Annex 8 Ec Conference Evaluation
Annex 8 Ec Conference Evaluation
Annex 8 Ec Conference Evaluation
Your opinion is important for us, in order to help us evaluate this event and plan future ones.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us your comments.
Thank you.
1) Please rate the following aspects of the conference organization. If any of these don't apply
to you, please leave the box empty.
Assistance on-site
2) Please rate the activities you participated in during the conference, in particular with a view
to their relevance for your work. If you participated in several activities, multiple answers are
3) In your opinion, the information market-place was (please underline the right answer):
Very useful 17 = 29,5% Somewhat useful 34 = 60% Not very useful 6 = 10,5 %
4) In your opinion, did the conference program offer the right balance between information
gathering and networking possibilities?
No, I would have liked to have more _____________________________
5) Please rate how well the conference gave you the possibility to do the following:
7) Please rate the information you received during the conference (please underline the most
suitable option):
10) Please give us any feedback you consider important for us to take into account when
planning a follow-up event in the future.