The Design and Construction of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Column Frames
The Design and Construction of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Column Frames
The Design and Construction of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Column Frames
The construction of a moment-resisting joint in a steel frame must accommodate the acceptable tolerances
that occur during the production of structural shapes and during fabrication and erection. Further, the
construction should be economical; however, the joint must be of sufficient strength and stiffness to
satisfy the intended structural integrity and seismic demands. This paper describes the design and
construction of a type of moment-resisting joint recently used for two low-rise buildings in Vancouver,
Washington U.S.A. The joint consists of a structural steel wide-flange shape penetrating continuously
through a composite concrete-filled steel tube (CFT). Examples of two joint types are considered: One in
which the girder was attached to the column in the field, and the second consisting of shop fabrication of
the critical joint. Each joint configuration was detailed to accommodate the needed tolerances of
fabrication and field erection, while minimizing welded joints in critical regions of the connection.
The design of frames with CFT columns is similar to frames using structural steel shapes for columns in
which it is desirable to maintain a hinging girder joint. Thus, the ability to accurately compute the CFT
column and joint strengths is imperative. Strength and stiffness estimates of the CFT column from both
the American Concrete Institutes ACI-318 and the American Institute of Steel Construction 1994
AISC/LRFD provisions are compared. Each specification produces somewhat different values for
strength, but the estimate of stiffness varies most significantly between the two provisions. Finally, one
method to estimate joint strength, which is shown to depend significantly on joint configuration, is
Concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) columns combine the advantages of ductility, generally associated with
steel structures, with the stiffness of a concrete structural system. The advantages of the concrete-filled
steel tube column over other composite systems include: The steel tube provides formwork for the
concrete, the concrete prolongs local buckling of the steel tube wall, the tube prohibits excessive concrete
spalling, and composite columns add significant stiffness to a frame compared to more traditional steel
frame construction. While many advantages exist, the use of CFTs in building construction has been
Kramer Gehlen & Associates, Inc., 400 Columbia Street, Suite 240, Vancouver, WA 98660-3413
Principal Emeritus, Kramer Gehlen & Associates, Inc.
Associate, Kramer Gehlen & Associates, Inc.
limited, in part, to a lack of construction experience, a lack of understanding of the design provisions and
the complexity of connection detailing. Consequently, a joint was needed that could utilize the favorable
strength and stiffness characteristics of the concrete-filled tube column yet be constructible.
This paper summarizes a steel girder to concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) connection detail that has been
designed for several recent projects constructed in Vancouver, WA, U.S.A. Several variations of CFT
joints have been investigated experimentally [1], and it appears that continuing the girder through the CFT
column can induce full plastic hinging of the structural shape. The practical connection has been
designed to accommodate the needed tolerances resulting from the rolling process, fabrication and
construction. Circular CFTs were used because of their more favorable ductility characteristics relative to
the square tube, and were more accommodating when the structural frames were not oriented along
orthogonal axes. Two connection types will be discussed: One where the girder-to-column joint was
produced in the field and the other in which the joint was shop fabricated.
The design of this connection is discussed, along with the relevant requirements from the applicable U.S.
design codes. A design methodology, which consists of the flexural strength, stiffness and equilibrium at
the joint, is presented. Results suggest that the flexural strength of the CFT section depends on the
assumptions used in the prediction of strength. However, stiffness controls the design of many structural
systems using moment-resisting connections. Flexural stiffness was shown to be highly variable,
depending on the method of computation. Finally, a reasonable evaluation of joint equilibrium was
needed to ensure proper inelastic behavior of the structural system. These issues are critical in obtaining a
safe and economical CFT joint design.
