Midterm EXAM-AB Power

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ABE 312-AB Power Engineering

Set A

NAME: _________________________ Date: _____________

Course/Year/Section: _____________ Score: ____________

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read each question carefully. Write your answers on the space provided.
You may use the back part of this test paper as scratch.

I. IDENTIFICATION. Write your answers legibly on the blank provided before each question. (20 pts)

1. ________________________ A cab or frame installed on agricultural tractors to protect the

operator from accidental overturning during operation
2. ________________________It is the power developed by the tractor which is available for
pulling, dragging, or similar tractive effort.
3. ________________________It is a special shaft that extends to the rear of the tractor and is
designed to provide power to integral mounted or trailing implements such as mowers, balers,
and rotavators.
4. ________________________It is a special arrangement of gears so constructed and located in
the transmission system of an automotive machine that it will permit one driving member to
rotate slower or faster than the other and at the same time propel its share of the load.
5. ________________________This is a type of four wheel tractor where power is transmitted to
rear wheels with small front wheels being pushed along.
6. ________________________This system consists of components that are used to transmit the
torque developed by the prime-mover or the engine to the driving wheels and to vary the torque
and direction of rotation of the ground wheels.
7. ________________________This is a device used to connect and disconnect the tractor engine
from the transmission gears and drive wheels.
8. ________________________The purpose of this tractor part is to increase the density of air
entering the engine to create more power
9. ________________________A gear reduction mechanism located at the power train between
the differential and the driving wheels
10. ________________________Single-axle machine powered by an engine ranging from 3 hp to
15 hp.
11. ________________________What is the maximum hp for a compact class 4-wheel tractor?
12. ________________________combination of one upper link and two lower links, each articulated
to the tractor and the implement at opposite ends in order to connect the implement to the tractor
13. ________________________a type of walking-type agricultural tractor equipped with rotary tiller
which cuts, breaks up, and mixes the soil and/or plant residues
14. ________________________Electro-mechanical devices used to convert one form of energy to
another form.
15. ________________________A classification of motor that is operated for more than 60 minutes
without rest.
16. ________________________In an electric motor, this factor indicates the maximum load that
can be safely carried by the motor under continuous operation.
17. ________________________The energy received from the sun, per unit of time, on a normal
surface at the average distance between the sun and earth outside the earth's atmosphere is
equal to_
18. ________________________It is an instrument used for measuring the total solar radiation
19. ________________________A component of a photovoltaic system that controls the flow of
current to and from the battery to protect it from overcharge and over discharge.
20. ________________________A power system designed to supply usable solar power by means
of photovoltaics.

II. ENUMERATION . List down your answers on the blanks provided for each item. (20 pts)
1. Enumerate the various controls of a 4 wheel tractor as illustrated in PAES 118: 2001 (7 pts)
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
2. Classification of electric motors based on electrical service required (3 pts)
3. What are the Three basic electrical principle for AC motors (3 pts)
4. Enumerate the components of a photovoltaic system (4 pts)
5. Enumerate the components of a solar water pump (3 pts)

III. PROBLEM SOLVING: Solve the following problems with complete solutions. Write your
solution on the space provided. Afterwards write your final answer on the blank provided for
your final answer. Answers with wrong or no unit will not be considered. Also, final answers
with incorrect solutions will not be considered. ( 2 pts/item, a total of 10 pts)

1. Tractor A can cover a 1-Ha field in 2 hrs, tractor B in 3 hrs, and tractor C in 6 hrs. How long will it
take to cover a 1-Ha field if the three tractors worked together?
Final Answer: ______________

2. A tractor travels at a speed of 6 kph while pulling a drawbar load of 8.5 kNt. What is the drawbar
power expended by the tractor?
Final Answer: ______________

3. A tractor PTO has been tested for its power output. It was made to run a dynamometer with a
brake arm of 42 inches at a speed of 1540 rpm. If the total net load is 58 lb, what is the
approximate power developed?
Final Answer: ______________

4. A field measuring 45 m x 90 m is to be prepared using a 1-m upland power tiller at a speed of 3

kph. Assume a 10% overlap between passings and 9 seconds turn around time at the end of each
pass. Determine the theoretical field capacity.
Final Answer: ______________

5. Calculate the maximum locked-rotor current (starting current) for a 1⁄2-hp, 220-volt motor with an
H motor code.
Final Answer: ______________

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

ABE 312-AB Power Engineering
Set B

NAME: _________________________ Date: _____________

Course/Year/Section: _____________ Score: ____________
INSTRUCTION: Read each question carefully. Write your answers on the space provided. You may use
the back part of this test paper as scratch.

