Structural Design of Composite Super-Columns For T
Structural Design of Composite Super-Columns For T
Structural Design of Composite Super-Columns For T
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3 authors, including:
Ching-Chang Chang
EGC & National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Ching-Chang Chang on 23 October 2015.
A total of 8 composite super-columns with the size up to 8-0 X 10-0 were used in the Taipei
101 tower which was scheduled to be open in late 2004 and will stand 1666 tall. The high
strength and high performance steel plates of the box columns are described. The proportioning,
creep and shrinkage effects of the 10,000 psi high performance concrete are also discussed. The
structural design and construction of the CFT columns are presented for future reference.
The Taipei 101 is located in the Hsinyi District of the city, the rapid-growing Manhattan of Taipei. This is the
future center of financial power in Taiwan, and already home to a dynamic collection of retail and entertainment
centers. The Taipei Municipal Government awarded development rights by tender for this
Build-Operate-Transfer project, the first ever in Taiwan, to an unprecedented consortium of investors. The
mission is to develop a state-of-the-art building that forms an integral part of the infrastructure for advancing
Taipei towards becoming one of the Asia Pacific Financial Centers. This project symbolizes the outstanding
achievements of Taiwans economic development.
The 101-story Taipei 101 currently under construction in Taipei, Taiwan will top out at 508 m, a new world
record for building heights. Its indeed more challenging to design and build a super-tall building in Taipei than
any other location in the world because typhoon winds, large potential earthquakes and weak soil conditions all
need to be overcome. The strength and the stiffness requirements of the structure to resist gravity and lateral
loads were achieved by base structural members before the common problem of the occupant comfort
encountered in tall buildings could be worked out in the structural design of the Taipei 101. A damping system
was implemented to reduce the excessive lateral accelerations from wind. This article hereinafter covers the
overview of the structural system of the Taipei 101 and analyses as well as the design of the damping system.
Gravity Systems
The tower superstructure is a steel frame with H shape steel beams acting composite with the floor slab through
shear studs, and floor concrete acting composite with metal deck. A typical floor framing plan is shown in Fig. 1.
Gravity loads are carried vertically by a variety of columns. Within the core, sixteen columns are located at the
crossing points of four lines of bracing in each direction. The columns are box sections constructed of steel
plates, filled with concrete for added strength as well as stiffness at the 62nd floor and below. On the perimeter,
up to the 26th floor, each of the four building faces has two super-columns, two sub-super-columns, and two
corner columns.
Each face of the perimeter above the 26th floor has the two super-columns continue upward. The
President, Evergreen Consulting Engineering, Inc. Taiwan, e-mail: [email protected]
Project Manager, Evergreen Consulting Engineering, Inc. Taiwan, e-mail: [email protected]
Project Manager, Evergreen Consulting Engineering, Inc. Taiwan, e-mail: [email protected]
super-columns and sub-super-columns are steel box sections, filled with 10,000 psi high performance
concrete on lower floors for strength and stiffness up to the 62nd floor. The balance of perimeter framing is a
sloping Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF), a rigidly-connected grid of stiff beams and H shape columns
which follows the towers exterior wall slope down each 8 story module. At each setback level, gravity load is
transferred to super-columns through a story-high diagonalized truss in the plane of the SMRF.
The topmost section of the building above the 91st floor is much smaller in plan. Its loadings transfer to the core
columns directly.
Lateral forces will be resisted through a combination of braced frames in the core, outriggers from core to
perimeter, super-columns and moment resisting frames in the perimeter and other selected locations. Fig. 2
shows the typical megaframe elevation.
By relative stiffness, the core bracing and outriggers carry most of the wind force and seismic force. Tower
lateral systems are sized to limit tower story drift under the 50 year design wind load to an inter-story drift of
h/200 at the 91st floor and below.
