Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Ows: Clarencew - Rowley, Shervinbagheri, Philippschlatter Dans - Henningson
Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Ows: Clarencew - Rowley, Shervinbagheri, Philippschlatter Dans - Henningson
Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Ows: Clarencew - Rowley, Shervinbagheri, Philippschlatter Dans - Henningson
, page 1 of 13
c Cambridge University Press 2009 1
1. Introduction
Many uid ows exhibit complex phenomena that occur on a wide range of scales
in both space and time. Even with large amounts of information available from
simulations, and comprehensive experimental measurements such as time-resolved
particle image velocimetry (PIV), analysis of complex ow phenomena directly from
raw time histories of the dynamics is usually not fruitful. In practice, one often analyses
ow structures by decomposing them into modes. Common techniques include global
eigenmodes for linearized dynamics (see e.g. Bagheri et al. 2009b), discrete Fourier
transforms, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) for nonlinear ows (Holmes,
Lumley & Berkooz 1996), balancing modes for linear systems (Rowley 2005) and
many variants of these techniques, such as using shift modes (Noack et al. 2003) in
conjunction with POD modes.
Here, we present a modal decomposition for nonlinear ows based on spectral
analysis of a linear operator, called the Koopman operator, that is dened for any
Here, we have assumed that components of g lie within the span of the eigenfunctions
of U . If this is not the case, then to proceed rigorously, one may split U into
Spectral analysis of nonlinear ows 3
regular and singular components, and project components of g onto the span of the
eigenfunctions, as done in Mezic (2005).
We typically think of the expression (2.4) as expanding g(x) as a linear combination
of the vectors v j , but we may alternatively think of this expression as expanding the
function g(x) as a linear combination of the eigenfunctions j of U , where now
v j are the (vector) coecients in the expansion. In this paper, we will refer to
the eigenfunctions j as Koopman eigenfunctions, and the corresponding vectors v j
in (2.4) the Koopman modes of the map f , corresponding to the observable g. Note
that iterates of x 0 are then given by
g(x k ) = U k j (x 0 )v j = kj j (x 0 )v j . (2.5)
j =1 j =1
For linear systems, then, the Koopman modes coincide with the eigenvectors of A.
4 C. W. Rowley, I. Mezic, S. Bagheri, P. Schlatter and D. S. Henningson
2.2. Example: Koopman modes for periodic solutions
Returning to the nonlinear setting, suppose we have a set of distinct vectors
S = {x 0 , . . . , x m1 } that form a periodic solution of (2.1), such that x k+m = x k for
all k. A common way to analyse such a solution is to take its discrete Fourier
transform, which denes a new set of vectors { x 0 , . . . , x m1 } that satisfy
xk = e2ij k/m x j , k = 0, . . . , m 1. (2.11)
j =0
Note the similarity with (2.10). Thus, if we restrict our phase space to the periodic
orbit S, the Koopman modes dened as in the previous subsection are the vectors
x j given by the discrete Fourier transform, and the phases of the corresponding
eigenvalues are the frequencies 2j/m. This result in fact applies more generally to
non-periodic systems, as discussed in Mezic & Banaszuk (2004) and Mezic (2005):
when the dynamics are restricted to any attractor, the Koopman modes may be
calculated by harmonic averages, which for nite-time datasets reduce to discrete
Fourier transforms.
K = [x 0 Ax 0 A2 x 0 Am1 x 0 ] (3.2)
= [x 0 x 1 x 2 x m1 ], (3.3)
x m = Ax m1 = c0 x 0 + + cm1 x m1 = K c, (3.4)
AK = K C, (3.5)
Ca = a,
r = x m K c,
(ii) Dene the companion matrix C by (3.6) and nd its eigenvalues and
C = T1 T, = diag(1 , . . . , m ), (3.8)
where eigenvectors are columns of T .
(iii) Dene v j to be the columns of V = K T1 .
If x j = Aj x 0 , then the empirical Ritz values j are the usual Ritz values of A after
m steps of the Arnoldi method, and v j are the corresponding Ritz vectors. These,
then, are (usually) good approximations of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A.
However, if we do not have x j = Aj x 0 (for instance, if the sequence is generated by a
nonlinear map), then at this point, it is not clear what the above algorithm produces.
We show below that for a nonlinear system, the algorithm produces approximations
of the Koopman modes and associated eigenvalues.
3.2. Modal decomposition for nonlinear systems
A more general interpretation of the above algorithm is provided by the following
theorem, which will be used below.
