

Total Stress
Stress at
Total Stress at 90 days Loss bet. 90 days- CG of Cables Stress due to at ∞ days
Section cable CG
(Mpa) ∞ days (kN) from soffit (m) loss (Mpa) without live
load (Mpa)

Top of slab 0.00 0.16 0.16

Top of girder -0.82 0.05 -0.76
End -958.91 0.834 5.96
Bottom 10.01 -1.12 8.89
Top of slab 0.07 0.28 0.35
Top of girder 0.91 0.11 1.03
L/8 -958.91 0.579 8.75
Bottom 12.66 -1.84 10.82
Top of slab 0.12 0.38 0.51
Top of girder 1.41 0.19 1.60
L/4 -958.91 0.379 8.91
Bottom 12.12 -2.04 10.08
Top of slab 0.18 0.46 0.64
Top of girder 1.40 0.25 1.65
3L/8 -958.91 0.221 9.42
Bottom 12.28 -2.19 10.10
Top of slab 0.25 0.45 0.71
Top of girder 1.96 0.24 2.20
L/2 -958.91 0.237 8.95
Bottom 11.76 -2.17 9.59

Loss bet. 90 days-∞ days = -Actual time dependent losses at ∞ days

Stress due to loss at top of slab = (Loss of Cables / Area of Composite Girder at Support - Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
(Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support) / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000

Stress due to loss at top of girder = (Loss of Cables / Area of Composite Girder at Support - Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
(Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support - Thickness of deck slab) / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress due to loss at bottom = (Loss of Cables / Area of Composite Girder at Support + Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * CG of
Composite Girder at Support / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
Total Stress at ∞ days without live load = Total Stress at 90 days + Stress due to loss

Stress at cable CG = Total Stress at bottom - (Total Stress at bottom - Total Stress at top of girder) / Depth of Precast Girder * Cable CG from soffit

Average stress at ∞ days = (Stress at cable CG for end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at L/4 + Stress at cable
CG for section at 3L/8) + Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8
= (5.96+2x(8.75+8.91+9.42)+8.95)/8
= 8.63 Mpa

0.25 Mpa 0.45 Mpa 0.71 Mpa

1.96 0.24 Mpa 2.20 Mpa < = 14.40 Mpa

+ =

11.76 -2.17 Mpa 9.59 Mpa > -2.29 Mpa

Resultant Stress at 90 days Resultant Stress at ∞ days
Loss of Cables inbet. 90 to ∞ days

Stress Diagram at Midspan of Composite Girder with SIDL without Live Load at ∞ days

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By: SLS Sheet No.

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5.3.6. Stress of composite girder due to live load

Total Stress
Total Live Load Stress due to Stress due to
Total Stress without 0.6 x Wind load at ∞ days
Section Moment (kN- Live Load Wind Load
live load (Mpa) (kN-m) with live
m) (Mpa) (Mpa)
load (Mpa)

Top of slab 0.16 -0.12 0.00 0.04

Top of girder -0.76 -234.56 -0.99 -0.09 0.00 -0.85
Bottom 8.89 0.18 0.00 9.07
Top of slab 0.35 0.87 0.04 1.26
Top of girder 1.03 1665.32 74.83 0.66 0.03 1.72
Bottom 10.82 -1.66 -0.07 9.08
Top of slab 0.51 1.38 0.07 1.95
Top of girder 1.60 2646.19 128.96 1.05 0.05 2.70
Bottom 10.08 -2.65 -0.13 7.31
Top of slab 0.64 1.54 0.08 2.27
Top of girder 1.65 2962.06 161.45 1.18 0.06 2.89
Bottom 10.10 -2.96 -0.16 6.97
Top of slab 0.71 1.52 0.09 2.33
Top of girder 2.20 2932.76 177.89 1.17 0.07 3.44
Bottom 9.59 -2.93 -0.18 6.48

Stress due to Live Load at top of slab = Moment due to LL / I of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress due to Live Load at top of girder = Moment due to LL / I of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support -
Thickness of deck slab) / 1000

Stress due to Live Load at bottom of girder = Moment due to LL / I of Composite Girder at Support * CG of Composite Girder at Support / 1000

Stress due to Wind Load at top of slab = Moment due to WL / I of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
Stress due to Wind Load at top of girder = Moment due to WL / I of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support -
Thickness of deck slab) / 1000

Stress due to Wind Load at bottom of girder = Moment due to WL / I of Composite Girder at Support * CG of Composite Girder at Support / 1000
Total Stress at ∞ days with live load = Total Stress without live load + Stress due to Live Load + Stress due to Wind Load

0.71 Mpa 1.52 Mpa 2.33 Mpa

2.20 Mpa 1.17 Mpa 3.44 Mpa < 14.40 Mpa Hence O.K.

+ =

9.59 Mpa -2.93 Mpa 6.48 Mpa > -2.29 Mpa Hence O.K.

Resultant Stress at a days Stress due to Live Load Resultant Stress at ∞ days

Stress Diagram at Midspan of Composite Girder with SIDL & Live Load at ∞ days

Permissible compressive stress in concrete at service = 0.36 x fck

= 0.36*
= 14.40 Mpa > 3.4 Mpa
Permissible Tensile stress in concrete at service = -2.29 Mpa < 0.0 Mpa Hence O.K.

5.3.7 Summary of Stresses for Precast girder only

Sectional Properties

Precast Girder Midspan Support Unit

Area 1.410 2.046 m2
I 1.234 1.434 m4
CG 1.595 1.522 m
Z Top 1.069 1.168 m3
Zbottom 0.774 0.943 m3

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By: SLS Sheet No.

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Composite Girder Midspan Support Unit

Area 2.160 2.796 m2
I 2.040 2.443 m4
CG 2.039 1.885 m
Z Top of slab 2.124 2.191 m3
Z Top 2.871 2.824 m3
Zbottom 1.000 1.297 m3

DL of girder + deck slab Prestressing force & Loss SIDL

Section Loss of Loss of

CG of cables Moment (kN-
Moment (kN-m) Stress (Mpa) Prestress (kN) precast composite Stress (Mpa)
(m) m)
Girder (kN) girder (kN)

Top of slab 0.15

Top of girder -0.01 -0.58
End -16.73 6467.37 0.834 -501.50 -1267.53 -16.78
Bottom 0.02 5.78
Top of slab 0.28
Top of girder 2.55 -1.39
L/8 2724.05 6507.55 0.579 -501.50 -1267.53 354.76
Bottom -3.52 9.71
Top of slab 0.40
Top of girder 4.40 -2.47
L/4 4705.46 6605.44 0.379 -501.50 -1267.53 626.20
Bottom -6.08 11.23
Top of slab 0.50
Top of girder 5.55 -3.36
3L/8 5927.49 6707.01 0.221 -501.50 -1267.53 841.23
Bottom -7.66 12.53
Top of slab 0.49
Top of girder 5.98 -3.34
L/2 6390.15 6825.53 0.237 -501.50 -1267.53 1033.87
Bottom -8.26 12.71

Stress at top of girder due to DL of girder + deck slab = Moment due to DL of girder + deck slab / Z Top of precast girder / 1000
Stress at bottom of girder due to DL of girder + deck slab = -Moment due to DL of girder + deck slab / Z bottom of precast girder / 1000
Loss of precast Girder = -(Elastic Shortening of first stage * Number of cables (cable 1 to 3) + Total Loss of shrinkage, relaxation & creep for 3 Cables + Elastic Shortening of
cable 4 * Number of cables + Total of elastic shortening and relaxation of cable 4 * Number of cables)
Loss of composite girder = -(Total Loss of 4 Cables at 60 days + Actual Loss of third Cable at 60 days + Actual time dependent losses at 90 days + Actual time dependent
losses at ∞ days)
Stress at top of slab due to Prestressing force & Loss = Loss of composite girder / 1000 * (1 / Area of Composite Girder - (CG of Composite Girder - CG of cables) / Z Top of slab
of Composite Girder)

Stress at top of girder due to Prestressing force & Loss = (Prestress + Loss of precas Girder) / 1000 * (1 / Area of Precast Girder - (CG of Precast Girder - CG of cables) / Z Top
of Precast Girder) + Loss of composite girder / 1000 * (1 / Area of Composite Girder - (CG of Composite Girder - CG of cables) / Z Top of Composite Girder)

Stress at top of girder due to Prestressing force & Loss = (Prestress + Loss of precas Girder) / 1000 * (1 / Area of Precast Girder + (CG of Precast Girder - CG of cables) /
Zbottom of Precast Girder) + Loss of composite girder / 1000 * (1 / Area of Composite Girder + (CG of Composite Girder - CG of cables) / Zbottom of Composite Girder)
Stress at top of slab due to SIDL = Moment due to SIDL / Z Top of slab of composite girder / 1000
Stress at top of girder due to SIDL = Moment due to SIDL / Z Top of composite girder / 1000
Stress at bottom of girder due to SIDL = -Moment due to SIDL / Z bottom of composite girder / 1000

Live load Wind load - loaded structure Temp (+ve) Temp (-ve) Shuttering load
Section Removal of
Stress Stress Stress Const. Load
Moment (kN-m) Stress (Mpa) Moment (kN-m) shutter (kN-
(Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (kN-m)
Top of slab -0.11 0.00 5.98 3.56
Top of girder -0.08 0.00 -0.66 -0.65
End -234.56 -0.99 -0.81 3.25
Bottom 0.18 0.00 -0.19 1.19
Top of slab 0.78 0.04 5.98 3.56
Top of girder 0.58 0.03 -0.66 -0.65
L/8 1665.32 74.83 319.11 -246.39
Bottom -1.66 -0.07 -0.19 1.19
Top of slab 1.25 0.06 5.98 3.56
Top of girder 0.92 0.04 -0.66 -0.65
L/4 2646.19 128.96 547.63 -424.64
Bottom -2.65 -0.13 -0.19 1.19
Top of slab 1.39 0.08 5.98 3.56
Top of girder 1.03 0.06 -0.66 -0.65
3L/8 2962.06 161.45 684.73 -531.61

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By: SLS Sheet No.