Within the core, bays between the core columns are stiffened by diagonal braces. On outer faces, middle bays
have chevron braces (inverted Vs) through which the elevator lobby entrance passes. Side bays have single
diagonals, eccentric only where required to clear minimum doorway requirements. On inner faces, middle bays
are non-braced (special moment frames are provided) at office floors, to keep elevator lobbies open and spacious.
Side bays have diagonal braces.
For additional core stiffness, the lowest floors from basement to the 8th floor have concrete shear walls cast
between core columns in addition to diagonal braces. From core to perimeter, outrigger trusses occur at 11
locations in elevation. Outriggers at 6 locations are one story high, fitting in mechanical floors. The other 5
locations are double-height, working with architectural requirements. In plan, 16 outriggers occur on each such
For the dual seismic system, an independent Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) is provided on each
building face. From basement to the 26th floor, the SMRF consists of ductile steel beams framing between
strong columns the exterior super-columns, exterior sub-super columns, and corner columns. Above the 26th
floor, only two exterior super-columns continue to rise up to the 91st floor, so the SMRF consists of 600 mm
deep steel wide flange beams and columns, with columns sized to be significantly stronger than beams for
stability in the event of beam yielding. Each 7-story of SMRF is carried by a story-high truss to transfer gravity
and outrigger forces to the super-columns, and to handle the greater story stiffness of the core at outrigger floors.
Steel Plates
To minimize the member sizes and thickness used, high strength steel plates with 60 ksi yield strength was
specified for the super-columns, even for steel plate up to 80 mm (3.15 inches) thick. Ductility in the steel plates
and framing members was ensured by specifying the yield ratio, through-thickness characteristics and
weldability as listed in Table 1. The specification was named SM570M since it was modified from CNS SM570,
which tensile strength is 570 N/mm2.
The modifications focus on the ductility and weldability requirements for thick plates. As to ductility, the
modifications cover the mechanical properties such as the range of yield strength, yield ratio, Charpy absorbed
energy in longitudinal direction and reduction of area in through-thickness direction. The carbon equivalent and
weld cracking sensitive composition as well as preheat temperature are required for adequate weldability. The
ductility at heat affected zone is required to match that of the steel plate, except for the EGW or ESW welds at
the continuity plates. The ductility of the steel plates therefore has to be improved in order to meet this welding
requirement. Ultrasonic tests are specified to ensure the same quality throughout the steel plates as the tested
3.1 CARBON EQUIVALENTt40 mmCeq0.44 t40 mmCeq0.46 3.1/3.2 SPECIFY UPPER LIMIT ON Ceq &
Filled-in Concrete
To provide sufficient structural strength and stiffness, the super-columns are filled with high strength concrete at
level 62 and below. The columns above level 62 remain steel only to reduce the undesired gravity loads. Steel
box column serves as the form of filled-in concrete while the overall column stiffness and strength are enhanced
by the concrete. There has been a few building projects that use box columns with 8,000 psi filled-in concrete
since it was first used in the 85 story T & C Tower in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The design strength of high
performance filled-in concrete of the Taipei 101 is 10,000 psi.
The specifications of high performance concrete were fully discussed by the design engineers and concrete
experts from the industry and universities. In addition, a lot of tests were performed to confirm the concrete
mixture proportion is able to meet the design requirements on the strength, shrinkage and other performance.
For concreting of 10,000 psi high performance filled-in concrete, it is pumped in to the bottom of the column, so
the flowability is crucial to ensure there is no air trapped underneath the continuity steel plates. A high slump
flow of 6010 cm is specified to ensure good workability. Bleeding and segregation are also not permitted.
Design age is 90 days to keep autogeneous shrinkage to as low as 300x10-6 m/m and increase durability through
low water and low cement usage. Two mock-up tests were performed prior to construction to confirm the quality
and workability of the concrete.
The actual concrete proportion is listed in Table 2 and the actual slump flow is 65~70 cm. Concrete strength at
the design age is about 12,000 psi and still increasing.
