Appendix 33 - Payroll

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Appendix 33

For the period _______________

Entity Name : ________________________________ Payroll No. : _______________________

Fund Cluster : _______________________________ Sheet _________of __________Sheets
We acknowledge receipt of cash shown opposite our name as full compensation for services rendered for the period covered.

Serial Employee Salaries and Gross Net Amount
Name Position Total Signature of Recipient
No. No. Wages- Amount Due
Regular Earned

A CERTIFIED: Services duly rendered as stated. C APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: _________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________(P )

Signature over Printed Name of Authorized Date (Signature over Printed Name) Date
Official Head of Agency/Authorized

B CERTIFIED: Supporting documents complete and proper; and cash available in the D CERTIFIED: Each employee whose name appears on the payroll E
amount of P______________________. has been paid the amount as indicated opposite his/her name
ORS/BURS No. : _______________
Date : ____________________
JEV No. : _____________________
(Signature over Printed Name) Date (Signature over Printed Name) Date : ____________________
Head of Accounting Division/Unit Disbursing Officer

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