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Ref 1051
Pages 38
Script/Language Devanagari
Source recovery location Lahore
Condition Laminated Only
Date digitised October '2016
Comments English Translation & Roman Transliteration Available

It not only covers the aspect of palmistry but also covers the larger aspects of body features. Thus, this is
an ancient text on the knowledge of body features or physiognomy. The present text is written by
Samudracharya or Samudrikacharya as called elsewhere and for this reason as it appears, it is called
Samudrikam. The text is very interesting in the sense that it can predict the future of a person on the
basis of someone’s body features. It can also help someone to know his future on the basis of the
characteristics of his body features. Different signs on someone’s body also held to predict his future.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 2/39

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Oṁ svasti Śrī Gaṇeśāya Namaḥ Oṁ Ādidevaṁ praṇamyādau sarvajñaṁ sarvadarśanaṁ sāmudrikaṁ
pravakṣāmi lakṣaṇaṁ puruṣastriyaḥ//1// Pūrvamāyuḥ parīkṣeyaṁ paścāllakṣaṇameva ca āyurhīna
naranāryorlakṣaṇaiḥ kiṁ prayojanam//2// Vāmabhāge tu nārīṇāṁ dakṣiṇe puruṣasya ca nirdiṣṭaṁ
lakṣaṇaṁ teṣāṁ samudravacanaṁ yathā//3// Atha puruṣa lakṣaṇamāha: pañcadīrghaṁ catuḥ hrasvaṁ
catussūkṣmaṁ ṣaḍuttamaṁ saptarakta trivistīrṇaṁ trigaṁbhīrāṁ praśasyate//4// Dvātriṁśallakṣaṇāni
puruṣasya vāhu-netrāntare caiva jānu-nāsā tathaivaca/ stanayo- rantaraṁ caiva pañcadīrghaṁ
praśasyate//5// Grīvā prajananaṁ pṛṣṭaṁ hrsvejat(pa) ca pūjyate hrasvāni yasya catvāri pūjamāpnoti
mānavaḥ//6// Sūkṣmāṇyaguli parvāṇi keśāsthi daśanāstathā/ catuḥ sūkṣmāṇi yeṣāṁ syu ste narādīrgha

English translation
Om Svasti. Salute to Lord Ganesha. At the very outset, I bow down before Lord Ādideva who is the knower
& visualizer of everything. Henceforth, I propagate this Samudrika Shastra meant to know the
characteristics of male & female (1). First of all, we must examine the age factor of a person. It is because
what is the use is of knowing the characteristics of such males & females who have no longer to survive
(2). According to Samudracharya (himself), females & males are to be examined respectively from the
characteristics of their limbs of left & right sides (3). Now commences the characteristics of males: One
who is with the following charecteristics: Pancadirgha (i) Chatuh Hrasvam (ii) Chatussukhmam (iii)
Saduttamam (iv) Saptaraktajivaji (v). Trigambhira is considered as a good person(4). There are thirty-two
chareteristics of a male: These are: (i) Bāhu (ii) Eye-sight (iii) Thigh (iv) Nose (v) Breast-sight etc. This is
altogether is called Pancadirgha (5). Neck, Prajanana Part (Penis), Backside &…., the male who has these
four things with shorter ones invites better regard from society (6). The men who have the subtle
finger-gala, hair, bones & face live longer (7).

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 3/39

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kūkṣiśca vakṣaśca ghrāṇaṁ skadhaṁ lalāṭakam/ ṣaḍattanaṁ bhavedyasya tasya rājyaṁ vinirdiśet//8//
Pāṇipādau tale raktau netrātāni nakhāni ca/ tālajihvādharoṣṭau ca saptaraktaṁ praśasyate//9//
Svāṁgādvaraṁ śarīraṁ syāt mukhaṁ tatra varaṁ smṛtam/ svāṁgādvarataraṁ satvaṁ satvād varataraṁ
mukham//10// Sarvavātuṣa (?)uchyate tatrāpi nāsikā śreṣṭho tathaiva śreṣṭopi cituṣī//11// Na strī tyajati
raktākṣaṁ torthaḥ kanakapiṅgalaṁ dīrghavāhvo na eaiśvaryaṁ na māṁsopacitaṁ mukham//12// Uro
viṣvalo dhanadhānyabhogī śiro viśālo nṛpapuṁgavaśca kaṭau viśālau vahuputra dhārā pādau viśālo
manajaṁ sukhī ca//13// Cakṣuḥ snehe na saubhāgyaṁ danta snehe na bhojanaṁ tvacā snehena
saubhāgyaṁ pāda snehena vāhanam//14// Akarmakaṭinau hastau pādau cādvā(?) na kaumalau yasya
pāṇau ca pādau ca tasya rājyaṁ vinirdiśet//15//

English translation
The one who has the following six(Saduttama) organs, Kaksh, Kukshi (Belly), Vaksh (Chest), Ghrāna
(Nose), Skandha (Shoulder), Lalataka (Forehead) in rightful manner, he excelles with his own kingdom(8).
The one who has the following seven organs (& their surrounding areas), beneath his hands & legs with
reddish impression; also the same impression in ending part of the eye-sides, nails, palate, tongue, lips
excels in his life(9). Among all our belongings it is our body which is most important. Among all our body
parts it is the face which is most important. Again, the face (here) is more important than the sattva
(strength/power/energy) which is more important than all the limbs (10). There again, the nose is
prominent among all & also chitushi (?)(11) A wife does not leave a person with the eyes with
reddish/pinkish impression so also a person of yellowish like that of gold, a person with long arms and a
clear face (not fleshy) (12). A man with a wider chest is wealthy, a man with a bigger head is kingly and
bigger waist is with more offsprings. Simialarly, a person with sizable feet is happier (13). A glossy eye is
fortunate enough & teeth with glaze gets good foods, an oily skin is lucky & shinning feet get good vehicle
(14).The one whose hands are always busy & hands & legs are softer, he enjoys a kingly life(15).

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 4/39

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Dīrghe liṅge daridre ca sṭhūlaliṅgena nirddhanaḥ/ kleśaliṅgena saubhāgyaṁ hrasvaliṅgena bhūpatiḥ//16//
Kaniṣṭāṁguli pradeśāśca reśaḥ svalpabhirdhanahīnatā rekhācatuṣṭaye saukhyaṁ vahurekhā
daridratā//17//(19) Aṁguṣto daramadhysṭho yavo yasyavirājate utpanna bhakṣabhojī ca sa naraḥ
sukhamedhate//20// Anāmikā parvayādā(su?) sthulaṁ cānekakaniṣṭikā varṣaśataṁ ca jīvitam/ navatyaśīti
nirgamane ca saptatiḥ tadardhabhāgaṁ khalu varṣajīvitam//21// Lalāṭe yasya dṛśyante śubharekhā
catuṣṭayam/ aśītāyurvinirdiṣṭaṁ viṁśatyādau dvirekhake//22// Atimedhaśca kīrtiśca vikrāṁta
vinayotsukī//23// // Iti śrī sāmudrike puruṣalakṣaṇaṁ prathamodhyāyaḥ// Ataḥ paraṁ pravakṣyāmi
dehāvayavalakṣaṇaṁ tatra pādatalaṁ yasya yathā sarvajña bhāṣitam//1//

English translation
Signification of a bigger size private part is a sign of poverty & same in case of a thicker one. Hard one is a
sign of prosperity whereas a shorter one is a sign of a king (16). If the area & lines of Kanisthanguli is
shorter then the person becomes poor and if there are four lines then shows happiness & if there are are
more than four then also poverty persists (17/19). The one who has Yava sign in his middle finger enjoys
his life very much with joy (18/20).The one who has many parva lines in his anamika finger with
considerable thickness lives up to hundred years. Accordingly, the ages like Ninty, Eighty & Seventy or its
half is decided accordingly (19/21). The one who has four auspicious lines clearly visible on his fourhead,
he lives for eighty years & if found with two lines then it is twenty for each quarter of it (20/22). Such
people having bhagyarekha are always found hardworking, with fame, heroic but humble & also with
enthuciasm (20/23). This is all about the characteristics of male & closes herewith the first chapter of

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 5/39

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Aprasvadau pṛthulau komalaudara sannibhau prathamaṁgulisaṁyuktau niśā virahalā yathā//2//
Nakhaisvavitisaṁyukte saṁhataiścaraṇai stathā kūrmotrataiścarakktaiśca puruṣāsyān narādhipāḥ//3//
Sūpakorai stathā bhagnairvakraiḥ śuṣkai śiroyutaiḥ prasvedaiḥ pāṇḍuraiḥ rūkṣaiḥ puruṣaśca sa
ḍuḥkhitaḥ//4// Aṁguṣṭho vipulo yeṣāṁ te narāḥ duḥkhabhājinaḥ/ kliśyante vipulāṁ yeṣāṁ te narāḥ
duḥkhabhājinaḥ//5// Unnataiśca samastīvrairasitaiḥ sukhabhojinaḥ vṛttairaktai stathā tāmraiḥ sa naraḥ syu
narābdhipāḥ//6// Yasya pradeśinī dīrghā aṁguṣṭha viklameva ca strī bhogaṁ labhate teṣāṁ bhavatye
nātra saṁśayaḥ//7// Madhyamāyāṁtadīrghayāṁ bhāryāhānirvinirdiśet/ anāmikāyāṁ tu dīrghāyāṁ
vidyābhogī bhavennaraḥ//8// Sa ca hrasvā bhavedyasya taṁ vidyāt paradārikam/ yasya pradeśinī sthūlā
bhartuścaiva kaniṣṭikā//9//

English translation
Hence forth, I will speak on different chracteristics based on the body parts. In this context, let’s examine
the leg part & particularly sole as per the statement of experts. The soul which is not sweaty but bit fleshy
& like that of soft belly with a touch of the first finger with the second one. If the nails are closely fixed
with the fingers and create a unique figure altogether like that of the appearance & movement of a
tortoise with a reddish appearance then it is to be understood that such a person lives on this earth like a
king. If a person is found with face turned down, dried, paled, sweaty then it is certainly that he is a man
of suffering.Those who have the fingers very large in size then he is a worst sufferer. They suffer a lot in
their life.The nails in higher size enjoy the life & if the circling area is found looking red that shows he will
be a great king. The one who has the adjascent areas of his fingers wide & fingers are fine then no doubt
he enjoys the patronage of women.If the middle finger is found too long then he loses his wife in between
his life span & he whose index finger is comparatively longer then such a person enloys the pleasure of
learning. However, the one whose peripherial area of fingers is too much fleshy & the Index finger is found
shorter & little finger in prominence then such a person is found indulging in adultery.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 6/39

