CAD Standards Manual: For Construction Documentation

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CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018

CAD Standards Manual

Construction Documentation

CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018


CAD Standards
Survey/GIS Standards
Design Standards



2.1.1 Electronic File Format & Submission
2.1.2 Drawing Organization
2.1.3 Layout / Plotting Settings
2.1.4 Scale and Units
2.1.5 Fonts and Text Styles
2.1.6 Blocks
2.1.7 Dimension Settings
2.1.8 Border / Title Blocks
2.1.9 Policy on Model Space and Paper Space
2.1.10 Policy on External Reference Files (Xrefs)

2.2.1 General Rules about Uses
2.2.2 Attributes (Colors, Pens, and Linetypes)


2.3.1 Error‐free AutoCAD Drawing Deliverables
2.3.1 Translation Testing Recommended




CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018


The purpose of this document is to serve as a specification for producing and delivering CAD drawings for Rutgers
University–Institutional Planning and Operations (IPO) Construction Projects. The guidelines are intended to
ensure the successful use and control of CAD systems and data throughout Rutgers University.

These requirements must be followed and met by in‐house and outside A/E firms. The main A/E firm shall enforce
these standards with their sub-consultant A/E firms. All submitted CAD drawings that do not conform to the
following criteria shall be returned. The drawings are to be re‐submitted once all requirements have been met.
(This CAD Standards Manual supersedes any previous standards pertaining to anything set forth in this document.
This CAD Standards Manual may change without notice; use links below to ensure you have the current edition.)

Before a project can be closed out and final payment from Rutgers University rendered, all specified materials must
be submitted to the appropriate Rutgers University Project Manager or representative in accordance with the
production standards and special instructions described throughout this document.

A signed copy of the CAD Standards Checklist found in Section 1.0.0 (page 4) of this document must also be
submitted with the CAD drawings submitted during Project Phases II, III, IV(a), IV(b), & V of the project. When
a CAD Standard Checklist has been signed and submitted, the A/E firm is assuring that all drawings submitted
conform to the required standards and guidelines set forth in this document. To ensure/obtain the latest CAD
Standards & all standard files mentioned in this document please see the links below.

To ensure you have the latest CAD Standards please visit the link below to verify:

To download the latest CAD Standards & associated files please visit the link below:


All survey/civil/site work must follow Rutgers Universities Survey & GIS Standards. All drawings created under
the Surveying & GIS Standards must also adhere to the CAD Standards. Failure to comply with any of the following
standards shall be denied, returned & must be resubmitted.

To review the Surveying Standards please visit the link below:‐standards

To review the GIS Standards please visit the link below:‐standards


To review the latest Design Standards please visit the link below:

CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018

Drawings submitted for a Rutgers University project must be accompanied by the following checklist. When a
checklist has been signed and submitted, the vendor (architect, engineer, contractor, etc.) is assuring that all
materials adhere to the standards and guidelines set forth in this document.



□ Electronic File Format & Submission
□ Drawing Organization
□ Layout / Plotting Settings
□ Scale and Units
□ Fonts and Text Styles
□ Blocks
□ Dimension Settings
□ Border / Title Blocks
□ Policy on Model Space and Paper Space
□ Policy on External Reference Files (Xrefs)

□ General Rules about Uses
□ Attributes (Colors, Pens, Linetypes)


□ Full AutoCAD Compliance
□ Translation Testing Recommended


4.0.0 PROJECT PHASE SUBMISSIONS (Check box that applies to this submission)
□ Phase II – Schematic Design (PDF) □ Phase IV(b) – Addendum #1 (PDF)
□ Phase III – Design Development (PDF) □ Phase IV(b) – Addendum #2 (PDF)
□ Phase IV(a) – 50% Contract Docs (PDF) □ Phase IV(b) – Conforming Set (PDF & DWG
□ Phase IV(a) – 90% Contract Docs (PDF) Base Floor Plans)
□ Phase IV(a) – 100% Contract Docs (PDF) □ Phase V – Signed Record Set (PDF)
□ Phase IV(b) – Signed Bid Set (PDF, □ Phase V –Record Set (DWG & RVT, if used)
DWG, & RVT, if used) □ Other

