DC Machine Worksheet
DC Machine Worksheet
DC Machine Worksheet
Task 1
Use the Internet and your text book to label the main parts of the d.c. motor.
Task 2
Complete the gaps in the following text about a d.c. motor, using the words in the box below.
magnetic field is permanent and is between the fixed magnetic _________________. The
other magnetic field is created when the d.c. supply is switched on and current flows around
the permanent pole pair magnetic field and movement occurs. The direction of movement is
the left hand is lined up with the pole pair magnetic field. The second finger on the
_________________ will then point in the direction the armature will move. The force the
To keep the armature moving in the same direction a _________________ is used. The
commutator moves around with the armature and maintains contact with the supply by a set
from each other. The commutator acts as a switch that changes the _________________ of
It self-_________________
Task 3
A 3m armature conductor winding is placed in a 4T magnetic pole pair when a 3A supply
current is switched on. What force will the conductor experience?
Task 4
Complete the summary table on the next page for d.c. motors, using the Internet and your
textbook for guidance.