Task 3
Task 3
Task 3
The teacher tells the students Students listen to their teacher. opportunity for the students to
that it is story time and we need take a look at the cover, ask
The teacher introduces the book The students look at the teacher Different questions to generate
by showing the students the and listen to what is she saying. ideas and get students attention
cover page and introducing the before starting to read the story.
book by showing it to the illustrations and listen to the The teacher wasnt using a lot
students and reading what is on teacher while she is reading the of gestures and sound tones to
the page and when she finish book. represent the animals. She
After finishing the story the Students answer with yes and read in different voices to
teacher asks the students if they then they go to get their bags represent animals and to get
like the story or not and then and line up by the door. students attention.
their bags because story time is After finishing the story the
the story.
1. Which concepts about print (CAP), phonological awareness, letter knowledge and
-The teacher focused on the letter knowledge concept. She would see if children
would be able to address the letters that she already have taught them while she is
-The teacher didnt do any activities but the strategy she used to help
students understand the concept was that she was reading the story and
she was showing it to the students. She were following what she is
reading with her finger word by word so students would know what is
2. Were there any initial/medial/final sounds, punctuation, sight words or word families that
were covered during the lesson? If they were, select (a); if they were not, select (b).
punctuation, sight words or word families could have been could have been
punctuation marks like the full stop and the question mark. The teacher can show
students the marks and then ask them what these marks are. Or she can also say a
sentence or something and then ask them is it a question or a sentence? And what