CHEM 311 Lab Manual
CHEM 311 Lab Manual
CHEM 311 Lab Manual
Department of
17- Any special health factors such as an allergic reaction to a chemical must be
reported to the instructor. As soon as possible.
18- Always use the common sense in the laboratory. If something is unclear, be
sure to ask the instructor before proceeding.
• Keep your work area well-organized and clean.
• Avoid storing empty cardboard boxes in the lab.
• Keep needles capped or stuck into a silicone rubber stopper to prevent
accidental pricks.
Label Everything
• Ensure that you clearly label all wash bottles, base baths, solvent bottles, and
• Label research samples with chemical names and/or chemical structures and/or
the relevant laboratory notebook number and page number.
Safety Equipment
• Know the location and operation of eye wash stations, safety showers, fire
extinguishers, and emergency exits.
• Maintain unfettered access to safety equipment.
The state of a gas is determined by temperature, pressure and amount of
substance. For the limiting case of ideal gases, these state variables are linked via
the ideal gas law. In the case of isothermal process control this equation converts
Experimentally investigate the validity of Boyle and Mariotte’s law for a constant
amount of gas (air). From the resulting relationship calculate the universal gas
lubricate the plunger with a few drops of multigrade motor oil, so that the glass
plunger is covered with an uninterrupted clear film of oil throughout the entire
experiment; but avoid excess oil. Fill the glass jacket with water via the funnel.
and expansion because of its high heat capacity. Insert the thermocouple and
place it as close to the syringe as possible. After adjusting the initial volume of
the gas syringe to exactly 50 ml, connect the nozzle of the gas syringe to a
reducing adaptor via a short piece of silicone tubing, whereby the reducing
adaptor should directly abut on the glass tubular sleeve after the tubing has been
slipped over it. Secure the tubing on both the gas syringe’s nozzle and on the
reducing adaptor with hose clips. Connect the reducing adaptor to the measuring
module with a short piece of silicone tubing (di = 2 mm). Keep the tubing
Connect the measuring module to the Cobra3 Basic-Unit using a module converter
and a data cable. Call up the “Measure” programme in Windows and enter <Ideal
gas law> as gauge. Set the measuring parameters as shown in Fig. 2. Under <Start /
Stop> choose <Get value on key press>. Under <Other Settings> select Digital
Display 1 for <Pressure p>, Digital Display 2 for <Temperature> and Diagram 1 with
Channel <Pressure p>, X bounds <from 1 to 20> and Mode <no auto range>.
pressing <Calibrate>. After having made these settings, press <Continue> to reach
the field for the recording of measured values. Arrange the displays as you want
of approximately 70 ml. Record the volume for each step by pressing <Save value>.
<Save the measurement as…>. To have the plot of Pressure versus Volume carried
out, make the following alterations. Under the menu prompt <Measurement>
<Channel manager>, choose Volume for the x-axis and Pressure for the y-axis. Fig.
3 shows the graph as it is then presented by the programme. If you choose 1/V as
x-axis, you get the graph as it is shown in Fig. 4. Under menu prompt Analysis you
and the amount of substance n, which reciprocally determine one another. Thus,
, , ,
Analogously, the following is true for the change of pressure with T, V and n:
, , ,
enclosed quantity of gas in the gas syringe) and isothermal change of state (T =
const., dT = 0) to
it to V or V0 at T0 = 273.15 K.