Type I:
Simple W elded Connection
Type II:
Continuous Girder Connection
-0 .5
-1 .0
-1 .5
-6 .0
C o n n ectio n R o tatio n ( % )
6.0 -6 .0
-3 .0
C o n n ectio n R o tatio n ( % )
The primary objective of each joint-type shown in Photos 1 and 2 was to maintain continuity of the wideflange shape through the full depth of the CFT column. To make the joint more constructible a
rectangular notch, matching the width of the wide-flange shape, was cut in the steel pipe. A bent plate
welded to the girder web, spanning full depth between girder flanges, must be used as a closure plate for
the joint. Closure plates, as shown in Photo 1b, are angle-shaped with the 90 bend extending toward the
core of the concrete-filled tube. This provides some tolerance in the final location of the girder through
the column and provides a surface on which to weld the tube to the girder. Because of the need to develop
the flexural strength at the CFT joint, this vertical weld between the steel pipe and the girder web is
critical. The steel tube wall may be welded either directly to the 90-bend surface of the closure angle, or
a filler plate may be welded between the steel tube and the closure plate. Closure plates may or may not
be needed between the bottom girder flange and the tube; however, a closure will be needed above the top
flange. Once welded, the joint is fully enclosed thereby ensuring complete confinement of the concrete
core at the joint by the steel tube.
After the joint is complete, the steel pipe column is filled with concrete. To facilitate compaction of the
concrete around the joint, holes in the girder flanges have been used to allow concrete consolidation
around the girder flanges in the core of the steel tube. Several types of concrete mixes and delivery
methods have been tried; however, it has been found that self-compacting concretes may be the most
appropriate and, perhaps, economical considering the cost and labor involved in tube wall vibration. The
design should also consider the ability to avoid long drop-lengths when placing concrete in the steel tube
The CFT joint shown in Photos 1a and 1b provides the most convenient method to accommodate
fabrication and construction tolerances. The convenience of this method is that girders can span over at
least two CFT columns, eliminating the need for temporary support during construction and minimizing
the number of field connections for the girder. The field splice for the girder can be located away from the
column-girder joint, eliminating the critical flange welds otherwise needed for moment-resisting steel
frame connections. Further, the girder splice can be a bolted end plate connection, minimizing the
number of complete-joint penetration field welds. This CFT joint type is a relatively simple post-andbeam solution to achieve a more sophisticated moment-resisting structural frame.
The slot in the tube provides other advantages in frame construction. Accommodating the tolerances
needed for U.S. construction practices may preclude the use of some connections that otherwise exhibit
favorable seismic performance. This may be due to a complex field construction, or a detail that requires
a tighter tolerance than otherwise possible. With the slotted steel pipe connection the girders can be
connected without significant racking of the frame. Further, the girders can be slightly out-of-alignment in
plan, or in elevation, without introducing significant internal misalignment stresses in the girders or the
columns. Finally, leveling of the girders can be made by leveling nuts applied to each girder at the bottom
of the slot. This could be done by slightly over-cutting the slot base in the shop to ensure ease of
Construction experience of the first low-rise building in Vancouver, WA utilizing the joint shown in
Photo 1 suggests that the steel tube for the next level should be erected before the girder connection is
fully welded. This is due to the out-of-round condition created for the tube once the girder notch is cut.
Residual stresses within the steel pipe column cause the portion of pipe remaining to flatten, pinching the
tube toward the notch. Consequently, the tube wall joint is out-of-alignment between the upper and lower
columns when placing the next column lift. The portion of the pipe above the girder can more easily be
brought back into alignment if the vertical joint between the pipe wall and the closure plate is welded after
the column fit-up is complete.
One drawback of this particular connection is that each column lift extends over one floor only. Thus, a
complete-joint penetration groove weld is needed for each pipe column at each level. This is reasonably
acceptable for a building two-story or so, but splicing each column for each lift may be impractical for
buildings with several floors. For multiple floors, it is considered more advantageous to the construction
schedule if each column can extend over several floors per lift. For this type of construction, a slot could
be cut in the tube to accept a girder stub-out at each floor level. This column could be assembled in the
shop and erected in the field in a tree configuration. This type of connection is shown in Photos 2a and
2b. The girder could be only partially assembled so that girders and the frame could be aligned without
introducing significant internal stresses or could be fully connected in the shop and the beam span
between the column stubs could provide some of the erection tolerances. The second method is shown
under construction in Photo 2. For this particular case, a welded flange plate connection, as shown in
Photo 2b, was used at the girder splice. The welded flange plate connection was designed to remain
elastic and induce girder hinging between the beam splice and the face of the CFT column. The splice
was designed to accommodate the full plastic hinging of the girder at each end.