Name (please print)

Phone Number: Date:

CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018


2.1.1 Electronic File Format & Submission

A CAD Start Package shall be supplied to all A/E Firms upon award of a project. Contact the Project Manager to
receive this package (or see page 3 for a direct link). Upon completion of the Phase IV(b) “Signed Bid Set,” the A/E
Firm shall submit a complete set of drawings in PDF (signed by A/E); DWG (AutoCAD Release 2014); and, if used,
RVT (Revit 2014). Upon completion of the Phase IV(b) “Conforming Set,” the A/E Firm shall submit a complete set
of drawings in PDF (signed by A/E) and DWG (only base Architectural Floor Plans with correct room numbers and
descriptions). Upon completion of the Phase V “Signed Record Set” and the Phase V “Record Set,” the A/E Firm
shall submit a complete set of drawings in PDF (signed by A/E); DWG (AutoCAD Release 2014); and, if used, RVT
(Revit 2014). For all other submissions, single-layered and unprotected PDF versions of these drawings shall be
provided. The drawings should be checked to verify that they conform to all the standards set forth in this
document. The Bid Drawing Set and the Record Drawing Set shall be in PDF format with an electronic A/E
signature inserted on each sheet. All files shall be submitted on CD/DVD media in jewel box or USB/flash drive(s)
in plastic sleeve (See Section 4.0.0 for additional information). An alternative method is to upload the files to the
FTP Server or Buzzsaw (See Project Manager to obtain access).

Only ONE Rutgers Project per CD/DVD or USB/flash drive.

2.1.2 Drawing Organization

a. All drawings shall be oriented in the same way; i.e. north arrow (as close to true
north) pointed to the top of the page for all plans and site drawings.

b. Xrefs shall contain all the disciplines drawing entities that pertain to each
drawing on their proper layer (etc.). The Sheet drawings shall contain all
annotation, text, schedules, notes, markers (detail, elev., section etc.) drawing
titles (in paper space) and dimensions (in model space).

c. Drawings are to be organized and filed in the structure shown in Diagram 1.0,
easily read and free of stray elements. All drawing elements must be laid out in
the correct drawing order.

d. Each base (xrefs) plan created of each floor must have Polylines drawn on a layer
labeled RM. This layer shall consist of a tracing of every room using a single
continuous closed polyline to the face of all walls that define that room. In
addition, two (2) other continuous closed polylines must be drawn on a layer
labeled GROS – one (1) to the inside face of the outermost building line and one
(1) to the outside face of the outermost building line. (See drawing
sample_pline_02X.DWG in the for example.)

e. All drawings must be purged completely to remove all unused blocks, dimension
styles, layers, line types, plot styles, text styles, multi‐line styles, etc.

f. The A/E shall be responsible for preparation of the bid set of drawings; See Section 4.0.0 for the current
procedure on handling the Set Process for the Bid, Addenda, Conforming & Record Sets.

CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018
2.1.3 Layout / Plotting Settings
• Paper size (set accordingly to border size). • Plot Scale – 1’‐0” = 1’‐0”
• Plot Area – Extents • Plot Style Table – (RU_Fac‐Std.ctb only)
• Plot Offset – Centered

2.1.4 Scale and Units

All CAD drawings shall be drafted at full scale in architectural units, such that 1 drawing unit = equals 1 inch.

2.1.5 Fonts and Text Styles

Drafting Components Text Style Font File Name Size
Notes, Dimensions, General Drafting, Room Names, etc. Standard Architxt/Archquik 3/32”
Drawing Titles (Plan, Elevations, Sections, etc…) Standard Architxt/Archquik 3/16”
Title Block – Project & Drawing Title Identification Boxes Standard2 Palatino Linotype 3/16”
Title Block – Lower Fields (dsr, bldg# etc.) Identification Standard2 Palatino Linotype 1/4”
Only these fonts are approved for use, unless otherwise agreed to by Rutgers Institutional Planning and
Operations. The only exceptions are fonts used in the A/E firm’s logos.