For the limiting case of an ideal gas (sufficiently low pressures, sufficiently high
PV = nRT (4)
For cases of constant quantity of substances and isothermal process control this
PV = const (4.1)
hyperbolas (Fig. 3). In contrast, plotting the pressure p against the reciprocal
volume 1/V results in straight lines where p = 0 at 1/V = 0 (Fig. 4). From the slope
constant quantity of air n is known. This is equal to the quotient of the volume V
4.6464 Nm of the linearized correlation between p and 1/V (Fig. 4), the universal
gas constant can be calculated to be R = 7.547 Nm · K-1 · mol-1. The deviation from
the literature value (R = 8.31441 Nm · K-1 · mol-1 = 8.31441 J · K-1 · mol-1) is due to
violated and the observed slope (∂p/∂V-1)T is diminished in comparison with the
When a strong acid is neutralized with a strong base in dilute solution, the same
amount of heat is always released. If the reaction takes place under isobaric
reaction which generates this heat is the reaction of protons and hydroxyl ions to
1. Measure the temperature change during the neutralization of a dilute potassium
heating coil to the work and power meter. Connect the temperature probe to T1 of
the measuring module. Call up the Measure programme in Windows and enter
in Fig. 2. Under <Diagram 1> select Temperature T0a, the appropriate range for the
temperature and the X bounds and ‘auto range‘. Now calibrate your sensor under
pressing <Calibrate>. After having made these settings, press <Continue> to reach
the field for the recording of measured values. Arrange the displays as you want
The exact mass of the hydrochloric acid contained in the delivery pipette is
calculated from the difference between the masses of the filled and the empty
delivery pipette (accuracy 0.1 g). The 600 ml beaker is used as a pipette stand.
Place the filled calorimeter on the magnetic stirrer, put in the oval magnetic
stirrer bar and switch on the stirrer (Caution: Do not switch on the heating unit by
mistake!). Push the delivery pipette through the cap of the calorimeter from
below and mount the lid on the calorimeter vessel. Now attach the pipette to the
support rod using a clamp in such a manner that the opening is above the level of
the liquid and that the stirrer bar can rotate unhindered. Insert the heating coil
and the temperature probe into the lid of the calorimeter and fix them in position.
When the temperature equilibrium has been reached (after approximately 10 min)
then blow the hydrochloric acid out of the delivery pipette into the potassium
hydroxide solution in the calorimeter. To do this, first clamp a pinchcock onto the
tube of the rubber bulb, blow up the air reservoir of the rubber bulb and quickly
release the pinchcock. Continue to measure until a new equilibrium has been
capacity of the calorimeter. Supply 10 V AC to the work and power meter for the
electric heating. Push the <Reset> button and then put the free ends of the
heating coil connection cables into the output jacks. The system is now
has been reached, switch off the heating and read the exact quantity of electrical
temperature. Fig. 3 shows the graph as it is presented by the programme when the
measurement is stopped. If you use <survey> from the toolbar you can read the
- and evaluation
The value of the enthalpy of neutralization ∆RH for the reaction of strong acids
with strong bases is independent of which strong acid or base is used, because the
In the case of the neutralization of weak acids and bases, additional heat effects
arise from dissociation, hydration and association of molecules, so that the value
of the enthalpy of neutralization will differ to that given above. The heat capacity
reaction, by introducing a specific amount of heat into the filled calorimeter using
electrical heating. The electrical energy Wel = I · U · t which is converted into heat
Q causes an increase in temperature ∆Tcal. From this the heat capacity of the
Using the heat capacity of the system, the enthalpy of neutralization ∆RH can be
∆ Enthalpy of neutralization
For reasons of simplification it is assumed that the heat capacity of the dilute
Enthalpy of neutralization:
∆ = -57.3 kJ · mol-1
When two miscible liquids are mixed, a positive or negative heat effect occurs,
which is caused by the interactions between the molecules. This heat effect is
dependent on the mixing ratio. The integral mixing enthalpy and the differential
heat of reaction.
1. Measure the integral mixing enthalpy of 7 different water-acetone mixtures.
2. Plot the molar integral mixing enthalpy versus the quantity of substance (mole
Weigh out the individual components of these mixtures with an accuracy of 0.1 g in
Connect one of the temperature probes to T1 of the measuring module, the other
measuring instrument.
Set the measuring parameters as shown in Fig. 2. Under <Digital display 1> choose
Temperature T0a as channel, under <Digital display 2> Temperature T0b. Under
<Diagram 1> select Temperature T0a, the appropriate range for the temperature
and the X bounds and ‘auto range‘. Now calibrate the sensors under <Calibrate>
pressing <Calibrate>. After having made these settings, press <Continue> to reach
the field for the recording of measured values. Arrange the displays as you want
For the first measurement, fill 432 g water into the calorimeter. Insert the oval
magnetic stirrer bar in the calorimeter and switch the magnetic stirrer on
(Caution: Do not switch on the heating unit by mistake!). Insert the heating coil
and the temperature probe into the lid of the calorimeter and fix them in position.