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Bottom -2.96 -0.16 -0.19 1.19
Top of slab 1.38 0.08 5.98 3.56
Top of girder 1.02 0.06 -0.66 -0.65
L/2 2932.76 177.89 730.44 -585.76
Bottom -2.93 -0.18 -0.19 1.19

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Stress at top of slab due to LL = Moment due to LL / Z Top of slab of composite girder / 1000
Stress at top of girder due to LL = Moment due to LL / Z Top of composite girder / 1000
Stress at bottom of girder due to LL = -Moment due to LL / Z bottom of composite girder / 1000
Stress at top of slab due to WL = Moment due to WL / Z Top of slab of composite girder / 1000
Stress at top of girder due to WL = Moment due to WL / Z Top of composite girder / 1000
Stress at bottom of girder due to WL = -Moment due to WL / Z bottom of composite girder / 1000
Stress at top of slab due to Removal of shutter = Moment due to Removal of shutter / Z Top of slab of composite girder / 1000
Stress at top of girder due to Removal of shutter = Moment due to Removal of shutter / Z Top of composite girder / 1000
Stress at bottom of girder due to Removal of shutter = -Moment due to Removal of shutter / Z bottom of composite girder / 1000

5.3.8 Load Combination for Rare Combination (SL1)

1) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress

2) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+ wind load(lead) (unloaded structure)
3) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(lead)+wind load (accompany)
4) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(accompany)+wind load (lead)
5) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(lead)+Temperature(accompany)
6) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(accompany)+Temperature(lead)
a) Load combination

Load Case 1 (a) 1 (b) 2 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 3 (b) 4 (a) 4 (b)
DL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SIDL 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Prestress 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Live load 1 1 0.75 0.75
Wind load 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 1
Temp (+ve)
Temp (-ve)

Load Case 5 (b) 5 (c) 5 (d) 6 (a) 6 (b) 6 (c) 6 (d)

DL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SIDL 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Prestress 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Live load 1 1 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Wind load
Temp (+ve) 0.6 1 1
Temp (-ve) 0.6 0.6 1 1

Load Case 7 (a) 7 (b) 8 (a) 8 (b) 9 (a) 9 (b) 10 (a) 10 (b)
DL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SIDL 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Prestress 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Live load 1 1 0.75 0.75
Wind load 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 1
Temp (+ve)
Temp (-ve)

Load Case 11 (b) 11 (c) 11 (d) 12 (a) 12 (b) 12 (c) 12 (d)

DL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SIDL 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Prestress 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Live load 1 1 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Wind load
Temp (+ve) 0.6 1 1
Temp (-ve) 0.6 0.6 1 1

b) Stresses of girder at different load cases

Section 1 (a) 1 (b) 2 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 3 (b) 4 (a) 4 (b)

Top of slab 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.05
Top of girder -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.62 -0.62 -0.60 -0.60
Bottom 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.42 5.42 5.38 5.37
Top of slab 0.46 0.42 0.48 0.44 1.26 1.23 1.08 1.05
Top of girder 1.44 1.42 1.46 1.43 2.04 2.01 1.90 1.88
Bottom 4.79 4.86 4.75 4.82 3.08 3.15 3.47 3.54
Top of slab 0.72 0.66 0.75 0.69 2.00 1.94 1.71 1.65
Top of girder 2.44 2.40 2.47 2.43 3.39 3.35 3.18 3.14
Bottom 3.27 3.40 3.20 3.32 0.55 0.68 1.16 1.29
Top of slab 0.92 0.84 0.97 0.89 2.36 2.28 2.05 1.97
Top of girder 2.87 2.81 2.90 2.85 3.94 3.88 3.70 3.64

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Bottom 2.61 2.78 2.51 2.68 -0.45 -0.28 0.23 0.39
Top of slab 1.02 0.93 1.07 0.98 2.45 2.36 2.14 2.05
Top of girder 3.41 3.33 3.44 3.37 4.46 4.39 4.23 4.16
Bottom 1.94 2.15 1.83 2.04 -1.10 -0.89 -0.44 -0.23

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Section 5 (b) 5 (c ) 5 (d) 6 (a) 6 (b) 6 (c) 6 (c) Max comp.

Top of slab 3.61 2.16 2.16 6.02 6.03 3.61 3.61 6.03
Top of girder -1.02 -1.01 -1.01 -1.26 -1.26 -1.25 -1.25 -0.54
Bottom 5.30 6.13 6.13 5.19 5.18 6.56 6.56 6.56
Top of slab 4.79 3.38 3.34 7.02 6.99 4.60 4.57 7.02
Top of girder 1.60 1.64 1.61 1.22 1.20 1.23 1.21 2.04
Bottom 3.08 3.84 3.91 3.35 3.42 4.73 4.80 4.86
Top of slab 5.49 4.10 4.04 7.63 7.57 5.21 5.15 7.63
Top of girder 2.93 2.98 2.93 2.48 2.43 2.49 2.44 3.39
Bottom 0.64 1.34 1.47 1.10 1.22 2.48 2.60 3.40
Top of slab 5.82 4.45 4.38 7.94 7.87 5.53 5.45 7.94
Top of girder 3.45 3.51 3.46 2.99 2.93 3.00 2.94 3.94
Bottom -0.30 0.36 0.53 0.20 0.37 1.58 1.74 2.78
Top of slab 5.89 4.54 4.44 8.03 7.94 5.62 5.52 8.03
Top of girder 3.96 4.04 3.97 3.51 3.44 3.53 3.45 4.46
Bottom -0.90 -0.28 -0.07 -0.45 -0.24 0.93 1.14 2.15

Section 7 (a) 7 (b) 8 (a) 8 (b) 9 (a) 9 (b) 10 (a) 10 (b)

Top of slab 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08
Top of girder -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.74 -0.74 -0.72 -0.72
Bottom 6.40 6.39 6.40 6.39 6.58 6.58 6.53 6.53
Top of slab 0.51 0.48 0.53 0.50 1.32 1.29 1.14 1.10
Top of girder 1.16 1.14 1.18 1.16 1.76 1.74 1.63 1.60
Bottom 6.73 6.81 6.69 6.76 5.02 5.10 5.41 5.48
Top of slab 0.80 0.74 0.83 0.78 2.08 2.02 1.79 1.73
Top of girder 1.95 1.91 1.98 1.93 2.90 2.85 2.69 2.64
Bottom 5.52 5.64 5.44 5.57 2.80 2.92 3.41 3.53
Top of slab 1.02 0.94 1.07 0.99 2.46 2.38 2.15 2.07
Top of girder 2.20 2.14 2.23 2.17 3.26 3.21 3.03 2.97
Bottom 5.12 5.28 5.02 5.19 2.06 2.23 2.73 2.90
Top of slab 1.12 1.02 1.17 1.07 2.55 2.46 2.24 2.14
Top of girder 2.74 2.67 2.77 2.70 3.80 3.72 3.57 3.49
Bottom 4.48 4.69 4.38 4.58 1.44 1.65 2.11 2.31

Section 11 (b) 11 (c) 11 (d) 12 (a) 12 (b) 12 (c) 12 (d) Max comp.
Top of slab 3.64 2.19 2.19 6.06 6.06 3.64 3.64 6.06
Top of girder -1.13 -1.13 -1.13 -1.38 -1.38 -1.37 -1.36 -0.66
Bottom 6.46 7.29 7.29 6.34 6.34 7.72 7.72 7.72
Top of slab 4.85 3.43 3.40 7.08 7.04 4.66 4.63 7.08
Top of girder 1.32 1.36 1.33 0.94 0.92 0.95 0.93 1.76
Bottom 5.03 5.78 5.85 5.30 5.37 6.67 6.74 6.81
Top of slab 5.57 4.18 4.12 7.71 7.65 5.29 5.23 7.71
Top of girder 2.43 2.48 2.44 1.98 1.94 1.99 1.95 2.90
Bottom 2.88 3.59 3.71 3.34 3.47 4.72 4.85 5.64
Top of slab 5.92 4.55 4.48 8.04 7.97 5.63 5.55 8.04
Top of girder 2.78 2.84 2.78 2.31 2.26 2.33 2.27 3.26
Bottom 2.21 2.87 3.03 2.70 2.87 4.08 4.25 5.28
Top of slab 5.99 4.64 4.54 8.13 8.03 5.72 5.62 8.13
Top of girder 3.29 3.37 3.30 2.85 2.77 2.86 2.79 3.80
Bottom 1.64 2.26 2.47 2.09 2.30 3.47 3.68 4.69

Permissible compressive stress in concrete at service = 0.48 x fck

= 0.48*
= 19.20 Mpa > 8.1 Mpa
Permissible Tensile stress in concrete at service = -2.29 Mpa < -1.11 Mpa Hence O.K.
If stress with / without Live load at top of deck slab near support section only exceeds the permissible tensile stress i.e. 2.29Mpa.
Necessary reinforcement shall be provided to resist the tensile stress of deck slab.
Maximum tensile force =
Thickness of deck slab / (Max Tension at top of slab at end of girder - Max Tension at top of girder at end of girder) * ABS(Max
Tension at top of girder at end of girder) * Effective deck width * Max Tension at top of girder at end of girder / 2
= /(-)*ABS()*3.000*/2
= -0.15 kN

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Permissible working stress = 240.00 MPa
Area of reinforcement required = ABS(Maximum tensile force) * 1000 / (Permissible working stress * 1.15)
= ABS()*1000/(*1.15)
= 0.5 mm2

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Ast provided = PI() / 4 * 10^2 * Effective deck width * 1000 / 140 * 2