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Asaṁgatāni hrasvāniraṁgulībhiśca mānavāḥ/ aṁgulyo pārthivā jñeyāṁ sāmudravacanaṁ yathā//10// //Iti
sāmudrike pādāṅgulī lakṣaṇam// Nakhaiḥ śvetaiśca vikrāṇtaiḥ te narāḥ duḥkhabhāginaḥ/ duḥśīlā kunakhā
jñeyā kāmabhogavivarjitāḥ//3// Vikrāntaiḥ sphuṭikaiḥ sthulaiḥ nakhaiḥ dāridrabhāginaḥ/ mahāpāpāni
kurvanti puruṣāḥ haritairnakhāḥ//4// Iṁdramopaka (?)Saṁkāśairnakhai bhavati pārthivaḥ/ tāmraiḥ
nakhaistathāśvaryaṁ gachatyaiśvaryaṁ mānavāḥ//5// Vartulaiśca nakhaiśvaryaṁ puṣṭitaiḥ subhago
bhavet/ snigdhairuparitaistāmraiḥ nakhairbhavati bhūpatiḥ//6// Pīnaturagajaṁghāyāṁ rajataṁ
mṛgajaṁvakau/ dīrghāyuḥ sthulajaṁghābhirjāyate dhātagāminaḥ//7// Siṁhajaṁghā vyāghrajaṁghā
bhṛtakīrti pradāyakāḥ/ romayuktā ca jaṁghā ca daridrasyā parkṣitiḥ//8//

English translation
If the fingers are found shoter or longer as per their proportionate order then such a person has a chance
of kingly life. This is as per the words by Samudracharya.This is all about the chracteristics of the fingers
of leg. Persons having nails found white & stepping beyond face displeasure in life. Bad nails are the
characteristics of the people devoid of worldy pleasure. Persons having nails stepping beyond, thick,
broken suffer in their life.Those having yellow nails are the sinners & commit several sins in their life.
Persons having dazzling nails lead kingly life & those having copper-like nails get prosperity in their life.
Those having rounded shaped nails get all sort of prosperty in their life. With the buttery suface,
copper-like nails one leads a kingly life.A person having the thigh like that of a horse lives longer. Person
having thicker thighs normally tends towards a Dhatagamin(?). Persons having thighs like that of tiger &
lion & tiger normally are the people who earn name & fame in society. Thighs with too much of hair meet
a life where which has no end to poverty.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 7/39

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Śṛgālasamajaghānaṁ lakṣmī teṣāṁ na jāyate/ svayaṁ taṁ cāsvaryaṁ lakṣmī saṁprāpnoti na
saṁśayaḥ//9// Sthūlajaṁghā ca sūkṣmī ca śrīya bhuñjati mānavaḥ/ uṣṭrajaṁghānarā ye ca nityaṁ bhāgi
vivarjitaḥ/ kākajaṁghā narā ye ca teṣāṁ rājā vinirdiśet//10// //Iti sāmudrike jaṁghā lakṣaṇām// Eka rome
bhavedrājā dvirome dhanavānbhavet/ triromaṁ paṇḍitaḥ prokto vahuromo daridratāḥ//1// // Iti
romalakṣaṇam// Haṁsa hasti samāgatyo puruṣasyā jarā dhipāḥ/ vṛṣabhā ca śukāno ca gatirbhogavatāṁ
bhavet//1// Jalormisadṛśā yatra kākolūka samāgatiḥ/ ihahīnā vihīnā ca duḥkha śoka bhayaṅkarāḥ//2//
Śvānoṣṭramahiṣāṇāṁ ca kharasūkarayostathā/ gatiryeṣāṁ samākhyātā te narā bhāgyavarjitaḥ//3// //Iti
sāmudrike gatirlakṣaṇam//

English translation
The one who has a thigh similar to that of a jackle never gets prosperity in life. There is no doubt that a
thigh of self styled one gets prosperity. Thicker but subtle thigh gets prosperity. Those having the thighs
resembling the thighs of camels hardly have any fortune. However, people having the thigh that of a crow
they lead a kingly life. This is all about the characteristics of thighs in the contexts of Samudrika.Those
having one hair (from one romakupa) are kings; those having two are wealthy; having three hairs are
learned & more are found leading a poor life.This is all about the characteristics of hair. Those who have a
movement like swan & elephant lead young lives as kings. People having the movements like that of an ox
or parrot they lead a life full of enjoyment. The life where there is no count of anything like that of waves
of water & no difference exists between a crow & an owl is a ferocious life full of sufferings. Those who
have the movements like that of dog, camel, buffalo, donkey & pigs are the fateless people. This is all
about the movements in Samudrika.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 8/39

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Vāmāvartitvaliṅgena narāḥ kanyā prajāyate/ dakṣiṇāvarti liṁgena vahuputraścajāyate sthūla rukṣā ca
liṁgānāṁ duḥkhavanto bhavennaraḥ//1// Abhairvaktreśca liṁgaiśca puruṣāḥ sukha bhoginaḥ/ ekaikaṁ
dhāra liṁgena naro bhavati pārthivaḥ//2// Dvidhāre dhanavantaśca vahudhārā daridratā/ mīnagandhena
śukreṇa dhanaputravatī bhavet//3// Havirgandheṇa śukreṇa gandharvāśca jāya(n)te narāḥ/
madhugandhena śukreṇa nara strī jana vallavaḥ//4// Padmagandhe bhavedbhūpa mahigandhena
pārthivaḥ lākṣāṁ gandhe bhaveddāsa māṁsa gandhena taskaraḥ//5// vyasanī ca vasa(?)gandho madau
gandhena duṣkaraḥ/ kaṭugandhena śukreṇa puruṣo durbhago bhavet//6// kṣāragandhena śukreṇa
puṁsāṁ dāridrabhāgīnaḥ/ Indriya nā(e)talā nāmachai (?) payau varṇasya śukrasya naraḥ puṁsastu

English translation
The penis slightly curved towards left is an indication that the person will have more female child & if it is
turned towards right then there will have more male progenies. If it is more thick & dry then the person
suffers a lot. A person having penis without any bend enjoys his life safely. Penis with one flow is a sign of
king’s stature & two-flow one is the sign of wealthiness. However, with many, it indicates poverty. Energy
(Shukra) with a smell of fish indicate wealthiness & progeny of sons. Person having energy with a smell of
ghee is compared with a semi-divinity (Gandharva). The lotus smell makes one a monarch & with a smell
of earth one becomes a king. A person having the same with a smell of lac becomes a servant & the smell
of smell of meat makes one a thief. With the smell of grease one is known as the fond of sensual pleasure
and if it is found with the smell of liquor then it is the sign of mischiviousness on the part of the person.
The semen found with bitterly smell indicates that the person is unlucky. With the smell of brine one is
known as a poor. So far the colour of the semen is concerned, the milk like white one is the sign of kingly
person whereas the black one indicates that the person is fond of bodily pleasure.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 9/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
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Śyāmavarṇena śukreṇa dehabhogī bhavennaraḥ/ samayādopaviṣṭasya mukti spṛśanti dehinām/ sa
bhavedduḥkhito nityam iṁdriyeṇa cāpi paṇḍitāḥ//8// Samayādopaviṣṭasya gulpha spṛśanti dehinām/
sabhaved duḥkhito nityaṁ iṁdriyeṇa cāpi duḥkhitaḥ//9// Samayādaupaviṣṭasya gulpha spṛśanti mehanam/
bhogavāṅstu savijñeyo stathā turaga mehanam//10// // Iti sāmudrike lingalakṣaṇaṁ// Pravāla
snigdharaktaṁ ca śoṇitaṁ yasya dehinām/ rājānaṁ taṁ vijānīyāt devatā sa mahāvalā//1// Papayatra
nibhaṁ yasya dehebhavati śoṇitam/ jāyate vahudhā kanyā duḥkhitaśca sadā bhavet//2// Gopāyo sadṛśo
yasya mahiṣānoṣṭameva ca/ sabhavedduḥkhito nityaṁ dhana hīno na saṁśayaḥ//3// Iti sāmudrike
rudhiralakṣaṇam// Vistīrṇaṁ kaṭisnigdhāni śubhā sā saṁpraśasyate/ nirmāṁsothi kaṭi vastu te narāḥ
duḥkha (vi)bhāginaḥ//1//

English translation
The one whose mind becomes calm/peaceful in course of time after all sort of enjoyments, such mind only
can be ready for liberation failing which he will be a looser from both the angles, i.e distance from
liberation & sufferings from sense organs. A person not controlled with sensual pleasures in time reaches
out to the stage where his urine touches his anklet. Such a person also cannot be happy. It is because he
suffers from the desease & also suffers from sense organs. Therefore, before such a stage is achieved, it is
advisable that one prepares himself in time so that he can enjoy a healthy life like that of a horse. This is
all about the characteristics of a linga. The one who has the blood as greasy as red coral is known as the
king & he is as powerful as a deity. The one who has a pale blood (papayanna?) has more chances of
female progeny & remains unhappy all the time. The one who has a brownish one like that of a buffallo’s
leap suffers in his life including a life devoid of money.This is about the characteristics of blood in
Samudrika. A waist spacious & glossy is the one that is praiseworthy. The waist that is without flesh
suffers a lot in his life.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 10/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
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Siṁhavyāghrasamaṁ yeṣāṁ kaṭisvedaṁ ca nāyakā/ ṛkṣa vānara tulyāṁ ca kaṭi yeṣāṁ na śobhanāḥ//2//
Mṛgodara naro dhanyāṁ mayūrodarameva ca/ manḍūka sadṛśo yastu sa naraḥ pārthivo bhavet//3//
Vyāghrodara gajapatiḥ narasiṁho naro bhavet/ manḍūka udaro yastu dhanadhānya samṛddhimān//4// // Iti
udaralakṣaṇam// Vartulā yāti gaṁbhirāḥ nābhi puṁso praśasyate/ uttānā viralā nābhi sadā duḥkhasya
bhoginaḥ//5// // Iti nābhilakṣāṇam// Unnato pacito yeṣāṁ ghana snigdha payodharā/ sa naro maithune
śūro bhogavantaḥ svakarmabhiḥ//1// Uttatau nai(?) snigdhau ca śithilau ca payau dharau/ nirmāṁsau ca
kurūpau ca te narā duḥkha bhāginaḥ//2// // Iti puruṣa stanalakṣaṇam// Vistīrṇa hṛdayo yeṣāṁ
māṁsalopacitau sama/ satvayuktaṁ vijānīyāt vahubhogyaṁ mahādanam//1// // Iti hṛdayalakṣaṇam//