Weigh 154 g of acetone in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Cut a rubber stopper with
hole lengthwise, put the second temperature probe through the hole and close the
the immersion thermostat to the temperature of the water in the calorimeter and
wait until the temperature difference between the acetone in the bath and the
Start the measurement with <Start measurement>. Wait a few minutes, then pour
the acetone into the water in the calorimeter. After a new temperature
V AC to the work and power meter for the electric heating. Push the <Reset>
button and then put the free ends of the heating coil connection cables into the
output jacks. The system is now continuously heated and the supplied quantity of
resulting from mixing the two liquids, switch off the heating and read the exact
Continue to measure for another three minutes, then stop temperature recording
when the measurement is stopped. If you use <survey> from the toolbar you can
portion of acetone (194 g) to the mixture in the calorimeter (see Table 1). Perform
attention that the temperature of the mixture in the calorimeter and of the
Carry out this series in the same manner as in the first set of measurements,
after carefully cleaning and drying the calorimeter. It is important that the
changes in enthalpy which occur during the mixing process. The mixing enthalpy
∆MH is influenced by the interactions of the molecules involved, which in turn are
a function of the mixing ratio. The mixing enthalpy is zero if there are no
different molecules).
is successively added to another one until a certain mixing ratio is reached, the
∆ 345 ∆ 345
∆* +-, = ./0 . 12 ∆ 7/2 (2)
#6$ ∆ #6$
When a solid electrolyte dissolves in water, a positive or negative heat effect
occurs as a result of the destruction of the crystal lattice and the formation of
from the different heats of reaction measured when anhydrous and hydrated
1. Record temperature-time curves for the dissolution of anhydrous copper
Prepare the two copper salts by grinding each of them separately to a fine powder
in a mortar. Make sure that the anhydrous copper sulphate really is anhydrous by
heating it in a porcelain dish over a Butane burner until it is completely white and
and 15.96 g (0.1 mol) of anhydrous copper(II) sulphate in two separate beakers
(weighing accuracy 0.01 g). Fill the calorimeter with 900 g of distilled water
instrument. Set the measuring parameters as shown in Figure 2. Under <Diagram 1>
select Temperature T0a, the appropriate range for the temperature and the X
measured with a thermometer and pressing <Calibrate>. After having made these
settings, press <Continue> to reach the field for the recording of measured values.
Arrange the displays as you want them. Place the filled calorimeter on the
magnetic stirrer, insert the oval magnetic stirrer bar and switch on the stirrer
(Caution: Do not switch on the heating unit by mistake!). Insert the heating coil
and the temperature probe into the lid of the calorimeter and fix them in position.
then add the first copper salt to the water by pouring it through the powder
funnel which has been inserted in the opening of the lid. Make sure that the entire
quantity of salt is added to the water without any loss. Continue to measure until a
determine the total heat capacity of the calorimeter. Supply 10 V AC to the work
and power meter for the electric heating. Push the <Reset> button and then put
the free ends of the heating coil connection cables into the output jacks. The
measured. When the work and power meter shows approximately 4000 Ws, switch
off the heating and read the exact quantity of electrical energy supplied. After a
Figures 3 and 4 show the graphs as they are presented by the program when the
measurements are stopped. If you use <survey> from the toolbar you can read the
copper salt. At least two measurements for each salt should be performed to
simultaneously occurring processes: the destruction of the crystal lattice and the
process because energy is required to break down the chemical bonds, whereas
the hydration of the ions is exothermic. Depending on the type of lattice, and on
both the radius and the charge of the ions (charge density), the resulting enthalpy
When a salt exists in both hydrated and dehydrated forms, and on assuming that
when the hydrated salt dissolves only the degradation of the crystal lattice
∆9 :
∆8 (1)
∆; Enthalpy of hydration
The vaporization of a liquid occurs with heat absorption. To determine the
calorimetrically determined.