= PI()/4*10^2*3.000*1000/140*2
= 3365.99 mm2
Hence Provide 10 T @ 140 c/c + 10 T @ 140 c/c at top

5.3.9 Load Combination for frequent Combination (SL2) - for prestressing member

1) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress

2) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+ wind load(lead) (unloaded structure)
3) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(lead)+wind load (accompany)
4) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(accompany)+wind load (lead)
5) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(lead)+Temperature(accompany)
6) Dead load +SIDL+Prestress+Live load(accompany)+Temperature(lead)

a) Load combination

Load Case 1 (a) 1 (b) 2 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 3 (b) 4 (a) 4 (b)
DL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SIDL 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Prestress 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Live load 0.75 0.75 0.2 0.2
Wind load 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6
Temp (+ve)
Temp (-ve)

Load Case 5 (b) 5 (c) 5 (d) 6 (a) 6 (b) 6 (c) 6 (d)

DL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SIDL 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Prestress 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Live load 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Wind load
Temp (+ve) 0.5 0.6 0.6
Temp (-ve) 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6

Load Case 7 (a) 7 (b) 8 (a) 8 (b) 9 (a) 9 (b) 10 (a) 10 (b)
DL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SIDL 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Prestress 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Live load 0.75 0.75 0.2 0.2
Wind load 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6
Temp (+ve)
Temp (-ve)

Load Case 11 (b) 11 (c) 11 (d) 12 (a) 12 (b) 12 (c) 12 (d)

DL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SIDL 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1
Prestress 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Live load 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Wind load
Temp (+ve) 0.5 0.6 0.6
Temp (-ve) 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6

b) Stresses of girder at different load cases

Section 1 (a) 1 (b) 2 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 3 (b) 4 (a) 4 (b)

Top of slab 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.05 0.11 0.11
Top of girder -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.54 -0.60 -0.60 -0.56 -0.56
Bottom 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.38 5.37 5.28 5.27
Top of slab 0.46 0.42 0.48 0.44 1.06 1.03 0.63 0.60
Top of girder 1.44 1.42 1.46 1.43 1.89 1.87 1.57 1.55
Bottom 4.79 4.86 4.75 4.82 3.51 3.58 4.41 4.49
Top of slab 0.72 0.66 0.75 0.69 1.68 1.62 1.00 0.94
Top of girder 2.44 2.40 2.47 2.43 3.16 3.11 2.65 2.61
Bottom 3.27 3.40 3.20 3.32 1.22 1.35 2.67 2.79
Top of slab 0.92 0.84 0.97 0.89 2.01 1.93 1.25 1.17
Top of girder 2.87 2.81 2.90 2.85 3.67 3.61 3.11 3.05
Bottom 2.61 2.78 2.51 2.68 0.31 0.48 1.92 2.09
Top of slab 1.02 0.93 1.07 0.98 2.10 2.00 1.35 1.25
Top of girder 3.41 3.33 3.44 3.37 4.20 4.13 3.65 3.58
Bottom 1.94 2.15 1.83 2.04 -0.35 -0.14 1.25 1.45

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Section 5 (b) 5 (c ) 5 (d) 6 (a) 6 (b) 6 (c) 6 (c) Max comp.

Top of slab 3.04 1.83 1.83 3.69 3.69 2.24 2.25 3.69
Top of girder -0.93 -0.93 -0.93 -0.95 -0.95 -0.95 -0.94 -0.54
Bottom 5.28 5.97 5.97 5.16 5.16 5.99 5.99 5.99
Top of slab 4.00 2.82 2.79 4.20 4.17 2.75 2.72 4.20
Top of girder 1.52 1.56 1.53 1.16 1.14 1.17 1.15 1.89
Bottom 3.52 4.14 4.21 4.35 4.42 5.17 5.24 5.24
Top of slab 4.58 3.43 3.37 4.55 4.49 3.10 3.04 4.64
Top of girder 2.76 2.81 2.77 2.23 2.19 2.24 2.20 3.16
Bottom 1.32 1.88 2.01 2.63 2.75 3.46 3.58 3.58
Top of slab 4.88 3.75 3.67 4.79 4.71 3.34 3.26 4.96
Top of girder 3.26 3.32 3.26 2.68 2.62 2.69 2.63 3.67
Bottom 0.46 0.98 1.15 1.90 2.07 2.73 2.90 2.90
Top of slab 4.95 3.84 3.74 4.88 4.79 3.44 3.34 5.05
Top of girder 3.77 3.85 3.78 3.22 3.14 3.22 3.15 4.20
Bottom -0.15 0.34 0.54 1.24 1.45 2.07 2.27 2.27

Section 7 (a) 7 (b) 8 (a) 8 (b) 9 (a) 9 (b) 10 (a) 10 (b)

Top of slab 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.08 0.08 0.14 0.14
Top of girder -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.66 -0.72 -0.72 -0.67 -0.67
Bottom 6.40 6.39 6.40 6.39 6.53 6.53 6.43 6.43
Top of slab 0.51 0.48 0.53 0.50 1.12 1.09 0.69 0.66
Top of girder 1.16 1.14 1.18 1.16 1.61 1.59 1.30 1.27
Bottom 6.73 6.81 6.69 6.76 5.45 5.52 6.36 6.43
Top of slab 0.80 0.74 0.83 0.78 1.76 1.70 1.08 1.02
Top of girder 1.95 1.91 1.98 1.93 2.66 2.62 2.16 2.12
Bottom 5.52 5.64 5.44 5.57 3.47 3.60 4.91 5.04
Top of slab 1.02 0.94 1.07 0.99 2.11 2.03 1.35 1.27
Top of girder 2.20 2.14 2.23 2.17 3.00 2.94 2.44 2.38
Bottom 5.12 5.28 5.02 5.19 2.81 2.98 4.43 4.59
Top of slab 1.12 1.02 1.17 1.07 2.20 2.10 1.45 1.35
Top of girder 2.74 2.67 2.77 2.70 3.53 3.46 2.98 2.91
Bottom 4.48 4.69 4.38 4.58 2.20 2.40 3.79 4.00

Section 11 (b) 11 (c) 11 (d) 12 (a) 12 (b) 12 (c) 12 (d) Max comp.
Top of slab 3.07 1.86 1.86 3.72 3.73 2.28 2.28 3.73
Top of girder -1.05 -1.04 -1.04 -1.07 -1.07 -1.06 -1.06 -0.66
Bottom 6.43 7.13 7.12 6.32 6.32 7.15 7.14 7.15
Top of slab 4.06 2.88 2.85 4.26 4.22 2.81 2.77 4.26
Top of girder 1.25 1.28 1.25 0.89 0.86 0.89 0.87 1.61
Bottom 5.46 6.08 6.15 6.29 6.36 7.11 7.18 7.18
Top of slab 4.66 3.51 3.45 4.63 4.57 3.18 3.12 4.72
Top of girder 2.27 2.32 2.27 1.74 1.70 1.75 1.70 2.66
Bottom 3.56 4.13 4.25 4.88 5.00 5.70 5.83 5.83
Top of slab 4.98 3.85 3.77 4.89 4.81 3.44 3.36 5.06
Top of girder 2.58 2.65 2.59 2.01 1.95 2.02 1.96 3.00
Bottom 2.97 3.49 3.66 4.41 4.58 5.24 5.40 5.40
Top of slab 5.05 3.94 3.84 4.98 4.89 3.53 3.44 5.14
Top of girder 3.10 3.18 3.11 2.55 2.47 2.55 2.48 3.53
Bottom 2.40 2.88 3.08 3.78 3.99 4.61 4.82 4.82

Permissible compressive stress in concrete at service = 0.36 x fck

= 0.36*
= 14.40 Mpa > 7.2 Mpa
Permissible Tensile stress in concrete at service = -2.29 Mpa < -0.35 Mpa Hence O.K.

5.4 Check for ultimate strength of girder in Flexure :-

Grade of concrete = M40

Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ecm = 30098 MPa
Design yield strength fpd = 28.00 MPa

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Modulus of elasticity of steel = 200.00 Gpa

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By: SLS Sheet No.

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3000 0.00350 = 17.87
250 8523 kN
3000 300

237 400 0.0455 4187 kN

650 Strain Diagram Stress Diagram

Top width of girder = 3000 mm
Width of web = 300 mm
Depth of girder = 3000 mm
Balanced neutral axis depth =
Strain at top of girder / (0.0055 + Design yield strength fpd / (Modulus of elasticity of steel * 1000)) * Depth of girder
= /(0.0055+/(*1000))*
= 1862 mm
Total strain at the prestress CG = 0.0035 / Actual neutral axis depth * (D1716 - Actual neutral axis depth - J1725)
= 0.0035/*(--)
= 0.04551
Total ultimate compressive force = 0.36 * Top width of girder * Actual neutral axis depth * Grade of concrete / 1000 if Actual neutral axis depth <=
Thickness of compression flange
= 0.36 * Width of web * Actual neutral axis depth + 0.446 * (Top width of girder - Width of web) * (0.15 * Actual
neutral axis depth + 0.65 * Thickness of compression flange) * Grade of concrete / 1000 if Actual neutral axis depth
> Thickness of compression flange
= 8523 kN
Compressive force CG = 0.416 * Actual neutral axis depth
= 0.416*
= 82.07 mm
Thickness of compression flange = 250 mm
Distance of prestress CG from bottom = 237 mm
Actual neutral axis depth = 197.28 mm The Section is under reinforced
Total ultimate tensile force = Total strain at the prestress CG * Modulus of elasticity of steel * Area of each Cable * total number of cables
= 4187 kN
Moment of resistance = Total ultimate tensile force * (Depth of girder - Distance of prestress CG from bottom - Compressive force CG)
= 11224 kNm < 15102 kNm Hence not O.K.
At support Near L/8 Near L/4 Near 3L/8 At L/2
Ultimate moment 405 6909 11611 14160 15102
Horizontal prestress after all losses (kN) 7146 7202 7315 7431 7619
Pre-strain in the cables after all losses 0.07767 0.07827 0.07950 0.08077 0.08280
Distance of prestress CG from bottom (mm) 834 579 379 221 237
Total width of web (mm) 650 300 300 300 300
Assumed neutral axis from top (mm) 197 197 197 197 197
Total strain at the prestress CG 0.1126 0.1177 0.1225 0.1266 0.1283
Average prestress at failure (MPa) 22518 23545 24499 25316 25663
Total compressive force by concrete (kN) 8523 8523 8523 8523 8523
Total tensile force by prestressing steel (kN) 10359 10832 11270 11646 11806
Difference in forces -1837 -2309 -2748 -3124 -3283
Moment of resistance (kNm) 17750 19928 21628 22981 22838
Effective lever arm between forces (m) 2.083 2.338 2.538 2.696 2.680
Factor of Safety associated with failure 43.80 2.88 1.86 1.62 1.51

