Programa in Engleza A2
Programa in Engleza A2
Programa in Engleza A2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Unit 1 Hello everybody ! 1. GRAMMAR - Grammar (frontal, individual, Materials : - Systemic
At the end of Unit 1 the - The forms of the verb TO BE whole class activity) - Textbook (Students observation of
participants will be able : ( Part I) - Vocabulary (frontal, Book and Work Book) the group
- to introduce themselves ; - Possessive adjectives individual, whole class New Headway - Oral tests
- to use the forms of the verb - The indefinite article activity, group work) Elementary (Oxford) (pronunciation,
TO BE ; 2. VOCABULARY - Everyday English (pair work) Additional materials : vocabulary,
- to use the countries ; - Countries - Reading (individual) - Grammar practice reading,
- to form the plural of certain - Using a bilingual dictionary - Speaking (pair work) for Elementary speaking, which
nouns. - Everyday objects - Listening (frontal, whole class Students (Longman) can be
- Plural nouns activity) - English Vocabulary individual or
- The numbers 1- 20 - Writing (frontal, individual) in Use Elementary group tests)
3. EVERYDAY ENGLISH - Working with pictures (Cambridge) - Written tests
- Hello and goodbye - Pictures with (grammar,
4. READING countries vocabulary,
- Svetlana and Tiago - Handouts writing which
5. SPEAKING - CD can be
- Introducing yourself individual tests)
3 Unit 3 The world of work 1. GRAMMAR - Grammar (frontal, individual, Materials : - Systemic
At the end of Unit 3, the - Present Simple Part I whole class activity) - Textbook (Students observation of
participants will be able : - Question words - Vocabulary (frontal, Book and Work Book) the group
- to use the forms of the 2. VOCABULARY individual, whole class New Headway - Oral tests
Present Simple ; - Verbs (help, make, serve) activity, group work) Elementary (Oxford) (pronunciation,
- to ask for information using - Jobs - Everyday English (pair work) Additional materials : vocabulary,
different question words ; - Daily routines - Reading (frontal, individual) - Grammar practice reading,
- to talk about jobs ; - Vocabulary revision - Speaking (frontal, individual, for Elementary speaking, which
- to talk about their daily Verbs and nouns pair work) Students (Longman) can be
routines ; - Word groups - Listening (frontal, group - English Vocabulary individual or
- to talk about times . 3. EVERYDAY ENGLISH work) in Use Elementary group tests)
- What time is it ? - Writing (frontal, individual) (Cambridge) - Written tests
4. READING - Working with pictures - Pictures with jobsl (grammar,
- Seumas McSporran the man - Handouts vocabulary,
with thirteen jobs ! - CD writing which
5. SPEAKING can be
- Asking about a friend or individual tests)
6. LISTENING Time : 2 lessons
- Seumas day
- Asking for information
- Natural writing Using
5 STOP AND CHECK 1 - grammar structures (the - individual Time : 1 lesson - Written test
7 Unit 6 Can you speak 1. GRAMMAR - Grammar (frontal, individual, Materials : - Systemic
English ? - The modal verb CAN / CAN T whole class activity) - Textbook (Students observation of
At the end of Unit 6, the - The Past tense of the verb TO - Vocabulary (frontal, Book and Work Book) the group
participants will be able : BE individual, whole class New Headway - Oral tests
- to use the forms of the - The modal verb COULD / activity, pair work) Elementary (Oxford) (pronunciation,
modal verbs CAN and COULDNT - Everyday English (frontal, Additional materials : vocabulary,
COULD ; 2. VOCABULARY pair work, whole class - Grammar practice reading,
- to use the verb TO BE in the - Countries and languages activity) for Elementary speaking, which
past tense ; - Verbs (translate, check, laugh) - Reading (frontal, individual) Students (Longman) can be
- to make the difference - Words that sound the same - Speaking (frontal, individual, - English Vocabulary individual or
between words that sound - Prepositions pair work) in Use Elementary group tests)
the same ; 3. EVERYDAY ENGLISH - Listening (frontal, whole class (Cambridge) - Written tests
- to talk on the phone ; - On the phone activity) - Pictures (grammar,
- to write formal letters. 4. READING - Writing (frontal, individual) - Handouts vocabulary,
8 Unit 7 Then and now 1. GRAMMAR - Grammar (frontal, individual, Materials : - Systemic