2.1.6 Blocks
Rutgers is currently not using or enforcing the use of any particular blocks or libraries. However, Rutgers requires
that the following general rules be employed when handling block entities:
a. All entities within a block must be created on layer 0.
b. Drawing entities translated into AutoCAD blocks from non‐AutoCAD systems must revert to layer 0 when
exploded within AutoCAD.

CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018
2.1.7 Dimension Settings
Lines Extension Lines
Dimension Lines Color = BYLAYER
Color = BYLAYER Linetype Ext #1&2 = BYLAYER
Linetype = BYLAYER Lineweight = BYLAYER
Lineweight = BYLAYER Suppress = OFF
Extend = 1/8” Extend beyond dim lines = 1/8”
Baseline Spacing = 3/8” Offset from origin = 1/16”
Suppress 1 & 2 = OFF Fixed length extension lines = OFF

Symbols and Arrows

Arrowheads Arc length symbol
First & Second = Architectural Tick Preceding dimension text = On
Leader = Right Angle
Arrow Size = 1/8” Radius dimension jog
Jog angle = 45
Center marks
Mark = On
Size = 3/32”

Text appearance Text placement
Text style = Standard Vertical = Above
Text color = BYLAYER Horizontal = Centered
Fill color = None Offset from dim line = 1/16”
Text height = 3/32”
Fraction height scale = 1.00 Text alignment
Draw frame around text = None Aligned with dim line = On

Fit options = Either text or arrows (best fit)
Text placement = Over dimension line, without leader
Fine tuning = Draw dim line between ext lines

Primary Units
Linear dimensions Zero suppression
Unit format = Architectural 0 Feet = On
Precision = 1/16”
Fraction format = Horizontal Angular Dimensions
Decimal separator Units format = Decimal Degrees
Round off = Off Precision = 0

Measurement scale Zero suppression

Scale factor = 0 Leading = Off
Trailing = Off

CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018
2.1.8 Border / Title Block
Rutgers University issues a standard border / title block that shall be used in all “Rutgers University Drawings”
and which is to be xref’d into the sheet files. The border & associated text shall not be altered; if altered in any
way the submission shall be rejected.

The border / title block contains attributes that must be filled out properly. These attributes are a separate block
from the border, also included in the start package. Additionally, the full titles (logos) of the Project Architect and
Engineer must be placed in the proper area. Along with the A/E Logo the title block must contain the Name,
License Number and Date of the licensed individual responsible for the corresponding discipline. (Please see
below for additional information.)

All Drawing Revisions must be properly noted in the revision list as depicting the number and date of revisions.
They must be noted clearly and concisely and shall include at least 6 lines for revisions. Revisions on the drawing
areas shall be clouded and tagged with a delta triangle stating which revision number it in relation to. The revision
number in the triangle must coincide with its revision in the revision list.

**This diagram is for reference only and not to scale, contents within the border or text may change without notice**
CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018 Size
In an effort to maintain consistency in our permanent records of all University buildings, all construction documents
must be formatted to print in the following standard paper sizes:

• Arch D ‐ 24ʺ x 36ʺ • Arch F ‐ 30ʺ x 42ʺ (preferred size) Drawing Title

The A/E title block and name of project shall be in a vertical format down the right‐hand side of the drawing and
shall contain the following:

• The Project Name shall match the title of the project on the project budget analysis sheet (PBA);
• The Project Number shall be cross‐referenced to the budget number;
• The Building Number; and
• An area large enough for A/Eʹs signature and seal. Drawing Number

