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BILL OF LADING Crew, Stevedores, Servants, Agent, or 10. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY.

10. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. In 2 If, after the Vessel has left port of
CONDITIONS other person whomsoever for whom the case of any loss or damage to or in loading, any port of discharge named in
Carrier may be responsible, whether in the connec-tion with goods exceeding in this Bill of Lading be or be declared to
UNIFORM BILL OF LADING service of the Carrier or not, and whether actual value a 100 Pounds Sterling per be, blockade of if owing to any of the
CLAUSES 1946 APPROVED BY THE or not the above named Vessel or any package, or in case of goods not shipped matters mentioned in sub clauses 1(A)
DOCUMENTARY COUNCIL OF THE other vessel or craft in which the said in packages, per customary freight unit, and B entry to any such port of
BALTIC AND INTERNATIONAL animals may be loaded was unseaworthy the value of the goods shall be deemed to discharge of cargo intended for any such
MARITIME CONFERENCE-CODE at the time loading or sailing or at any be a 100 Pounds Sterling per package or port be in the Mater’s discretion
NAME CONBIL. other time. per unit, on which basis the freight is dangerous or be prohibited, or it be
adjusted and the Carrier’s liability if any found in the Master’s discretion
1. RESPONSIBILITY. The Carrier is to 6. AVERAGE. General Average to be
shall be determined on the basis of a value dangerous or impossible for the Vessel
be responsible for loss of or damage of the settled according to York Antwerp Rules,
of 100 Pounds Sterling per package or per to reach or remain at any such port, the
goods or for delay in delivery of the goods 1974.Proprietors of cargo to pay cargo’s
customary freight unit, or pro rata in case cargo or such part of it as may be
only in case the loss, damage or delay has share in the general expenses even if same
of partial loss or damage, unless the nature affected shall be discharged at such safe
been caused by the improper or negligent have been necessitated through neglect of
of the goods and a valuation higher than port which the Vessel may call at or
stowage of the goods (unless stowage default of the Carrier’s Servants. The
100 Pounds Sterling shall have been would pass in the ordinary course of the
performed by Shippers or their Stevedores Shippers, Consignees and Owners of the
declared in writing by the Shipper upon contract voyage as may be nominated by
or servants) or by personal want of due goods expressly renounce the Netherlands
delivery to the Carrier and inserted, in this the Shippers within 48 hours after
diligence on the part of the Carrier or his Commercial Code Art. 700 and the Part II
Bill of Lading and extra freight paid if receiving the Carrier’s request for
Manager to make the Vessel in all respects Art. 148.
required and in such case if the actual nomination of a substitute discharging
seaworthy and to secure that she is
7. AMENDED JASON CLAUSE. In the value of the goods per package or per port or at such safe port as the Master
properly manned, equipped and supplied
even of accident, danger, damage or customary freight unit shall exceed such may decide on should the Shippers fail
or by the personal act or default of the
disaster before or after commencement of declared value, the value shall to make nomination.
Carrier or his Manager.
the voyage resulting from any cause nevertheless be deemed to be the declared 3.The Vessel shall have liberty to
And the Carrier is responsible for no
whatsoever whether due to negligence or value and any partial loss or damage shall comply with any orders or directions as
loss or damage or delay arising from any
not, for which or for the consequence of be adjusted pro rata on the basis of such in departure, arrival routes, port of call,
other cause, whatsoever, even from the
which the owners is not responsible by declared value. stoppage, destination, discharge or in
neglect or default of the Master of crew or
statute, contract, or otherwise, the cargo, Unless notice of loss or damage and the any otherwise whatsoever given by the
some other employed by the Carrier on
Shipper’s Consignees or Owners of the general nature of such loss or damage be government of the nation under whose
board or ashore for whose acts he would
cargo shall contribute with the Carrier in given in writing to the Carrier or his Agent flag the Vessel sails or any other
but for this clause be responsible, or from
General Average to the payment of any at the port of discharge before or at the government or any person (or body)
un-seaworthiness of the Vessel on loading
sacrifices, losses or expenses of the time of the removal of the goods into the acting or purporting to act with the
or commencement of the voyage or at any
General Average nature that may be made custody of the person entitled to delivery authority of such government or by any
time whatsoever.
or incurred, and shall pay salvage and thereof under the contract of carriage, such committee or person having under the
Damage caused by contact with or
special charges incurred in respect of the removal shall be prima facie evidence of terms of the war risks insurance on the
leakage, smell or evaporation from other
cargo. If a salving ship is owned or the delivery by the Carrier of the goods as Vessel the right to give any such orders
goods or by the inflammable or explosive
operated by the Carrier, salvage shall be described in the Bill of Lading. If the loss or directions. If by reason such orders or
nature or insufficient package of other
paid for as fully as if the salving ship or or damage is not apparent the notice must directions anything is done, it shall not
goods not to be considered as caused by
ships belong to strangers. be given within three days of the delivery. be deemed a deviation.
