Evidence Portfolio Handbook Primary PGCE 2022-2023: Updated SM DS 2022
Evidence Portfolio Handbook Primary PGCE 2022-2023: Updated SM DS 2022
Evidence Portfolio Handbook Primary PGCE 2022-2023: Updated SM DS 2022
Primary PGCE
Updated SM DS 2022
Section Page
Introduction 3
Evidence Portfolios
Supporting Guidance for School-Based Mentors and Student Teachers
The Evidence Portfolios aim to provide an indication of the impact of the Student Teacher’s (ST’s)
teaching on the learning and progress of the pupils that they teach over time. During the course of the
PGCE year, there will be three cycles and an Evidence Portfolio should be produced for each one (for
details see page 5). It is important that the ST uses their Evidence Portfolio as a tool throughout the
cycle, rather than completing it at the end. In this way they will become used to the plan, teach, assess
cycle that underpins their teaching.
The quality of the STs’ teaching should be judged against the grading criteria (pages 11-13) and this
should be assessed taking a “best fit” approach. When making these judgements, a combination of
three aspects should be considered:
• An overview of ongoing practice
• the content of Evidence Portfolios
• the presentation of Evidence Portfolios.
During the Presentation STs Will Need to Demonstrate / Evidence That They Can:
• discuss what learning is taking place, with links made to the National Curriculum, schemes of
work and existing planning
• develop an understanding of pupils’ prior knowledge (through formative assessment practices)
in order to build on previous knowledge and pitch the content at an appropriate level
• use data confidently to ensure pupil progress is evident
• plan and teach a sequence of lessons
• use a range of pedagogical practices to engage and inspire learners
• use a variety of behaviour management techniques, where appropriate
• identify and adapt the teaching to meet the needs of a variety of groups of pupils (e.g. lower,
middle, higher abilities, PP, SEN/D, EAL)
• use a variety of (formative and summative) assessment processes effectively to adapt teaching
and to provide quality feedback to ensure expected or good progress
• make good use of other adults to support learning
• talk confidently about pupil progress over time and plan next steps of learning
The Importance of the Impact on Pupil Progress Over Time
• the overall quality of the ST’s teaching should be judged by the impact they have on pupil progress
and learning over time
• The impact on pupils’ learning and progress is dependent upon the skills and knowledge STs
demonstrate as they teach
• a lack of skill in any area can result in limited progress for pupils. For example, a ST who is unable
to adapt learning well is unlikely to be able to set appropriate expectations for all pupils
• the identification of the difference the ST’s teaching makes to pupils’ learning, should drive the
targets set for the ST
• part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards (professionalism) is also a vital aspect of being a teacher. Whilst,
the ST does not need to collect evidence for this area, performance relating to part 2 will, clearly,
underpin the quality of teaching overall.
Respond to
Plan and needs Use of
teach well assessment
Subject Manage
Promote professional
progress responsibilities
• STs need to become adept at identifying and analysing evidence of progress for the pupils that
they teach and hence, the impact of their teaching overall. STs and SBMs should use this as the
basis for identifying their strengths and areas for development (target setting form)
• How well STs have achieved targets set will be evidenced through pupils’ progress and learning
over time using a varied range of appropriate evidence. This will be presented in the form of
Evidence Portfolios.
Annotated to
Evidence of pupil
highlight impact Used to identify Used to identify
progress and learning
of the ST's progress overall progress
over time
How Evidence Portfolios fit into the PGCE Training Programme
Over the course of the PGCE year there are three cycles, STs will produce three Evidence Portfolios (one
during each cycle) and these will need to be presented to the SBM and assessed. We suggest that you
allow about an hour for this presentation and timetable a time for this well in advance. The ends of the
cycles have been planned to take place shortly before SBMs need to submit interim and end of
placement review reports for placement 1 and end of placement review reports for placement 2. This is
so that they can inform judgements made on the placement review reports.
Remember that your ST’s knowledge and skills of progress and assessment will evolve throughout the
PGCE and this should be reflected in the grades awarded
Schedule Placement How Assessed
Across the PGCE year, evidence must be generated from both of the Key Stages that STs are training
to teach in (Key Stage One and Key Stage Two).