The A/E shall ask the Project Manager for the Building Number. This number shall appear on all drawings. Use ʺTʺ
for title drawings, ʺSPʺ for site work, ʺAʺ for architectural, ʺFSʺ for food service, ʺFLʺ for interior design or furniture
layout, ʺLFʺ for laboratory furniture, ʺSʺ for structural, ʺPʺ for plumbing, ʺHVACʺ for heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning, ʺMʺ for mechanical, if plumbing and HVAC are combined, ʺFPʺ for fire protection drawings, ʺEʺ for
electrical drawings, and “ME” for mechanical and electrical combined. Title Sheet / Cover Sheet

A title sheet included in the CAD Start Package shall be included on all projects. Include an index of sheet numbers
and drawing titles. This must also be provided in Microsoft Excel format to include drawing title, A/E sheet
numbers, and drawing date. The title sheet shall have the following minimum information (the layout can be
altered to best suit the needs of the project):

• Project name and location;

• Name, address, phone number, fax number, email address of the A/E and any consultants used on the
• Index of all drawings included in the Contract Documents;
• Location map indicating the location of the project on the particular campus or within the town where it is
located. (Campus maps are available from the Project Manager);
• List of symbols and abbreviations used in the Contract Documents. Abbreviations used on the drawings
must be industry standard recognized abbreviations and must be consistent throughout the construction
• All New Jersey Uniform Construction Code criteria and data.

2.1.9 Policy on Model Space and Paper Space

• Model Space Only. Both the drawing model and the drawing’s title block are contained in the same model
space environment within a single CAD file. The paper space environment is not used. This method is not
allowed and will not be accepted.

• Model Space and Paper Space Combined. Each CAD file shall be set up to contain only one title block in
paper space which references the building model(s) contained in model space. In cases where more than
one border per CAD file is needed, tabs maybe created to accommodate multiple sheets.

CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018

2.1.10 Policy on External Reference Files (Xrefs)

• All xrefs shall be inserted into sheet file(s) as an Attachment or Overlay using Relative Path as the Path
Type. Utilizing the file structure above (See Diagram 1.0) & setting the xref to Relative Path, the drawings
can be moved as needed and still maintain their links, thus eliminating any further maintenance to re‐link
the xrefs.

• Xrefs can be bound and packaged. Binding an xref to a drawing makes the xref a permanent part of the
design drawing. Keeping all files together as a package allows functionality in any situation. This method
is allowed but is not preferred and needs to be approved prior to submitting the drawings.

• The Rutgers Standard Border shall be xref’d. The text/attributes shall be inserted into each sheet as an
independent element. The text block shall not be altered (exploded, rearranged, etc.) in any way.


2.2.1 General Rules and Uses

Rutgers University has adopted the AIA CAD Layer Guidelines Latest Edition for layer naming only. See
Attributes (Colors & Pens) for the explanation of colors & how they depict the lineweight).

2.2.2 Attributes (Colors & Pens)

1‐Red being light (thinnest) to 7‐White being the darkest (heaviest). For ghosting/backgrounds 250‐Dark Grey
being the darkest (heaviest) to 255‐Lt. Grey being light (thinnest). See Diagram below and Sect 2.1.3 – “Plot Style
Table” for additional info.

CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018

2.3.1 Error‐free AutoCAD Drawing Deliverables:

Rutgers University recognizes that many of its A/E Firms do not use the same CAD systems as the University.
However, it is expected that A/E Firms who work with non‐AutoCAD file formats will submit DWG formatted CAD
files upon completion of the Bid Set and completion of the Record Drawing Set that are fully compliant with all of
the standards outlined herein, and which have no significant loss of drawing entities or project data that can result
from standard CAD file translation procedures.

All DWG files and CAD drawing entities submitted at the end of a project must be capable of being edited using
standard AutoCAD drafting procedures. Non‐compliance with this policy may result in the rejection of CAD files
submitted at project closeout and delay of final project payment. DXF files may be submitted with advance written
approval from Rutgers University.

