Phonological Awarness
Phonological Awarness
Phonological Awarness
A student’s level of phonological awareness at the end
Adams et al. 2.
Research on
Phonological Find Out More
About Phonological
Awareness Awareness
Adams, M. J., B. R. Foorman, I. Lundberg, and T.
In recent years, many researchers have explored the relationship Beeler. Phonemic Awareness in Young Children:
between phonological awareness and success with reading and A Classroom Curriculum. Paul Brookes Publishing
spelling. Phonological awareness is the area of oral language Co., 1998.
that relates to the ability to think about the sounds in a word Bear, Donald, Marcia Invernizzi, Shane Templeton,
(the word’s phonological structure) rather than just the meaning and Francine Johnston. Words Their Way. 3d ed.
of the word. It is an understanding of the structure of spoken Prentice Hall, 2003.
language—that it is made up of words, and words consist of Cunningham, James W, Patricia M. Cunningham,
syllables, rhymes, and sounds. Fitzpatrick summarizes it best by James V. Hoffman, and Hallie K. Yopp. Phonemic
saying that phonological awareness is “the ability to listen inside Awareness and the Teaching of Reading: A Position
a word” (5). Statement from the Board of Directors of the
Children who have well-developed phonological awareness International Reading Association. International
when they come to school have a head start making sense of Reading Association, 1998.
how sounds and letters operate in print. This ability is important Fitzpatrick, J. Phonemic Awareness: Playing With
for using sound-letter knowledge effectively in reading and Sounds to Strengthen Beginning Reading Skills.
writing. In fact, a student’s level of phonological awareness at the Creative Teaching Press, 1997.
end of kindergarten is one of the strongest predictors of future Goswami, U., and P. Bryant. Phonological Skills and
reading success, in grade one and beyond. Many children begin Learning to Read. Psychology Press, 1990.
kindergarten with well-developed phonological awareness. Some Griffith, Priscilla L., and Mary W. Olson. “Phonemic
seem to develop these skills fairly easily within a stimulating Awareness Helps Beginning Readers Break the
classroom environment, while others need more instruction that Code.” The Reading Teacher 45.7 (1992): 516–23.
consciously and deliberately focuses on phonological awareness. Gunning, Thomas. “Word Building: A Strategic
More than 20 percent of students struggle with some aspects of Approach to the Teaching of Phonics.” The Reading
phonological awareness, while 8–10 percent exhibit significant Teacher 48.6 (1995): 484–88.
delays. Early intervention is crucial and can make a real difference Juliebo, Moira F., and Lita Ericson. The Phonological
to students with limited levels of phonological awareness. Awareness Handbook for Kindergarten and Primary
(See Chapter 5: Early Intervention for Students At Risk.) Teachers. International Reading Association, 1998.
Pinnell, G., and I. Fountas. Word Matters. Heinemann,
The Development of Snow, Catherine E., M. Susan Burns, and Peg Griffin,
Phonological Awareness eds. Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young
Children. National Academy Press, 1998.
We know that many children first demonstrate phonological Yopp, Hallie K. “Developing Phonemic Awareness
awareness as preschoolers. They begin to recognize words as in Young Children.” The Reading Teacher 45.9
separate entities (e.g., What does the mean?). They also become (1992): 696–703.
aware of how groups of sounds (syllables or rhymes) operate ———. “A Test for Assessing Phonemic Awareness
in words in spoken language (e.g., Matt and pat rhyme). They in Young Children.” The Reading Teacher 49.1
develop an awareness of individual sounds and can attend to (1995): 20–29.
and manipulate them in a word (e.g., Dad and dear—they start
the same). These individual sounds of a language are known as
order to demonstrate ■ segment and blend sounds in a word with three sounds
❢Phonemic Awareness is
one component of
An important link in developing phonological awareness is
to encourage students to use invented or temporary spelling.
phonological awareness. When students attempt to write a word, they must first listen
It refers to knowledge to their own language, segment the sounds in the word, and
of words at the level finally, try to match the sounds with known letters. Students need
of individual sounds— some phonological awareness to use invented spelling, but their
how to segment, blend, exploration of sounds through writing helps them to discover more
or manipulate individual about how sounds and letters work in English, and then how to
sounds in words. use this knowledge as they read.
