Task 3

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Observation Task 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

Focus: Identify the structure used by your MST while

implementing a shared or guided reading lesson.

Objective: To encourage student teachers to identify and discuss the

purpose of Shared or Guided reading and how it helps promote
Concepts about Print (CAP) skills, phonemic awareness, letter
knowledge and phonics.

Procedure: Familiarize yourself with the Observation Table:

Shared/Guided Reading. Identify the specific book and reading skills
modeled by your MST and any skills that were demonstrated by the

Table 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading (Example)

The title of the book: Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see
Type of Reading (Shared or Guided): Shared reading
What the teacher does What the children do Comments
At the beginning the teacher Students greet the teacher back The teacher should not

greets the students. immediately introduce the story

title. She should give an

The teacher tells the students Students listen to their teacher. opportunity for the students to

that it is story time and we need take a look at the cover, ask

to be listening to the story them what you see. What do

you think the story is about?

The teacher introduces the book The students look at the teacher Different questions to generate

by showing the students the and listen to what is she saying. ideas and get students attention

cover page and introducing the before starting to read the story.

title of the story, illustrator and

writers name for the students.

The teacher starts reading the The teacher look at the

book by showing it to the illustrations and listen to the The teacher wasnt using a lot

students and reading what is on teacher while she is reading the of gestures and sound tones to

the page and when she finish book. represent the animals. She

she flips to the next page. shouldve made facial

expressions, body gestures and

After finishing the story the Students answer with yes and read in different voices to

teacher asks the students if they then they go to get their bags represent animals and to get

like the story or not and then and line up by the door. students attention.

she tells them to go and get

their bags because story time is After finishing the story the

finished and they will go home. teacher didnt know whether

students understood something

of the story or not. She couldve

made them retell the story or

she could ask them some

questions like what did you see

in the story and what color was

it. She could also create

activities for the next day

because she didnt have time for

the students so they would

refresh their memories about

the story.

The teacher also should put the

story in the reading corner

because students want to go and

take a look at it. She says that

students might tear the story or

write on it and she doesnt want

it to be damaged so she can

print the story and put it instead

of putting the original copy.

Reflections on Observation Task 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

1. Which concepts about print (CAP), phonological awareness, letter knowledge and

or phonics did the teacher focus on?

-The teacher focused on the letter knowledge concept. She would see if children

would be able to address the letters that she already have taught them while she is

reading them in the story or not.

a) What did strategies/activities the teacher use to help the students

understand the concept being taught?

-The teacher didnt do any activities but the strategy she used to help

students understand the concept was that she was reading the story and

she was showing it to the students. She were following what she is

reading with her finger word by word so students would know what is

she reading and about what.

2. Were there any initial/medial/final sounds, punctuation, sight words or word families that

were covered during the lesson? If they were, select (a); if they were not, select (b).

a. W h a t was the purpose of teaching these concepts? Explain its importance.

a) Provide one (1) activity example of how initial/medial/final sounds,

punctuation, sight words or word families could have been could have been

covered during the lesson.

-An activity that can be covered during the lesson was the recognition of some

punctuation marks like the full stop and the question mark. The teacher can show

students the marks and then ask them what these marks are. Or she can also say a

sentence or something and then ask them is it a question or a sentence? And what

mark should I put at the end?

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