Slump Diameter of
Slump Unit Quantity (Kg/m3)
Flow Coarse
Design Aggregate
Strength Cementitious Materials Aggregate
(90 Days) Water
Water Silica Coarse Fine Admixture
(cm) (cm) (in) Cementitious Cement* Slag Limestone
Fume Aggregate Aggregate
W W/(C+F) C F1 F2 G S LS HP
25+2 60+10 1/2 160 0.31 340 150 30 760 957 -- 6.24
25+2 60+10 1/2 155 0.31 340 130 30 772 920 80 7.25
Cross-section of Super-columns
Super-column is the primary vertical members of the megastructural system. Ease of steel erection and
concreting need to be considered when a complicated cross-section is used to achieve the strength and stiffness
when designing the columns. Fig. 3 illustrates the typical column cross-section with the maximum size of 2.4 m
x 3.0 m and 2 or 3 vertical stiffener plates are provided at each side of the column to: 1. reduce width to
thickness ratio of the plate, 2. increase strength, 3. prevent the column plates from deforming by welding rebars
to the vertical stiffeners and enhance confinement to the concrete, and 4. stiffeners are spliced with bolts to
prevent the splice joint to be located at the same section.
A round manhole at the center of each continuity plate is provided as the access for welding, bolting, rebar
splicing and concreting. The continuity of concrete and composite action between concrete and steel plates might
be affected by shrinkage and creep after the structure loaded, so shear studs are provided at the face of vertical
column plates as well as the continuity plates. Steel reinforcements are provided to increase axial strength and
decrease the effects of shrinkage. Rebar cages were fabricated in the shop and lifted to place through the
manholes after the vertical stiffeners spliced.
Analyses of the super-columns were based on the stiffness calculated from the transformed composite section of
structural steel and reinforced concrete. Stress ratios were calculated using AISC LRFD Code. Taking the
super-columns at level 1 as an example, the design maximum factored axial force was 38,000 tons while the
maximum factored moment was 4,800 ton-meters.
The time dependent differential deformations from shrinkage and creep in the concrete are going to induce
additional stresses in all the frame members, so these two effects cant be neglected in reinforced concrete and
steel reinforced concrete tall buildings since the deformations of shrinkage and creep are normally close to
elastic deformations. For buildings with design not governed by lateral forces, the steel ratios in the concrete
columns are relatively lower and the long term deformations from shrinkage and creep are larger. The effects
accumulate as the building gets taller and shall be reflected in the design.
The concrete quantity in the super-columns used in the Taipei 101 was far more than regular CFT columns and
the concrete reaches a height of 270 m. Therefore, the force redistribution resulted from the effects of shrinkage
and creep shall be accounted for in the analyses by calculating equivalent stiffness of the composite columns.
Creep Strain
Creep strain is a function of stresses and time, and is the product of elastic strain and a factor.
Creep Coefficient t: ratio of creep strain to initial strain. For a loading age 7 days, t can be calculated as
follows according to ACI Committee 209.
t 0.60
t u
10 + t 0.60
t time in days after loading
u the ultimate creep coefficient defined as ratio of creep strain to initial strain
Creep is usually affected by many factors to be determined through tests using actual proportion. ACI Committee
209 provides a formula to calculate the ultimate creep coefficient using estimated parameters when testing data
are not available.
u 2.35la. h (vs)t s
correction factor for air content
u0.728 for the filled-in concrete used in the super-column based on the actual concrete properties.
The steel ratios in the CFT super-columns are much higher than regular reinforced concrete columns. For
instance, the steel ratio is 12.3for a 240030007070 super-column with the area of vertical stiffeners of 0.15
m2, and contribution from the area of rebars neglected. The axial stiffness ratio of the concrete portion is 54.3
of the composite section. For an 120012005050 interior column, the steel ratio is 15.9while the axial
stiffness of concrete portion is 46.8%. These ratios indicate that SRC columns are less sensitive to creep effects,
and differential deformations are more significant in structural analyses. The super-columns above level 62 are
steel columns and can be considered as not affected by creep effects. ACI Committee 209 suggests that a rough
effective modulus Ee can be used to calculate the creep strain.
