Course Design Template
Course Design Template
Course Design Template
The course design template is to be used in conjunction with the steps of the course design process. On each webpage you will find resources and
directions to fill out this template. Each step builds off the previous step and should be completed in the recommended order.
Learning Outcome Cognitive Complexity
Students will analyze and interpret statistical data as Analyze, Interpret and
they support decision-making processes throughout an Evaluate
Learning Outcome Complexity Assessment Methods Activity
Students will analyze and Analyze, Interpret Exam or Presentation Case-based Identify credibility
interpret statistical data as they and Evaluate learning analyzing 2-3 case
support decision-making studies
processes throughout an
Step 5: Use the Course Design Template Rubric to evaluate your course design.
When you have completed your design use the following rubric to evaluate your work.
Course Design Template Rubric
Category Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does not Meet Expectations
Learning outcomes are clear, specific, Learning outcomes include most Learning outcomes are missing
Learning measurable, achievable and student- components (e.g., clear, specific, most components (e.g., clear,
Outcomes centered. measurable, achievable, student- specific, measurable, achievable,
centered). student-centered).
Taxonomy Level Identifies learning outcomes using Identifies learning outcomes using May or may not identify learning
Fink’s and/or Bloom’s Taxonomy. Fink’s and/or Bloom’s Taxonomy. outcomes using Fink’s and/or
Levels align to task complexity. Levels mostly align to task Bloom’s Taxonomy. Levels are
Includes at least two higher cognitively complexity. Includes at least one not aligned and/or no higher
complex outcomes (e.g., apply, higher cognitively complex cognitively complex outcomes are
analyze, evaluate, create). outcome (e.g., apply, analyze, evident (e.g., apply, analyze,
Category Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does not Meet Expectations
evaluate, create). evaluate, create).
Aligns to the level of taxonomy. A Mostly aligns to the level of Lack of alignment between
variety in assessments is evident. taxonomy. Includes some variety in taxonomy level and the
Includes both formative and summative assessments. May or may not assessment. Limited variety in
assessment. include both formative and assessments. Focuses only on
summative assessment. one assessment type (e.g.,
formative or summative).
Activities align to the cognitive Activities align to the cognitive Activities may or may not align
complexity of the learning outcomes. complexity of learning outcomes. with the cognitive complexity of
Activities They will prepare students for Some active or social learning is learning outcomes. Limited active
assignments and assessments. Active evident. and social learning is evident.
and social learning is evident.
Course Design Template
Learning Outcome Complexity Assessment Methods Activity