Evidence Portfolio Focii:
Placement 1 (Evidence Portfolios for Cycles 1 and 2)
These two portfolios allow the ST to show that they can begin to evidence the Teachers’
Standards (including part two) and develop an understanding of how they interlink.
Placement 2 (Evidence Portfolios for Cycle 3)
This portfolio allows the ST to show that they can evidence all of the Teachers’
Standards (including part two) and demonstrate an understanding of how they interlink.
Developing Evidence Portfolios:
Overview of expectations of the Evidence Portfolio cycle
Developing Evidence Portfolios:
Step by step suggestions for putting together an Evidence Portfolio cycle
1. agree what is going to be taught and why through a sequence / sequences of lessons.
2. identify pupils’ starting points/prior learning in relation to what is to be taught. This will allow
the ST to adapt learning for, various ability groups, pupils with English as an additional language,
pupils with SEN/D, the most able and any pupils who may have difficulty in accessing the
curriculum. Also consider potential misconceptions and barriers to learning using some or all of
the following:
• discussions with teachers and TAs, discussions with pupils
• book and work scrutiny
• drawing on tracking data and analysis
• using observations / guided observations of the class, groups and individuals
• using formative assessment through planned questioning
3. set out pupils’ learning outcomes and success criteria: what they will learn and how they will
know they have done so?
4. consider how groups and individuals will work best
5. plan for pupils’ learning over the sequence of lessons building on the information gathered to
enable pupils to achieve the learning outcomes
6. make assessments and respond to pupils’ needs within each lesson and over the sequence of
lessons, annotating and amending plans in response to pupils’ needs. This will form a crucial part
of the evidence
7. identify evidence of progress made by pupils (this could be through pupil work, assessment,
observations etc.) and how this was supported for each lesson and throughout the sequence of
lessons taught (this could be through lesson plans and resources, lesson observations and lesson
evaluations etc.)
8. in preparation for weekly mentor meetings and target setting, STs should consider the following:
a) did all the pupils learn and make progress over time? (individuals, groups and whole class)
• how do you know? (evidence: marking, progress from starting points etc.)
b) what did the ST do to make that difference?
• identify specific strengths in your teaching.
• what have you learnt from this (analysis)?
c) What could have gone better?
• identify specific areas for development.
• what have you learnt from this (analysis)?
d) What has the ST learnt about his / her teaching? What has been learned about progress
against targets?
e) What does this suggest about how the ST is progressing overall
Some Suggestions of What Could be in an Evidence Portfolio
Documents could include but are not limited to:
• pupil data (anonymise with initials)
• formative assessment activity to show starting point or previous activity level against the
intended learning outcomes
• self and peer assessments undertaken by pupils
• annotated samples of pupils’ work
• marking and feedback to highlight impact (how this was acted on by pupils?)
• visual or electronic evidence: e.g. video clips / pictures of lessons or parts of lessons to show
individuals at the start, middle and end of a sequence of work
• test results
• comments about each pupil’s progress, outcomes, behaviour and effort (such as parents evening
comments, phone calls, letters home, school reports)
• records of conversations during weekly meetings
• lesson plans, formal observations and lesson evaluations which relate to progress
These interactions will also ensure that the SBM is well-informed when they complete the placement
progress review reports where they will report on the ST’s progress by considering the ST’s everyday
practice throughout the cycle, the contents of the Evidence Portfolio and the presentation and
subsequent discussion of the Evidence portfolio.
Teacher workload review (2016)
Appendix 1: Grading the Evidence Portfolio
Remember, this should be assessed taking a “best fit” approach to the criteria and when making these judgements, a combination of three aspects
should be considered:
• An overview of their ongoing practice
• the content of their evidence portfolios
• the presentation of their evidence portfolios.
