Quattro ESEM Datasheet

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Ultra versatile high resolution SEM
with unique environmental capability
The Thermo Scientific Quattro SEM Key Benefits
combines all-round performance in In situ study of materials in their natural state: Unique
imaging and analytics with a unique high resolution FEG-SEM with environmental mode (ESEM).

environmental mode (ESEM) that allows Minimize sample preparation time: low vacuum and ESEM
capability enable charge-free imaging and analysis of non-
samples to be studied in their natural state. conductive and/or hydrated specimens.

Todays research laboratories expect a modern SEM to Observe all information from all samples with simultaneous
accommodate a wide variety of samples with excellent image SE and BSE imaging in every mode of operation.
quality and with the least amount of sample preparation.
In situ analysis at temperatures ranging from -165C to
Quattros field emission gun (FEG) ensures excellent resolution,
1400C with a range of cryo, Peltier and heating stages.
while tunable contrast is provided by a choice of detectors
that include directional backscatter information, STEM and Excellent analytical capabilities with a chamber that allows
cathodoluminescence. Simultaneous acquisition and display of up to 3 simultaneous EDS detectors, EDS ports that are
images from multiple detectors and detector segments allows separated 180, WDS, and coplanar EDS/EBSD.
images with the different sample information to be available with
a single scan reducing beam exposure for sensitive samples and Excellent analysis of non-conductive samples: accurate
enabling true dynamic experimentation. Quattros three vacuum EDS and EBSD are enabled in low vacuum with Quattros
modes (high vacuum, low vacuum and ESEM) provide flexibility through-the-lens pumping.
by accommodating the widest range of samples of any SEM
Flexible and precise eucentric sample stage with a tilt
available, including samples that are outgassing or otherwise not
range of 105 for sample observation from all perspectives.
vacuum compatible. Moreover, ESEM enables the in situ study
of samples in real-world conditions, such as wet/humid, hot or Easy to use, intuitive software with user guidance and
reactive environments. undo function. Work faster with fewer mouse clicks.
The increasing need for elemental and crystallographic sample New innovative options, including a retractable RGB
data is accommodated by Quattros analytical chamber, cathodoluminescence (CL) detector, a 1100C high vacuum
simultaneously supporting dual opposing Energy Dispersive heating stage and AutoScript, a Python-based scripting tool (API).
X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) detectors, coplanar EDS/Electron
Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) and parallel beam Wavelength
Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (WDS). No matter what type
of sample, in high vacuum or when combined with the unique
experimental conditions supported by Quattro, reliable analytical
results are obtained even on samples that are conductive,
insulating, wet or at high temperature.
As multi-user facilities require all this data to be acquired by
a large group of users while minimizing the required training
time, ease of use is paramount. Quattros unique hardware
is supported by a help function (User Guidance) that not only
instructs, but also directly interacts with the microscope. And
with the undo functionality, novice users are encouraged to
experiment while expert users easily shorten their time to results.
Quattro supports scanning presets, column presets, easy
camera-based navigation, SmartSCAN and drift compensated
frame integration (DCFI) to boost productivity, 3.1 nm @ 200 V (BD mode* + ICD*)
data quality and ease of use even further.
Low-vacuum imaging
Additional software extensions can be added to Quattro to
1.3 nm @ 30 kV (SE)
enable large area mapping and correlation to other techniques
with the MAPS software package, while users can bring their 2.5 nm @ 30 kV (BSE)
experimentation and automation to the next level with AutoScript
a Python based Application Programming Interface (API). 3.0 nm @ 3 kV (SE)

This unique combination of an accessible, high-performance SEM ESEM

with advanced automation and environmental capability makes 1.3 nm @ 30 kV (SE)
Quattro the central player for todays research laboratories.
Electron beam parameter space
Typical applications include: Beam current range: 1 pA to 200 nA
Accelerating voltage range: 200 V 30 kV
Metals & alloys, fractures, welds, polished sections, magnetic
and superconducting materials Landing energy range: 20 eV 30 keV with optional beam
Ceramics, composites, plastics
Magnification: 6 to 2500000
Geological sections, minerals
Inside width: 340 mm
Soft materials: polymers, pharmaceuticals, filters, gels,
Analytical working distance: 10 mm
tissues, plant material
Ports: 12
Particles, porous materials, fibers
EDS take-off angle: 35
Characterization in situ
Crystallization / phase transformation Three simultaneous EDS detectors possible, two at 180
Oxidation, catalysis Coplanar EDS/EBSD orthogonal to the tilt axis of the stage
Material growth General purpose 9-pin electrical feedthrough
Hydration/dehydration/wetting/contact angle analysis Detectors
Quattro detects up to four signals simultaneously from any
Tensile (with heat or cooling)
combination of the available detectors or detector segments:
Electron optics
ETD Everhart-Thornley SE detector
High-resolution field emission SEM column with a high-
stability Schottky field emission gun to provide stable high- Low-vacuum SE detector (LVD)
resolution analytical currents
Gaseous SED (GSED) (used in ESEM mode)
45 objective lens geometry with heated objective apertures
IR camera for viewing sample in chamber
Through-the-lens differential pumping reduces beam skirting
Nav-Cam: In-chamber color optical camera
for the most accurate analysis and highest resolution
for sample navigation*
Guaranteed minimal source lifetime: 12 months
DBS Retractable or lens-mounted segmented under-the-
Electron beam resolution lens Directional BackScatter detector*
High-vacuum imaging
DBS-GAD Lens-mounted gaseous analytical detector*
0.8 nm @ 30 kV (STEM)
STEM 3+ Retractable segmented (BF, 4 DF, 6 HADF)
1.0 nm @ 30 kV (SE) Scanning Transmission detector *
2.5 nm @ 30 kV (BSE) WetSTEM Peltier stage integrated STEM for observation of
thin wet samples
3.0 nm @ 1 kV (SE)
RGB-CLD real color CL detector*
High-vacuum imaging with beam deceleration
In-column detector (ICD) for Beam Deceleration mode*
3.0 nm @ 1 kV (BD mode* + BSED*)
2.1 nm @ 1 kV (BD mode* + ICD*)
Optimized detection for every vacuum mode

