Gastrointestinal Hypomotility Stasis in Guinea Pigs

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Hypomotility and
Gastrointestinal Stasis
in Guinea Pigs
Gastrointestinal (GI) hypomotility is slowing of normal
emptying of the stomach and passage of food through the
intestinal tract.
Gastrointestinal stasis is a severe slowing of normal emptying
of the stomach and passage of food through the intestines, with
little to no movement of food.
Proper digestion of food and gastrointestinal tract motility are
dependent on the ingestion of large amounts of roughage and
long-stemmed hay. Diets that contain inadequate amounts of
long-stemmed, coarse fiber (such as the feeding of only
commercial pelleted food without hay or grasses) can cause
gastrointestinal hypomotility.
When gastrointestinal motility slows or stops, ingesta,
including fur and other material, accumulates in the stomach.
Guinea pigs cannot vomit to expel nonfood contents from the
Dehydration of stomach contents often occurs, making the
contents more difficult to pass. With medical treatment, GI motility usually returns, and stomach contents
soften and will usually pass. Without treatment, retention of dried-out food and hair and shifts in intestinal
bacteria can be fatal.
Anything that causes the guinea pig not to eat, such as disease, pain, stress, or starvation may cause GI
The process is often self-perpetuating; GI hypomotility and dehydration cause the guinea pig to not eat, making
GI stasis worse.

More commonly seen in middle-aged to older guinea pigs on poor diets, but can occur in any aged guinea pig
Seen in all breeds or genders

Many guinea pigs with GI stasis have been fed an inappropriate diet (e.g., cereals, grains, commercial pellets
only, sweets, large quantities of fruits, lack of feeding long-stemmed hay) or have recently suffered an illness or
stressful event.
Affected guinea pigs have a decreased appetite. They often initially stop eating pellets but continue to eat treats,
then stop eating completely.
Fecal pellets become scant and small in size; eventually, no fecal pellets are produced in guinea pigs with
complete GI stasis.
Initially, they are bright, alert and otherwise act normally; then they show signs of pain, such as teeth grinding, a
hunched posture, and reluctance to move.
Some may develop diarrhea.
The veterinarian may detect excessive gas in the intestinal tract or hear decreased stomach sounds on listening
to the abdomen with a stethoscope.

Motility disorders occur as a result of poor diet, underlying disease, pain, or stress.
Often GI hypomotility is caused by feeding diets with insufficient grasses and long-stemmed hay and/or
excessive amounts of simple carbohydrates. Examples of improper diets include one consisting primarily of
commercial pellets, especially those containing seeds, oats, or other high carbohydrate treats; cereal products
(bread, crackers, breakfast cereals); and large amounts of fruits containing simple carbohydrates. Proper GI
motility relies on the guinea pig's eating large quantities of indigestible coarse fiber, as found in long-stemmed
hay and grasses. Most commercial pelleted diets contain inadequate roughage, coarse fiber, and excessive
Conditions that result in a lack of appetite may also cause GI hypomotility/stasis. Common causes include
dental disease (malocclusion, molar elongation, tooth root abscesses), kidney or bladder stones, vitamin C
deficiency (scurvy) metabolic disease (kidney or liver disease), pain (from dental disease, trauma, postoperative
pain), cancer, toxins, or changes in the environment.
Stressful conditions that cause a decreased appetite include hospitalization, boarding, new animals in the
household, social stress, fighting, and a lack of exercise (cage confinement, obesity).
Diets containing insufficient amounts of hay
Any condition that causes a lack of appetite

Remove any underlying cause, if possible.
Guinea pigs that are stable may be treated on an outpatient basis when possible.
Guinea pigs that are severely dehydrated, weak, or demonstrating signs of shock require hospitalization.
If the guinea pig is not debilitated, encourage exercise for at least 1015 minutes every 68 hours as activity
promotes gastric motility; provide supervised freedom from the cage or access to a safe grazing area.
There is no better medication for hypomotility than food.
It is absolutely imperative that the guinea pig eat. Offer a large selection of fresh, moistened greens such as
cilantro, romaine lettuce, parsley, carrot tops, dandelion greens, spinach, collard greens, etc., and good-quality
grass hay. Also, try offering the guinea pig's usual pelleted diet.
If the guinea pig refuses these foods, syringe-feed a gruel such as Critical Care for Herbivores (Oxbow Pet
Products) or Emeraid Herbivore (Lafeber Company, Cornell, IL); feed as much as the guinea pig will readily
accept. Alternatively, pellets can be ground and mixed with fresh greens, vegetable baby foods, water, or juice to
form a gruel.
Do not feed starchy, sweet, or fatty foods.
Encourage drinking by offering fresh water and wetting leafy vegetables.
The diet should be permanently modified to include sufficient amounts of roughage and long-stemmed grass
hay; foods high in simple carbohydrates should be prohibited or limited to the occasional treat.
Surgery is not a part of treatment and can make GI stasis worse.

Medications presented in this section are intended to provide general information about possible treatment. The
treatment for a particular condition may evolve as medical advances are made; therefore, the medications should
not be considered all-inclusive.
Fluid Therapy
Providing fluids in the form of oral, subcutaneous (under the skin injections), or IV route is one of the most
important aspects of treatment. Most guinea pigs are treated with subcutaneous fluids, which can be administered
by your veterinarian or can be a part of home treatment. In more severe cases, IV fluids are necessary.
Pain Medication
Pain medications such as meloxicam (Metacam or Mobic), buprenorphine, or carprofen are essential to treatment
of GI hypomotility/stasis. Intestinal pain, usually from gas distention, impairs mobility and decreases appetite,
and may severely inhibit recovery.
Gastric Prokinetic Agents (drugs that improve the propulsion of contents through the stomach and
into the intestines)
Metoclopramide (Reglan) improves stomach motility and coordinates stomach and upper small intestinal
Cisapride works directly on gastrointestinal smooth muscle, stimulating motility; improves gastric emptying;
and promotes increased motility of both the small and large intestine.
Some guinea pigs with severe overgrowth of potentially dangerous bacteria may require antibiotics.
Treatment of Intestinal Gas
Simethicone may be helpful in alleviating painful intestinal gas.

Response to therapy varies, according to the underlying cause of the stomach (gastric) motility disorder.
Monitor appetite and production of fecal pellets. Guinea pigs that are successfully treated will regain a normal
appetite and begin to produce normal volumes of feces. Initially, the fecal pellets are sometimes expelled bound
together with hair.
The length of treatment depends on the ability to resolve the underlying disorder or on response to therapy.
Early medical management carries a good to excellent prognosis.
The prognosis for guinea pigs that have stopped eating completely and stopped passing feces for greater than
2448 hours is usually poor; GI tract motility may never return to normal.

Strict feeding of diets containing adequate amounts of indigestible coarse fiber (long-stemmed hay) and low
simple carbohydrate content, along with access to fresh water, will often prevent episodes. Allow guinea pigs to
have sufficient daily exercise, and prevent obesity to help prevent future episodes.
Response to therapy varies, according to the underlying cause of the motility disorder.
See your veterinarian immediately whenever your guinea pig stops eating.
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Blackwells Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Small Mammal, Second Edition. Barbara L. Oglesbee. 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2011 by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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