English translation
The waist of those resembles with the waists of lion & tiger are the heros. The waists resemble like that of
monkey’s one is very odd-looking. A man whose belly resembles with a deer’s or a peacock’s one then its
good. The one who has a belly like that of a frog becomes a Parthiva (king). One who has a belly like that
of a tiger is a Gajapati (Emperor) with the vigour like that of a lion is a real male. However, a mandukodara
(person with a belly like that of a frog) is always found wealthy/prosper. This is about the characteristics of
a belly. Rounded & very much deep navel is considered as good. A navel that is upper-facing which may
be of rare one but that is not considered as good as such the person suffers a lot in his life. This is about
navel. Those males having their breasts slightly upward, deep & tenderly is expert in sexual union & also
found engrossed in & enjoying his own activity. If the breasts are found not being fleshy & odd-looking
then such is the characteristic of poverty. This is about the male breasts. The one who has an
open/expanded heart/chest bit fleshy & found with up & downs is a good sign of a male enjoying his life
being a sattvaguni-a Mahadhana. This is about the characteristics of heart/chest.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 11/39

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Siṁho pṛṣṭau naro yastu dhanaṁ tasya vinirdiśet/ kūrmapṛṣṭo bhaved rājā dhana saubhāgyabhoginaḥ//1//
Iti pṛṣṭilakṣaṇam// Pralaṁvavāhu vijñeyo nara sarvaguṇānvitaḥ/ hrasvavāhu bhaveddāso parakarmakaraḥ
smṛtaḥ//1// // Iti vāhulakṣaṇam// Yasya minasamā rekhā karma siddhi prajāyate/ dhanāḍhyastu sa vijñeyo
vahuputro na saṁśayaḥ//1// Tulā yā masakaṁ vajraṁ karamadhye tu dṛśyate/ vāṇijyaṁ sidhyate tasya
puruṣasya na saṁśayaḥ//2// Padma vā yadi vā śaṁkhaṁ koṣṭā gāraṁ ca dṛśyate/ narasya pāṇipādeṣu
īśvaro jāyate bhūvi//3// Cakrākāro dhvajākārau khaḍgakāraṣca dṛśyate/ sarvavidyā pradhānena
budhimāna sa ucyate//4// Śūla pāṇaubhabadasya sa ca dharmorataḥ sadā/ yajñaṁ dharmaṁ ca dānaṁ ca
devasya dvijapūjakaḥ //5// Śakti-tomara-vāṇaśca yasya hastatale bhavet/ ratha vā pyatha vā chatraṁ
rājānaṁ taṁ vinirdiśet//6//

English translation
A man with a back like that of a lion is considered as a wealthy one whereas the man with a tortoise back
is a king having the pleasure of enjoying all sort of properties. This is the characteristics of the back. A
long arm is considered as the treasure house of all qualities whereas a short-handed person becomes
servant to someone and worked for others only. This is about the arm. The one whose fate lines are very
much clear, he becomes wealthy & gets more sons in his life. If the signs of Asaka or Vajra is there in
somebody’s palm then he can become a good businessman & no doubt he will be good in trading. If a sign
of lotus or conch is found in the palm or below the sole then he certainly becomes the master in this world.
If a Chakra, Flag or Sword like sign is found then such a person is very much knowladgable & also found
intelligent. If a Shula sign is found in hand then such a person is very much religious who devoutes his
time for sacrifices & other such activities like worshipping deities, offering to Brahmins etc. The palm on
which the sign of Shakti, Tomara, Bow, Chariot or Umbrella is found such a person becomes a kingly

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 12/39

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Aṁkuśaṁ-kuṇḍalaṁ-cakraṁ-chatraṁ pāṇi tale bhavet/ tasya rājya vinirdiṣṭa sāmudravacanaṁ yathā//7//
Vṛkṣo vā atha vā śakti karamadhye tu dṛśyate/ amātyaṁ taṁ vijānīyāt dhanavantaṁ māhādhikam//8//
Yasya pāṇitale rekhā kaniṣṭā mūlasaṅsthitā karṣayanti pradeśaṁ ca śatāyuśca bhavennaraḥ//9// Dvitīyā
dhanarekhā ca tṛtīyā kulavardhinī/ yadi pūrṇā stadā pūrṇā pūrṇā chināsu cheditā//10// Dhvaja vajrāṁkuśa
chatra śaṁkha padmā dayastale/ pāṇipādeṣu dṛśyate yasyāsau śrīpatirbhavet//11// Dvābhyā hi
yavamālābhyāṁ rājā mantrī dhane vudhaḥ/ ekapāva(?) ca paṅktyā ca śreṣṭo bahudhno’pi ca//12//
maṇivandhe yavaśreṇi stisrastacca nṛpobhavet yaditāḥ pāṇipṛṣṭhe’pi tatodhikataraṁ phalam//13(14)//

English translation
As per the assuarance of the author, if Ankusha, Kundala, Chakra or Chhatra is found in the palm of
someone then he will have his own kingdom under his control. If Shakti or Tree is found in palm then the
person becomes a minister and also very much wealthy. The one whose fateline starts from the area of
little finger and touches the area stretched up to the opposite side then such a person becomes a Shatayu
(Living for hundred years). The second one after that is called Dhanarekha & the third one is known as
family line. If such lines are found complete then the result is complete & if found incomplete then the
result is also accordingly. The one whose palm or sole is found with the sign of Flag, Vajra, Ankusha,
Sankha, Padma then he is like a king enjoys a prosperous life. In between two: Yava & Mala it lays the
fate that one is a king & other is a Mantri respectively. At the same time both also give result of
prominence & wealthiness. If in Manibandha three Yavashrenis are found then it is a characteristic of
becoming king and if such line of Yavas are found on the back (other side of it) then it rather gives rather
better result than the first one.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 13/39

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Tyāgāya śoṇigaṁbhīrā suṣāya (?) madhupingalā/ sūkṣmāh śriye bhaveyustāḥ saubhāgyā yaśa
mūlikā//14(15)// Chinnā sa palavāḥ sūkṣmā viṣamāsthā kacyutāḥ/ vivarṇaḥ sphuṭitā kasmā nīlātatvaśca
nottamāḥ//15(16)// Kleśaṁ sa palavāḥ rekhā vichinnā vitta saṁśayaḥ/ kadanna puruṣā bhakṣī vināśaṁ
viṣamārpayet//16(17)// Madhyamāśaṁ ri (?)Rekhāyā pradīrśine syādyadādhikā/ paṭuraktastatpītuḥ pakṣa
śriyaśca vipado’nyathā//17(18)// Anāmikāt parekhāyāḥ kaniṣṭāsyāddyadādikāḥ/ dhanavṛddhikari puṁsāṁ
mātṛpakṣau vahustathā//19(20)// Urddharekhā maṇivandhā dūrddhamgāsātu pañcadhā/ aṁguṣṭāśrayaṇī
saukhyā rājalābhā prajāyate//20(21)// Rājā gajasaṁdṛkṣo vā tarjanī gatidhānayā/ madhyamā gatidhācārya
khyāto rājyāya saunvaya//21(22)//

English translation
The different fate lines like (1) those found red in colour & deep meant for happiness/ peaceful life (2)
Yellowish & thin meant for wealth (3) Lines that have roots & connectivity are meant for good fortune.
Those lines that are distracted, having many diversions, thin show a difficulty in life. Similarly, discoloured,
disfigured etc. are also not good. Lines with different branches & sub branches show difficulties in life
whereas the lines distracted pose the question mark of wealth in somebody’s life. A person eating bad
food may have bad physical deformity which ultimately causes deformity in fate lines. The fate line near
the middle finger if not found with reddish shade then it is to be understood that his ancestral side is
weak. The area & fate line between Anamika & Kanistha is the area belonging to mother side & it also
shows wealth of a person. Urdhvarekha is that which goes upright from Manibandha & it is of five types:
(1) Angustha (2) Ashrayani (3) Saukhya (4) Rajalabha (5) Prajapati. The one who walks like a Gajaraja &
whose walk is not fearful; such a person whose movement is medium; the person with such a stature is
called Arya. He is good for society.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 14/39

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Anāmikā prayātyāhu sārthavāho mahāmanī/ kaniṣṭhāgatayāsatyā tayā śreṣṭho bhavedśubhaḥ//22// Ślāśco
ślosaṇā ścedochidraḥ snigdhośca/ māṁsalā ślakṣṇa stāmra nakhādīrghoṅgulīko vā punaḥ karaḥ//23//
Pāṇipāda tale śoṇe dhanī nīlena madhyamā pītenāgamya nārīkaḥ kṛṣṇena ca dhanoḍitaḥ//24// Arekhaṁ
vahurekhaṁ vā yeṣāṁ pāṇitale nṛṇām/ te’lpāuṣo nityapāpāḥ duḥkhitā nātrasaṁśayaḥ//25//
Maṇivandhātpiturrlekhā karabhāhi bhavāyuṣā/ rekhādvayaṁ vā tisro vā tarjanyaṁguṣṭhakāntaram//26//
Yeṣāṁ rekhā imā tisraḥ saṁpūrṇā doṣa varjitāḥ/ teṣāṁ gātra dhanāyuṣi saṁpūrṇa manyathā na tu//27//
Gatvā milinayoḥ prānte dravyayośca rekhayā/ gṛhavandho vinirdiśyau gṛhabhaṅgo yathā punaḥ//28//
Āyurekhā kaniṣṭhāṁtarekhā ca gṛhiṇīpradā/ samādhi śubhaśīlāstā viṣamābhiḥ kuśīla vā//29//

English translation
If Anamika is found a bit bigger then such a person is a broad-minded one. Similarly, if the little finger is
also bit bigger the person is very good in nature. The fingers should be beautiful, without any hole, glossy,
fleshy, smooth, having the nails with copper-like impression. If the palms & soles are found reddish then it
is a good sign of wealth, if found bluish then medium, if yellowish then a desirous of sexual union with
ladies, if blackish then indicates a shower (?) of wealth. There is no doubt that the thing that having no
fate lines or more fate lines in the palm are considered as having shorter life & also are found as sinners
& such people spend their life with sorrows. The fate line starting with the Manibandha is known as
Pitur(l)ekha(Father Line) & the line starting with the Karabha is Ayurekha(Age Line). There is also another
fate line in between these two. Those having these three fate lines without any defects such people are
lucky enough in the following three things: (a) Health (b) Wealth(c) Age. When these lines join one another
at some point then that is known as a Grihabandha (House Building) falling which it is known as
Grihabhanga. A small fate line in between Ayurekha & Kanisthanguli is known for the life partner.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 15/39