I. IDENTIFICATION. Write your answers legibly on the blank provided before each question. (20 pts)

1. ________________________This system consists of components that are used to transmit the

torque developed by the prime-mover or the engine to the driving wheels and to vary the torque
and direction of rotation of the ground wheels.
2. ________________________This is a device used to connect and disconnect the tractor engine
from the transmission gears and drive wheels.
3. ________________________The purpose of this tractor part is to increase the density of air
entering the engine to create more power
4. ________________________A gear reduction mechanism located at the power train between the
differential and the driving wheels
5. ________________________In an electric motor, this factor indicates the maximum load that can
be safely carried by the motor under continuous operation.
6. ________________________The energy received from the sun, per unit of time, on a normal
surface at the average distance between the sun and earth outside the earth's atmosphere is
equal to_
7. ________________________A classification of motor that is operated for more than 60 minutes
without rest.
8. ________________________It is a special shaft that extends to the rear of the tractor and is
designed to provide power to integral mounted or trailing implements such as mowers, balers, and
9. ________________________It is a special arrangement of gears so constructed and located in
the transmission system of an automotive machine that it will permit one driving member to rotate
slower or faster than the other and at the same time propel its share of the load.
10. ________________________This is a type of four wheel tractor where power is transmitted to
rear wheels with small front wheels being pushed along.
11. ________________________A power system designed to supply usable solar power by means of
12. ________________________What is the maximum hp for a compact class 4-wheel tractor?
13. ________________________combination of one upper link and two lower links, each articulated
to the tractor and the implement at opposite ends in order to connect the implement to the tractor
14. ________________________a type of walking-type agricultural tractor equipped with rotary tiller
which cuts, breaks up, and mixes the soil and/or plant residues
15. ________________________Electro-mechanical devices used to convert one form of energy to
another form.
16. ________________________It is an instrument used for measuring the total solar radiation
17. ________________________A component of a photovoltaic system that controls the flow of
current to and from the battery to protect it from overcharge and over discharge.
18. ________________________ A cab or frame installed on agricultural tractors to protect the
operator from accidental overturning during operation
19. ________________________It is the power developed by the tractor which is available for pulling,
dragging, or similar tractive effort.
20. ________________________Single-axle machine powered by an engine ranging from 3 hp to 15

II. ENUMERATION . List down your answers for each question on the blanks provided. (20 pts)
1. Enumerate the components of a photovoltaic system (4 pts)
2. Enumerate the components of a Solar water pump (3 pts)
3. Enumerate the various controls of a 4 wheel tractor as illustrated in PAES 118: 2001 (7 pts)
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
4. Classification of electric motors based on electrical service required (3 pts)
5. What are the Three basic electrical principle for AC motors (3 pts)

III. PROBLEM SOLVING: Solve the following problems with complete solutions. Write your solution on
the space provided. Afterwards write your final answer on the blank provided for your final answer.
Answers with wrong or no unit will not be considered. Also, final answers with incorrect solutions will not
be considered. ( 2 pts/item, a total of 10 pts)

1. A field measuring 45 m x 90 m is to be prepared using a 1-m upland power tiller at a speed

of 3 kph. Assume a 10% overlap between passings and 9 seconds turn around time at the
end of each pass. Determine the theoretical field capacity.
Final Answer: ______________

2. Tractor A can cover a 1-Ha field in 2 hrs, tractor B in 3 hrs, and tractor C in 6 hrs. How long
will it take to cover a 1-Ha field if the three tractors worked together?
Final Answer: ______________

3. A tractor PTO has been tested for its power output. It was made to run a dynamometer with
a brake arm of 42 inches at a speed of 1540 rpm. If the total net load is 58 lb, what is the
approximate power developed?
Final Answer: ______________
4. A tractor travels at a speed of 6 kph while pulling a drawbar load of 8.5 kNt. What is the
drawbar power expended by the tractor?
Final Answer: ______________

5. Calculate the maximum locked-rotor current (starting current) for a 1⁄2-hp, 220-volt motor
with an H motor code.
Final Answer: ______________

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

ABE 312-AB Power Engineering

NAME: _________________________ Date: _____________

Course/Year/Section: _____________ Score: ____________

INSTRUCTION: Read each question carefully. Write your answers on the space provided. An extra sheet
of paper will be provided as scratch for the problem solving.

