BSBWHS605 Develop Implement
BSBWHS605 Develop Implement
BSBWHS605 Develop Implement
Task 1 – Guidelines
To be submitted:
1. WHS policy – first draft
4. Present these to the Board and CEO in a role play (get sign in the Observation form)
Part 1 WHS policy draft (Student workbook pg 158 – Sample WHS policy)
1. Purpose (what is the aim of the policy?)
2. Scope (Who and what are covered under the policy)
3. Policy (State your policy)
4. Procedures (list the procedures under various headings or furnish them at the end – Take important
points from ISS policies – do not copy everything)
5. Responsibility for implementation (list the responsibilities of the CEO and the management team – use
the information on pg. 158)
6. Related legislations and standards (WHS ACT 2011….AS/NZS 4801:2001…)
7. Approved by
Part 2: WHSMS Core elements (pg. 5 and pg. 156-168)
These 5 elements should be in the core elements
1. WHS policy (Refer to policy above)
2. Planning elements
3. what are the hazards and risks in Pitstop (g. fuel spills., fire in rubbish bin…Cite all the hazards from
the case study Incident summary report/Store visits and Records)
4. What Hierarchy of control will be followed?
5. What are the objectives (e.g. Improve the health and well being of employees….minimise illness and
injuries…Pg. 160.)
6. Targets and performance indicators (e.g. 2 safety inspections, introduction of 1 health and well being
program on non-smoking in 3 months etc…)
Implementation elements
1. Resourcing
(Insert a budget here as per pg. 162)
Wages $ 15,000
1. WHSMS structure of responsibility (insert the organisation structure of responsibilities – pg. 163)
2. Integration with related management systems (comment on how the WHS policies will be integrated with
Pitstop’s other policies such as Induction policy, Performance management policy….etc….)
3. A Training plan (What are your proposed training plans? List them)
4. Agreed consultation and communication process (how will you communicate)
1. Monitoring and evaluation elements
Monitoring plan (pg 166)
1. (e.g.) Pie warmer is a new oven 1. Training will be provided as per plan
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. Plan in WHSMS to organise workshops
4. 2.
· submit draft and final implementation/action plans for the Wollongong store
Employee skills analysis table in order to allocate responsibilities ( pg. 107 of WB) –
Read the Appendix in Task 2 for the information required
WHS ability
1. Executive summary (briefly summarise report). You must write this at the end, after you have
completed the report.
2. Body (analyse data from scenario; discuss possible causes; explore possible solutions; explain your
reasoning and support with evidence).
consider the relationship between the data and the WHSMS targets and performance
indicators. What are the gaps? (Compare the data in assessment 1 and 3 appendices) e.g.
incidents and lost days slightly higher than targets
training numbers poor – 50% off target
uneven quality of implementation across, etc..
Minimise injuries
Safety audits
consider possible causal relationships between data and aspects of the WHSMS implementation
managers working independently of others in interpreting procedures
lack of managerial training
poor communication or consultation processes
lack of store employee training
poor written and verbal communication skills
smoking, etc.
consider possible improvements to address root causes of performance issues
ensuring options available to employees who have poor written or verbal communication skills.
consistent effort from senior management to communicate support and commitment to policy and
Could involve face-to-face meetings and hands-on involvement with stores.
recommendations with regard to computerised WHSMS system, etc..
consider existing procedures and ways to improve them
Address requirements to update procedures to support WHS plan.
Refer to inadequate safety procedures, performance management procedures, lack of emergency
procedures, etc
amended targets and KPIs, procedures for performance management, audit and reporting as a
result of consultation.
Consider reviewing any of your policies
Consider changing the KPIs (reduce them) taking into account that the incident rates have increased
after implementation
Consider any remedial actions required.
Amended KPIs (Follow the strategic implementation plan table in Task 3)
You must attach all the three observation checklists to the tasks as well. If you have
not done the role plays pleas