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Āyurekhāvaśānābhiḥ lekhābhirmaṇivandhataḥ/ syaṣṭābhirbhātaro spaṣtetarābhi-jāmayaḥ punaḥ //30//
Ulaṁghyaṁ copajāyanyau gulphau jīvitarekhayā/ pañcaviṁśatitayā jñeyā stāvaṁtyaḥ śaradāṁ
vudhaiḥ//31// Maṇivaṁdhomukhoścāyu rekhāyā ye ca palavāḥ/ saṁpadaste vahiryete
vipadoṅgulīsaṁmukhāḥ//32// Tavairaṅgulamajanma vāmāṁguṣṭagatairjavaiḥ/ javai raṁguṣṭha mūlasthai
tatsaṁkhyā tanavo nṛṇām//33// Kṛṣṇapakṣa nṛṇāṁdhya(?)sthau vidyāvantaṁ yaśasvinam/
dakṣiṇāṁguṣṭha stavakaiḥ śuklapakṣe jananaṁ viduḥ//34// Aṁguṣṭa pitarekhāṁ tu stiryak rekhā
padapradā/ apatya rekhā sarvāsyu satsāṁguṣṭa talāṁtare//35// kliṣṭānyagulimadhyāni dravya sañcaya
hetave/ tānicechidrayuktāni nyāyaśīlaṁ tato naraḥ//36//

English translation
If that is found straight then that shows the lady will be in good nature and if that in zigzag then it shows
she will have opposite nature. There are also some other fate lines which come across the Manibandha.
They are good enough & bring fortune for people. The extensions of fate line found on these lines also are
good & bring wealth. If they are heading towards fingers then that is not a good sign. The lines found
below the Pitrirekha is known as Apatyareha meant for the offspring. If the middle parts of the fingers are
found hard that indicate that the person he is a good preserver of goods & if they are found with holes
then it is a sign of not having good behaviour of the person.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 16/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
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Tulā grāmamatho vajraṁ karamadhye tu dṛśyate/ vāṇijyaṁ sidhyate tasya puruṣasya na saṁśayaḥ//37//
Urdhvarekhā kare yastu rekhāsyuraṅgulatrayam/ nānā bhogasukhāsīnaṁ sāmudravacanaṁ yathā//38//
Āvartāḥ dakṣiṇāḥ śastāḥ sāṁguṁṣṭāṁguliparvasu/ tāmrasnigdho sikhotuṅga parvārddhosyānakhāḥ
śubhāḥ//40// Nakheṣu viduḥ śvetāni pāṇau caraṇayorapi/āgatavantaḥ praśastā syuḥ ratī bhoja nṛpī
bhyadhāt//41// Trikoṇarekhā yā sire musulolūṣalādinā/ vastuhasta jātena puruṣasyāt kṛṣīvalaḥ//42// // Iti
sāmudrake kararekhālakṣaṇam// Grīvāni vartulā yasya pūrṇakuṁbha samā bhavet/ pāpinaḥ sa tu vijñeyo
dhanadhānyānyasaṅkulaḥ//43// Śaṁkhagrīvā praśaṁsanti śukoṣṭragrīvākā na tu/ dīrghagrīvā śikhigrīvā
uṣtra vaka (mora) vivarjitāḥ//44// //Iti sāmudrike grīvālakṣaṇam//

English translation
If weighing Rod (or its similar system) or a Vajra is found on palm of a person then no doubt it is a very
good sign to understand that such a person will be very good in trade & commerce. If Urdhvorekha is
found in between the three lines then it indicates that he will be a master of all sort of prosperity &
enjoyment. The whirls on finger tips found turning towards right then it is praiseworthy. Similarly,
copper-coloured glossy nails found on the high tipped finger settings are considered as auspicious. If the
nails of leg & hands are white that is also a good sign of receiving guests & having fun of good dinning. If
Trikonareka, Mushala or Ulukhala is found on head then that is an indication that the person will be a good
farmer. This is all regarding the characteristics of hastarekha. A completely rounded neck is a sinner &
found involved in money-laundering business. A conch-neck is praiseworthy but never like that of a long
neck, peacock-neck, camel-neck, heron-neck. This is regarding the characteristics of neck.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 17/39

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Vṛṣaskandhaḥ gajaskandhaḥ kadalīskandha eva ca/ mahādhano mahābhogī te sarve pārthivopamāḥ//46//
// Iti skandhalakṣaṇam// Candraviṁbopamaṁ vaktraṁ dharmaśīlā sadā bhavet/ mṛgamūṣakavaktrāśca te
narāḥ bhāgyavarjitāḥ//47// Karālāḥ vaktra puruṣāḥ dhanahīnāḥ prakīrtitāḥ/ hayo vaktrā naro yetu
duḥkhadāridra bhāginaḥ//48// // Iti sāmudrike mukhalakṣaṇam// Yasya galo hi saṁpūrṇe padmapatra
samaprabhā/ bhogavāṁ striyapriyaścaiva sarvavidyādhara smṛtāḥ//50/49// Siṁha vyāghra gajendrāṇāṁ
kapolau sadṛśau yadi/ kṛṣībhogī bhavetnityaṁ vahuputrāśca jāyate//51/50// // Iti sāmudrike galalakṣāṇam//
Raktādharau nṛpatiḥsyād vakroṣṭhau sa ca duḥkhitāḥ/ sthūlābhyā madhurābhyāṁ ca narā atyanta

English translation
Those having the shoulders like that of ox, elephant or root of banana are like that of a king who enjoys
his life with all sort of prosperity. This is about the characteristic of a shoulder. The faces as shining as that
of moon are always found with pious attitude otherwise, the people having the faces like that of deer,
mouse are devoid of good fortune. The people having the furious faces are found as devoid of wealth.
Even the people having the face like that of a horse also face all troublesome life. This is all about the
characteristic of face. The people having throat that resembles with or looks like that of a lotus-leaf are
always having good lady companions as the ladies are fond of them. They are also good enough in
learnings. Persons having the cheeks that resemble with the cheeks of lion, tiger or elephant are found as
good farmers & enjoy with many sons. This is all about the characteristics of cheek. Those having the red
lips are kings & if lips are found curved then such people are found sorrowful/melancholy. Persons having
thick lips suffer from acute grieves in their life.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 18/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
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Sūkṣmayātalā sa maho yato nā hā ho yato te bhūpatir bhavati(hoya)/Ṛkṣa vanara sadṛśaiḥ dantaiḥ sadā
kṣu(a)ttprapīḍitāḥ//2// sasnehairujvalai dantaiḥ dāḍimī vījasannibhaiḥ/ sukhinaḥ saralā jñeyoḥ strīṇāṁ ca
vaśakārakāḥ//10// Duḥkhitairvikṛtairrūkṣaiḥ dantaiḥ mūrkhakasannibhaiḥ/ sabhāgyomilataiḥrdantaiḥ
vidyāvān danturaiḥ punaḥ//11// Dvātriṁśaddaśanaiḥ rājabhogīsyādekahīnakaḥ/ trṁśaṁdantā sukhīnāṁ ca
etaddhīnāstu dukhitaḥ//12// // Iti sāmudrike dantalakṣaṇam// Kṛṣṇa jihvo bhaveddāsaḥ sa naro duḥkha
sādhanaḥ/ sa malā yātu jihvāyāṁ sabhavet pāpa kārakaḥ//13/14// Sthulajihvā tathā (kūrāḥ) narā anṛta
bhāṣinaḥ/ sveta jihvā narā ye tu śaucā cāra vivarjitāḥ//15// Padmapatra samā jihvāṁ bhogavān
miṣṭabhojanaḥ/ rakta jihvo bhavedyastu vidyālakṣmī mavāpnuyāt//16// // Iti jihvālakṣaṇam//

English translation
With the teeth like that of bear or monkey the person will be hungry & enquiring about food whereas the
teeth that are like of pomegranate seed & oily-like shining teeth are good enough to keep someone happy
& such persons are normally simple in nature. Such people also easily pacify the opposite sex. The ugly &
dry looking teeth are not good because it is an indication of foolishness/blockheadedness on the part of
the person, whereas, the persons not having closed teed can be fortunate. With sharpening teeth one is
expected to be a learned one. With thirty-two teeth one is expected to be a king whereas; with one less is
an enjoyer (bhogi). People with thirty teeth are found happy & the rest of these are sufferers. This is all
about the characteristics of teeth in Samudrika. A person having a black tongue is a paid servant and
suffers a lot in his life. With a plain tongue a person is considered as a sinner whereas people with thick
tongue are found cruel & great liars. Persons having tongue whitish do not have good samskara-s
(purifications or sophistications) in their life. Persons having tongue resembling a lotus-leaf are great in
enjoying their life & eat good foods. A person having reddish tongue is found a learned (From
“Sukshma……..Bhupati Hoy” has been left out since the portion is in Hindi provided in support of the
previous stanza).