■ blending
■ deleting
■ substituting
■ syllables
■ rhymes
■ sounds (phonemes)
segmenting words
blending syllables
deleting Assessment rhymes
substituting sounds
Word Awareness
Understanding the concept of a word develops from students’
exposure to print and classroom activities that help them to
Phonological recognize how words—especially the function words that are more
abstract—exist as separate entities.
Initially, students may have difficulty isolating words in
Word sentences orally (clapping words in a sentence), especially if the
words have more than one syllable. That is, they may focus on all
the syllables in the sentence rather than the words and consider
words are the function words to be part of the concrete words. For example,
words that connect the students may think that “the clown” is one word. As students learn
more meaningful words to track print, word segmentation will improve. It will also start to
such as nouns and verbs show up in writing, with spaces between words, even when the
in sentences. They are words consist of only random strings of letters. However, some
the words that enable students may still not be using spaces between words in writing
the speaker to form at the end of kindergarten.
complete and correct
sentences (e.g., the, an,
a, and, to, and of ).
Syllable Awareness
Most kindergarten students have some sense of “syllableness,”
Phonological even if they do not know what a syllable is. They can recognize
how many beats or syllables there are in a word. This is the
easiest level of segmenting word parts. One would expect most
Word kindergarten students to be able to segment and blend two- and
three-syllable words, but they may have more difficulty with
longer words with four to five syllables. With modeling and
modeling and practice, they should be able to distinguish the syllables in three-
practice, kindergarten syllable words before the end of kindergarten. If students cannot
students should be hear the beats or syllables in words, it is important to practice
able to distinguish the segmenting and blending at this level.
syllables in three-syllable
words by the end of
difficulty with rhyming may signal a more generalized problem Phonological
with phonological awareness. Being able to rhyme orally requires
the ability to understand the concept of rhyme and to be able to
■ segment m-an (to know where to segment in the word) Word
■ delete -an (to know that you have to take one sound
■ substitute c-an (to know how to add a new sound at the key components of
beginning) phonological awareness
■ blend can (to know how to blend the segments together) are segmenting, deleting,
substituting, and blending.
As indicated above, segmenting, deleting, substituting, and
blending are the key components of phonological awareness. A
student who cannot recognize or generate rhyme is certainly at
risk for developing the skills he or she needs to be successful in
using familiar word parts for reading and spelling.
Some students may not understand what a rhyme is.
Understanding the concept of rhyming requires the student to
know which part of the word is important for rhyming. Students
who do not have a good sense of rhyme will often focus on initial
or final sounds or word meaning rather than the entire rime. For
example, they may say that rock and run or hat and coat rhyme.
Many children entering kindergarten already have a sense of instruction and
rhyme and can pick out which two words rhyme in a poem or modelling, all students
story and can give an example of rhyming words. However, they should be able to
may have more difficulty with rhyming words of more than one recognize and generate
syllable. In addition, students may initially produce only one set rhyme by the end of
of words that rhyme, and rhyming may not be well established kindergarten.
until the student can produce several rhymes fluently.
Even if they can rhyme quite fluently, students may not be able asking students
to segment consciously at the onset/rime boundary (e.g., c-at) to generate rhymes,
until they have been given specific instruction and modeling. If nonsense words are
they have a good sense of rhyme and segmenting ability, they acceptable. What is being
should be able to learn how to segment onset and rime easily. assessed is their ability
Understanding how to segment and blend words into onsets and to perform the rhyming
rimes supports the use of analogies between words in reading task, not their vocabulary
and writing (e.g., knowing bring and joke can help to read broke) knowledge. It is important
(Pinnell and Fountas 78–80). Given instruction and modelling, all to remember that students
students should be able to recognize and generate rhyme by the do not have the same
end of kindergarten. vocabulary base as adults
and that they are still
learning which sound
sequences represent real
words in English.