Frame geometry and construction sequence would dictate whether a single- or multi-story lift would be
more economical, since many more girder connections may be required in the multi-story lift compared to
the number of column connections required in the single-story lift. Regardless, it was considered that the
same basic CFT joint was similar in both conditions and the design methodologies were equivalent.
Proper design of moment-resisting frames using CFT columns requires an ability to determine the strength
and stiffness of the CFT element. Either the American Concrete Institute ACI-318 [3] concrete
specification or the American Institute of Steel Construction AISC/LRFD [4] steel specification can be
used to determine structural characteristics. Because of the design assumptions, each code produces
slightly different results.
Unmodified flexural strength is relatively similar between the two
specifications; however, the factored capacities used for design create more differences for highly loaded
CFT columns. Flexural stiffness is substantially different between the two provisions. The difference in
predicted stiffness can make a significant impact on the design and analysis of the structural system, since
the element sizes in many moment-resisting frames are controlled by drift. The following is the
methodology used for the design of the connections used in these buildings in Vancouver, WA, and a
discussion of some of the limitations from the available research.
Since the current structural design philosophy in the U.S. is strength-based, the flexural strength of the
structural elements is a primary consideration. The strength prediction of a wide-flange girder has
evolved over many years and is fairly well prescribed. However, the two available material specifications
differ slightly in the assumptions used to compute the axial-load, moment interaction surface of the CFT
In general, the ACI -318 concrete specification applies the same basic assumptions used for reinforced
concrete sections to the composite element. The interaction surface was obtained by varying the curvature
through the cross-section from full compression to full tension. Compatibility was enforced by the plane
section assumption, and the compressive strain was maintained at 0.003 mm/mm. The Whitney
rectangular stress block was used to obtain the compressive strength of the concrete core. Tension on the
concrete section was ignored. The strength provided by the steel tube depended on the strain through the
cross-section. Tube stress was computed as the strain times the elastic modulus, but was limited by the
yield stress. This stress-strain condition is shown in Figure 2. Axial capacity of the cross-section for the
imposed curvature was computed by the summation of stresses through the cross-section. The flexural
strength of the cross-section was computed by the summation of the first moment of stresses.
The major difference between the concrete code and the steel code is the assumption of curvature at full
strength. Since the AISC/LRFD steel specification is strength based, the axial-load, moment interaction
surface is obtained by assuming a fully plastic cross-section. This is equivalent to an infinite curvature
about the plastic neutral axis. A schematic of a stress distribution acceptable to the AISC/LRFD is also
shown in Figure 2. This indicates that the tube wall on either side of the plastic neutral axis was at yield.
The portion of the concrete in compression was then determined by the rectangular stress block
ACI-318 Assumptions
of the specific building design. Further, the bending moment demand has been adjusted for the P-
effect. For these buildings, the P- effect was found to increase the primary bending moment by as much
as 16% even though the axial column load for a two-story building is relatively small. A comparison
between the two specifications suggested that several regions within the interaction surface produce a
large difference in strength estimates. However, since elements are typically sized for stiffness, the CFT
column capacity exceeded demand.
CFT Flexural C apacity: Com parison of A CI-318 and AISC / LR FD
Axial Capacity ( kN )
A IS C /LR FD Factored
C apac ity
C FT C olum n D em and
-2 ,000
-4 ,000
-6 ,000
10 0
40 0
Flexural Capacity ( kN -m )
confinement of the steel tube may increase the concrete strength. Experimental data and the supporting
analytical results given by Schneider [5] suggest that concrete strength in circular tubes can increase by at
least 50% more than the unconfined cylinder strength fc. Consequently, Figure 4 also shows the flexural
strength failure surfaces of CFT columns having an increased concrete compressive strength of 1.25fc
and 1.50fc. In both of these cases, the compressive strength of the steel tube was considered to be
negligible. The results indicate that some of the flexural strength of the CFT column is recovered
compared to the estimates based on the ACI and AISC/LRFD assumptions; however, recovery is not near
the estimates computed using the basic design assumptions.
CFT Flexural Capacity: Comparison of Concrete and Steel Tube Strengths
Flexural Capacity ( kip-ft )
Ultimate Strength:
AISC/LRFD Assumptions
Fyc = 0; fc = 1.00f'c
Axial Capacity ( kN )
CFT Column Demand
Fyc = 0; fc = 1.50f'c
Fyc = 0; fc = 1.25f'c
Figure 4. Influence of Steel Tube and Concrete Strengths on the CFT Column.