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 19/39

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Kṛṣṇatālu narā ye tu bhavantī kula nāśanam/ Padmapatra samaṁ tālu sa naraḥ bhūpatir bhavet//17//
Svetatālu narā ye tu dhanavanto bhavantite/ rakta tālu narā ye tu dhanabhoktā na saṁśayaḥ//18// Pitā
tālu narā ye tu sa bhave mātta(mātṛ)(?) vāndhiyā/ sarva bhogī bhavedyasya sāmudravacanaṁ yathā//19//
// Iti tālulakṣaṇam// Hansa saro naro dhanyo meghavan sarato nṛpaḥ/ bhṛṅga svaro(ā) naro ye tu te
bhavanti(bhovanto) nareśvarāḥ //20//Krauñca svarā narā ye tu bhāgyavanto bhavanti te/ khara kaka svarā
ye tu nirdhanā papakāriṇāḥ//21// // Iti svaralakṣaṇam// Pārthivāḥ śakarā śīta dīrgha nāsāśca te viduḥ /hasti
nāsā samā ye tu pīna nāsāśca ye narāḥ//1// te narāḥ bhāgyavanto’pi sarvete janavallabhāḥ/ Sthūla nāsā
vakra nāsā tathā cipiu nāśikaḥ/

English translation
and /or wealthy. This is all about the characteristics of tongue. Those having the palate in black shade are
the destroyer of their own dynasty. If the palate resembles like that of a lotus leaf then it is a sign that
such a person will be a king. If the palate is in white shade then it is a sign that the person will be wealthy
and if same is found in reddish colour then he is just an enjoyer of wealth. If that is in yellow then it
indicates that such a person will be a fond of pleasure. This is the characteristics of palate. If a person
found with the voice like that of a swan is really great & if the voice is like that of clouds then it is a sign of
kingly life. If a person has a voice of a bee then also it is a sign of kingly life. If the voice is that of a
Chakore bird then such person is fortunate enough in his life. Persons having the voices resembling with
that of a donkey or crow are penniless & sinners. This is about the voice. Those having strong & high nose
are known for their royal life. However, people having nose resembling that of an elephant or pinanasa
‘fat nose’ are often found as fortunate & liked by all. But, the thick noses, curved noses & flatted noses are
not good as they remain unhappy & known for devoid of morale & religious life. This is about nose.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 20/39

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Duḥkhitā te ca vijñeyā dharmaśīla vivarjitāḥ//2// // Iti nāsikālakṣaṇam// Nidrālayaṁ sa netrā ye bhavanti ca
narādhamāḥ/ mayūra sadṛśau netrau bhvanti puruṣā dhamāḥ//1//Śvāna sūkara samāsākṣā ne pi durāśayā
madhupiṅgalanetraśca kekaraiśca duṣṭacittā//2// // Iti sāmudrike netralakṣaṇam// Hrasvakarṇau
mahābhogi dīrghakarṇaśca madhyamaḥ/ romakarṇā manuṣyāśca sarve te sukhabhoginaḥ//1// // Iti
karṇalakṣaṇam// Lalāṭenārdhacandreṇa sa bhavet pṛthiviśvaraḥ /vipulena lalāṭena vidyābhyāsī
bhavennaraḥ//1//Parakarmaratā nityaṁ prāpyate vadhavandhanam/ alpena ca lalāṭena alpyāyurjāyate
naraḥ//2// Unnatena lalāṭena dhanāḍhyo bhavati naraḥ/triśūlaṁ kuliśaṁ vāpi lalāṭe yasya dṛśyate/īśvaraṁ
taṁ vijānīyāt pramadā- janavalabhaḥ//3//

English translation
Those having drowsy eyes are the bad guys and also those having the eyes like that of a peacock also are
of bad nature & considered as purushadhama-s. Similarly, people having the very small eyes like that of
dogs, pigs are found with bad intentions. The drunken eyed & brown/tawny eyed (in Indian context) or
squint eyed are also often found with evil minds. This is all about the characteristics of eyes. Short-eared
ones enjoy their life extensively whereas, the long-eared are medium ones. However, all those having ears
of bit hairy maintain a pleasant life. This is all about ear. A half-moon sized forehead is a sign of kingly life
whereas, a spacious/flat forehead is eagerly engaged in learning. Generally, such people are engaged in
services to others. The forehead that is a shorted one has a shorter life span & forehead with a higher
plane one is a wealthy one. The forehead with Trishul or Kulisha (Bajra) is a marker that indicates the
person will be a masterminded/masterly person & liked by feminine genders.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 21/39

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Pañcabhiḥ śatamādiṣṭaṁ aśītiścatubhistathā/ tribhiḥ ṣaṣṭhi vijānīyāt dvābhyāṁ vinśati dvaya stathā//4// Iti
lalāṭalakṣaṇam// Kuṭilaiḥ sphāṭitaiḥ rūkṣaiḥ sthūlaiśca taskaro bhavet/ duḥkhitaḥ puruṣā jñeyāḥ kṣudhā ca
paripīḍitāḥ//1// Viralā camarāḥ keśā snigdhā bhramarasannibhā/ madhuvarṇāśca ye keśāḥ keśā te
śriyabhāginaḥ//2// // Iti sāmudrike puruṣalakṣaṇāni // // Atha strīṇāṁ lakṣaṇāni// Tathā vijñā prayatnena
śubhā śubha mitisthitam/ vadanti praśastena strīṇāṁ vakṣāmi lakṣāṇam//1// Hastapādau parikṣeta
aṁgulāśca nakha stathā/ pāṇirekhā ca jaṁghā ca kaṭi nābhi stathai va ca//2// Urū(dga?)ścodaraṁ pṛṣṭaṁ
stanau karṇau bhujā stathā/etatsarvaṁ parikṣeta kanyā śāstraviśāradaiḥ //3// Vandhu lakṣaṇya lāvaṇa
kulajātyādyalaṅkṛtā/ kanyakā śṛṇuyādrūpamatīmavyaṅga vigrahā//4//

English translation
The fate lines on the forehead is as follows: If five lines are seen on the forehead then it indicates that his
age is one hundred & if it is four in number then the age is eighty. In this ratio of twenty per line, three
lines are understood for sixty & two for forty. This is the characteristics of forehead.The hair that is curved,
splitted, rough & thick is a sign that person is likely to be a thief. Such a person remains unhappy in his life
& suffers from the hunger all the time. The hair that is like chamara, soft & as black as a bee’s colour or of
a honey-coloured one is a rare type of hair; the person having such hair is a prosperous one. (This is all
about the characteristics of hair). Here ends the bodily features/characteristics of a male. Hereafter starts
the characteristics of a female. We proceede to narrate the characteristics of bodily feature whether good
or bad of women as per the prescription of the wise people. The examining factor for women would cover
the body parts like hand, leg, finger, nail, lines in palm, thigh, waist, naval part, belly, breasts, beck, ears
& arms etc. These things need to be known/examined by the experts of this science to understand the real
nature & behaviour & geneocity of a girl before her selection as a bride.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 22/39

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Aṣṭamādvarṣato yāvadvarṣamekādaśaṁ bhavet/tāvatkaumārikā loke nāpya- mudvāhamarhati//5//
Pūrṇacandramukhī kanyā vālasūryasamāprabhā/ viśālānetrāraktoṣṭhī sā kanyā labhate sukham//6// Pādau
samāngulau snigdhā bhūmyāṁ yadi pratiṣṭḥate/ yasyāstu kaumalau raktau sā kanyā gṛhamaṇḍanā//7//
Aṁguṣṭhenātiraktena bharttāraṁ caiva manyate/ alpavṛttaiḥ patiṁhanyāt vahuvṛttaiḥ pativratāḥ//8//
Unnataiścandravatsaukhyaṁ masṛṇaiśca tathaiva ca/mucitaiḥ padmavarṇaiśca putravatyaḥ striya
smṛtāḥ//9// Candra padmaṁ dhvajaṁ chatraṁ svastikaṁ varddhamānakam/ yasyā pāde ca dṛśyante
jñeyā sā rājayoṣitāḥ//10// Yasya pādatale rekhā tarjanīṁ yāti ūrdhvagāḥ/ bharttāraṁ labhate śīghraṁ
grīyā bhartuśca poṣitā//11// Pāde pradīśinī yasyāḥ aṁguṣṭhāgre vyatīkramet

English translation
Beginning with the eight & up to the age of eleventh years of age a girl is known as a kumari and no
marriage is to be conducted in this age. A kumari with a full bloom moon like face & as radient as a
morning sun with eyes long & reddish lips are the girls who get happiness in their life. Those having the
shining fingers of their legs & touching ground with a pair of two tender & reddish legs are the girls who
really adorn the houses. If the fingers are too much of reddish in colour then that is a good sign that she
respects her husband. Slightly ronded is the sign that it affects the life of husband & more rounded ones
are the sign of a virtuous wife. If these are found with height then it is a sign of happiness & also if found
with proper finishing then the result is also the same. With openness & pinkish colour one is blessed with
sons while the insignia like moon, lotus, flag, umbrella, swastika mark, jars or saucers are the signs of
queens/princess. If the fate line below the foot is so long that touches tarjani finger then it is a sign that
she gets her husband in proper time and properly cared for. If the forefinger takes a different direction at
the tip then such a woman will be a swecchacahirini (the one who travels as per her free will) type of
woman who does not like to remain in her husband’s house.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 23/39

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Na sā patyu gṛhe tiṣṭhet svachandā kāmacāriṇī //12// Pādaṁ padmalikācaiva aṁgulīyamiti kramet/ duḥśīlā
durbhagā ścaiva tasmāttvaṁ parivarj(t?)ayet//13// Yasyāstū nāsikā hrasvā tāṁ viduḥ kalahapriyā/
bhūmyaṁ na sparśate yasā khādate sā patidvayam//14// Pāde kaniṣṭhikā caiva bhūmiṁ na spṛśate yadi/
bharttāraṁ prathamaṁ hatvā dvitīyastu pratiṣṭhitam//15// Samatā bhūmisanlagnaṁ
yasyāścaraṇayostalam/ aṣṭaputrān prasūtiḥ syāt pattyu santānavarddhinī//16// // Iti pādalakṣaṇam//
Viṣamairunnataiḥ gulphairnāryasyuḥ kalahapriyāḥ/ nirgūḍhagulphayā nārī sā nārī sukhamedhate//17// // Iti
cūṭīlakṣaṇam// Kākajaṁghāstu jaṁghāyāṁ yāma roma śa granthikāḥ/

English translation
The one who has the feet (the same in case of fingers also) resembling padmalika such a lady is
naturewise or luckwise not be accepted and rather to be abandoned for all reasons. The one who has a
short nose is normally found having the attitude of quarrelling with others. The girl whose fingers do not
touch the ground normally will loose two of her husbands. Further, if the little finger only does not touch
the ground then also there is a chance of misfortune of loosing the first husband & establishment with the
second one. If all the fingers touch the ground with all in balance then such a lady delivers eight sons with
proper care. This is about the characteristics of feet. The lady with imbalanced higher ankle is a sign of
disputing attitude. The lady with open/flat feet gets all sort of happiness in life. Those kakajangha-s ‘thin
thighs’ & ‘hairy thighs’ see the widowhood soon in their life. This is about the characteristics of thighs.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 24/39

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acireṇa parijñeyā vaidhavyaryubhayostvayoḥ//18// // Iti jaṁghālakṣaṇam// Yasyā stanau samau śastau
karau romavivarjitau/ grīvārekhātrayopetā viṃvākarādharā matā//1// Kurmaṁ pṛṣṭhaṁ bhagaṁ yasyāḥ
kṛṣṇaṁ snigdhaṁ sa śobhanam/ sajalā sukomalā caiva dhanadhānyavatī sadā//2// Nirmāśaṁ cātidīrghaṁ
ca bhaga ṣuṣkaṁ śarāyutam/ dāridraduḥkhaśamanotidaurbhāgyaṁ ca vinirdiśet//3// Unnatairdakṣiṇaḥ
pārśve striyāḥ putrapradāyikāḥ/ vāmonnatābhagā yā ca sā ca kanyā prasūyate//4//
Aśvatthadalasaṁkāśaṁ guhyagūḍhamaṇisthitam/ yasyāḥ sā subhagā kanyā dhanyā puṇyairavāpyate//5//
Āvartastu bhavedyasya bhagastho parimastake/ tasyā vivardhate putrau dhanadhānyasamanvitaḥ//6//
Kūrmapṛṣṭha gajapṛṣṭhān samaromālya nāsikā/ vistīrṇapadmapatrābhā ṣaḍete subhagā bhagāḥ//7//