Phonological not know which letter goes with that sound. Segmenting and
blending individual sounds within words is the most difficult
level of phonological awareness and has a strong correlation
Word to learning to read (Adams et al., Snow et al.). Some students
in kindergarten may have difficulty with this initially because
phonemic awareness appears to develop in a reciprocal (hand-
are two or in-hand) relationship with learning to read (Goswami 26).
three consecutive However, kindergarten students will benefit from exposure to
consonant sounds that phonemic awareness activities through classroom literacy and
occur frequently in wordplay activities.
combination in English.
Each consonant sound When asking students to isolate, segment, or blend sounds, it is
is produced. There are important to note the following:
common consonant ■ Consonant sounds are easier than vowel sounds.
clusters, such as pr, tr, ■ Single-consonant sounds are easier than sound clusters or
bl, cl, sm, sk, str, and blends (e.g., pin is easier than spin).
spl. They can occur at ■ Certain consonant sounds (e.g., f, v, s, z, th, sh, m, n, r, l, w)
the beginning or end are easier than others (e.g., p, b, t, d, k, g, ch, j).
of syllables (e.g., tree,
splash, rust, hand). Initially, many students may segment at the onset/rime
boundary (e.g., c-an) rather than sound by sound. This is normal
are in the development of phonological awareness. The student may
two consecutive need more practice to hear and reproduce individual sounds in a
consonants word.
representing one By the end of kindergarten, given sufficient instruction and
sound (e.g., th, ch, sh). practice, and exposure to many literacy activities, students should
be able to
shorthand used ■ isolate the beginning or ending sounds in words
in words is C for ■ segment the sounds in a word with three sounds (CVC)
consonant and V for ■ change a sound in a word to make a new word in familiar
As students begin to write, teachers can ■ Beginning and ending consonant sounds
observe their developing phonemic are used (e.g., bed = bd).
awareness and letter–sound knowledge
in early writing attempts—that is, what He run up
sounds they are able to segment from their
speech and how they can represent these
sounds with the letters they know. the mountain
Early spelling development usually
includes the following:
■ A vowel is used in each word. This is
■ Marks on the page. usually not the correct vowel sound;
instead, a vowel placeholder is used
(e.g., bed = bad).
■ Use of random letters/numbers or letter- ■ Students may not put spaces between
like symbols. words when they write until they have
developed word awareness.
(See Chapter 1: Print Awareness.)
Awareness Books for awareness by helping students to listen for long words
Read-Alouds and (multisyllable) or short words (single syllable). Tapping out
Shared Reading the beats in the various words will help them to make this
Buller, J., and S. Schade. I Love You, Good Night. distinction.
Simon and Schuster, 1988. ■ Books can be chosen that provide examples of alliteration
Carle, E. All About Arthur (An Absolutely Absurd Ape). to help students begin to focus on initial sounds in words
Scholastic Library Publishing, 1974. (listening for how they sound the same at the beginning).
de Regniers, B., E. Moore, M. White, and J. Carr. Sing
a Song of Popcorn. Scholastic, 1990.
Gordon, J. Six Sleepy Sheep. Boyds Mills Press Shared Reading
Books, 1991. Shared reading using Big Books and charts (poems, songs,
Hutchins, P. Don’t Forget the Bacon! Econo-Clad, language experience stories) provides the opportunity to focus
1989. on various features of print awareness (see Chapter 1: Print
Krauss, R. I Can Fly. RH Children’s Books, 2003. Awareness). It can also be used as a time to focus on the
Otto, C. Dinosaur Chase. Harper Collins, 1991. development of phonological awareness skills. When introducing
Parry, C. Zoomerang-A-Boomerang: Poems to Make a story, poem, or song, the teacher may ask students to listen for
Your Belly Laugh. Penguin Putnam, 1993. the rhymes in the story, or to listen for words that all start with a
Pilkey, D. The Dumb Bunnies Go to the Zoo. particular sound. Then, as the text is read by the teacher, students
Econo-Clad, 1998. start to focus on the particular aspect of wordplay.
Raffi. Down by the Bay. Celebration Press, 1994. Once the teacher has shared the text several times and students
Seuss, Dr. Fox in Socks. Random House, 1976. are familiar with what the story or poem says, the various aspects
Also see the list of Alphabet of phonological awareness can be highlighted:
Books on page 48 in ■ Pointing to each word as it is read helps students to develop
During Reading
■ Read the poem to students, emphasizing the sound
After Reading
■ Ask students if they noticed anything about the
(See Blackline Master 5: Popcorn, on page 168.) second rhyming word to allow students to say the
word. When students “fill it in,” ask them how they
knew what the word should be. Highlight the fact
that the word rhymed with pot.