Horizontal prestress after all losses = Cable force after fr. & slip loss at 5 days + Cable force after fr. & slip loss at 28 days - Total loss
Pre-strain in the cables after all losses = Horizontal prestress after all losses / (Area of each Cable * total number of cables) / Ep
Total strain at the prestress CG = 0.0035 * (Depth of girder - Assumed neutral axis from top - Distance of prestress CG from bottom) / Assumed neutral axis from top + Pre-
strain in the cables after all losses
Average prestress at failure = Total strain at the prestress CG * Modulus of elasticity of steel
Total compressive force by concrete = 0.36 * Top width of girder * Assumed neutral axis from Top * grade of concrete if Assumed neutral axis from
Top <= Thickness of compression flange
= 0.36 * Total width of web * Assumed neutral axis from top + 0.446 * (Top width of girder - Total width of web)
* (0.15 * Assumed neutral axis from top + 0.65 * Thickness of compression flange) * Grade of concrete if Assumed
neutral axis from top > Thickness of compression flange
Total tensile force by prestressing steel = Average prestress at failure * Area of each Cable * total number of cables
Difference in forces = Total compressive force by concrete - Total tensile force by prestressing steel
Moment of resistance =
0.36 * Top width of girder * Assumed neutral axis from top * (Depth of girder - Distance of prestress CG from bottom - 0.42 *
Assumed neutral axis from top) * Grade of concrete if Assumed neutral axis from top <= Thickness of compression flange

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0.36 * Total width of web * Assumed neutral axis from top * (Depth of girder - Distance of prestress CG from bottom - 0.42 *
Assumed neutral axis from top) + 0.446 * (Top width of girder - Total width of web) * Thickness of compression flange * (Depth of
girder - Distance of prestress CG from bottom - 0.5 * Thickness of compression flange) * Grade of concrete if Assumed neutral axis
from top > Thickness of compression flange
Effective lever arm between forces = Moment of resistance / Total compressive force by concrete
Factor of Safety associated with failure = Moment of resistance / Ultimate moment

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

5.5 Design of Shear

Total loss after friction & Slip Loss

Description 1st stage stressing % Loss 2nd stage stressing % Loss

At 5 days
Elastic shortening 69.33 kN 3.5 %
Relaxation 43.42 kN 2.2 %
At 28 days
Elastic shortening 3.98 kN 0.2 % 3.98 kN 0.2 %
Shrinkage 1.64 kN 0.1 %
Relaxation 92.71 kN 4.6 % 43.42 kN 2.2 %
Creep 7.36 kN 0.4 %
At 60 days
Shrinkage 1.01 kN 0.1 % 1.01 kN 0.1 %
Relaxation 24.64 kN 1.2 % 73.93 kN 3.7 %
Creep 10.14 kN 0.5 % 10.14 kN 0.5 %
At 90 days
Shrinkage 0.72 kN 0.0 % 0.72 kN 0.0 %
Relaxation 0.00 kN 0.0 % 0.00 kN 0.0 %
Creep 11.46 kN 0.6 % 11.46 kN 0.6 %
At ∞ days
Shrinkage 6.52 kN 0.3 % 6.52 kN 0.3 %
Relaxation 234.71 kN 11.7 % 234.71 kN 11.7 %
Creep 22.82 kN 1.1 % 22.82 kN 1.1 %
Total 530.48 kN/cable 26.5 % 408.72 kN/cable 20.4 %
Total loss 1804.70 kN

Total loss =
Total loss per cable for 1st stage stressing * Number of cables (cable 1 to 3) + Number of cables for 2nd stage * Total loss per cable for 2nd stage stressing

Vertical Component of Cable Force (kN)

Position Support L/8 L/4 3L/8 L/2

Cable No 0.350 4.100 7.850 11.600 15.350
Cable 1 2451.08 2466.38 2510.05 2552.90 2585.89
Vert. angle 2.66 2.66 2.66 0.00 0.00
Cable 2 2453.00 2468.29 2517.85 2564.56 2594.76
Vert. angle 3.67 3.67 3.67 0.00 0.00
Cable 3 2483.53 2498.74 2513.94 2529.15 2597.84
Vert. angle 4.08 4.08 4.08 4.08 0.00
Cable 4 1563.29 1572.88 1582.47 1592.06 1644.87
Vert. angle 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 0.00
Total Ver.
Comp. of 453.13 456.75 463.88 246.80 0.00
cable1 to 4

Force in cable = Cable force after Friction & Slip * COS(Vert. angle)
Total Ver. Comp. of cable1 to 4 = ∑(Force in cable - Total loss during 1st stage / 2nd stage stressing) * SIN(Vert. angle)

Ultimate Shear at Sections :-

Shear 2287 1986 1272 736 598

Ultimate Load
Moment 405 6909 11611 14160 15102

5.5.1 Section not requiring design shear reinforcement

i) Shear Capacity of Cracked Section as per clause 10.3.2(2) of IRC 112-2010

VRD.C = [0.12 * K(80 * r1 * fck)^0.33 + 0.15scp] * bw * d

Where, K = 1 + sqrt(200 / d) <= 2
r1 = Asl /(bw * d) <= 0.02
scp = NEd / Ac <= 0.2 x fcd
vmin = 0.031 *K^1.5 * fck^0.5
Subject to VRD.C MIN = {vmin + 0.15sCP) * bw * d
Where, d is in millimeters
fck = 40 Mpa
Where, NEd = axial compression, Ac = Area of section
fcd = acc * fck / gm
where, acc = 0.67 and gm = 1.5

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Description Support L/8 L/4 3L/8 L/2

Prestress Force after all losses (kN) 7146.2 7201.6 7314.7 7431.5 7618.7
Effective width of the web in mm 650 300 300 300 300
Effective Depth of precast Section (d) in mm 1916 2171 2371 2529 2513
Effective Depth of composite Section (d) in mm 2266 2521 2721 2879 2863
K 1.297 1.282 1.271 1.264 1.264
Stress due to Prestress (scp) (Mpa) 3.573 3.573 3.573 3.573 3.573
Shear Resistance minimum (VRd,cmin) (kN) 1215.9 620.5 666.8 703.5 699.7
Reinforcement ratio considering Tendons, r 1 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Shear resistance ( VRd,c) (kN) 1018.5 550.3 588.7 619.2 615.9
Design Shear resistance ( VRd,c) (kN) 1018.5 550.3 588.7 619.2 615.9

Effective Depth of precast Section = Depth of Girder - CG of cables

Effective Depth of composite Section = Depth of Composite Girder - CG of cables
K = Minimum of 1 + SQRT(200 / Effective Depth of composite Section) & 2
Stress due to Prestress = Minimum of (Prestress Force after all losses * 1000 / Area of Precast Girder at Support) & (0.2 * 0.67 / 1.5 * fck)

Shear Resistance minimum = (0.031 * K^1.5 * fck^0.5 + 0.15 * Stress due to Prestress) * Effective width of the web * Effective Depth of composite Section
Reinforcement ratio considering Tendons = Minimum of (Area of each Cable * Total number of cables / (Effective width of the web * Effective Depth of composite Section))
& 0.02
Shear resistance = (0.12 * K * (80 * Reinforcement ratio considering Tendons * fck)^0.33 + 0.15 * Stress due to Prestress) * Effective width of the web * Effective Depth of
composite Section
Design Shear resistance = Minimum of Shear Resistance minimum & Shear resistance

ii) Shear Capacity of Uncracked Section as per clause 10.3.2(2) of IRC 112-2010

The shear resistance of the beam section uncracked in flexure is given below:-
VRd,c = ( I * bwc )/ S x √ (fctd2 + k1 scp fctd)
Where, I = Moment of inertia
bwc= Width of beam after deduction due to duct
S = First moment of area between cetroidal axis and extreme compression fibre about the centrodial axis.
fctd = design tensile strength of concrete = fctk / gm = 5.41 Mpa

Description Support L/8 L/4 3L/8 L/2

Prestress Force after all losses (kN) 7146.2 7201.6 7314.7 7431.5 7618.7
Effective width of the Web 650 300 300 300 300
Effective Depth of the Section (d) 2266 2521 2721 2879 2863
Stress due to Prestress (s cp) 3.573 3.573 3.573 3.573 3.573
Design tensile strength of the Concrete (f ctd) 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41 5.41
First moment of inertia about the CG (S) 4.61E+09 3.29E+09 3.29E+09 3.29E+09 3.29E+09
Transmission length factor, k1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Moment of Inertia (I) (mm4) 2.4E+12 2.0E+12 2.0E+12 2.0E+12 2.0E+12
Design Shear resistance ( VRd,c) (kN) 2402.2 1297.9 1297.9 1297.9 1297.9