Confidently discusses and provides evidence about what learning is taking place, links to NC and SOW
Confidently discusses and provides evidence about pupils’ prior knowledge (through assessment practices) to build on previous knowledge
Confidently uses data to ensure pupil progress is evident
Confidently discusses and provides evidence about a sequence of lessons planned and taught
Confidently able to discuss, evidence and identify a range of pedagogical practices to engage and inspire learners
High Pass
Confidently able to discuss, identify, evidence and critique a variety of behaviour management techniques
Confidently able to discuss and provide evidence to show how and why teaching has been adapted to meet the needs of a variety of groups
Confidently able to discuss and provide evidence on how they have used assessment processes effectively to adapt teaching and to provide
quality feedback, which will ensure pupils make expected or good progress
Confidently able to discuss and evidence to show how they have made good use of other adults to support learning
Confidently able to discuss and evidence pupil progress over time and plan next steps of learning
Confidently fulfils wider professional responsibilities
Demonstrates outstanding personal and professional conduct
Updated SM DS 2022
Is able to discuss and provide evidence about what learning is taking place, with links to NC, SOW / term planning.
Is able to discuss and provide evidence about pupils’ prior knowledge (through assessment practices) in order to build on previous
Is able to use data to ensure pupil progress is evident.
Is able to discuss and provide evidence about a sequence of lessons that they have planned and taught
Is able to discuss, evidence and identify a range of pedagogical practices to engage and inspire learners
Good Pass
Is able to discuss, identify, evidence and critique a variety of behaviour management techniques
Is able to discuss and provide evidence to show how teaching has been adapted to meet the needs of a variety of groups of pupils
Is able to discuss and provide evidence on how they have used assessment processes (formative and summative) effectively to adapt
teaching and to provide quality feedback, which will ensure pupils make expected or good progress
Is able to discuss and evidence how they have made good use of other adults to support learning
Is able to discuss and evidence pupil progress over time and plan next steps of learning
Fulfils wider professional responsibilities
Demonstrates good personal and professional conduct
Is able, with support, to discuss and provide evidence about what learning is taking place, with links to NC, SOW / term planning
Is able, with support, to discuss and provide evidence about pupils’ prior knowledge in order to build on previous knowledge
Is able, with support, to use data to ensure pupil progress is evident
Is able, with support, to discuss and provide evidence about a sequence of lessons that they have planned and taught
Is able, with support, to discuss, evidence and identify a range of pedagogical practices to engage and inspire learners
Low Pass
Is able, with support, to discuss, identify, evidence and critique a variety of behaviour management techniques
Is able, with support, to discuss and provide evidence to show how teaching has been adapted to meet the needs of a variety pupils
Is able, with prompting, to discuss and provide evidence on how they have used assessment processes (formative and summative)
effectively to adapt teaching and to provide quality feedback, which will ensure pupils make expected or good progress
Is able, with prompting, to discuss and evidence how they have made good use of other adults to support learning
Is able, with prompting, to discuss and evidence pupil progress over time and plan next steps of learning
Is beginning to fulfil wider professional responsibilities
Demonstrates developing personal and professional conduct
Is unable to discuss or provide evidence about what learning is taking place, with links to NC, SOW / term planning.
Is not aware of pupils’ prior knowledge and how to measure this
Is unable to use data to demonstrate pupil progress
Is unable to discuss or provide evidence about a sequence of lessons that they have planned and taught
Is unable to discuss, evidence and identify a range of pedagogical practices to engage and inspire learners
Below a Pass
Is unable to discuss, identify, evidence and critique a variety of behaviour management techniques
Is unable to adapt teaching to meet the needs of a variety of groups of pupils (LAs, MAs, HAs, PP, SEND, EAL)
Is not able to use, evidence or discuss assessment processes (formative and summative) effectively to adapt teaching and to provide quality
feedback, which will ensure pupils make expected or good progress
Is unable to discuss or evidence how they have made good use of other adults to support learning
Is unable to discuss or evidence pupil progress over time and plan next steps of learning
Does not fulfil wider professional responsibilities
Unsatisfactory personal and professional conduct
Appendix 2: Evidence Portfolio Cover Sheet
Examples of Suitable Evidence (please remember to annotate)
lesson observations pupils’ work planning
marking and feedback photographs targets
mentor feedback resources pupil data
GD forms staff / university training notes transcribed conversations
Updated SM DS 2022
Appendix 3: Pupil Tracker
Lesson number and Assessment for each child / group of children for which learning will be adapted List reference numbers for
learning outcomes evidence mapping to each lesson
Updated SM DS 2022