1. Determine the molar enthalpy of vaporization of diethyl ether and methanol.
2. Calculate the molar entropies of vaporization and discuss the results under
the heating coil to the work and power meter. Connect the temperature probe to
T1 of the measuring module. Call up the ‘Measure’ program in Windows and enter
in Figure 2. Under <Diagram 1> select Temperature T0a, the appropriate range for
measured with a thermometer and pressing <Calibrate>. After having made these
settings, press <Continue> to reach the field for the recording of measured values.
Place the clean and dry evaporation vessel in an Erlenmeyer flask and fill it
through the straight inlet tube with 15 ml of the liquid to be evaporated using a
syringe with a cannula. Following this, attach a 5 cm length of rubber tubing to the
air inlet tube and connect it to the air control valve. Only then, close off the
right-angled air outlet tube with a rubber cap to prevent loss of substance due to
which has been thus prepared (weighing accuracy: 0.0001 g). The Erlenmeyer flask
Fill the calorimeter with 900 g of distilled water which is at room temperature
(weighing accuracy = 0.1 g). Put the oval magnetic stirrer bar into the calorimeter
and switch the magnetic stirrer on (Caution: Do not mistakenly switch on the
heating unit!). Insert the heating coil, the temperature probe and the evaporation
vessel into the lid of the calorimeter and fix them in position. Take off the rubber
cap and connect the evaporation vessel to the filter pump via the safety bottle.
Ensure that the equilibrium temperature has been reached in the calorimeter, i.e.
the temperature remains constant or shows only a slight drift, then turn on the
water jet pump and start the vaporization process by carefully opening the air
control valve on the air inlet. Avoid vigorous sputtering and delayed boiling. When
the temperature of the water has decreased by approx. 1°C, close the air control
valve and shut off the water jet pump (let air into the safety bottle!).
Immediately remove the vacuum tubing from the air outlet tube of the
evaporation vessel and close this outlet tube with the rubber cap. Continue to
measure and record the temperature of the system until a new equilibrium has
been reached or until the alteration only occurs slowly and linearly. Now, perform
do this, supply 10 V AC to the work and power meter for the electric heating. Push
the <Reset> button and then put the free ends of the heating coil connection
cables into the output jacks. The system is now continuously heated and the
When the work and power meter shows approximately 4000 Ws, switch off the
heating and read off the exact quantity of electrical energy that has been
supplied. Continue to measure for another three minutes, then stop temperature
Figure 3 shows the graph as it is presented by the program when the measurement
is stopped. If you use <survey> from the toolbar you can read the temperature
dry it, then weigh it in the Erlenmeyer flask which was previously used. From the
two weightings, i.e. before and after vaporization, the quantity of vaporized
substance can be calculated. Always thoroughly clean and dry the evaporation
Figure 3: Temperature- time curve of the vaporization of diethyl ether and for
at which the substance is converted from the liquid to the vapor phase. This
boiling point remains constant under further addition of heat until the liquid phase
has been completely vaporized. If a mole of liquid is vaporized, its molar enthalpy
termed the enthalpy of vaporization ΔVH and is explained by the energy required
to break the bonds between the molecules in the liquid and the constantly
changing pressure that the vapor formed must exert against the existing external
Consequently, the increase in entropy ΔVS which accompanies the vaporization can
In many liquids the molar enthalpy of vaporization lies in the range between 80
and 90 J · mol-1 · K-1. This rule was named after Trouton and is especially valid for
non-associated liquids.
