This lesson plan aims to teach students how to make statements using the present continuous tense. The plan is divided into six segments: 1) A warm up activity reviewing pictures of people performing tasks, 2) Students are given sentence strips using the present continuous to focus attention, 3) The teacher acts out sentences while students do the same to practice pronunciation, 4) Students practice writing their own sentences, 5) The teacher evaluates the students' workbook, 6) A closing discussion on what activities students and others are doing now to apply the new knowledge.
This lesson plan aims to teach students how to make statements using the present continuous tense. The plan is divided into six segments: 1) A warm up activity reviewing pictures of people performing tasks, 2) Students are given sentence strips using the present continuous to focus attention, 3) The teacher acts out sentences while students do the same to practice pronunciation, 4) Students practice writing their own sentences, 5) The teacher evaluates the students' workbook, 6) A closing discussion on what activities students and others are doing now to apply the new knowledge.
This lesson plan aims to teach students how to make statements using the present continuous tense. The plan is divided into six segments: 1) A warm up activity reviewing pictures of people performing tasks, 2) Students are given sentence strips using the present continuous to focus attention, 3) The teacher acts out sentences while students do the same to practice pronunciation, 4) Students practice writing their own sentences, 5) The teacher evaluates the students' workbook, 6) A closing discussion on what activities students and others are doing now to apply the new knowledge.
This lesson plan aims to teach students how to make statements using the present continuous tense. The plan is divided into six segments: 1) A warm up activity reviewing pictures of people performing tasks, 2) Students are given sentence strips using the present continuous to focus attention, 3) The teacher acts out sentences while students do the same to practice pronunciation, 4) Students practice writing their own sentences, 5) The teacher evaluates the students' workbook, 6) A closing discussion on what activities students and others are doing now to apply the new knowledge.
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Sample ESL Lesson Plan Format Submitted by: Dearborn Adult Ed.
Performance Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to make statements using present continuous Strand(s): Speaking 3.2.2_________________Level:_High-Beginning
Segment What and How? Materials Multiple Time
Describe Activities Intelligence 1. Warm up and /or review Show pictures of people Pictures Visual 5 min. An activity that a) uses previously performing tasks. learned content to begin a new Model the present lesson, b (lasts 5-10 minutes) and continuous uses materials students are familiar with from previous lessons. 2. Introduction Pass out sentence strips Sentence 5 min. Focusing student attention on the using the present strips lesson-asking questions, using continuous. One per visual. Stating the objective, student. relating the objective to previous learning. 3. Presentation The teachers will act out Verbal 20 Introduction of new information by a sentence. Students act Kinesthetic min. a variety of strategies; visuals, out their sentence strips realia, descriptions, explanation, or while teacher asks the written text. Instructor checks for class what is he student comprehension through new doing? vocabulary- grammar structure- life skill-pronunciation. 4. Practice Students practice writing tactile 10 min Opportunities to practice the new sentences on the board knowledge are provided. Practice is and in their workbook. guided through materials and may be whole group, small group, pairs, or individuals. Instructor models each activity, monitors progress and provides feed back. 5. Evaluation The teacher will check tactile Evaluation of each student on the workbook page. attainment of lesson objectives. Evaluation can be oral, written or demonstrated performance (projects). 6. Application/Closure Conduct a classroom verbal 5 min. An activity that requires students to discussion on what they apply new knowledge to their own are doing now. lives or a new situation. Format adapted from California Department of Education, Staff Development Institute