The discrepancy in the amount of decrease due to the steel tube compressive capacity and the increased
concrete strength due to confinement varies depending on pipe diameter, the diameter-to-tube wall
thickness ratio, the ratio of steel to concrete area and other factors. In some cases, it has been found that
the increase in concrete can offset all strength reductions due to loss of compressive strength of the steel
tube. Consequently, this impact is highly dependent on the CFT column geometry.
To achieve an adequate seismic design, the strength of the joint must also be considered. For the frames
designed in Vancouver, WA a hinging girder structural system was desirable. While it may be easy to
proportion the size of the CFT column and girder at a joint to provide the proper strength ratio, the girdercolumn joint must also sustain this load. Equilibrium of the joint is shown in Figure 5.
C c = C o m p re ssio n d u e to C o n c rete
B earin g o n F lan g e
T = T en s io n in S teel T u b e
Joint Equilibrium
flexural stiffness, computed using the ACI-318 provision, was EICFT = 1.223 EIS, where IS is the moment
of inertia of the steel tube only. The stiffness predicted by the AISC/LRFD was EICFT = 1.903 EIS. This
resulted in a 56% difference in the estimate of stiffness.
Concrete Infill Strength ( MPa )
3.0 EIs
2.5 EIs
2.0 EIs
T r a n s f o r m e d S e c tio n
1.5 EIs
A C I- 3 1 8
1.0 EIs
1.0 EIs
This paper discusses an economical connection for a steel girder to a concrete-filled steel tube (CFT)
column that has been designed for two recent building projects near Vancouver, WA. The anticipated
behavior during a seismic event, and some critical issues in the design of the connection, were also
presented. Some comments regarding this joint behavior and design are worth noting:
1. Test results indicate that a girder connection continuous through the CFT column core will clearly
have the potential to sustain a large seismic event. The continuous connection detail shown in
this paper has proven to be reasonably economical and constructible relative to the wide-flange
column frame.
2. The flexural capacity computed by the ultimate strength method, as allowed by the AISC/LRFD
steel specification, resulted in more capacity than provided by the ACI-318 concrete specification.
This strength increase was due to utilizing the full capacity of the CFT cross-section at strength
allowed by the AISC/LRFD provision. However, once each strength failure surface is factored for
use in design, the strength predicted by ACI provides more capacity for most of the axial-load /
moment behavior compared to the AISC/LRFD provisions.
3. The computed flexural stiffness was shown to vary as much as 60% for the column sizes
investigated for the building designs discussed in this paper. Stiffness, estimated using the
transformed properties of composite materials and considering a cracked moment of inertia, was
found to provide a reasonable compromise between the ACI and AISC provisions.
4. Joint equilibrium requires a distribution of load between the steel tube and the concrete core.
Joint equilibrium is highly dependent on the geometry of the CFT column and the wide-flange
girder and must be considered in design, since it has been shown to control the size of the girder
that can be combined with particular CFT column sizes.
5. Research is needed to identify true behavior of the CFT column regarding the strain demand on
the compression side of the column in flexure, the compression capacity of the concrete core, the
distribution of stresses and equilibrium of the joint and the flexural stiffness. Verification on the
accuracy of the axial-load, moment interaction surface is also needed. While reasonable
assumptions can be made, these assumptions should be verified with test data.
1. Schneider, S. P. and Y. M. Alostaz. (1998). Experimental Behavior of Connections to ConcreteFilled Steel Tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 45, Issue 3, March 1998, pp.
2. Alostaz, Y. M. and S. P. Schneider. Analytical Behavior of Connections to Concrete-Filled Steel
Tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 40, Issue 2, November 1997, pp. 95-127.
3. American Concrete Institute. (1999). ACI 318-99. Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete and Commentary. 1st Printing. ACI. Farmington Hills, MI.
4. American Institute of Steel Construction. (1994). Manual of Steel Construction. Load &
Resistance Factor Design. 2nd Edition. AISC. Chicago, IL.
5. Schneider, S. P. Axially Loaded Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes.
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 10, October 1998, pp. 1125-1138.
Journal of Structural