1. A cab or frame installed on agricultural tractors to protect the operator from accidental overturning
during operation ROPS
2. It is the power developed by the tractor which is available for pulling, dragging, or similar tractive
effort. Drawbar Hp
3. It is a special shaft that extends to the rear of the tractor and is designed to provide power to
integral mounted or trailing implements such as mowers, balers, and rotavators. PTO
4. It is a special arrangement of gears so constructed and located in the transmission system of an
automotive machine that it will permit one driving member to rotate slower or faster than the other
and at the same time propel its share of the load. differential
5. This is a type of four wheel tractor where power is transmitted to rear wheels with small front
wheels being pushed along. 2 wheel drive
6. This system consists of components that are used to transmit the torque developed by the prime-
mover or the engine to the driving wheels and to vary the torque and direction of rotation of the
ground wheels. transmission system
7. This is a device used to connect and disconnect the tractor engine from the transmission gears
and drive wheels. clutch
8. The purpose of this tractor part is to increase the density of air entering the engine to create more
power turbocharger
9. A gear reduction mechanism located at the power train between the differential and the driving
wheels final drive
10. Single-axle machine powered by an engine ranging from 3 hp to 15 hp. 2 wheel tractor
11. What is the maximum hp for a compact class 4-wheel tractor? 32 hp
12. combination of one upper link and two lower links, each articulated to the tractor and the
implement at opposite ends in order to connect the implement to the tractor three-point linkage
13. a type of walking-type agricultural tractor equipped with rotary tiller which cuts, breaks up, and
mixes the soil and/or plant residues rotary tilling type
14. Electro-mechanical devices used to convert one form of energy to another form. Electric Motor
15. A classification of motor that is operated for more than 60 minutes without rest. Continuous duty
16. In an electric motor, this factor indicates the maximum load that can be safely carried by the
motor under continuous operation.Service factor
17. The energy received from the sun, per unit of time, on a normal surface at the average distance
between the sun and earth outside the earth's atmosphere is equal to 1367 W/m2
18. It is an instrument used for measuring the total solar radiation pyranometer
19. A component of a photovoltaic system that controls the flow of current to and from the battery to
protect it from overcharge and over discharge. Charge controller
20. A power system designed to supply usable solar power by means of photovoltaics. photovoltaic
V. ENUMERATION (20 pts.)
6. Enumerate the various controls of a 4 wheel tractor as illustrated in PAES 118: 2001.

7. Classification of electric motors based on electrical service required

Single-phase alternating current (< 5 hp)
Three-phase alternating current (> 5 hp)
Direct current (used of storage battery)

8. What are the Three basic electrical principle for AC motors

9. Enumerate the components of a photovoltaic system

Solar Panel Array
Charge Controller
10. Enumerate the components of a Solar water pump

PV Array
water pump


6. Tractor A can cover a 1-Ha field in 2 hrs, tractor B in 3 hrs, and tractor C in 6 hrs. How long will it
take to cover a 1-Ha field if the three tractors worked together? Ans. 1 hr
1 ha / (1ha/2hrs + 1 ha/ 3 hrs + 1 ha/ 6 hrs) = 1 hr
7. A tractor travels at a speed of 6 kph while pulling a drawbar load of 8.5 knt. What is the drawbar
power expended by the tractor? Ans 14.2 KW
P = 8.5 KN ( 6 x 1000 m/3600 s) =14.17 KW
8. A tractor PTO has been tested for its power output. It was made to run a dynamometer with a
brake arm of 42 inches at a speed of 1540 rpm. If the total net load is 58 lb, what is the
approximate power developed? Ans. 44 KW
PTOP =( load x Lx 2pi rpm)/ 33000
= (58 lb x 42 in/12 x 2pi x 1540)/ 33000
= 59.52 Hp = 44.4 Kw
9. A field measuring 45 m x 90 m is to be prepared using a 1-m upland power tiller at a speed of 3
kph. Assume a 10% overlap between passings and 9 seconds turn around time at the end of each
pass. Determine the theoretical field capacity.
Ans. 0.3 ha/hr
TFC = SW/ 10 = (3 kph x 1 m)/ 10 = 0.3 ha/hr
10. calculate the maximum locked-rotor current (starting current) for a 1⁄2-hp, 220-volt motor with an H
motor code. Ans. 16.14 amp

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
-Nelson Mandela

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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