improper or negligent stowage, even if in
In any even the Carrier and the Vessel 4.The discharge of any cargo at other
fact so caused. 8. BOTH TO BLAME COLLISION shall be discharged from all liability in that the loading port under the
CLAUSE. If the vessel comes into respect of loss or damage unless suit is provisions of sub-clause 2 and/or the
2. DEVIATION. The Vessel has liberty
collision with another ship as a result of brought within one year after the delivery conclusions of the adventure consequent
to call at any port or ports in any order for
the negligence of the other ship and any of the goods or the date when the goods upon compliance with any orders or
any purpose, to sail without pilots, to tow
act neglect or default of the Master should have been delivered. Any directions referred to in sub-clause 3
and/or assist vessels in all situations, and
Mariner, Pilots or the Servants of the disputes arising under this Bill of Lading whether the cargo be discharged or not,
also deviate for the purpose of saving life
Carrier in the navigation or in the to be decided according to the law of shall be deemed to be in fulfilment of
and/or property and also in accordance
management of the Vessel, the Owners of Vessel’s flag. the contract voyage and freight shall be
with the clauses relating to Quarantine,
the cargo carried hereunder will indemnify payable accordingly. All extra expenses
Lockouts, Strikes, Ice and War. 11. QUARANTINE, LOCK-OUTS,
the Carrier against all loss or liability to in consequence thereof shall be paid by
3. DELIVERY. Goods to be taken from the other or non-carrying ship or the STRIKES AND ICE. If on account of
actual or threatened quarantine, ice, the Shippers or the Owners of the cargo
the Vessel by Receivers directly they Owners in so far as such loss or liability the Carriers having a lien on the cargo
come to hand in discharging the Vessel represents loss of, or damage to, or any strikes, lock-outs or reasons of a similar
nature, the Master at any time is in doubt for freight and all expenses incurred by
and the Carrier’s responsibility to cease claim whatsoever of the Owners of said him whether for discharge or otherwise.
package by package immediately the cargo, paid or payable, by the other or as to whether he can safely reach or enter
goods leave the Vessel’s deck or tackle. If non-carrying ship or the Owners to the the port of destination, there discharge in 13. GENERAL PARAMOUNT
not thus taken from alongside by Owners of said cargo and set off recouped the usual manner or proceed thence on his CLAUSE. This Bill of Lading shall have
Receivers they may be landed and or recovered by the other or non-carrying voyage unmolested, he is at liberty to effect subject to the provisions of any
deposited at the expense of the Owners of ship or her Owners as part of their claim discharge the goods at another port which legislation relating to the carriage of
the goods and at their risk of fire, loss or against the carrying Vessel or Carrier. The he may consider safe. Such discharge shall goods by sea which incorporates the
injury, on the dock or in the warehouse, or foregoing provisions shall also apply be deemed to be in fulfilment of the rules relating to Bill of Lading contained
in craft the Port Authorities being hereby where the Owner’s operators or those in contract voyage and freight shall be in the International Convention, dated
authorized to grant a general order for charge of any ship or ships or objects payable according. Receivers and/or Brussels 25 the August 1924, and which
discharge immediately after the entry of other than, or in addition to the colliding Shippers to be informed if possible, and be is compulsorily applicable to the
the Vessel. ships or objects are at fault, in respect of a liable for all extra expenses thereby contract of carriage herein contained.
collision or contact. incurred. Such legislation shall be deemed to be
4. LIEN. The Carrier has a lien on all 12. WAR.1(A) If the nation under incorporated herein but nothing herein
goods for payment of freight, dead-freight 9. PAYMENT OF FREIGHT. Full whose flag the Vessel sails be engaged in contained shall be deemed a surrender
and difference in freight, and for any freight has to be paid on the cargo war, hostilities or warlike operations or be by the Carrier of its rights or immunities
expenses incurred or after shipment, damaged or diminished by leakage. For involved in civil war or revolution or an increase of any of its
including demurrage cost of repairs, if any increase in weight owing to sea whereby the safe navigation of the Vessel responsibilities or liabilities thereunder.
any, and forwarding expenses, fines, damage no freight has to be paid. may be endangered, the cargo loaded shall If any term of to any extent to any
damages and expenses, mentioned in this Freight payable at port of destination, be discharged at the port of loading. legislation by this clause incorporated
Bill of Lading. together with all other amounts mentioned (B) If owing to or during any war, such term shall be void to that extent but
in the lien Clause, is to be paid on hostilities, warlike operations, civil war or no further. Nothing in Bill of Lading
The Carrier shall also be entitled to fall
delivery of the goods is cash without revolution any cargo loaded under this shall operate to limit or deprive the
back on the Shipper for the difference
deduction and in the currency named in Bill of Lading becomes, or be declared to Carrier of any statutory protection of
between the total amount owing to the
the Bill of Lading, or at the option of the be contraband, whether absolute or liability any statutory protection or
Carrier and the net proceeds of the goods.
Receivers in the currency of the country at conditional or liable confiscation or exemption from or limitation of liability.
5. LIVE ANIMALS. Live animals, the highest rate of exchange for banker’s detention such cargo shall be discharged
shipped hereunder are received, kept, sight Bills current on the day when the at the port of loading. 14.SHIPMENTS BETWEEN PORTS
carried and discharged at the sole risk of Vessel is entered at the custom-house. The discharge of any cargo effected at IN DENMARK, FINLAND, NORWAY
the owner thereof, and the Carrier shall Freight payable in advance cannot be the port of loading shall be at Shipper’s AND SWEDEN. Where par. 122 of the
not under any circumstances of any kind reclaimed, even if the Vessel and/or cargo risk and expense, the contract of carriage Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and
whatsoever be liable for any loss of or should be lost. In calculating General thereupon being at an end so far as such Swedish maritime Laws apply the
damage or delay thereto , whether or not Average contribution, freight payable in cargo is concerned. The Carrier shall have Carrier is considered to have taken all
such loss, damage or delay may be due to advance has to be added to the value of the right to load other cargo in place of the such reservation as to the liability and
the wrongful act, neglect or default of the the goods. cargo discharged. responsibility as he is allowed to do by
Carrier or the Master, Pilot, Officers, sections 122 and 123 of the said acts.

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