First moment of inertia about the CG = Thickness of compression flange * Top width of girder * (Depth of girder - Thickness of compression flange / 2 - Total CG from
bottom) + Effective width of the Web / 2 * (Depth of girder - Thickness of compression flange - Total CG from bottom)^2
Design Shear resistance = Moment of Inertia * Effective width of the Web / First moment of inertia about the CG * SQRT(Design tensile strength of the Concrete^2 +
Transmission length factor * Stress due to Prestress * Design tensile strength of the Concrete)

iii) Summary of the Shear resistance of the Beam when shear reinforcement isn't required :

The maximum shear capacity of the Beam as per cl.10.3.2 (5) of IRC 112-2010
VEd ≤ 0.50 bw d n fcd
where, n = 0.60 [ 1 - fck/310]

Description Support L/8 L/4 3L/8 L/2

Distance from bearing in m 0.00 3.75 7.50 11.25 15.00
Distance modification factor b for Precast Beam 1.00 0.86 1.00 1.00 1.00
Distance modification factor b for Composite 0.25 0.74 1.00 1.00 1.00
Effective Shear for Precast Beam 2287.3 1714.8 1271.7 735.8 598.4
Effective Shear for Composite Section (kN) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Effective Shear due to prestressing force (kN) 453.1 456.8 463.9 246.8 0.0
Total Shear force for the Beam (kN) 1834.2 1258.0 807.8 489.0 598.4
Precast member Area (m2) 2.05 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41
Zb (m3) 0.94 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77
Composite member Area (m2) 2.80 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16
Zb (m3) 1.30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Stress due to prestress at tensile fibre s bpt (MPa) -0.867 -2.116 -3.804 -5.195 -5.158

Section at Maximum Bending Moment Uncracked Uncracked Uncracked Uncracked Uncracked

Shear capacity of Beam Section (kN) 2402.18 1297.94 1297.94 1297.94 1297.94

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Maximum shear capacity of the Section (kN) 6875 3531 3810 4032 4009
Not Not Not
Whether shear reinforcement required or not Not Required Not Required
Required Required Required

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Distance modification factor b for Precast Beam = Minimum of (Maximum of 0.25 & Distance from bearing / (2 * Effective Depth of precast Section / 1000)) & 1

Distance modification factor b for Composite = Minimum of (Maximum of 0.25 & Distance from bearing / (2 * Effective Depth of Composite Section / 1000)) & 1
Effective Shear for Precast Beam = Ultimate Shear * Distance modification factor b for Precast Beam
Effective Shear for Composite Section = 0
Effective Shear due to prestressing force = Total Vertical Component of Cable Force

Total Shear force for the Beam = Effective Shear for Precast Beam + Effective Shear for Composite Section - Effective Shear due to prestressing force
Stress due to prestress at tensile fibre = Stress due to cable force after fr., slip & ES loss at 5 days + Stress due to cable force after fr., slip & ES loss at 28 days after stressing of
If Stress due to prestress at tensile fibre < -design tensile strength of concrete, section is cracked, otherwise uncracked.
Shear capacity of Beam Section = Design Shear resistance for uncracked section or cracked section

Maximum shear capacity of the Section = 0.5 * Effective width of the Web * Effective Depth of the Section * (0.6 * (1 - fck / 310)) * fck * 0.67 / 1.5
If minimum of Shear capacity of Beam Section & Maximum shear capacity of the Section < Total Shear force for the Beam, shear reinforcement is required, otherwise not

iv) Calculation of Shear Resistance when Shear Reinforcement is Required :

The design for the Vertical stirrups for resisting shear is calculated in the table below as per Cl. No. of IRC:112-2011.
The shear resistance with vertical stirrups is given by,
VRd,s = Asw / s. z. fywd cot q by Crushing of Compression strut
VRd,max = acw bw z v1 fcd / (cot q + tan q) by yielding of the Vertical reinforcement
Grade of reinforcement = Fe 500
Grade of concrete = M40
gm = fctk / fctd = /
= 7.394
Design Tensile stress in stirrups (f ywd = 0.8fyk/gm)
= 0.8*/
= 54.1 Mpa
Concrete Strength (fcd) = 50.0 Mpa
Minimum Shear reinf. ratio = 0.072sqrt(fck) / fyk
= (0.072*SQRT())/
= 0.00091
Coeff accounting stress in compression chord n1 = 0.6 if Grade of concrete < 80
= Maximum of (0.9 - Grade of concrete / 250) & 0.5 if Grade of concrete > 80
= IF(<80,0.6,MAX(0.9-/250,0.5))
= 0.60
Design of Vertical Transverse reinforcement (α = 90o)

Description Support L/8 L/4 3L/8 L/2

Shear demand of Beam (kN) 1834.2 1258.0 807.8 489.0 598.4
Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z (m) 2.08 2.34 2.54 2.70 2.68
Angle of compression strut q (degrees) 25.54 30.51 22.38 22.38 22.38
12 16 12 12 12
Dia of shear reinforcement provided (mm) + + + + +
16 0 0 0 0
Number of legs provided 2 2 2 2 2
Spacing of stirrups provided (mm) 125 125 125 125 125
Minimum area of Shear reinf. reqd Asw/s (mm2/mm) 0.59 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27
Area of shear reinf provided Asw/s (mm2/mm) 5.027 3.217 1.810 1.810 1.810
Check O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.
Shear resistance provided by reinf V RD,s (kN) 1185 691 603 641 637
Coeff accounting stress in comp chord a cw 1.071 1.071 1.071 1.071 1.071
Shear capacity of compression strut V RD,max (kN) 16928 9862 8616 9155 9098
Difference in shear resistance (kN) 15742.16 9171.47 8012.43 8513.62 8460.72
Shear capacity of the Section (kN) 1185.38 690.61 603.33 641.07 637.09
Factor of Safety associated with failure 0.65 0.55 0.75 1.31 1.06
Increase in longitudinal tensile force DF td (kN) 1919.40 1067.48 980.94 593.82 726.61
Total longitudinal tensile force (kN) 2113.99 4022.09 5556.32 5845.02 6362.34
Permissible longitudinal tensile force (kN) 8522.57 8522.57 8522.57 8522.57 8522.57
Check Hence O.K. Hence O.K. Hence O.K. Hence O.K. Hence O.K.

Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z = Effective lever arm between forces = Moment of resistance / Total compressive force by concrete
Minimum area of Shear reinf. reqd = Minimum Shear reinf. ratio * Effective width of the web
Area of shear reinf provided = Number of legs provided * PI() * (Stirrup 1 dia / 2)^2 / Spacing of stirrups provided + Number of legs provided * PI() * (Stirrup 2 dia / 2)^2 /
Spacing of stirrups provided
Shear resistance provided by reinf = Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z * Area of shear reinf provided * Design Tensile stress in stirrups / TAN(Angle of compression
strut q)
Coeff accounting stress in comp chord
= (1 + Stress due to Prestress / Concrete Strength (fcd)) if Stress due to Prestress < 0.25 * Concrete Strength (fcd)

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

= 1.25 if Stress due to Prestress < 0.5 * Concrete Strength (fcd) & Stress due to Prestress > 0.25 * Concrete
Strength (fcd)
= 2.5 * (1 - Stress due to Prestress / Concrete Strength (fcd)) if Stress due to Prestress > 0.5 * Concrete Strength
(fcd) & Stress due to Prestress > 0.25 * Concrete Strength (fcd)

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Shear capacity of compression strut = Coeff accounting stress in comp chord * Effective width of the Web * Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z * Coeff accounting stress
in compression chord n1 * Concrete Strength (fcd) / (TAN(Angle of compression strut q) + 1 / TAN(Angle of compression strut q))
Difference in shear resistance = Shear capacity of compression strut - Shear resistance provided by reinf
Shear capacity of the Section = Minimum of Shear capacity of compression strut & Shear resistance provided by reinf
Factor of Safety associated with failure = Shear capacity of the Section / Shear demand of Beam
Increase in longitudinal tensile force = 0.5 * Shear demand of Beam / TAN(Angle of compression strut q)
Total longitudinal tensile force = Increase in longitudinal tensile force + (Ultimate moment / Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z)
Permissible longitudinal tensile force = Moment of resistance / Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z

5.6. Anchor Block

Check Bearing pressure

According to Manufacture's Catalog

Size of anchor flange = 130 mm
Dia of Hole = 10 mm
fb = 0.48xfcjxSQRT(A2/A1) or 0.8xfcj Whichever is smaller
fcj = fck (t) = fcm (t) - 10 = 25.53 N/mm2
A2 = (Total of Shrinkage, Relaxation & Creep losses for last 1 cable * 1000)^2 - PI() / 4 * Dia of Hole^2
= 85084.6014023374^2- 3.14/4x10^2
= 7239389317.25482 mm2
A1 = Size of anchor flange * Size of anchor flange - PI() / 4 * Dia of Hole^2
= 130x130- 3.14/4x10^2
= 16821.5 mm2
fb = Minimum of (0.48 * fcj * SQRT(A2 / A1)) & (0.8 * fcj)
= min (0.48fcjsqrt(A2/A1),0.8fcj)
= 20.43 N/mm2
Now, Maximum Cable Force after immediate Losses = 259.78 T
As per Manufacture's recommendation = 40% of above force to be taken by End Bearing
= 60% of above force to be taken by Anchorage
Cone and Concrete by friction
Bearing stress = N / A1 = 0.4 * Maximum Cable Force after immediate Losses * 1000 / A1
= 0.4**1000/
= 6.18 N/mm2 < 20.43 N/mm2 (fb) Hence O.K.

