Observation Task 3

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Observation Task 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

Focus: Identify the structure used by your MST while implementing a shared
or guided reading lesson.

Objective: To encourage student teachers to identify and discuss the purpose

of Shared or Guided reading and how it helps promote Concepts About Print
(CAP) skills, phonemic awareness, letter knowledge and phonics.

Procedure: Familiarize yourself with the Observation Table: Shared/Guided

Reading. Identify the specific book and reading skills modeled by your MST
and any skills that were demonstrated by the students.

Table 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading (Example)

The title of the book:

Type of Reading (Shared or Guided):
What the teacher does What the children do Comments

The teacher before she start she The children start guessing to When the teacher let the student to
take the students attention, and know what is the story is about. guess, and take children attention,
she ask them different question that help the teacher to mange the
and she let the children to guess classroom and their behavior. And
the tittle of the story by showing also it develop their imagination.
them the cover page.

The teacher shows the student They answer the questions, and
the cover page, and she asked make connection between the story
them what you can see, where is and their real life.
the tittle, how will show me the
letter of the week.

The teacher start reading the

Reflections on Observation Task 3: Teaching Shared/Guided

1. Which concepts about print (CAP), phonological awareness, letter knowledge and or
phonics did the teacher focus on?

a) What did strategies/activities the teacher use to help the students understand
the concept being taught?

The teacher she asked the children to show her the shape that in the class and it is same on
the story. Also she brings flash card and she give each student different flash cards and she
said the name of the shapes after the the children should

2. Were there any initial/medial/final sounds, punctuation, sight words or word families that were
covered during the lesson? If they were, select (a); if they were not, select (b).

a. What was the purpose of teaching these concepts? Explain its importance.

a) Provide one (1) activity example of how initial/medial/final sounds, punctuation,

sight words or word families could have been could have been covered during the

The teacher should use different voices during she reading the story, so that will make
the student more interesting, and it helps them to remember the characters and shapes.

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