Lin Ville
Lin Ville
Lin Ville
filament, deterioration with age, and limited ruggedness 300 KC
40 0
have deterred a broader application of negative imped- - -j
UJ 200
ances. A wider usefulness of these circuits is made pos- V, 2011o - lL
z IO 250 _
in addition, has desirable electrical characteristics. x -20
Junction transistors are particularly adapted for ap- 100 10
-40 0 A A
plication in a circuit called a negative-impedance con- 50 30
verter. Ideal negative-impedance converters are active -60 0 A 22
0 /
four-poles which are completely characterized by two -801IO A
properties: the input current equals the output current %JWV
-1200 -800 -400 0 400 800
and the input voltage equals the negative of the output R IN OHMS
A direct analysis of the equivalent circuit of Fig. 2(a) a number of calculated points which were evaluated us-
indicates that the input impedance of the converter is ing (1). In connection with the calculation, it should be
pointed out that the of transistors is frequency-de-
E 0.8 Z 100
z t40 K~C
-0.8 100
-1 .2
(b) YL'=
2r, +
YL + 2z
(a) (b)
Fig. 5-UTnbalanced negative impedance converters. (a) Open-circuit
stable type. (b) Short-circuit stable type.
from ideal character in the vacuum-tube model depends rent, I,, is extremely temperature sensitive. Proper de-
upon limited size of gm and the inequality of u- 1/,+ l sign of converter circuits can make its effect on circuit
to 1. Corresponding deviations from ideal character to performance small. At toom temperatures Ico ordinarily
that obtained in a transistor model with parameter val- amounts to a few microamperes. For junction transis-
ues typical of junction transistors would be obtained tors of type M1752, the change in Ico from room tem-
with a triode having a gm of 47,000 micromhos and a perature to 15OF can be expected to be less than 100 mi-
,u of 50. croamperes. The effect of increased Ico is to decrease the
In the application of a negative-impedance repeater, maximum-power output by decreasing the amount of
the input terminals of the negative-impedance con- signal which leads to distortion. In some circuits the
verter are placed in series or in shunt with the line, the changes in I., are amplified and reduce very greatly
output being terminated in an appropriate passive net- maximum-undistorted power output. Analysis of the
work. Thus connected, the repeater increases the trans- equivalent circuit of Fig. 6 with the two pessimistic ap-
mission of the line in both directions. If a repeater is to proximations, r, =co, a =1, gives the relationships
be connected in series with the line, an open-circuit sta-
ble converter is used. Open-circuit stable repeaters are R1R2
also called the series type for this reason. If the repeater Rg + R2
is to be connected across the line (called a shunt re-
peater), a short-circuit stable converter is used.
R_ + re,(5
One very significant merit of the transistor repeater R1R2
is the fact that changes in the supply voltage cause small
AIc - Al,, 1
Rg+R,+ R2
changes in the negative resistance that is presented at +
R_ + rE
the input terminals. For central office applications this
point is not of great importance, but there is possibility
of using transistor repeaters along the line where they R1R2
are supplied by the voltage between the wires. One nega-
tive-impedance repeater exhibited a decrease in nega- -AIco0RRg RR
AVc +2I
tive resistance of less than 5.5 per cent as the supply
voltage was changed from 45 to 12 volts, a decrease in
voltage of 73 per cent. + R+ I + R (7)
I rb
(a) (b)
Fig. 7(a) and (b)-Open-circuit stable converter with arbitrary cross-
coupling and equivalent circuit.
(a) (b)
The open-circuit stability of the converter shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b)-Short-circuit stable converter with arbitrary cross-
coupling and equivalent circuit.
Fig. 7 is identified with the fact that the impedance,
El inside the dotted lines in Fig. 8(b). By consideration of
Z = -,
I1 Fig. 8(b), one sees that
has no poles in the right half of the complex-frequency T, I1l 112
E et
plane.' The impedance Z is simply Y = -= ---+--- = Y,i + (Y21, (9)
El Fl El
where Y1, and Y21 are the driving-point and transfer
I1 (from input to loop containing ZL/11-a) admittances
One can evaluate of the network shown in Fig. 8(b) inside the dotted lines.
This network is certainly a passive structure if a is real
and less than one, or if |a .' 1 and ZL is resistive. The
11 poles of Yn, and Y21 are those of Y; and under the above
as being conditions, the passivity of the network inside the dot-
ted lines of Fig. 8(b) assures that these poles lie in the
I11' E12 left half-plane. Hence the type of converter illustrated
Il I, is short-circuit stable.