Reflection Title: Story - The Boy Who Cried "Wolf"
Reflection Title: Story - The Boy Who Cried "Wolf"
Reflection Title: Story - The Boy Who Cried "Wolf"
(Technology, 2017)
Lesson English – Story – The Boy Who Cried “Wolf” Student
Jawaher Ahmed
unit/page teacher
I taught a short part of the lesson today which is storytelling, I was aiming that the students will be
able to understand that lying is bad and that there are consequences for lying.
Describe (D):
The lesson takes place in Al Alfiah Filipino Private School [AFPS] on the 13 th of March on Tuesday. I
tried to read the story without using the book, to practice acting the story out. I tried to let students
identify animals’ names, to be able to count, to understand the meaning of lying and its
consequences. Students were well behaved, excited and they reacted well to the story and the
questions. Few students were distracted by other things, yet they were able to answer the questions
given to them.
Analyze (A):
Students were better behaved than the other class because it was my first time teaching/ reading them
a story, and also because they’re well managed by the teacher (MST) and they follow the rules.
Students who were distracted by other things, most likely the teacher (I) needed to bring more
emotions to her storytelling to engage the students, and some wanted to go home already. The story
was very simple that the students easily understood it. I don’t think I engaged the students properly
since MST was rushing me and I was rushing telling the story.
Appraise (A):
Students will keep misbehaving as long as the teacher is not talking to them. However, I wasn't
bothered by that little misbehavior (three students were playing with their chairs) since they didn’t
distribute the others, they weren’t loud and since they were able to answer my questions. Few
students looked tired since it’s the last period and they had a long day with the school event. Few
others were interested in the story and I could see that they followed me with their eyes everywhere I
go. Moreover, I wasn’t able to meet my teaching goals due to the shortness of time, but students were
able to identify animals like “wolf” and “sheep” and understand that lying is bad.
Transform (T):
I would like to follow my old lesson plan and see if it’s going to work out or not, yet I would try to
engage the students more by asking few questions and playing something before start telling the
story. I will try to develop my reading stories skills (tone, intonation, emotions, etc.). I shall never
ignore misbehaving and talk about it with the students. As well as practicing to act the story out to
grasp students’ attention.