English translation
It is preferable if both the breasts of a lady are of same size. Further, it is also expected that both the
hands are without hair. A lady if found with three lines on her neck & the lips are comparable to Bimba
fruit (which is red in colour) then she is in preference. The one who has her genital of tortoise shape,
blackish, oily, pretty, watery & tenderly one is a lady who enjoys a prosperous life. However, if such is
found dry, not fleshy, too long then the lady passes through an unfortunate time during her life span & is
found always surrounded by misfortunes in her life. If the right side of the genital is bit higher then the
right one then that indicates that the lady will deliver more sons & same is the case of left side then the
lady will have more daughters. If the total area resembles the size of a Pippala leaf then it shows that such
a girl is so good that only those fortunate people can expect to get her as his partner. If avarta (whirlpool)
is at top of the genital then that shows the prosony of sons & prosperty in her life. Overall, the genitals of
the following six descriptions are considered as fair: tortoise shell, elephant back, equibrillium in hairy
portions, smallness of the flag, expanded one, lotus-leaf shaped.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 25/39

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Kharora khararomā ca śuṣkā dīrghā ca nāsikāḥ/ sakaṭā viralā ceti ṣaḍete bhagamadhyamaḥ//8// Gusyānte
tilakaṁ yasyā raktakuṁkumasannibham/ athavā dakṣiṇaṁ bhāge prasastā sā nigadyate//9// // Iti
sāmudrike strīṇāṁ bhagalakṣaṇam// Dhānya gandhā ca yā nārī niṁbagandhā ca yā bhavet/ varjanīyā
prayatnena yadīcheccirajīvitam//1// Kṣīragandhāṁ tyajetkanyāṁ tathaiva vahugandhinīm/ raktagandhāṁ
tyajetkanyāṁ sā kanyā duḥkhadāyinī //2// Gomūtraharitālābhyāṁ gandho yasyā pravartite/ duṣṭagandhā
tu yā nārī tāṁ ca nārīṁ vivarjayet//3// Caṁpakādiṣu puṣpāṇāṁ yadi gandho bhavetstriyaḥ/ madhyaṁ
balitrayopetaṁ kṛśaṁ ca śubharomaśam//4// //Sāmudrike gandhalakṣaṇam// Nitaṁviṁ ca
uttuṅgavistīrṇaṁ ca śasyate striyaḥ/ madhyaṁ balitrayoyetaṁ kṛśaṁ ca śubharomaśam//5// // Iti

English translation
Those having having their private parts with short-hairs like that of an ass or having dried ones, too long,
without flag, ugly looking or loosen are considered as medium. One whose ‘tilaka’ inside is like as redish
as raktakumkuma or the right side is having such colour then that is considered as good. This is all about
the characteristics of bhaga (female genitals) in the Samudrika Shastra. One must get away if desired to
leave long from such a woman having the smell of paddy or neem. Similarly, a woman having the smell of
milk or of mixed fragrant must be left out. A woman having the smell of blood gives a lot of pain in her
partner’s life. A woman having the smell of gomutra or Haritala or of impured smell must be left out. The
women having the smell of champaka or of such fragment flowers then such a woman (with
balitraya/tribali, slimness & eyes with deep eyelashes) is good enough to accept. This is about the
different characteristics of smells of women-folks. The temples of buttocks of a female is considered good
(along with balitraya/tribali, slimness & eyes with deep eyelashes) if found heightned along with
wideness/expansion. It is very much adorable. This is regarding the characteristics of buttocks.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 26/39

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Gaṁbhīranābhir yā nārī dakṣiṇā vartakā śubhāḥ/ samāṁśalā ca snigdhā ca sā nārī sukha medhate//1//
Nābheradho bhavedyasyā lānchanaṁ masakopamam/ kuṁkumodaka- saṁkāśaṁ praśastā sā
nigadyate//2// // Iti nābhilakṣaṇam// Maṇḍuka kukṣa yā nārī nyagrodhaparimaṇḍalā/ ekaṁ janayate
putraṁ sa ca rājā bhaviṣyati//1// // Iti udara- lakṣaṇaṁ// Stanau ca sudṛḍhau yasyā pīnonnatesu
gaustanau/ sa māṁśalau ca snigdhau ca śiraromavivarjitau//1// Hastīnā śau ca jaṁghau ca sā yati
valabhā sukham/ yasyā payodharo vāme asitaṁ tilakaṁ bhavet//2// Karṇe kaṇṭhe suputrāḍhyā sā kanyā
sukha dāyinī/ yasyā stanau ca śithilau hrasve virale tanau/ nirmāṁsau ca nistejau kanyā yāṁ tāṁ
parivarjayet//3// // Iti stanalakṣaṇaṁ// Grīvāyāṁ laṁva yā canḍī daridrā hrasvayātayā/ kulasya nāśinī nārī
dīrgha yā bhajate punaḥ//1//

English translation
If the naval part of a woman is deep & a bit turned towards right side (dakshinavarta) then it is a sign of
auspiciousness. Along with it, if she is healthy & lucid/glossy in appearance then she enjoys a better life
style. If there is a mark/mole of kumkuma colour and that too of a mosquito size below the naval part then
such a lady/girl will always be preferable as a wife. This is all about the characteristics of a naval part. A
lady who has a belly like that of a frog and the surrounding area looks like the circumferencing area of a
Nyagrodha tree then that is a sign that she will give rise to a son who will be a king. This is the
characteristics of a belly. So far the thickness & height of them are concerned, the breasts should be
comparable with the breasts of a cow & the pairs should be lofty, glossy & the tips of them should be
without any hair. Along with it, if her thighs are comparable with an elephant’s thigh (but with all
cleanliness) then such a girl enjoys enormous pleasure in her life. The girl whose breast’s left side or ears
or neck is marked with some black (not white) mole then she gets a good son in her life and gives
pleasure (to her husband). The girl whose breasts are losen or very small on a very thin body found
without flesh & without shinning then such a girl should be left out. This is all about the the characteristics
of breast.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 27/39

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Raktajihvā ca yā nārī sā bhavet sukhabhāginī/ nityaṁ pravarddhate putraiḥ sukumālā tu mohinī//2//
Svetāyāṁ tu jñātimṛtyuḥ malināyāṁ dhana kṣayaḥ/ śyāmāyāṁ kalaho nityaṁ vanśachedo vinirdiśet//3// //
Iti jihvālakṣaṇam// Svetena tālunā dāsī duḥkhini kṛṣṇa tālunā/ haritena ca rukṣeṇa raktatālu suśobhanā//1//
// Iti tālavālakṣaṇam// Viśamā daśanā yasyā viralā sthaulyabhājinaḥ/ sā saṁkleśamavāpnoti laghusvetā
samāśubhāḥ//2// // Iti dantalakṣaṇam// Yasyā oṣṭha dvayaṁ raktaṁ romamuktaṁ samaṁ punaḥ/ sarasaṁ
sadalā śuṣkaṁ sā bhartuḥ sukhakāriṇī//3// // Iti oṣṭhalakṣaṇam// Dīrgheṇa nāsikāgreṇa nārī bhavati kopiṇī/

English translation
If the neck of a girl is found long then such a girl is very angry in nature; and if found short then she
becomes poor in life. If found wider then she spoils the dynasty. A woman with reddish tongue enjoys
pleasure in her life. She gets more sons in her life & being a delicate one becomes attractive (to her
husband). If the tongue is white, she dies soon & if found dirty then that indicates that she will have more
financial loss in life. If the tongue is black then there is a chance of quarrel in her family life. It also
indicates that she may be a threatening to the growth of her own inheritance. This is all about the
characteristics of tongue. If the palate part is white then it indicates that she will be a servant and if found
black in colour then that is an indication that she will suffer & if the palate is yellow then she becomes
very rude in her behaviour. But, if same is in reddish then she is very beautiful. This is all about palate.
The one who has ups & downs/small & big of teeth size or of disturbed with thickness then she sufferes a
lot in her life. If such is in bit whiteness & in order then they are auspicious. This is all about the
characteristics of teeth. The girl who is having her lips (upper & lower) of same size, reddish in colour,
withour any hair, delicate but dry then such a lady gives enormous pleasure to her husband. This is all
about the characteristics of lips. The one whose tips of the nose is very sharp then she is angry

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 28/39

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hrasvīna ca bhaved dāsī parakarma karāsmṛtāḥ//1// // Iti nāsikālakṣaṇam// Piṅganetrā bhavennārī aprīyā
sā sabhāminī/ duḥśīlā sā ca vikṣeyā vaidhavyaṁ jāyate punaḥ//2// Nayenekakareyasyā dṛśyante cāti
caṁcalāḥ/ kuṭilsā’pivikhyātā nārīlākṣaṇavedibhiḥ//3// // Iti netralakṣaṇam// Yasyāstu hasyamānāyāṁ
gaṇḍe bhavati kūpilā/ na sā bhartugṛhetiṣṭhet svacchandā kāmacāriṇī//1// Pūrṇacandrasyasaṅkāśaṁ
saṁpuṭāṁ parimanḍalā/ yasyā mukhaṁ ca dīptaṁ ca sā ca lakṣmīrivāparā//2// // Iti mukhalakṣaṇam//
Sthūlakeśā patighnī syāt dīrghakeśā dhanapradā/ paruṣaiḥ kalpitaiḥ kūraiḥ skandhakeśā ca śobhanāḥ//1//
// Iti keśa lakṣaṇam//