Theorem 1. Consider a set of data {x 0 , . . . , x m }, and let j , v j be the empirical Ritz
values and vectors of this sequence. Assume the j are distinct. Then
xk = kj v j , k = 0, . . . , m 1, (3.9)
j =1
xm = j v j + r,
m r span{x 0 , . . . , x m1 }. (3.10)
j =1
To illustrate how this theorem provides a connection with Koopman modes, consider
a vector-valued observable g : M Rp for the dynamical system (2.1) and its
expansion (2.4) in the Koopman modes. Suppose we have a sequence of observations
g(x k ), for k = 0, . . . , m, and let j and v j be the empirical Ritz values and vectors for
this sequence. Then, by Theorem 1, we have
g(x k ) = kj v j , k = 0, . . . , m 1, (3.13)
j =1
g(x m ) = j v j + r,
m (3.14)
j =1
with r span{g(x 0 ), . . . , g(x m1 )}. Comparing with the expansion (2.5), the empirical
Ritz values j and vectors v j behave in precisely the same manner as the eigenvalues
j and modes v j of U , but for the nite sum in (3.13) instead of the innite sum (2.5).
If r = 0 in (3.14), then as far as the data is concerned, the approximate modes
are indistinguishable from true eigenvalues and Koopman modes of U , with the
expansion (2.4) consisting only of a nite number of terms.
If r = 0, then there is some error, but this is in a sense the best one can do, since
the m + 1 observations cannot in general be spanned by m modes. In fact, by the
projection theorem, the error r in (3.14) is the same as the smallest possible error in
projecting g(x m ) onto any modes v j formed from linear combinations of the rst m
data vectors. In this sense, the values j are then approximations of true eigenvalues j
of U , and the vectors v j are approximations of the Koopman modes v j , scaled by the
constant values j (x 0 ).
Note that an interesting situation occurs if g(x 0 ) = g(x m ). Then in (3.7), c0 = 1 and
cj = 0 for all other values of j . The empirical Ritz values are then the mth roots of
unity, j = e2ij/m , and the Vandermonde matrix T is the discrete Fourier transform
matrix. Thus, in this case, the empirical Ritz vectors are given by the discrete Fourier
transform of the data, at frequencies 2j/m, as illustrated by the example in 2.2.
(a) (b)
(c) 0 (d)
u1 u2
1.0 0.9
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
t t
(e) 1.0 ( f) 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 0.225 0.250 0 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 0.225 0.250
St St
Figure 1. (a) Snapshot of the ow eld at t = 400. Red and grey isocontours represent
2 = 0.1 and u = 0.2 (near the wall) respectively. (b) The same quantities for the time-averaged
ow which also is the rst Koopman mode. (c, d ) Time signal probes located near the wall and
on the jet shear layer respectively (see the text). (e, f ) The spectral content of the corresponding
time signals in (c) and (d ) are shown in black and the magnitudes of the rst seven pairs of
Koopman modes at each frequency are shown in red. The amplitudes are normalized with
their maximum values.
|| j||
Figure 2. (a) The empirical Ritz values j . The value corresponding to the rst Koopman
mode is shown with the blue symbol. (b) The magnitudes of the Koopman modes (except the
rst one) at each frequency. In both gures, the colours vary smoothly from red to white,
depending on the magnitude of the corresponding mode.
pair (CVP), characteristic of the jet trajectory, is visible in the time-averaged mean
ow (gure 1b). Similarly visible in the mean, the horse-shoe vortices wrap around the
column of jet very close to the wall and, further downstream, lead to the appearance
of the quasi-steady wall-vortex system as shown by the distortion of the velocity
isocontour in gure 1(a, b). These essentially streamwise-oriented vortices are subject
to low-frequency oscillations of the wall-vortex system originating in a shedding of
the separation zone just downstream of the jet orice, and induce a movement of
the whole jet body. The steady structures were also identied in the steady nonlinear
NavierStokes solution computed numerically by Bagheri et al. (2009b).
As found in Bagheri et al. (2009b), two distinct self-sustained oscillations could
be detected from the DNS. A high-frequency shedding of the shear-layer vortices
and a very low frequency shedding of the wall vortices. Figure 1(c) shows the time
signal of the streamwise velocity u1 (x 1P , t) from a probe located just downstream
of the jet orice and close the wall, x 1P = (x, y, z) = (10.7, 1, 0). In gure 1(e) its
corresponding power spectrum shows the frequency content u1 () of u1 (t). The peak
frequency corresponds to a vortex shedding of wake vortices with the Strouhal number
St f D/Vj et = 0.0174.
In gure 1(d, f ), a second probe located a few jet diameters along the jet trajectory
x 2P = (12, 6, 2), shows a second oscillation that can be identied with the shedding of
the shear-layer vortices. The peak frequency oscillates with St = 0.141 which is nearly
one order of magnitude larger than the low-frequency mode. Note that the peak
frequencies of the power spectra vary slightly depending on the location of the probe.
4.1. Koopman modes and frequencies
In this section we compute the Koopman modes and show that they directly allow
an identication of the various shedding frequencies. The empirical Ritz values
j and the empirical vectors v j of a sequence of ow elds {u0 , u1 , . . . , um1 } =
{u(t = 200), u(t = 202), . . . , u(t = 700)} with m = 251 are computed using the
algorithm described earlier. Thus, the transient time (t < 200) is not sampled and
only the asymptotic motion in phase space is considered.