Vacuum range SE BSE Other

High vacuum: < 6 10-4 Pa ETD, ICD* DBS*, GAD*

IR camera, Nav-Cam,
STEM3+, CL, Current
Low vacuum: up to 200 Pa LVD GAD*, DBS*
measurement, 2 external
signal inputs

Electron beam current measurement* Wafer and custom holders*

Vacuum system System Control
1 250 liter/s TMP 64-bit GUI with Windows, keyboard, optical mouse
1 PVP 24-inch LCD display, WUXGA 1920 1200 (second monitor
Customizable graphical user interface, with up to 4
Integrated IGP battery backup (system protection from
simultaneously active images
unplanned power outage)
Image registration to easily import images from other systems
Patented through-the-lens differential pumping
for navigation
Beam gas path length: 10 mm or 2 mm
Navigation montage
Evacuation time: 3.5 minute to high vacuum and 4.5
Undo / Redo functionality
minute to ESEM
User guidance enabling new or infrequent users to obtain
Optional CryoCleaner cold trap
excellent results
Optional upgrade to oil free scroll/dry PVPs
Optional joystick
Sample holders
Optional manual user interface (knob board)
Standard multi-sample SEM holder, uniquely mounts directly
onto the stage, hosts up to 18 standard stubs ( 12 mm), does Image processor
not require tools to mount a sample Dwell time range from 25 ns 25 ms/pixel
Multi-purpose holder for 18 stubs, three pre-tilted stubs, Up to 6144 4096 pixels
cross-section samples and STEM samples as an option
File type: TIFF (8, 16, 24 bit), JPEG or BMP
Optional row bar holder for 6 S/TEM grids

Stage and sample

Eucentric goniometer stage,
5-axes motorized

XY 110 110 mm

Repeatability < 3.0 m (@ 0 tilt)

Motorized Z 65 mm

Rotation n 360

Tilt -15 / +90

Clearance 85 mm to eucentric
Max. sample height
point (10 mm)
500 g in any stage position (up to
Max. sample weight
2 kg at 0 tilt)
122 mm diameter with full X,Y,
Max. sample size rotation (larger samples possible
with limited stage travel or rotation)
Single-frame or 4-view image display TopoMaps for image colorization, image analysis and 3D
surface reconstruction
SmartSCAN (256-frame average or integration, line

integration and averaging, interlaced scanning) Web-enabled data archive software

DCFI (Drift Compensated Frame Integration) Advanced image analysis software
In situ accessories (optional) Remote control software
Software controlled -20 C to +60 C Peltier cold stage
Software controlled 1000 C low vacuum/ESEM heating stage Online user guidance
Software controlled 1100 C high vacuum heating stage Operating instructions handbook
Software controlled 1400 C low vacuum/ESEM heating stage Online help
Integrated gas injection: up to 2 units (other accessories may Prepared for RAPID (remote diagnostic support)
limit number of GIS available) for beam-induced deposition of
Warranty and Training
the following materials:
1 year warranty
Choice of service maintenance contracts
Choice of operation / application training contracts
Installation requirements
Manipulators (Refer to preinstall guide for detailed data)
Cryo-stage Power:
Electrical probing / multi-probing stations Voltage 100 240 V AC (-6%, +10%)
System options Frequency 50 or 60 Hz (1%)
Beam deceleration with stage bias from -4000 V to +50 V
Consumption: < 3.0 kVA for basic microscope
Electrostatic beam blanker
Earth resistance < 0.1
Sample / chamber cleaning: CryoCleaner, Integrated
Plasma Cleaner
Temperature (20 3)C
QuickLoader: load lock for fast sample transfer
Relative humidity below 80%
Support PC
Stray AC magnetic elds < 40 nT asynchronous, < 100 nT
Manual user interface
synchronous for line times, 20 ms (50 Hz mains) or 17 ms
Joystick (60 Hz mains)
Analysis: EDS, EBSD, parallel beam WDS, CL, Raman Minimum door size: 0.9 m wide 1.9 m high
Integrated 16-bit patterning engine, electron beam Weight: column console 980 kg
lithography modules
Dry nitrogen recommended for venting
Specimen current meter
Compressed air 4-6 bar clean, dry and oil-free
Specimen holder kit
System chiller
Acoustic enclosure for vacuum pump
Acoustics: site survey required, as acoustic spectrum relevant
Oil-free pre-vacuum option (scroll pump)
Floor vibrations: site survey required, as floor spectrum relevant
Software options
Optional active vibration isolation table
MAPS for automatic large area acquisition using tiling and
stitching; correlative work Consumables (partial list)
Replacement Schottky electron source module
AutoScript 4; a Python-based application
programming interface
Pattern generation software

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For current certifications, visit FEI.com/certifications. 2017 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks
are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. DS0238-EN-09-2017

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