LabReport CpDistributionOfAerofoil PDF
LabReport CpDistributionOfAerofoil PDF
LabReport CpDistributionOfAerofoil PDF
Distribution and Lift for NACA 4415 drag ratio than short stubby wing
investigate the pressure distribution between 1909 and 1912 Gustave Eiffel
along the surface of NACA 4415 airfoil had run about 4000 airfoil testing
and compute the coefficient of lift at using his first open wind tunnel,
set back in 1799 when Sir George systems against hazardous ice
Cayley build whirling arm apparatus formation on wings and air inlet
actual flight was set back in 1871 pressure difference between the upper
when Francis Wenham in England surface and bottom surface. The upper
built and used the first wind tunnel in surface has lower pressure than lower
history. The test was done to showed surface, thus producing lift force.
shape. When airfoil deflected the The wind tunnel that I used for testing
into lift and drag. Lift force acts driven by 15kW motor ( Teco Ed
perpendicular to the velocity flow Coupling, Type Edvs, Teco Elec. &
moment, which makes the airfoil tend (width) x 0.457m (height) x 1.27m
In wind tunnel testing using UTM along the chord, I used multi tube
along the surface of NACA 4415 airfoil Aerolab UTM Wind Tunnel Testing
test section. I took readings for the
To obtain desired testing wind speed, motor to rotate the blade by turning
To begin the experiment, I placed the set the airfoil to 8 different angle of
model airfoil of NACA 4415 into the attacks (-3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15,18) and let
test section of the suction type low the fluctuation flow (as displayed on
speed wind tunnel. I connected the 17 the software) to stabilize before took
the multi tube pressure scanner steps for wind tunnel speed at 15 m/s
kg/m3) and V1 is free stream velocity. line until at the end of the plot while
x/c for airspeed v = 10, 15 and 20 m/s, the blue line is lower than red line.
(see Figure 3, 4 and 5), the line graph Blue line at first decrease and increase
for upper surface (blue) and lower linearly until end of plot. The red line
surface (red) shows the same pattern linearly at first but increase gradually
for every degree angle of attacks (AoA) and stay higher than blue line at
(-5, -3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18). almost straight line until end of plot.
At -5 and -3 degree angle of attack, red At 15 degree angle of attack, blue line
line is lower than blue line, at first fell and red line decreased dramatically
sharply, intersect blue line at 0.3 x/c and red line increased slightly and
and increase gradually until end of remains lower than blue line. Blue line
plot. The blue line decrease linearly at increased linearly until end of plot.
than red line at almost straight line At 18 degree angle of attack, red line
until the end of plot. remains lower than blue line. Red line
At 0 angle of attack, red and blue line slightly until end of plot. Blue line
intersect at 0.2 x/c. Then red line linearly until end of plot.
higher pressure coefficient than upper
For graph lift coefficient (CL) versus surface, creating a gap between
angle of attack (AoA) (See Figure 6) surfaces. This gap becomes bigger
shows the same pattern for airspeed until 9 but start to becomes smaller at
degree angle of attack, all line Comparing these situation with graph
increased linearly. Blue line stay the of (CL) versus AoA for airspeed v = 10,
highest followed by red and black line. 15 and 20 m/s, the increase of gap size
attack. Black line remains the highest gap to 12 degree shows that airfoil
x/c for airspeed v = 10, 15 and 20 m/s, shown by the shifting of red line
at -5 to -3 angle of attack, pressure with blue line and the gap show
edge. As it approaches trailing edge that air velocity is higher on the lower
pressure coefficient from both surface surface than upper surface. Such
of attack that airfoil can produce lift 5) (Tom Benson, 2014) Whirling
are still the same at 9 degree for each Arms and the First Wind Tunnels
has different maximum angle of attack. 6) (Bob Allen, 2008) NASA Wind
7) (Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, 8) (Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia,
nnel Cayley
v6.09.01 beta
Figure 2 : Schematic Diagram of UTM Aerolab Low Speed Wind Tunnel
Figure 3 : Graph of Negative Coefficient of Pressure (-CP) versus x/c for airspeed
v = 10 m/s
Figure 4 : Graph of Negative Coefficient of Pressure (-CP) versus x/c for airspeed
v = 15 m/s
Figure 5 : Graph of Negative Coefficient of Pressure (-CP) versus x/c for airspeed
v = 20 m/s
Figure 6 : Graph of Lift Coefficient (CL) versus angle of attack (AoA)
for airspeed v =10 m/s, 15 m/s and 20 m/s