Busting reinforcement in end block

2Yo = 250 mm
2Ypo = Size of anchor flange = 130 mm
Ypo / Yo = /
= 0.52
As per Table 13.1 of IRC 112-2011
Fbst / Pk = 0.120
Fbst = Maximum Cable Force after immediate Losses * 1.3 * (Fbst / Pk)
= 0.12x1.3x259.78
= 40.53 kN
Area of Steel Required = Fbst/(0.87xfy)
= *1000/(0.87*)
= 93.16 mm2
Hence Provide 12 T- 4L- 4 Nos along Web and Normal to Web
Ast = Nos * No. of legs * PI() / 4 * dia^2
= **PI()/4*^2
= 1809.56 mm2

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

5.7. Interface Shear Design for Composite section

The shear stress that arises between the interfaces of concrete placed at different times is reffered to as interface
shear. The interface shear is resisted by friction at the interface and by reinforcement placed across the shear plane.
The interface shear stress, Vedi <= the resisting capacity at the section, VRdi
Vedi = b Ved/zbi
Where, b = The ratio of longitudinal force in the new concrete and total longitudinal force
Ved = The tranverse shear force
z = Lever arm
bi = the width of interface
fck = = M40
Vrdi = msn + rfyd[msina+cosa] <= 0.5vfcd
Where, m = friction for rough surface = 0.7
fyd = Grade of reinforcement = 500 Mpa
sn = the minimum co existing normal stress < 0.6fcd = 0.00 Mpa
r = As/Aj where As is the area of reinforcement, Aj is the interface area of the joint
n1 = Coeff accounting stress in compression chord
= 0.6 if fck < 80
= Maximum of (0.9 - fck / 250) & 0.5 if fck > 80
= IF(<80,0.6,MAX(0.9-/250,0.5))
= 0.60
a = the angle of the reinforcement to the interface = 90.00 degree
fcd = acc*fck/gm
where, acc = 0.67
and gm = 1.5
fcd = */
= 17.87 Mpa

Description Support L/8 L/4 3L/8 L/2

Shear demand of Beam,VEd (kN) 1834.18 1258.02 807.84 489.03 598.39
Ratio of Longitudinal forces (b) 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z (m) 2.083 2.338 2.538 2.696 2.680
Interface Width bi ( mm) 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250
Design value of Shear Stress v Edi ( MPa) 0.70 0.43 0.25 0.14 0.18
Roughness Co-efficient, m 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
Stress caused by minimum external normal force 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dia of shear reinforcement provided (mm) 10 10 10 10 10
Number of legs provided 4 4 4 4 4
Spacing of stirrups provided (mm) 150 150 150 150 150
Minimum reinf. = 0.15% of area of interface 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875
Area of Reinforcement at interface, As (mm2/m) 2094.40 2094.40 2094.40 2094.40 2094.40
Area of the joint, Ai (mm2) 312500 312500 312500 312500 312500
Strength reduction factor (n) 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
Design shear resistance at the Interface (vRdi) 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35
Status with respect to the Interface Shear Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Ratio of Longitudinal forces = ((Minimum of (Assumed neutral axis from top * 0.8) & Thickness of compression flange) * Top width of girder * Flexural stress at girder top /
1000) / Total compressive force by concrete
Interface Width bi = Top width of girder

Design value of Shear Stress = Shear demand of Beam * 1000 * Ratio of Longitudinal forces / (Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z * 1000 * Interface Width bi)
Minimum reinf. = 0.15% of area of interface = 0.15 / 100 * Interface Width bi * 1000

Area of Reinforcement at interface = PI() / 4 * Dia of shear reinforcement provided^2 * Number of legs provided / (Spacing of stirrups provided / 1000)
Area of the joint = Interface Width * Thickness of compression flange
Strength reduction factor = Coeff accounting stress in compression chord

Design shear resistance at the Interface = Minimum of (Roughness Co-efficient * Stress caused by minimum external normal force + (Area of Reinforcement at interface / Area
of the joint * Grade of reinforcement) * (Roughness Co-efficient * SIN(the angle of the reinforcement to the interface) + COS(the angle of the reinforcement to the interface)))
& (0.5 * Strength reduction factor * fcd)

5.8 Untensioned Reinforcement of Precast Girder

Vertical reiforcement

Vertical reiforcement = 0.18 % of web

= 0.18%x2750x300
= 1485.00 mm2 per meter

Hence provide 2 L- 12 T @ 150 c/c

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Ast provided = (PI() * bar dia^2 / 4) * no. of legs / (spacing / 1000)
= (PI()*^2/4)*/(/1000)
= 1507.964 mm2 per meter

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Longitudinal reinforcement =

Longitudinal reiforcement = 0.15 % of web

Total Area of Precast Girder at midspan = 1.41 m2
= 0.15%x1.41x1000000
= 2115 mm2 per meter

Hence provide 7- 16 T at Bottom top & 8- 12 T at Top

Ast provided = nos. of bar 1 * (PI() * dia of bar 1^2 / 4) + nos. of bar 2 * (PI() * dia of bar 2^2 / 4)
= *(PI()*^2/4)+*(PI()*^2/4)
= 2312.212 mm2 per meter

Side Face Reinforcement

Side Face Reinforcement = 0.1 % of web Area

Area of steel required = *2.750*1000*0.300*1000/100
= 825 mm2
Minimum Reinf. at earth face (0.12%) = 0.12/100*(2.750*1000)*(0.300*1000)
= 990 mm2

Hence Provide 10 Nos. 12 ϕ on Each Face

Ast provided = no. of bars * PI() / 4 * bar dia^2 * 2

= *PI()/4*^2*2
= 2261.947 mm2/m > 990 mm2/m Hence O.K.

5.9 Calculation for Deflection of Longitudinal girders

(i) Precast Girder Prestress of cables 1, 2, 3 + wt of precast Girder at 5 days

Young Modulus = Ecm = 3.01E+07 kN/m2 = E

Section At support Near L/8 At L/4 At 3L/8 At L/2

Distance 0.000 3.750 7.500 11.250 15.000
CG of Precast girder from bottom, m 1.522 1.595 1.595 1.595 1.595
Moment of Inertia for Precast girder only (I) m4 1.434 1.234 1.234 1.234 1.234
CG of cables 1 to 2 from bot. (m) 0.742 0.491 0.318 0.201 0.212
Moment due to stressing after losses (kN-m) -4900.02 -6982.53 -8200.93 -9095.34 -9189.22
Moment due to Wt of Precast Girder (kN-m) -6.40 1753.70 3018.10 3786.79 4059.78
Total moment due to prestress + wt of precast Girder (kN-
-4906.4 -5228.8 -5182.8 -5308.6 -5129.4
m) (M)
M/EI (1/m) -0.00011 -0.00014 -0.00014 -0.00014 -0.00014

Moment due to stressing after losses = -Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss at 5 days * (CG of Precast girder from bottom - CG of cables 1 to 2 from bot.)

3.75 3.750 3.750 3.750

-0.000141 2 -0.000143
-0.000114 4 3 -0.000140 -0.000138

M/EI Diagram for Ist Stage Prestress after losses at 5 days

At Midspan
Section Marked Distance CG from A M/EI Moment of M/EI about A
A -0.00011
B 4 3.750 1.875 -0.00014 -0.00013 -0.00089444385119481
C 3 3.750 5.625 -0.00014 -0.00014 -0.00295616965296722
D 2 3.750 9.375 -0.00014 -0.00014 -0.00496467547846903
E 1 3.750 13.125 -0.00014 -0.00014 -0.00691517188731491
Total -0.015730460869946

Moment of M/EI about A = Average M/EI * Distance * CG from A

So, Midspan deflection due to Prestress + wt of precast Girder = *1000

= -15.730 mm
= - L/ 1907

(ii) Precast Girder - Prestress of cables 4,5 + loss of Cables 1 to 3 at 28 days

Young Modulus = 5000 * SQRT(fck)

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

= 5000*SQRT()
= 3.16E+04 Mpa = E

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Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

Section At support Near L/8 At L/4 At 3L/8 At L/2

Distance 0.000 3.750 7.500 11.250 15.000
CG of cables 3 from bot. (m) 1.075 0.808 0.540 0.273 0.305
Moment due to stressing after losses (kN-m) -1087.95 -1930.10 -2601.57 -3281.17 -3290.15
Moment due to loss of prestress (kN-m) 216.85 307.05 355.13 387.73 384.74
Total moment due to prestress + loss of prestress (kN-m)
-871.1 -1623.1 -2246.4 -2893.4 -2905.4
M/EI (1/m) -0.01921 -0.04159 -0.05756 -0.07414 -0.07444

Moment due to stressing after losses = -Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss at 28 days after stressing of cable * (CG of Precast girder from bottom - CG of cables 3 from
Moment due to loss of prestress = - loss bet. 5 - 28 days * (CG of Precast girder from bottom - CG of cables 1 to 2 from bot.)

3.8 3.750 3.750 3.750

-0.041587 2 -0.074137
-0.019206 4 3 -0.057559 1 -0.074443

M/EI Diagram for Ist Stage Prestress after losses at 28 days

At Midspan
Section Marked Distance CG from A M/EI Moment of M/EI about A
A -0.019206
B 4 3.750 1.875 -0.041587 -0.0303961 -0.213722388380987
C 3 3.750 5.625 -0.057559 -0.0495728 -1.04567701916689
D 2 3.750 9.375 -0.074137 -0.0658480 -2.31496843638282
E 1 3.750 13.125 -0.074443 -0.0742901 -3.65646796682576
Total -7.23083581075645

Moment of M/EI about A = Average M/EI * Distance * CG from A

So, Midspan deflection due to Prestress + loss = *1000

= -7230.836 mm
So, Total Midspan deflection at 28 days = Midspan deflection due to Prestress & wt of precast Girder at 5 days + Midspan deflection due to Prestress + loss at
28 days
= +
= -7246.566 mm = - L/ 4

(iii) Precast Girder - Prestress + wt of precast Girder +wt of deck slab at 60 days

Section At support Near L/8 At L/4 At 3L/8 At L/2

Distance 0.000 3.750 7.500 11.250 15.000
CG of all cables from bot.(m) 0.834 0.579 0.379 0.221 0.237
Loss = loss bet. 28 - 60 days 179.283 179.283 179.283 179.283 179.283
Moment due to prestressing losses of cables (kN-m) 123.210 182.171 217.935 246.394 243.390
Moment due to Wt of Deck Slab (kN-m) -10.331 970.352 1687.364 2140.704 2330.372
Total moment due to prestress loss + DL (kN-m) (M) 112.879 1152.524 1905.299 2387.098 2573.762
M/EI (1/m) 0.00249 0.02953 0.04882 0.06116 0.06595

Moment due to prestressing losses of cables = loss bet. 28 - 60 days * (CG of Precast girder from bottom - CG of all cables from bot.)