■ Read the second verse and ask students to find the
Shared Writing
The teacher and students work together to write a message
or story. The teacher, who does the writing, demonstrates how
writing works. As students and teacher compose the message
together, the teacher may model the following:
■ Use rhyme analogy to spell a word (e.g., I know how to spell
Interactive Writing
During interactive writing, the teacher and students jointly
compose and write, or “share the pen.” Students may write
individual letters, word parts, or whole words, and the teacher
writes the rest. Teachers can encourage the development of
phonological awareness during interactive writing by
■ reminding students to think of how many syllables are in the
Find the word can on the Word Wall. If that is how you spell can,
how would you spell man?)
■ helping students use matching and isolating sounds to help
spell a word (e.g., man starts with the same sound as Marcus.
What sound does man start with?).
■ helping students segment the sounds in a word; encourage
students to think about what sound they feel next as they say
the word.
Independent Writing
Students need the opportunity to explore words and sounds in a
variety of daily writing activities. Students will be at many different
stages in writing at the beginning and throughout the kindergarten
year. Initially, some students will just copy print from around
the room, while others will use drawing instead of writing. Still
others may begin to use some random letters or even letter-sound
correspondence to record their ideas.
It is very important to support students’ use of invented spelling
in kindergarten because the exploration of language through this
process is integral to developing sound-by-sound segmenting and
awareness of how sound patterns work in English.
Language Activities
These activities are found throughout the kindergarten day. They
include games, songs, poems, and wordplay activities that promote
awareness of words, syllables, rhymes, and sounds in words.
Phonological The development of word awareness happens through oral
wordplay, as well as through exploration and exposure to print.
Knowing where individual words begin and end is not important
Word for oral communication but becomes relevant when considering
word boundaries in reading and spelling.
Word Counters
Use blocks, bread tags, or other items as counters. As you say
a sentence, have students move a counter for each word you
❢The segmenting place
mat can be used for a
say. variety of tracking and
segmenting activities
(i.e., word, syllable, and
Word Segmenting Place Mats sound segmenting place
Give each student a segmentation place mat (see Blackline Master mats in this chapter).
6: Segmentation Place Mat: Word Awareness, on page 169) and The teacher can
four counters (e.g., small blocks, bread tags). Have them place photocopy the place
their counters on the drawing of the train. Each counter represents mat on different
one word. Say a sentence (up to four words in length) to students, colored paper for each
and model how to move the counters from the train into the boxes segmenting level (e.g.,
as each word is said. One counter should be moved for each word word = white; syllable
in the sentence. Then students repeat the activity individually as = yellow; sound = green).
the teacher says additional sentences. It can also be laminated
for durability. A sentence
or keyword used as an
example can be put at
the top of the place
mat to help students
understand what aspect
of the word they are
to listen for. To start,
all counters are placed
on the train. As some
students have difficulty
knowing where to start
in terms of left-to-right
tracking, a green dot
can be placed beside the
left-hand box to mark
the place to begin.
Sentence Building
Choose a sentence from a
familiar story or chart and put
each word on a piece of paper.
Give each word to individual
students. Have them stand in
front of the class as they re-
create the sentence. Students
may not be able to read all the
words at first, but together they
may be able to problem-solve
which words go where.
Word Match-Ups
Give students words from a sentence printed on a familiar chart
story. Have them match their word to the word on the chart.
Developing syllable knowledge is useful in the early stages of
phonological awareness. It also has practical implications as
Word students progress through school since syllable knowledge becomes
an important part of reading and spelling multisyllable words at
all grade levels. Students who develop a keen ear for syllables
Effective Techniques and eventually a good awareness of syllable patterns can use this
for Developing knowledge to read and spell more effectively and efficiently.