vaporized in an airstream below the boiling point of the liquid. In doing so, the
equilibrium between the liquid and the vapor phase is disturbed by the continuous
removal of the vapor phase. The enthalpy of vaporization is equal to the amount of
∆E ∆E F. E (1.1)
∆G :
∆E (2)
∆E F &H . ∆ E (3)
∆E &H . ∆ E* (5)
∆ G %
∆E 7/2 . . (5.1)
∆ 3$ *
Expressed most simply, the viscosity of a fluid (liquid or gas) relates to its
transfer of the flow momentum from faster moving layers (laminas) to slower
gas viscosities. In the approach used here, the flow rate of the gas (which is
Measure the viscosities of the gases nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and
helium. Use simple gas kinetic theory to estimate the molecular diameter of each
plunger stop is positioned to prevent the plunger from being fully removed from
the barrel, and determine the exact length of the capillary tube with the Vernier
Disconnect the syringe from the flow line, turn the 3-way stopcock to connect the
gas bottle to the syringe and fill the syringe with nitrogen. Turn the stopcock to
connect the syringe to the exit tube and lightly press the plunger to expel
nitrogen. Turn the stopcock to reconnect the syringe to the gas bottle. Rinse the
syringe in this manner three times, then leave it filled and connected to the gas
line. Switch on the pump and evacuate the flow line up to the stopcock by pumping
Once the flow line is evacuated and with the pump still on, turn the stopcock to
connect the syringe to the flow line. Start the stopwatch when the syringe volume
has reached 90 ml and stop it as soon as the syringe is empty. Record the ambient
twice. Carry out the same rinsing and measuring procedure for the gases carbon
steady flow rate. The force applied is resisted by the internal frictional forces
between adjacent layers of the fluid moving with differential velocities. Consider
illustrated in Figure 2. The flow velocity varies linearly from the stationary
With the distance between the two layers dz, and the difference of the velocities
dv, the force F resisting the relative motion of the plane layers is found to be
proportional to the area of contact A between the adjacent layers of the fluid and
F/A is the tangential or shear stress across the boundary of a layer and, acc. to
Newton’s second law, this is equal to the rate of change of flow momentum
In the experiment performed here it is assumed that the gas flows laminarly along
the cylindrical capillary tube. The flow motion in a gas is transmitted by collisions
of molecules from one layer to the next. As the velocity is almost zero at the wall,
but increases with increasing distance from the wall and reaches its maximum in
the center of the capillary tube, a molecule moving from an outer layer to the
center slows down the inner layers. The reverse direction causes acceleration of
the slower layers. After a short while a stationary state is established where the
relative velocities of the layers are constant. This phenomenon is known as viscous
The rate of gas flow along the tube can be calculated using Poiseuille’s equation.
MO U 2 V
Volume rate of flow
p1, p2 Pressure at the high resp. low pressure ends of the capillary
From the constant pressure differential used in this experiment and the known
dimensions of the capillary, the evacuation rate data measured can be used to
calculate absolute values of the gas viscosities. Due to the r4 term in (2) minor
irregularities in the radius of the capillary can have a significant effect on the
the capillary by measuring the volume flow rate for a reference gas of known
temperature in the case of gases, and decreases with increasing temperature with
In an ideal gas, the velocity of the gas molecules increases with increasing
The pressure of the gas in the syringe p1 corresponds to the pressure measured
with the weather monitor, while the pressure p2 at the other end of the capillary
1824 Pa). The Poiseuille equation is derived on the assumption that the gas
only if the pressure differential (p1 – p2) is small compared to p1 resp. p2, which is
not the case here. Nevertheless, the method enables realistic estimates of gas
viscosities to be obtained.
In terms of the kinetic theory of gases, these values can be further interpreted
on a molecular level. The gas kinetic expression for the viscosity η of a gas
η = YZ[\ (3)
m Mass of a molecule
The mean free path for an ensemble of molecules having a Maxwell distribution of
molecular velocities is
Z (4)
√]PM B ^
\ ` (6)
k Boltzmann constant
T Temperature
] b %
] ` (7)
A few liquids are miscible with each other in all proportion, for example: ethanol
and water. Others have miscibility in limited proportions in other liquids, for
Generally both liquids become more soluble with rising temperatures until the
critical solution temperature is attained, and above this point the liquids
completely miscible. There is a big possibility that any pair of liquids can form a
closed system where both upper and lower critical solution temperatures exist,
however it is not easy to determine both the temperatures (before the substance
At any temperature below critical solution temperature, the composition for two
layers of liquids in equilibrium state is constant. The mutual solubility for a pair of
third component.