3.8 3.750 3.750 3.750

0.002489 0.029530 0.061163
4 0.048818 0.065946
3 1

M/EI Diagram for Ist Stage Prestress after losses at 60 days

At Midspan
Section Marked Distance CG from A M/EI Moment of M/EI about A Rotation
A 0.0024887
B 4 3.750 1.875 0.0295303 0.0160095 0.112566978369238 0.65148
C 3 3.750 5.625 0.0488182 0.0391743 0.826332405963902
D 2 3.750 9.375 0.0611630 0.0549906 1.93326372617041
E 1 3.750 13.125 0.0659458 0.0635544 3.1280679649041
Total 6.00023107540765

Moment of M/EI about A = Average M/EI * Distance * CG from A

Rotation = ∑(Average M/EI * Distance)

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By: SLS Sheet No.

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So, Midspan deflection due to Prestress losses + DL = *1000
= 6000.231 mm
Total Deflection at 60 days = Total Midspan deflection at 28 days + Midspan deflection due to Prestress losses & DL at 60 days
= -1246.335 mm

87 of 128
Date: 19-05-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

(iv) Composite Girder - long term losses + SIDL+ Live load

Section At support Near L/8 At L/4 At 3L/8 At L/2

Distance 0.000 3.750 7.500 11.250 15.000
CG of Composite girder from bottom, m 1.885 2.039 2.039 2.039 2.039
CG of cables from bot. (m) 0.834 0.579 0.379 0.221 0.237
Moment of Inertia for Composite girder (I) m4 2.443 2.040 2.040 2.040 2.040

Loss = Loss of Cables at 90 days + Loss bet. 90 days-∞

1003.160 1003.160 1003.160 1003.160 1003.160

Moment due to prestressing losses of cables (kN-m) 1053.525 1465.158 1665.271 1824.510 1807.700
Moment due to SIDL (kN-m) -16.783 354.762 626.195 841.231 1033.868
Moment due to LL (kN-m) -234.560 1665.322 2646.188 2962.060 2932.760
Total moment due to prestress Loss + SIDL + LL (kN-m)
802.182 3485.242 4937.654 5627.801 5774.328
M/EI (1/m) 0.01038 0.05402 0.07653 0.08723 0.08950

Moment due to prestressing losses of cables = Loss * (CG of Composite girder from bottom - CG of cables from bot.)

3.750 3.750 3.750 3.750

0.010382 0.054021 0.087231
4 0.076533 0.089502
3 1

M/EI Diagram for Ist Stage Prestress after losses at a days

At Midspan
Section Marked Distance CG from A M/EI Moment of M/EI about A Rotation
A 0.01038
B 4 3.750 1.875 0.05402 0.03220 0.226415886817625 1.00398
C 3 3.750 5.625 0.07653 0.06528 1.37694331078751
D 2 3.750 9.375 0.08723 0.08188 2.87866794490495
E 1 3.750 13.125 0.08950 0.08837 4.34927999146857
Total 8.83130713397866

Moment of M/EI about A = Average M/EI * Distance * CG from A

Rotation = ∑(Average M/EI * Distance)
So, Midspan deflection due to Prestress losses = *1000
= 8831.307 mm

So, Midspan deflection due SIDL = 0.345 mm

= 0.000345 m
So, Midspan deflection due Footpath Live load = 0.024 mm Values from
= 0.000024 m STAAD /
So, Midspan deflection due Wind load = 0.112 mm MIDAS
= 0.000112 m output
So, Midspan deflection due Live load = 1.012 mm
= 0.001012 m

Total Deflection at mid span = 1xDL+1.2xSIDL+1xLL+0.6xWL = (Total Deflection at 60 days + Midspan deflection due to long term Prestress losses) * 1 + Midspan
deflection due SIDL * 1.2 + Midspan deflection due Footpath Live load * 1 + Midspan deflection due Wind load * 1 + Midspan
deflection due Live load * 1
= (+)*1+*1.2+*1+*0.6+*1
= 7586.489 mm = L/4

88 of 128
cells only

depth - Bottom flange thickness) - (Cross-sectional area at span - Bottom flange width * Bottom flange
ght of concrete

ottom flange thickness) - (Cross-sectional area at support - Bottom flange width * Bottom flange thickness)) *





89 of 128
DL for weight of shuttering + Construction Live load * Effective width of deck slab for end girder

* (Depth of long girder - Bottom flange depth)) * Thickness of end Cross Girder * Unit weight of concrete

* (Depth of long girder - Bottom flange depth)) * Thickness of intermediate Cross Girder * Unit weight of

90 of 128


for outer girder / Weight of shuttering & Conc. Live load * Construction Live load * Effective width of deck



r outer girder / Weight of shuttering & Conc. Live load * Construction Live load * Effective width of deck slab

91 of 128

92 of 128
cal Bending)^2 + (Y Anchorage - Y Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Z Anchorage - Z Location of vertical

End of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Y Start of Horizontal Bending - Y End of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Z Start of

Midspan)^2 + (Y End of Horizontal Bending - Y Midspan)^2 + (Z End of Horizontal Bending - Z Midspan)^2)

ce after friction loss at node 3 - Force after friction loss at node 4) * (Force after slip loss at node 3 - Force after
orce after friction loss at node 4 < Force after friction loss at node 3


93 of 128
rce after friction loss at node 1 + Force after friction loss at node 2) / 2 * length of link 1-2 + (Force after
ion loss at node 2 + Force after friction loss at node 3) / 2 * length of link 2-3 + (Force after friction loss at node
Force after friction loss at node 4) / 2 * length of link 3-4) / (E * A) + DL


al Bending)^2 + (Y Anchorage - Y Start of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Z Anchorage - Z Start of Horizontal

End of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Y Start of Horizontal Bending - Y End of Horizontal Bending)^2 + (Z Start of

Midspan)^2 + (Y End of Horizontal Bending - Y Midspan)^2 + (Z End of Horizontal Bending - Z Midspan)^2)

ce after friction loss at node 3 - Force after friction loss at node 4) * (Force after slip loss at node 3 - Force after
orce after friction loss at node 4 < Force after friction loss at node 3


rce after friction loss at node 1 + Force after friction loss at node 2) / 2 * length of link 1-2 + (Force after
ion loss at node 2 + Force after friction loss at node 3) / 2 * length of link 2-3 + (Force after friction loss at node
Force after friction loss at node 4) / 2 * length of link 3-4) / (E * A) + DL


94 of 128
cal Bending)^2 + (Y Anchorage - Y Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Z Anchorage - Z Location of vertical

95 of 128
ce after friction loss at node 2 - Force after friction loss at node 3) * (Force after slip loss at node 2 - Force after
orce after friction loss at node 3 < Force after friction loss at node 2

rce after friction loss at node 1 + Force after friction loss at node 2) / 2 * length of link 1-2 + (Force after
ion loss at node 2 + Force after friction loss at node 3) / 2 * length of link 2-3) / (E * A) + DL

cal Bending)^2 + (Y Anchorage - Y Location of vertical Bending)^2 + (Z Anchorage - Z Location of vertical

ce after friction loss at node 2 - Force after friction loss at node 3) * (Force after slip loss at node 2 - Force after
orce after friction loss at node 3 < Force after friction loss at node 2

96 of 128
rce after friction loss at node 1 + Force after friction loss at node 2) / 2 * length of link 1-2 + (Force after
ion loss at node 2 + Force after friction loss at node 3) / 2 * length of link 2-3) / (E * A) + DL

97 of 128
ce after slip loss at node 2 - Force after slip loss at node 1) / Length of link 1-2 * Distance of support from end

fter slip loss at node 2 - Force after slip loss at node 1) / Length of link 1-2 * L/8

fter slip loss at node 3 - Force after slip loss at node 2) / Length of link 2-3 * (L/4 - Length of link 1-2)

after slip loss at node 4 - Force after slip loss at node 3) / Length of link 3-4 * (3L/8 - Length of link 1-2 -

* CG of Cable at first stage + Total cable forces Normal at second stage * CG of Cable at second stage) / (Total
second stage)
ble 1 + Force in cable 2 + Force in cable 3 + Force in cable 4)) / (Applied Force * No of Cables Provided) * 100

98 of 128
ecast Girder - Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss * (CG of Precast Girder - Cable CG from soffit) * (Depth of

99 of 128
f Precast Girder - Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss * (CG of Precast Girder - Cable CG from soffit) * CG of

100 of 128
end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at L/4 + Stress at cable
+ Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8

Hence O.K.

ble Force After fr., slip & ES loss for end section + Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss for section at L/2 + 2 *
ble Force After fr., slip & ES loss for section at L/8 + Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss for section at L/4 +
le Force After fr., slip & ES loss for section at 3L/8)) / 8

on, slip & ES loss / (Number of cables (cable 1 to 3) * Ultimate Force of each 19 T 13 strands)

% of initial force / 100 * Initial force after Friction, slip & ES loss / Number of cables (cable 1
to 3)

% of loss at 1000 hrs - Immediate Loss - % of loss for 552 hours

101 of 128
i.e. 3 x (1000 hr. value)