Syllable Awareness
■ Teacher Read-Alouds and
Shared Reading Teacher Read-Alouds and
■ Bag It Shared Reading
■ Syllable Sort After reading a Big Book, poem, or chart during teacher read-
■ Syllable Name Sort alouds and shared reading, the teacher can focus students’
■ Syllable Segmenting Place attention on “long” and “short” words from the text. Students can
Mats tap out the syllables in the words to compare and contrast words
■ Tapping Game with varying syllables. The teacher can also ask students to be
■ Word Wall “syllable detectives” as they figure out words from the text that are
■ Name Detective presented in syllable segments.
■ Syllable Detective
■ Guess the Word
■ Guess the Word—Syllable Bag It
Take-Away Use real objects or pictures for this game. Students take turns
■ Make a Silly Word pulling a picture or object from the bag, saying the word, and then
tapping out the syllables in the word.
Syllable Sort
This activity can be used with any game using words of varying
syllable lengths. Use key words (pictures) and mark the number
of syllables for each (e.g., book—1; apple—2; computer—3). Then
have students choose an object or picture, say the word, tap the
number of syllables, and place the object or picture under the
appropriate keyword.
Tapping Game
This game can be used to help students categorize words according
to the number of syllables. Students can keep track of how many
syllables there are in a word by tapping specific body parts. For
words with up to five syllables, students can tap as follows: hip po pot a mus
■ Have students stretch out one arm, palm up.
Word Wall
■ Have students find words on the Word Wall that have a
specific number of syllables. Ask,
■ Who can find a word on the Word Wall that has ________ syllables?
■ Pick a word from the Word Wall. Say it by syllables and have
students guess which word it might be.
Name Detective
When calling students by name (e.g., for attendance, for center
activities), say their names in syllable segments.
the “Guess the Word—
activity, kindergarten Syllable Detective
students may not say Tell students that throughout the day, words will be said by
all the syllables in some syllables, and that they need to listen to figure out what the words
multisyllable words are. They could be words from a story or any classroom activity.
when asked to delete a Always stop and have students say each word that was segmented
syllable. That is because before moving on. For example:
they usually focus only ■ Today we are going to read a book about di-no-saurs. What is
students to hear all the repeat the word. Then say it again without one of its parts:
syllables by saying the ■ Say cowboy. Say it again, but do not say boy. [cow]
word again, emphasizing ■ Say rainbow. Say it again, but do not say rain. [bow]
the unstressed syllable ■ Say snowflake. Say it again, but do not say snow. [flake]
“a.” ■ Then try the same activity with other two- to four-syllable
■ Try deleting the initial syllable at first. Later, try the final
backwards or reversed their order: Phonological
■ housedog (doghouse)
■ ballfoot (football )
sound the same at the end. They both end with an.
■ Ask students to listen for the rhyming words as a text is read.
Then return to a specific section of the text that used rhyme
and talk about which words rhymed and why they rhymed.
Choose a word and have students think of other words that
rhyme with it.
■ Read the selection again and leave out the rhyming word. Have
students think of the rhyming word that will fit. Have them
try the sentence with other rhyming words. Talk about which
rhyming words will make sense in the sentence.
the same at the end. Book ends with “ook” and bear ends with
“ear,” which do not sound the same. They rhyme if they have
the same ending.
■ Initially, students may focus on the wrong part of the word as
they try to figure out rhyming. They may focus on the beginning
sound or just the last consonant sound rather than the entire
rime, which includes the vowel to the end of the word (e.g.,
book=ook, see=ee, man =an, heart=eart).
37 Rimes
ack ame ash ay ice ill ink oke uck
ain an at eat ick in ip op ug
ake ank ate ell ide ine it ore ump
ale ap aw est ight ing ock ot unk
all Source: Wylie, R. E., and D. D. Durrell. “Teaching Vowels Through Phonograms.” Language Arts 47.6 (1970): 787–91.
Name Rhymes
Tell students that during the day, they will hear their names in a
funny way—using another word that rhymes with their names.
■ As students are called for attendance or other classroom
■ Hiroko—Biroko
■ Barry—Larry
■ Tara—Mara
Rhyme Riddles
Think of simple rhyming riddles. Ask students to guess the
rhyming word. Ask students to think of a word that rhymes and
makes sense. For example:
■ The black cat is very ________________. [fat]
Additional examples of rhyming riddles can be If students have difficulty thinking of the rhyming word, say the
found in Love, E., and S. A. Reilly. A Sound Way. sentence again and give the first sound of the rhyming word. For
Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishers, 1996. example:
■ The black cat is very f________________.