1) to determine the solubility of two partially liquids (phenol – water solution)
1. Seven boiling tubes were prepared and label by A,B,C,D,E,F and G.
2. The boiling tubes was filled with different amount of phenol and water.
Boiling tube A filled with 8%, B 11%, C 35%, D 50%, E 63%, F 75% and G 80% of
3. Heat the boiling tubes with water bath. The boiling tubes were swirled
4. Once the turbid becomes clear, the tubes were observed and
5. The tubes were removed from the hot water and the temperature was
allowed to reduce. Then the temperature were recorded when the liquid become
tubes at which the two phases were no longer seen or at which two phases were
Phase rule is a useful device to relate the effect of least number of independent
variables, such as concentration, pressure and others upon the various phases that
For two-component system contains one liquid phase, for instance, when phenol
and water are miscible, we need at least three intensive variables to define the
system where
For two-component system contains two liquid phases, for instance, when phenol
and water are immiscible, we need at least two intensive variables to define the
system where
in which the two variables are temperature and concentration of phenol and the
A system comprising of liquid, for example water is in equilibrium with its vapor.
under which liquid and vapor coexist is also defined. This agrees the phase rule as
F= C-P+2
The state of 3 phases ice-water-vapor system is completely defined and the rule
is F=C-P+2
Some reactions involving chromium compounds are suitable for illustrating Le
Chatelier’s Principle because they involve clear color changes. One such
equilibrium is:
Orange yellow
NB: Wear your safety glasses.
Quarter fill a test tube with the solution of sodium dichromate provided. This
Orange yellow
Since the orange colour predominates, the equilibrium must lie on the left hand
side of the equation. Keep a second sample of the sodium dichromate solution in a
Carefully add some bench dilute sodium hydroxide solution until the orange color
changes to yellow.
The sodium hydroxide removes the H+ ions giving rise to a stress and therefore, in
Carefully add dilute hydrochloric acid until the yellow color changes back to
orange. The added hydrochloric acid creates an excess of H+ ions that causes the
Student Questions
When sodium hydroxide solution is added to a solution of potassium dichromate, a
color change occurs. Describe the color change, and explain why it happens.
Orange yellow
Adding sodium hydroxide solution removes H+, and so shifts the equilibrium to the
Why does adding hydrochloric acid reverse the color change referred to in
question 1?
Orange yellow
Adding acid increases the concentration of H+ ions, and therefore shifts the
changes to orange.
To determine the surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise method.
(i) Capillary tubes, (ii) Experimental liquid (water, acetone,..), (iii) Beaker, (iv)
A molecule well within a liquid is surrounded by other molecules on all sides. The
leading to a zero net force. In contrast, the resulting force acting on a molecule at
the boundary layer on the surface of the liquid is not zero, but points into the
liquid. This net attractive force causes the liquid surface to contract toward the
interior until the repulsive collisional forces from the other molecules halt the
contraction at the point when the surface area is a minimum. If the liquid is not
acted upon by external forces, a liquid sample forms a sphere, which has the
minimum surface area for a given volume. Nearly spherical drops of water are a
familiar sight, for example, when the external forces are negligible.
tangential to the surface of a liquid divided by the length l of the line over which
γ =F/l (1)
rise method. Capillarity is the combined effect of cohesive and adhesive forces
that cause liquids to rise in tubes of very small diameter. In case of water in a
capillary tube, the adhesive force draws it up along the sides of the glass tube to
form a meniscus. The cohesive force also acts at the same time to minimize the
distance between the water molecules by pulling the bottom of the meniscus up
Consider the situation depicted in Figure 1, in which the end of a capillary tube of
force exerted on the liquid due to surface tension. Equilibrium occurs when the
force of gravity on the volume of liquid balances the force due to surface tension.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Jk l+Rmd ] Tn (2)
Force due to surface tension (see Figure 2) is along the perimeter of the liquid.
Let θ be the angle of contact of the liquid on glass. The vertical component of the
Assuming θ to be very small and neglecting the curvature of liquid surface at the
boundaries, one can obtain surface tension by equating Eqs. 2 and 3 as follows:
o (4)
It should also be noted that surface tension of a liquid depends very markedly
upon the presence of impurities in the liquid and upon temperature. The SI unit
- When working with the capillaries, keep one just for pure water and one for
acetone solution.