102 of 128
ts) / ((Days - End of curing of concrete ts) + 0.04 * SQRT(Nominal size of precast member h0^3))

m Autogenous shrinkage strain eca + Drying shrinkage factor bas * kh * The drying shrinkage strain ecd,0 * 1.3
at ith day - Shrinkage strain at (i-1)th day) * Ep) / (1 + Ep / (Modulus of elasticity Ecm / 1000) * Area of each
ea of Precast Girder at Midspan / I of Precast Girder at Midspan * (CG of Precast Girder at Midspan - Cable CG

urate data coefficient may be increased by 10% in absence of accurate data. This is valid for concrete using

103 of 128
(Creep coeff. at ith day - Creep coeff. at (i-1)th day) * Average stress, fc of precast girder only at 5 days) / (1 +
rea of Precast Girder at Midspan * 1000^2) * (1 + Area of Precast Girder at Midspan / I of Precast Girder at
offit at L/2)^2) * (1+0.8 * Creep coeff. at ith day)) / 1000

104 of 128
Stress at cable
CG (Mpa)






stressing of cable- Elastic Shortening of cable no. 4 * Number of cables (cable 1 to 3)

Girder at Support - loss bet. 5 - 28 days * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * (Depth of
t Support) / 1000
cast Girder at Support + loss bet. 5 - 28 days * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * CG

lip loss - Total Elastic Shortening and Relaxation during Stressing of cable no. 4 * Number of cables

recast Girder at Support - Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG
rt) / I of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000
of Precast Girder at Support + Cable Force After fr., slip & ES loss * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable
Girder at Support) / 1000

105 of 128
ess at cable CG for end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at
+ Stress at cable CG for section at 3L/8) + Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8


Hence O.K.

106 of 128
Stress at cable
CG (Mpa)






st Girder at Support - loss bet. 28 - 60 days * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * (Depth
r at Support) / 1000
recast Girder at Support + loss bet. 28 - 60 days * (CG of Precast Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
) / 1000

ecast Girder at Support * (Depth of Precast Girder - CG of Precast Girder at Support) / 1000

ess at cable CG for end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at
+ Stress at cable CG for section at 3L/8) + Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8


Hence O.K.

recast Girder, Shuttering is to be removed and application of SIDL shall be done.

107 of 128
posite Girder at Support - Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
ort) / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000

mposite Girder at Support - Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
ort - Thickness of deck slab) / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
ite Girder at Support + Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * CG of
) / 1000

Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support - Thickness

tom - Total Stress at top of girder) / Depth of Precast Girder * Cable CG from soffit

end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at L/4 + Stress at cable
+ Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8

108 of 128
posite Girder at Support - Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
ort) / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000

mposite Girder at Support - Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) *
ort - Thickness of deck slab) / I of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
ite Girder at Support + Loss of Cables * (CG of Composite Girder at Support - Cable CG from soffit) * CG of
) / 1000

tom - Total Stress at top of girder) / Depth of Precast Girder * Cable CG from soffit

end section + 2 * (Stress at cable CG for section at L/8 + Stress at cable CG for section at L/4 + Stress at cable
+ Stress at cable CG for section at L/2) / 8

Hence O.K.

Hence O.K.

109 of 128
f Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support -

L / I of Composite Girder at Support * CG of Composite Girder at Support / 1000

of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support) / 1000
/ I of Composite Girder at Support * (Depth of Composite Girder - CG of Composite Girder at Support -

WL / I of Composite Girder at Support * CG of Composite Girder at Support / 1000

110 of 128

Stress (Mpa)







mber of cables (cable 1 to 3) + Total Loss of shrinkage, relaxation & creep for 3 Cables + Elastic Shortening of
axation of cable 4 * Number of cables)
+ Actual Loss of third Cable at 60 days + Actual time dependent losses at 90 days + Actual time dependent

composite girder / 1000 * (1 / Area of Composite Girder - (CG of Composite Girder - CG of cables) / Z Top of slab

ess + Loss of precas Girder) / 1000 * (1 / Area of Precast Girder - (CG of Precast Girder - CG of cables) / Z Top
of Composite Girder - (CG of Composite Girder - CG of cables) / Z Top of Composite Girder)

ess + Loss of precas Girder) / 1000 * (1 / Area of Precast Girder + (CG of Precast Girder - CG of cables) /
/ Area of Composite Girder + (CG of Composite Girder - CG of cables) / Zbottom of Composite Girder)

Shuttering load

Stress (Mpa)





111 of 128


112 of 128
5 (a)


11 (a)


5 (a)




113 of 128


114 of 128
Max Tension






11 (a)






Max Tension






/ (Max Tension at top of slab at end of girder - Max Tension at top of girder at end of girder) * ABS(Max
at end of girder) * Effective deck width * Max Tension at top of girder at end of girder / 2

115 of 128
5 (a)


11 (a)


5 (a)






116 of 128
Max Tension






11 (a)






Max Tension






117 of 128
(0.0055 + Design yield strength fpd / (Modulus of elasticity of steel * 1000)) * Depth of girder

* Top width of girder * Actual neutral axis depth * Grade of concrete / 1000 if Actual neutral axis depth <=
ckness of compression flange
* Width of web * Actual neutral axis depth + 0.446 * (Top width of girder - Width of web) * (0.15 * Actual
ral axis depth + 0.65 * Thickness of compression flange) * Grade of concrete / 1000 if Actual neutral axis depth
hickness of compression flange


sumed neutral axis from top - Distance of prestress CG from bottom) / Assumed neutral axis from top + Pre-

36 * Top width of girder * Assumed neutral axis from Top * grade of concrete if Assumed neutral axis from
<= Thickness of compression flange
36 * Total width of web * Assumed neutral axis from top + 0.446 * (Top width of girder - Total width of web)
15 * Assumed neutral axis from top + 0.65 * Thickness of compression flange) * Grade of concrete if Assumed
ral axis from top > Thickness of compression flange

der * Assumed neutral axis from top * (Depth of girder - Distance of prestress CG from bottom - 0.42 *
om top) * Grade of concrete if Assumed neutral axis from top <= Thickness of compression flange

118 of 128
eb * Assumed neutral axis from top * (Depth of girder - Distance of prestress CG from bottom - 0.42 *
om top) + 0.446 * (Top width of girder - Total width of web) * Thickness of compression flange * (Depth of
stress CG from bottom - 0.5 * Thickness of compression flange) * Grade of concrete if Assumed neutral axis
f compression flange

119 of 128
mber of cables (cable 1 to 3) + Number of cables for 2nd stage * Total loss per cable for 2nd stage stressing

120 of 128
Stress due to Prestress) * Effective width of the web * Effective Depth of composite Section
of each Cable * Total number of cables / (Effective width of the web * Effective Depth of composite Section))

ering Tendons * fck)^0.33 + 0.15 * Stress due to Prestress) * Effective width of the web * Effective Depth of

on flange * Top width of girder * (Depth of girder - Thickness of compression flange / 2 - Total CG from
hickness of compression flange - Total CG from bottom)^2
of the Web / First moment of inertia about the CG * SQRT(Design tensile strength of the Concrete^2 +
nsile strength of the Concrete)

121 of 128
(Maximum of 0.25 & Distance from bearing / (2 * Effective Depth of precast Section / 1000)) & 1

Maximum of 0.25 & Distance from bearing / (2 * Effective Depth of Composite Section / 1000)) & 1

am + Effective Shear for Composite Section - Effective Shear due to prestressing force
after fr., slip & ES loss at 5 days + Stress due to cable force after fr., slip & ES loss at 28 days after stressing of

of the Web * Effective Depth of the Section * (0.6 * (1 - fck / 310)) * fck * 0.67 / 1.5
ear capacity of the Section < Total Shear force for the Beam, shear reinforcement is required, otherwise not

(Stirrup 1 dia / 2)^2 / Spacing of stirrups provided + Number of legs provided * PI() * (Stirrup 2 dia / 2)^2 /

ral analysis z * Area of shear reinf provided * Design Tensile stress in stirrups / TAN(Angle of compression

+ Stress due to Prestress / Concrete Strength (fcd)) if Stress due to Prestress < 0.25 * Concrete Strength (fcd)

122 of 128
25 if Stress due to Prestress < 0.5 * Concrete Strength (fcd) & Stress due to Prestress > 0.25 * Concrete
ngth (fcd)
5 * (1 - Stress due to Prestress / Concrete Strength (fcd)) if Stress due to Prestress > 0.5 * Concrete Strength
) & Stress due to Prestress > 0.25 * Concrete Strength (fcd)

123 of 128
comp chord * Effective width of the Web * Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z * Coeff accounting stress
e of compression strut q) + 1 / TAN(Angle of compression strut q))

124 of 128
axis from top * 0.8) & Thickness of compression flange) * Top width of girder * Flexural stress at girder top /

Ratio of Longitudinal forces / (Lever arm taken from flexural analysis z * 1000 * Interface Width bi)

forcement provided^2 * Number of legs provided / (Spacing of stirrups provided / 1000)

ess Co-efficient * Stress caused by minimum external normal force + (Area of Reinforcement at interface / Area
t * SIN(the angle of the reinforcement to the interface) + COS(the angle of the reinforcement to the interface)))

125 of 128
ip & ES loss at 5 days * (CG of Precast girder from bottom - CG of cables 1 to 2 from bot.)

126 of 128
ip & ES loss at 28 days after stressing of cable * (CG of Precast girder from bottom - CG of cables 3 from

span deflection due to Prestress & wt of precast Girder at 5 days + Midspan deflection due to Prestress + loss at

127 of 128
L+0.6xWL = (Total Deflection at 60 days + Midspan deflection due to long term Prestress losses) * 1 + Midspan
1.2 + Midspan deflection due Footpath Live load * 1 + Midspan deflection due Wind load * 1 + Midspan

128 of 128

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