❢Listen carefully to
their rhyming words. Ball Toss
Sometimes students Have students stand in a circle. The teacher says a word and
may have difficulty tosses a ball (or beanbag) to a student. That student has to
with rhyme endings think of a word that rhymes. If he or she cannot think of a
because the sounds rhyming word, he or she simply tosses the ball to another
are almost exactly the student. This way, students are not put on the spot if they are
same. They may say unable to make a rhyme. If a student gives a rhyming word,
bike and light rhyme; he or she tosses the ball back to the teacher. The teacher then
or hand and Sam. chooses another word. Once students become comfortable with
(These inexact rhymes rhyming, they can continue to toss the ball around the circle
are sometimes used in until they cannot think of any more words to rhyme with the
poetry.) The endings initial word.
of the rhyming words
should sound exactly
alike, even if they are Word Wall
spelled differently. Have students think of words that rhyme with the words from the
Word Wall.
■ Then bring your fists back together and say book again.
■ During the day, present words in onset and rime and ask
Rhyme Rhythm
Have students sit in a circle. Ask them to practice a pat/pat/clap
rhythm by patting their legs twice and then clapping. Once they
have the rhythm, use it to reinforce rhyme segmentation.
■ Provide a word segmented in onset and rime (b-at). Students
pat their legs as they say the onset (b) and then the rime (at)
and clap as they blend the word together again (bat). For
■ b (pat)
■ at (pat)
■ bat (clap)
Awareness Awareness
Becoming aware of individual sounds in words is the most difficult
Word level of phonological awareness. It is also the area of phonological
awareness that research indicates is the most predictive of success
in using sound knowledge in reading. However, it is important to
Effective Techniques remember that its development (especially the ability to segment
for Developing individual sounds and manipulate sounds to form different words)
Sound (Phonemic) coincides with the exploration of words in reading. Children need
Awareness to be engaged in ongoing reading and writing experiences as they
■ Teacher Read-Alouds are developing phonemic awareness.
■ Shared Reading Classroom literacy activities that provide opportunities for
■ Sound Matching students to be matching, blending, segmenting, manipulating, or
■ Guess the Sound isolating beginning or ending sounds in spoken language are all
■ Odd One Out wordplay activities that should be included in the kindergarten
■ Bag It program.
■ Listen for Target Sound In addition, connecting these activities to the exploration of
■ Travel Game sounds and letters in the development of alphabet knowledge helps
■ Sound Sort to bridge the gap between learning sounds and letters and learning
■ Scavenger Hunt how to use this knowledge to read and spell.
■ Sound Blending
■ Songs
■ Sound-Segmenting Place Teacher Read-Alouds
Mats ■ Read a poem, chant, or story to students. Pick a section
■ Linking Cubes in which several words start with the same sound (books
■ Guess the Word with alliteration are a good choice for this). Read it again,
■ Sound Substitution emphasizing the words with the same sound. Ask students
■ Sound Substitution—Using what is the same about the keywords (you may need to repeat
Blocks to Represent Sounds them).
■ Sound Substitution—Make a ■ Have students think of other words that share that sound.
New Word ■ This can also be tied to activities for developing letter names.
For example, you can use “Wait for Me” by Bonnie Ferraro.
Have students listen for and find all the words that start
with the /w/ sound (e.g., Wally, Worm, went, walk, way, wait,
waited ).
Shared Reading
Shared reading opportunities using Big Books, poems, and
language experience stories can be used to play with the sounds
in words. After a story has been read with students several
Sound Matching
Sound-matching activities help students learn to listen to words in
order to hear if they begin or end with the same sound.
■ Start with students’ names. Pick two or three students whose
names start with the same sound. Have them come forward
and say their names: Michael, Manuel, and Maria. All their
names start with the same sound—/m/. (Make sure you say
the sound and not the letter.) Repeat with other groups of
students. Each day, pick a different group of students and
have them tell what is the same about their names.