English translation
in nature. If found short then she becomes a servant who is always engaged in serving others. This is all
about the characteristics of nose. If a woman is of brownish eyes then she is not preferable. Such a lady
has some characteristic problems who also ultimately suffers a widow’s life. It is stated by the astrologers
& expert in women throughfare that the one who has some kind of netrachhata (fickleness) in a certain
corner of her eyes, such a woman is crooked/cunning by nature. This is about the characteristics of eyes.
The one who, while laughing gets a hole like appearance on the middle of her cheek, never likes to stay in
her husband’s house and rather known as a Svacchanda(who is independent) & Kamacarini(one who
moves according to her free will). The lady who is having a face comparable to the full moon in
appearance, shinning & radient is like an epithet of Luxmi. This is all about the face. The one whose hairs
are thick, is such a lady whose husband dies before her death. However, the one whose hair is so long
brings/gets wealth in her house. The hair curved & artificially grown up to the shoulder with hardness
enhances beauty. This is about the characteristics of hair.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 29/39

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Hansasvarā meghavarṇā yā nārī dīrghalocanā/ yasya gṛhe samāgacchettadgṛhaṁ puṇya bhājanam //1//
Tīkṣṇasvarāti gaṁbhīrā svarāti madhurasvarāḥ/ aṣṭau sā janayetputrān dhanadhānya samanvitān//2// // Iti
svaralakṣaṇam// Āyatau śravaṇau yasyā samauca kumārakau bhṛvau/ candrāvudhākārau sa kanyā
sukhabhāginī//3// // Iti karṇalakṣaṇam// Yasyā romāṇi jaṁghāyāḥ mukhaṁ ca vikṛtāṁ bhavet/
romabhistribhirāvartā śīghraṁ bhakṣayate patim//1// Vandhapinḍā ca yā nārī sūkararomā ca yā bhavet/
tathā gardhabharomā ca api rājakule jātā dāsītvamupayāti sā//2// //Iti keśalakṣāṇam// Yasyāsnu hṛdaye
nāryā rakte ca tilakaṁ bhavet/

English translation
The girl with the voice of a swan along with cloud like colour & expanded eyes is always preferable. A
voice that is sharpen, graveness or melodious one is also preferable. The house becomes a fortunate one
if such a girl arrives as a bride in it. She has all chances of producing eight sons with all wealthiness. This
is about the characteristics of voice. The one who has the expanded ears with the same sizes of pupils &
the eyebrows are alike Moon or Budha is a girl who enjoys all happiness in her life. This is all about the
characteristics of ear. The one who has hairs on her thigh & face is ugly, the husband of such a girl/woman
dies early. The lady who is very much fleshy & fat, hair is like that of a pig or donkey meets the life of a
maid servant even if she is born in a kingly family. This is about the characteristics of hair. The one who
has some kind of redish mole/mark on her heart/chest, it is considered as a good sign.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 30/39

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Lāñchanaṁ bhavati raktābhaṁ nārī śobhanā bhavet//1// Labhate vittasaṁpannaṁ patiṁ ca vasavartinī/
putra trayaṁ prasūte sā sa tathā kanyā catuṣṭayam//2// //Iti laṁchana lakṣaṇam// Kaṁpantau caraṇau
yasyā sarvāṅgaṁ ca bhavatu yadi/ dhanadhānya vihīnā syāt duḥkhadāridradāyinī//1// Mṛdvaṅgī
mṛgajaṁghā ca mṛgākṣī mṛgodarī/ haṁsagatyā samā nārī rājapatnī bhaviṣyati//2// // Iti strī gatilakṣaṇam//
Kṛṣṇā śyāmā sitā śyāmā gaurī caṁpaka suprabhāḥ/ snigdhāṅgī snigdhavadanā sā nārī labhate sukham//1//
// Iti dehalakṣaṇam// kāvyaḥ pīnonūḥ(1) pīnagaṇḍā (2) śamasita- daśanaḥ (3) padmapatrāyatākṣī (4)
viṁboṣṭhī (5) tuṅganāsā (6) gajapatigamanā (7) dakṣiṇāvartagandhāḥ

English translation
Such a lady gets all sort of prosperity in her life. She has a good control over her husband through love.
She delivers three sons & four daughters. This is all about the marks/moles. The lady whose feet or the
whole body trembles for that matter she becomes poor in her life and spends a life with all difficulties due
to poverty. A woman with tendered body, thigh is like that of a deer’s, Mrigakshi (eyes are like that of
deer’s), belly is comparable to that of a deer’s one, the walk is comparable to the swan’s one becomes the
wife of a king (means becomes a queen). This is all about the walk of a woman. The woman of this types
are good enough to recognise: (1) A lucid darkish (2) A lucid Whitish (3) A fair & Champak coloured one (4)
An oily body (5) Lucid oily faced one. These women get all sort of pleasures in their life. This all about the
body (as a whole). The following are the 16 varieties of women considered as good: (1) Wel-built (2)
Healthy eyebrows & healthy cheecks (3) Equilibrium in teeth (4) Lotus (leaf)-eyed (5) Lips like that of a
Bimba fruits’ colour (6) Sharpen nosed (7) Walk like that of an elephant’s one (8) the smell of whose blows
to the right (9) A lucid body (10) Wel-decorated (11) Tendered thighed.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 31/39

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(8) Snigdhāṅgī (9) cāruveṣā (10) mṛdumathajaghanā (11) susvarā (12) cārukeśā (13) bhartātusyāditiśo
(14) bhavati ca subhagā (15) putrayuktā ca nārī (16) // Iti ṣoḍaśā śubhalakṣaṇam// Piṅgākṣī (1) kūpagaṇḍā
(2) kharapanūṣarahā (3) sthūlajaṁghā (4) ūrdhvakeśī (5) rūkṣākṣī (6) vakranāsā (7) praviradaṁśanā (8)
kṛṣṇatālu (9) ṣṭrajihvā (10) śuṣkāṅgī (11) gatibhū (12) kucayugaviṣamā (13) vāmanā (14) cātidīrghā (15)
kanyeṣāvarjanīyāḥ sukhadhana rahitā duṣṭaśīlā kṛśāṅgī (16) // Iti strī ṣoḍaślakṣaṇam// Ṣoḍaśābdī
bhavedvālā trṅśatādbhūtayauvanā/ pañca pañcā śatā vṛddhā strī tadaṁtaraṁ yathā//1//

English translation
12) Melodius voiced (13) with beautiful hair style (14) Expert in passifying the husband (15) Overall beauty
(16) with son/sons. These are the 16 characteristics of women considered as auspicious.(1)Pingakshi
(woman with brownish eyes) (2) Cheeks with whirlpool in the middle (3) Khurapannusaraha (?) (4)Thick
Thighs (5) Hairs Upward (6) Frowned/furious Eyes (7) Curved nose (8) Yellowish Teeth (9) Blackish palate
(10) Long tongue like that of a camel’s one (11) Imbalanced/ un-proportionate breasts (12) Dwarf or too
long/heigh (13)Sukharahita (14) Dhanarahita (15) Wicked (16) Very Thin are to be abandoned (means not
fit for marriage). These are the sixteen characteristics of sixteen types of girls & the same in case of
women. Including the catagories of older women the number becomes fifty-five.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 32/39

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Padminī citriṇī caiva śaṅkhinī hastinī tathā/ tatra diṣṭā vidhānena vidhyā strīkulyā vicakṣaṇāḥ//2// Padminī
yamaṁ vāñchati dravyaṁ vāñchanti hastinī/ citriṇī mānaṁ vāñchanti kalahaṁ vāñchanti śaṅkhinī //3//
//Iti sāmudrike strīṇāṁlakṣaṇāni śubhāśubhaṁ saṁpūrṇam// [Janmaṇondhakāraṁ naśyate niśicandramā
om tatsaditi śrībrahma caitanya muninā viracitaṁ tatvasāra vedānte pañcamaṁ prakaraṇam//1// //Om
śrīmate Rāmānujāya Namaḥ//] Atha hasta lakṣaṇaṁ likhyate sarva lakṣaṇa lakṣaṇyaṁ pāṇilakṣaṇa
muttamam/ tisro rekhā hi dṛśyante kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā//1//Ddhanarekhā karmarekhā

English translation
There after we will enumerate the four types of women according to their nature & character: (1) Padmini
(2) Chitrini (3) Shankhini (3) Hastini. The Padmini in for her self-restraint whereas, Chitrini desires respect.
The Shankhini category of woman wants materials. However, the Hastini category desires only
disputes/quarrel with others. This is all about the good & bad & accordingly auspicious or inauspicious
characteristics of women in Samudrika. Om Tatsaditi Brahmachaitanyamunina viracitam
Tattvasaravedante Pancamam Prakaranam. Om Srimate Ramanujaya Namah. Henceforth, starts the
characteristics of hand. Among all the characteristics it is the characteristic of hand that is best to
enumerate. There are three life lines, i. e Kaumara, Yauvana & Jara. In the same manner there are three
fate lines on a palm, i. e Dhanarekha, Karmarekha & Ayurekha.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 33/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
Manuscripts. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning will invite legal action against the transgressors.
ādāvāyu parikṣeta paścāllakṣaṇamādiśet//2// Bhūta bhavyaṁ bhaviṣyaṁ ca vartamānaṁ śubhā śubham/
catasraḥ śākhikā jñeyā āyustatra parikṣayet//3// Kaniṣṭāṁtargatā rekhā triṁśadvarṣāṇi jīvati/
anāmikāntarvijñeyā āyustatra parikṣayet//4// Kaniṣṭāṁtargatārekhā triṁśadvarṣāṇi jīvati/ padeśinī
madhyamāgatā navatiṁ ca sa jīvati//5// Marmotaragatārekhā śataṁ varṣāṇi jīvati/ kaniṣṭhānāmikā chinā
nadyāṁ mṛtyurbhaviṣyati//6// Urdhvarekhā bhavedyāsyā chinnamūla iva dhruvam/ vṛkṣasyāntara rekhā
ca kṛṣṇasarpa bhayaṁtathā//7// Vhurekhā ca chinā vai akāle patitaṁ bhavet/ urdhvarekhāstu dṛśyante
hyāyuṣmān parisaṁsthitaḥ//8// Śastra hasta gatānityaṁ lakṣaṇasyā na saṁśayaḥ/

