Task Title: Observation Task 5: Literacy Software / Web-Based Programs
Task Title: Observation Task 5: Literacy Software / Web-Based Programs
Task Title: Observation Task 5: Literacy Software / Web-Based Programs
(Technology, 2017)
Observation Task 5: Literacy Software / Web-based Programs
Table 5: Documenting computer software / Web-based Programs
Software Title Age Links to the ADEC Links to Multiple Comments
Range Curriculum Intelligences
Song of Sounds 3-6 years - Listen to rhyming - Bodily-Kinesthetic - In Al Darari
old words. intelligence: turn kindergarten
- Recognize print information into they use the
in the movements, song of
environment. perform learning sounds
- Explore print and with dancing and program to
pictures in the singing. teach
(song of sounds, 2016) environment and - Musical phonics
books intelligence: ability awareness,
- Listen to to recognize letter
individual rhythms, pitch and knowledge,
phonemes in tone, and phonics,
words. expressing moods. and sounds.
- Listen to similar - Spatial intelligence: - The song is
beginning imagining, very
phonemes in daydream and helpful, it
words. recognizing images. increase
- Listen to similar - Interpersonal students
ending phonemes intelligence: ability to
in words. communicating & learn
share, sounds,
understanding letters and
others feeling. words from
- Intrapersonal native
intelligence: language.
- Linguistic
intelligence: words,
letters, sounds
recognition &
Reflections on Observation Task 5: Literacy Software / Web-based Programs
1. Were there any literacy software/web based programs used in the classroom?
If there were, select (a); if there were not, select (b).