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Hydrus 1D Tutorial - Infiltration and Drainage

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Sebastian Bauer


Modellieren in der Angewandten Geologie

Sommersemester 2008

Hydrus 1D Tutorial
Infiltration and drainage in a large caisson

1) Basic model setup

Start Hydrus 1D

Project Manager
Button "New"
Name: Infiltr1
Description: Infiltration and drainage in a large caisson
Button "OK

Main Processes
Heading: Infiltration and drainage in a large caisson
Simulate: Water Flow
Button "Next

Geometry Information
Length Units: cm
Number of soil materials: 1
Number of Layers for mass balances: 1
Decline from vertical axis: 1
Depth of the soil profile: 600 cm
Button "Next"

Time Information
Time Units: Hours
Initial Time: 0
Final Time: 5
Initial Time Step: 0.001
Minimum Time Step: 0.00001
Maximum Time Step: 0.5
No Time Variant Boundary Condition
Button "Next"

Print Information
T-Level Information every 1 time steps
Screen Output OK
Number of Print Times: 4
Button "Select Print Times"
Enter Print Times: 1, 2, 4, 5
Button OK
Button "Next"

Water Flow - Iteration Criteria

Maximum number of iterations: 20
Water content tolerance: 0.001
Pressure head tolerance: 1
Leave others as suggested (3; 7; 1.3; 0.7; 1e-6; 10000)
Button "Next"

Water Flow - Soil Hydraulic Model

Single Porosity Models:
Van Genuchten Mualem
Hysteresis: No hysteresis
Button "Next"

Water Flow - Soil Hydraulic Parameters

Qr Qs Alpha n Ks I
0 0.3308 0.01433 1.506 25 0.5
(These are r= residual soil water content, s = saturated soil water content, = parameter
in soil water retention curve (van Genuchten ), n = van Genuchten n, Ks = saturated
hydraulic conductivity, I = tortuosity factor for saturated hydr. cond.)
Catalogue of Soil Hydraulic Properties: Nothing selected
Button "Next"

Water Flow - Boundary Conditions

Upper Boundary Condition: Constant Pressure Head
Lower Boundary Condition:: Free Drainage
Initial Condition: In the Water content
Button "Next"

Soil Profile - Graphical Editor

OK and Save to start PROFILE application

Menu: Conditions->Profile Discretisation

Select Number and enter 121

Menu: Conditions->Initial Conditions->Pressure Head

or Toolbar: red arrow
Button "Edit condition"
Select with Mouse (left Mouse Button) the first node all through the last node and specify top
and bottom values as 0.10 initial water saturation distribution. Mark then just the first node
and set to 0.335. Deactivate Use top value for both.

Menu: Conditions->Observation Points

Button "Insert", Insert nodes by clicking on the model area with the mouse and pressing left
mouse button at 0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 cm depth (coordinates bottom right corner of

Menu: File->Save Data

Menu: File->Exit

Soil Profile - Summary

Button "Next"

Execute HYDRUS
Hit Enter in black window to close Hydrus 1D application

Hydrus 1D offers a few standard possibilities:
Observation Points
Time curves at observation points
Profile Information
Values of pressure, water content, etc. versus depth
Water Flow - Boundary Fluxes and Heads
Fluxes and variable values at model boundaries
Soil Hydraulic Properties
Displays functional relations between water content, pressure and hydraulic capacity:
Capillary pressure water content curve, hydraulic conductivity water content curve,
hydraulic capacity water content curve
Look closely at these functions and switch variables at axes.
Run Time Information
Gives Time step length and iteration number
Mass Balance Information
Water mass balance
Close Project
Example Output:
2) Parameter Study
Copy the file Infiltr1 and the corresponding subdirectory Infiltr1 to file Infiltr2 and
subdirectory Infiltr2 (copy and rename)
Change the homogeneous material distribution to a heterogeneous material distribution.

Geometry Information
Number of soil materials: 2
Button "OK"

Water flow: soil hydraulic parameters:

Enter values for material two by clicking in any field of the second line of the table and by
selecting a different material (e.g. sand) from the Catalogue of Soil Hydraulic Properties

Time Information:
Increase the simulation time to 10 h (= Final time)
Print Information:
Number of print times: 10
Select print times: 1, 2, , 10

Start PROFILE application(Soil profile graphical editor)

Conditions -> Material Distribution
Select Edit Condition
Select with mouse the area in the model area, where the new material should be, i.e. between
200 and 400 cm depth. Enter corresponding material group.

Rerun application and inspect output files.

Try different standard parameterisations by using the Catalogue of Soil Hydraulic Properties
from Water Flow - Soil Hydraulic Parameters and compare the results obtained. Sometimes
you will have to change the time frame, as infiltration will take longer.
3) Drainage of caisson
Copy the file Infiltr1 and the corresponding subdirectory Infiltr1 to file Drainage1 and
subdirectory Drainage1 (copy and rename)

Change the settings, so that drainage can be simulated.

Water Flow - Boundary Conditions

Upper Boundary Condition: Constant Flux
Lower Boundary Condition: Constant Pressure head
Initial Condition: In the Water content
Button "Next"
Upper boundary flux: 0
Button Next

Time Information
Time Units:Hours
Initial Time: 0
Final Time: 100
Initial Time Step: 1.0e-6
Minimum Time Step: 1.0e-7
Maximum Time Step: 0.5
No Time Variant Boundary Condition
Button "Next"

Print Information
T-Level Information every 1 time steps
Screen Output OK
Number of Print Times: 4
Button "Select Print Times"
Enter Print Times: 1, 4, 20, 100
Button OK

Start PROFILE application (Soil profile graphical editor)

Conditions -> Initial condition -> Pressure head/Water content
Select Edit Condition: Everywhere 0.33
Save and Exit.

Rerun Application

Try rerunning Hydrus using an initial water content of 0.35. What happens and why?
Example Output:
4) Transport in soil column
Copy the file Infiltr1 and the corresponding subdirectory Infiltr1 to file Transp1 and
subdirectory Transp1 (copy and rename)

Change the settings, so that solute transport can be simulated along with the infiltration

Main Processes
Heading: Infiltration and drainage in a large caisson
Simulate: Water Flow and Solute Transport
Button "Next 8 times

Solute Transport
Look at all numbers but leave them as they are.
Lower right corner:
Set number of solutes 1
Pulse duration 1
Button Next

Solute Transport Parameters

Change long. dispersivity to 1 cm
Change solute Diffusion coefficient and gas diffusion coefficient to 0.0
Button Next

Solute Transport and Reaction Parameters

Set KD = Nu = Henry = 0; Beta = 1; all *sink and alpha = 0
Button Next

Solute Transport Boundary condition

Upper boundary condition: Concentration BC
Lower boundary condition: Zero concentration gradient
Set BC to 1
Button Next

Start PROFILE application (Soil profile graphical editor)

Conditions -> Initial condition ->Concentration (for concentration 1)
Select Edit Condition: Everywhere 0.0
Save and Exit.

Rerun Application

Set Solute Transport BC to 0.
Set initial condition for solute 1 to 1 between 150 and 175 cm depth.
Rerun application

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