2.3.1 Translation Testing Recommended:

It is strongly recommended that A/E firms which plan to translate their native CAD files into AutoCAD format
conduct thorough file translation testing before the design development phase of the project. This will assure early
detection of file conversion issues, if any, and allow for corrective measures to be taken before the documents are

If the A/E firm determines that they cannot produce translation/error‐free drawings during any subsequent phase, then they
must notify Rutgers University immediately. Failure to do so will make the A/E firm responsible for any/all subsequent
changes at their own expense that accrued due to these errors.


With over 800 buildings, in 1970 Rutgers adopted a standard method of handling room numbers which shall be
adopted from the earliest possible point in the design process and carried throughout to completion. The A/E shall
use the Rutgers Room Numbering System on all drawings. At the conclusion of the Design Development Phase,
the A/E will work with Institutional Planning and Operations, Office of Space Management to develop room
numbers consistent with the University system.


4.0.1 General Requirements

This procedure shall be followed herein in accordance with this standard unless noted otherwise by Rutgers
University in writing. Requirements for paper copy submissions of project phases can be found in the A/E

Please note:
Square footage area numbers on drawings shall be clearly labeled as to what their intended purpose is (code review,
GSF, net assignable, etc.). Calculations, polylines, etc. used to generate square footage shall be saved and turned
over at submission phases to Rutgers University for internal use.

Design Phase (I, II, III & IV(a))

1. Drawings in DWF, DWG & RVT format are uploaded to Buzzsaw into its proper designated folder
matching the current phase being submitted for review.
2. Along with the sets required a disc containing all the drawings in DWG & RVT format shall be submitted
for review & compliance. This step is important in troubleshooting drawings issues (if any) early on in the
project, mainly to avoid delays that can hinder the projects timeline.
CAD Standards Manual – rev June 7, 2018

Signed Bid Set (IV(b))

1. The 100% completed design drawings shall be submitted in (See Sect 2.1.0 for additional info):
A. AutoCAD 2014 DWG & Revit 2014 RVT (if used) format or earlier for compliance inspection &
B. PDF format for applying the University Architect digital signature and distribution. All prior
revisions and deltas must be cleared and there will only be a single revision which reads: “For
Bid/For Contract.”
2. Additionally, specifications in PDF format signed by A/E Firm (if applicable) are considered part of the
Bid documents and shall be sent to IPO for distribution to bidders.
3. The list of drawings in Microsoft Excel format (See Sect shall also be submitted.

Distribution – Upon completion all “Bid Set” files are then distributed using one of the following methods:
1. Handed to the Contractors on a CD/DVD media or USB/flash drive(s) with all drawings & specs
2. Downloaded from the IPO FTP Server. (See Section 2.1.1)

The Contractor shall verify that all files are included and can be accessed. If there are any file(s) missing or
cannot be accessed, the Contractor shall contact Rutgers University Project Manager for a new disk/file. Once all
files have been verified, a transmittal shall be submitted back to the Rutgers University Project Manager before
and/or on Bid Opening Meeting.

Addenda/Conforming Set (IV(b))

1. The updated files (signed by A/E Firm) shall be handled in the same manner as the “Bid Set” also for
review and approval of the University Architect.
2. The required sets (drawings & specs) of the Addendum shall be sent to IPO on any media that best suits
that addendum prior to bid opening.
3. After all Addenda drawings have been approved and compiled into the Conforming Set, the A/E shall
submit that set in PDF format.
4. Additionally, the A/E shall submit DWG format base Architectural Floor Plans with correct room numbers
and descriptions. Plans shall be accurate enough to show such things as distinctions in thickness of major
walls and interior partitions. Plans shall also show all entrances and exits, stairways, elevators, service
areas and major architectural features, such as window walls, plazas, ramps and loading docks.
Dimensions need not be shown, and details not pertinent of the general layout should be omitted.
5. A room list in Microsoft Excel format shall be submitted which includes the room number, room
description, and occupying department.

Record Set (V)

1. A/E must submit a legible marked‐up copy of the General Contractors as‐builts accompanied with
updated signed electronic drawings in PDF format with the changes incorporated (Record Set).


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