CHCECE024 Design and Implement The Curriculum

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CHCECE024 Design And Implement The Curriculum To Foster Children’s

September 2015
Faculty of Education, Service Skills and Environment
Unit Assessment Tasks
Unit Information

Department Early Childhood Education

Qualification Code(s) CHC50113 Qualification Title(s) Diploma of Early Chi

Education and Ca

Unit Code(s) CHCECE024 Unit Title(s) Design and impleme

curriculum to foster ch
learning and develop

Year 2017 Enrolment Period Semester 1

Delivery Location Waverly Cluster Title Insert NA if single un


Copy and complete the table and information below for all assessment tasks as required.
Assessment Task 1
Assessment task title Assessment of children’s learning and development.

Date of introduction to Class One

assessment task

Due date

Date for return of marks

(within 7 days)

Assessment task limits

(min/max if applicable)

Task result Satisfactory or unsatisfactory

Marks (if applicable) As per rubric

Submission method Brightspace


Task Overview
Students will be required to discuss the following types of assessment: assessment of
learning and development; assessment for learning and development and assessment
as learning. Students will provide an example of each from an early childhood setting
and reflect on how each example supports the educators understanding of a child’s
learning and development.
Task Details
1. Discuss the role of assessment in the planning cycle giving a brief description of what the
National Quality Standards and the frameworks say about assessment of children’s

2. Discuss each of the following components of assessment: assessment of learning and development;
assessment for learning and development and assessment as
3. Provide an example for each component of assessment discussing which type of assessment it relates to.
Please include one example for each area of assessment. You must include at least 1 example for under
3’s and 1 example for over 3’s.
4. When reflecting on each example consider the following and include this in your discussion:
What information does it include about the child’s learning and development? How
could the information be communicated to families?

How could the information assist in the development of future planning?

Could the information be used to assist in continuity of learning and transitions?

Is the child’s voice included? If it does not include the child’s voice what changes could
be made to support the child’s voice.

How does it reflect the outcomes of an approved learning framework?

5. Conclude your discussion with a summary of recommended best practice strategies to support holistic
assessment practices and the guidelines that should be adhered

Unit Assessment Tasks Faculty of Education, Service Skills and Environment

Assessment Task 1 (Stage 3) Marking Rubric



Program planning template



1.Discuss the role of There is a brief overview The discussion on

assessment in the
planning of assessment and its assessment is detailed

cycle relationship to the and discusses the

planning cycle. There are requirements of the NQS

clear links to the NQS and and the frameworks.

the frameworks.

2.Discuss each of the Each component of Each component of

following components of assessment has been assessment and its

assessment: assessment
of briefly discussed. discussion is supported by

learning and
development; links to references.

assessment for learning


development and

3. An example for each An example for each An example for each

component of
assessment has component of assessment component of assessment

been provided. has been included. The has been included. The

examples provided examples provided include

include one example for one example for an under

3 child and an over 3

an under 3 child and an child.

over 3 child. The The appropriate

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Contact: 9564 1555 [email protected]

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Unit Assessment
Tasks Faculty of Education, Service Skills and Environment

assessment assessment style is

style has been discussed detailing

identified. how it

relates to the

assessment style.

4. The reflection for

each There is a brief There is a detailed There is a detailed Relev

example discusses the description that discussion that discussion that reputabl
child’s identifies identifies

learning and the child’s learning the child’s learning identifies the have
development, and and child’s cons

communication to
families, the development, development, learning and and ref

child’s voice, communication to

transitions and communication to families, development, approp

families, the child’s

future planning. voice, the child’s voice, communication to

transitions and transitions and families, the

future future child’s

voice, transitions
planning. planning. and

future planning.

Relevant and

reputable sources

have been

At least 2 best At least 2 best

5. Recommended best practice practice More than 2 best More th

practice for assessment assessment practice pra

assessment is strategies strategies assessment asses

have been have been identified strategies have strateg

identified. identified. and been be

discussed. identified and identif

discussed. Their discusse

relationships to relation
holistic hol
assessment is assess

also identified also ide




and ref



Unit Assessment Tasks Faculty of Education,

Service Skills and Environment
To be deemed satisfactory for this unit: you must achieve all satisfactory criteria.

To achieve a credit for the unit: you must achieve 7 out of 9 credit criteria.(Across
stage 2&3)

To achieve a distinction for the unit: you must achieve 6 out of 8 distinction
criteria.(Across stage 2&3)

To achieve a high distinction for the unit: you must achieve 4 out of 5 high distinction

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