At the end of Unit 7, the - The Past Simple - I whole class activity) - Textbook (Students observation of
participants will be able : - The Past Simple of the - Vocabulary (frontal, Book and Work Book) the group
- to use correctly the verbs in regular verbs individual, whole class New Headway - Oral tests
the Past Simple ; - The Past Simple of the activity, pair work) Elementary (Oxford) (pronunciation,
- to use the numbers ; irregular verbs - Everyday English (pair work) Additional materials : vocabulary,
- to express the date ; - Present Simple vs. Past Simple - Reading (frontal, individual) - Grammar practice reading,
- to describe their holidays. - Time expressions - Speaking (frontal, individual, for Elementary speaking, which
- Compound nouns pair work) Students (Longman) can be
- Numbers 100 1,000 - Listening (frontal, whole class - English Vocabulary individual or
- Prepositions : about, after, for activity) in Use Elementary group tests)
- The ordinal numeral - Writing (frontal, individual, (Cambridge) - Written tests
2. VOCABULARY group activity) - Pictures with (grammar,
- Verbs (earn, act, study) - Working with pictures, figures famous people vocabulary,
10 STOP AND CHECK 2 - grammar structures (There - individual Time: 1 lesson - Written test
Units 5 - 8 is/There are; prepositions of
place; demonstrative
adjectives and pronouns;
11 Unit 9 Food you like! 1. GRAMMAR - Grammar (frontal, individual) Materials : - Systemic
At the and of Unit 9 the - Countable and uncountable - Vocabulary (frontal, - Textbook (Students observation of
participants will be able: nouns individual, whole class Book and Work Book) the group
- to use the countable and - I like.... ? Id like ...... ? activity, pair work) New Headway - Oral tests
uncountable nouns correctly; - The indefinite articles - Everyday English (frontal, Elementary (Oxford) (pronunciation,
- to talk about likes and - Much and many pair work) Additional materials : vocabulary,
dislikes; - Like + -ing - Reading (frontal, individual) - Grammar practice reading,
- to order in a restaurant; 2. VOCABULARY - Speaking (frontal, individual, for Elementary speaking, which
- to talk about food and drink; - Food and drink pair work) Students (Longman) can be
- fill in forms. - Ordering a meal in a - Listening (frontal, whole class - English Vocabulary individual or
restaurant activity) in Use Elementary group tests)
- Likes and dislikes - Writing (frontal, individual) (Cambridge) - Written tests
3. EVERYDAY ENGLISH - Working with pictures, figures - Pictures (grammar,
- Polite offers and requests - Handouts vocabulary,
4. READING - CD writing which
12 Unit 10 Bigger and better 1. GRAMMAR - Grammar (frontal, individual, Materials : - Systemic
At the end of Unit 10 the - Comparatives and whole class activity) - Textbook (Students observation of
participants will be able: superlatives - Vocabulary (frontal, Book and Work Book) the group
- to use correctly the - Word order individual, whole class New Headway - Oral tests
comparative and the - Have got activity, pair work) Elementary (Oxford) (pronunciation,
superlative forms; 2. VOCABULARY - Everyday English (frontal, Additional materials : vocabulary,
- to give indications in the - City and country adjectives pair work) - Grammar practice reading,
city; - City and country words - Reading (frontal, individual) for Elementary speaking, which
- to talk about the city life vs. - Compound nouns - Speaking (frontal, individual, Students (Longman) can be
country life. 3. EVERYDAY ENGLISH pair work) - English Vocabulary individual or
- Directions Part II - Listening (frontal, whole class in Use Elementary group tests)
4. READING activity) (Cambridge) - Written tests
- Viva la danza! Havana / - Writing (frontal, individual, - Pictures (grammar,
Buenos Aires / Seville pair work) - Handouts vocabulary,
5. SPEAKING - CD writing which
- Ive got more than you! - Maps can be
- Talking about your town individual tests)
15 STOP AND CHECK 3 - grammar structures - individual Time: 1 lesson - Written test
Units 9 - 12 (countable and
uncountable nouns; the
indefinite article;
comparatives and
superlatives; Present
Continuous; infinitive of
purpose; the future form
going to)
- vocabulary (food and
drink; city and country
adjectives; clothes;
describing people; tongue
twisters; the weather)
- everyday English and
writing (polite offers and