E ci
1 + t
where E e effective concrete modulus
E ci actual concrete modulus at the time of initial loading
t creep coefficient
The effective modulus EeEci / 1+0.728was used to replace Eci in analyzing the structure. As a result, the axial
deformation of dead load at level 91 was increased from 101 mm to 121 mm, while that of the corner column at
the service core was increased from 106 mm to 126 mm. However, the force redistribution was mainly from
differential deformation and Fig. 4 illustrates the axial force at different elevations of a super-column. The stress
ratio of the super-columns subjected to gravity loads only were around 0.4 since lateral forces are significant. So,
the creep effects are not very obvious to the super-columns as compared to other loadings.
Shrinkage strain after age 7 days can be predicted as a function of ultimate shrinkage strain according to the
recommendations of ACI Committee 209,
( sh ) t ( sh ) u
35 + t
In the absence of specific shrinkage data for local aggregates and conditions, the average suggested ultimate
strain is as follows,
( sh ) u 7 80 10 - 6 h (vs) s c
The maximum shrinkage strain can be calculated using the actual concrete properties,
Interior columns ( sh ) u 75.9 10 - 6
Super-columns ( sh ) u 21.36 10 - 6
The maximum deformation of the interior column at the elevation of 284 m, the topmost point of filled-in
concrete, is 2.1 cm and is much smaller than that of a regular reinforced concrete column because of higher steel
ratios. The final shrinkage deformations are 0.33 and 1.00 cm respectively based on the stiffness ratios of 54.3
and 46.8 as mentioned in the previous paragraph. Although there is a differential deformation of 0.67 cm, the
shrinkage deformations occur in a short period. The final deformation will be compensated at each floor as the
construction proceeds, and wont be accumulated. For a story with the height of 4.2 m, the differential shrinkage
is only 0.01 cm and can be neglected when compared to other loads.
Super-column is one of the major elements that make up the megastructural system. The high stress
concentration and size effects shall be seriously considered in detailing, although the humongous members can
provide more flexible spaces for architectural design purpose. The design of super-columns needs to implement
the highest specifications to achieve the strength requirements. In addition, the stress distribution and transfer
between different materials of the composite member due to different strengths and stiffness tend to complicate
the construction. It requires the cooperation among the structural engineers, the supervising engineers and the
contractor to perform fabrication and erection of the super-columns and filled-in concrete. The new materials and
new construction methods worked out by the engineers, steel makers, steel fabricators, concrete provider and the
researchers can assure the stable mechanical behaviors of the super-columns. We would like to express our
appreciation to all people who make the construction of the super-column successful during the design and the
construction stages.
American Concrete Institute (1992), Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete
Structures, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice.
Shaw-song Shieh, Jiun-Hong Jong (2001), Construction Technologies and Their Design Considerations in
Structural Engineering for Taipei 101, Second Conference on Structural Steel Technology for Taiwan
Strait Region.
Dennis C. K. Poon, Shaw-song Shieh, Leonard M. Joseph, Ching-Chang Chang (December, 2002), The Sky is
the Limit, Modern Steel Construction.
Maw-Shyong Sheu, Brian Breukelman, Shaw-song Shieh (2003), Advances in Seismic and Wind Engineering
in Taiwan, JSSI 10th Anniversary Forum Program.
Level 10 - Tower Framing Plan
Fig. 2 Frame Elevations
Shear Studs
Taipei Financial
Taipei 101Center
Creep EffectofofMegacolumn
Creep Effect Super-Column
350 w/ Shrinkage
w/o Shrinkage
(M)M )
0 5000 10000 15000
Axial Dead Load
of dead load(Tons)
( Tons )