■ Extend this activity by having students think of other words
d o g
By the end of kindergarten, students may be able to listen for
the middle sound. The vowels are much harder for young students
to hear, so some may find this difficult.
Bb Ss
boat sun
Scavenger Hunt
Select three or four sounds. Distribute pictures around the room
of things that begin with these sounds. Place the letters and/or
picture keywords for those sounds in the middle of the floor (or
use a bag). Have students find the pictures and put them with the
Sound Blending
Students are told that the teacher is going to say words in a funny
way, and they have to figure out what word is being said.
■ Use students’ names with up to five sounds to start with.
without adding the “uh” vowel (e.g., /g/, not “guh”). When
students guess the correct name, model the word sound by
sound again, and then say it blending the sounds together
(e.g., S-ue, Sue).
■ Extend this activity by using pictures of familiar objects or
Use familiar songs, chants, or language experience stories and
present some of the words sound by sound. Ask students to blend
the sounds together to guess the word. For example:
■ I went shopping and bought a c-oa-t.
situation. topics. Have students say the words themselves, slowly, and
move the counters.
■ It might be useful to have students do this activity in pairs
in order to help each other listen for and segment the sounds
in the words.
■ At first, many students may find this activity difficult. If
Sound Substitution
Making a new word by changing a sound is a difficult phonemic
awareness task. Kindergarten students will need many models
and practice before they are able to demonstrate this skill
independently. However, by late kindergarten, most students
should be able to understand and manipulate sounds in words
successfully by doing the following activities:
■ Teach songs such as “Willoughby Wallaby Woo,” “Oo-pples
with these students in ■ tip to tick (still three blocks—only three sounds)
a small group even ■ tick to pick
if the other students ■ After students have done five changes, pick a new word to
in the class are not start a different chain.
yet ready for middle-
sound work.
Sound Substitution—Make a New Word
■ Choose a word and say it to students. Demonstrate how to
change the first sound to make a new word. Use sounds, not
letters. For example:
■ fat—change f to c to make cat.
■ Say rope. What word do we make if we change the r to an s?
This is an oral language task, so the spelling does not matter
(rope, soap).
■ When students are successful with initial sounds, try final
sounds. For example:
■ fin—change n to t to make fit.
For additional activities to support phonological awareness, check out these books and articles:
Adams, M. J., B. R. Foorman, I. Lundberg, and T. Beeler. Phonemic Awareness in Young Children:
A Classroom Curriculum. Paul Brookes Publishing Co., 1998.
Bear, D., M. Invernizzi, S. Templeton, and F. Johnston. Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics,
Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction. 2d ed. Pearson Education, 1999.
Blakemore, Caroline Jackson, and Barbara W. Ramirez. Literacy Centres for the Primary Classroom.
Dominie Press Inc. 1999.
Booth, David. “Language Delights and Word Play.” In Voices on Word Matters, ed. I. Fountas, and
G. Pinnell, 91–101. Heinemann, 1999.
Cunningham, Patricia M., and Richard L. Allington. Classrooms That Work: They Can All Read and Write.
Pearson Education, 2002.
Fitzpatrick, J. Phonemic Awareness: Playing With Sounds to Strengthen Beginning Reading Skills.
Creative Teaching Press, 1997.
Love, E., and S. A. Reilly. A Sound Way. Pembroke Publishers, 1996.
Pinnell, Gay Su, and Irene C. Fountas. Word Matters: Teaching Phonics and Spelling in the Reading/
Writing Classroom. Heinemann, 1998.
Richgels, Donald J., Karla J. Poremba, and Lea M. McGee. “Kindergartners Talk About Print: Phonemic
Awareness in Meaningful Contexts.” The Reading Teacher 49.8 (1996): 632–42.
Wellington County Board of Education. The Phonological Awareness Companion. E. Linguisystems,
Yopp, H. K. “Teaching Reading: Read Aloud Books for Developing Phonemic Awareness: An Annotated
Bibliography.” The Reading Teacher 48.6 (1995): 538–42.
Yopp, H. K., and R. H. Yopp. Oo-pples and Boo-noo-noos: Songs and Activities for Phonemic Awareness.
Harcourt Brace, 1997.