- Dip the capillary into the liquid, and note that surface tension will keep the
- Let both acetone and pure water be drawn into the two capillaries provided.
Measure the height with a ruler; measure the capillary diameter and the
Figure 3
To determine the phase diagram for the ethanol/ toluene/ water system
In three components system at constant temperature and pressure, the
In the above diagram, every corner of the triangle represents a pure component,
which are 100%A, 100%B and 100%C. Each side represents one binary mixture and
one component (A, B, or C). As a result, that same apex will represent 0% of the
2. The three lines joining the corner points represent two-component mixtures
of the three possible combinations of A, B and C. Thus the lines AB, BC and CA are
3. The area within the triangle represents all the possible combinations of A, B,
4. If a line is drawn through any apex to a point on the opposite side (e.g. line DC
in Diagram 1) then all systems represented by points on such a line have a constant
5. Any line drawn parallel to one side of the triangle, for example, line HI ,
represents ternary systems in which the proportion (or percent by weight) of one
component is constant. In this instance, all systems prepared along HI will contain
Addition of the third component into one pair of miscible liquids can change their
solubility. If this third component is more soluble in either one from the two
components, the solubility of both components will reduce. But if the third
increases. Thus, when ethanol is added into a mixture of benzene and water, the
solubility of these two components will increase until a point is reached, where
solutions. Examples of three-component liquid system that have been tested, are
castor oil/ alcohol/ water; peppermint oil/ propylene glycol/ water; peppermint
obvious. However, we need to know that what will happen to a system like this,
1. Ethanol/ toluene mixtures of different compositions were prepared and
10. These values were plotted on a graph paper with triangular axes to produce
Water Toluene Ethanol
Graph :
A ternary phase diagram has three components. The three components are usually
compositions of elements, but may include temperature or pressure also. This type
In the case of toluene, ethanol, and water which water and toluene are usually
form a two-phase system because they are only slightly miscible. The heavier of
the two phases consists of water saturated with toluene, while the lighter phase
is toluene saturated with water. However, ethanol is completely miscible with both
toluene and water. Thus, the addition of sufficient amount of ethanol to the
toluene-water system would produce a single liquid phase (upper region in the
diagram, region B) in which all the three components are miscible and the mixture
is homogenous. This is shown in the triple phase diagram that has been plotted on
The curve of the plotted graph is termed a binodal curve or binodal. The region
Mixture with composition contained within region A are cloudy in appearance due
to the phase separation. In other words, the amount of ethanol is not sufficient
for homogenous mixture to be produced. The region of the graph that is not
the diagram. Mixture with composition that falls into this region is clear and they
The points that are at both ends of the curve are the limits of solubility of
toluene in water and water in toluene. Along the toluene-water line, which
represents a binary mixture of toluene and water, the liquids are able to form a
homogenous mixture as long as the first point is not exceeded. However, the
length of line between the two points represents the mixture of toluene and water
with such composition that they cannot form a homogenous mixture. This may be
In this experiment, some errors may be happened and influence the accuracy of
the result formed. Our eyes must be parallel to the meniscus position when taking
reading on burette or pipette. It can make sure the volume taken and recorded is
accurate. Besides, the conical flask must be shaked well after each addition of
personal judgement. Hence, different group may vary in results Thus, precautions
1. Will a mixture containing 70% ethanol, 20% water and 10% toluene remain
From the graph plotted, at these concentrations, appear as one liquid phase, the
2. What will happen if you dilute 1 part of the mixture with 4 parts of (a)
There are 0.7 part of ethanol; 0.2 part of water; 0.1 part of toluene in the
From the phase diagram, this mixture is outside the area of the binodal curve.
From the phase diagram, this mixture is within the area of the bimodal curve.
Therefore, a two liquid phase will form and the mixture is cloudy.
From the phase diagram, this mixture is outside the area of the bimodal curve.
Ethanol,toluene and water system is a ternary system with one pair of partially
miscible liquid ( toluene and water). The addition of sufficient amount of ethanol
to the toluene-water system would produce a single liquid phase in which all the