English translation
First of all, the Ayurekha must be examined and thereafter the characteristics must be prescribed. Past,
Present, Future & their repercussions (Shubhashubha) are the four aspects on which we must concentrate
when while proceeding to discuss on the factor of the life span. A life line that ends with the little finger
lives for thirty years. Age factor is considered on the life line that may extend up to the Anamika finger. If
the life line touches the middle finger passing through ring finger then it shows that the person will live for
ninty years. If the line crosses the middle then the person will live for 100 years. If the line is distracted in
between the little & ring finger then that shows that the person will die in river. If the Urdhvarekha of
somebody looks like the uprooted tree or some kind of intervening of some inner line then that indicates
that the person has some fear from black serpent. Different intervening lines here & there indicate that
the person will be looted/failed down morally during his life span. There are uplines here & there which are
like helplines help somebody like the weapons.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 34/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
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Vahurekhā sūkṣmarekhā pāṇimadhye ca saṁśritāḥ//9// Dhātukṣobho bhavettasya nityaṁ ca
samupasthitaḥ/ aṁguṣṭhe tu yadā rekhā dārikāścaiva dṛśyate//10// Achidrāśca puruṣāḥ sacchidrā dārikā
smṛtāḥ/ kaniṣṭāṁtastu yā rekhā stā vivāhānsamādiśet//1// Achidrā ca bhavet sā śrī chidre yauna bhavā
smṛtāḥ/ matsye tu śatadravyaṁ vai makare tu sahasraśaḥ//2// Śaṁkhe tu daśapadmāni padmakoṭi
vidhiyate/ yūpe ca yajñabhāgīsyāt śaktistu vijayāvahā//3// Aṁkuśo rājyakarmāṇi kalāpa caiva bhāsvarāḥ/
proktānyetāni cinhāni puruṣasya na saṁśayaḥ//4// Urdhvarekhāstu yā rekhā dṛśyante dhanino naraḥ/
rakta hastā rakta nakhā raktāstena dhanā smṛtaḥ//5//

English translation
If many more lines or subtle lines are seen in between the main lines then that shows that such a person
will in agitating in nature. When more (Acchidra……Smrtah?). The line that is seen at the bottom of little
finger is indication of conjugal life. If the line is clear then that is a good sign but the same is with
distraction then it indicates some disturbances in conjugal life. If matsyarekha/s are found then it is a sign
of enough wealthiness in life and if makara (crocodile) is found the person is more luckey to have plenty of
goods in life. If conch (sign) is found he becomes a millionaire & if it is a lotus then becomes a
multi-millionaire. If Yupa (Sacrificial Post) is found then he very often takes part in sacrifices & receives
enormous spiritual powers. If Ankusha is found then he gets the responsibility of the kingdom. Thre is no
doubt that a person having such marks get those things in his life. Normally those having urdhvarekha-s
are the wealthy people. These people are having the reddish hand & reddish nails.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 35/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
Manuscripts. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning will invite legal action against the transgressors.
Padmagopakasaṁkāśaḥ sa bhavet pṛthivī patiḥ/ dhanyo narastaganakho hrasvaśca dhana varjitaḥ//6//
Raktahasto raktanakho raktākṣo dhanadhā smṛtaḥ/ rūkṣahastā śvetanakhaḥ sa
bhavedduḥkhabhājanam//7// Cakrākāraṁ nakhaṁ yasya rājya bhāgi bhavennaraḥ/ pāṇḍurā viralāḥ śuṣkā
aṁgulyo dṛśyate kare //8// Evaṁtena vijñānīyād duḥkhadāridrabhājanam/ tulā yasya bhaveddivyā dṛśyate
karamadhyamā//9// vāṇijyaṁ tu bhavettasya puruṣasya na saṁśayaḥ/ yasya minasamā rekhā
karmasiddhir bhaviṣyati//10// Dhanavān sa tu vijñeya bahu putra samanvitaḥ/ Śrīvatsaṁ yadi vā cakraṁ
padmaṁ vajramathāpi vā/ yasya haste tu dṛśyet sa bhavet pṛthivīpatiḥ//11// Śailaṁ vā yadi (vā)vṛkṣaṁ
kara madhye tu dṛśyate/

English translation
The one whose palms are like lotus patals is a person who has a chance of becoming a king. He is
praiseworthy whose nails are shining & expanding but if the nails are found very small in size then that
indicates that he will be poor. Reddish hand & reddish nails are the indications of wealthiness. A
dried/rough hand & white nail are the indications of sufferings. A person having the nails like that of a
Chakra (wheel) is supposed to be a king. If the nails are of pandura, different sizes & dried ones then such
a person will have sufferings in his life. If a Tula (weighing Rod) in found on the palm of anybody then it is
certain that such a person will be very good in trade & commerce. If a minarekha (of a fish size line) is
seen in anybody’s palm then he will succeed in his life. If there is a Yava then he will have more sons in his
life. If srivatsa, Chakra, Padma or Vajra is found in somebody’s hand then such a person will be a king. If a
person has, in his hand, the marks of a mountain or a tree then there is no doubt such a person will have a
stable kingdom during his life time.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 36/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
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Acalaṁ prāpyate rājyaṁ jāvajjīvaṁ na saṁśayaḥ//12// Dhvajaṁ vā yadi vā śaṁkhaṁ koṣṭāgāraṁ ca
toraṇam/ īśvaraṁ taṁ vijānīyānniścayena (na) saṁśayaḥ//13// Tarjanī madhyamā madhyagatāyuśca
bhavennaraḥ/ vanhi śastrāhi jātoyāt mṛtyu nātra saṁśayaḥ//14// Grāmyāraṇyaśca lokānāṁ
vandhoścaikāla mṛtyavaḥ/ kule rekhā tu yā chinā viralatvaṁ bhaviṣyati//15// Paripūrṇā bhvedyasyā
yāvajjīvaṁ dhanānvitaḥ/śaṃkha cakra gadā khaḍga Padma pustaka nandakaiḥ//16// Ekaikaṁ tu yadā
cinhaṁ dhanavaṅśca bhavennaraḥ/maṇivṛddhā dhanuścandra sarvaścāri valabhṛnnaraḥ//17// Yatkarastha
yadā cinhaṁ dhanavāṅśca bhavennaraḥ/ śaṁkha padmaṁ dhvajaṁ chatraṁ cakraṁ vā ca yadā
gadā//18// Dṛśynate dakṣiṇe haste tasyārogyaṁ bhavediha/

English translation
If the mark of a flag, conch, kosthagara or canopy is found on anybody’s palm then there is no doubt he
will be a master of unparalleled height. The one who’s Ayurekha meets the in between area of Tarjani &
Madhyama then such a person will have a death due to some fire-arms/crackers/electricity etc. The one
whose fate lines are distracted/uprooted in between the lines then such persons will have untimely death
in the vicinity of village, forest etc. due to some bondages (?). If the lines are in complete forms then such
a person will have enormous prosperity in life. Even one out of the following marks/signs i.e conch, chakra,
gada, khadga, Padma, pustaka or nandaka is found then also the person will be wealthy in his life. If all
these signs like gems, bow, and moon are found in somebody’s hand then also such a person will have
plenty of wealth in his life. If conch, padma, dhvaja, chatra, chakra, vadya or gada is found in somebody’s
right hand then he will remain healthy in his life. Moreover, the signs like shakti, tomara, naracha, khadga
are considered as auspicious.

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 37/39

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Śakti tomara nārā ca rekhākhaḍga vibhā śubhaḥ//19// Matsyāṅkuśābjavajraṁ ca yasya hastatele sthitam/
avichinnāstu yā rekhā śrīmān bhavati dhārmikāḥ//19// Sarvalakṣaṇa lakṣaṇyaṁ pāṇilakṣaṇa muttamam/
dakṣiṇe tu karāṁguṣṭaṁ yavo yatra tu dṛśyate//20// Sarvavidyāprayuktaśca bhavati nātra saṁśayaḥ/
aṁguṣṭamūlādārabhya dhanarekhāśca madhyamāḥ//21// Etādṛśī bhavet(khātā?) sa naraḥ
putravānbhavet/ sthularekhā sutā jñeyā sūkṣmarekhā stu kanyakā(ḥ)//22// Vahurekhāstu yasyāssyur
putrapautreṣu vistaram/ kaniṣṭāmūlādārabhya vāyurekhāstu madhyamā//23// Etanmadhye bhavedrekhā
vivāha statra bhūriśaḥ/ khaṇḍitā yadi vā chinnā vrahmacārī bhaviṣyati//24//

English translation
In the hand of who’s the sign of fish, ankusha, abja (lotus) or bajra is found so clearly then such a person is
found as religious. Among all the characteristics, it is the characteristics of hand which are important. The
sign of Yava, if found on somebody’s right hand that too in the fingers then he is the learned of all the
disciplines. The middle (main) fate line which starts from a finger is known as the Dhanarekha. Closer to
this is the apatya line & the lines seen are the line for sons and daughters. Thick lines are for sons & thin
lines are meant for the daughters. If many lines are seen there then it indicates that there will be many
more offsprings. Starting from the root of the little finger and up to the middle line there is the space for
conjugal life. If lines there are seen are found distracted/broken then it speaks that he will be a
brahmachari.The same is in case of ladies also but based on the lines in their left hand.The auspicious of
inauspiciousness of women are to be examined on the

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 38/39

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Vāmahaste parīkṣeta nārīṇāṁ ca śubhāśubham/ anekajanmāntaravibhumetamanuṣya māsādyakaroti
karma//25// Tayo na jāti karāgramadhye sa śāstravidyāgaṇiko na cintakaḥ/ bhṛṅgavasanavājikuñja(ra)
rathaśrīvṛkṣa yūṣāśubhīḥ//26// Mālā kuṇḍala tomarāṁkuśa yavaiḥ śailāśsni toraṇaiḥ/
matsyasvastikavedikāvṛkṣanakair yasyāṅkitaṁ vartate//27// Pādapāṇitale’thavā (ma) bhavati
trailokyabhūmīśvaraḥ/ evametadvijānīyāt pāṇilakṣaṇamuttamam//28// // Iti sāmudrike śātre
hastalakṣaṇaṁ saṁpurṇaṁ samāptam//

English translation
basis of their left hand. This wealth has been achieved through the lives of obsevations. Having received
this knowledge one must do the action accordingly. One must read out these objectively without any bios
of caste & creed. At the end, to summerize in short the signs that are considered as auspicious in the
hands or feet are: Bhringa, Vasana, Vaji, Kunja (ra), Ratha, Shrivriksha, Pushashrubhih (?), Mala, Kundala,
Tomara, Ankusha, Yava, Shaila, Ashani, Torana, Matsya, Svastika, Vedika, Vrikshanaka. The signs make a
person a kingly person. The science of palm may be understood in the following manner. Here ends the
Hastalakshana in the Samudrika Shastra. (• In case of Sanskrit words we have followed the popular way of
writing. Since the text has not yet been edited & published from anywhere, it will be a better popular
edition. Let common people go through. Information is very valuable. We will try to improve upon it in II
edition. Footnotes are provided under the pages of translations.)

Samudracharyah, Samudrikam 39/39

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undertaking this exercise is for the educational and research purposes. Viewers are not to sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the
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