Figure 2(a) shows that nearly all the Ritz values are on the unit circle |j | = 1
indicating that the sample points ui lie on or near an attracting set. The Koopman
eigenvalue corresponding to the rst Koopman mode is the time-averaged ow and
10 C. W. Rowley, I. Mezic, S. Bagheri, P. Schlatter and D. S. Henningson
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Positive (red) and negative (blue) contour levels of the streamwise velocity
components of two Koopman modes. The wall is shown in grey. (a) Mode 2, with
v 2
= 400
and St2 = 0.141. (b) Mode 6, with
v 6
= 218 and St6 = 0.0175.
is depicted with blue symbol in gure 2(a). This mode, shown in gure 1(b), captures
the steady ow structures as discussed previously. In gure 2(a), the other (unsteady)
Ritz values vary smoothly in colour from red to white, depending on the magnitude
of the corresponding Koopman mode. The magnitudes dened by the global energy
v j
, and are shown in gure 2(b) with the same colouring as the spectrum. In
gure 2(b) each mode is displayed with a vertical line scaled with its magnitude at
its corresponding frequency j = Im{log(j )}/t (with t = 2 in our case). Only the
j > 0 are shown, since the eigenvalues come in complex conjugate pairs. Ordering
the modes with respect to their magnitude, the rst (23) and second (45) pair of
modes oscillate with St2 = 0.141 and St4 = 0.136 respectively, whereas the third pair
of modes (67) oscillate with St6 = 0.017. All linear combinations of the frequencies
excite higher modes, for instance, the nonlinear interaction of the rst and third pair
results in the fourth pair, i.e. St8 = 0.157 and so on.
In gures 1(e) and 1(f ) the power spectra of the two DNS time signals (black lines)
are compared to the frequencies obtained directly from the Ritz eigenvalues (red
vertical lines). The shedding frequencies and a number of higher harmonics are in
very good agreement with the frequencies of the Koopman modes. In particular, the
dominant Koopman eigenvalues match the frequencies for the wall mode (St = 0.017)
and the shear-layer mode (St = 0.14). Note that the probe signals are local measures
of the frequencies at one spatial point, whereas the Koopman eigenvalues correspond
to global modes in the ow with time-periodic motion.
The streamwise velocity component u of Koopman modes 2 and 6 are shown
in gure 3. Each mode represents a ow structure that oscillates with one single
frequency, and the superposition of several of these modes results in the quasi-
periodic global system. The high-frequency mode 2 (gure 3a) can be associated with
the shear layer vortices; along the jet trajectory there is rst a formation of ring-like
vortices that eventually dissolve into smaller scales due to viscous dissipation. Also
visible are upright vortices: on the leeward side of the jet, there is a signicant
structure extending towards the wall. This indicates that the shear-layer vortices and
the upright vortices are coupled and oscillate with the same frequency. The spatial
structures of modes 4 and 8 are very similar to those of mode 2, as one expects, since
the frequencies are very close.
On the other hand, the low-frequency mode 6 shown in gure 3(b) features large-
scale positive and negative streamwise velocity near the wall, which can be associated
with shedding of the wall vortices. However, this mode also has structures along
the jet trajectory further away from the wall. This indicates that the shedding of
wall vortices is coupled to the jet body, i.e. the low frequency can be detected nearly
anywhere in the vicinity of the jet since the whole jet is oscillating with that frequency.
Spectral analysis of nonlinear ows 11
Figure 4. Comparison of time coecients: the projection of the ow eld onto the most
energetic POD mode (black), and the coecient of the most energetic Koopman mode (grey).
5. Conclusions
We have presented a method for studying the dynamical behaviour of nonlinear
systems, and illustrated the method on a jet in crossow. The method involves spectral
analysis of the Koopman operator, an innite-dimensional linear operator dened for
any nonlinear dynamical system. In particular, given a particular observable (e.g.
available measurements from an experiment or simulation), we have dened a set
of Koopman modes associated with this observable, related to eigenfunctions of the
Koopman operator. For the special case of linear systems where the observable is the
full ow state, these modes reduce to the global eigenmodes, and for periodic systems,
the modes can be determined by the discrete temporal Fourier transform. For more
general systems, we have shown that these modes may be computed using a familiar
Arnoldi algorithm, applied to samples of the nonlinear system.
We have used these modes to study the dynamical behaviour of a jet in crossow.
The resulting modes illustrate the dierent spatial structures associated with the
shear layer and the near-wall region. For this example, the Koopman modes capture
the relevant frequencies more accurately than global eigenmodes of the linearized
dynamics, and decouple the dierent frequency components more eectively than
modes determined by POD.
The authors gratefully acknowledge support for this work from the National Science
Foundation (CMS-0347239) and the Air Force Oce of Scientic Research (FA9550-
09-1-0257), and computer-time allocation from the Swedish National Infrastructure
for Computing (SNIC).
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